Online burial. Requests without contact details are not processed

The culture of preserving memory is one of the most important areas of the Union's activities.

V this moment there is no single register of burials in Russia. But in some regions, through the efforts of various organizations, Internet resources are already being created to search for burials and care for graves. Some projects are implemented with funds from public organizations or with the support of representatives of the executive branch, others are initiated and implemented by ritual organizations that provide services in the regions. Some of them are still in the process of filling (as the inventory of cemeteries), others are already completely ready for use.

Such databases make it easier to find information about the deceased.

The Union considers it its duty to collect and accumulate information on such useful services on its website. This list will be updated as new burial databases are created and appear on the Internet.

If you find an inaccuracy in the description of the database or you are the creator of a database that has not yet been entered into our register, please contact us and we will take all necessary measures to correct the inaccuracy or make additions to the register.

All-Russian burial bases

Ritual portal - Service search for burials -

Open burial base -

Search for burials and care for graves on the territory of Russia (at the moment there is data on the Moscow region)

All-Russian database of burials - cemeteriesharossii.rf

Memorial: International System of Commemoration of the Dead -

Memory site - Burial base - site-memory.rf

HBS Memorial The generalized databank contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland, who died and went missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period.

Portal "Memory of the People" -

Regional burial bases

Site of the Department for Operation and Maintenance of Burial Places of the Administration of the City of Nizhny Tagil -

Search for burials in all cemeteries of Magnitogorsk -

Search for burials in Ufa cemeteries

Search for burials in the cemeteries of Kurgan and the Kurgan region -

The legal advice service of the Moscow directory of funeral services regularly receives questions from people who want to find their deceased relatives. What if a resident of the regions of the Russian Federation died in Moscow without registration or documents? How to find a burial in Moscow cemeteries?

Death does not always occur at home. A large percentage of Russians die away from relatives and friends: in a public place or in another city. Sometimes communication with a relative is lost long before his death. In this case, in order to find the body of the deceased or the place of his burial, relatives need to have an idea of ​​the process of registering the so-called “unclaimed bodies” and their burial.

The first authorities who are informed of a death that have occurred are the ambulance and the police. After completing the relevant documents, the body is transported to the forensic morgue, to which the Department of Internal Affairs (whose employees examined the body) is attached, in order to establish the cause of death.

In the event that relatives find out about the death of their loved one within the next 14 days, they can collect the medical death certificate and arrange for the funeral / transportation of the body to their hometown. If relatives or other persons related to the deceased (friends, colleagues, neighbors, co-workers) did not go to the morgue within two weeks, the key factor in the further development of events is the presence or absence of documents for the deceased.

If documents were found with the deceased

The body of the deceased is kept in the morgue for 14 days. If during this time the body remains unclaimed, the morgue independently registers the fact of death and draws up a stamped death certificate (if the deceased had a passport).

At the same time, the morgue employees send a telephone message to the police department at the place of registration of the deceased. Upon receipt of the message, the Department of Internal Affairs is obliged to send the district police officer to the place of registration of the deceased and try to contact the relatives.

After two weeks in the morgue, the body is transported to the Lianozovo corpse storage facility for preservation for two to three weeks. If after this time the body remains unclaimed, and there is no criminal connotation in the cause of death, the deceased is cremated. The ashes of the deceased are kept for one year, and then buried in a common grave at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. If the death was of a criminal nature, the body is buried in a coffin with the possibility of exhumation at the Perepechinsky cemetery in Moscow.

If the deceased had no documents

If documents were not found with the deceased, the deceased is photographed, fingerprints are taken from the body and the relevant information is transmitted to the Accident Registration Bureau.

If the identity of the unclaimed deceased is not established, the body of the deceased is stored in the morgue for two weeks, and then in the Lianozovsky corpse storage for one year. After this period, the remains of the deceased are buried in a grave on the territory of the Perepechinsky cemetery with the assignment of a serial number.

After 5 years, the remains are exhumed, followed by cremation, and the ashes of the deceased are buried in a common grave at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Until the moment of cremation and burial of the ashes, relatives can bury the body of the deceased. In this case, the body of the deceased is qualified as unidentified, therefore, first of all, the relatives must declare the missing person on the wanted list. After that, from the Accident Registration Bureau they are informed about the finding of a similar body, which must be identified by a photograph. The identification protocol must be completed by the police officer from the OVD who registered the death. With this protocol, it is necessary to contact the morgue to which the body of the deceased was transported from the place of death. It is advisable for relatives to have with them an extract from the house book at the place of registration of the deceased, which replaces the passport of the deceased. In the morgue, relatives are required to provide information about the whereabouts of the body.

If the death was not related to crime, relatives have the right to reburial the deceased, but not earlier than a year after the initial burial. Currently, the exhumation at the Perepechinskoye cemetery is about 15 thousand rubles.

Search for burials

Another common problem in the search for deceased relatives is the search for the graves of relatives, the connection with which was lost long before death, but whose burial was carried out by friends or relatives.

If relatives do not have information about the exact cemetery where their loved one was buried, the search for the grave becomes very problematic. The fact is that at present there is no single base for burials in Russia. Today, isolated attempts are being made to put things in order in the certification and accounting of burials in individual cities and regions of the Russian Federation, but it is too early to talk about a systematic and global approach to this problem.

Thus, each cemetery maintains its own burial register. Therefore, if the information about the burial place is limited to the name of the city, you will have to contact the administration of each city cemetery separately.

With more detailed information about the funeral, you can make your search much easier. For example, people attending a funeral, as well as neighbors or coworkers of the deceased, may know where their acquaintance was buried.

The presence or absence of relatives in Moscow can also help in the search. If a person did not have any relatives in the capital, most likely, the burial was carried out at a new site. In recent years, new burials in Moscow cemeteries have been carried out at the Perepechinsky, Domodedovsky, Khovansky and Novo-Bogorodskoye cemeteries. Related burials are carried out at all cemeteries in Moscow. Therefore, in the presence of relatives-Muscovites, it makes sense to contact them for possible information about the burial.

Russia does not yet have a unified database on burials in cemeteries in Russia

Sooner or later in a person's life, a moment comes when he begins to be interested in the past of his family. As a rule, this interest leads to the search for graves.

Unfortunately, the current state of the Russian funeral services sector does not make it possible to quickly and easily find the grave of a deceased person. The problem is related to the lack of a unified database on burials in cemeteries in Russia.

Previously, information about the grave was stored exclusively in the archive of the cemetery, where the burial was carried out, and a single register of burials - common for the whole country - was not kept. But paper records are not always reliable and are often lost.

Many archives were lost during the Great Patriotic War. The problem of data preservation was also associated with the principles of organizing the archive of personal data of citizens in Russian Federation and the USSR (for example, registry offices register the fact of death, but not funeral).

Now a decision has been made to form a system for recording cemeteries and a unified database for recording data on burials on the territory of the Russian Federation. A unified database of those responsible for the content of the burial (grave) will also be created.

Find a grave - ways to find:

Through the cemetery administration

If you know in which cemetery the grave of the deceased is located, contact the cemetery administration. It stores data about all the burials that they passed: who, when and in what area was buried. If you know at least the approximate date of death of the deceased, you can quickly find the desired entry.

Through GBU "Ritual" (Moscow) or regional MUP "Ritual"

Cemeteries in Moscow and New Moscow are under the jurisdiction of the State Budgetary Institution "Ritual", cemeteries in other regions are accountable to municipal ritual services. GBU "Ritual" and similar services have access to archives and registration books of cemeteries. On their basis, burial databases are compiled. These databases are incomplete, but there is always the possibility that with their help you will be able to find the information you need.

When contacting a funeral service, you may need a stamped death certificate. To find out the contacts and address of the municipal funeral service, you should contact the information service of the city administration, the MFC or the registry office.

Through the Ministry of Defense - if the deceased died (died) during the Second World War and was a military man

By the joint efforts of volunteers and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an open database "Memorial" has been created, containing more than 20 million records of losses in the Great Patriotic War.

There is also a database "In memory of the heroes of the Great War of 1914-1918". It contains information about more than 2 million participants in the First World War, including their burial places. These resources do not always indicate the exact location of the grave, but allow you to establish the approximate place of death of a soldier. The information obtained can help to find the location of the mass grave, where the remains of the deceased lie. Also, the Ministry of Defense has detailed records of many military personnel, both who died while serving and who died after retirement. Relatives of the deceased can privately obtain this information by contacting the reception office of the Ministry of Defense.

Find a relative who has a burial certificate

This document contains all the necessary information: in which cemetery the person was buried and where is the burial site.

Interview the participants in the funeral

People can remember in which cemetery the funeral took place and where the grave is located. Seek help from relatives, try to find close friends and acquaintances. If, for one reason or another, this is not possible, try to find the organization where he worked: one of his colleagues could have participated in the funeral himself or knew the participants. Finally, if you know the last place of residence of the deceased, try asking neighbors. People search is often underestimated, but it often brings the desired result.

Through specialized sites for the search for burials

One of the largest and most trusted resources is the site. It contains information on almost 2 million burials in 27 cities of the CIS, which often allows you to find a grave by the name of the deceased. In case you were unable to find information using the existing database, the project also provides a service to search for burials on order. Some private detective agencies are also engaged in the search for burials.

Search for a grave based on available information and documents

If none of the above methods helped, then you should try the following sequence of actions:

    Establish the last place of residence of the deceased. Find out the city of residence - usually the funeral takes place in the same city where the person lived. It is advisable to find out the exact address.

    Find the stamped death certificate. If not, then ask for a copy at the registry office or the MFC at the last place of residence of the deceased. To do this, you will need to provide your passport and a document confirming your relationship with the deceased (birth certificate or marriage certificate).

    Set the date of death. This information is in the certificate. If it was not possible to find or receive a death certificate, then try to find an approximate date by personal correspondence, obituary and other records.

    Contact the cemetery administration with the information available. If the deceased died in a city with a large number of cemeteries, try to find out which cemeteries were buried in the year of his death (the city administration may have this information).

    If it was not possible to establish the burial place according to the archival data of the cemetery, contact the church at the cemetery. Priests in cemetery churches usually register all the funeral and burial rites.

    If the previous points did not work, then it remains to try to find the grave by name in the cemetery. To do this, you will need to do painstaking and laborious work, examining the cemetery tombstones.

Tombstone search example

Finding the graves of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is a difficult task. Dmitry I. faced her, deciding to find the place where his grandfather, a participant in the war, died and was buried. Dmitry did not know much about his grandfather, only the name, year, place of birth and the fact that he died somewhere in Latvia.

Turning to the resource, Dmitry managed to find his grandfather's last place of service, as well as information about where and when he died. The commander of the unit, where Dmitry's grandfather served, drew up a map with a burial scheme - however, a search in google maps showed that now there is only a ravine and an open field in this place.

Together with his brother and wife, Dmitry went to Latvia, to a village near Riga, where their relative was buried. Unfortunately, the map turned out to be true - on the spot Dmitry found only a moat, and only pieces of reinforcement marked the once-located mass grave. Turning to the locals, the family learned that there are war graves in the village cemetery. However, no matter how they looked, there were no tombstones with the name of their grandfather among the graves.

Fortunately for Dmitry, one farmer recalled that in the 1960s, the authorities reburied the remains of those killed in a memorial cemetery in a nearby town. Having gone to the indicated place, the family found a well-groomed necropolis on which more than 2,000 soldiers-liberators lay in mass graves. The names of almost all of them are known and are inscribed on their tombstones.

At first, the search did not return any results. But once again examining the long list of buried soldiers, it turned out that the grandfather was lying exactly here - during the reburial, the surname was translated into Latvian and back, and an error crept into the inscription on the memorial.

You might be interested in:

The procedure for providing places for family and family burials and their cost, cemeteries for family and family burials on the territory of the capital.

What is family-clan burial

Currently, there are three types of burials in Moscow cemeteries:

  • burial in new sites (coffin or urn), which are provided in open cemeteries in Moscow (Perepechinsky, Alabushevsky, Novo-Bogorodsky);
  • burial in related areas of all cemeteries in Moscow (coffin and urn);
  • burial at new sites (coffin and urn), which are provided in the closed central cemeteries of Moscow.

It is the last type of burials - burials in new areas of closed cemeteries - that are family-clan burials. According to the program of the Moscow Government, places were created for family burials in the central closed cemeteries of the city. All these sites were placed in a single register, available on the website of the Unified Automated System for the Funeral Industry (EAC Ritual).

Two types of burials are offered as family-clan ones: plots of 1.8 by 2 meters for two coffin burials and plots of 1.1 by 0.8 meters for burial of an urn.

In addition to being located in the central closed cemeteries of Moscow, family and clan burials do not differ from other burials. It is possible to bury members of one family on the site, that is, parents, spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, brothers and sisters, grandparents, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, adoptive parents and adopted children, full and half brothers and sisters. Re-burial in one grave can be carried out after a sanitary period of 15 years.

Cemeteries that provide space for family burials

Currently, family and clan plots are provided at the following cemeteries in Moscow:

  • Alabushevskoe
  • Alekseevskoe
  • Altufevskoe
  • Babushkinskoe
  • Bogorodskoe
  • Borisovskoe
  • Businovskoe
  • Butovskoe
  • Vvedenskoe
  • Vladykinskoe
  • Vostryakovskoe
  • Golovinskoe
  • Golyanovskoe
  • Danilovskoe
  • Dolgoprudnenskoe
  • Domodedovskoe
  • Zakharyinskoe
  • Zelenogradskoe (northern)
  • Zelenogradskoe (central)
  • Ivanovskoe
  • Izmailovskoe
  • Kalitnikovskoe
  • Kapotnenskoe
  • Kachalovskoe
  • Kotlyakovskoe
  • Kuzminskoe
  • Kuntsevskoe
  • Leonovskoe
  • Lublin
  • Medvedkovskoe
  • Mitinskoe
  • Miusskoe
  • Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe
  • Orekhovskoe
  • Orlovskoe
  • Ostankino
  • Perepechinskoe
  • Perlovskoe
  • Perovskoe
  • Pokrovskoe
  • Preobrazhenskoe
  • Pyatnitskoe
  • Raevskoe
  • Rogozhskoe
  • Rozhdestvenskoe
  • Staro-Markovskoe
  • Staro-Pokrovskoe
  • Troekurovskoe
  • Trinity-Lykovskoe
  • Khimki
  • Khovanskoe
  • Cherkizovskoe
  • Cherkizovskoe (northern)
  • Chernevskoe
  • Shcherbinskoe
  • Yasenevskoe

The cost of family burials

The procedure for re-registering places for family and clan burials

After the first burial at the site responsible for the site, a passport (certificate) for the disposal is issued. In the event of the death of the person responsible for the site (the person for whom the contract was drawn up), re-registration is made to the person specified in the contract as the next person responsible for the burial. A burial may be re-registered to another person if the person specified in the contract has not applied to the cemetery administration within a year after the death of the person responsible for the burial.

Central cemetery Settlement Yegorovka cemetery Cemetery Settlement Podgornoye Verkh-Podobas cemetery Posad cemetery Grebenskoye cemetery Jewish cemetery Russian cemetery Bazhenovo. Zakamskoe cemetery Stroygorodskoe cemetery Taizha cemetery Shurakskoe cemetery Alabushevskoe cemetery New cemetery Alekseevskoe cemetery Altufevskoe cemetery Aral cemetery Babushkinskoe cemetery Bogorodskoe (old) cemetery Borisov cemetery Businovskoe cemetery Butovo cemetery Vvedenskoe cemetery Veshnyakovskoe cemetery Inskoe cemetery (stopover) ) Partisan cemetery Repinskoe cemetery Afanosovskoe cemetery 10 cemetery Gokoku temple - dzi Eastern cemetery Vladykinskoe cemetery Vostryakovskoe cemetery Golovinskoe cemetery Orlovskoe Ashmarinskoe Krasny Kaltan Black Kaltan Yurkovo Yuzhnoe (Academ) Danilovskoe cemetery Donskoe cemetery Zakharyinskoe cemetery Kalininovskoe cemetery Zeleninovskoe cemetery cemetery Kotlyakovskoe cemetery Red builder cemetery Kuntsevskoe cemetery Leonovskoe kla cemetery Lianozovskoe cemetery Lublin cemetery Mitinskoe cemetery Miusskoe cemetery Novodevichy cemetery Orekhovskoe cemetery Orlovskoe cemetery Perepechinskoe cemetery Perlovskoe cemetery Perovskoe cemetery Pokrovskoe cemetery Pyatnitskoe cemetery Raevskoe cemetery Rakitki cemetery Rogozhskoe cemetery Christmas cemetery Rublevskoe cemetery Nekrovo cemetery cemetery Khimki cemetery Cherkizov cemetery Chemskoe Yasenevskoe cemetery Babanakovskoe cemetery Shushtalepskoe cemetery Omsk cemetery Malyshevskoe cemetery Malinovskoe old cemetery Malinovskoe new cemetery Inskoe cemetery Kronstadt city cemetery New Kolpinskoe cemetery Sand cemetery Kovalevskoe cemetery Zelenskoe cemetery Yuzhnoe cemetery Sertolovskoe cemetery Vsevolozhskoe cemetery Nevskaya Oak rovka cemetery Irinovskoe cemetery Smolenskoe Lutheran cemetery Chertinskoe cemetery Belovo 8 March cemetery Belovo Staro-Belovo cemetery Belovo Bachatskoe cemetery Belovo Smolensk Orthodox cemetery Shuvalovskoe cemetery Sharapovskoe cemetery (village Sharap) Bogoslovskoe cemetery Krasnenkoe cemetery Porbohovskoe cemetery Tikhvin cemetery Alekseevskoe cemetery Ananyinskoe cemetery Apana cemetery Pundolovskoe cemetery (Golubaya dacha) Upper Kinerki cemetery Red hill cemetery Dekabristov island cemetery pr. Kima New Ural cemetery (Novy Ural village) Rassvet cemetery (Rassvet village) Berezovskoe cemetery (Rassvet village) Bungur cemetery (Bungur village) Bridge cemetery (Mostovaya village) Talovskoye cemetery (Talovaya village) Podgornovskoye cemetery (Podgorny village ) Anisimovskoe cemetery (Anisimovo village) Bedarevskoe cemetery (Bedarevo village) Ilyinskoe cemetery (Ilyinka village) Veselovskoe cemetery (Vesely settlement) Erunakovskoe cemetery (Erunakovo settlement) Iganinskoe cemetery (Iganino settlement) Kazankovskoe cemetery (Kazankovo ​​settlement) Metallurgovskoe cemetery (settlement Metallurgov) Northern cemetery (settlement Severny) Steppe cemetery (settlement Stepnoy) Uskovskoe cemetery (settlement Uskovo) Assumption cemetery (settlement Uspenka) Mitinskoe cemetery (settlement Mitino) Shorokhovskoe cemetery (village Shorokhovo) Berezovaya Mane cemetery Green meadow cemetery Kurtukovo near Narodnaya cemetery Nizhnie Kinerki cemetery Benzherep 1st cemetery Benzherep 2nd cemetery Sary-Chumysh cemetery Chistaya Griva cemetery Central 1 cemetery Kirovskoe Kla Cemetery Bezrukovskoe cemetery (Bezrukovo village) Kedrovskoe cemetery Yurkovskoe cemetery (Yurkovo village) Baevskoe cemetery (Baevka village) Berenza cemetery (Berenzas village) Sukhomesovskoe cemetery Shershnevskoe cemetery Fateevskoe cemetery Muratovskoe cemetery (Muratovo settlement) Sminovka cemetery ) Staroabashevskoe cemetery (Staroabashevo village) Talzhinskoe cemetery (Talzhino settlement) Bukinskoe cemetery (Bukino village) Malinovskoe cemetery (Malinovka village) Kurtukovskoe cemetery (Kurtukovo village) Sosnovskoe cemetery (Sosnovka village) Targai-Targay cemetery (Bukino village) Gavrilovskoye cemetery (settlement Gavrilovka) Kalinovskoye cemetery (settlement Kalinovsky) Kalmykovskoye cemetery (settlement Kalmykovsky) Krasinskoye cemetery (settlement Krasinsk) Pushkin cemetery (settlement Pushkino) Ryabinovskoye cemetery (settlement Ryabinovka) Taylepskoe cemetery (settlement Taylep) cemetery (settlement Yuryevka) Uchulskoe cemetery (village Uchul) Kandalepskoe cemetery (settlement Kandalep) Kilinskoe cemetery (settlement Kilinsk) Munayskoe cemetery (settlement Munai) Ottoman cemetery (Osman settlement) Podstrelkinskoe cemetery (Podstrelka settlement) Urn cemetery (Urnas settlement) Charton cemetery (Shartonka settlement) Yulinskoe cemetery (Yula settlement) Sharovskoe cemetery (Sharovo settlement) Zagadnovskoe cemetery (Zagadnoe settlement) Mutnovskoe cemetery (Mutny settlement) Terekhinskoye cemetery (Terekhino settlement) Uval cemetery (Uval settlement) Chistogorskoye cemetery (Chistogorsky settlement) Round cemetery (Kruglenkoye settlement) Yachmenyukhovskoye cemetery (Yachmenyukha village Mokrousovo) Slavinskoe cemetery (Slavino village) Solnechnoye cemetery (Kemerovo) Central cemetery 4 Central cemetery 5 Krasnaya Orlovka cemetery Makhmutovskoe cemetery Gorelovskoe cemetery Gromovskoe cemetery Lakhtinskoe cemetery Serafimovskoe cemetery Volkovskoe Lutheran cemetery Volkovskoe Zelenskovo Orthodox cemetery Gromovskoe cemetery Volkovskoe Lutheran cemetery Volkovskoe Zelenov Orthodox cemetery Volkovskoe cemetery cemetery Mountain cemetery Holy Trinity cemetery Troitskoe cemetery Lutheran cemetery Sergievskoe cemetery Petro-Slavic cemetery Ust-Izhora cemetery Martyshkinskoe cemetery Kazan cemetery Tarhovskoe cemetery Krasnoselskoe cemetery Shirokorechenskoe cemetery Northern cemetery Yekaterenburg cemetery Assumption cemetery Nizhneiskovets cemetery Sverlovo cemetery Kuzminskoe cemetery Novosaratovskoe cemetery Communist site of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra Northern Samark a cemetery Rakhya cemetery Irinovskoe cemetery Uglovskoe cemetery Western cemetery (Yekaterinburg) Nevskaya Dubrovka cemetery Mikhailovskoe cemetery (Yekaterinburg) Yekaterinburg) Forest cemetery (Yekaterinburg) District cemetery (Yekaterinburg) Eastern cemetery (Yekaterinburg) Lebedevo cemetery Dmitrovo-Cherkasy cemetery Vsevolozhskoe 2 cemetery Ryabovskoe cemetery Lazarevskoe cemetery Kobyakovskoe cemetery Toksovskoe cemetery Lower Oselkovskoe cemetery Garbolovskoe cemetery Severian cemetery cemetery Yaroslavl cemetery Pundolovskoe cemetery (Golubaya dacha) Sertolovo 2 Southern cemetery (Mikhailovka village) Mitrofanovskoe cemetery Zaozerye cemetery Zalivnaya cemetery Matrosovo cemetery Pearl cemetery Malinovka cemetery Tsvetkovo old cemetery Guryevsk (Avangardnaya st.) cemetery Zelenopolevskoe cemetery Zelenopolevskoe cemetery Zelenopolevskoe cemetery Zelenovskoe cemetery Zelene cemetery Mordovian cemetery Rozhkovo cemetery Annunciation cemetery Industrial settlement cemetery Belozerny settlement cemetery Assumption central cemetery Krasnopolyanskoe cemetery Looskoe cemetery Lazarevskoye cemetery City cemetery Upper cemetery Volkonskoye cemetery City cemetery Methodius cemetery Maryina Roshcha cemetery City cemetery Armavir city cemetery Lenin's farm cemetery (Michurin street) New cemetery Dust cemetery Farmstead Eastern cemetery (Polevaya street) New cemetery Danilovskoye cemetery Levskoye cemetery City cemetery Fraternal cemetery Nizhne-Gnilovskoe cemetery Aleksandrovskoe cemetery Gnilovskoe cemetery Northern cemetery Muslim central cemetery Sabans-Yar cemetery Starokucheganovka cemetery City cemetery Marine cemetery Forest cemetery Tire cemetery Old cemetery Central cemetery Northern cemetery New northern cemetery Northeast cemetery City cemetery ... Soviet) Muslim cemetery (Sovetskaya street) New cemetery number 2 New South cemetery New southwest cemetery number 1 South cemetery number 1 South cemetery number 2 Lower reaches old cemetery Cemetery of the former village. Yurmati Old cemetery Mikhailovskoe cemetery Bulyginsko-Kirovskoe cemetery Chernitskoe cemetery Novo-Mikhailovskoe cemetery Elite cemetery Baidaevskoe cemetery Ilyinskoe cemetery Abashevskoe cemetery Bungurian cemetery Stroygorod cemetery At the Partizanskaya cemetery Atamanovskoe cemetery Southwestern cemetery Smolenskoe cemetery Tolkin cemetery Orthodox cemetery Muslim military cemetery cemetery Pluto cemetery Ivanovka village of Ivanovo cemetery Chernovskoe cemetery cemetery Zasopka City cemetery No. 2 Rudnikovskoe cemetery Sandstone cemetery Central cemetery Vsesvyatskoye cemetery Pankrushikhinsky cemetery cemetery No. 3 Badalykskoe cemetery Novoskhodinskoe cemetery Novoluzhskoe cemetery Khimki cemetery Trinity cemetery Nikolaev cemetery Zlobinskii cemetery Torgashinskoe cemetery Berezovskoe cemetery Korkinskoe cemetery Kuzne cemetery Perepechenskoye cemetery Markovskoye cemetery Sidorovskoye cemetery Paganurskoye cemetery Steep ravine cemetery Kuyar cemetery Lyulpans cemetery Shoybulak cemetery Berdskoe city new Domodedovo cemetery Senkino cemetery Yushkovo cemetery City cemetery No 3 Tomb of Leo Tolstoy Sheklyanovskoye cemetery Cemetery of Leo Tolstoy str. Central cemetery Balino cemetery Sosnovskoye cemetery Troitskoye cemetery Zarechnoye cemetery New cemetery City cemetery New cemetery Old cemetery Forest cemetery Cemetery pos. Potanino Markovskoye cemetery Smolenskoye cemetery Pivovarikha cemetery Jewish Novo-Leninskoye cemetery Lisikhinskoye cemetery City cemetery Salyrskoye Beloyarskoye cemetery Old cemetery Old Tayshetskoye cemetery Novo-Talitskoye cemetery City cemetery Ryabkovskoye cemetery Asinovaya gora cemetery German cemetery Vasilyevskoye cemetery Municipal cemetery Vassilievskoye cemetery Municipal cemetery private Tikhy Dol private Voronino cemetery Cemetery number 2 Solomenskoye cemetery Cemetery Sands Sulazhgorskoye cemetery Besovets cemetery Preobrazhenskoye cemetery City cemetery Pokrovskoye cemetery Cemetery of the Tsentralnaya mine Cemetery Starokamyshenka Cemetery Vakhrushevo Old cemetery Central cemetery Central cemetery Berezovskoye cemetery Anastasyevskoye cemetery Birch grove cemetery Padunskoye cemetery Right-bank cemetery Municipal public cemetery Zarechnoye cemetery Vikhorevskoye municipal cemetery Smolinskoye cemetery Glinovskoye cemetery Old Ryabkovskoye cemetery Bolshechauskoye cemetery Pravoberevskoye cemetery Cemetery cemetery City cemetery Baryshevo cemetery New city cemetery Cuban old cemetery New cemetery Podyachevskoye new cemetery City cemetery Old cemetery Old cemetery Khurba Noginskoye cemetery city ​​number 1 Noginskoe city number 2 Laikovskoe cemetery Bakovskoe cemetery Akulovskoe cemetery Sivkovskoe cemetery Butynskoe cemetery Sidorovskoe cemetery Marfinskoe cemetery Mogutovskoe cemetery Tureyka cemetery Pokrovskoe cemetery Aprelevskoe cemetery Crimean cemetery Polushkinskoe cemetery Dyutkovskoe cemetery Salarievskoe cemetery Gyutkovskoe cemetery Salar'evskoe cemetery cemetery Semkhoz cemetery Mishutinskoe cemetery Andreevskoe cemetery Olgovskoe cemetery Peremilovskoe cemetery Teshilovskoe cemetery Akhtyrskoe cemetery Malyginskoe cemetery Rogachevskoe cemetery Krasnozavodskoe cemetery Mitkinskoe cemetery Podcherkovskoe cemetery Sysoevskoe cemetery Vnukovskoe cemetery Orudyevskoe cemetery Ochevo cemetery Cemetery e cemetery Pushkin Muslim cemetery Cemetery New village Nevzorovskoe cemetery Khovrino cemetery Cemetery Veshki Boltinskoe cemetery Necropolis at the cathedral Old cemetery City old cemetery City cemetery City new cemetery City old cemetery Old city cemetery Central city cemetery New Jewish cemetery Bronnitsky city cemetery Old cemetery cemetery Sergievskoe cemetery Obraztsovskoe cemetery Novo-Fryazenskoe cemetery Leonikha cemetery Zhegalovskoe cemetery Bolshevskoe cemetery Nikolsko-Trubetskoe cemetery Novoderevenskoe cemetery Nevskoe cemetery Akatovskoe cemetery Pekhra-Pokrovskoe cemetery Molzinskoe cemetery Bogorodskoe cemetery Noginskoe cemetery Trochevikhinka cemetery Drogovskoe cemetery Zagornovskoe cemetery Old Zagornovskoe cemetery Dementyevskoe cemetery Ishche Nikolskoye cemetery Novskoe cemetery New Lytkarinskoe cemetery Turaevskoe cemetery Petrovskoe cemetery Ostrovtsy cemetery Staro-Lyuberetskoe cemetery Savvinskoe cemetery Purshevskoe cemetery New Dzerzhinskoe cemetery Old Dzerzhinskoe cemetery Ivanovskoe cemetery Staroshodnenskoe cemetery Trakhoneevskoe cemetery Klyazmilyovskoe cemetery Zhovskoe cemetery Savvinskoe cemetery Savvinskoe cemetery St. cemetery Krasnopolyanskoye cemetery Lugovskoye cemetery Khvorostinskoye cemetery Station cemetery Pokrovskoye cemetery Ivanovskoye cemetery Vozmischenskoye cemetery New city cemetery Dmitrovskoye cemetery Maratovskoye (Radishchevskoye) cemetery Glass factory cemetery Melkombinat cemetery Shishkovka cemetery Aviazavodel cemetery Southern cemetery cemetery Cemetery Aviazavodiele cemetery Southern cemetery cemetery Kroyanskoe cemeteries e City cemetery Paveltsevskoe cemetery Sheremetyevo cemetery Dedovskoe cemetery Old cemetery Pet cemetery Zaeltsovskoe Lopatinskoe cemetery Muslim cemetery Balanovskoe cemetery Novlyanskoe cemetery Five Crosses cemetery Peskovskoe cemetery New Mikhalevskoe cemetery Yurasovskoe cemetery Ilyinskoe cemetery Yelkinskoe cemetery Horseskoe cemetery Phosphorus cemetery Sitnya Cemetery Luzhniki Old cemetery Cemetery Old Kashira Cemetery Sitne-Shchelkanovo Cemetery Kremenye Cemetery Voskresenki Old Gorodishchenskoye cemetery Old city cemetery Shchurovskoye cemetery Protopopovskoye cemetery Cemetery Gridino Shuvoyskoye cemetery Ryzhevo cemetery Nikolo-Panovskoye cemetery Yegelkovskoye cemetery cemetery Nizhegorodka cemetery Baikim cemetery Cemetery Pizhma Cemetery Solodukhino Coastal cemetery Cemetery Bereza Cemetery Yablonka Cemetery Sorokiny Khutor Istra new cemetery Northern cemetery Muslim cemetery Aluminum cemetery Krasnoarmeyskoe new cemetery Krasnoarmeyskoe old cemetery New Voroshilovskoe cemetery Old cemetery Voroshilovskoe cemetery Old Voroshilovskoe cemetery Old cemetery Voroshilovskoe cemetery Old cemetery Voroshilovskoe cemetery Old cemetery Voroshilovskoe cemetery Bezymyanskoe cemetery Tatar cemetery Zubchaninovskoe cemetery Jewish cemetery Stromilovskoe cemetery Southern cemetery Sandy Glinka cemetery Zapizhny cemetery Primorskoe cemetery Timofeevskoe cemetery New city cemetery City cemetery Banykinskoye cemetery City cemetery Varlamovskoye cemetery Uvarovskoye cemetery Fishery cemetery Cemetery