Set up a login and password on your computer. What is a login and how to create one

There are practically no people left who use the Internet only to search for information. Mail, Skype, social networks - all these systems have become an integral part of “networked” life.

And here we are faced with such concepts as login and password at almost every step. Without them, you will NOT be able to use mail, social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook), or Skype. Not to mention forums and dating sites.

If you think that you use at least some kind of communication system without them, then you are greatly mistaken. Apparently, your computer is configured in such a way that you do not encounter this data.

What is an account, login, password

I will explain using an example with an apartment building. Let's say there are 100 apartments. Each has its own number.

All apartments have approximately the same layout, but each of them is different from the other - different furniture, wallpaper, plumbing, personal belongings of the residents, and so on.

Apartment buildings are also different - three-story, five or more floors, with a different number of apartments and built according to different projects.

Here, communication services on the Internet are like those at home. Each system, be it mail, Skype, social network or something else, has its own “apartments”. They are called accounts.

Anyone can receive it and “furnish” it at their own request. But for this it is necessary that such an “apartment” be assigned a number and given a key to it. Here the number is the login, and the key is the password.

Login is a unique designation (number) in the system. And a password is the key to a given login, that is, something that can be used to open it.

Let's take an example with email. Let's say you have a mailbox on the Internet. This means that on some mail site (Yandex,, or another) you have your own personal account (apartment). It has a login (number), which is opened with a password (key).

Using this data, you log into your email account and work in it - read and send letters, delete them, and so on. Without a login and password, you simply cannot use your mail - the mail site will not open it.

This is a general rule for all online communication services! For mail, Skype, pages on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and others), forums, chats, blogs and any other places where you can create your own space. Each of these systems has logins with passwords, and if you want to be in it, then this data must be assigned to you.

If you don't know your login and password

It often happens that a person uses email, Skype, or has a page on a social network, but he DOES NOT know his login or password. How can this be?!

The thing is that computers and programs have now become very smart. They are able to remember the data that was once entered by them. And every time you open this or that system, it automatically “logs in,” that is, enters your account without even asking who you are.

That is, your data is in the memory of the site or program.

The most striking example is the Skype program. Having opened it, contacts, calls, and correspondence immediately appear on most computers. That is, the program does NOT ask for your account login and password - it already remembers them.

It would seem that this is very convenient - you don’t need to print every time. But, alas, it is not very safe, especially for novice users - you can easily lose access to your pages.

A few examples:

  1. A relative came to visit you and asked you to use the computer to check his email or chat on Skype. To do this, he will have to log out of your account, otherwise he will not be able to log into his own. If you do not remember or do not know your data (login and password), then after such a visit you simply will not be able to log back in.
  2. You have a page on Odnoklassniki. You can enter it simply by opening this site. It so happened that one of the family members (husband, child) also wanted to create such a page for himself. In order to receive it, he must log out of your account. After that, only his page will open on the computer - you may never get to yours.
  3. The computer has crashed. As a result, you have to call a computer technician. If something more or less serious happens and you need to change the system, then you will no longer be able to open any of your pages/programs.

There are many more similar situations. Almost every day I receive several messages that people cannot log into their email, have lost their page on a social network, or their Skype cannot open.

The trouble is that very often it is impossible to return the login and password and the account disappears forever. And along with it all correspondence, contacts, files and other information. And all this is due to the fact that the user does not know or does not remember his login information.

Previously, there were no such problems, because sites and programs did not know how to remember this information. That is, a person had to enter his data every time he entered.

Of course, even now you can configure your computer in the same way. But this is quite expensive, especially if you communicate often.

Obtaining a new login and password

Let's say I don't have a personal page on Odnoklassniki, but I want to create one. To do this, I need to get my own login and password for this system. The procedure for obtaining them is called registration.

Registration means filling out a small form in which the user provides some information about himself. He also comes up with a login and password to enter this system. After correctly filling out the form, the user is issued a personal account.

Every site where you can get your page for free has registration. It is also available in popular programs (Skype, Viber and others). As a rule, a button with this name or a corresponding inscription is located in a visible place. This is what it looks like on the Odnoklassniki website:

Clicking on it will open a questionnaire. We fill it out and get an account. In the case of Odnoklassniki, this will be a personal page on this social network.

What should be the login and password?

As I already said, when registering in any system (mail, Skype, social network, forum, etc.), you must choose a username and password. In fact, you need to invent them.

Login. This is your unique name in the system. The key word here is unique, that is, it belongs to you and only you. No other user will be assigned the same name - this is simply impossible.

Therefore, difficulties often arise when choosing it. After all, there are many users, each login is unique, and therefore all simple names have already been sorted out.

Another difficulty is that in most systems this name can only consist of Latin letters and/or numbers without spaces. That is, it is impossible to come up with a Russian version - there must only be English letters.

For example, I want to get an account on Skype. When registering, of course, you need to provide a login. I want to choose the name "ignorant". Since Russian letters are not accepted, I type neumeka and see that this name is already taken.

What to do. There are two options: either use your imagination and find a free login at random, or use one of the names that the system offers.

The fact is that now many sites and programs are trying to help the user choose a name. They automatically select and show available options.

I advise you to take your choice seriously and not waste time on it.

Remember: you cannot change your login! You can only create a new account with a new login.

Which login is “good”:

  • Not very long
  • No periods, hyphens, underscores
  • Easy to remember

Why is it important. The fact is that often the name in the system plays an important role in communication. For example, it is used to form the name of an email.

Let's say I decided to open my mail on Yandex. I go to the website and register. I choose the name in the system neumeka. So my new email address will be [email protected]

And here people often make a mistake - they choose, to put it mildly, not very suitable names. All sorts of “handsome guys”, “honeys”, “pussycats” and the like.

For example, I receive a letter from a seemingly respectable person, the director of a large company, and his email address is pupsik74. And how can I take this “babe” seriously?!

Logins with numbers are also often chosen. It's okay if they are constant, for example, the year of birth. But quite often people indicate the current year (for example, 2015) or the number of their full years. But this figure will change, but the name in the system will remain the same...

For example, I receive a message from a person with the login natusik12. The first thing I think is that the user is inexperienced. But that's not the worst thing. The problem is that usually, when using numbers in names, people indicate either the year of their birth or the number of complete years. And I conclude that a twelve-year-old girl is writing to me.

Naturally, I begin to take her age into account when writing my answer. But it turns out that it is not a girl who is writing to me, but an adult woman, a candidate of medical sciences. And I talk to her like she’s a little girl.

How to choose a login. In fact, you can choose absolutely any name. At least baby cats, at least with numbers. But it’s better to “stress yourself” once - after all, it may well be that you are doing it for many years.

Moreover, it's free. But mobile operators, for example, charge money for choosing a beautiful phone number.

When choosing a login, I recommend doing the following: take a few letters of your real name and add a few letters of your last name to them. We try different options (at the beginning, middle, end) until we get a free login. If all else fails, use your imagination, but within reason :)

Of course, a lot still depends on what kind of system you choose a name for. If it is mail or Skype, then it is better that it is “good”. But if this is some kind of service where communication is not expected, then you can specify absolutely anything.

Yes, and more! It is not at all necessary that the login be the same in different systems. Therefore, feel free to create different names on different sites - this is a common thing. After all, in one system the selected name will be free, but in another it may already be taken.

How to choose a password. Let me remind you that this is a secret code with which you will open your account (mail, social network page, Skype). This is something like a PIN code for a plastic card or a key to an apartment or car.

It must consist only of Latin letters and/or numbers. No punctuation or spaces. Letter case matters too. That is, if a password is assigned that contains a large (capital) letter, but when typing it the user types a small one, then this will be an error - he will not be allowed into the account.

The password must be complex! Ideally, it should consist of at least ten characters, including numbers, large and small letters. And there are no sequences - everything is scattered. Example: Yn8kPi5bN7

The simpler the password, the easier it is to crack. And if this happens, the hacker will gain access to the account. Moreover, you most likely won’t even know about it. But a person will be able, for example, to read your personal correspondence or even participate in it.

One of the most common passwords that users specify when registering is their year of birth. Finding such a “key” is not at all difficult. It is also very common to use a set of numbers or letters on the keyboard, arranged in order (such as 123456789 or qwerty).

By the way, you can even find a list of the most common passwords on the Internet. Here are the six most common: 123456789, qwerty, 111111, 1234567, 666666, 12345678.

Where and how to change login and password

Login cannot be changed! You can only create a new account with a new name.

But all contacts, messages, files that were in the old account will remain in it. It is extremely difficult to transfer them, and in some cases it is completely impossible.

Moreover, you will have to warn your interlocutors about the move - they say, do not write to me at the old address, but write to the new one. And it is worth considering that some people may ignore this request for one reason or another.

Therefore, if you already have a login, but it is unsuccessful, choose the lesser of two evils. Of course, when there are few contacts and they are not important (or there are none at all), then you can calmly give yourself a different name and forget about the old one. But if the name is many years old and you actively use it, then it is better to leave everything as it is.

The password, as a rule, can be changed quite easily. To do this, you just need to open your account settings and select the appropriate item.

Usually, to change it, you need to specify the old version, and then type the new one twice. If the data is entered correctly, then after clicking on the “Save” button (or something similar), the password will change. This means that it will no longer be possible to log in using the old one.

Internet terminology is slowly penetrating our lives, but it is often incomprehensible and alien to the older generation. In this article you will learn what a login is and how to create one. Let's look at specific examples and give recommendations on choosing a name to fill out the identification form on various sites.

Login is an original pseudonym (also called a nickname) that identifies you in various Internet services. Social networks, forums, free email accounts, instant messaging tools - they will all require you to provide a username and password. You can have one or more logins for authorization in various services.

What kind of login can you come up with for registration?

Login is your virtual name. It disguises or, on the contrary, clearly states your personal data. It should be easy to remember and evoke certain associations among community members.

For business email and Skype, you should indicate a serious nickname. Options zayka, sladushka are not very appropriate and are more suitable for entertainment sites. Let's look at an example of what a login looks like that does not cause contradictions and confusion for the business environment. Let's take a fictitious name - Natalya Petrovna Gorova:

  • gorovanata
  • natalia.gorowa
  • natasha.gorowa
  • nata78
  • gnata78

As a login you can use:

  • names of heroes of favorite books;
  • a combination of abbreviated first and last names;
  • fictitious names and new words invented independently;
  • arbitrary combinations of characters that evoke any associations in you (name and year - tolya92).

On the Internet you can find a number of services for generating logins (nicknames) with a given number of letters. Using them, you can choose beautiful logins for registration. Here is a link to one of these generators

It is recommended not to use the Cyrillic alphabet in logins - it is displayed incorrectly on websites and in most cases is not allowed for use in user account data. Only Latin or transliterated Cyrillic.

Relationship between login and password combinations

One login for registration and authorization on the Internet will not be enough. For each login you are required to come up with a strong password. If you use the same login in several services, it is recommended to use different passwords. This will protect your account from attackers and prevent them from using your account in other services.

There are quite serious requirements for the password, sometimes they are implemented at the software level. The password must be abstract, not the same as the login, have a certain length, contain Latin letters in both registers, numbers and special characters. Each service has its own password requirements. Follow them to avoid putting your personal data at risk.

Now it’s clear what login and password mean. Let's move on to selection recommendations and examples.

  • When creating a login for mail, the mail system will most often offer you a combination of the spelling of your last name, first name and year of birth. You are free to agree with the proposed option, or ask your own option. You don't have to worry about uniqueness: the system will independently check the registered aliases and will not allow you to create a duplicate.
  • To come up with a login for mail, use a mnemonic: you must clearly associate the login with yourself. This is necessary because if you forget your password, the system will require you to provide your login. If you forget your login, in most cases you will simply lose access to your account. For yourself, try to avoid ambiguity: you should not have any doubts about how to write your login.
  • When thinking about what kind of login to come up with, take care of what associations others will associate with this pseudonym.
  • Don't try to create a universal login for all the services you use. Agree that accounts on an entertainment forum and a work email login should still be different. This is not only your safety, but also basic ethics of network communication. In addition, you are unlikely to like it if your work colleagues uniquely identify you online by your login: pseudonyms are needed in order to maintain the attribute of anonymity.

From theory to practice

We hope that you no longer have any questions about what login to come up with for your mail. Invent and invent! Remember: behind the usual sequence of letters, numbers and symbols lies your unique personality. Take the process seriously and don't forget your registration details! If you decide to write them down, make sure that they are inaccessible to anyone except yourself.

And an example of logins" in order to give yourself a worthy name and remember this vital combination. Let's look at examples of logins and passwords that a user can register to work online.

The modern Internet user has access to all its advantages - freedom of access to information, communication through a variety of channels, an immense arsenal of technical tools for visualizing their creative ideas, sources of income... Sometimes a lot depends on a good memory for logins - a letter read on time, data saved on time . To work effectively on the global network, you need at least several individual logins and passwords to access forums, social networks, chats, and video conferences. The problem is that there are almost a billion users on the Internet. And all the most successful and common login options have already been mastered by someone.

There are different approaches to forming names. Let's look at typical examples of logins that are accepted in the online world. The most common ones are often based on one’s own first and last name, a creative pseudonym, a combination of numbers with meaning for the user (year of birth with a name, other important dates), a nickname, an informal version of the name. There are gaming nicknames - in computer games. In fact, it doesn’t matter what exactly the login contains. The main thing is that it must be unique, otherwise the user simply will not go through the registration procedure on the site. Sometimes it is impossible to change the selected login; it is better to approach this issue quite thoughtfully.

Example of logins based on full name

Most often, a user names himself on the Internet using his own. This is a logical and easy example of logins, the most common, but associated with the problem of uniqueness - there are many identical surnames. In this situation, there is a way out: connect your full name with digital data, separate them with a dot or hyphen, use suffixes, prefixes and special characters.

  • anna.andreeva.1999;
  • semen-semenich.

It all depends on the user’s imagination. True, in this case, many people know the year of birth. You can use any numbers - postal code, car number. The login is used to register on a website, forum, or social network. This requires a binding; it’s better to take someone close in spirit to the login to make it easier to remember:

  • pr-manager (profession);
  • lenochka (sister's name).

The password can be changed if necessary, especially after a hacking attempt.

Mail logins

Basically, a login for mail (examples will be discussed below) is created in order to create the latter; it is a combination of the domain name of an individual mailbox “number”, which can be designated by a word and numbers. A typical example of logins for mail looks like this:

The choice of mailbox depends on and the name - on the audience to which letters can be sent from this address. There is a difference between personal mail and business mail - the first is intended only for private correspondence, the second - only for business relationships.

Login for Skype

Chat and video conferencing capabilities thanks to the Skype application are used by a lot of people today. In addition to mail and many other numerous online registrations, Skype also requires you to register a nickname that is easy to remember. What is the best username to use on Skype? Examples can be given endlessly, but it is better to take the name of the program - Skype - as a basis and add your individual data. Here is an example of logins designed specifically for Skype:

  • marina.erohina-skype;
  • skypeskiper;
  • dimaskype

This way, uniqueness will be maintained, and it will be easier for all users (including you) to remember your unique name for communicating on Skype.

Universal and professional logins

If the options discussed above are quite individual, then here is another example of logins that are selected quite strictly and seriously. This is your business login, which you use at work or when corresponding with people important to your career, clients, and officials. Agree that by sharing a frivolous contact( [email protected] or [email protected]) You are unlikely to gain authority in business circles. In addition, such an email address is difficult to remember, and the first time the addressee receives such a letter, the addressee may send it to spam without delving into it. To gain the authority of others and inspire respect for yourself, you must not only be a professional, have good manners and work efficiently. Little things like a missing button or a stupid email address or online nickname can confuse an employer or business partner alike. Here's an example of logins that will reflect your personality and make them easy to remember:

[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected].

As you can see, the impression of a business login is radically different.

How to remember logins

In order not to expose yourself to the risk of data loss, you need to record your login and password combination in a safe place, inaccessible to strangers, encode it in a notebook or keep a special offline file where you can enter all individual data. It is desirable that the login and password are logically related to each other. A professional login may have a password in the form of the name of the department or product that the company produces. Personal - the name of a child or favorite film actor. Using it, you can securely fix the most ornate login in your memory.

The Internet is a wide network that unites hundreds of thousands of resources, sites, services and forums.

Every day many users come there, each of whom needs to be identified and designated for ease of interaction.

Even at the time of the birth of the World Wide Web, special questionnaires were used for this - profiles.

For them, each user, in addition to his personal data, selected a login and password.

Thanks to this information, he made his page unique and thus identified himself with it.

What it is?

Relatively speaking, Login is your unique identifier by which the system and users recognize you.

In most forums, your login is also your nickname - a nickname that is displayed as a display of the author of the message or post. This part of the profile should be unique for each visitor.

A password is a code phrase that, if entered correctly, the system will recognize you and transfer you to your forum or website profile.

Everyone has their own password, but they can be the same or similar to each other.

What is it for?

This data gives you full access to your profile - a page on a website or forum where information about you is listed and with which you can comfortably conduct a dialogue.

Having a login and password ensures that no one other than the account owner will be able to access and use it.

This is especially true for payment systems whose profiles store personal important information on wallets and cards.

In them, a login and password are simply required - otherwise this data will in fact be freely available.

In other words, account login information is needed to prevent its use by attackers.

How to create a login and password correctly

Since now the capabilities of many sites have increased significantly, users have to leave more and more information about themselves.

To prevent it from falling into third hands, it is very important to set the data correctly - come up with a unique name and, what is much more important, create a complex password that cannot be guessed.

All this happens during the registration process, where in the special Login and Password columns you will be required to write the necessary information.

The last thing you need to think about is the username - set what you want.

The most important thing is that it does not overlap with other users - in which case the system itself will say that the name is taken.

With a password, things are a little more complicated.

Here are some tips that can help you create code words:

  1. In addition to the obvious Latin alphabet, try to use letters of different case, as well as numbers. This will significantly complicate the password, making the spread of characters wider and more difficult to crack.
  2. It is even better if different characters in the code word do not appear in a row. Try to use as few identical letters and symbols as possible to make the password more difficult to guess.
  3. Try to keep the number of characters from 6-8. This is the optimal amount that cannot be hacked or picked up without using special programs.
  4. Do not use standard combinations of letters and numbers - type qwerty1234 or 1234qwerty. Despite the fact that these are complex combinations in appearance, they are among the first to be tested. Ideally, the password should be a phrase or word without repeated letters, several capitals, and several numbers.
  5. For better memorization, you can use the names of your favorite books, groups or authors as keywords. If you also add numbers, it will be very difficult to hack.

It is worth saying that most modern sites are equipped with a password complexity diagnostic function.

What does it mean? In a special window you will be shown its complexity and given recommendations if the keyword turns out to be too simple.

Most often, registration will simply not complete if it is not of sufficient complexity - and therefore you will have to add capital letters and numbers.

How to protect yourself from data theft

Of course, it’s not enough to just come up with a complex username and password. There are a lot of ways to steal data from your computer - so it’s worth thinking about some kind of security precautions.

These rules are simple and must be followed, especially if you are dealing with social networks and accounts from virtual wallets and mobile banks:

  1. Never give your information to anyone. Even if the person who asks for them introduces himself as the forum administrator. To solve most problems, the administrator does not require any data, so there is a high probability that you are dealing with a scammer.
  2. By analogy with the previous point, do not enter data anywhere other than the forum to which it belongs.
  3. Keep a close eye on what gets into and runs on your computer. Download files only from trusted places, and if the antivirus shows the presence of malware in the archive or distribution, it is better to delete it. Since passwords are most often stolen through hidden programs, install licensed games and software purchased or downloaded from reliable sources.
  4. Try not to enter your data on other computers, and if this happens, be sure to exit from there as soon as you finish the session. In this way, you will protect not only your social networks from the humor of your friends, but also the theft of data from . Try not to log into important profiles anywhere other than your own home.
  5. Enable the additional authentication feature. On many forums, to log into your profile from a new device you now need to enter a code that is sent to your mobile phone. If you enable this function, your account will always be safe, since to enter it, attackers will have to steal your mobile phone and enter a code.

Examples of complex and simple passwords

Below are the code words, and a little explanation of why they are considered complex or simple:

A codeword Simple/complex
Qwerty1234 Even though it has everything you need for a complex code, it is a simple password. It consists of the first letters on the keyboard and the first four numbers. It is very common, and the first thing they check when hacking accounts is this combination.
TheCure12 This is a complex combination because it does not have identical symbols, and also has enough letters and numbers to make the hack take a long time.
123454321 A simple password that is easy to guess even without using special programs. Most likely, the system inside the forum will not even let it through.
Swallow22 Oddly enough, this is also a simple cipher. It has many repeating symbols, which makes it easy for a special program to match.
ForAllMankind Even though this version of the passphrase does not have numbers, it is a complex option. The password is a whole phrase with only two repeated letters. It will be very difficult and time-consuming to find; the only way to find it is to use programs that read keystrokes or the browser cache.
helping This is a simple password because it has only one case of letters, a simple word, and there are no numbers. Most likely, it will not even be missed during registration. We need to make it more complex.

We hope that with these examples and tips, you have a better understanding of how important it is to come up with a good username and strong password.

The most important thing to remember is that the security of personal data on the Internet comes first!

The computer and the Internet have firmly entered our lives and have greatly facilitated the solution of many problems. One of the signs of a person who keeps up with the times is the active use of the World Wide Web: email, various thematic forums, blogs, news sites and much more. Most services on the Internet require you to create a login and password. Let's take a closer look at how to create a username and password, and what rules you need to follow in order to successfully register. More on all this later in the article.

How to create a login and password correctly?

The registration process on any site or service begins with creating a login. This is a unique name by which the system will recognize you. Login requirements are indicated next to the field in which you must enter it. If the name you have chosen is already taken by another user, the system will not allow you to register under it. On some sites, the login may consist of only letters of the English alphabet and numbers; in others, the use of Cyrillic and special characters is allowed.

After successfully selecting a name, you need to create a password. The rules for choosing it may also differ, but almost all services today recommend specifying a complex, and therefore more secure, password. Often services and sites have automatic security checks, and if your password is too simple, the system will ask you to choose another one or complicate the code you entered.

What email services are there?

Today, there are many sites that provide email services for free. Let's list the most famous and popular among network users:

  • (;
  • Rambler.Mail (;
  • mail service from Google (;
  • Yandex.Mail (

The above services are giants and veterans of providing postal services. However, in addition to them, there are also other sites where you can create “soap” and services that provide disposable and anonymous mailbox services. These are very convenient to use if for some reason you do not want to indicate your main email. There is no point in describing how to create a login, password and email on such services - the registration process here is no different from standard free email sites.

Choosing where to create an email

When choosing a service on which you plan to create an e-mail or “soap”, as many Internet users call it, you need to be guided by the following preferences:

  • usability or ease of use;
  • high-quality spam filter that will filter out advertising mailings;
  • mailbox size;
  • hacking protection, access recovery functionality;
  • virus protection.

Almost all services today provide the ability to link a mobile phone number to an email account. This allows you to track all actions performed on your mailbox. So, for example, when you log into Google mail on another device, a notification about this will appear on your phone, and when you change your password on, the system will send a notification to your phone.

Email registration

To create an electronic mailbox, select a mail service. It is better to choose from the most popular ones - they have higher protection, high-quality spam filters and convenient access recovery mechanisms.

By clicking the "Registration" button, begin filling out the fields. As a rule, you need to enter your first and last name, create a username and password. How to create your username and password, for example, on, is described directly on the registration page. There, the correctness of the data you entered is instantly checked. If the login you choose is busy, you will have to come up with another one. Often the system itself offers login options based on your first and last name.

When choosing a password, do not give preference to combinations that are too simple - they are easy to guess and hack.

After filling out all the fields and successfully completing the registration process, the mail service will automatically open a page with your mailbox. To enter it, for example, after closing the browser window, enter the mail service in the address bar, in the window that opens, select the “login” button and enter your password and login.

How to come up with a beautiful login?

Before you think about how to create a login and password for mail, decide how you plan to use this mailbox. For a work login, it is customary to use your first and last name. In some cases, the mailing address also uses the name of the organization you work for. And for a mailbox intended only for personal use, you can use both your first and last name, and, for example, your phone number - here you can show your imagination.

To make your login beautiful and easy to remember, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not use letters that can be confused when dictating your login. Such letters include, for example, S and C - not all Internet users know English and the correct pronunciation of letters. You may be misunderstood and the letter may not reach the recipient.
  • It makes no sense to indicate the current age in the login, because next year the mail name will be outdated.
  • If you plan to use mail for work, do not indicate your year of birth - possible customers and partners may refuse you, citing insufficient or too advanced age.

How to come up with a strong password?

To ensure your password is secure, just take a few simple notes into account:

  • Do not use the same passwords on different resources - if an attacker takes possession of it on one resource, he will automatically gain access to all other sites under your name.
  • Use both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Add special characters (punctuation, dollar sign, quotes, etc.).
  • Change your keyboard layout. For example, you chose the word “hammer” as your password. If you change the layout to English, the password will seem difficult to remember: vjkjnjr.
  • Do not use information in your password that is publicly available. This means your first and last name, the names of relatives, the names of pets, important dates in your life that you can find out about, for example, through social networks.

Where do I store my email login and password?

In addition to creating a login and password for mail, you will probably have to register for other services, and a login and password may also be required when logging into your account on your work computer. In this situation, the question of how and where to store such information becomes very relevant, since it is quite difficult to keep it in your head. So, in order not to forget your registration data, you should:

  • Write down your password and login on paper. However, in this case you will have to always carry the data with you, and if you lose it, you will have to work hard to restore access to the services.
  • Create a text document on your computer that contains passwords and logins for various services. To prevent them from becoming known to everyone who has access to your PC, change the extension. For example, .txt can be changed to .jpg. In this case, the file will be displayed as a picture, and in order to access the information in it, you will first have to change the extension.
  • To avoid storing logins and passwords on your computer, you can copy the file to a flash card and use it as needed.
  • You can use special software to store passwords. This way, all the data will be in one place, and to access it, you only have to remember one code.

Restoring access to email

For one reason or another, access to email may be lost. To restore it, you can use tools specifically designed for such situations. This could be an answer to a code question that is filled in during registration, or recovery of a password via a mobile phone (but this requires linking the number to your email account).

If you were unable to restore access yourself, you can contact technical support or create a new login and password for your email. However, in this case, all contacts and correspondence stored on the old mailbox will be lost.