Why does my phone run out of charge very quickly? Why does a smartphone discharge quickly - the reasons for a new device, in standby mode and battery problems

The autonomy of the device is an important factor that influences the user’s purchasing choice. For this reason, the characteristics of the battery are of great importance: its capacity, operating time depending on the mode, and others.

Many users believe that the reason why the battery on Android quickly drains is the “gluttony” of the system itself. However, most often, the main reason for this phenomenon is trivial errors when using the device.

Rules for using the battery on Android

Most manufacturers insert into smartphones either Li-Pol(lithium polymer), or Li-Ion(lithium-ion) batteries. The first type wears out depending on the number of charge cycles, while the second type is affected by time.

Lithium polymer It is recommended to charge up to 100% and not drop the charge level below 5%. Complete discharge has a negative impact on performance and can lead to early wear. Lithium-ion batteries can be used more freely, since complete discharge has little effect on the operation of the battery.

To increase the life of the battery, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Don't bring the phone to complete discharge too often. The charge level should remain above 20%.
  2. Don't leave fully charged smartphone connected to the network.
  3. Conduct preventive actions once every two weeks: completely discharge and charge the phone.

Why does the battery drain quickly on Android?

There are many reasons why your phone's battery may drain quickly, but here are the most common ones. Similar reasons are typical not only for old devices. A new battery can also drain quickly in such cases.

Incorrect capacity

Sometimes it happens discrepancy between actual capacity battery and the indicator specified in the documents. In order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to check not only the papers, but also the phone itself. Sometimes this is not the manufacturer’s fault, since long-term storage also affects the capacity indicator. This can also affect a new battery, which discharges quickly.

To calculate the actual battery capacity, special charger-discharge devices with testers are used. The most accurate indicators are calculated while discharging a fully charged battery.

Physical deterioration

Any battery gradually wears out. If you use the battery correctly, you can operate your smartphone efficiently for up to 3-5 years. Thus, sooner or later, the battery will exhaust its resource. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize negative operating factors so as not to accelerate the wear process.

Temperature changes and weather conditions

The weather conditions in which the smartphone is used can also affect battery performance. Thus, at temperatures below 5 ⁰C and above +30 ⁰C, the battery may begin to discharge quickly. If you return the phone to a comfortable temperature, the discharge rate will decrease and return to normal.

Such fluctuations will not harm the phone, if they do not happen too often. But in cold weather it is strongly recommended to use a headset and not expose the phone to low temperatures.

Screen brightness

One of the most common reasons for the rapid discharge of a phone is the maximum screen brightness indicator. It is this that absorbs most of the energy, while 50% brightness is often sufficient for comfortable work.

To change the brightness, you need to open the settings and go to the “Display” section. On the slider bar you can select the most convenient brightness option.

Smartphone functions that consume resources

Enabled but unused modules are a common reason for rapid battery drain on a smartphone:

Unstable mobile network signal

GSM modem- This is an adapter for cellular communications. It consumes a large amount of energy. Moreover, if the signal is weak or unstable, the adapter consumes even more power as it constantly searches for a network. This applies not only to Android, but to all operating systems (OS). Often, the only solution is to provide a strong and stable signal.

But if there is no need to use this adapter, you can disable it. To do this, you need to activate offline mode (“ In airplane"). This will significantly slow down the decrease in charge, but will also make it impossible to make calls and send messages.

Applications in the background

Another equally common case is applications running in background. An example is various social networks that send user data to developer servers.

How to find out which unnecessary applications are open in the background:

  1. Open menu settings.
  2. In chapter " Device" choose " Battery».
  3. In the list of running processes that opens, find applications that use the battery.
  4. Click on " Forced stop».

Graphics settings in games

Games are an enjoyable part of spending time on your phone, but they are also one of the most energy-consuming. Mobile games with 3D graphics and maximum settings can completely kill a smartphone in an hour.

If after the game you plan to use your smartphone for important tasks, then you need to monitor the charge level and not run the game for a long time. Comfort while gaming is important, but if possible, you can adjust various parameters like graphics quality and shadow display, as they put a strain on the battery.

Android Media Server Process

Media Server scans various media files located in the phone's memory, studies internal and external memory.

In normal condition service scans smartphone, and after completing the process and detecting all media files such as music, videos and photos, it stops working. However, if there is a corrupted file in the memory, the scan cycles until the user deletes the file or turns off the device.

To avoid this You can't defragment files. You also need to use high-quality SD cards, and when disconnecting your smartphone from your PC, always click on the safe eject button.

Turning on, off and rebooting your smartphone

A popular way to conserve charge is turning off the device when there is no need to use it. But in fact, during the startup of the smartphone and loading the OS, energy is consumed at almost the maximum level.

All you need to do is complete resource-intensive tasks, disable all modules, functions, sensors and background applications. You can do this quickly by turning on energy saving mode, which is available on most smartphones.

Viruses on the device

A phone that begins to quickly discharge is sometimes a consequence of a virus that has settled in the OS.

To reduce the risk of infection, you need to install applications only from trusted sources and connect a good antivirus program for protection. If you suspect that the reason for the rapid decrease in charge is a virus, then you need to scan your smartphone and remove malware.

Hardware failures and system failures

Sometimes when you turn off your smartphone or lock the screen, it continues to work actively. Thus, leaving the device turned on greatly drains the battery.

Common reasons:

  • broken applications;
  • viruses;
  • OS errors;
  • malfunction in connecting external devices (memory card, SIM card, etc.).

To solve these problems you need:

  1. Reinstall recently downloaded applications.
  2. Scan phone antivirus.
  3. Disconnect connected devices.
  4. Produce system reset and return to factory settings.
  5. Replace firmware

How to find out which apps are using the most energy

As a rule, the most energy-consuming programs are complex and heavy ones. If you compose sample list of such programs in descending order, you get:

  • games;
  • programs for processing media files;
  • video players;
  • applications that require Internet access;
  • widgets;
  • players for listening to music;
  • reading applications, standard sets of programs (calculators, calendars, etc.).

In order to find out which applications consume the most energy, thereby draining the battery very quickly on Android, you need to:

In the information that opens, you can see the charge consumption since the last time the smartphone was charged. All application metrics are displayed as percentages, making it easier to evaluate their performance.

After studying the statistics, you can close or delete the most energy-consuming applications and significantly reduce consumption.

What to do if your phone runs out quickly

If your device is quickly discharged, it is recommended to study the operation of applications on your phone and disable unnecessary functions and modules. You also need to scan your phone for malware, which can also affect the rate at which the battery drains.

What could be the reason that the Android battery drains quickly? And most importantly, how can this be fixed? This article will discuss the main causes of this problem and ways to solve it.

Small battery capacity

The most banal reason for this is its small capacity, that is, less than 1600 mAh. Unfortunately, in this case, you can only put up with what you have and try to use the minimum energy on which the smartphone runs wisely. This means following tips such as not running unnecessary applications and disabling unnecessary functions. The actions that need to be taken in such a situation will be described in more detail in the article below.

Battery wear

Sooner or later, all batteries come to this point. And the battery on Android sometimes discharges quickly due to the fact that during the use of the device it has worn out and needs to be replaced. You can match the original battery to the model, but this is difficult and expensive, you can buy a fake or use products from battery manufacturing companies like CRAFTMAN, which supply universal batteries for smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. In any case, choosing a new battery is not so difficult: there is enough choice on the market for technical products.

Running programs as a factor in why the phone battery drains quickly

Android is an operating system, which means that after downloading and closing any program, you cannot be sure that it will not remain running. Many running programs are another reason why the battery on Android quickly drains. What to do? First, use the built-in or advanced cleaning options. Secondly, reboot the device from time to time, as is done on computers and laptops to reset the operating memory. This not only saves battery, but also simply helps your smartphone or tablet work faster.

Unstable communication signal

Recently, many mobile operators have been offering 3G coverage to users, but almost always it is, to put it mildly, unstable. This means that when moving around the city, the network on a smartphone or tablet with a SIM card is forced to constantly switch from regular 2G to 3G. Because of this, the battery on Android also drains quickly. To prevent this from happening, you can force only GSM in the settings.


Many Android devices have GPS enabled by default. But in reality, only a small number of people use it. That’s why you can safely disable this function if it’s not needed, since it only once again “loads” the phone and takes energy from the battery. Even if this function is in active use, you can enable it only when there is a real need for it.

Screen brightness

The screen brightness can be adjusted. And there is a clear proportional dependence of the energy supplied by the battery on its value. A very bright screen is rarely something you can't do without. Among its disadvantages, in addition to the above, is also excessive strain on the eyes. It is enough to choose the ideal value for yourself. In addition, information on a dim monitor is much more visible in strong sunlight.

Tips for extending your device's battery life

In addition to eliminating the reasons described above, you can also use the following tips to extend the battery life of your Android device. Their effectiveness on different gadgets may vary, but it has been tested by time and other users.

Battery calibration

Battery calibration is the process of bringing the battery into an optimal state for use. This is done because the device may incorrectly remember the charge level and its consumption, as a result of which, even if in fact the level is 95 percent, the device perceives this incorrectly and the smartphone/tablet turns off. If you simply replace the battery, the problem will remain, which means that your efforts will be wasted.

To calibrate the battery on GooglePlay, you can download the corresponding application, but you can also do it manually. First of all, you will need to completely discharge the device, remove and insert the battery back without turning on the device, charge it to one hundred percent, carry out the actions with the battery from the previous point, and turn it on.

In fact, there are many calibration options; you just need to choose the one that suits you.

Disabling automatic system updates

It is known that disabling automatic system updates not only extends the battery life of the device, but also prevents unnecessary downloads, and therefore reduces Internet traffic costs. It is recommended to set “Ask before installing updates” in the settings. They are available on GooglePlay in the "My Applications" section.

"NO!" unused processes

It is recommended to regularly clear memory of unused application processes, clear temporary data, Internet browser cache, etc. To do this, you can use both standard system tools and additional ones.

You should not download applications that supposedly save battery capacity; in fact, they only load the system even more.

If the battery on Android runs out quickly (Samsung, for example, often suffers from this), you need to turn off all unused networks, uncheck “auto-rotate screen” and “auto-brightness”.

Special advice for smartphones with an AMOLED screen: it is recommended to install dark themes rather than bright and light ones.

Additional actions

If you approach the matter of discharging your Android smartphone/tablet with all responsibility and foresight, you can also do the following:

  • Buy a high-power battery that will definitely guarantee a long charge life. Such batteries are usually thicker than regular original ones, and they come with an additional back cover, which makes the gadget heavier and larger in size.
  • There is also an option to purchase a battery case. The disadvantages of this and the previous points are that they are not possible for all devices.
  • You can purchase a portable charger, as it is also called an external battery. It allows you to connect your phone to it and charge it again. It itself is usually charged from an outlet. high-capacity, so there is no risk of sudden shutdown of the device.
  • Buying just an extra battery is another effective alternative. When one runs out, you can simply replace it with a spare one, especially if the Android battery is quickly draining.

Increased energy consumption of mobile phones is a common problem for many users.

There are a huge number of factors that influence the rate of discharge of a smartphone’s battery and, accordingly, its battery life. In this article we will try to find out why modern phones discharge too quickly, and also give useful tips and tricks.

Display brightness

Strong screen backlight intensity (80-100% brightness) not only harms vision, but also causes accelerated battery consumption. Screen brightness within 50% is considered the most comfortable and safest for the eyes. In this case, optimal consumption of device battery resources will be achieved.

Many mobile devices have adaptive screen brightness enabled by default, which automatically adjusts to lighting levels. Firstly, the convenience of this function is questionable, since many users are annoyed by the constantly changing screen brightness. Secondly, the operation of the built-in sensor, which determines the brightness of the surrounding light, slightly consumes the battery reserve. To reduce energy loss, it can be turned off and the brightness adjusted manually.

Automatic rotation and live wallpaper

Automatic screen rotation also eats up the battery slightly. The fault is that it constantly determines the position of the phone in space. To save the battery, it is recommended to turn it off, but this is true for already outdated gadgets.

Some smartphone owners like to put wallpaper with spectacular and complex animations on their screensaver. Typically, continuously rendering beautiful 3D images requires a certain amount of battery life. To increase the autonomy of your phone, it is recommended to abandon live wallpapers.

In cases with OLED displays, installing a black theme and screensaver helps, since when using this technology, black pixels are not illuminated, and accordingly, battery power is not consumed.

Applications and background activity

Many mobile applications and games with advanced graphics load the processor very heavily, which is why the battery charge disappears literally before our eyes. To reduce battery consumption at least a little, it is recommended to set low image quality settings (where possible). If running serious programs almost instantly kills the battery, it is better to abandon them completely.

Also, various widgets located on the main screen place a significant burden on the device’s hardware. Constantly updating the weather, exchange rates or device status data leads to increased energy consumption. To significantly extend the life of your phone's battery, it is recommended to abandon a large number of widgets and keep only the most necessary ones.

Some services like to work unnoticed by the user, spending most of the time in . This applies to pre-installed applications from the manufacturer, as well as instant messengers and clients for social networks. By completely deleting them or, you can temporarily lose important push notifications, but extend the operating time of your smartphone without charging.

Communication modules and Internet

Most modern phones are equipped with several built-in modules for wireless data transfer: Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC. It is no secret that the functions of each of them consume certain reserves of battery energy. To a greater extent, this concerns the work of many applications. To reduce battery consumption, it is recommended to turn off communication modules when they are not needed.

However, the biggest drain on energy is the use of 4G Internet and cellular communications, due to which calls and SMS are constantly received. During a call and when connecting to the mobile Internet, battery power is consumed at a high rate, so it is recommended when it is not needed.

The battery is noticeably discharged in situations where the signal received from the nearest radio tower is too weak. Under these conditions, the transmitter tries to establish communication, which consumes battery resources. To avoid rapid battery depletion, it is recommended to turn off the cellular network when the signal strength is insufficient, or when traveling long distances on a train or subway. To do this, all modern smartphones have an “airplane mode” function.

Phone temperature

The operating conditions of a smartphone greatly affect the quality of its functions. As practice shows, leaving a mobile device in the cold for a long time quickly depletes its battery and leads to a sudden shutdown. To achieve normal energy consumption, you need to use mobile devices at a temperature of 10 to 30℃. Otherwise, the battery suffers.

What is typical is that overheating also affects the autonomy of the mobile gadget. It is not recommended to leave the device in direct sunlight or near strong heat sources. This can lead to an abnormal increase in the internal temperature of the battery, causing the smartphone to discharge very quickly. Using thick cases also speeds up this process, so try to keep an eye on it.


Malicious programs can not only steal user data, but also fill the device with an excess of unnecessary information. Most often these are annoying advertising banners, notifications and various pop-ups. All of them are downloaded from the network, which means they consume not only precious traffic, but also the device’s battery energy.

Much more dangerous are applications that enable the launch of hidden processes in a smartphone. These programs run in the background, so many users are not even aware of them. Attackers like to use phone resources to carry out computational operations, for example, mining cryptocurrency through remote mining.

To prevent this situation from developing, it is recommended to download and install one of the antiviruses via Google Play. It is important to consider that running such utilities in the background will also not have the best effect on the autonomy of the device. The best option is not to install applications from at all, check and periodically scan your device for viruses.

Hardware and software faults

Increased energy consumption can be caused by various malfunctions in the operating system, when some functions begin to work incorrectly. In this case, you need to restart your smartphone and clear the cache through the Recovery () menu. If this does not help, you need to do a full reset.

Almost all users of mobile gadgets face the problem of the battery draining too quickly. The problem occurs gradually and goes unnoticed for some time, but one day the owner notices that the battery life of the smartphone or tablet has been reduced by almost half. If you do nothing, it will decrease further - until it becomes impossible to use the device. And one day the device won’t turn on at all.

Let's talk about why the battery on Android devices drains quickly and how to extend its life.

Reasons for rapid battery discharge

  • The actual battery capacity of a smartphone or tablet is lower than indicated in the specifications.
  • Battery capacity has decreased due to normal wear and tear.
  • Ambient temperature is below +5 ⁰C or above +30 ⁰C.
  • The screen brightness level is too high.
  • Resource-intensive features included: GPS, NFC, Bluetooth, etc.
  • Long distance to the mobile operator's base station.
  • Apps and widgets running in the background consume energy.
  • Frequent turning on and off of the device.
  • Infection with mobile viruses.
  • A malfunction of the operating system or hardware, as a result of which certain resource-intensive functions or the device itself are not turned off.

Battery capacity is lower than in the passport

The discrepancy between the actual battery capacity and the indicator indicated in the passport of a smartphone or tablet is more common than you think. It’s just that very few users decide to double-check it. Most believe documents, as well as program indicators, which also do not always display reliable data.

The reason for the discrepancy between actual information and nominal information does not always lie in deception on the part of the manufacturer or seller (although this also occurs); lithium power supplies simply lose their capacity during long-term storage. If you bought a device that was released a year ago, even if stored correctly, its battery capacity has become 2-6% less capacious, and if stored incorrectly (i.e., when charged to 100%) - by as much as 15-30%.

To calculate the actual capacity of the battery, use charger-discharge devices, like iMAX, or homemade dischargers complete with a multimeter or USB tester. The exact indicators are determined during the discharge of a fully charged battery.

If your phone's battery capacity is less than stated, it means it will drain in a shorter time than expected. And, alas, it is impossible to influence this.

Capacity has decreased over time

Battery wear becomes noticeable after 1.5-2 years of using a smartphone or tablet. But it may happen earlier if:

  • use the device often and for a long time at low and very high air temperatures (the most favorable temperature for operating lithium batteries is room temperature);
  • allow discharge close to 0%.
  • charge the device near heat sources;
  • store an unused battery at 100% charge at high ambient temperatures (for storage, the optimal charge level is 40-50% and refrigerator temperature);
  • charge the battery with a higher voltage and current than the manufacturer provided (the required level of current and voltage is indicated on the charger that was sold with the gadget).

Frequent short-term recharging, contrary to popular belief, does not harm the battery. The current with which it is charged has a much greater influence. It is preferable to charge lithium batteries with low currents, although this takes longer.

If the battery capacity of your device has decreased due to wear and tear, the only solution is to replace the battery with a new one.

Using the gadget in cold or hot weather

When using a mobile device in unfavorable temperature conditions (up to +5 ⁰C and above +30 ⁰C), the battery discharges noticeably faster, but at temperatures close to room temperature, its capacity is immediately restored to its original level.

If you don't do this too often, the battery won't wear out quickly, but for calls in the cold it's still better to use a headset and keep the phone in a warm pocket.

High screen brightness level

The screen of an Android mobile device is the main consumer of energy. The brighter it is illuminated, the faster the battery drains.

The use of adaptive backlight, which changes depending on the ambient light (available only on devices equipped with a light sensor), helps reduce battery consumption. To enable it, select the “Auto” checkbox in the screen brightness settings. To prevent the screen from remaining on when you are not using the gadget, set it to go into sleep mode after 30-60 seconds of inactivity.

Resource-intensive features

After the screen, the next active consumers of energy are:

  • geolocation;
  • live (animated) wallpaper;
  • NFC and Bluetooth;
  • mobile Internet (3G, 4G).
  • Wi-Fi.

If they are all on at the same time, even the most capacious battery will drain very quickly, so whenever possible, turn off what you are not using.

Unstable cellular connection

You may have noticed that when you spend a long time in places where the phone has poor reception of the operator's base station signal, for example, outside the city, the battery discharges faster than usual. This happens because more energy is spent maintaining an unstable, intermittent connection.

The battery will drain faster even if the problem occurs with only one of the two SIM cards. To save charge, it is better to disable such a SIM card for a while.

Apps and widgets running in the background

Many Android applications and widgets, after installation, register themselves in autorun and work in the background the entire time the device is turned on. When there are a lot of such applications, the device not only discharges very quickly, but also noticeably slows down, so startup should be kept under control and allowed only to those programs that need it (antivirus, optimization tool, utility utilities, instant messengers, etc.).

Unfortunately, there is no function for controlling the autorun of user and system applications in Android. But it becomes available after obtaining root (superuser) rights and installing special utilities on the device, such as:

  • BootManager and some others

There are utilities that allow you to manage startup without root rights, but they do not work on every gadget and do not always work correctly.

Applications that the user himself launched, but after they were no longer needed, he forgot to close, can also consume battery resources. The accumulation of such programs not only loads, but also heats up the processor, which in turn heats up the battery. And when heated, as we know, the phone battery drains very quickly.

Control over processes that actively consume energy is also best entrusted to special utilities. For example, the following:

  • Clean Master, etc.

By the way, the capabilities of most of them include cleaning the system from unnecessary files, cooling the processor, optimizing charging and a number of other tasks. To keep your device in order, it is advisable to use one of these utilities constantly.

Frequent reboots and turning the device on and off

Wanting to save charge, some users regularly turn off their mobile gadget. Sometimes even several times during the day. This is another reason why the battery drains too quickly, since when the device starts up and the operating system loads, the energy consumption is close to the maximum.

While you are not using your Android smartphone or tablet, you should not turn it off completely - just turn off the screen, complete resource-intensive tasks, disable communication functions (Wi-Fi, GPRS, 3G-4G Internet, GPS, NFC and Bluetooth), background data transfer, sensors and vibration motor. To do this, most mobile gadgets have an energy saving mode, the activation button for which can be located in different sections of the settings (parameters) menu.

Mobile virus infection

Malware that attacks Android devices does not always operate openly. They often carry out activities that are invisible to the user, and the only signs of their presence are empty accounts and very rapid battery drain, including in standby mode.

Hidden virus infection should be excluded in case of any non-standard behavior of the gadget, for example:

  • The phone or tablet wakes up from standby mode without any active action on your part.
  • The device is in sleep mode and becomes warm.
  • Wi-Fi, geolocation, mobile Internet and other modules are enabled on the device without your participation. Or they cannot be turned off.
  • Unknown numbers appeared in the list of outgoing calls and SMS, and views of sites that you have not visited appeared in your browser history.
  • An application has assigned itself as a device administrator without your knowledge.
  • For unknown reasons, Google Play antivirus and other security applications stopped running.
  • Any system functions have stopped working.
  • The volume of network traffic on the device has increased for no reason.

Read about how to find and remove a mobile virus on our website. The instructions are relevant for Android phones and tablets of various brands: Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, Philips, Lenovo and others.

System or hardware failure

Some users of PCs and laptops have encountered such a problem as incomplete shutdown of the computer, when the screen goes blank when the operating system is shut down, but some devices remain active - the cooler continues to rotate, indicators light up, etc. The exact same problem occurs on mobile devices, it’s just not so easy to notice, because smartphones and tablets do not have a cooler, and the indicator only shows the charging stage. In the event of such malfunctions, the device essentially remains on constantly and, accordingly, even in a “sort of turned off” state actively consumes battery energy.

The causes of such problems may be faulty applications, viruses, operating system errors and malfunctions in the device’s hardware (including connected devices - memory cards, SIM cards, etc.).

The only symptom that allows one to suspect that the device has not been completely turned off is too much battery consumption at a time when it should be minimal. And to make sure whether this is really your case, just remove the cover of the phone (tablet) and check the processor temperature with your fingers. If the device continues to work after being turned off, its processor will remain warm. Sometimes in this condition the body of the device heats up slightly, but sometimes not - it depends on its design.

In such cases, what can the user do without contacting the specialists:

  • Remove applications installed before the problem appeared (if you were able to record the time it started).
  • Conduct an anti-virus scan.
  • Disconnect all connected devices.
  • Reset the system to factory settings.
  • Remove the battery (if it is removable), hold down the power button for 20-30 seconds and replace the battery.
  • Reflash the device with known working firmware.

After each manipulation, check the gadget by turning it off. If the problem is not solved, you will have to take it to a service center for repairs, since the problem itself will not go away, and the battery will exhaust its life much faster than during normal operation.

If the phone begins to discharge quickly, this does not mean that the battery is to blame. In 70% of cases, the user himself configured the device in such a way that it consumes a lot of battery power. Of course, the battery may also be to blame, but first you should try changing the settings and also calibrating the device’s battery.

What to do if your smartphone discharges quickly

There are many reasons why the battery is discharged in a matter of hours. Now we will look at the most basic of them and figure out how they can be eliminated.

Reason 1: Maximum brightness

Often, users do not hesitate to set the display brightness of their device to high. However, you need to take into account that the larger it is, the higher the battery consumption by the screen. An acceptable brightness level is 40-50%. In the latest versions of Android, you can adjust the brightness from the curtain.

Reason 2: Many wireless modules are activated

If the battery on your phone begins to discharge quickly, you may have turned on mobile Internet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and did not turn it off. These modules are capable of draining a decent amount of battery power in a short period of time. You can disable them through the menu "Settings" your device or through a curtain that is pulled out with your finger from the top of the display.

Reason 3: Applications running in the background

Sometimes the culprit behind why an Android phone quickly begins to discharge are applications that run in the background and consume power. To find out which programs are running in the background:

    1. Open menu "Settings".

    1. Get down to the block "Device" and tap on the section "Applications".

    1. There you need to swipe your finger to the right until you find yourself in the section "Working".

  1. Under the inscription: "RAM Usage" will be all currently running programs. You need to click on unnecessary ones with your finger and press "Stop".

After this, applications will stop running in the background, and the battery will drain more slowly in standby mode.

Reason 4: Charge displayed incorrectly

Incorrect calibration is a common reason why a new phone begins to discharge quickly. You need to calibrate the battery of your device, and to do this:

  1. Drain the battery completely so that the device turns off.
  2. Next, remove the battery for 10 minutes and insert it back.
  3. Let your smartphone charge for 8 hours (this is important).
  4. After this period of time has passed, you need to remove the smartphone from charging.
  5. Then you need to remove the battery and wait 10 minutes to insert it back.
  6. You can start the device, the battery is calibrated.

Reason 5: The power controller has failed

Rarely, but still, the power controller can break down and transmit incorrect readings to the system, thereby not using all the charge and charging the battery slowly. What to do? In this case, you need to take the smartphone to a service center to have the chip repaired or replaced.

Reason 6: Update and firmware

Often, it is after updating the device that the battery begins to drain quickly. The developers are making a mistake. In this case, you should roll back if possible. Unofficial firmware can also be poorly optimized and consume a lot of battery. Therefore, it is always better to use only stock firmware.

Reason 7: Viruses

Malicious applications are one of the reasons why your battery drains, as they run in the background and constantly consume power. To check your phone for threats you need to:

    1. Go to Google Play Market.

    1. Enter in the search bar Dr.Web and install the proposed application on your device.

    1. Launch it and scan your device for threats.

Over time, the battery begins to deteriorate, hold a charge less and become hot. If you have been using it for about 3 years, it is worth replacing the battery with a new one.

Reason 9: Imbalance

Some Samsung devices encountered this problem when the battery capacity was not enough for the installed hardware. In this case, you should use portable batteries - Power Bank.

  • On the Internet you can often find advice to use applications to calibrate the battery, for example, Battery Calibration. In fact, it is absolutely useless. Some claim that it helped, but these are isolated cases, and most likely this was not even the reason.
  • There is also a recommendation to use the Clean Master application to clean the device and optimize it. This makes no sense, since all these programs consume a lot of battery and load the device. They are suitable if you need to clear the device's memory, after which it is recommended to remove them.


That's all. Now you know why your phone battery began to drain quickly. Of course, you can find a number of other reasons, but I have highlighted the most basic ones. Use the recommendations I have given you and don’t fall for dubious advice on the Internet.