Create a custom list form using SharePoint Designer. Working with the Task Form in SharePoint Designer for New Task Actions For Web Site Administrators and Information Technology Managers: Enabling Web Site Management

For various elements of a one-page site in the program SharePoint Designer? Of course, when you have already made a website, it is pointless to connect new ones. Therefore, let's create a new file through the menu item File - Create . And immediately open the html code to better see the changes that will occur in it in the course of your work.

Press Format - Create Style , or select the appropriate option in the window Style Management . in the window Choice value: select from the drop down list body. Leave Define in: current page. And define for the entire site: font, size, color, and so on. For example, you can choose

f ont-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 18px
(write in the field manually);
font-weight: bold;
choose dark blue.

When you select a color, a color code appears in the box. If desired, the code of the desired color can be registered manually. Click OK. In the website's html code CSS style sheet the following appears:

body (
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 18px;
color: #000080;

Now switch to Constructor and try to write something. You will see that the text will be dark blue, bold, 18px, Arial font.

If you switch back to The code, you will see that the visible text you just wrote is surrounded by tags

And there are no extra codes directly in the visible part of the site: all formatting is in the CSS style sheet separately from the text.

Based on this, the site creation algorithm will be as follows. First you create tables, write text, put pictures and other elements of the site, but do not format anything. Once you've got everything set up, you start creating a CSS style sheet for the entire site, and for its various elements. At the same time, you are looking at Constructor and in the browser, what changes occur on the site. And only then, when it is really necessary, you prescribe formatting for various elements by highlighting them.

Let's work with the CSS style sheet some more and see what possibilities open up before us.

In field: Choice value: You can apply CSS style to the entire document (body), link (a), heading (h1 to h6), table (table) and so on, there are a lot of choices. You can also create in this field, and then assign them to various fragments of your site.

On the left you will see the field Categories. When you click on any of the categories, a set of attributes corresponding to that category opens. These attributes are a huge selection. Almost all the features of the CSS style sheet are in front of you. Try, learn CSS styles, and put into practice: the SharePoint Designer program gives good tips for those who are at least a little familiar with CSS styles.

How, for example, to set the color and background image for the site? In the field Selection value: choose body, then choose a category Background, and choose a background color (background-color) and a background image (background-image). The image file, of course, should be in the site folder. By the way, always choose the background color to match the main color of the background image, because when the image does not load immediately, it is the background color that will be visible at first until the image is loaded. In the same place you can set the immobility property for the background, if you choose background-attachment: fixed .

And if you want to make all the links on your site turn red when you hover over them with the mouse. you need to do the following: in the field Selection value: choose a: hover is a link with the cursor hovered over it. And in the category Font select color: red. After you do this, in CSS style sheet another style will appear:

a: hover (
color: #FF0000;

CSS styles You can not only add new ones, but also edit existing ones. To edit go to Format - CSS Styles - Manage Styles . On the right you will see this window: Style Management : in it you will see the CSS styles that are on the site. Right click on the desired style and select Change style . A window appears in which you can add a new attribute to the style, or remove or edit an already added attribute.

For example, let's edit the style a: hover that you have already created. in the window Style Management right click on it and choose Style Management , and in the window that opens, add a new attribute. Let it be an increased font size. Select font-size: xx-large. Click OK. Save the changes and see what happens in the browser: the color of the link should increase when you hover over it with the mouse.

And if you, for example, do not want links to be underlined, you need in the box Choice value: select a:link- just a link. Then in category Fonts choose text-decoration: none e(put the bird in the appropriate box).

Video on how to work with a CSS style sheet in SharePoint Designer

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This time, I needed to make changes to the forms of the standard SharePoint "ovsky list. There are three types of such forms, and you all know them very well:

  1. DisplayForm - display form of the list item
  2. EditForm - form for changing a list item
  3. NewForm - form for creating a new list item
Due to the large number of fields in one of our lists, I wanted to spread these fields into tabs. Moreover, I also wanted the following:
  1. To retain the ability to add new fields to the list
  2. To be able to move fields from one tab to another, and change their order
  3. For fields to be rendered by standard means
In order to determine if fields belong to tabs, I dug up a way to add custom data to SPField, and created a nice jquery interface so that the user can do this. But then things suddenly stalled: it turned out that people everywhere use dirty js hacks for such purposes, and this method categorically did not suit me!

And now, after a lot of research and searching on the Internet, I finally managed to understand how this is done correctly, and bring to life just such a beautiful form:

As you can see, some of the fields (name and photo) are rendered in a special way here. The remaining fields are rendered in the usual way, but divided into tabs (the user can change the order of the fields and the belonging of the fields to different tabs).

In general, the functionality, in my opinion, is very interesting, and in this post I will describe the approach to such changes.

How everyone does

It turned out that when it comes to list forms, most SharePoint developers use extremely dubious approaches:

  1. Creating a new form in the form of an aspx page, which is placed in _layouts. The form is completely "custom", and if you add a field to the list, you will have to manually add this field to the form as well...
  2. Javascript and jquery hacks. For example, such well-known projects as Virto Ajax List Form Extender and SPServices actually parse the content of the page with the form already after download it, and then make their changes.
I didn't like any of these approaches.

The creation of a completely new form generally came from SharePoint Designer, that is, this is a handicraft solution, a solution for system administrators.

As for jquery, this is a typical client-side approach, replete with its own disadvantages:

  • In such solutions, most often even with the naked eye you can see that at first the form is loaded in its usual form, and after a moment it changes (for example, tabs are added, etc.). The more fields, the better it is visible.
  • jQuery uses a mechanism that in a professional environment is called screen scraping (screen scraping, data scraping), and even the word itself smells bad! In fact, the script parses the HTML code or searches for elements of the DOM model according to some signs - in any case, these signs are not officially declared anywhere, and no one guarantees that after the next update of SharePoint, your code will remain functional.

After some time of searching, I realized that if something helps me, then only the RenderingTemplate mechanism. This mechanism allows you to set the so-called. list form display templates for content types (SPContentType class, EditFormTemplateName , NewFormTemplateName , and DisplayFormTemplateName properties).

RenderingTemplate is a regular ASP.Net control that implements the ITemplate interface and allows you to set a template for displaying a list form. A bunch of RenderingTemplates are in the file 14\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES\DefaultTemplates.ascx. Among them, there is also a template named List Form, which is the standard template for displaying all list forms.

Template centerpiece List Form is a ListFieldIterator control. Actually, it also displays all fields. And interestingly, you can inherit from it, and then override the Render method to change the display as we please.


When we override the Render method in the newly created ListFieldIterator descendant, the question immediately arises: how to render fields? Where can we get information about what fields we have, what their values ​​are, and so on. It turned out that everything is very simple, and is solved using the collection SPContext.Current.FormContext. FieldControlCollection. This collection stores objects of type BaseFieldControl , each of which contains, among other things, the Field and ItemFieldValue properties that allow you to get any information about the field, and the value of this field.

Also, each of these controls has a RenderControl method, thanks to which they can be easily displayed by regular means, exactly the same as SharePoint would do.

Below is a templated example of a child class ListFieldIterator :

public class CustomFieldIterator : ListFieldIterator ( protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) ( foreach (BaseFieldControl fieldControl in SPContext .Current.FormContext.FieldControlCollection) ( if (fieldControl.Field == null ) continue ; // little hack, if not used, // IsFieldExcluded will always return true, // because considers that the control is already there, and again // no need to add it. fieldControl.Visible = false ; if (!this .IsFieldExcluded(fieldControl.Field)) ( output.AddAttribute("class" , "my-field" ); output.AddAttribute("id" , "field" + fieldControl.FieldName); output.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag .div);output.Indent++; // Restore visibility and render control fieldControl.Visible = true ; fieldControl.RenderControl(output); output.Indent--; output.RenderEndTag(); ) ) ) )

In this fragment, however, there is no drawing of titles and field descriptions, but let this be your homework :)

By the way, this approach opens up a great many possibilities, if you think about it ...

Sample project

A project demonstrating the method described above is available for download.

P.S. My research was largely based on Vitaliy Baum's article Extending ListFieldIterator , thank you very much for this article!

Actually, it describes almost the same result that I got, only Vitaliy combined the fields not into tabs, but into sections:

In addition, information about sections was stored by Vitaly in the content type schema, and not attached to the fields, which imposed some restrictions and inconveniences.

But in general, the article is fragmentary, to be honest. The code snippets are very sparse, it was extremely difficult for me to navigate through them, I had to get to almost everything myself.

Overall, I hope my post will shed even more light on this very valid direction.

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 offers a set of tools that let you automate business processes, build powerful applications on top of the Microsoft SharePoint platform, and tailor your SharePoint site to your needs - all in a managed information technology environment.


Build solutions faster to improve team productivity and efficiency.

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 allows you to create and distribute applications on the SharePoint platform without having to write any code.

  • The ability to automate business processes such as document approval, event notification, and other collaborative tasks using Workflow Designer.
  • Build reporting and tracking applications with data viewers and forms that make it easy to collect and display data from external sources outside of your site, and from SharePoint lists and document libraries located on your site.
  • Get started faster with built-in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services application templates that are fully customizable and extensible with Office SharePoint Designer 2007.
  • The ability to extend your solutions by creating enhanced interactive Microsoft ASP.NET pages. The ability to insert and edit controls using powerful action menus and a property control grid previously only available in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development tools.

Workflow Designer enables you to automate business processes, such as automating task assignments and notifications associated with SharePoint lists and document libraries, by setting custom conditions and workflow activities and linking them to SharePoint data.

Design informative SharePoint sites for your organization's needs

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 provides the professional design tools you need to create stunning SharePoint pages that are compatible with most browsers. Enjoy intuitive authoring with a high-quality WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, quickly format SharePoint pages with style sheet (CSS) tools, easily change the layout and format of your website with the full support for ASP.NET master pages.

Manage your master pages with professional design tools that give you easy control over styles, layout, and format.

For Web Site Administrators and Information Technology Managers: Providing Web Site Management

Web site administrators and information technology managers can keep a close eye on how Office SharePoint Designer 2007 is being used to provide a managed and controlled environment for information workers. Set Contributor Settings for each user role defined on your SharePoint site and control access to special actions such as making changes to master pages and CSS. Determine how pages, files, and folders are used, quickly roll back changes made within your site, and ensure that your site is properly managed, browser compatible, and Internet accessible.

Use the Contributor Settings dialog box to manage contributor groups, manage editable areas, and more.

New in version

Interactive solutions that do not require writing code

With Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you can quickly and easily create complex no-code solutions such as data views, reports, and workflow controls using menus, task panes, and templates.

Incorporate data from a variety of sources into interactive web pages

With Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you can create custom data views and data forms that make better use of Microsoft ASP.NET technologies and support the integration of external data into a Web site, including views that display data from multiple sources.

Let's say your organization has a product database and a customer database, and you want to display product information on a SharePoint site. This can be done quickly and easily by creating a view for this data. If you want to create a web page that displays which customers have ordered which products, you can combine two data sources - two databases in our example - so that you can view this information in one common view of the data. Moreover, this view of the data can be used as a form so that data can be entered into these data sources.

Access to a variety of data sources from the data source library

Data views can be created from numerous data sources, including the following.

  • RSS feeds Add RSS feeds to the data source library and create data views using RSS feeds as data sources.
  • XML files Add XML files to your data source library and create data views that display XML data.
  • Office XML Documents Create data views from 2007 Microsoft Office system documents. For example, create a view from data from Microsoft Office Word 2007 documents using the new XML-based file format as the data source.

Creation of visual and informative reports

Tools such as calculated fields and conditional formatting, as well as sorting, grouping, and filtering capabilities, help you create visual and informative reports as data views. For example, in a data view, you can use conditional formatting to highlight items in a warehouse that are below a certain level and need to be reordered.

Collaborate more effectively with the built-in workflow designer

Conditions and actions can be associated with tasks, lists, and document libraries to automate organization-specific communication. For example, you can create a workflow that automatically submits documents published to a site for approval. With the workflow designer, you can drill down the document approval process into actions that depend on which documents are approved or rejected, or provided in case the recipients of the document are out of the office and have delegated their authority to colleagues.

Apply SharePoint application templates

To share data more effectively, you can use embedded application Web sites such as Travel Accounting and Vacation and Time Off Management. Each application template can be customized and extended using Office SharePoint Designer 2007. (For links to other sample application Web sites, see see also. These applications are designed for use with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. Applications for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 will be available later.)

Creating Interactive ASP.NET Pages

You can create ASP.NET pages and add custom ASP.NET controls to them using powerful control action menus and a control property sheet like those provided in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

Professional development tools

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 includes professional authoring tools that let you create first-class SharePoint sites that are customized for specific purposes.

Ease of visual development

You can view and edit SharePoint pages using advanced technologies based on the WYSIWYG - "what you see is what you get" principle.

Format pages quickly and easily using the powerful tools of Cascading Style Sheets.

New cascading style sheet features such as task panes Apply styles And Style Management make applying and managing style sheets faster and easier.

New Cascading Style Sheets task panes make it easy to edit and update a SharePoint style sheet.

Use ASP.NET master pages to maintain a consistent site appearance.

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 supports ASP.NET master pages, which you can use to control the layout of an entire site by creating and modifying a single template.

Integration with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 includes an entirely new set of features that both users and administrators of the Office SharePoint Server 2007 portal site can take advantage of to create and extend portal sites and pages in a way that has never been possible before.

Easily Customize Portal Site Pages

Portal sites in Office SharePoint Server 2007 can be fully customized using Office SharePoint Designer 2007. A SharePoint style sheet can be edited using the most advanced cascading style sheet editing tools.

Enhance business documentation workflows

With the Workflow Designer in Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you can extend the built-in business documentation workflows in Office SharePoint Server 2007 or create custom workflows from scratch.

Create custom views of enterprise data

With Office SharePoint Server 2007 Business Data Catalog and Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Data Views, you can do the following:

  • Create custom views of important business data, and even create data views that combine information from different data sources.
  • Use conditional formatting to draw attention to important information.
  • Use XSLT transformation data forms to easily and quickly create, update, and display data.

Advanced control options

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 can be used by site administrators and IT leaders to manage access levels to provide a consistent experience for users across the site.

Using Correspondent Mode

By defining control levels for team members according to their roles, you can control which Office SharePoint Designer 2007 commands users can access and what types of changes users can make to a SharePoint site. In correspondent mode, you can perform the following actions.

  • Create user groups and assign specific permissions to them.
  • Create user groups that have edit access only to the specified scopes and content types.
  • Restrict who can create and modify master pages, modify cascading style sheets, and edit and delete the site's home page.
  • Control which master pages and style sheets can be used to create pages, and in which folders site contributors can save their files.

Better website management

Tools and reports are available for a wide variety of host maintenance tasks, including checking hyperlinks, using cascading style sheets, and more.

Customized Page Tracking

You can easily track customized pages using the Site Template Pages report. With it, you can view a list of pages that have been customized, indicating the names and types of files, as well as the folders in which the files are located.

Restoring Previous Versions

You can use the command Template Page Recovery and the Site Template Pages report for restoring previous versions of a page. Making changes to a live site is now free of potential issues. If unwanted changes have been saved, you can restore previous versions of the same page with a single click of a button.

Office Diagnostic Center

The Microsoft Office Diagnostic Center is a series of diagnostic tests that help determine the cause of computer crashes. Diagnostic tests can fix problems directly, or they can indicate how to fix them. The Microsoft Office Diagnostics Center replaces Microsoft Office 2003 tools such as the Find and Repair command and the Microsoft Office Application Repair Tool.

Means of verification

Some of the new features in the spell checker are listed below.

  • The spelling checker has become more consistent across programs in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Here are a few examples of this change.
    • Some spell checking features are now global. When you change one of these settings in one Office application, it also changes for all other Office applications.
    • All applications can not only use the same shared dictionaries, but also manage them using the same dialog box.
  • Spell Checker The 2007 Microsoft Office system includes a new French dictionary. In Microsoft Office 2003, this tool had to be installed separately.
  • The first time a language is used, an exception dictionary is automatically created for it. With this dictionary, the spell checker can flag words that should be avoided. Thus, words that are vulgar or do not correspond to the current style can be excluded from the text.

System requirements

The following hardware is required to use Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007:



Computer and processor with a frequency of at least 700 megahertz (MHz)
Memory RAM at least 512 megabytes (MB)
Hard disk space 1.5 gigabytes (GB). Part of the disk space will be freed up after installation by removing the original boot package from it.
Disc reader CD or DVD drive
Screen with a resolution of at least 1024x768
Operating system Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later 1
Other SharePoint site customization, workflow development, and application building require Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Internet Explorer 6.0 or later, 32-bit browser only. Internet functionality requires an Internet connection (fees may apply). Requires network access.

Additionally Actual product requirements and functionality may vary depending on system configuration and operating system.

1 The Office Cleanup Wizard is not available on 64-bit operating systems.

Chapter 4 Working with Lists

In this chapter you will learn:

View the lists that exist on the host by default;

Create new lists;

Add, modify, delete and restore list items;

Use a data table view;

Attach files to list items;

Add, modify and remove list columns;

Sort and filter lists;

Add and modify list views;

Set up alerts;

Use RSS feeds;

Enable sending email messages for lists and libraries;

Delete lists;

Restore lists.

Lists used by Windows SharePoint Services can be thought of as spreadsheets that are used by multiple users at the same time over the Internet. SharePoint lists are resizable, web-based tables that facilitate multi-user collaboration through a centralized, extensible set of columns and rows. Lists allow users to organize their own stores of structured information, the elements of which are represented by rows consisting of columns with labels. All the web pages required to create, view, update, and delete lists are automatically and dynamically generated by Windows SharePoint Services.

Advice. Unstructured information is typically stored in a document library as documents with associated columns. Document libraries are discussed in detail in Chapters 5 and 6.

In this chapter, you will examine the default lists that already exist on the site, create new lists, and modify existing ones. Depending on which template is used to create the node, some lists (such as Notices , Developments And Links) are created automatically and are immediately ready for use. However, automatically generated lists do not always meet user needs. Therefore, this chapter focuses on web pages that allow you not only to modify existing lists, but also to create your own.

Attention! Before using the tutorial nodes provided for this chapter, you must install them from the CD that accompanies this book. See "Using the CD" for more information.

Attention! Remember that in the exercises, instead of http://wideworldimporters, you should use the address of a server that you can access.

Standard Lists

Windows SharePoint Services has many standard lists. When you need to create a list, you can use the standard list templates by using the Create command from the Site Actions menu to generate a new list with a static set of predefined columns. or remove most of the columns created by default, even if data has already been added to the list.The built-in SharePoint list templates are described in the following table.

As discussed in Chapter 3, Windows SharePoint Services automatically generates some of these lists, depending on which template is used to create the site.

The three collaboration sites include the following lists:

Sample Empty node(Blank Site) does not include lists and document libraries;

Templates Group Node(Team Site) and Workspace for documents(Document Workspace) include library General documents(Shared Documents) and four lists: Notices(Announcements) Calendar(Calendar) Links(Links) and Tasks(Tasks), as well as a discussion board Group discussion(Team Discussion). Workspaces will be discussed in detail in Chapter 7.

Node pattern Blog(Blog) includes a picture library named Photo(Photos) and five lists: custom list Categories(Categories), custom list Comments(Comments), Links(Links), custom list Other blogs(Other Blogs) and custom list Articles(Posts).

Sample Wiki node(Wiki) includes one wiki page library named Wiki pages(Wiki Pages).

All meeting workspace templates include unique lists such as agenda(Agenda) Members(Attendees) Solutions(Decisions) Goals(objectives) and Required Items(Things To Bring). Meeting workspaces are discussed in detail in Chapter 8.

In the following exercise, you will review the lists that you created for the top-level site of Wide World Importers. Then you will go to the page Creation(Create) to view the list templates that are available when creating a new group node.

Open the top-level SharePoint site. This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, and then click OK.

Make sure you have sufficient rights to view the site and create lists. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix.

Our group node has one standard document library named General documents(Shared Documents); four standard lists: Notices(Announcements) Calendar(Calendar) Links(Links) and Tasks(Tasks); as well as a discussion board with the name Group discussion(Team Discussion). At the bottom of the page are links to child nodes and a link to shopping cart(Recycle Bin) (discussed later in this chapter).

Advice. Element names can be misleading. The names of the list templates are identical to the names of the standard lists automatically generated by Windows SharePoint Services. However, they are completely different elements. Any of the list templates listed on the page Creation(Create) can be used to create on the page All node content(All Site Content) one or more list instances with unique names. For example, list Notices(Announcements) was used to create the list Notices(Announcements), but the resulting list could be called anything, for example, Sales Notes(Sales notices). The names do not have to be identical.

Close the browser.

Advice. Because the administrative pages of Windows SharePoint Services are restricted for security purposes, you won't see the first four columns on the Create page unless you have permission to create lists.

Create a list

The first step in creating a new list is to ask yourself, “What information do you need to collect/show?” The answer to this question will help determine which template to use. It might be better to start by creating a list that best suits your end goal and then add, remove, or modify standard columns to get the desired result. For example, if you plan to collect information such as names and addresses, you might choose the template Contacts(Contacts) to create the basis of the list, and then make the necessary changes. You may prefer to start with an empty list and work your way up element by element. In this case, you should use the template custom list(Custom List).

Advice. If the items in the list you want to create always include documents, use a document library instead of a list. Document libraries are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6.

In the following exercise, you will create a list for a customer and Wide World Importers to track the status of tasks related to the buying process. This task list will be based on the list template Tasks(Tasks). After creating the list, you will change its name to Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks).

Bury the SharePoint site where you want to create the list. This exercise uses the http://voideworldim node porter, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, then click OK.

1. Menu Node Actions(Site Actions), which is located in the upper right corner of the page, select the command Creation Creation(Create) and view the list of templates.

Advice. Surprisingly, meeting workspace(Meeting Workspace) has no team Creation(Create) in the menu Node Actions(Site Actions). So you need to click on the list name in one of the web parts on the home page, then click on the link View all node content(View All Site Content) on the left navigation bar and then on the link Create(Create) on the toolbar.

Using this page, you will create a task list based on the list template Tasks(Tasks). You can give the new list any name you see fit.

Advice. There is no limit to the number of copies of lists created based on any template. You can create as many task lists as you need.

3. In the text box Name(Name) enter text Tasks of the Buyer(BuyerTasks), which will become the name of the new list.

Since there is no text field in which to enter the URL name, the text in the field Name(Name) represents and the value that SharePoint services will use as the internal name.

Attention! When a SharePoint list is created, two names are defined for it: a display name, usually marked as Name(Name) or Name(Title), and the name of the URL, which is also the internal name. However, once the element is created, only the display name can be changed. If on the page Creation(Create) URL name cannot be specified, both names represent the display name, usually marked as Name(Title).

Advice. We recommend that you adhere to the following guidelines when entering the element names of Windows SharePoint Services for the first time. The original name should be clear, descriptive and easy to remember, concise, and should not contain spaces. It should be used consistently throughout the node. For more detailed recommendations and an explanation of why they should be followed, see the sidebar “URL Naming” in Chapter 3.

In addition, each organization may have its own naming conventions that must be followed.

4. To the text field Description(Description) enter a description C a list to track the purchase process so that users can understand what the new list is for.

5. Check if the checkbox is selected to indicate that this list should be displayed in the Quick Launch area. By default, the switch is set to Yes(Yes).

Advice. When setting up workspaces for meetings, these options will vary. Because there is no Quick Launch area on the home page, there is no option to place an element in the Quick Launch area. Instead, it provides the option to use list items for all meetings.

6. Click the button Create(Create) to complete creating a list. The host page opens Tasks of the Buyer(BuyerTasks) by default (AllItems.aspx).

7. Go to the site's home page by clicking the appropriate link in the top link bar. Now the list Tasks of the Buyer(BuyerTasks) is displayed in the Quick Launch area.

Because there is no space in the name of this list, it's best to change the display name to include a space. The rest of the exercise demonstrates that changes to the list name only affect the display name, not the URL name.

9. Menu Parameters(Settings) select command List: Options(List Settings) to open the page Setting up a Buyer Task(Customize BuyerTasks).

10. Section Common parameters(General Settings) click the link Title, description and transitions(Title, Description and Navigation) to open the page List: general parameters: TasksBuyer(List Settings: BuyerTasks) (see figure at the top of the next page).

11. Replace Text Tasks of the Buyer(BuyerTasks) by typing in the text field Name(Name) text Buyer's usual tasks(with spaces).

12. Click the button Save(Save) to save changes and open the Customize Common Buyer Tasks page.

The bold heading at the top of this page and all other pages associated with this list now reflects changes to the display name. However, the browser's address bar still displays the original name (internal name) assigned to the list when it was created. You can change this name using Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

14. Navigate to the site's home page by clicking a link in the navigation path or in the top link bar. The new list name will be displayed in the Quick Launch area.

Close the browser.

Adding, modifying, and deleting list items

When you create a SharePoint list, pages are automatically generated with which you can view the list as a whole and its individual elements, add new ones, and modify existing elements. Interface elements are also provided for deleting list items and subscribing to a list or list item, and for performing other actions such as importing and exporting list items.

Subscribing to alerts is briefly discussed in this chapter, while importing/exporting list items is discussed in Chapter 10.

Advice. Some lists have only one view immediately after creation, but the list Tasks(Tasks) has several views. List Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks) was created from a template Tasks(Tasks), which has five views: All tasks(All Tasks) (used by default), Active Tasks(Active Tasks), By performers(By Assigned That), By my groups(By My Groups) Ending Today(Due Today) and My tasks(My Tasks).

You can navigate to the default view page by clicking the list name in the Quick Launch or the link at the top of any list web part.

In the following exercise, you will add a few items to a to-do list that will be used by Wide World Importers customers during their shopping process. Then you change one of the list items and remove the other. Also, Todd Rowe wants to include a public seminar on the calendar, so you'll add one recurring event to the list Event(Events).

Open the SharePoint site where you want to create the list. This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, then click OK .

Make sure you have sufficient rights to create lists. If If in doubt, refer to the Appendix.

1. In the Quick Launch area, click the link Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks) that you added in the previous exercise to open the page with the default view of the list of buyer tasks.

3. In the field Name(Title) enter text.

4. Values ​​in fields Priority(priority), State(Status) and % completed(% Complete) leave as is.

5. In the field Description(Description) enter List used by sellers to enter products offered this year.

6. Out of the field the date of the beginning(Start Date) remove today's date.

7. Field Term(Due Date) leave blank.

The list item you just created will appear in the main body of the page. A small image with an exclamation mark and a word "New"(NEW) to the right of the item name indicates that the item was created recently.

9. Follow steps 2-8 to create list items using the values ​​in the following table.

Advice. If you need to create multiple list items, it's tedious to create one item at a time. You can create multiple items at once using the Table view data(datasheet). This option is briefly described in the next section and in more detail in chapter 12.

Todd suggests making the generation of purchase information a high priority. You will now modify the Generate purchase order list item to fulfill this wish.

10. Hover over the list item (Generate purchase order) and click the down arrow to display the smart menu (also called the edit control box).

11. In the menu that appears, select the command Edit element(Edit item) to open the page

12. Change the value in the field Importance(Priority) with (2) Plain[(2) Normal] on (1) High[(1) High] and click OK to save your changes and reopen the list page.

Todd also suggests making sure that the seller's SharePoint list is only created when a new seller is introduced, rather than every purchase cycle. Therefore, he wants this task to be deleted. In the next part of the exercise, you will delete the task Create a SharePoint list for sellers(Create vendor SharePoint list) from the list.

13, Hover over the list item Create a SharePoint list for sellers(Create vendor SharePoint list) and click the down arrow to open the menu. In the menu that opens, select the command Delete item(Delete Item) to delete this list item. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.

Advice. The removed list element is placed in shopping cart node. Working with the Recycle Bin is described in the next section.

14. Click OK to confirm the deletion and redisplay the list view page. To add a recurring public seminar to the list Developments(Events), first you need to go to the list Developments(Events).

18. To the text box Name(Title) enter text Public Seminar(Public workshop).

19. In the field Start time(begin) enter 17:00 .

20. In the field End time(End) enter 18:00 (this field can be left blank).

21. The monthly meeting will last one hour. In field Description(Description) enter A new theme will be covered every month.

22. In the section Repetition(Recurrence) check box Make this event recurring(Make this a repeating event).

After checking this box, many interface elements on the page will change.

23. Set the switch Monthly(Monthly). Note that the options in the section Pattern(Pattern) will change.

24. Section Pattern(Pattern) select a value from the first drop-down list First(first), in the second dropdown value Tuesday(Tuesday), and in the text box enter a value 1 to indicate that the event will occur on the first Tuesday of each month (note that the first Tuesday may already have passed in the current month).

25. Leave the rest of the parameters unchanged.

Close the browser.

Restoring List Items from the Recycle Bin

When documents, list items, or even entire lists are deleted, they are simply marked as deleted and do not appear on the site from which they were deleted. By default, sites in SharePoint web applications display deleted items in cart(Recycle Bin) node within 30 days. If the user has not restored the item in the meantime, the deleted item appears in the site collection Recycle Bin, where it can be restored by the site collection administrator. However, the total amount of deleted items must remain below a specified percentage (50% by default) of the total node size (node ​​quota). If the value after adding the size of the deleted item to the total size of the remaining deleted items exceeds the allowable quota defined by the central administrator, then the earliest deleted items are deleted, even if 30 days have not yet elapsed, to make room for the freshly deleted item. This way, central administrators of SharePoint sites can calculate the recoverability of items based on the allowable size. Of course, central administrators can set any number of days other than the default 30, ranging from "never keep deleted items" to "never destroy deleted items".

The following exercise assumes that Todd realized that deleting the Create vendor SharePoint list task was a mistake. You have to go into shopping cart and recover deleted data.

Open the SharePoint site from which the list item was removed in the previous exercise. This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, then click OK.

Make sure you have sufficient rights to create lists. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix.

2. Check the box to the left of the list item Create a SharePoint list for sellers(Create vendor SharePoint list).

4. Click OK to confirm the restore and reopen the page Baskets.

5. Go to the site's home page by clicking the appropriate link.

Element Create a SharePoint list for sellers(Create vendor SharePoint list) reappeared in the list.

Close the browser.

Using a datasheet view

If you have Microsoft Office Access 2007 installed on your computer, you can use the data table(Datasheet), which can significantly increase productivity. Creating one element at a time by repeatedly clicking on different elements can be very tedious. In the data table, all list items are presented as a list on a grid, which allows you to edit the entire table. This retains support for drop-down lists, checkboxes, and columns. Therefore, using a data table is different from editing a table in Office Access. You can use the keys on the keyboard or the mouse to navigate through the cells in the table. When you move focus away from a row, changes made to that row are automatically saved. The last row of the data table is used to add new items to the list. To switch the list view mode, select from the menu Actions(Actions) command Edit in Datasheet(Edit in Datasheet).

The taskbar, to the right of the data table, provides links to powerful integrations between SharePoint services and Excel and Access applications.

Data table presentation is covered in detail in Chapter 12.

Attaching files to list items

Sometimes you want to attach one or more documents to a list item. By default, all SharePoint lists support this feature. However, if each list item always contains one and only one document, it's better to use a document library instead of a list.

Advice. Attaching files to list items can be disabled. To do this, select from the menu Actions(Settings) command List Options(List Settings), open the advanced settings page, and set the radio button Forbidden(Disabled) in section Investments(Attachments).

In the following exercise, you will create a simple Word document representing a purchase order and attach it to an existing list item Common customer tasks(Common Buyer Tasks).

Open the SharePoint site where you created the list Common customer tasks(Common Buyer Tasks). This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other list. If prompted, enter a username and password, then click OK.

Make sure you have sufficient rights to create lists. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix.

1. Open Microsoft Word.

2. In a new document, enter text Purchase order.

3. Menu File(File) select command Save as(Save As). Save the document in the Documents folder as WideWorldPurchaseOrder.docx.

Advice. You can save a document directly to a document library by specifying an HTTP address instead of a folder path on your hard drive, such as http://wideworldimporters/Shared Documents/. Only a saved document can be attached to a list item.

4. Close Microsoft Word.

6. Hover over the list item Purchase order generation(Generate purchase order), click the down arrow to open the menu and select the command Edit element(Edit Item) to open the page Common Buyer Tasks: Generate Purchase Order(Common Buyer Tasks: Generate purchase order).

8. Click the button Browse(Browse) to open the dialog Choose File(File selection).

Advice. In the dialog box Choose File(Select File) you can navigate to the Documents folder and find the WideWorldPurchaseOrder.docx document you created earlier. You can also enter the path to the document you want to attach in the field File Name(File name).

9. Select the document WideWorldPurchaseOrcLer.docx. Click the button open(Open) or double-click the document to open it.

Once opened, the location of the document is displayed in the field Name(Name) per page Add attachments(Add attachments).

10. Click OK to attach the document to the list item.

The page will open Common Buyer Tasks: Generate Purchase Order(Common Buyer Tasks: Generate purchase order), at the bottom of which is an attachment. There is also a link Delete(Delete), with which the attachment can be removed from this page.

Attention! The document is currently associated with the list item in memory only. If you close your browser or follow any other link, including returning to the list, this attachment will be lost. You must click OK to save the attachment's association with the task. Also note that when you click on a link Delete(Delete) no warning will be shown that the attachment will be permanently deleted. The attachment's association with the task will simply be removed, and the deletion of the file will become irreversible once the OK button is clicked.

Advice. Multiple attachments can be associated with a single list item. You can click on the link Attach file(Attach File) and attach documents as many times as required. However, the user interface only allows you to nest one document at a time.

11. Click OK to complete the process of attaching a document to a list item. The Standard List View page opens again.

For each list item that has one or more attachments, an attachment icon will be displayed in the leftmost column.

Close the browser.

Adding, editing, and removing list columns

List templates, available by default in SharePoint Services, are a great way to create lists with a minimum of effort. However, if you want to customize the template, SharePoint Services allows you to add, edit, and remove columns.

If you want to expand the list, you can add a new column, and after giving the new column a name, you can choose one of the types for it, described in the following table.

Advice. Most column types (but not all) have as a parameter Mandatory(Required) and parameter Default value(Default Value). If the parameter Mandatory(Required) is enabled, the user must enter a value in this column when creating or modifying a list item. If the user does not enter a value, the default value will be used.

Because each column type has parameters Description(Description) and Add to default view(Add Then Default View), these parameters are not explicitly specified in the table.

Once you've added a column, you can start modifying it. You can change the display name of a column, but its internal name is hard to change. Most column options can be changed even if data has already been entered into the list. If changing a parameter would result in loss of information, a warning will appear with the option to undo the change.

Advice. After entering data in the list, you can make an optional field required. The data entered will not be affected in any way unless someone tries to modify an existing entry. If you try to do this, a new rule will take effect and the list item cannot be saved without entering a value in the required column.

Most list columns can be deleted. However, all lists have at least one column that cannot be removed. For example, a column Name(Title) is used to display the smart menu, so it cannot be deleted, although it can be renamed. In addition, some lists prevent deletion of columns so as not to break integration with Microsoft Office applications. For example, fields Assigned to(Assigned That), State(Status) and Category(Category) of any list based on a template Questions(Issues), cannot be deleted, nor can any standard columns of any list based on a template Calendar(Calendar).

Other columns that are automatically created and populated for each list item and cannot be modified include the following: ID(ID) Created in(Created) Who created(Created by) Changed to(modified) and Author of changes(Modified By). Column ID(ID) guarantees that the element will be unique in the list. This column contains a serial number that starts at 1 and increases by 1 for each new element in the list. Windows SharePoint Services automatically records when a list item was created ( Created in) who created it ( Who created) when it was last modified ( Changed to), and who last modified it ( Author of changes). Initial columns Created in(Created) and Changed to(Modified) have the same values ​​as the columns Who created(Created By) and Author of changes(Modified By).

Windows Share Point Services 3.0 introduces a new column type, the host column. These columns are usually defined by the administrator and represent a common set of data used across multiple lists. They are stored at the node level in the node column gallery, but collective node columns in all the current node's pedigree galleries can be used in the list or in this node. Thus, an administrator can define a node column on the top-level node for users of all nodes in the same collection. Node columns have two very significant advantages over regular list columns.

Administrators can change site columns at any time, and those changes will be propagated to all content types and lists in the specific site collection that use those site columns.

Since node columns define a common set of data, in lists containing multiple content types, you can sort, filter, and group disparate node items using their common node columns.

In the next exercise, you will refine the list Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks) by adding a column Sequence order(Sequence) and node column Date of completion(Date Completed) by changing the column Importance(Priority) to add an additional parameter, and removing the column % completed(%Complete). You will also change the order of the columns on several pages so that the column Description(Description) followed immediately after the column Name(Title).

Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks). This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If required, enter name username and password, then click OK.

2. Menu Parameters(Settings) select command List Options(List Settings) to open the list settings page Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks).

3. Click on the link Create a column(Create column), which is located at the bottom of the section Column(Columns) to open the page Create column: Common customer tasks(Create Column: Common Buyer Tasks).

4. In the field Column name(Column name) enter Sequence order(Sequence).

5. In the list of column types, select Number(number). Pay attention to other options, remembering their description above.

6. In the field Description(Description) enter Used to organize tasks.

7. Leave the rest of the parameters as they are.

8. Click OK to finish adding the column Sequence order(Sequence) to a list. The task list setup page will open.

Todd Rowe would like to see an additional column containing the due date for each task.

9. In the field columns Add from existing node columns(Add from existing site columns) to open the page Adding Columns from Existing Site Columns: Common Buyer Tasks(Add Columns from Site Columns: Common Buyer Tasks).

10. Drop Select node columns from(Select site columns from) select Main task and question columns(Core Task and Issue Columns) to filter the list Available node columns(Available site columns) and see only a few useful columns in it.

11. Select a column Date of completion(Date Completed) and click the button Add(Add) or simply double click on the element to move it to the list Columns to add(Columns to add).

12. Click OK to add the column to the list and redisplay the customer's common task list setup page.

Some tasks are too low in the list, and buyers want to add the ability to reflect this in a column Importance(priority). To rank tasks, buyers typically use importance with a value of Medium(Medium), not Normal(Normal) and want to be able to enter non-standard values high(High) Medium(Medium) Low(Low) and Very low(Very Low), but their own.

13. Section columns(Columns) click on the link Importance(Priority) to change the settings for an existing column.

14. Section Additional column options(Additional Column Settings) in the last line of the text field, enter (4) Very low to add an additional item to the dropdown list.

15. Change the list Enter your choices (each on a separate line), replacing the value in the second line (2) Normal[(2) Normal] on (2) Medium[(2) Medium] This will change the options that will be available in the dropdown Importance(Priority) while adding data.

Advice. In all list items for which an option was previously selected (2) Normal[(2) Normal], you will need to manually change the old value to the new one (2) Medium[(2) Medium]. Also, when moving the focus out of the text field Choice(Choice) the default value is changed to the first option, in this case (1) High[(1) High] If you want to change the default value so that it remains equal to the second option, you need to enter a value (2) Medium[(2) Medium] in the text box Default value(Default value). For this exercise, you do not need to change the default value.

16. In the field Allow users to add options(Allow "Fill-in" choices) set the radio button Yes(Yes) to allow the entry of values ​​not included in the standard list of choices.

Advice. The list of options can be displayed using radio buttons or checkboxes. If you use checkboxes, users will be able to select multiple options at the same time.

Buyers do not plan to use the column % completed(% Complete) so it can be removed. In the next part of the exercise, you will remove this column from the list.

20. In the confirmation window that appears, click OK to complete deleting the column and return to the task list setup page.

When creating or modifying list items, customers want to see a column Description Name(Title). In the next part of the exercise, you will change the order of the columns in the list.

22. In the drop-down list located to the right of the column Description(Description), select value 2 to reorder the fields and place the column Description(Description) immediately after the column Name(Title).

The column will immediately move to the second position.

26. On a modified page Common buyer tasks: Create an item(Common Buyer Tasks: New Item) check the column order and make sure the column Description(Description) is immediately after the column Name(Title).

Close the browser.

Sorting and filtering the list

As the list grows, it becomes difficult to view the entire list on one page. For this case, Windows SharePoint Services provides built-in sorting and filtering tools. On any standard view page, you can sort the entire list alphabetically, either ascending or descending, using separate column headings.

Filtering on the list view page works similar to the AutoFilter feature in Excel. Filtering is enabled in the upper right corner of each column, and a unique list of values ​​is generated for each column and placed in the drop-down list above that column. Filters are cumulative but temporary; The next time you select a list view, it will have its original settings applied, including the original filters, regardless of what was last selected in any column.

Advice. In the Datasheet view, sorting and filtering functions are available from the drop-down list, also located in the upper right corner of the column.

You will now sort and filter the list Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks).

Open the SharePoint site where the list was created Buyer's usual tasks OK .

Make sure you have sufficient rights to view the list. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix.

2. Change the list items according to the following table.

3. In list view All elements(All Items) hover over column Sequence order(Sequence) and wait about a second.

This column will become underlined and a tooltip will appear next to it informing you that the sort will be based on this column.

4- Click on the column Sequence order(Sequence).

An arrow will appear to the right of the column name pointing down, and the list items will be shown in descending numerical order.

5. Click the column again Sequence order(Sequence). An upward pointing arrow will appear to the right of the column name, and the list items will be shown in ascending numerical order.

Advice. If you click on another column, sorting by the current column will no longer work. If you need to sort by more than one column, you should use a list view.

6. Hover your mouse over the column Importance(Priority) and click the smart menu icon to display sorting and filtering options for that column. Compared to the previous version of SharePoint, filtering features have been greatly improved. The page does not reload, which saves time, network traffic, and SharePoint server resources. Only the unique values ​​of that column will be retrieved. The previous version was very inefficient; not only all data was re-retrieved, but also unique values ​​for each visible column in the current list view, even though filtering by column only was requested Importance(priority).

7. In the smart menu, select for the column Importance(priority) value (1) Important[(1) High], and the page will immediately display the filtered list with only those elements that are of high importance.

A filter icon will appear to the right of each column to which an autofilter has been applied.

8. To return to the full list, select either one of the list views (including its current view) or the command from the drop-down list at the top of the page. Clear filter from Importance(Clear Filter from Priority) from the column context menu Importance(priority).

Close the browser.

Add or change a list view

Sorting and filtering results obtained directly on the list view columns are only temporary; they are not remembered and are not displayed the next time the same view is used. However, you can define new list views to provide a named definition of how the information in the list should be displayed. The list view determines which columns appear in the list and in what order. The sequence is displayed from left to right. In addition, list views can determine which rows are presented and in what order, as well as the grouping, pagination style, and format. List views can be created from the source views described in the following table.

When you create a list view, you can make it the original view or a copy of an existing view. Once created, the view is placed in the dropdown list along with other views.

There are two types of list views available: personal and public. Public views can be viewed by all users, while private lists can only be viewed by the creator. Only users with permissions to manage lists can create public list views. All users can create their own personal list views.

In the following exercise, you will create an open list view Very important tasks(High Priority Tasks) so that buyers see only those tasks that are assigned importance (1) Important[(1) High], and their current state. You are using original view data table(Datasheet) so that you can easily update all the elements of the list at the same time.

Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks). This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, then click OK.

Make sure you have sufficient rights to manage the list. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix.

2. At the bottom of the view drop-down list, select Create view(Create View) to open the page Create View: Common Buyer Tasks(Common Buyer Tasks). This page can also be opened with the command Create view(Create View) from the menu Parameters(Settings).

5. To the text box View name(View Name) enter HighPriorityTasks.

6. Make sure the switch is set Create a Shared View(Create a Public View).

7. Clear all checkboxes in the field display(Display), except checkboxes Title (with link to item with edit menu) And State(Status).

Parameter Position (from left edge)(Position from left) for column header(Title) currently has a value of 20, and for the column State(Status) value 4. Therefore, the column header(Title) will be displayed before the column State(Status).

Advice. In section columns(Columns) there are three columns Name(Title). They all represent the same value, but each displays it differently. selected column, Title (with a link to the element with the edit menu), not only contains the text value of the title, but also includes a menu that can be called up by hovering over the text and clicking on the drop-down list that appears. Column Title (with link to element) simply represents the text value of the title as a link to the view page for each list item.

8. In the section Sorting(Sort) drop down list Sort by column first(First sort by the column) select Sequence order(Sequence) so that the list is ordered by column value Sequence order(Sequence). Data can also be sorted by a column that is not included in the view.

By default, the data is sorted in ascending order.

9. In the field Filter(Filter) dropdown Display elements for which the following is true(Show the items when column) select Importance(Priority) to set the row filter.

10. As a filtering condition, select equals(is equal to).

11. In the text box below the condition, type (1) High.

Once you've created a list view, you can go back and change the display name.

13. From the drop-down list at the top right of the page, select Change this view(Modify this View) to open the Modify View page.

14. In the field View name(View Name) instead of HighPriorityTasks enter High Priority Tasks(with spaces) to change the name displayed on the list view page.

Note that the page name displayed in the browser's address bar can also be changed.

In the navigation path at the top of the page, click the link Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks) to return to the standard list view.

Close the browser.

Setting alerts

Windows SharePoint Services provides a convenient feature for sending e-mail notifications of changes to site content, including changes to list items. Such notifications are called alerts. Notifications are not configured by default, you need to configure them yourself.

Turning on alerts is pretty easy. For each list on the SharePoint site in the menu Actions(Actions) command included Notify me(Alert Me). By selecting this command, you can subscribe to alerts generated at the list level. Also, the same command Notify me(Alert Me) is available in the context menu of each list item, as well as on the toolbar while viewing any list item. As you might guess, this command allows you to subscribe to alerts generated at the list item level.

When setting up an alert, you specify who the alerts will be sent to, how often they are sent, and the type of change that triggers the alert. By default, alerts are sent to the email address of the user who set up the alerts. If no email address is specified for the authenticated user, you will be prompted to enter a send address. The entered address will be saved and will be used for further subscription to alerts.

By configuring alerts, you can specify on which changes they should be sent. List-level alerts can be sent when any list item changes, new items are added, existing items change, or items are deleted. If you want to be notified when items are added and modified, but not when items are deleted, you will need to set up two alerts. Alerts at the list item level are only sent when items change because you can only set an alert for an item once. Removing an element is also considered a change.

Advice. Document libraries provide an additional option to send alerts when a web discussion is updated. Document libraries are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6.

You must also specify a filter that determines when alerts should be sent; by default, alerts are sent on any change in the list. Different lists have different filters. List Tasks, which we are working with, has the following filters:

Any change;

Assigning a task to the current user;

Completion of the task;

Changing a task of high importance;

Change by another user of the task assigned to the current user;

Changing a task by another user;

Modification by another user of a task created by the current user;

Modification by another user of the task, the last changes to which were made by the current user;

Another user changes the element that is displayed in the selected view.

In addition, you need to specify the frequency of sending notifications. Three options are available for any type of alert:

1. immediate notification;

2. sending the results of the day;

3. sending the results of the week.

If you choose to send immediately, the alerts will actually be queued and sent as soon as possible as the next task after the alert is triggered. By default, the alert task runs every five minutes, but an administrator can change this interval to 59 minutes. When sending daily and weekly totals, all changes made to the list or list item are combined and sent at the end of the selected period. By default, daily totals are generated at midnight, and weekly totals are generated at midnight on Sunday.

Advice. SharePoint administrators can set a limit on the total number of alerts that users can subscribe to. By default, this limit is 50 alerts. This number can be changed or completely removed. In addition, notifications can be turned off completely.

All previously configured alerts can be managed using the link View my existing alerts on this site(View My Existing Alerts On This Site) at the top of the page New link(New Link). On this page, you can use the toolbar to add an alert for any list on this site, or remove selected alerts.

Attention! Once users are removed from a site, their alerts must be manually deleted to prevent them from becoming "orphaned". Also, when users add alerts for themselves, they will receive those alerts even if they are denied access to the list. It is important to remove these alerts to prevent unauthorized access to the site and user information.

Using RSS feeds

By default, all lists in all SharePoint 3.0 Web Application site collections are enabled for RSS 2.0. Chapter 3 covered how to set up RSS feed aggregation. using the parameters from the section Node administration(Site Administration) pages Node Options(Site Settings). If RSS support is not enabled for the web application, the RSS-related links described in the following exercise will not be displayed.

You will now view the contents of the buyers list and learn how to change the RSS options in the list.

Open the SharePoint site where you created the Common Buyer Tasks list. This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, then click OK.

Make sure you have sufficient rights to manage the list. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix. .

1. Click on the link Common customer tasks(Common Buyer Tasks) to open the Standard List View page. If you didn't create a list Common customer tasks(Common Buyer Tasks), use any other.

2. Menu Parameters(Settings) select command List Options(List settings).

Default switch Allow RSS feed for this listing?(Allow RSS for this list?) in the section List RSS Feed(List RSS) is set to Yes(Yes). Although it is recommended to leave all options unchanged in this example, we will explain all the available options.

4. In the Information about RSS feed(RSS Channel Information) Leave all defaults. Parameter Reduce multiline text fields to 256 characters?(Truncate multi-line test fields to 256 characters?) matters Not(No) so that the entire text is sent to all users subscribed to the channel. If you will be transferring large amounts of data and most users only need to read the first few sentences sufficiently, check the box Yes(Yes).

Any user viewing the channel can read all content. Information from the fields Name(Title) Description(Description) and URL images (Image URL) give an idea about the channel. Checkboxes set in the section columns(Columns), indicate the fields whose content will be included in the RSS description. Check or uncheck the boxes as you wish. This example uses the default columns.

Section Maximum number of elements(Item Limit) helps manage the bandwidth of the web farm host and network when thousands of users subscribe to hundreds of lists and visit the host every hour to check for updates (60 minutes is the default time to live set on the page Node settings of each node). The (Maximum items to include) field indicates how many list items will be included in the feed, and the field Maximum number of items to include(Maximum days to include) specifies how long the list item will be included in the feed. This example includes up to 25 items modified in the last week (7 days). These values ​​(25 and 7) are set by default. If you click on the button Default(Defaults) located at the bottom of the page, the default values ​​will be restored.

6. Using the navigation path at the top of the page, return to the standard list view.

7. Menu Actions(Actions) select a command View RSS Feed(View RSS Feed) to view the feed page.

There isn't much to see on the resulting page, but it's not meant to be viewed in a browser. The web address of the page can be used in an RSS reader to view the content of this list offline. You can also click on the corresponding link to subscribe to that channel.

Advice. Using RSS feeds in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 is described in Chapter 11. You can also use feeds using Internet Explorer 7.

You can search the RSS feed by entering the search text in the field located in the upper right corner of the browser window. The stream will automatically update when you pause the text for more than one second. If click Everything(All), all channel items will be shown, not all list items.

Channel data can be sorted by clicking on the fields with date, title or author. To switch between ascending and descending sorting, simply click on the field again.

8. To return to the list, click on the link Home: Common Buyer Tasks(Home: Common Buyer Tasks) at the top of the page.

Close the browser .

Send data to SharePoint lists via email

Windows SharePoint Services allows list managers to assign email addresses to some of the standard lists that you can create from the Creation(Create). Once configured, you can send data to lists via email. Sending data to SharePoint lists via email may seem odd at first glance; however, let's take a look at what possibilities this provides.

You are on an airplane and working on an Office Word document. When you're done, you email the document to a specific document library. The letter with the document is stored in outgoing letters until you connect to the Internet, after which it is automatically sent to the document library. When Windows SharePoint Services receives this document, it is automatically added to the specified document library.

All members of your team are included in the same email distribution group. The discussion board email address is also included in this group. Each message sent to the group is also added to the list. When team members visit the SharePoint site that contains this list, they see all messages that are sent via email. They can even use this list to reply to messages placed on it.

Sending e-mail messages to the discussion board is covered in Chapter 9.

The following table lists the SharePoint lists that you can and cannot send email messages to.

In the following exercise, you will create an email-enabled image library so that customers can submit images of product offerings. You will then review the generated incoming email options. You will also update the incoming email settings for an existing list Notice(Announcements) so that users can send general announcements to this list. Once set up, you'll send messages to each of these lists and check the result.

Open the SharePoint Groups site. This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, and then click OK.

Make sure you have sufficient rights to view the site and create lists. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix.

1. Menu Node Actions(Site Actions), which is located in the upper right corner of the page, select the command Create(Create) to open the page Creation(Create) with a list of templates.

2. In the field Tracking(Tracking) click on the link Picture Library(Picture Library) to open the create list page.

3. To the text box Name(Name) enter text Potential Products, which will be the display name of the new list.

Since there is no separate field for entering the URL name, the internal name will be the same as the one displayed.

4. In the field Description(Description) enter Product Images emailed to us by our salespeople so users can understand the purpose of the new listing.

5. Make sure the switch Display this Picture Library item in the Quick Launch(Display this picture library on the Quick Launch) is set to Yes(Yes).

6. Switch Allow this item of type "Picture Library" to receive email(Allow this picture library to receive e-mail) is by default set to Not(No). Set this switch to Yes(Yes). If this option isn't available, either the SharePoint Central Administrator hasn't configured incoming email settings or has disabled incoming email for your lists. Enter your email address, for example, [email protected]

Of course, you only need to enter the first part of the address before the "@" sign. Remember the address you entered and use it later in the exercise instead of the address [email protected]

Attention! If the SharePoint farm settings specify that you want to use the SharePoint Directory Management Service, any email address you enter will be automatically generated in the dedicated Active Directory location. However, if you are not using this service, you will need to create an account for each email address that you select in order for sent messages to be listed.

8. Value in section Figure: version history(Picture Version History) leave it unchanged.

9. Click the button Create(Create) to complete the creation of the list. The Standard List View page opens. Potential Products(AllItems.aspx).

10. Menu Settings(Settings) select (Picture Library Settings) to view the automatically generated settings for the new list.

11. Click on the link Incoming email options(Incoming e-mail settings). Again, if this option is not available, contact your SharePoint Central Administrator to configure your incoming email settings.

The options on this page are quite simple. You don't need to change them for this exercise. Just notice that the picture library is set to receive email using the address you entered earlier. All attachments sent to the picture library are saved in the library's root folder, but files with the same name are not overwritten. If a duplicate file is sent, an incrementing number is appended to its name (just like in the file system). The original attachment is not saved. However, if this setting is set Yes(Yes), the email message is simply saved as a document attachment to the list item. If someone sends a meeting request to this list, it will be ignored. Finally, only users who have permissions to create new items in the list can email data to the list; all other email messages are ignored.

12. Click the button Cancel(Cancel) to continue working.

13. In the section Lists(Lists) quick launch areas, click the link Notices(Announcements) to go to the list Notices(Announcements).

14. On the menu Parameters(Settings) select command Picture Library Options(Picture Library Settings).

16. Set the switch Allow this List to receive email(Allow this list library to receive e-mail) to position Yes(Yes).

17. Enter an email address, for example, Announcemen [email protected]

Other than attachments, the rest of the options will be the same as for the picture library. Attachments sent to the library actually become list items. Therefore, you can choose which folder they will be placed in, and whether you want to overwrite existing documents. Attachments sent to the list simply become list item attachments, so they can be attached or detached, so attachment settings do not need to be configured.

18. Change the parameter value Keep original emails(Save original email) to Yes(Yes) and leave the values ​​of all other parameters unchanged.

20. Open Outlook 2007 and send a single email with an attached picture to [email protected] and a second message (with or without an attachment) at [email protected]

21. Return to the list Potential Products to check if the submitted image has been added to the picture library.

22. Go to the list Notices(Announcements) to check if the second sent email is added to the list.

23. Open the notification and check if the subject and body of the message matches the one you sent.

Close the browser.

Deleting a list

It is important to know how to get rid of a list that has become unnecessary or created by mistake. Unlike the previous version of SharePoint Services, deleting the list only marks it as deleted. It is not permanently removed from the database, and all elements of this list, although not visible, remain in this list stored in cart node.

Let's say customers at Wide World Importers are happy with the new listing. Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks) and they don't need a list anymore Tasks(Tasks) created initially. Now you will delete the extra list.

Open the SharePoint site where the list was created Buyer's usual tasks(Common Buyer Tasks). This exercise uses the http://wideworldimporters node, but you can use any other node. If prompted, enter a username and password, then click OK.

Make sure you have sufficient rights to delete the list. If in doubt, refer to the Appendix. .

2. Menu Parameters(Settings) select command List Options(List Settings) to open the task settings page.

3. In section Permissions and Management(Permissions and Management) click on the link Delete this list(Delete this list). A confirmation dialog will open.

4. Click OK to confirm the deletion. The page will open All node content(All Site Content). The deleted list no longer appears on this page and in the Quick Launch.

Close the browser .

Key provisions

Lists can be compared to mutable tables on the web.

List templates can be used to create lists with a static set of standard columns. There are 21 built-in lists available: agenda(Agenda) Notices(Announcements) Calendar(Calendar) Contacts(contacts), custom list(Custom List), Custom List in Datasheet View(Custom List in Datasheet View (Decisions), Discussion Board(discussion board), Document Library(Document Library), Shape Library(Form Library) Import Spreadsheet(Import Spreadsheet), Issue Tracking(Issue Tracking), Links(Links) Goals(objectives), Picture Library(Picture Library) Project objectives(Project Tasks), Survey(Survey), Tasks(Tasks) Text field(text box), Required Items(Things To Bring) and Wiki library-pages(Wiki Page Library).

When creating SharePoint lists, give them clear, easy-to-remember, consistent names.

One or more documents can be attached to a list item.

Windows SharePoint Services allows you to add, modify, and remove columns from any list.

List views determine how the items in that list are displayed. Lists can be sorted and filtered manually or by using named views.

Public list views can be viewed by all users, while private views can only be viewed by their creators.

Some lists and libraries can be configured to receive email.

The remote list and all of its elements are placed in the node.

In this article, I'll show you how to create your own forms in SharePoint, change their styles, apply rules to form fields,
I make comments to records directly in forms.

SharePoint 2013 includes powerful form customization tools.
You can use an unlimited number of conditions, rules and policies for any part of the view.

I need to hide some form fields for a specific group of people.

It is enough to open the form designer, edit everything you need and save.
But in order for InfoPath to work in SharePoint 2013 (this can be indicated by the button in the list tab

The Customize Form button that opens InfoPath Designer is available to site administrators in the IE browser.

After activating the Enterprise license, this feature immediately appears on all Sharepoint sites.


1. The SharePoint Enterprise 2013 license is activated on the server

2. InfoPath Designer 2013 is installed on the computer

3. Opened a SharePoint site under the site administrator user in Internet Explorer

4. Enterprice components are activated in the site settings

Actually how to set up fields in a SharePoint 2013 form

Open the list we need and go to the LIST tab in the toolbar

first of all I go to the list settings

in additional parameters I enable opening the form in a window ( Recommended to be done last. , this will help open forms without opening in a new tab with the right mouse button, as I do below)

I return to the list and click FORM SETTINGS:

InfoPath Designer 2013 opens

This is actually a very powerful thing that deserves close attention, and was deliberately brought into a more expensive product, tied to many components of the entire SharePoint system, and allows them to be used centrally.

So I have already created a custom list, set up the opening of forms in dialog boxes, now I will set up versioning:

Back to list parameters in section version control options,
turn on the switch Create a version every time an element changes in this list of type "List"? to Yes

after that, in the list parameters, create a column called comments

give a name and put the switch Making changes to existing text

Here you need to take into account if we have changed the form, then the added columns will no longer immediately appear in the form, in this case you need to open the InfoPath Designer form editor and add this field to the form.

after each shape change

press the quick post button

or press the keyboard shortcuts CTRL+SHIFT+Q

creating view form views

On the Page Layout tab, click Create View

name our view test_view1

get an empty form

in this form, by drag and drop, you can insert our fields from the list on the right.
In just a few seconds, I get the following result

Publish by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Q.

I do it like this (for 2013 version):

Open the form in the browser with the right mouse button in a new tab

modify the InfoPath web part

And change the default view

save the change

in all cases, repeat the steps

but in the case for the Change form, you need to add a link in the list view

go to the list view settings and display another column

now this form can also be opened in a new tab

and for this web part we select another form infoPath which we called as Edit Item

The article is written in steps, you will understand what steps you can skip after completing them. They provide insight, further I hope I will shorten the article more precisely indicating the sequence of steps.

If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments, I will answer.