Copywriting exchanges - buying and selling articles. You started LiveJournal

When writing every blog post, I use a 5-step system. As a result, search engines (Google and Yandex) send me tens of thousands of readers every month.

Step 1: Study (1 hour)

Start with a topic. For example, the topic of this post is “how to write a blog post”. So, even before writing a single word, I devote about an hour to research:

Keyword Analysis

Once you have chosen a topic, focus on finding keywords for it. To analyze potential ideas, I use the Google Keyword Tool.

Now take your topic and isolate your main query/keyword, because you want your article to rank for the query that people actually use, and not based on your own best guesses. Try to find a phrase/keyword with enough searches (300 or more per month) and relatively low competition (30,000 or less pages on Google when you enter your phrase in quotation marks).

When I started doing keyword research for this post, I checked the queries: "how to write a blog post", "how to write a blog post", "write an article". Through this, I found that "how to write a blog post" is another good keyword for this topic.

Competition analysis

When you have a few good keywords, make a request for them in search engines (Google, Yandex). It is necessary:

  1. To see real results.

It's helpful to see the titles and descriptions for posts that are on the first page, looking at them you can discover new ideas on how to improve your article.

  1. To read what others have written.

Your goal is to turn your blog post into a definitive resource for that keyword phrase. The best way to include different points of view on the topic you are going to raise in your post is to take inspiration from what other people have already written.

Selection of keywords

After I hit the four keywords for this post and read a few articles (some of them were not very good), I chose the main and secondary keywords for this post.

  • Main request:
    • how to write a blog post
  • Secondary key phrases:
    • how to write an article for a blog
    • instructions for writing a blog post

Step 2. Brainstorming and structuring (30 minutes)

The first step in my brainstorming process is to create a headline based on the primary and secondary keywords. As you can see, the main and secondary keywords are present in the title:

“How to write an article for a website / blog - step by step instructions”

I started with the title because it gives me the opportunity to reveal the content of the article.

Break the text into subheadings

Once the title is checked, you can start structuring the subtitles for the blog post. Depending on how deep the topic will be covered, you can use the first and second level of subheadings. The first level of subheadings in this post are the steps, and the second level subheadings act like a quick scan so you can understand the meaning of the section without even reading it. If you're using WordPress as your content management system, you can use the Table of Contents Plus plugin to automatically create headers.

Step 3: Writing (3 hours)

Of the six hours it usually takes me to create a blog post, I spend only half on the actual writing.

Engage readers with an introduction

After the title, the introduction is the most important part of the post. If you manage to grab the attention of readers and convince them of the importance of reading the post, they will read your article. If you don't succeed, they won't read. In this post, I emphasized the importance of reading by ending the introduction with the bonuses that can be obtained by following this step-by-step instruction - "tens of thousands of visitors monthly."

Fill in the subsections

Once you've written the subheadings first, writing the article itself will be as simple as filling out a form with an explanation under each subheading. At the end of each subsection, I try to include a picture, a long quote, or a list to make it more readable.

End it all with a conclusion

There are three purposes for which a conclusion is written:

  • 1. Re-emphasize the main points of the article - What should readers remember? How should they feel after reading?
  • 2. Establish a logical connection with the introduction - If you pitched a creative idea in the intro, come back to it in the conclusion to mention it again.
  • 3. Encourage them to take action - I am convinced that the best call to action is to encourage the reader to follow your advice. So end your post with a call to action that motivates them to do so.

Edit the content

Now it's time to read the entire article to get a holistic view of the content. Make sure it effectively communicates exactly the message you want to convey to the reader. You will edit the grammar and style of the sentences later.

Step4: Accommodation (30 minutes)

Now, after you have written a post - preferably in a Word program (Microsoft Word), transfer it to your site in the "add post" section. When posting an article, there are five things to keep in mind:

  • metadata.

Based on your keyword research, add "title" and "description" meta tags. WordPressSEObyYOAST is a great WordPress blog SEO plugin.

  • Category

Choose a relevant category for your post.

  • Tags

Add tags to link this post to previous posts on your blog that discuss similar topics.

  • excerpts

If you are using excerpts/quotes in a topic, write a short description of the post, a paragraph describing the main idea.

  • Custom fields

If you are using custom fields, please enable them.

Step 5: Editing (1 hour)

Now, having placed the post on the site, let's start editing and accessorizing:

1. Edit your grammar

Select "Visual Editor" to edit the post as it will appear on the site. During this editing stage, focus on grammatical errors, typos, and syntax.

2. Pick a picture for the post

To search for images, you can use to search the Creative Commons section of Flickr. Find a photo you like and don't forget to credit the author. If it will be a post thumbnail, place it as the post thumbnail.

3. Add additional pictures

I illustrated Step 1 additional screenshot from Google Keyword Tool results. I created these images at this point and uploaded them to the post.

4. Put down internal and external links

Link to two or three previous posts because it's good for internal SEO and keeping people on your site. Then, if I think the reader should benefit from some external resource or tool (like, I link to them.

5 Make final edits

Edit the post finally, with all the inserted images.


I understand that this process may seem tedious and time consuming to some, and you may not want to start it. However, I can tell you that I've done this exactly for almost every blog post I've written in the last three years. As a result, search engines send tens of thousands of visitors to my sites. So, instead of cramming 10-15 short posts that are written in a hurry and are unlikely to attract any traffic, take a little more time to write 2-3 serious posts. By publishing useful articles, you make the Internet a little better 🙂

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Good afternoon, my new and regular blog readers!

I am still new to blogging, so I want to share and tell you about an interesting moment, and the topic of my article today is… where to buy articles for a blog?

Where to buy articles for the site cheap

Let's honestly admit to ourselves that many who would like to create and start blogging are stopped by the thought that you need to be able to write articles and know how to do it! It stops a lot of people!

To be honest, I am not one of the timid, but I also had such an idea, but what can I write, how to write, about what, and a dozen more thoughts were flying in my head at that moment! But, the desire to start and really wanted to try to test yourself and create your own blog!

All of you are well aware that everything does not work out right away, but the first step has been taken, the second, third have been written, and I assure you, my readers, this is very captivating and addictive!

Yes, the first articles turned out the way they are! But I tried, gained experience, did an analysis, looked closely at how other bloggers write and what they write about!

I read interesting and necessary literature on the topic of how to write articles and studied on my own, I find it interesting and I like it! So, in my opinion, I was a little carried away from our topic today ....

Buy ready-made articles for the site

There are options: that there is not enough time to write a new article! And you have to see that on your blog is the last date of the article and it's been two weeks, or even a month! It doesn't improve your mood, does it!

Another option: that the topics for a new article, by no means, come to your mind or creativity has dried up ... for some period of time. Sometimes it happens!

There is an opinion and this is the statement of well-known bloggers that you need to write at least three articles a week, so that in a year your blog would gain an article-information mass on your topic and become visited! Not everyone can withstand such a rhythm of new articles, especially beginners!

I myself, this summer, was in such a situation that I wrote one article a month, and it’s the same as marking time, 1-2 readers per day will quietly peacefully enter your blog! Ask yourself honestly do you want this? I personally do not, so the question arose? How to get out of this situation?

Buy articles on the eTXT freelance exchange

I found a way out! There is a great exchange where you can buy blog articles when I registered there, I found so many interesting articles for my blog!

On this exchange of articles, you have different options: buying ready-made texts, the ability to find an artist. Give him the task of writing for you a unique article on your topic!

On the exchange of unique articles professional writers work! You will be able to see their rating and reviews about them from those who have already used their services for more than one year!

Another plus of this exchange is that the prices for the purchase of finished articles start at 30 rubles, the average price of an article is from 80-190 rubles, everything depends on the volume of the article!

You know, I don’t urge you to completely go on buying articles for the blog, but for myself I decided that I will occasionally use the services of this exchange of ready-made and unique articles!


Thus, your article will turn out even more interesting and lively! This addition will take you a couple of minutes, and the effect of the article will be much higher and more interesting!

And so, summing up today's article, I recommend that you register on this exchange, both you and your blog will always be filled with articles, will live and delight your new readers!

Your blog traffic will grow and your mood to write yourself will inspire new and interesting articles!


Thank you for visiting my blog and reading the article to the end! I will be glad to your interesting comments, I will answer them with pleasure!

Your aspiring blogger, Alexander Gavrin.

It's no secret that unique content is needed to successfully promote a blog or website. It is unique content that can significantly increase the position of a blog or website in search results, and also enable the resource to avoid sanctions from search engines. Consider methods for obtaining unique content for your blog or website.

So, where to get unique articles for a blog or website.

1. Copywriting

The first method and the most important method is copywriting. If you are good at a certain topic, then why not write texts for your site yourself. This will blow your mind and save you some money on promotion. At the same time, it takes a lot of time to write articles, and knowledge of the Russian language. However, if you have a deep enough knowledge of the topic, then this is probably the most promising way to develop your blog. In fact, proper blogging is copywriting. I think my article will help in this -. I tried to describe in it the main points of creating a correct article.

2. Buying articles

Another way is to buy articles. Here things are much faster than with copywriting. You just go to the article exchange, which you can choose, prepared by me, select the topic you are interested in and buy an article. Fast, high quality, unique. But it is expensive and VERY expensive, but high quality. Although I myself prefer copywriting.

3. Scanner

The next method is a scanner. Do you have an interesting book at home that you can use to make a website? Try to “scan” it, if it is unique, then you will get a lot of unique and high-quality content. If there is no book, then a passport and the city library will help, there is always unique content there - checked! This method is suitable for those people who have no money, a scanner and a lot of patience! Don't forget that if it's someone else's work, you'll have to give credit if you don't want to get in trouble with copyright law in the future.

4. Rewriting

Find a feature article on the Internet, read it (or don't read it) and describe everything you read in your own words, or simply edit the text, replacing words with synonyms. - free, reliable, but requires a lot of time and knowledge of the native language.

5. Translation

Take an English-language thematic text (or Russian) and translate it. If English (and indeed any language), then just translate it. If Russian, then first translate it into another language, then again into Russian. Uniqueness is almost always 100%, but readability is sometimes upsetting, and much more so. Therefore, be sure to adapt the text after it is translated.

6. Spring.Yandex

Spring.Yandex. The spring search engine service is designed to create automatically generated abstracts on a given topic. The abstract is suitable, perhaps, for the mentally retarded or geniuses, but do we need uniqueness? There you can get it quickly and for free.

Here are 6 main methods for getting unique content. Definitely don't hire Dan Brown or Sergey Minaev to write your texts, although if your project is very profitable, go for it!

For a blog to be visited by thousands of people a day or a month, you need to write articles. Moreover, articles should be interesting and useful for users. The question always arises before a novice blogger, how to write articles for a blog that will be read by thousands of people?

Most bloggers write about the same topics and use the same styles, and they tend to blend into one another. If you want to be noticed, then you have to do not like everyone else.

You have to learn how to write blog articles correctly. Write interesting headlines, use attractive visual effects (photos, videos, tables, screenshots), master the art of promotion.

Who will you be writing blog posts for?

Before you start writing articles, you must understand who they will be intended for. You need to identify your target audience and understand their intentions. If you don't know who the articles are for, then the blog will fail.

Search engine algorithms are very complex, gone are the days when it was enough to write a few keywords, and the text got to the first places of issue. Choosing the right keywords remains an important factor, but not the only one.

Let's assume that you know your audience. Now you need to identify their pains and needs. When a person has a problem, he wants to solve it with a request to Yandex or Google.

Use words from a search engine

You have identified key phrases, now your task is to write such an article that it completely covers the needs of the visitor. This means that the visitor must find on your article all the answers to their questions.

If the visitor continued to search on other sites, then for search engines, this is a signal that your article does not fully solve the need and therefore it does not belong in the first positions in the search results.

This means writing articles for people first! Do not try to fool the search engines, they are very smart and look at hundreds of factors, including behavioral.

  • Read also:

Create an attractive headline

To stand out from the crowd of other bloggers, learn how to create outstanding headlines! Before a visitor gets to an article on your blog, he has to make a choice among other blogs.