How to set up backup. How to set up backup Backup 1s 8 2

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If your program does not have 1C backup configured, and you have never encountered the problem of losing data entered into the working database, you are very lucky. Many users of the program have experienced difficulties associated with the loss of information due to a malfunction of the program (the update was performed incorrectly, the PC was turned off incorrectly, etc.). In order to protect yourself from the risk of data loss, you need to perform a 1C backup, especially before making changes to the program, and it is best to set up an automatic 1C backup.

In this article we will show how easy it is to manually unload a database without the intervention of programmers in standard 1C configurations, as well as how to set up a 1C 8.3 backup in automatic mode.

The first method is to upload the database in the configurator.

We launch 1C in Configurator mode. Find the Administration section and select the Upload infobase action. A window will open to select the storage location for the uploaded information. We indicate a folder (preferably specially created for storing copies in order to avoid future confusion) and write down a file name that is clear to us; we recommend indicating the date in the name, for example 20182504.UT11.Fortuna.dt.

Restoring a database from such a file is also performed in the configurator by using the Load infobase command and selecting a previously saved file

The second method involves manually saving data in 1C:Enterprise. In configurations, the path to the settings may be slightly different; for example, we use the Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration.

We launch the program in 1C:Enterprise mode. Go to Administration → Program Settings → Maintenance, click on the Create a backup copy link and specify the directory to store the downloaded information.

After selecting a folder, you need to execute the save command.

It will take some time and then a message indicating the successful completion of saving will appear (if no errors occur during the process). This option involves automatic generation of a name and a CD format document packed into an archive.

Setting up 1C 8.3 backup in automatic mode.

The path to the 1C 8.3 backup settings is the same as in the previous version, but instead of the link to create a copy, you need to click the 1C backup settings link.

In the settings, you need to specify the frequency of creating copies, the folder and their storage period.

If in the backup settings of 1C 8.3 the option When shutting down is specified, then when the system administrator closes it, a message about the copying failure will appear. To create a copy, you need to click continue and click on the link to perform additional actions, a window will open where you need to set the flag and shut down.

As a result, a CD format file will be created.

You can restore data using the file in this form by clicking the Restore from backup link and selecting a previously saved file.

Whatever configuration you use, you need to periodically make backup copies of the information base (backups). This simple procedure will allow you to quickly restore the configuration from a backup copy in case of any problems (hard drive burned out, configuration stopped starting, etc.).

Most often, accountants who maintain accounting records for one or several companies on their home computer or laptop suffer from neglecting backup. One “fine day” the computer stops booting, the configuration does not start or errors appear... Even in such a situation, specialists will definitely help you, but why complicate your life so much? Let's learn how to use database backups.

How to make a backup copy of a 1C database?

A backup can be made in 2 ways:

Method 1: copying the configuration file

This is the easiest way. If the configuration is stored on your computer or on the local network in a separate directory (file version), then in order to make a backup copy we just need to copy the 1Cv8.1CD file from this directory or the entire directory. For the convenience of storing backups, you can add the date when this backup was made to the file or directory name.

Method 2: by downloading the infobase

This is a universal method that is suitable for any configuration.

1. Launch the 1C program in configurator mode.

2. In the main menu of the program, select “Administration – Upload infobase”.

3. Select the directory to save the backup and set a name for the file. The database upload will have the extension “.dt”. It is better if the file name contains the date when this backup was performed.

Why do we need 2 ways to create backups?

If the information base is stored on a server using a DBMS database management system (Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2 or Oracle), then there is no directory with the 1Cv8.1CD file, and we will not be able to use method 1. Method 1 can only be used for configurations operating in file mode.

Thus, method 2, by downloading infobases, is universal and allows you to make backup copies of any configurations that work in both file and client-server versions.

For information on how to restore configuration data from a backup copy, read the following article.

Backup in 1C 8.3 and 8.2 is the most important operation that every user, programmer, and administrator should be able to do. Information technology specialists also often call such copying a 1C backup. Let's look at what it is and detailed instructions.

People are divided into two categories: those who do not yet make backups, and those who already do.— A joke from system administrators.

Why is it important to make backups? It’s very simple, you need to remember the law of meanness: the worst things happen at the wrong time.

Imagine - you spent a month preparing final reports, correcting errors, and hammering kilograms of primary documentation into the program. Then we decided to take a break and pour some tea. Having returned to your workplace, you discover that the cleaning lady touched the cord (there was a power surge, colleagues spilled coffee on the machine, etc.) of your system unit. You frantically try to turn on your computer, but it doesn't respond. Submitting reports tomorrow what to do?

To avoid getting into this situation, it is strongly recommended to make backups at least once a week (or better yet, once a day). This is not difficult to do, it will take a maximum of 10 minutes, but it will make life much easier in a difficult situation.

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Instructions for backup in 1C

Let's look at brief instructions for making a database backup in 1C. The instructions are suitable for both file and client-server operating modes of the database.

Uploading a copy of the database to a file

Log in to the program in configurator mode. To do this, in the start window of the program, select the desired database and click “Configurator”:

You will be taken to database development and administration mode. Next, select “Administration - Upload infobase...” from the menu:

The program will prompt you to select the path where to upload the database file and its name. After selection, the program will report the successful completion of the operation:

It is best to save the file to external media (for example, a flash drive, external hard drive).

How to restore a 1C 8.3 database from a backup copy

To restore a database from a file, you also need to go into the configurator mode, but select the item “Administration - Load infobase...”:

Task type is one of the backup methods; it allows you to create a backup copy of the 1C:Enterprise 8 database using standard 1C:Enterprise tools.
The method corresponds to performing menu actions "Administration" - “Unload information base...” in the 1C:Enterprise configurator 8.

Advantages of this backup method:

  • The resulting backup file can be restored using standard 1C:Enterprise tools.
  • The resulting backup file can be used to convert the file version to a client-server version.
  • Minimum output file size.


  • Before starting, you must end all connection sessions to the database.

Setting up a new task “Connection” tab

We launch the program and begin setting up a backup copy of the information base using standard 1C:Enterprise 8 tools.

On the toolbar select "Tasks" - .

Field "Name:" Let's leave it as it is, then it will change to the name of the selected 1C database. If necessary, you can rename it, just in the field "Name:" enter a new task name.
How "Task type:" choose . In addition to this type of task, Effector Saver can perform many others.

Fill in the parameters for connecting to the database.

To speed up the process, you can use the Wizard. On the tab "Connection" press the button "Select and fill".

Select the required 1C database from the list.

We see that the task name has changed to the name of the selected database.

Fields "Executable file:", "Base option:" And "Database directory:" will be automatically filled in according to the selected 1C database.

You can also fill out these fields manually.

"Executable file:"- select the path to the 1C:Enterprise executable file.

Possible options:

  • 1C:Enterprise 8 ( Specific version of the 1C:Enterprise platform program files;
  • 1C:Enterprise 8.3 is the latest installed release. Each time you start a backup task, the program finds and uses the highest version of 1C:Enterprise 8.3;
  • When you select the option: “Select a file yourself...” a standard Windows dialog will appear on the screen. Find the file 1сv8.exe.

"Base option:"- database option for which the task is configured:

    • File

If you have a file database, select the option - and indicate in the field "Database directory:"- directory containing information databases.

If you have a client-server database, select the option - . Fill in the fields "Server cluster:"- 1C:Enterprise server name and "Base name:"- name of the database on the 1C:Enterprise server.

All that remains is to specify the user of the specified 1C information base with full rights and his password.

Connection parameters with 1C:Enterprise:

If you are using a 1C software license, set the flag.

If the flag is not set, a hardware security key will be used when connecting to 1C:Enterprise.

Disconnect Users Tab

Important: remember that when backing up infobases, users must stop working with the infobase.

Setting the flag “Turn off 1C:Enterprise users”.

Effector Saver offers two options for shutting down users:

  • “End sessions on the 1C:Enterprise server”

“Cause normal shutdown of users” for a file database

For the file version of work, select the item, which uses the “Blocking connections to the infobase” procedure built into standard configurations.

The execution algorithm is as follows:

  • Trigger user shutdown.
  • Starting a task (archiving, testing and fixing, etc.).
  • Start allowing users to work.

“End sessions on the 1C:Enterprise server” for the client-server database

For client-server backup, we select the option of disconnecting users by forcibly disconnecting sessions on the 1C:Enterprise server.

If you changed the standard settings of the 1C server, you may need to change the parameters below.

Set the flag if a “cluster administrator” user has been created in the 1C:Enterprise cluster. Fill in the fields: "Cluster Administrator Name" And "Cluster Administrator Password".

Important: do not confuse this user with the 1C:Enterprise database user and the “central server administrator” user.

In the 1C:Enterprise server console, cluster administrators are located at the following path: "Console Root" - "1C:Enterprise 8.3 Central Servers" - "(*)computer name" - "Clusters" - "Local cluster" - "Administrators".

If the connection port to the Server Agent is different from the standard one, set the flag

Fill in the field "Server Agent Port:". The default connection port to the 1C:Enterprise server agent is 1540.

To determine the server agent port, go to 1C Server, right-click on the computer name from the drop-down menu and select "Properties" - - "IP port".

Encryption Tab

If it is necessary to encrypt the backup output file, set the flag. Filling out the fields "Password:" And "Confirmation:".

The 7z archiver ( is used as an encryption library with the following parameters:

  • no compression;
  • AES archive file encryption (with a key length of 256 bits);
  • encryption of file names inside the archive.

To decrypt this archive, use the free 7-zip program.
Upon completion of the operation, the files will be protected inside the archive. When you try to open the contents of the archive, you will be asked for a password.

Tab "Archive settings"

Fill in the field "Archives catalogue:".
Specify the folder to save the current task files. Click on the button with three dots at the end of the field "Archives catalogue:" and select a directory in the dialog (if required, in the selection dialog, create a new directory with the button "Create a folder").

If necessary, for greater guarantee of data recovery, it is possible to copy the created archives to another hard drive or to a network drive of another computer. To do this you need to set the flag “Duplicate archives into directories...”, and indicate the list of required directories.

"Number of simultaneously stored archives (0 - unlimited):"- here we indicate how many copies of databases will be stored at the same time. Let's set it to ten, this means that the program will independently delete the oldest archives of a given task as soon as their number exceeds ten.

The next two parameters are responsible for the rule for forming the archive name.
"Archive name prefix:"- this is static, the first part of the name of the created archive file. In this field you cannot use characters that are not valid for a Windows OS file.
"Archive name ending:"- this is the dynamic, second part of the name of the created archive file. This part is formed based on the date and time the archive file was created.

Possible formation options and corresponding examples of file names:
1. yyyy-mm-dd
year, month, day. For example,
Enterprise accounting (demo)_2016-06-21.dt
2. yyyy-mm-dd hh-nn-ss

Enterprise accounting (demo)_2016-06-21 01-00-00.dt
3. yyyy_mm_dd
year, month, day. For example,
Enterprise accounting (demo)_2016_06_21.dt
4. yyyy_mm_dd hh_nn_ss
year, month, day, hour, minute, second. For example,
Enterprise accounting (demo)_2016_06_21 01_00_00.dt

Teams Tab

Use this tab if you need to run commands before or after a backup of the 1C:Enterprise 8 file infobase.

Let's consider a special case of using pre-post commands. For example, we need to configure storage of our backups in a folder located on a network computer, but access to this folder to connect to a shared resource requires a login and password (for example, a NAS server on a local network).

Let's assume that to work with this network resource you need to specify the user's login and password. To do this, we will use the net use system command. Before performing a backup, we will execute the command to connect a network resource, and then disable it.


user: - specifies the user name for connecting to the shared resource;
admin - username to connect to the folder;
12345 is the password for this user.
net use \\seo /delete
net use is a command to manage a network resource;
\\seo\Inbox - path to the network resource;
delete - cancels the specified network connection.

Before inserting these commands into your program, test their execution in the command line interface.

To open the command line interface - right click on the button "Start" on the taskbar select - "Command line" or open a window "Run" ("Win+R") and enter "cmd" - "Ok".

Enter the command:

net use \\seo\Inbox /user:admin 12345

"Command completed successfully".
Enter the command to delete a connection to a network resource:

net use \\seo /delete

If successful, a message will appear "successfully deleted".
You can view the list of connected resources by entering the command:

net use without parameters

After successfully checking the operation of the commands, we will add them to the program interface.

Schedule tab

Let's configure the time for automatic execution of our task.

In field "Assign a task:" indicate the frequency of task execution "Daily".

Possible options:
Daily- the task will be executed daily at the specified time.
Weekly- the task will be executed weekly on the specified days of the week, at the specified time.
Monthly- the task will be executed on the specified day of the month, in the specified months, at the specified time.
Every day after system boot- the task will be executed after the agent program is loaded (after the operating system starts) after the time specified in the “Delay time” field.
Once a day- set this flag if you need to perform the task only after the first OS boot during the day.
Repeat task- this parameter allows you to specify the repetition of tasks during the day. The repetition does not extend beyond the day on which the task started.
Every…minutes/hours- frequency of repetition of the task, starting from “Start time:”.
Run until- the time until which the task will be repeated. This parameter must be greater than the “Start time:” parameter (exception “Daily after system boot” where the start time is unknown in advance), otherwise the repetition will not work.

In the field, set the start time for the backup task (01:00).

Abort tab

This parameter allows you to limit the maximum possible time for a task to complete (protection against stuck tasks). The default is 24 hours, let's leave the configured parameters as they are.

At the top of the settings window, set the flag. This parameter allows you to enable/disable the task to be executed "Agent".
Click on the button "Save".

This completes the task configuration.

If the settings are configured correctly, the task window will close. If there are errors in filling, a window will appear with a description of the errors, after which you can correct the task settings.

Checking the task

A simple method of checking the settings of an information base backup task using standard 1C:Enterprise 8 tools is to complete the task. In the main window "Manager" Let's place the cursor on our task. Selecting a menu "Tasks"- . If "Agent" launched, the task will be executed immediately.

To make sure that the backup process is running, go to the tab and see the task status.

View task results

After completing the task in the tab "Magazine" The date and result of the backup task will be displayed.
To view the results of a task in detail, select from the menu "Magazine"- , or double-click on the task entry.

In the tab "Files" you can view the list of backup files created as a result of the task.

To view the backup file, select from the menu "Files"- , or right-click on the task execution record - .

There are several ways to create backups:

  • Copying database files;
  • Uploading file to file.dt;
  • Backup using 1C configuration tools 8.3.

Let's consider each of the methods of creating “backups” of 1C databases in more detail.

Easy file copying with the extension " *.1CD" and if necessary - " 1Cv8Log" from the catalog with information security :

The event log stores information about logging in and terminating a session, changing data, starting and executing background jobs, and other information, depending on the settings:

This copying method allows you to perform it while user sessions are running, but at the time of copying to information security SHOULD NOT be active (creating, recording, posting documents), as you may receive an incorrect copy.

Uploading the 1C database in the configurator, where a compressed file with the dt extension is created. If necessary, the registration log can be archived separately.

Uploading the information base

We launch the information security in the mode Configurator:

Launch the IB Upload Wizard:

We unload the information security, where we indicate the location of the backup copy:

Upon completion, a message will appear indicating that the information security unloading is complete:

After creating a copy, you need to check (test) the functionality dt file – loading IS, first creating IS for testing.

How to restore a database from a 1C 8.3 backup

We launch the information security in the mode Configurator.

We launch the IB download wizard, where we indicate the location *.dt file:

After restoring the 1C backup, a warning will appear about the successful loading of the information security and a request to reboot Configurator:

When creating this reservation method, it is required that all users of this information security complete their work session.

For more details on how to restore data from a previously created backup copy, including how to restore data to an existing information database or a newly created database, see our video:

Creating and setting up a 1C archive using configuration tools

Automatic backup , which is configured in 1C:Enterprise user mode. This mode was created by developers in configurations on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform (“Enterprise Accounting, rev. 8.3”, “Salaries and Personnel Management, rev. 8.3”, “Trade Management, rev. 11.2”):

Here you can:

  • Run a one-time backup:

  • Create a schedule:

  • Restore from backup:


  • Store backups on another physical or external media, because... If the hard drive malfunctions, you can lose the information security itself and its copies.
  • Make regular backups. In order to decide how often you need to perform backups, you need to answer the question: “How do you value your work and the work of your colleagues.” The more often you create backups, the less effort you have to re-enter documents. But, you definitely need to create backups before updating the configuration.

If you have any questions, you can watch our video, which describes in more detail the creation of an archive copy of the information base using the tools of the technology platform itself in Configurator mode:

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