Like the first post mutually. How to get real VK likes for free (likes from real people)

On the ad-social service you can get likes and subscribers on VKontakte completely free of charge. To do this, you will need points - the internal currency of the service. Points can be earned by completing tasks of other users or winning in special games. Also, a service for promoting social accounts, ad-social provides daily bonuses to regular visitors.

Getting likes and subscribers on VKontakte is done by real users. Our special filters block approximately 97% of bots.

Creating a task to get likes

To create a task to increase likes, you will need to log in through one of the social networks or use your username and password. Next, go to the “Add task” section - “Vkontakte” and select “Like”. You will see a screen like the image below

Filling out the form is intuitive and should not cause difficulties. If you encounter any difficulty, please write to our caring support team and we will be happy to help solve your problem.

Carrying out tasks to increase likes and subscribers of other users

Since the ad-social service is designed for mutual completion of tasks, in order to earn points you may need to complete tasks of other users. It's very easy to do. To do this, you need to go to the “Earn” section and select “Vkontakte”. A screen will appear like the image below

You can select the task category you want to complete, such as "Like", "Tell Friends" or others. If you need to order a lot of tasks to complete, but you do not want to complete tasks from other users, then you can top up your balance using the “Buy points” section.


By pressing the button Like» on everyone’s favorite social network VKontakte That is, we make it clear that we like another joke from a friend, or just a beautiful photo of a classmate. Simply put, we express sympathy to others, and they express it to us, this is the relationship that is so lacking in our gray everyday life.

From number of likes on VKontakte on this or that record, the trust of other users in your words, as well as prestige, depends. Many people are chasing this very prestige, but not everyone makes it. How to make hearts on VKontakte?

Program for getting likes and hearts on VKontakte

Almost everyone needs this, because social network users do not always give likes to users they know; people they don’t know often ask for hearts, offering to thank them in some way.

How to get Likes on VKontakte

VkDuty — gets likes for free online, that is, without charging a separate fee for it, it’s beneficial, isn’t it?

This is where another positive side of VkDuty is revealed - security. Therefore, pay special attention to this if you do not want to remain like that old woman at that same broken trough. VkDuty does not offer millions likes on VKontakte immediately, but the one who moves more slowly towards his goal often has a better chance of getting there first than the one who is in a hurry and chooses dubious programs at his own peril and risk.

Let's imagine this situation: Vasya chooses a new cell phone for which he has been saving for so long, now that long-awaited moment of purchase has arrived, he decides to order it on the Internet, but does not understand where exactly. There are incredibly many options for different groups with the desired product, but most of them seem dubious. Including because of the number of likes. In some places there are few of them, in others there are simply none. No, don't worry about Vasya, he chose a group where the likes were increasing it was VkDuty and he was not mistaken.

Free Cheat for VK hearts

How to get likes on VKontakte? By choosing our development now, you will not only not lose the effort, time and money spent, but also get what you have been dreaming about for so long - a cherished opportunity get likesfor free, to anyone and as much as they want.

In the next article and step-by-step instructions from the “Copyright” website (site), we will figure out how easy it is to get real likes on VKontakte. Moreover, these “pluses” will be added by real people, not by bots or spam profiles.

ADVICE: We ask the reader to take this instruction for informational purposes and not as a guide to action. Any cheating is ineffective, obvious, and only brings trouble. Be careful, and it’s better not to mess with cheaters at all.

For example, the author of this article has already had his VK page blocked for using this tool, so don’t get too carried away. It is clear that you can give a few extra likes to your girlfriend, your friend, classmate or mother, but we do not recommend promoting sites and VK groups with their help.

Why is it so important that likes are given by real people and real VKontakte users? Yes, because cheating from robots and spam bots will immediately lead to undesirable consequences.

With live profiles when exchanging likes, these negative consequences will be less likely. For example, this might happen:

  • all people who put “likes” will become “dogs” after a short time;
  • cheating bots will arouse suspicion among the VK administration, and you may be blocked;
  • likes given by bots will look unreal and obviously fake.

So, you should get real real likes from real people. We will look at how to do this in practice in the following step-by-step instructions. Moreover, you won’t have to pay a penny for all these operations and bonuses.

Everything is absolutely free. And we will use the service for exchanging mutual likes. Begin!

How to get real likes on VKontakte: step-by-step instructions

Step #1

To get started, go to the page of the special markup service using the link below:

Step #2

Immediately click the “Start using for free” button and then enter the address of your VK page. The page address can be copied from the browser. It usually looks like this:*********— asterisks are your personal VK identifier.

Step #3

  • click on the address that appears in the central line;
  • we get to the VK page, where you need to like (this will be either someone’s photo, or a post on the wall, or a discussion);
  • We are given 25 seconds for this very like, so we don’t hesitate, we do everything quickly;
  • when the like is given, we return to the login page;
  • Click the “PUT” button;
  • we get into our personal account of the promotion service.

Step #4

The system also works with promotions for “likes”, but there will already be bots operating there, and we don’t want that. So, click on the VKontakte menu icon on the left (Create living for reals) and select the item “earn reals”

Step #5

Now you can earn reals in several ways:

  • by liking other people’s posts, photos and discussions;
  • by joining various foreign groups (living people like yourself);
  • by subscribing to other people's pages (also real people).

Choose any type of earning reals and get down to business. If you like, you will see a list with addresses where you can like. If you join a group, a list of available groups will open.

At each item you will see the amount of reals you will receive for completing the task. Reais are credited within 2 minutes and are displayed in your user account in the upper right corner (“BALANCE” - you ONLY need REALS).

Step #6

To start your task to get live likes, you need a minimum of 10 REALS. Please note that for each task the amount of your reals will increase. We collect 10 reais and move on.

Step #7

Again, go to the left-hand menu, select LIVE cheats for reals, select “Spend reals” - “Get likes”. If the screenshots are small, you can zoom them in by clicking with the mouse:

Step #8

We create our new task, as described in the screenshot below. It is important to fill out all fields of the form except the last one. The last line is calculated automatically. Here you need to specify:

  1. project name (any you wish);
  2. address of the page where you will get likes;
  3. the required number of likes (price multiplied by the cost, but not less than 10);
  4. set the price of one plus sign (minimum -1);
  5. TOTAL – the number of reais that will be debited from your balance;
  6. “GET LIKES” button.

When the task is created, it will be sent to be completed by the same real people who will receive your reals for it. This results in the following general scheme:

- you earn reals;
- you start the task;
— you spend reals, but get results in the form of increased likes for the page whose address you specified in the order form. That's all mathematics.

IMPORTANT: we cannot but warn you that cheating is prohibited by the VK system. If the VKontakte administration finds out about your cunning method, most likely your page will be blocked. For this reason, you should not be greedy.

Get only a few likes (within 100-200 pieces, no more per day) so that this does not arouse suspicion. Overall, be careful and don't say we didn't warn you!

We emphasize once again that your page may be blocked for cheating, so think about your escape routes in advance, indicate your phone number and email address to restore access! You take further actions at your own risk and peril!

They are looking for free ways to increase their audience. There really are such methods, but almost all of them offer cheating by first completing tasks, receiving points for it, and only then submitting your task. Fortunately, it is possible to increase VKontakte subscribers for free and without tasks. Sounds cool, let's get started then.

Unfortunately, not every person can use paid services for one reason or another. Therefore, in our article we will talk about free methods of cheating that do not require completing any tasks.

Free boost of VK subscribers without tasks

Most people who promote on social networks believe that promotion can be either paid or free, but requires the completion of certain tasks.

There are quite a small number of online services on the Internet that offer free promotion without completing tasks. And finding these is not easy. But we know about a couple and today we will talk about them.

There's no catch here. You really won't be asked to pay, complete any tasks, or anything else. Just come in, place an order and wait for it to be completed.

It’s worth noting right away that since the services are free, you shouldn’t expect high speeds from them. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry, then the material below is for you.

Services for free promotion of VK subscribers without completing tasks

So, today we will talk to you about the following two services:

  • LikeNaAwu.

Both of them offer free boost of followers and likes without completing tasks.


An excellent online service that allows you to easily gain subscribers to your profile or group. The project is already enjoying some popularity among VKontakte users. And in addition to subscribers, he can also gain:

The main rule of the site is that a request can be made no more than once every 30 seconds. That is, you can order one like and one subscriber once every half a minute.

There is also a queue here. Once you have made a request, your job will go to the front of the queue. Each new task (left by other users) will move yours down 1 position. And to raise it back to the top of the queue, you can press the “TO TOP!” button. (once every 5 minutes).

As a rule, new subscriptions and likes begin to arrive after 5-10 minutes.

So, how to use the service:

When you click on the “Position in the TOP” button, you will see what place your task occupies in the queue. To improve your position, click “TO TOP!”
Another advantage of this service is the presence of an autobot, which allows you to carry out this promotion automatically. For example, if you don’t have time to visit the site every half minute. To activate the Autobot, you need to log in to the site and click the corresponding button in the left corner.


The second online project is called LikeNaAvu. It was created for the same purpose - to gain likes and subscribers for free and without tasks.

The service has the following functionality:

  • Likes on photos;
  • Subscribers to the page;
  • Buy likes/followers.

The principle of operation here is the same as the previous one. You simply indicate the link of the desired page and press the button every 10-20 seconds to order a subscription or like.

The tasks here are completed immediately and you do not have to wait in any queues. But there is one important limitation here - the number of subscriptions per account per day. Having reached a certain value, the button will become inactive and cannot be pressed. And to continue cheating, you will need to wait until tomorrow.

How to use:

As you can see, such services really exist. Yes, they have some limitations, but we don’t pay anyone anything and don’t waste our time on completing any tasks. We went in, clicked and got the desired result.

Pros and cons of getting subscribers without tasks

Like any other cheating method, it has its pros and cons. Let's talk about them.

The main advantages of such promotion are reflected in the title:

  • Free – we don’t pay a single penny for using the above services, and we still get the desired result.
  • Without tasks - we do not waste our time on performing certain actions in order to receive a reward, which we later spend on promotion. We just went to the site, clicked a button and got a subscription.

Now the disadvantages:

  • Speed ​​is probably the biggest disadvantage. Using only the described projects, you will not be able to quickly gain an audience of several thousand people. Simultaneous use of Chronostok and LikeNaAvu will give you about 20-30 subscribers per day.
  • Bots - all accounts that will be cheated in this way are either bots, fakes, or alive, but not active. In general, here you will get the same audience as in the case of services where you need to earn points. Therefore, if you want to get real subscribers, then this method will not suit you.
  • Various restrictions - order no more than once every 30 seconds, a certain number of subscriptions per day, queue, etc.;
  • A small number of services - so far we have only been able to find two similar projects. This can be called a disadvantage because the simultaneous use of many projects would give greater results. Let’s say that 5 such services would provide up to 100 subscriptions per day, and this is already the recommended speed, which should not be exceeded so as not to arouse suspicion on the part of the VK administration.

Cheat programs for PC

Since we are talking today about free promotion without tasks, we can’t help but talk about another method - trial versions of various software.

Unfortunately, such versions are limited, either in their functionality or in time. All of the following programs must be downloaded and installed on your PC. And already from your computer you can carry out cheating.

Below is a list of the most popular software:


Quite a simple and effective program. It automatically recruits friends to your page. All you need to do is launch it.

The disadvantage of the program is that you cannot select the audience. That is, she cheats everyone.

You can use the demo version constantly, but only for one account.


Another software that automatically attracts friends to your page. It works according to the VK10000Friends principle.

The free version can be used for only 30 minutes, but this time is enough to recruit at least a certain number of people. Also, in the demo version you cannot select an audience based on criteria (in the paid version you can).

Quick Sender

You can use the demo version all the time, but its functionality is limited (it is quite enough to increase your audience).

This software does not automatically generate subscribers, but it helps to parse the target audience and further work with it (for example, send a newsletter).


It works on the principle. But the functionality is not reduced in any way. The limitations of the demo version are that you can only add 1 page.

Possible problems

With a competent approach to promoting a VKontakte group using free programs and services, problems should not arise. If you increase it gradually with the constant addition of good content, then in 80% of cases everything will be fine. It is better to gain the required number of subscribers in a month than in a day, of course, if you are going to work for results.

Bottom line

Today we talked about a rather current topic: free VK promotion without tasks. Now you know several ways and services to do this. We hope the article was useful to you.

Getting likes on a page on any social network has become much easier. Nowadays, you don’t need to sit for hours on the Internet and write to all users asking them to mark “like”... But we’ll talk about this a little later, now we’ll look at the question of how getting likes affects popularity in social media. networks.

Getting likes on social networks

Everyone knows that social networks play an important role in the life of a modern user. It happens that a person registers in all social networks. networks. Resources help the user realize himself, find friends or like-minded people. Various social networks are used in different ways, for example, one is needed for work, the second is for entertainment, and the third is for correspondence. certainly plays a significant role in the life of the page itself. A large number of likes raises your status, you become a recognizable person. People, seeing a huge number of likes, will definitely go to the page and also appreciate your photo, comments, entries, posts or videos.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which social network is the most popular, as they say, the preference of each individual. Some people like to spend time on Facebook, others cannot live a day without Vkontakte. In any case, getting likes quickly is necessary for everyone.

Social platforms are an excellent tool for running your own business. Many people create profiles for the purpose of commercial activities. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, sell a product or offer people an information product, in any case, getting likes for free will allow you to expand the circle of people interested in your product.

What kind of likes boost is available on Bonuslike

The service allows you to quickly gain likes on such social networks as:

  • In contact with;
  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • Instagram.

Makes you feel interesting. Your posts and photos will be appreciated. Having likes, you can attract interest to your page, meet interesting people and experience this life.

Getting likes on Facebook allows the user to gain popularity of the information posted online. A post on Facebook with likes will increase popularity, increase sales and attract the attention of many users.

Getting likes online on Twitter will help increase views of your news and publications. Thousands of people spend time on Twitter every day, reading news and useful information. Why wouldn't they be interested in your tweets? Getting likes on Twitter means popularity and prospects for active bloggers.

Fast is the best way to attract attention. People just surf the Internet, look at interesting photos and like them.

The Bonuslike service allows you to use the mouse to get likes on any social network. You can choose the option of gradually increasing likes, for example, today you increase likes on VK, tomorrow on Twitter. Evenly filling the page with the necessary content.

How to create a task to get likes

You can get likes without much effort or skill. To do this, you need to read our recommendations and follow 4 simple steps:

  1. Register. To do this, click the “Login” button;
  2. Link your social network accounts;
  3. Complete several tasks to replenish your balance. If you don’t want to waste time, then replenish it through the payment system;
  4. Post your assignment. To do this, go to the “Create” section, select the social network in which you want to promote and fill out all the necessary fields.

Is it safe to get free likes?

To test whether cheating likes is dangerous, you need to try it. With us, you will find your audience. It’s easy to become popular and attract people’s attention with your material; you just need to learn how to create tasks correctly. The result of success will not keep you waiting. As mentioned above, we do not work with programs; the entire process of getting likes takes place online. What could be even safer?

Why do you need to boost likes?

Getting likes, why is it needed? Here, too, the answer will be ambiguous. It is needed primarily for self-improvement. People with a large number of likes feel more confident; many complexes in real life recede into the background. After all, as they say, in life you can be nothing, but in social media. network you can become a world-class star.

Naturally, a businessman does not have time to sit and offer his services manually all day. This is why you can get likes online for free. Using our resource, you can increase your account rating thousands of times, reach the top and earn money.

Everyone likes likes on ava, it’s nice to have a lot of likes on your main (and not only) photo. And if the photo is also discussed, then it’s generally a sensation. So what's the problem? No need to wait, using our site to get likes, you will become a mega Internet star. Many people will know you, and if you are also an interesting person, they will dream of meeting you.

For middle-aged people, getting likes for free can be a chance to find their soulmate. After all, many people specifically create dating pages.

Cheating likes online is a great opportunity to show yourself to the world, if we talk about photos, if we talk about the information that you post online, cheating allows you to spread it across the network as quickly as possible. Having a large number of approving likes, you can radically change your life. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly and competently. Let's look further at all the options, touching on each social network separately.