1s 8.3 example of creating a configuration. Creating Configuration Objects

I wrote how to install the 1C 8 platform and the 1C Enterprise Accounting 8 configuration itself.

Now we will look at how to create a new empty 1C 8.3 database for a new enterprise.

How to add an information base to 1C 8.3

This is not at all difficult to do, even easier than. However, it can be difficult for beginners to understand the nuances of installing and creating a database.

Step 1: Open 1C:Enterprise.

Step 2: If your list of databases is empty, the system will kindly offer a new database, but if there are already databases in the list, click on the “Add” button. The system will display the following window:

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Step 3: Set the flag opposite “Creating a new information base” and click the “next” button

Step 4: Select from the list of databases the configuration that we want to create, for example, Enterprise Accounting. The standard configuration always includes a “demo” base. This is a demonstration base filled with demo information on which you can test some points and learn. I strongly recommend deploying such a 1C database for training.

Step 5: Set the name of the future database, do not change anything, click “next”.

Step 6: At this step you need to specify the location of the files to create the 1C database on your hard drive. I advise you to choose non-system partitions.

A distinctive feature of this online course is that the material is presented not “from theory” (the structure of system objects, language syntax), but “from practice” in developing a real application solution “from scratch”. As the configuration is created according to the principle “from simple to complex,” the student becomes familiar with the various objects and mechanisms of the system. Development techniques are demonstrated to him, comments are given on the purpose and features of the use of various objects.

The material is designed both for beginner developers who are not familiar with the 1C: Enterprise system, and for those who are already creating or maintaining applications on this platform, including students who have experience working with version 1C: Enterprise 7.7 or 8.1.

The main objective of the course is to teach students the skills of practical configuration and programming on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform.

The method of training is distance learning. Each lesson contains theoretical and practical tasks for independent solution.

Course content - detailed videos and text materials, downloads of reference databases, theoretical and practical assignments.

To install the reference base, you will need the 1C:Enterprise platform 8.2 (educational version) or the 1C:Enterprise client version no lower than You can find out the version of the 1C 8.2 client you are using by selecting in the main menu in Configurator mode or 1C:Enterprise Help - About the program...

Total viewing time (10 videos): 4h 23 min

1. Introduction to the system. System startup modes. Introducing the objects of the "Enumeration" and "Directory" system.

Configuration is an application solution developed on the 1C:Enterprise technology platform.

The 1C information base is a single repository for configuration and data, characterized by a specific storage address. There are two options for storing the 1C information base: file and client-server options. To use the client-server option, you additionally need third-party software (one of the DBMSs: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2 or Oracle). When using the file storage option, the 1C information base is one file - 1Cv8.1CD. This file has a special format supported by the 1C:Enterprise 8 system. In our lessons, we consider the file option for storing the information base. If this definition uses terms that you do not understand, then do not be upset - this topic will be discussed in more detail in lesson 3.

Launch mode 1C:
"Configurator" is a special mode for launching the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 system for developing and modifying an application solution. In this mode, the developer defines the general architecture of the application solution and the data structure, creates layouts and screen forms, and uses the built-in language in object modules to define object behavior algorithms. The second “profession” of the “Configurator” is administration, which includes maintaining a list of users, setting access rights, backing up the information base, monitoring system events (the log is configured in the configurator; viewed both in the configurator and in 1C:Enterprise mode) and performing other actions to maintain system functionality.
"1C:Enterprise" is the end user operating mode. In this mode, the user enters data into the database, generates reports, prints documents, etc.

Configuration object tree is a window that represents the entire configuration in the form of a tree structure, each branch of which describes a specific component of the configuration. The root branches of the tree unite configuration objects that are logically related to each other and have a general purpose, for example, directories, documents, document logs, enumerations, etc.

Naming rule in 1C - the names of details, variables, procedures and functions in 1C can contain letters of the Russian and English alphabets (lowercase and uppercase), underscores and numeric characters. The name cannot begin with numbers.

A directory is an object of an application solution that allows you to store data in an information base that has the same structure and list nature. This could be, for example, a list of employees, a list of goods, a list of suppliers or customers. Directories are used in cases where it is necessary to eliminate ambiguous information input. For example, in order for the buyer, seller, storekeeper, director to understand what product we are talking about, everyone must call it the same. And in this case, a reference book is needed. Usually in a trading company it has the form of a price list, and if such a directory is stored on a computer, then the entire possible range of goods that the trading company works with is entered into it.

The 1C:Enterprise system allows you to maintain an almost unlimited number of necessary directories. Each directory is a list of homogeneous objects: employees, organizations, goods, etc. Each such object (individual employee, separate organization, etc.) is called a directory element.

From the user's point of view, it should be borne in mind that in the Configurator it is not the directory itself that is created, as a list of possible values, but a blank directory, its template, is developed. During the configuration process, the structure of information that will be stored in the directory is described, a screen and, if necessary, printed representation of the directory is developed, and various features of its “behavior” are specified.
Each directory has a Code and Name as mandatory details. The directory element code can be either numeric or text. The 1C:Enterprise system provides ample opportunities for working with codes of directory elements: automatic assignment of codes, automatic control of code uniqueness, and others.

In addition to the code and name, any additional information about a directory element can be stored in the 1C:Enterprise system directories. To store such information in the directory, additional details can be created. Using the directory details mechanism, it is easy to organize, for example, an employee file. For example, the Employees directory will almost certainly have the attributes Position, Salary, and others.

Enumeration - objects of an application solution that allow you to store sets of values ​​in the information base that do not change during the operation of the application solution. For example, this could be a listing of possible VAT rates (Without VAT, VAT 20, etc.), listing the status of orders (Planned, In Progress, Completed), etc.

In order to install the reference configuration you need:

3. Launch 1C and in the 1C launch window click the “Add” button.

4. In the pop-up dialog box, select the option “Add an existing infobase to the list.” Specify the name of the infobase and indicate the path to the directory with the configuration file.

theoretical test of lesson 1 - pass

Dividing an application solution into subsystems. Introduction to the Document system object. Purpose of the tabular part of the Document.

Subsystem is a logical division of an application solution (configuration) into segments, blocks, sections. Using subsystems, the application solution is visually divided into functional blocks. Subsystems form the basis for forming the interface of an application solution.

A document is an object of an application solution that allows you to store information about completed business transactions or events that have occurred. In an organization, this could be, for example, invoices, hiring or dismissal orders, invoices for payment, etc.

Accumulation registers. Introduction to balance accumulation registers. Setting up your desktop. Introducing the Form configuration object.

The accumulation register is an application configuration object. This is a special storage (table) in which numerical data is calculated (accumulated) in the context of several dimensions. For example, in such a register you can accumulate information about the balances of goods by product range and warehouse, or information on sales volumes by product range and divisions of the company. The accumulation register is an intermediary between documents and reports. Its use speeds up the generation of reports associated with obtaining various total values.

Register dimensions describe the sections in which information is stored, and the necessary numerical data is accumulated in register resources.

There are two types of accumulation registers: balance accumulation registers and turnover accumulation registers.

The balance accumulation register is an accumulation register that allows you to store both the final values ​​of resources - balances, and changes in these resources - turnover.

What is good about the accumulation register?:

Has a constructor for describing changes in the register when posting documents (we don’t write code by hand);
- allows you to get the desired results at any point in time or document;
- “remembers” exactly what changes this or that document made to the results;
- all necessary changes in the results associated with canceling the posting of a document, changing a posted document and deleting a posted document are calculated automatically by the system (if necessary, you can register it manually);
- provides control over the uniqueness of records stored in the accumulation register. Thanks to this, the accumulation register cannot contain two entries relating to the same line of the same document.

Document movements are records in registers that are created during the process of document posting and reflect changes made by the document.

The desktop is a kind of “assistant” for the user. Every working day begins with “communication” with him. This is the first thing we see when we launch our application solution.

Forms are configuration objects designed to display and edit information contained in a database. Forms can either belong to specific configuration objects (directories, documents, reports, etc.), or exist separately from them and be used by the entire configuration as a whole.

For example, the Contractors directory can have several forms, each of which will be used for certain actions: editing a directory element, displaying a directory list, selecting one of the directory elements, etc.

The accumulation register can have only 3 types of forms:

The list form is the same thing as we open all functions through the menu - the accumulation register, in this form you cannot make changes to the register, but you can make various selections and sortings;
- record set form - this is a similar form, but in it you can edit register entries: add, delete and change them;
- free form - we display what we consider necessary - in our case, in the 3rd lesson of the course, we display the current balances in it.

Uploading the reference database created in lesson 3 without completing homework

Accumulation registers. Introduction to registers for accumulating revolutions. System object Constant. Working with the Form configuration object.

A constant is an applied configuration object that allows you to store data in the information base that does not change over time, or changes but very rarely. Each constant allows you to store one value. For example, the Constant can store the name of the enterprise, the address of the enterprise, the name of the chief accountant, etc. An arbitrary number of constants can be created in an application solution.

The turnover accumulation register is a more “specialized” type of accumulation register and allows you to store only changes in resources - turnover. The existence of a register for accumulating revolutions is due to the fact that there are a large number of situations when only revolutions need to be accumulated, and the values ​​of the balances do not make sense. A typical example of using a turnover accumulation register is the Revenue register or the Cost of Sales register, which stores only information about sales volumes.

Command bar is a toolbar designed to be placed on a form with a set of commands that can be used to manage information placed in the form. The command panel is a window with a set of buttons. Clicking any of the command bar buttons executes the command associated with that button. A form may have several command panels, or it may not have any. The configurator does not limit the number of command panels.
The command panel can be customized: add new commands, and delete unnecessary ones.

For each command bar, you can select the Autofill property and specify different action sources. In this case, the Configurator will generate the composition of the panel commands automatically based on the form type and the specified sources. Commands inserted this way cannot be deleted or corrected, but new commands can be added. Unchecking the Automatically Fill command bar property removes all automatically generated commands. Only manually added commands remain in the command panel, and you can independently create the set of commands you need.

Command bar property "Action Source" - defines the source of actions for the command bar. You can specify "All Sources" or select a specific activity source. Controls placed on a form can provide a set of actions associated with their own properties. For example, with a list you can perform various actions such as adding, editing, deleting, selecting, viewing and other actions. In the property, you can specify a specific element or shape, or you can select all elements and shapes as the source.

A compilation directive is an instruction that tells the 1C platform in which environment a given procedure or function will be executed. A directive always begins with an ampersand - the “&” sign. If there is no directive, then the default directive is used - &OnServer. Using several directives for one procedure (function) is impossible.

Built-in programming language 1C:Enterprise 8.2. Location of software modules. Structure of program modules. Primitive data types. Basic syntax of the 1C language.

A software module is a kind of “container” for placing the texts of procedures and functions in the built-in 1C language. These procedures and functions are called by the system at certain points during system operation. Software modules do not have formal boundaries for their description of the type: “Beginning of module” - “End of module”.

Software modules are placed in those places in the configuration where a description of specific operating algorithms may be required. These algorithms are formalized in the form of procedures or functions that will be called by the system itself in predetermined situations (for example, when a button is pressed in a dialog box, etc.). Each individual software module is perceived by the system as a single whole.

During the lesson we were introduced to the following software modules:

Managed application module. This module describes procedures (event handlers) that are initialized at system startup and termination. For example, when the application starts running, you can update some configuration data, display messages to the user, and when finishing work, you can ask whether it is worth exiting the program or, for example, record the user's shutdown time in the database.
external connection module. The external connection module is triggered when the application is launched in COM connection mode. In this mode, programmatic work with the information base occurs without launching the application window.
session module. This is a highly specialized module designed exclusively for initializing session parameters.
common modules. Common modules are intended to describe some common algorithms (procedures and functions) that will be called from other configuration modules.
configuration object module. This module is available for most configuration objects and is designed to process events directly related to the object. For example, events of recording or deleting objects, checking the completion of object details, posting a document, etc.
form module. The form module is designed to process user actions with this form (processing a button click event, changing form details, etc.).

Structure of program modules
The software module may include three sections:

Variable declaration area;
area of ​​description of procedures and functions;
main text of the program.

In a particular software module, any of the sections (or even all sections) may be missing. Let's get acquainted with the sections of the software module in more detail:

The variable declaration area is located from the beginning of the module text to the first Procedure or Function statement or any executable statement. This section can only contain Variable variable declaration statements.

The area of ​​description of procedures and functions is located from the first operator Procedure or operator Function to any executable statement outside the body of the description of procedures or functions.

The main text area of ​​the program is located from the first executable statement outside the body of procedures or functions to the end of the module. This section can only contain executable statements. The main program text area is executed at the moment of module initialization. Usually, in a section of the main program, it makes sense to place operators for initializing variables with any specific values ​​that must be assigned before the first call to procedures or functions of the module.

Types of variables in program modules
A variable is a named temporary store of a single value that can be read and modified during program execution.
There are 3 types of variables:

Global variables. The value of this variable can be read or changed from another program module;
module variables. A module variable is available for reading and writing (changing) in any procedure and function, as well as in the main program text area of ​​a given program module.
local variable. A local variable is accessible only within the procedure or function in which it is declared.

A variable is declared (explicitly) using the Variable operator. In the 1C language, variables do not have to be declared explicitly. An implicit declaration of a variable is its first appearance on the left side of the assignment operator (the = sign). The type of a variable is determined by the type of the value assigned to it. During program execution, a variable can change its type (soft typing), for example:

Variable1 = "Ivanov"; //implicit variable declaration, variable type (what it stores) String

Variable1 = 32; //assigning a new value to our variable, now it is of type Number

1C language syntax
In this lesson, we got acquainted with basic (primitive) value types, syntax and operations with them. Please pay special attention to the syntax of compound logical expressions, conditions and loops.

Properties of Common Modules. Creating a reminder system. Advanced work with forms. Programmatic description of the form's behavior when interacting with the user.

In what cases are common modules used?

If a procedure or function is called in more than one place in the configuration, or if we need to perform server-side actions (for example, access a database), and this is not possible in this module, then in such cases we should use Common Modules!

Properties of Common Modules

The main feature of Common Modules is that you cannot declare common variables in them.
The properties of a specific Common Module are set in its properties palette:
Global – if the flag is set, then the procedures and functions of this module become available in a global context, that is, they can be called anywhere in the configuration, accessing without the name of the General module (by the name of the procedure or function itself). However, the names of procedures and functions in this Common Module must be unique within the global context.

Server – procedures and functions of this common module can be executed on the server side.

External connection – procedures and functions of this common module can be performed when connected by an external source (for example, COM).

Client – ​​procedures and functions of this common module can be executed on the client side.

Server call is a flag that allows client procedures and functions (executed on the client side) to call procedures and functions of this common module.

Privileged – if the value is True, then access rights checking will be disabled in this common module. Significantly speeds up the execution of module procedures and functions, but do not abuse this setting.

Reuse – defines settings for return values. If the option is enabled, then after the first execution the system will remember the value for these input parameters and will return a ready-made value. Can take the following values:

Not used – disable reuse;
for the duration of a call – for the duration of a certain procedure;
for the duration of the session - until the user closes the session (has not finished working with the program).

The first part of the lesson ends with creating the form of our directory element

Part 2 of the lesson

The second part of the lesson is entirely devoted to programming the Reminders directory element form: changing the properties of the directory form details depending on user behavior.

To access the current value of an object attribute located on the form (in this case, to access the value of the Reminders directory attribute), use the Object property:

//set new value
Object.Date = "2014.02.02";

To manage the properties of form details, use the Elements property:

//set new property value
Items.Duration.Availability = True;

Advanced work with forms. Selection software installation. Using the Format() function. Reports

A quick step-by-step demonstration of application development on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform. To run the example, we will need the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform. On our website you can download one intended for training. This demo was prepared using exactly this version!

The step-by-step example is a complete analogue. This example allows us to demonstrate both the differences and similarities of the 1C 8.3 and 8.2 platforms.

Now we will create a system for personnel records of employees at the enterprise. It will allow us to hire and fire employees, as well as work with personnel documents.

Each configuration should be stored in a separate directory (folder).

1. Create a new folder on any drive of our computer, for example, "C:\Our Frames 2".

2. Launch 1C:Enterprise 8.3. A list of infobases will open. If you have not created any infobases or added existing infobases, the list will be empty.

3. Click the "Add" button.
At the first step of the wizard, select the "Add an existing infobase to the list" option.
In the second step, specify the name of the infobase as it will appear in the list of bases, for example, “Our personnel 2”. The name of the database can be arbitrary, nothing depends on it.

4. In the next step, specify the path to the folder that you created in step 1 of our guide (C:\Our Frames 2). Click the "..." button, enter the folder and click "Select".

To edit it, you can click the “Edit” button. For example, the infobase has been moved to another location or you want to give it a different name. To remove an infobase from the list, click the Delete button. In this case, the infobase is removed from the list, but is not physically deleted from the disk.

6. Let's select the "Configurator" launch mode. To do this, click on the “Configurator” button.

1C can be launched in two modes:

  • 1C:Enterprise- mode of using the information base. Regular users work in this mode, enter data, print reports, etc. In this mode, you cannot edit the configuration structure.
  • Configurator- configuration (programming) mode. Programmers work in this mode, create new directories, reports, and write program modules. In this mode, you cannot enter data into the infobase.

7. Since there is nothing in the created folder yet, 1C will ask for confirmation to create a new information base.

8. Click Yes. Next, select the option “Creating an infobase without configuration to develop a new configuration or load a previously unloaded infobase” (option 2) and click the “Next” button. In the next step, click the "Finish" button.

9. The configurator will launch. Open the configuration tree, which is where we will work very often. To do this, select “Configuration” - “Open configuration” in the menu or click on the corresponding icon.

The configuration tree window will appear. Give it a comfortable size.

This window presents all configuration objects, such as directories, documents, reports, etc. To expand a specific branch, you need to double-click on the plus sign or double-click on its name.

Creating Configuration Objects

10. Place the cursor on the "Directories" line and click the button (or right-click and select Add). This will open Configuration object editing window(a kind of constructor for creating a directory).

The configuration object editing window is designed to quickly create new configuration objects. The data entry sequence is designed in such a way that previous data can serve as the basis for subsequent data entry. Movement is controlled by the buttons at the bottom of the window "Next" and "Back". At each step, you are asked to enter a group of logically related data. You can also move through the steps by clicking on the corresponding tab (Main, Subsystems, Functional options, etc.).

11. In the first step (tab), set the “Name” of our directory (identifier), for example, “Positions”. After entering the Name, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard, or move the mouse to the next field. Based on the “Name”, the system will automatically create a “Synonym”.

The name of the object (in our case, the directory) is an important and required property of any configuration object. This is what will be used when writing program code in the 1C language. The name cannot be corrected just like that, since all places in the program where this directory is used will also have to be corrected.

Take the directory "Name" very seriously. The name should be concise, understandable, reflecting the essence of the directory, for example: “Countries”, “Employees”, “Products”, etc.

The names of configuration objects, details, variables, procedures and functions in 1C can contain letters of the Russian and English alphabets (lowercase and uppercase), underscores and numeric characters. The name cannot begin with numbers.

Any configuration object also has the "Synonym" property. It is intended to store an “alternative name” of a configuration object (in our case, a directory). It is this that will be used in the interface elements of our program, that is, it will be shown to the user. There are no restrictions for “Synonym” and it can be set in a readable form, for example, “List of positions”, etc.

Each directory has two predefined (predefined) fields “Code” and “Name”. You can edit the length of the name, the length of the code, and the type of code: “Number” or “String”.

13. Close the "Positions" directory editing window.

14. Let's create a new directory "Employees" (see point 10).

Set the directory name (identifier) ​​to "Employees".

Set the name length to 100 characters.

We will store the employee's full name in the name. Sometimes there are quite long first and last names, so 100 characters is just right.

15. In this directory, in addition to the already specified fields (Code and Name), we will have several more fields (details, attributes). Now the list of additional details (fields) is empty. Click the "Add" button.

As a result, a window for editing props properties (properties palette) will open. By the way, props, attribute and field are basically the same thing. It’s just that in 1C terminology it is customary to use “props”.

16. Set the attribute name in the properties palette to “Position”. Specify the type of attribute - “DirectoryLink.Positions”, which we created earlier. This means that the values ​​of this attribute will be selected from the “Positions” directory. Close the properties palette window.

17. Create the "Salary" attribute (type Number, Length 10, Accuracy 2). For a value of the "Number" type, the precision indicates the number of decimal places (in our case, 2 decimal places).

18. Create the details of Admission Date and Dismissal Date (Date type).

19. Now we have two directories and we can enter some data.

Let's update the database configuration (save all the changes we made to the configuration). This can be done using the program menu (Configuration – Update database configuration), or the corresponding icon on the toolbar, or the F7 key.

Since we edited (changed) the structure of the information base, 1C will analyze these changes and show a window with a list of them. Click the "Accept" button.

20. Start the system in 1C:Enterprise mode. This can be done directly from the Configurator by clicking on the toolbar or the F5 key. The 1C:Enterprise window will appear.

21. Open the Positions directory. To do this, click in the navigation panel (on the left side of the application window) on the inscription (link) Positions. A directory window will open.

22. Enter multiple positions using the INS button or key. For example, director, accountant, programmer.

Please note that codes are assigned automatically, although they can be edited. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the uniqueness of the codes. Uniqueness parameters can be configured in the configurator; for example, you can completely disable code uniqueness control.

By default, sorting is set by Name. This allows you to type the first letters of the job title, and the cursor will automatically move to the desired position. You can also set another type of sorting: by code or by details. To do this, just left-click on the name (title) of the attribute.

23. Open the Employees directory.

24. Get some employees. For example, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich is a director, Petrov Petr Petrovich is an accountant, Sidorov Sergey Sergeevich is a programmer. We only fill out the details Name (full name) and Position. Please note that when you specify a position, the Positions directory opens. To save a new directory item (new entry), click “Save and close”.

25. Close the 1C:Enterprise window and return to Configurator mode.

In real life, the hiring of an employee is carried out using the personnel document “Order for Hiring”. This is what we will implement in Part 2 of our Step-by-Step Example.

Modern management accounting is unthinkable without computer programs. Often the success of implementation is influenced not by how well you have thought through all the details of accounting, but by what platform it will be implemented on.

An economist who is fluent in working only in the Excel spreadsheet editor deprives himself of the opportunity to make an informed decision when choosing a platform.

We'll tell you how to develop an application solution in the 1C system and take another step towards the coveted title of a professional in your field.

An economist often encounters data or documents that are not recorded in standard application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform or implemented databases. In this situation, you can aggregate information in a spreadsheet editor, but Excel is great for consolidating, processing and analyzing already accumulated data, but to reflect the facts of an enterprise’s economic activity, the author recommends using other software products.

Let's look at how to create an application solution based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

Let's assume that the enterprise has four production divisions (workshop 1, 2, 3, 4). Every month, the economist receives reports with data on the consumption of electricity and water for each of the workshops based on meter readings.

We will develop a configuration that will allow us to accumulate this information and display it in a report with details by departments and resources at the end of the year.

This solution will be the simplest, but its creation will allow the economist to understand the “mechanics of operation” of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and will improve his understanding of such software systems from the 1C company as SCP and ERP.

For your information

Knowledge of the basics of 1C programming gives a bonus to a specialist in the financial and economic service when drawing up technical specifications for finalizing existing solutions or solutions created from scratch.

Before you begin directly creating the configuration, you need to install the 1C:Enterprise platform itself on your computer. There are 2 ways to do this:

1) seek help from system administrators (programmers) of the enterprise and install a licensed product (if available);

2) use the free training kit “1C:Enterprise 8.3. Version for teaching programming,” which can be downloaded from the Internet or purchased from a partner company of 1C.

This version of the program has a number of limitations, but this will not prevent you from creating a working configuration and testing it.

The program is installed and we can move on to the next step. Let's think about what objects the future configuration will consist of. We will be working with multiple departments and resources, so we will need “storages” for these values.

If you have already used 1C company products, then you guessed that you need to create two directories.

Facts of economic activity in ordinary life are reflected in documents. Objects with similar names are also present in the configuration, so let’s create one document that will indicate:

  • a period of time;
  • type of resource;
  • its consumption during the month;
  • resource unit price;
  • sum.

We will need a data accounting mechanism, this will be an accumulation register. Finally, based on it, we will build a report using the built-in capabilities of the program. All additional objects for our configuration will be created as we work.

We launch the program and add an information base by clicking the button Add. In the next window we will agree to create a new database. Select an item Creation of an information base without configuration for developing a new configuration or loading a previously unloaded infobase, indicate the name Resource accounting and the directory where the database will be stored. In the next step we will not change anything, but simply press the button Ready.

If you did everything correctly, the new information base will appear in the list.

Choose Resource accounting and launch Configurator. Open the configuration tree using the menu: ConfigurationOpen configuration(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Configuration tree

By clicking the left mouse button, select Directories and, having called the context menu, press Add(key Insert). We indicate the name for our first directory - Divisions.

Let's fill in the synonym, it will be used in the program interface and shown to the user - Divisions. Similarly, let's create another directory with the name Types of Resources and synonym Types of resources.

It's time to save the results of our work. Go to the program menu, select DebuggingStart debugging. We agree with the proposal to update the database and accept the changes in the structure of the configuration information.

Pavel Grishenkov,
independent consultant-expert on Excel spreadsheet editor

The material is published partially. You can read it in full in the magazine

Below we will describe in detail the process of installing a standard configuration in the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 system, using the Enterprise Accounting solution as an example. Installation of a typical configuration occurs in two stages, first the configuration template is installed, and then a new database is created from the installed template.

Installing a template.

To add a new template, a special configuration installation program (distribution) is required. You can download the installation program from the ITS disk or from the 1C:Enterprise user support website.

Open the directory with the standard configuration installation program and run the setup.exe file.

The configuration installer will start. Click “Next” on the initial installation window.

Now select the directory where the template will be stored. Having selected the required directory, click “Next”.

We wait for the installation to complete and click “Finish” to complete the wizard.

Creating a new database from a template

Now let's create a new database from the installed template. But first, let’s point the launcher to the directory containing the configuration templates. To do this, launch the “1C:Enterprise” client, click “Settings” in the infobase selection window, in the launch dialog settings window that opens, add our directory of configuration templates (you can add several directories) and click “OK”, saving the entered values.

The Add Infobase/Group Wizard will open. If you are creating a new information base, select the appropriate switch (already selected by default) and click “Next”.

In the next window we will see a list of templates installed in the previously specified directory. For an installed template, there are 2 options for creating an information base - new (clean) database , And databases with demo data to demonstrate configuration options. (If you plan to create an infobase for subsequent loading of data into it from an upload file (*.dt) or to develop a new configuration, then you need to select the “Create an infobase without configuration...” item.) Select the option we need and click “Next”.

Enter the name of the database (as it will be displayed in the list) and select the type of infobase location - file (on the user’s computer or local network) or client-server (on the 1C:Enterprise server). In this example, select the file version of the work by checking the appropriate switch and click “Next”.

Specify the path to the location of the database files and click “Next” again.

On the last page we indicate the launch parameters for the database being added. If the configuration version differs from the 1C version (for example, the configuration is for version 8.2, but you need to run from a version 8.3 client), you should change this parameter. Having decided on the parameters, click “Finish” to complete the wizard, after which the process of creating a new database will begin, which may take some time.