Formation of information competence. Formation of information competence based on tasks

Formation of information competence of younger schoolchildren in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. The main goal of modern education is to teach how to learn and use the knowledge gained, i.e. as formulated by fr politich. figure Jacques Delors - to learn to know, to do, to live and live together. The task of education in the information society is to educate a student with information competence, i.e. capable of solving various problems associated with the search, transformation, use of information. The school should teach this, and at the first stage, because the primary experience of working with information is laid at this stage and becomes the key to successful learning in the future. The process of learning in the information society is the joint purposeful activity of the teacher and students, unfolding in the information educational environment. Those. the role of the teacher from being led turns into a guiding, consulting, supportive one, and the role of the student from being led by the teacher into the role of a partner in the learning process. The guiding, informational, controlling function of the traditional learning process in the information society is transformed into an orienting, presentational function, the function of pedagogical support. GEF IEO changing the educational paradigm Instead of transferring the amount of knowledge - the development of the student's personality based on the development of methods of activity. The main direct result of educational activity is the formation of key competencies. The formation of key competencies in students in the educational process is called a competency-based approach. The introduction of this approach is an important condition for improving the quality of education. And one of the main key competencies in the approach is information competence.  What is the “information competence” of a student? Information competence is the ability and ability to independently search, analyze, select, process and transmit the necessary information using oral and written communicative information technologies. In other words, information competence is a property of a person, manifested in the ability to find, store and apply information in its various forms (verbal, graphic, symbolic, digital).  How is this problem reflected in the relevant GEF documents? The "Federal State Standard of Primary General Education" names the meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education. It is said that meta-subject results should reflect: the use of various methods of searching (in reference sources and the open educational information space of the Internet), collecting, processing, transmitting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the subject. In addition, it is noted that the subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education, taking into account the specifics of the content of subject areas that include specific academic subjects, should reflect: the ability to independently choose the literature of interest; use reference sources for understanding and obtaining additional information. Thus, information literacy in the new educational standard is considered as a component of metasubject and subject results.  How to form information competence in primary school students?

The formation of the foundations of information competence should be considered both through classroom and extracurricular activities, since these activities complement and mutually enrich each other. In my work I use a large number of different forms, techniques and methods aimed at the formation of this competence. Let me introduce you to some of them. The method of "6 questions" is that the student, reading or listening to a scientific or popular science text, highlights the answers to 6 basic questions: Who? What is he doing? Where? When? How? Why? As a result, students structure the text and further rely on the selected structure in preparation for retelling. This technique allows you to cope with the flow of information, save, organize and reproduce it. Reception of "anticipation", anticipation, intuitive foresight of possible future events. Students are asked to read the title of the story and guess what the text will be about. After reading, find out if the assumptions coincided with the content. With the help of this technique, students establish a correspondence between their own experience and the information received. The "cluster" technique is a graphical organization of the material, showing the semantic fields of a particular concept. The technique consists in the fact that the student writes down a key concept in the center of the sheet, and draws arrows from it in different directions. This technique is especially convenient in grade 1, children still read slowly, but draw well. Reception "cinquain". This is a poem of five lines, which is built according to certain rules. This technique allows you to draw brief conclusions based on the results of processing the information presented, prepares for research work in the future and ensures the development of the reflective component. The method of reading with "stops" involves the reproduction and presentation of information in accordance with the task. For example, in a lesson on the world around them, children read the text and mark with a “tick” the information that is already familiar to them, the “+” sign is new, the “” sign is what they did not know, put a question mark next to the information that raised questions and requires additional study. The technique of “keeping a diary or a logbook” allows students to record their thoughts, observations, and impressions in the course of studying a topic. Convenient for a lesson the world around us, group work. Each group determined the necessary information in the text and voiced it to the class, the rest of the students listened carefully and wrote it down in the logbook. That. students present information in the form of a coherent oral or written text, explaining the logic of the choice of bases, and demonstrate the operational activity component of information competence. those. The "waterfall" technique allows you to get information from children on a topic or regarding a concept for the purpose of structuring. For example, on the board the word “sum.” The question is asked: “Have you heard this word before? If so, where? All answers are carefully listened to, then the “sum of numbers” is completed. Children express opinions that allow them to be led to receive the expected information. Receiving "inconsistencies" (collisions) has several options. The first is between old, already acquired knowledge and new facts. At the lesson of the surrounding world on the topic “Domestic and Wild Animals” in grade 1, children are offered cards with images of animals to distribute them into groups. The students complete the task and the parrot is classified as a pet, after which the teacher projects a photo of the parrot in nature onto the screen. There is a collision that makes you think and search for additional information. The second method is the discrepancy between the same nature of knowledge, but of a lower and higher level. In the 2nd grade, at the Russian language lesson on the topic “Paired consonants”, the task was given: “Write down the word LU [K]”. Someone wrote down “meadow”, someone wrote “onion”, and someone wrote both “meadow” and “bow”, explaining what information was required.

And the reception of the discrepancy between scientific knowledge and worldly knowledge, thanks to which a discussion arises. (for grade 4) The result of using this technique is the ability of students to formulate their own reasoned position, based on their own experience and the information received, which develops the motivational and operational component. Reception "Select task". A series of numbers (words) is given. What task would you suggest? Why are we going to do it? Suggest another task with these numbers (words). The technique allows students to reproduce the available information and use it for analysis and ranking on their own set of grounds. Reception "Thick and thin questions." The following methods allow to implement the listed techniques:    problem-dialogical; research; design. The problem-dialogical method ensures the creative assimilation of students' knowledge through dialogue with the teacher. The main thing in the problem-dialogical method is the creation of a problem situation. We got acquainted with this method in detail at the courses conducted by Melnikova Elena Leonidovna. is the application of the research method of teaching. The main result of research activity is an intellectual product, which should be socially and practically significant. ("What indoor plants do you have at home?" "What animals and plants are listed in the Red Book?") For the formation of information competence, an important method of forming information competence is the project method. The project is understood as a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently performed by the children, culminating in the creation of a product consisting of an object of labor made in the design process and its presentation in the framework of an oral or written presentation. It should be noted here that they allow maintaining a high level of motivation of students and contribute to the development of the communicative aspects of information skills. the use of ICT by students, which How to measure the formation of information competence of primary students For 2 years of running the "Info-knowledge" circle, students got acquainted with the programs: MS Paint graphics editor, MS Word text editor, MS Power Point editor; MS Excel, learned to work on the Internet. The use of ICT opens up new opportunities not only in teaching the subject, but also in extracurricular activities. For example, participation in the competition "Leader of Reading", class presentation. At the end of the year, everyone prepared a presentation on their own and presented it to the class.  classes? At this stage, work was mainly carried out on the formation of information competence. In the 4th grade I will continue to work on this topic and for diagnostics I will use the method of E.A. Khasyanov and S.Yu. Prokhorova. We will also continue to work with the help of "Typical tasks for the formation of UUD. Working with information." for grade 4 and "Complex works", which consist of a text and 12 tasks that are meaningfully related to the text. Completing tasks based on real-life scenarios will help the child determine how effectively he can learn. The information space of each work is organized so that the student gains experience not only in independent completion of tasks, but also in control and evaluation activities, which is ensured by the presence of answers to tasks. The formation of information competence is one of the urgent tasks of primary education. The success of the socialization of students in the future depends on how this task is implemented today in the practice of school work.

MOU "Secondary school No. 3 r. Linevo village

Formation of information competence

at the lessons of literary reading

first qualification category

R. Linevo

1. Explanatory note ……………………………………………………. 3

2. The concept of information competence………………………………… 4

3. Goals and objectives of the formation of information competence……… 5

4. Analysis of the textbook "Literary reading" and

textbook "ABC" …………………………………………… 5

5. Methods and techniques for the formation of information competence ... 10

6. Diagnostic examination …………………………………………. 12

7. Literature ………………………………………………………………... 17

8. Application ………………………………………………………………. eighteen

Explanatory note

The priority of modern education, which guarantees its high quality, is education focused on self-development and self-realization personality. The goal of today's general education is the formation of a person who is ready for a free, humanistically oriented choice, possessing multifunctional competencies, which will allow him to independently solve various problems in everyday, professional and social life. This is a response to the "challenges of the time", which requires not only the training of people who can perform a certain set of actions, but also able to evaluate these actions from ethical, moral and moral positions.

One of the main priorities for modern general education is information competence. The researchers note that in different age periods of personality development, it is necessary to form different key competencies (for example, in school childhood - primarily personal and communicative; during the school period - general cultural, educational, cognitive, informational, communicative; during professional training - value- semantic, general cultural, social and labor, informational, communicative, political and social, competences of life in a multicultural society, competences that realize the ability and desire to learn throughout life). However, there are a number of competencies that need to be formed throughout a person's life. These skills include information skills.

The concept of information competence.

The concept of "information competence" is considered by many authors as the ability of a person to independently search, choose, analyze, organize, present and transmit information. So, for example, he considers information competence as "universal ways of searching, receiving, processing, presenting and transferring information into knowledge." information competence is understood as "the ability to navigate in a vast, rapidly renewing and growing information field, quickly find the necessary information and integrate it into your system of activities, apply it to solve practical and research problems." and consider information competence as the ability to receive and process large amounts of information using modern multimedia tools. includes in information competence the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, store and transmit it using real objects and information technologies. This competence provides the skills of the student's activity with the information contained in the subjects and educational areas, as well as in the world around him.

Purpose of the primary school teacher: lay the foundations for the formation of information competence of students. To lay the foundations for the formation of information competence, I decide the following tasks:

1) create conditions for the development of educational and information skills in the classroom;

2) develop the skills of obtaining and processing information;

3) to educate a personality capable of adapting to the modern world.

I tried to implement these tasks in all lessons, but I pay special attention to literary reading.

The strategic goal of literary education at school is the upbringing of an intelligent person who is sensitive and understanding to the world (to the surrounding people, animals, nature), living “according to the laws of beauty” (Leo Tolstoy).

A more specific goal is the education of an educated creative reader who has a formed need for reading.

“True reading is reading, which, according to M. Tsvetaeva, is participation in creativity.”

Analysis of the textbook "Literary Reading"

and textbook "ABC".

Literary reading as an academic subject is of great importance in solving the problems of development and education of students and plays a key role in their upbringing, since in these lessons children get acquainted with works of art, the moral potential of which is very high, and its development by student readers will contribute to their appropriation moral values ​​created by mankind.

In the textbook "Literary Reading" the works are selected in such a way as to unfold the values ​​of the world to schoolchildren. Texts, questions and assignments to them show the student how difficult and how important it is to become a person.

The method of working with text takes into account:

1) the fundamental integrity of the artistic image, the importance,


2) the possibility of personal perception, "individual" reading

artistic image;

3) the leading role is played by feelings as the basis for motivating interest in reading.

The skill of conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading is developed by reflecting on the features of the text in the process of listening and rereading it for various purposes.

The questions and tasks of the textbook are designed in such a way that the student rereads the text of the work several times, that is, they are aimed at motivating rereading: “read with different intonation, with different moods.” Practicing expressive meaningful reading, I use different types of work:

Reading in whole words with a choice of intonation;

Reading by role, by heart;

Staging of works;

Oral and written statements in the image, based on the picture and in free form.

The textbook material allows you to develop other general educational skills, such as educational and information skills.

"ABC", not only helps the novice reader to master the skill of reading, and the reader to improve this skill, but also learn how to work with information.

Analysis of the textbook "ABC". Tasks that form information competence:

Tutorial Page

Task Formulation

Aimed at the formation of skills

How many mothers, fathers, children are in your family? Now draw relatives, friends, acquaintances around your family - also in the form of stars.

analyze, summarize, process information.

“A man called words everything that he learned and created himself.” Does everything really have a name? Check it out! Also, what is the name of the house?

search, information processing, generalization.

How many parts is each word divided into? Think why?

analyze, choose.

Choose clues to riddles. Why? Justify your answer.

select, analyze, systematize, generalize, transmit information.

How will you act in such a situation?

select and analyze information.

"Words words…"

Explain the historical origin of words, draw a conclusion.

search, generalize, process information.

What role do you want to play in this story?

select, transfer information.

"What's behind that door?" PC

analyze, search, select the necessary information.

What can you say about these words? (parrot, peacock, fluff, penguin)? What about items?

analyze, select, transfer information.

Who is it? Shepherd? Shepherd? Cowboy?

Why were they named like that? Sunflower, bluebell, dandelion, bullfinch, strawberry?

Explain the post?

Health is…

analyze, select, present and communicate information.

You got into an argument. Choose: footsteps, calm tone, fists, smile, shout, good nature.

processing, generalization, transmission of information. Independently select, analyze, transmit information.

"Why are they called that?" (objects and furnishings in the kitchen).

summarize and communicate information.

"Why are we talking like that?"

search, processing, transmission of information.

"Who sent the wish?" (words, sayings of characters). Imagine what it would be...

independently analyze, select and transmit information.

Complete the task of the poet and fill in the gaps. (“What can’t exist without what?”)

What do the names mean? What means your name?

Why were you named that way?

independently search, select, organize, present information.

What can you say about the words in the columns? About any of these columns of words?

When do we say this?

generalization, processing, transformation of information into knowledge.

Write the extra letter in the box. Explain your choice: f p y y ...

choose, analyze.

Make up and act out scenes with these words.

give information.

Fix typos.

"Who owns what?"

systematize, generalize.

Explore what sounds the consonant letter C can represent: soft, hard, voiced, deaf?

independently search, choose, analyze.

Compare rhyming words. Does the poem match its title in content and sound? ("Blue tongue twister").

Can the letter X stand for hard and soft sound?

And the letters Zh, Sh, C?

choose, analyze, present, analyze, generalize, turn information into knowledge.

What pairs of words can be used to make a rebus.

Write a story with these characters.

choose to analyze, present and communicate information.

On what basis are groups of animal names composed?

choose, analyze, summarize.

Explore what sounds can represent the letters H, W?

select and process information

You are walking down the street. You don't have a watch. You don't know if it's time for you to go home. What way will you find?

In each group, find the “third extra”. - How many options did you find?

independently search, select, analyze, generalize.

Methods and techniques for the formation of information competence

To form the foundations of information competence, the most effective principle is to work with information. My research helped identify the components of information competence that provide the ability to:

Assimilation of educational material;

Formation of skills to analyze, summarize, systematize and select the information received;

Minimal outside help.

Advanced (creative)

Ability to predict possible difficulties and problems on the way to finding a solution;

Ability to design complex processes;

Skillful transfer of existing knowledge, skills, methods

activities in a new unfamiliar situation;

Lack of outside help;

Assistance to other participants in the joint


The ability to reflect on one's actions.

Diagnostic study

Since I started studying the topic when my children were in the 3rd grade, the results of the diagnostics at that time were such that students basically had the required level of information competence, which is 66.7%, and children with an average level of ability -33.3 %. (Attachment 1).

In the 4th grade, at the lessons of literary reading, I tried in practice the studied material on this problem.

I give an example of diagnostic material that allows you to track the level of formation of information competence. (Appendix.2, questionnaire 1.)

The analysis of this testing showed:

1. Analysis of this source of information - 75%.

2. Selection of the necessary material (obtaining the necessary

information) – 62%.

3. Organization of the material (the ability to navigate the book) - 65%.

4. Transformation of information (ability to supplement content) - 53%.

Returning to the table (p. 11), I draw attention to the changes that have occurred as a result of the formation of the foundations of information competence in grade 4 students:

Low level (mandatory) 6 people - 25%;

Medium (level of opportunities) 14 people - 58.3%;

Advanced (creative) 4 people%.

Among the students, 4 people stand out who could complete the task without outside help, provide assistance to other participants in the joint activity.

When enrolling children in grade 1, I was worried about the problem of finding a textbook that would replace the Russian Alphabet, because in my opinion, the material in this textbook does not help to implement a competency-based approach to teaching.

"ABC", the analysis of which I made and presented in the table (p. 6-9) not only helps the novice reader to master the reading skill, and the reader to improve this skill, but also learn how to work with information.

Work on the formation of the foundations of information competence was built from the beginning of the academic year.

I assessed the formation of the foundations of this competence, based on a level table.

Due to age characteristics, first grade students obtain the necessary information with the help of adults (parents, teacher - first assistants). Therefore, the results of the 1st half of the year are as follows:

The mandatory level is 69.5%;

Average (ability level) 30.4%.

Working on the ABC, I tried to make reading lessons effective, which helped me use three forms of organization work in the lesson: individual, frontal, group.

Forming the foundations of information competence, I plan a gradual “movement” of students with a compulsory level to the intermediate level, and from the intermediate level to the creative level.

In order for students to be able to help other participants in joint activities (formed way of working at a creative level (advanced)), educational cooperation is necessary. To teach children to work successfully together, it is necessary to develop communication skills. Among them, I highlighted:

Ability to negotiate;

Ability to exchange opinions;

Ability to listen to a partner;

The ability to evaluate each other and yourself.

My children were happy to work in groups during reading lessons, evaluate each other's work, and give recommendations.

I present the diagnostics of tracking the process of formation of the foundations of information competence (Appendix 3, questionnaire 2).

This testing shows the following results of the formation of the foundations of tracked competence:

Analysis of the source (type of source) of information - 85%;

Selection of the necessary material - 52%;

Organization of the material (the ability to navigate the book) -75%.

At the lessons of literary reading in the 1st grade, I also built the work, analyzing the tasks, supplementing with the necessary material that helped me form the foundations of informational competence (Appendix 4).

I believe that I laid the foundations for the formation of information competence, which made it possible to achieve the following results.

Table of learning outcomes.

Literary reading.

Year of study


Number of students

Quality %


The results listed in the table show how the quality of knowledge of the subject being studied increases as a result of the formation of the foundations of information competence.

Tsygankova Nadezhda Dmitrievna

Lecturer of special disciplines, SBEE SPO SO "Ural College of Construction, Architecture and Entrepreneurship", Yekaterinburg E-mail: [email protected]





Annotation. The article considers the levels of formed information competence of students of secondary vocational education, presents a model for the formation of information competence of students, including the target and theoretical components that determine the requirements for the organization of the process under consideration; an organizational and technological component that determines the content of the process of forming information and computer competence of students, and an effective component that determines the expected result. The implementation of the model helps to increase the efficiency of the educational process on the basis of its individualization and intensification and the achievement of the required level of professionalism in mastering the means of informatics and computer technology.

Key words: information culture, information literacy, information competence, levels of formation of information competence, structural-content model of formation of information competence of students.

The emergence of information technologies in everyday and professional life of a person, as well as Russia's entry into a single European educational space requires the modernization of the content of education, therefore, it is necessary to change the educational goals of the educational process, which, in accordance with the social order, should be aimed at the formation and development of the student's abilities to work with information. The result of the pedagogical process is an information-competent person.

The introduction of ICT has changed the nature of educational communication from direct to indirect, has shifted the focus from overcoming the distance between the subjects of education to finding ways to effectively use modern communication tools in teaching and establishing feedback in the interpersonal interaction of participants in the educational process at a distance.

One of the issues that have arisen before the educational system in connection with the development of the information society, the informatization of education and the introduction of distance learning is the issue of the formation of information culture, information literacy, information lifestyle, information competence.

Summarizing the views of specialists who study the essence of information culture and the problems of its formation, we can say that information

culture is a qualitative characteristic of a person, which implies a high level of development of the skills of obtaining and processing information. The information culture of a person is one of the components of the general culture of a person, a set of information worldview and a system of knowledge and skills that provide purposeful independent activity to optimally meet individual information needs using both traditional and new information technologies (the so-called functional level of information culture). In turn, information literacy of students is the basis, the initial level of the formation of information competence and includes a set of knowledge, skills, behavioral qualities of the student, allowing you to effectively find, evaluate, use information for successful inclusion in a variety of activities and relationships. Information culture and information competence in modern information conditions is an integral part of the general human culture.

Information competence of a person implies active information activity (human activity associated with the processes of obtaining, transforming, accumulating and transmitting information), the need for independent search, processing of information, formed skills of selection, creative rethinking of the necessary


information that will allow you to effectively carry out your educational and professional activities.

The structure of information competence:

1. Cognitive readiness: knowledge in the field of ICT; knowledge about the methods of working with information in the information and educational environment.

2. Motivational-value readiness: interest in working with information; the need to use ICT; readiness to use information resources by means of ICT; awareness of the value of information.

3. Technological readiness: ability to use ICT tools; possession of methods for obtaining, storing, processing and transmitting information.

Thus, the term "information competence" refers to the key terms of the second generation educational standards and is defined as "the ability and ability to independently search, analyze, select, process and transmit the necessary information using oral and written communicative information technologies" .

Information competence can be assessed on the basis of such criteria as cognitive, operational-activity, value-semantic, motivational (Table 1) .

The identified criteria and components make it possible to characterize the levels of formation of information competence. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the most common is the allocation of three levels: low (reproductive), medium (heuristic) and high (creative) (Table 2).

Thus, information competence implies, in particular, knowledge both in the field of ICT and in the field of their effective application in the process of distance learning (DL), focused on the use of an information resource.

In order to ensure the high quality of training of competent mid-level specialists, in the experimental part of our study, carried out as part of the network interaction of educational institutions of the Ural region, was developed

a model for the formation of information competence of college students in conditions of distance learning and its effectiveness has been experimentally proven.

The study was conducted on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region "Ural College of Construction, Architecture and Entrepreneurship" (GBOU SPO SO "UKSAP"), Yekaterinburg. The study involved students of 1-2 courses in the amount of 48 people, divided into 2 groups - experimental (EG) - 23 students and control (CG) - 25 students.

As a specific technology for constructing the model, the technology for designing technical systems was used, the choice of which was due to the fact that it determines the principles of design and the logic of this process.

The design of the model was subject to the following logic:

1. definition of the boundaries of the model and the formulation of the design goal;

2. formulation of the purpose and objectives of the model;

3. substantiation of the principles on the basis of which the design of the model will be carried out;

4. substantiation of the components of the model and development of their content;

5. allocation of conditions for the effective functioning of the model;

6. determination of the main result to be achieved in the implementation of this model, justification of the technology and tools for its diagnostics;

7. experimental approbation of the model under the selected conditions.

We consider the model of the process of formation of information and computer competence of students that we have developed as an open type subsystem built into the context of the professional training system in SVE.

The proposed model for the formation of information competence of students includes three components (Fig. 1):

Table 1

Criteria and components of information competence

Information Competence Components Information Competence Criteria

Cognitive Operational-activity Value-semantic Motivational

Estimated search Knowledge of the principles of functioning of search engines. Knowledge of signs of reliability of information Definition of search indicators. Use of search engines Evaluation of information Purpose of information search

Analytical-transformative Knowledge of the typology of information and methods of its transformation Transformation of information types. Effective presentation of information Tolerance of information Objectives of presentation of information

Information security Knowledge of types of information threats and methods of protection. Knowledge of the social and legal aspects of the use of information Application of information protection methods. Use of information subject to legal, moral and ethical norms Attitude to comply with social and legal norms for the use of information Willingness to follow social and legal norms for the use of information

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Levels of development of information competence of a student

table 2

Name Characteristics of the level according to the components of information competence

level Evaluative-search Analytical-transformative Information security

Reproductive (basic) low - reproduction of declarative and procedural knowledge in the field of computer science and IT, the ability to perform independent work only according to the proposed algorithm; - knowledge of information search algorithms, the ability to determine search indicators in accordance with the purpose of information search - the ability to evaluate the information found by relevance; - knowledge of the main types of information and the ability to convert from one type to another - understanding the meaning of information and its impact on social relations; - knowledge of the types of information threats and the ability to implement preventive measures to prevent them; - following the requirements of society when using information products and services

Heuristic (partial search) - medium - the presence of a system of declarative and procedural knowledge in the field of professionally oriented IT, possession of basic techniques and algorithms for searching, analyzing, evaluating information; - the ability to make a decision in a similar situation using professionally oriented IT based on updating the necessary set of knowledge, skills, experience - understanding the principles of the design and operation of search engines, the ability to redefine search indicators depending on the search results; - the ability to present information in the most efficient way based on the tasks set; - knowledge of the main methods of protection against information threats and the ability to implement protection by hardware and software methods; - awareness of the need to use tolerant information

Creative (creative) - high - the presence of an information outlook, special and methodological knowledge in the field of informatics and IT; - the ability to synthesize, generalize, classify professionally significant information - the ability to design one's informational behavior and make decisions in non-standard situations; - modeling a set of information search indicators using advanced parameters of search engines; - the ability to take into account, when working with information, the socio-legal and moral and ethical aspects of the use of information - the willingness to bear responsibility for the created information product; - the ability to determine the reliability of the source and the level of scientific information; - the ability to independently choose a strategy for protecting against information threats

Motivational-value: provides a mechanism for readiness for the realization of personal creative potential (aspirations, needs to apply information technologies in professional activities) and a mechanism for relating to the content of information competence (realization of the significance and importance of using information technologies in professional activities);

Cognitive-activity: provides a mechanism for cognition through mental activity (knowledge, skills, ideas about information technologies and the basic laws of their development, etc.) and a mechanism for cognition through practical activities (the use of information technologies to solve specific problems);

Emotional-volitional: it consists in adequate awareness and evaluation of one's own capabilities and abilities in the application of information and communication technologies in educational and future professional activities.

To implement interactive interaction in the DL environment, the use of the following network tools is provided: e-mail, teleconferences, electronic bulletin boards, electronic libraries. Distance learning students work most of the time on their own.

The model proposed by us acts as a means of organizing practical actions aimed at the formation of information competence of students, so it has a pragmatic character. The structure of the developed model of formation of information competence of students is represented by the target and theoretical components that determine the requirements for the organization of the process under consideration, the organizational and technological component that determines the content of the process of formation of information and computer competence of students and the effective component that determines the expected result.

The model is holistic, since all these components are interconnected, carry a certain semantic load and work for the final result - the achievement by students of a higher level of information competence (Fig. 1).

Stages of formation of information competence of students studying with the help of distance technologies, their characteristics and types of activities of students are shown in Fig.2.

At each stage, students are introduced to the value system with specially organized

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Fig.1. Model of formation of information competence of students studying in the conditions of distance education.

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Stages Student activities

Stage 1 Acquisition of a general understanding and development of the learning environment. - are included in the interaction with the environment, forming the values ​​of communication and computer literacy.

Stage 2 Expansion, deepening of knowledge, skills and abilities of using ICT in the process of educational and cognitive activity, formation of the activity and cognitive component of competence and computer education. - independently study the information resource; - search for information; - perform tasks; - Solve common problems.

Stage 3 Improving the skills and abilities to use ICT. - create their own information resource; - perform tasks; - solve typical tasks; - perform tasks; - solve non-standard tasks; - analyze their own activities; - master the methods of processing an information resource.

Fig.2. Characterization of the stages of formation of information competence of students studying with the help of distance technologies d.

bathing work with their motivational sphere, which served as the basis in this study to clarify the characteristics and content of the value component as a motivational value component.

In the process of studying disciplines, the combined method of presenting the material is taken as the basic one, in which the lecture material is combined with the simultaneous development of skills on a personal computer. After each practical block, the program provides for independent creative work, the purpose of which is to prepare the user

the caller for further independent work with the software package and consolidation of the acquired skills.

Particular attention in the classroom is given to the system of practical work. The system provides for the implementation of a specific set of tasks. At each lesson, a block of the functionality of a particular environment is studied and, accordingly, logically completed technological operations (Fig. 3).

The minimum composition of each TMC by discipline (module) includes:

Work program of the discipline;

Rice. 3. Approximate scheme of practical work

Municipal entity: innovations and experiment №4, 2013


Table 1

Summary table of the results of the study of the levels of information competence of students

To and after the formative stage)

Groups Levels of pnformational competence,% of the total number in the group

high medium low

abs. number o/% abs. number 0/% abs. number o/%

before after before after before after before after before after Before after

E G s o Yu.1 N8 n 4 oo.6 17.4 13 s tl.p p4.6

KG 4 t 10 2 0 t 0 az 3 2 14 1T oo 4o

Course of lectures (textbook);

Methodical manuals for all types of classes;

Calendar schedule for the implementation of control tasks aastaaiplone (power).

Expected rttrlrtat-itt is tolerable to encourage and encourage students to work creatively, independently extract-vop-tonpn, learn about the power of si ^ e ^ ni e, fmynop, analase-otatn and generalize them.

At the beginning of the experiment and at the end of the experiment, the students p^mli oyu^tiyu^ofmt but p^dmot oyassnn-o level of information competence.

The experiment showed that the developed model is quite effective in the formation of the information competence of students studying with the help of distance learning.

The control sao shyagnootitt showed that the resll-tat of the implementation of the model developed by us uro-vasn - ^ form memio networks 1 ^ ^ mpot ^ oo ^ sys tpsa yud-nt ^ tt E1 "increased: the number of students with a high level increased by 34.9%, with low tooney - decreased by 13.2%. CI this level also changed, but the number of students with a high level increased by 4%, and the number of students with a low level decreased by 8%, outside the informational density (label 1 ; Fig.4, 5).

Thus, neither face changed or changed in both groups.

To check the significance of the changes that have occurred, we used the Criterion f * - angular

Fisher's transformation (Fisher's criterion). Statistical processing of the obtained results showed that the changes in the EG have significant differences f* = T.6H6, while it has a statistical significance f* = 0.368.

The presented results confirm that DOs definitely deserve more attention when wearing shoes in the USUZe. They provide students with the opportunity to manage the coon 7b-yanniz, to develop their own thoughts on the nomocfspaittn pansuyapiya mchtosiale. eya■ptattlpks-experimental research testifies that anedonpo mz=d^i ffchirovannaya snf-rsntssonnsm students' competence in the practice of the educational process contributes to a more effective formation of informational competence of students.

Thus, presented in io ^ l ^ ^ (^ E ^ a ^ 1 and mtoals ptttosya bs ^ sio effeatten = T, than moto = b, focused on traditional forms, methods and ftdotra pol = arzshchii of students' educational work.

Rsolvztuin;^%noysch^^sysg^nuV^stvu "^y increase in the efficiency of the educational process on the basis of its individualization and intensification, the achievement of an irreducible level of professionalism^^ienyuv1^vma in mastering the comm. As a matter of fact, it is necessary to prepare the participants of the oLlazovatl aroa ^ sssa for life in the conditions of the knowledge society, as well as to increase the competitiveness of future information-competent specialists.

Fig.4. Comparative diagram of the dynamics of information competence development of students from the EG.

Municipal entity: innovations and experiment №4, 2013


information competence of CG students.

The technology of formation of information competence when using DL should be considered as one of the effective ways to resolve the main problem of development of contradiction, namely, to satisfy the critical problem axis of the answer in the language of inquiry.


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Municipal entity: innovations and experiment №4, 2013

The article is devoted to the current issue of the formation and development of information competence among schoolchildren. The task was set to understand the definitions of "information competence", "information and communication competence", "ICT-competence", "information-functional competence", and to understand what kind of competence it is necessary to form in schoolchildren. The analysis of many authoritative scientists-teachers in the definition of the concept of "information competence" is summarized.




The article is devoted to the current issue of the formation and development of information competence among schoolchildren.The task was set to understand the definitions of "information competence", "information and communication competence", "ICT-competence", "information-functional competence", and to understand what kind of competence it is necessary to form in schoolchildren. The analysis of many authoritative scientists-teachers in the definition of the concept of "information competence" is summarized. The article presents the components of the structure of the category "information competence" . It is concluded that the concept of "information competence" has a complex structure and the process of formation of information competence occurs in stages. The concepts of computer literacy, ICT literacy and ICT competence as the main stages in the formation of information competence are generalized and refined. The article considers a model of information and communication technological competence of students, within which a set of basic cognitive skills is provided.

Keywords: computer literacy, ICT literacy, “information competence, information and communication competence, ICT competence, information and functional competence.

In domestic pedagogical literature, official documents of the Ministry of Education and Science and other sources of information, the terms “computer literacy”, “ICT literacy”, “information competence”, “information and communication competence”, “ICT competence”, “information and functional competence” are often used. competence". We have set the task of understanding these definitions and understanding what kind of competence it is necessary to form in school students. The competence-based approach in determining the goals and content of education, focusing on the development of skills, generalized methods of activity is the leading one in the works of such domestic teachers as V.P. Davydov, A.K. Makarov, A.M. Novikov, V.A. Slastenin, A.P. Tryapitsin, A.V. Khutorskoy, G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others. It should be noted that at the present stage of development of pedagogy, the concept of "information competence" is defined ambiguously (O.B. Zaitseva, A.L. Semenov, V.L. Akulenko, M.G. Dzugoeva, N.Yu. Tairova, O.M. . Tolstykh). Trishina S.V. believes that information competence is an integrative quality of a person, which is the result of reflecting the processes of selection, assimilation, processing, transformation and generation of information into a special type of subject-specific knowledge, which allows developing, accepting, predicting and implementing optimal decisions in various fields of activity. In defining the structure of the category "information competence", she singled out the components that are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Components of the structure of the category "information competence"

N.N. Abakumova believes that information competence is the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, store and transmit it using real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem) and information technologies (audio-video recording, e-mail, mass media, Internet). This competence provides the skills of the subject of the educational process in relation to the information contained in the subjects and educational areas, as well as in the surrounding world. Kizik O.A. believes that information competence includes the abilityto independent search and processing of information necessary for the high-quality performance of professional tasks to group activities and cooperation using modern communication technologies to achieve professionally significant goals, as well as readiness for self-development in the field of information technology, which is necessary for continuous professional development and self-realization in professional work. In the literature there is the concept of "information-functional competence" - a complex of various types of activity (cognitive, value-motivational, communicative, technical and technological, reflexive), in the process of which skills are formed that contribute to the development of the student's personality. As well as the concept of "communication competence" - activities in solving various problems and situations involving a personal computer and computer information processing tools. Information and communication competence of schoolchildren within the framework of the project "Informatization of the education system" is defined as the ability of students to use information and communication technologies for access (access) to information, its identification-definition (define), organization (integrate), processing (manage), assessment (evaluate), as well as its creation-production (create) and transmission-distribution (communicate), which is sufficient to successfully live and work in a knowledge-based economy. At the same time, the formation of information and communication competence is considered not only (and not so much) as the formation of technological skills, but as the ability to use modern information and communication technologies to work with information, both in the educational process and for other needs. So, we can say that the concept of "information competence" has a complex structure and the process of formation of information competence and occurs in several stages:

Figure 2. Stages of formation of information competence

New publications on the subject from the teaching communities point out that ICTs can be used more effectively in schools. Leading theorists and practitioners demonstrate how this can and should be done. Most of them are of the opinion that the widely practiced teaching of isolated skills in the conditions of special “computer classes” most often does not achieve its goal. As an alternative to this method of teaching how to work on a computer, they offer a way to integrate purely technical aspects and meaningful tasks of various kinds. The guiding principle here is the position that the end result of training should not be an understanding of how a computer functions, but the ability to use it as a tool for solving various problems, communication, organizing activities, in particular, research. And this, in turn, entails a significant change in the general teaching methodology and specific emphases. The transition from teaching individual computer skills to an integrated way of developing information competence requires special efforts in this direction. They showed that for the formation of the latter, two essential conditions must be met: first, these skills must be directly related to a specific subject area and to the learning tasks used; secondly, the skills themselves must be internally integrated with each other within the framework of a common information processing model. The development of computer competence should not be reduced to a simple list of the knowledge and skills that students must master (knowledge of the computer device, skills in working with a text editor, the ability to search and find the necessary information on the Internet). Of course, such knowledge and skills are very important, the traditional way of teaching them in isolation does not ensure the successful transfer of skills from one situation to another. Students master certain methods of working on a computer, but they do not have an understanding of how these methods should be combined with each other to solve various practical problems. The student must have a good idea of ​​the ultimate goal, understand how a computer can solve various problems that arise in this case, and be able to actually use various technical devices and possibilities. Each individual skill of working on a computer, integrated into the process of solving practical problems, acquires a completely different personal meaning for a person. Only in this case is it legitimate to speak of true computer literacy, because only then does an understanding arise of how modern technical means can turn into a tool for obtaining new knowledge. Thus, we can say that the concept of "computer literacy" comes down to mastering the skills of working with computer technologies (text editor, spreadsheets, etc.) and means of communication. However, is it possible to say that every person who plays computer games, and also uses e-mail or the Internet, really owns a computer? Are the knowledge and skills that modern young people receive at school enough to solve the problems they will face in real life? Do the elementary skills of working with a text editor exhaust the requirements that modern production or higher education put forward? All these questions must be answered in the negative. Burmakina V.F. and Falina I.N. define the concept of "information and communication technology literacy" as the use of digital technologies, communication tools and / or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information for functioning in modern society. Moreover, literacy is understood as the ability to learn and develop throughout life, that is, ICT literacy will provide an individual with the means to successfully live and work in an economically developed or developing society. Based on the definition of ICT literacy, these authors move on to the concept of information and communication technological competence (ICT competence). Competence is a very general concept. It does not reflect the specific cognitive and practical qualities that should be formed in the learning process. This is due to the fact that in different areas of professional activity, competence will be revealed with the help of various cognitive and practical concepts. Therefore, in different subject areas, their own definitions of competence are developed, for example, language competence. Under ICT– Competence means the students' confident possession of all the components of ICT literacy skills to solve emerging issues in educational and other activities. At the same time, the emphasis is on the formation of a symbiosis of cognitive, ethical and technical skills. A complex of skills serves as the basis of ICT-competence. The first step towards turning our children into competent users of modern information and communication technologies is to describe the set of basic cognitive skills that they will have to master. Burmakina V.F. and Falina I.N. define a model of information and communication technological competence, consisting of seven cognitive actions, which in turn consist of certain skills, presented in Scheme 1.

Information integration

Scheme 1. Model of information and communication technological competence

Thus, the formation of ICT - competence is a process of transition to a state where the student becomes able to find, understand, evaluate and apply information in various forms to solve personal, social or global problems. The development of genuine ICT-competence, first of all, involves the formation of universal thinking and decision skills. These include the ability to observe and draw logical conclusions, use various sign systems and abstract models, analyze the situation from different points of view, understand the general context and the hidden meaning of statements, steadily work independently to improve their competence in this area. ICT - the competence of a student is a complex of formed personality traits that provide flexibility and readiness for change, efficiency in future professional activities in the conditions of informatization of modern society when mastering information and communication competencies.

Bibliographic list

1. Abakumova N.N. Diagnostics of information competencies at different levels of education. TSU, Tomsk, 2007

2. Burmakina V.F., Zelman M., Falina I.N. Big Seven (B7). Information-communication-technological competence. Methodological guide for preparing teachers for testing. M. 2007

3. Verbitsky A.A. Competence-based approach and the theory of contextual learning. Proceedings of the methodological seminar "Russia in the Bologna Process: Problems, Tasks, Prospects". - M., 2004.

4. Gendina N.I. Personal information culture in the context of knowledge society formation (

5. Kizik O.A. Formation of information competence of students in the educational process of a professional lyceum: Dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01: Petrozavodsk, 2004 159 p. RSL OD, 61:05-13/334

6. Kiseleva T.G. Diagnosis and formation of information competence by means of a subject. All-Russian Internet Conference "Modern Teacher and New School" - M., 2009.

Formation of information competence of students in the context of the introduction of federal state educational standards in the discipline "Law"

The transition to the information society introduces changes in all spheres of human life, which leads to a change in the requirements for a modern specialist. One of the solutions to the current situation is the transition from knowledge to competence model specialist. The implementation of this model provides training for a person who not only has knowledge, but also knows how to apply it in various situations. Information competence implies, in particular, knowledge both in the field of ICT and in the field of their effective application in the course of their direct activities focused on the use of an information resource.

In the course of studying the designated topics, contradictions between the society's need for specialists with a high level of information competence in the field of law, and the insufficient theoretical development of this problem in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards, on the one hand; on the other hand, the need of students to master information competence and the uncertainty of the mechanisms of its formation; the need during pedagogical practice for scientific and methodological support of the process of forming information competence of students based on the use of information technologies and the lack of development of organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at preparing students for this kind of information activity.

The above contradictions are expressed in the form scientific problem: What are the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence of students in law lessons in terms of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards?


  • identify, theoretically substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence of students based on the use of information technologies, and experimentally verify the effectiveness of their implementation.

An object:

  • the process of forming information competence of students based on the use of information technology in the context of the introduction of new generation standards.


  • organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence of students based on the use of information technologies.


  • The process of forming the information competence of students based on the use of information technologies will be effective if: the organization of the information and educational environment is ensured by saturating it with information resources; carried out diagnostics and subsequent monitoring of educational needs, motives and level of knowledge of students; information technologies are actively used in the educational activities of students; independent educational and cognitive activity of students takes place on the basis of the use of ICT.

The work consists of four stages and includes the period from September 2012 to May 2014. The second stage (December 2012 - January - April 2013) includes the development of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of students' information competence based on the use of information technologies and the definition of scientific and methodological tools for their implementation; identification of criteria for the effectiveness of the identified organizational and pedagogical conditions; implementation, approbation of the main provisions of the study in the form of presentations at scientific and practical conferences of various levels of significance.

Overview of information

1. The concepts of "competence" and "key competencies".

The ideas of modernization of education on a competency-based basis are actively discussed and developed in scientific circles by V.A. Bolotov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.N. Dahin, E.M. Dneprov, I.A. Zimney, V.A. Kalney, S.V. Kulnevich, O.E. Lebedev, E.A. Lenskoy, A.A. Pinsky, V.V. Serikov, A.P. Tryapitsina, I.D. Frumin, V.D. Shadrikov, S.E. Shishov, A.V. Khutorsky, B.D. Elkonin and others. It should be noted right away that there is still no well-established single definition of the content of the concept of “competence” or “key competence”.

Competence is a characteristic given to a person as a result of assessing the effectiveness / efficiency of his actions aimed at resolving a certain range of tasks / problems that are significant for a given community.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the International Pedagogical Academy Khutorskoy Andrey Viktorovich gives his understanding of today's term " Competence is an alienated, predetermined social requirement (norm) for the student's educational preparation, which is necessary for his effective productive activity in a certain area.

2. The concept of "information competence".

For concretization of the competence-based approach, therefore, the organization of the process of teaching students in the discipline "Law", the expression of the types of competencies is of great importance. For students in the lessons of "Law" it is better to express them in two groups: key (basic) and special (subject) competencies. When studying Law, subject competencies can be viewed as the implementation of key competencies. They are successfully formed in the context of all four key competencies - informational, communicative, cooperative and problematic.

In a study on improving the subject preparation of students of NGOs in the study of the discipline "Law", special attention was paid to the formation of information competence.

In the studies of scientists, the concept of "information competence" is interpreted as: a complex individual psychological education based on the integration of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal attitudes in the field of innovative technologies and a certain set of personal qualities; new literacy, which includes the skills of active independent processing of information by a person, the adoption of fundamentally new decisions in unforeseen situations using technological means.

In the structure of the category "information competence" the following components are distinguished: cognitive, value-motivational, technical and technological, communicative, reflective . Thus, the properties of the category "information competence" are the following: dualism, relativity, structuredness, selectivity, accumulativeness, self-organization, "polyfunctionality".

  • cognitive;
  • communicative;
  • adaptive;
  • normative;
  • evaluation (informative);
  • interactive.

Thus, in the process of studying the discipline "Law", the formation of information competencies is of great importance. With the help of real objects and information technologies, the skills of independent search, analysis and selection of the necessary information, its preservation and transmission, self-organization, and transformation are formed.

3. Characteristics of the information competence of students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the discipline "Law"

The main goal of the discipline "Law" is the formation of students' legal awareness and legal culture, social and legal activity, inner conviction in the need to comply with the rule of law, awareness of themselves as a full member of society, having rights and freedoms guaranteed by law.

So, for the quality training of students, it is important teach them how to search legal information: to find distinctive features in regulatory documents, reference books, encyclopedias, electronic databases of the meaning of terms and concepts. Can't do without skills formation communicate - listen to the interlocutor, analyze what others have said, argue their position, exchange information, formulate conclusions in various forms. As a rule, communication and joint learning activities can be more effectively organized when students are combined into pairs, links and groups. The group nature of training helps to optimize the process of assimilation of legal knowledge. Each group of skills has a certain competence structure.

4. The development of information competence of students in the discipline "Law" can be ensured by the use of such methods as:

  • the use of computer textbooks, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, Internet resources that form the ability for independent activity to acquire knowledge and develop skills. The use of multimedia products, even within the framework of several lessons, is a powerful means of individualizing learning;
  • a system of special exercises that stimulate the active mental activity of students, which is necessary for the formation of general information competence. In addition, developmental exercises, cases, envelope cards, as well as crosswords and puzzles are used, which, in addition to the above, create conditions for increasing interest in the study of law, and also allow for student-centered learning;
  • organization of project activities: this technique is the most obvious way to form the key competencies of students, including information, since it is universal in relation to the subject content, for example, on the topic "Labor Law";
  • non-traditional forms of classes: a lesson-problem for solving cases, a lesson-competition "Legal Olympiad", a lesson-game "Legal Tournament" ... These forms allow you to solve such problems as: developing interest in information objects, strengthening students' motivation to study the discipline "Law", the formation of information and communication and technological skills. Non-traditional forms of classes are held within the framework of the Decade of the Humanities or within the framework of the program of the Sector for Civil and Patriotic Education.

Since work on this study is ongoing, it is planned to develop automated control systems, for example, the MyTest test shell. Based on this study, apply the rating method, which makes it possible to increase the objectivity of knowledge assessment.


1. Aksenova M.V. Implementation of information processes in preparing students of a specialized school for continuing education / / Preparing students of a specialized school for continuing education: Monograph / Ed. prof. IN AND. Zemtsova. - Orsk: OGTI Publishing House, 2004. - 122 p.

2. Akulenko, V.L. Formation of ICT competence of a subject teacher in the system of advanced training [Text] / V.L. Akulenko / / Application of new technologies in education: Materials of the XV International. Conf., June 29-30, 2004, Troitsk, Moscow Region: Trovant Publishing House, 2004. - P.344-346.

The report was prepared by: Korshunova Svetlana Stanislavovna, GBOU SPO ChTPTiU