Where is Mukhosransk located? Mukhosransk Is there a Mukhosransk

Mukhosransk (not to be confused with Samara) is a town in the fucking N region that has not given up to anyone.

Both traffic lights in the city are low (if there are any), and although pedestrian crossings are painted, everyone still crosses where they want.

There is not much to see in Mukhosransk: the private sector, in the center there are several Stalin buildings, there are also Khrushchev buildings and a couple of nine-story buildings. In some cases, there are no nine-story buildings, but Khrushchev buildings consist of three floors and the locals look at them as if they were a skyscraper.

A stubborn blogger who comes to Mukhosransk will hang around these same two Stalins, taking a couple of dozen shots, then he will please the entire travel community with them, inserting them into a frame and sticking a bold copyright on his creations. In the story he will mention how cool Mukhosransk is. Then he will wander around the private sector and will definitely write about the devastation in the country in general and Mukhosransk in particular, the poverty and lack of prospects of the city. He will also excavate a church there and, in wiki style, tell us in what year its first brick was laid and how the evil Bolsheviks converted it into a vegetable storehouse, example, another example.

The city is small - going from north to south is a couple of trifles, but from west to east - you have to strain. The Khuevo-Kukuevo microdistrict stands apart - only gopniks live there, and it is not recommended to look there even during the day.

Mukhosransk also has its own attractions:
Park named after M. Gorky, Lenin, Kirov, Pushkin

Monument to Lenin on Lenin Square, where the administration lives.

Monument to those killed in the war, optional - Eternal Flame.

Left Coast.

A market or even a small shopping center (almost like in Moscow!).
Pompously restored Temple.

central Stadium

One or two cinemas: “Mir”, “Progress”, “Central”, “Cosmos”.
The local history museum, the Stroitel cultural center, two cafes, one club and a buffet at the station, where the best shawarma in the world is sold.
Sometimes - a local zoo with “exotic” animals: a bear, a fox, a raccoon, a wolf (sometimes an ordinary dog), a peacock, rabbits, piggies, aquarium fish, ducks, geese and chickens.
A fountain is a circular pool with peeling tiles and a tube from which flows a thin stream of sewer water. Or it doesn't flow.

The main transport attraction is the railway station and the station square; if not, then the bus station. There are a lot of minibuses nearby and “Should we go?” taxi drivers (of which, by the way, half the city consists). Along the square there is a cluster of stalls, shawarma and liqueurs, and slot machines are installed in a separate barn. There are a lot of homeless people, gypsies, beggars and burnt vodka. For beauty's sake, cops are stationed in some places.

The main streets in this city are Lenin, Sovetskaya, Soviet Army, Red Guard, Komsomolskaya, Oktyabrskaya, XXII Congress of the CPSU, Pushkin, Gorky, Mayakovsky, Gagarin, Clara Zetkin, Karl Liebknecht, Uritsky, Marshal Zhukov, Tsyurupa.

Districts: Leninsky, Moskovsky, Oktyabrsky, Zavodskoy, Sovetsky, Central, Proletarsky, Zarechensky, Dzerzhinsky.

The media are represented by the newspapers “Sovetsky Mukhosransk” and “Rodnoe Zazhopie”, a little more than completely filled with private advertisements, news about the native governor and reports from festive evenings for veterans in the local cultural center. On the last page there is a horoscope, a couple of unfunny jokes and an advertisement for a fish store.

Sometimes they have their own TV, even more fucked up than the regional TV channel - the name is often very banal, a la TV-6 or TRK-21. Programs are most often taken from larger channels and broadcast three months after the premiere. There is always regional advertising with a Soviet flavor, as well as advertising mini-films of the sanatoriums “Yolochka”, “Yellow Waters” and other places. Optional - sermons by Baptists and Jehovah's Witnesses, who sponsor this channel.

In the evening or morning there is always a “children’s program”, where the hosts are a toy on the arm and a woman, who conduct a meaningless dialogue throughout the entire program, and at the end they show a Soviet cartoon. Sometimes the channel broadcasts films - most often Polish and German, at best Hollywood, but in terms of dullness and quality they resemble Russian cinema. Three times a day they show Mukhosransk news and weather.

Mukhosransk is a Klondike for those who are looking for parking, because the city is usually poor, which means not everyone has a car. The lack of traffic jams is also one of the few advantages of this city.

In VKontakte, the city is represented by a huge number of groups a la “Typical Mukhosransk”, where, against the backdrop of the main attraction, they write jokes about their provincialism and inferiority.

But more often for those who left, the subject becomes the sweetest city on the planet, which is what they write about (with mistakes, of course) under photos of their native places.

The souvenir trash mainly depicts a bird's eye view of Mukhosransk, a stele at the entrance to the city or a monument to Lenin.

This is what this city is like.

Where is the city of Mukhosransk located? and got the best answer

Answer from Larisa[guru]
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Mukhosransk (not to be confused with Omsk) was a prosperous colony of the Roman Empire in the distant past. In 19X/W some year it was transferred to Albania (the author does not know why). At this time, the main military forces of the United States, Albania, and Nakhkanada are located there (the underground plant for the production of Teletubbies is located in Mukhosransk).
How to get to Mukhosransk?
Muhosransk is located on the border with Albania, but at the same time in the Golden Ring of Russia. If you were sent... to Mukhosransk, then you have to walk straight for two blocks, crooked for three, and then another 300,000,000 kilometers (and in any direction). If you don't want to go there, DON'T GO! If you're too lazy to drive, pull this rubbish...
The population hovers around one person, and that one is an immigrant. But in particularly fruitful years, when the crayfish on the mountain whistle Ludwig van Beethoven's Sixth Sonata, the population increases to 202,53,741,567 people. It was in such years that such remarkable personalities and outstanding figures (burning perdzi) as MedveD, George Bush (both), Dzinidin Dzidan (outstanding diplomat, beaver, Chinese ambassador of Mukhosransk) were born.
Retrieved from http://absurdopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Мух осранск
Mukhosransk Map

Answer from Alpha male[guru]
that feeling when your city is Saransk

Answer from Yoamir Mullakhmetov[newbie]
take the crop then fuck off!!

Answer from Evgeniy Yurievich[active]
Where flies shit

Answer from Ina Rogozina[active]
in Izhevsk

Answer from *@MaSt^_^ Kill@*[newbie]

Answer from Unixaix CATIA[guru]
suburb of Mukhozasransk

Answer from Borisovna[guru]
Not far from Vydropuzhsk

Answer from Leonid *[master]
On Leshy's ass!!

Answer from Ekaterina Zuberman[guru]
I think probably somewhere in America

Answer from Shroedinger `s cat[guru]
in Zazhopinsky district

Author Vasya Pupkin8 asked a question in the section Other things about cities and countries

Is there such a city as Mukhosransk? No joke, I really want to know and got the best answer

Answer from Yergey Makarov[guru]
Mukhosransk was a prosperous colony of the Roman Empire in the distant past. In 19X/W some year it was transferred to Albania (the author does not know why). At this time, the main military forces of the United States, Albania, and Nakhkanada are located there (the underground plant for the production of Teletubbies is located in Mukhosransk).
How to get to Mukhosransk?
Muhosransk is located on the border with Albania, but at the same time in the Golden Ring of Russia. If you were sent... to Mukhosransk, then you have to walk straight for two blocks, crooked for three, and then another 300,000,000 kilometers (and in any direction). If you don't want to go there, DON'T GO!
The population hovers around one person, and that one is an immigrant. But in particularly fruitful years, when the crayfish on the mountain whistle Ludwig van Beethoven's Sixth Sonata, the population increases to 202,53,741,567 people. It was in such years that such remarkable personalities and outstanding figures (burning perdzi) as MedveD, George Bush (both), Dzinidin Dzidan (outstanding diplomat, beaver, Chinese ambassador of Mukhosransk) were born.

The real village of Musohranovo, according to Yandex maps, is located near the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky in the Kemerovo region. It is interesting that, according to the general principles of the formation of names of settlements, upon receiving the status of a city, the village would be called even more consonantly - “Musohransk”; for the search query “Musohransk” Google returns about 570 pages, most of which actually talk about Musohranovo.

Answer from Varya Versailles[newbie]
My sister lives in Mukhosransk. so there is such a city

Answer from Olesya Vasilevskaya[newbie]
I live there... It’s not for nothing that it’s called that...

Answer from Professor Dadakin[expert]
There is one, It was renamed in Russia to Kotovsk, But it is still Mukhosrantsk, Therefore, you can come to me there and live a long and painful way, You can even order horseradish pizza there!

Answer from Nikolay Turygin[newbie]

Answer from Ltty utsatsuatsuauts[newbie]
Mukhosransk is a quasi-toponym meaning “provincial town, wilderness, wilderness.” Characterizes the described object from a negative side, indicating both its distance from the center and “the attitude of the speaker to the object.”

Answer from Andrey Shimaev[newbie]
in short, this is the wilderness or wilderness

Answer from Lyudmila Vlasova[newbie]
I came to this city 20 years ago with my husband and children. Our family was supposed to leave for Volgograd, but on the way we fell in love with this region. Then he died. And I stayed in Mukhosransk - Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Territory.

Answer from Saska[guru]
Synonym for town. Golomuduvo.))

Answer from Vladimir Milyaev[newbie]
Mukhosransk exists! It is located 150 km northwest of Kryzhopol. After all, there is a saying: go to Mukhosransk through Kryzhopol.

Answer from Andrey Good night![guru]
It's still being designed...

Answer from No name no[guru]
Mukhosransk in Russian modern folklore is a fictitious name of a Russian provincial town, an exemplar of the name used as an example

Answer from Kisuni[guru]
Mukhosransk in Russian modern folklore is a fictitious name of a Russian provincial town, an exemplar of the name used as an example.
There is no such city.

Answer from Nikolay[guru]
there is Musohransk

Answer from Valentin Lychev[active]
in Mukhosran region

Answer from Yoasha Vetrinsky[newbie]
Mukhosransk is a fictional locality, meaning “provincial town, wilderness, wilderness.” Being a quasi-toponym, it characterizes the described object from a negative side, indicating both its distance from the center and “the attitude of the speaker to the object.”
A.F. Belousov classifies “Mukhosransk” as an “obscene name”, the common feature of which is the traditional “association of the province with “savagery” and “dirt”, traditional for residents of the capital.” A certain role in the formation of such images can be played by the similarity in the names of the fictitious toponym and the real existing city of Saransk.
Contents [remove]
1Origin of the toponym
2Media use
3Sm. Also
Origin of the toponym [edit | edit wiki text]
According to one version, the name “Mukhosransk” appeared thanks to the story “How it Was” by the famous Soviet feuilletonist A. Zorich:
“When they compiled the ten-verst map of the empire in 1862, they didn’t want to mark this city at all. But then a fly crawled and made a point. They began to measure this point and, it turns out, a fly made a direct impact on our city: the fly was so neat, it observed all the degrees, both latitude and longitude. Well, of course, it’s a pity to spoil the map, then they added a designation, and the city became.”
- Quote by: V.V. Abashev, A.F. Belousov, T.V. Tsivyan. Geopanorama of Russian culture: Province and its local texts.
Use in the media [edit | edit wiki text]
According to A.F. Belousov, “Mukhosransk” as a “symbol of a provincial town” in modern Russia is no less popular than, for example, “Uryupinsk”. At the same time, the researcher notes a significantly lower prevalence of this term in the press, considering it too “expressive and unsuitable for print.”
As various sources note, in connection with the adoption in 2012 of amendments to the federal law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development,” the word “Mukhosransk” may disappear from the air of central television channels.