Certification center for working with the fns portal. Electronic signature

The service for submitting reports in electronic form through the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia can be used by taxpayers, individual entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities

The service is not intended for representatives of taxpayers and taxpayers classified as the largest (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected]).

The service is posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (http: // www. *****) and on the website of the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Udmurt Republic (http: // www. *****) in the section "Electronic Services / Submission to the Tax and Electronic Accounting Reports ”(http: // www. ***** / el_usl / pred_elv).

The computer must be running the Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 operating system.

In addition, you need access to the Internet from a local network or using a modem.

When using the Internet service "Submission of tax and financial statements in electronic form", you must have:

1. ES key, issued by the DTC of the Federal Tax Service of Russia issued by a trusted certification center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the RTC) for submitting tax and accounting reports (hereinafter referred to as the NBO) through the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. If you do not have an ES key, then you need to contact the RTC.

2. Subscriber's unique identifier - code issued by the certification authority .

3. Cryptographic information protection tool CryptoProCSPversion 3.6 and higher, which is purchased at the RTC.

4. Root certificate of TC GNIVTs Federal Tax Service of Russia(http: // ***** / uc / GNIVCFNSRUS. crt).

5. Root certificate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia(http: // uc. ***** / crt / CA_FNS_Russia. crt).

6. Root certificate of the CA that issued the ES key.

7. BrowserInternet Explorer 8.0and above;

8. Port access: 8444, 8443, 8081. Port access can be checked using the “telnet service. ***** 8444 ";

9. PC "Taxpayer LE". Version 4.26 and higher (http: // www. ***** / el_usl / no_software / prog_ur / 3827656.

If you do not have an ES key, then to acquire it you need to contact the Certification Center.

On the territory of Udmurtia, there are three certifying centers: -Production Enterprise "INFORMPRO-EKT", LLC "Format Link", LLC "Certification Center" DiKey ".

The list of certification centers accredited in the Network of Trusted Certification Centers of the Federal Tax Service operating in the territory of Udmurtia, their postal addresses, phone numbers and website addresses and can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (http: // www. ***** / otchet / el_vid / obshaia_infa /).

Installation of CIPF CryptoPro CSP

To install Crypto Pro CSP version 3.6, depending on the bitness of the OS, run the installation msi file (for a 32-bit OS - the CSPrus.msi file, for a 64-bit OS - the csp-x64-kc1-rus.msi file).

A welcome window will appear on the screen

Select the item "I accept the terms of the license agreement" and click the "Next" button.

Enter the serial number of the license and click "Next"

When choosing the most suitable type of installation, select "Typical" and click - "Next"

Set the "Register reader" Registry "flag.

Click the "Install" button

Wait until the installation is complete and click the "Next" button.

After the installation is complete, click Finish.

Answer “Yes” when asked to reboot.

Installation of the root certificate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

To install the root certificate of the CA of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, use the link posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia http: // www. ***** / mnsrus / nal_zak / 3777318 /. Select the "install certificate" button, select the "Next" button to continue the installation.

Then select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store and click Next.

An information window will appear indicating that the installation of the certificate is complete.

The root certificates of the TC GNIVTs of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and the TC are established in the same way.

Setting up an electronic signature

Run the CryptoPro CSP program: (Start> Settings> Control Panel> CryptoPro CSP or Start> Control Panel> CryptoPro CSP).

Go to the "Service" tab, "Install personal certificate".

Click the "Browse" button and in the window that opens, specify the location of the company certificate on the computer, select it, and click the "Open" button.

In the window that opens, click the "Browse" button and select the appropriate container, then click the "OK" button.

In the window that opens, click the "Browse" button, select the "Personal" storage and click "OK".

Click the Next button to complete the installation, and Finish when finished.

After installation, you need to check the certification path.

Open the installed certificate - the "Certification path" tab. This section should display the path from the selected certificate to the certification authority that issued the certificate.

Installation of the "Legal entity taxpayer" program

To install the "Legal entity taxpayer" program, you can use the link posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:

http: // www. ***** / el_usl / no_software / prog_ur / 3827656 /.

After running the file idwXXX. exe (where XXX is the version number of the program), in the window that appears, select the Run button.

When the installation wizard for the "Legal entity taxpayer" program appears, select the "Extract" button and click "Next>".

Read the license agreement. To proceed with the installation, select "I accept the terms of the license agreement".

At the end of the installation, a window will appear with a message about the successful installation.

After installation, a shortcut "Legal entity taxpayer" will appear on the desktop. In the WINDOWS system menu, Start → Programs, a sub-item "Legal entity taxpayer" will appear, containing links to the executable program and the user manual.

Launching the installed program "Legal entity taxpayer":

Perform a “double click” on the desktop shortcut with the name “Legal entity taxpayer”.

Click Start → Programs → Legal entity taxpayer → Legal entity taxpayer.

In the folder where the program was installed, run the file inputdoc. exe.

At the first launch of the program after installing the version, a window with a description of the version will be displayed, then the conversion and reindexing programs will be executed, after which a request for receiving reporting forms will occur. Then the descriptions will be received in the selected option. After that the program will be ready to work.

Work in the Taxpayer program is described in the file “User's Guide. doc »Start → Programs → Legal entity taxpayer → User's Guide.

Formation of a transport container in the program "Legal entity taxpayer"

The declaration generated in the program "Legal entity taxpayer" must be unloaded from the program.

Use the button to unload.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/125/images/image013_21.jpg "align =" left "width =" 471 "height =" 210 ">

Switch to the "Service - Registry of uploaded files" mode.

Select the required file from the list of generated files.

On the toolbar, select the Generate Shipping Container button.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/125/images/image015_14.jpg "width =" 699 "height =" 235 ">

Select the item "Go to the Service for submitting tax and accounting reports" located at the bottom of the page.

On the displayed page "Check the terms of use of the service" select "Check the conditions".

After successfully checking the terms of use of the service, select the item "Start working with the service" Submission of tax and financial statements in electronic form ".

The first time you log into the portal, the User Profile dialog box appears. Fill in the details of your organization, while the fields marked with an asterisk are required.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/125/images/image017_14.jpg "width =" 699 "height =" 243 src = ">

After the file is transferred, an automatic transition to the report status check page will occur: the “list of transferred files” service will open, which displays the uploaded declaration.

The status of this declaration will be “pending”.

After the status of the declaration changes to "Completed (successfully)", the reporting will be considered accepted.

For each declaration, you can view the complete document flow, for this you need to select a declaration. A dialog box will open displaying the document flow history for the selected declaration.

The tax office "href =" / text / category / nalogovaya_inspektciya / "rel =" bookmark "> this ends the tax office.

Congratulations, you have successfully submitted your declaration,

she went through all the necessary controls

and entered into the base of the inspection.


1. If an error occurs when checking the terms of use of the service at the third stage.

- Make sure TLS connection is allowed in the browser. Go to the menu "Tools" - "Internet Options". Go to the "Advanced" tab and check the box "TLS 1.0"

- To make sure that the CryptoPro CSP is installed, go to the "Control Panel" and see if there is a CryptoPro CSP shortcut. Check the license expiration date.

- The root certificate of the TC GNIVTs of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation must be installed in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository.

To install it, follow the link http: // ***** / uc / GNIVCFNSRUS. crt and install like other root certificates.

–Check the availability of ports: 8444, 8443, 8081. Access can be denied by the system administrator of the organization. Check with your system administrator for available ports.

2. If an error occurs when checking the terms of use of the service at the fourth stage.

Make sure the certificate you select when checking is valid (double-click to open the certificate). In case of information about an error in building the chain, install the root certificate of the CA that issued the certificate to you.

- check the availability of ports: 8444, 8443, 8081. Access can be denied by the system administrator of the organization. Check with your system administrator for available ports.

If you have done everything that is indicated on the portal and the above, but errors still occur, then log in under the administrator account and try to configure work with the portal under the administrator account. Perhaps your user account is limited and does not have access to the cryptographic information protection tool or does not have the rights to install certificates in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository.

3. If the portal is not available. The program has crashed.

You need to contact the service later. If after repeated contact the service remains unavailable, you must contact the support service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia by e-mail ***** @ *** ru.

4. If it is not possible to form a transport container in the PC "Taxpayer LE".

It is necessary to update the version of the PC "Tax-payer LE".

Menu Service / Search for updates on the Internet.

Terms and Definitionsused in the implementation of electronic document management

Subscriber- a registered participant in information interaction who is a taxpayer.

RTC- Trusted certification center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Entry notice- an electronic document generated by the tax authority for the taxpayer (representative) confirming the fact of transferring the data of the submitted tax declaration (calculation) to the information resources of the tax authority.

Receipt notice- an electronic document generated by the recipient for the sender informing the sender about the receipt of an electronic document.

Qualified Electronic Signature Verification Key Certificate (Qualified Certificate)- a certificate of the electronic signature verification key issued by an accredited certification center or a proxy of an accredited certification center or a federal executive body authorized in the field of using electronic signatures.

Receipt of admission- an electronic document generated by the tax authority confirming the fact of receipt of the submitted tax declaration (calculation).

MI FTS of Russia for DPC (FTSOD)- Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for centralized data processing - a registered participant in information interaction, performing the functions of a specialized communication operator of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

NBO - tax declarations (calculations), financial statements and other documents serving as the basis for calculating and paying taxes.

PC "Taxpayer LE" - a software tool designed to automate the process of preparation by a taxpayer of forms of documents for tax and accounting reporting, documents used in accounting for taxpayers, when submitted to the tax authorities

Confirmation of the date of dispatch- an electronic document generated by the tax authority containing data on the date and time of the taxpayer's sending of the tax declaration (calculation) and the document in electronic form via telecommunication channels.

Reception complex of the tax authority- a specialized software package used on the side of the tax authority for conducting electronic document flow through telecommunication channels.

Tax authority software package- a specialized software package used by tax authorities in order to carry out tax administration.

Electronic signature verification key certificate- an electronic document or a paper document issued by a certification center (hereinafter - CA) or an authorized person of the certification center and confirming the ownership of the electronic signature verification key to the owner of the electronic signature verification key certificate;

The error message is - an electronic document generated by the recipient for the sender (without attachments) informing about the receipt of an electronic document containing errors or the impossibility of decrypting it.

Transaction- a single step of transferring a container with documents and electronic signature within the framework of a certain type of workflow, which determines the set of transferred documents, electronic signature, their sender and recipient.

Transport connection- an electronic document generated by the recipient for the sender, drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the format of messaging between taxpayers and tax authorities via telecommunication channels.

Shipping container- a set of logically related documents and electronic signature, as well as accompanying transport information, combined into one file.

Disclaimer Notice- an electronic document generated by the tax authority confirming the fact of refusal to accept the tax declaration (calculation) submitted by the taxpayer, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

Clarification notice- an electronic document generated by a tax authority confirming the fact of receipt of a tax declaration (calculation) containing errors, indicating such errors, and also containing a message about the need to provide explanations or make appropriate corrections.

Participants of information interaction- taxpayers, tax authorities.

Electronic signature (ES)- the requisite of an electronic document, designed to protect this electronic document from forgery, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information and allowing to identify the owner of the signature key certificate, as well as to establish the absence of distortion of information in the electronic document.

Electronic document- a document submitted in electronic form, in accordance with the format requirements for this type of document.

Name of the tax authority

IFTS code

Name of the subordinate area

Interdistrict No. 2 in the Udmurt Republic

Balezinsky district

Kez district

Krasnogorsk district

Yukamensky district

Yarsk district

Glazovsky district


Interdistrict No. 3 for the Udmurt Republic

Debes district

Sharkansky district

Votkinsk district


Interdistrict No. 5 in the Udmurt Republic

Kambarsky district

Karakulinsky district

Kiyasovsky district

Sarapul district


Interdistrict No. 6 in the Udmurt Republic

Vavozhsky district

Selty district

Syums region

Malopurginsky district

Uvinsky district

Interdistrict No. 7 in the Udmurt Republic

Alnash district

Grakhovsky district

Kizner district

Mozhginsky district

Interdistrict No. 8 in the Udmurt Republic

Industrial and

Ustinovskiy districts


Interdistrict number 9 in the Udmurt Republic

Pervomaisky district


Zavyalovsky district

Interdistrict No. 10 in the Udmurt Republic

Yak-Bodyinsky district

Igrinsky district and

smt. The game,

Oktyabrsky District


in the Leninsky district of Izhevsk

Leninsky district


How to contact the tax office - call, write a letter, complain?

To write a letter to the tax office, you need to know the following.

- Letter sent to the inspectorate at the place of residence, his can be brought to the inspection in person, sent by mail or transmitted electronically;

The answer will be provided to you within 30 calendar days from the date of registration of the written appeal with the inspection;

The letter will not be considered by the inspection if it does not contain the last name, first name, patronymic or postal address, or if the letter is not signed.

If the questions, reflected in the letter, are not within the competence of the tax authorities, the inspection will send your letter to your affiliation.

Direct letter in electronic form you can use the Internet service "Contact", posted on the main page of the website of the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Udmurt Republic - www. r18. nalog. ru.

To send a letter, select the inspectorate at the place of residence and, having filled in the necessary information about yourself, attach the file.

You will receive a response within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the appeal to the inspectorate;

A written response is sent to the address indicated in the application;

If you indicate that you want to receive a response by E-mail (in electronic form), then the response will be sent by e-mail in the form of a scanned image of the response with the signature of the official, the outgoing number and the date of registration;

The letter to the inspection will not be considered if YOU did not indicate in the appeal your last name, first name, patronymic, e-mail address (if the answer must be sent in electronic form) and mailing address (if the answer must be sent by mail).

Receive verbal answer You can answer your questions by calling the unified reference service of the tax authorities of the Udmurt Republic - 488-617 .

The specialists of the help desk will answer general taxation questions, questions regarding the registration and registration of taxpayers, the working hours of the inspections, their details and addresses. If necessary, the call can be redirected to the inspection.

If you want to complain, then you can use all methods - bring a complaint to the inspection in person, send it by post or e-mail. You can bring a written complaint to the inspection and put it in a special box, which is designed for complaints and appeals.

To send complaints and make claims, you can also use the telephone hotline of the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Udmurt Republic - 488-618.

Attention! In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 80 and paragraph 5 of Article 174 of the Tax Code

Installation of the "Legal entity taxpayer" program

To register, you must enter your Login, Password, Confirm Password and E-mail:

After clicking the "Register" button, an email will be sent with a link to confirm registration:

After confirming the e-mail and entering your personal account, a message will appear about the need to register a certificate and get an identifier:

After clicking on the "Register certificate" button, a form for uploading a certificate will open:

After selecting the certificate file, a window will open with information about the organization, in which you will need to fill in the empty fields (KPP and Tax authority code):

Then press the button "Submit for registration". The page will be refreshed and the status of the certificate registration application will be displayed:

When the certificate is registered and an identifier is assigned, a message will be sent to the mail (specified during registration) about the successful registration and the assignment of the identifier.

After refreshing the page, the status of the certificate registration will change, and the assigned identifier will be displayed in the organization data:

For reporting it is necessary to use the "Service for submission of tax and accounting reports."

Reporting to the Federal Tax Service

Attention! In accordance with clause 3 of article 80 and clause 5 of article 174 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax declarations for value added tax are not accepted through the FTS service. Also, in accordance with clause 10 of Article 431 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, calculations of insurance premiums through this service are not accepted.

To submit tax and financial statements in electronic form, you need to go to the page: http://nalog.ru/rn77/service/pred_elv/:

Next, you need to install the Certificate of the public key signature of the MI FTS of Russia for the data center, the root certificate of the FTS of Russia and the list of revoked certificates.

Installing the public key of the Federal Tax Service

To install the public key signature certificate of the MI FTS of Russia for the data center, you need to save it and start the installation with a double click of the mouse.

It is necessary to check "Automatically select a storage based on the type of certificate", click "Next":

The certificate of the public key signature of the MI FTS of Russia for the data center has been installed.

Installing the root certificate

To install the root certificate of the Federal Tax Service, follow the link: http://www.nalog.ru/rn77/about_fts/uc_fns/, download the root certificate of the Federal Tax Service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and double-click it to open it, for this, in the file open window, click the "Open ":

On the "General" tab, click the "Install certificate ..." button:

The "Certificate Import Wizard" will open:

You must select "Place all certificates in the following store", click the "Browse" button and select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store and click "OK":

After selecting the certificate store, click "Next":

To close the Certificate Import Wizard, click the Finish button:

In the message window about the successful import of the certificate, click the "OK" button:

The root certificate is installed.

Installing a Certificate Revocation List

To install the revocation list, you need to save it to your computer, right-click on it and select "Install revocation list (CRL)". In the windows that open, sequentially click "Next" - "Next" - "Finish" without changing the default settings.

After installing the certificates and the revocation list, click "Go to" Service for delivery of tax and accounting reports ".

Get acquainted with the technology of receiving and processing declarations (settlements) and proceed to checking the conditions by clicking "Check the fulfillment of conditions":

Make sure that all conditions are met, and click "Perform checks":

In the fourth step of verification, you will be prompted to select a digital certificate.

After selecting the required certificate, click "OK":

After checking the signing key certificate, click "Start working with the service":

In the window that opens:

You need to fill in the empty fields (Subscriber code, KPP) and click "Save":

After saving the entered data, go to the "File Download" section:

Click on "Browse" and select a container prepared using the program "Legal entity taxpayer".

After selecting the file, press the "Send" button.

After the file is transferred, an automatic transition to the processing status check page will occur:

After the completion of the workflow, the status will change to "Completed":

You can view the sent file and the history of document flow by clicking on the link in the column "Status" - "Completed (successfully)":

In the "History of document flow" you can see or download all the regulatory documents.

In the future, you can go to this service at any time (https://service.nalog.ru/nbo/) and view the declarations (calculations) sent earlier.

The tariff line takes into account the different needs of users. Each tariff is a kind of constructor: in the basic version, a certain set of possibilities is offered. If necessary, it is available to connect additional extensions and services. You can select a tariff and choose the type of electronic signature based on the list of sites required for operation.

Electronic signature

An electronic signature (ES, EDS) is information in electronic form, a special requisite of the document, which allows you to establish the absence of distortion of information in an electronic document from the moment the ES is generated and to confirm that the ES belongs to the owner. The value of the attribute is obtained as a result of the cryptographic transformation of information.

Types of electronic signatures:

An important requisite of an electronic document is an electronic signature, which is usually denoted as an electronic signature or an electronic signature. ES means:

Simple electronic signature

a signature that, through the use of codes, passwords or other means, confirms the fact of the formation of an electronic signature by a certain person.

Unqualified Electronic Signature (NEP)

enhanced electronic signature, which is obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using an electronic signature key. Allows you to identify the person who signed the electronic document, to detect the fact of making changes to the document after signing it; equates a document to a document signed personally with the seal of the organization, if this is established by the regulations of the information system in which this type of signature is used, or by agreement of the parties participating in the electronic document flow.

Qualified Electronic Signature (CEP)

enhanced electronic signature, complies with all the NEP features and additionally contains a key for verifying the electronic signature in a qualified certificate. To create and verify an electronic signature, cryptographic protection means are used, which are certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation. Due to the regulated rules for issuing and describing the structure of the electronic signature in the Federal Law No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature", it can be used in information systems without the need to describe the application in the regulations or by agreement of the parties.

Who needs a qualified electronic signature

Depending on the needs of the user, the form of business, the legal status, the CEP can be used to certify documents for various purposes.

Individual can use a qualified electronic signature to issue a passport or driver's license; submit a 3-NDFL declaration; send documents for admission to the university; remotely sign an employment contract; obtain a patent for an invention, etc.

  • EDS for an individual is the cheapest, designed to work with the state. portals and for conducting legally significant document flow with confirmation of the sender's identity.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities CEP is necessary to carry out legally significant electronic document flow, send reports in electronic form, participate in tenders, work on state portals and information systems.

  • The entrepreneur's electronic signature allows you to organize digital workflow, work for the state. portals, submit reports, participate in commercial auctions and bankruptcy auctions.
  • The universal digital signature of a legal entity gives ample opportunities: organizing EDM, submitting reports, participating in tenders according to No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ, participation in commercial tenders (Fabrikant, AETP, B2B-Center, etc.), work with information systems: AZIPI, Interfax, PRIME and others.

State and municipal institutions and organizations use electronic signatures when working in specialized information systems, such as SMEV, Rosobrnadzor and others.

Spheres of application of a qualified electronic signature

Legally significant electronic document management (EDF)

EDF is a document flow in which system participants accept for execution documents in electronic form, certified by an electronic signature, and are responsible for the performance or non-performance of the actions specified in them. CEP provides the necessary integrity, reliability, authenticity, non-repudiation and legal significance of electronic documents subject to the conditions of the Federal Law of 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signatures". The use of CEP in EDM gives legal significance to electronic document flow and allows:

  • conclude contracts;
  • sign documents;
  • exchange UPD (universal transfer documents), invoices, invoices, acts, payment orders and other documentation with counterparties in electronic form.

Electronic reporting

Electronic reporting is the provision of reporting documents in electronic form using the Internet to regulatory and supervisory authorities: the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosstat, etc.

Important! Electronic document flow and electronic reporting is carried out through an EDM operator licensed by Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation. The operator of electronic document management "KALUGA ASTRAL" operates on the basis of licenses of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications and Mass Communications for the provision of telematic communication services No. 120666 dated June 05, 2014 and for the provision of communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for transmission data for the purpose of transmitting voice information No. 145888 dated September 02, 2016.

Electronic bidding

Electronic trading is a form of trading in which orders for the supply of goods or services are placed on the Internet at specialized electronic platforms. Bidders have access to procurement by commercial firms and government procurement.
Both legal entities and individuals can participate in the auction
Certification of the documents required for participation in the competition, submission of a price offer and signing of a contract with the winner, takes place only in the presence of an EDS.
The platform on which the auction takes place itself determines the requirements for the signature used.

State portals

Depending on the needs of the user, the CEP gives the right:

  • receive the services of state bodies and municipal organizations on the corresponding portals:
    • Government services;
    • FTS;
    • FIU;
    • FIPS;
    • Rosstat;
    • Rosobrnadzor, etc.
  • work in federal state information systems, such as:
    • EGAIS;
    • Mercury;
    • Honest SIGN;
    • FIS FRDO and others.

How to buy an electronic signature

Astral-ET and 1C-ETP software products allow purchasing electronic signatures according to a simplified scheme, urgently within one hour or within one day. The systems are fully automated and operate via an Internet browser. However, according to it, in order to obtain the ES, a personal meeting of the applicant with representatives of the certification center is required to identify the owner. Therefore, in order to receive an EDS, you need to set aside time to visit our office.

Documents for obtaining ES

A complete list of documents for obtaining an electronic signature is posted

Advantages of TC "Kaluga Astral" and "Astral-M"

Save time

You can get a signature within 1 hour, if you provide all the necessary documents

Professional help

Our experts will perform all the settings for working with CEP and trading platforms.

Territorial accessibility

Qualified assistance can be obtained in our Sales Centers or from partners in any region.

24/7 technical support

Our call center is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Call or order a qualified certificate via the feedback form!

Thank you very much, Mikhail, we did everything promptly and the main thing is clear to me ... Since we have found a common language. I would like to continue the communication with you in the future. I look forward to fruitful cooperation.

Olesya Mikhailovna - General Director LLC "VKS"

On behalf of the State Unitary Enterprise "Sevastopol Aviation Enterprise" we express our gratitude for the professionalism and efficiency of your company! We wish your company continued prosperity!

Guskova Lilia Ivanovna - manager. SUE "SAP"

Thank you, Mikhail, very much for your help with the design. Very qualified employee +5!

Nadia Shamilevna - entrepreneur IP Anoshkina

On behalf of the company "AKB-Auto" and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you and all employees of your company for the productive and high-quality work, sensitive attitude to the client's requirements and efficiency in the execution of the ordered work.

Nasibullina Alfira - Senior Manager"AKB-Auto"

I would like to thank the consultant Mikhail for the excellent work, timely and complete consultations. He is very attentive to the client's problems and questions, prompt solution of the most difficult situations, it would seem to me. It's a pleasure to work with Mikhail !!! Now I will recommend your company to my clients and friends. And the technical support consultants are also very polite, attentive, helped to cope with the complex installation of the key. Thanks!!!

Olga Sevostyanova.

Acquiring a key turned out to be very easy and even enjoyable. Many thanks for the assistance to manager Mikhail. Explains complex and massive things to understand, succinctly, but very clearly. In addition, I called the free hotline and online, together with Mikhail I left a request. I got a key made in 2 working days. In general, I recommend it if you save your time, but at the same time want to have an understanding of what you buy and what you pay for. Thanks.

Levitsky Alexander Konstantinovich Samara

Personal gratitude to the consultant Mikhail Vladimirovich for prompt advice and work on the accelerated receipt of the ES certificate. During the preliminary consultation, the optimal set of individual services is selected. The end result is immediate.

Stoyanova N.L. - Chief Accountant LLC "SITEKRIM"

Thank you for your prompt work and competent help! I was very pleased with the consultation!

Dmitry Fomin

Expert Sistema LLC would like to thank the consultant Mikhail for the prompt work! We wish your company growth and prosperity!

Sukhanova M.S. - Appraiser LLC "Expert System", Volgograd

Thanks to the consultant who introduced himself as Mikhail for his prompt work with clients.

Stepan Gennadievich Ponomarev

Many thanks to the consultant Mikhail for his assistance in obtaining an EDS. For prompt work and advice on issues arising in the process of registration.

Leonid Nekrasov

The company, represented by its consultant Mikhail, does the impossible! Acceleration of accreditation in less than 1 hour! Payment upon delivery of the service. I thought it couldn't happen. With full responsibility, I can advise you to contact the Center for issuing electronic signatures.