Open an account in google. Creating an account with Google: quick registration and setting up Gmail

Google Mail (, - free email from the leader in IT technologies, Google (Google). Thanks to the high level of personal data security and friendly interface, it is extremely popular among users from all over the world.

In the fall of 2012, managed to surpass its main competitor, Hotmail (Microsoft), in terms of the number of users. At that time, more than 420 million people had created their Gmail account.

The Google Mail service ( supports two-step authentication, which reduces the risk of account hacking, and blocking for 24 hours if unusual activity is detected in the profile. Blocks spam messages. Creates backup copies of correspondence with other users. Transmits data through a secure (encrypted) channel using common protocols (IMAP, POP3, SMTP).

To register with, follow the instructions below.

Attention! Your mail account can be used to log in to other Google services (Photos, Drive, Maps, News, YouTube, etc.).


1. Type in the address bar of your browser, and then follow the “Create an account” link. Or go to the page -

Advice! If you are using the Google Chrome browser, on its home page, click the “Mail” icon (located at the top right). Next, to register, fill out a special form.

2. “What is your name”: your first and last name.

3. “Create a username”: login to enter the system. When compiling it, for convenience and quick memorization, you can use your last name, initials, date of birth or registration.

Advice! If the service informs you that the login you created is already in use by another user, to speed up the registration procedure, use one of the generated character combinations in the “Free” line. Click on it with the mouse to move it to the field.

4. Create a complex password, at least 12-15 characters long, consisting of lowercase and uppercase English letters, numbers and special characters (&, #, @, $, etc.). Enter your password in the “Come up with…” and “Confirm…” lines.

5. Date of birth: enter the date and year manually, and select the month from the drop-down list.

6. Gender: open the menu, set the appropriate option (male, female).

7. Mobile phone: in the list, click on the country you live in to display its international code. Then enter your mobile number.

8. Enter your backup email address (if you have one). You may need it to restore access to your email service profile if you lose your password.

9. Prove that you are a person and not a bot (a program that performs registration without user interaction): enter the symbol combination shown in the picture. If it is hard to see, click the “Update” button next to it (closed arrow icon).

10. Check the “I accept the Terms...” add-on.


1. On the “Confirm your account” page, click on the mouse to select the method of receiving the verification code: SMS or voice call.

2. Click “Continue”.

3. Enter the received verification code and click “Continue”.

If all steps in the instructions are completed correctly, a page with your mailbox profile will open in the browser.

Gmail Settings

1. To open global options, left-click the account avatar in the top panel on the right (by default, it displays the first letter of the email address). And then go to the “My Account” section.

2. Mailbox management (viewing letters, spam filter, sending messages, trash can, etc.) is carried out in the vertical menu located on the right side of the profile.

Advice! To send a letter, click the “Write” button. Click "More" in the list of options to view additional gmail features.


1. Open the page -, click “Login”.

2. Enter the mailbox address in the format, click “Next”.

Enjoy using the Gmail email service! (jimail or gmail) is the world's largest email site. It belongs to the Google search engine. Here you can create an email for free, and also get a Disk (storage for your files) with it.

1 . Open the website Click on “Create an account” below.

2. Fill out the form on the right side.

First and last name. Here you need to provide your details, preferably real ones. After all, if you suddenly have difficulties logging into the mailbox in the future, then thanks to this information you will be able to regain access. If desired, this data can later be hidden.

Username. A very important field - this will be the name of your mailbox (login). It should consist only of English letters; you can also use numbers and dots. You just need to come up with it and print it.

This is the email address (e-mail) where letters will be sent. This is exactly what you will need to tell the person so that he can send you something.

There may be problems choosing a username. The fact is that each such login is unique - it belongs to only one person. And many names have already been registered, which means they cannot be selected.

Let's say I want to get the umnik login. I type it into the field and press the Enter button on the keyboard. The system does not allow such a name - it says it is too short.

Okay, so I add a couple more letters and press Enter. But Google doesn’t like it again: it turns out that this name has already been taken by someone.

Just below the system shows logins that are free for registration. Google automatically combined them from my first and last name, and also added something similar to what I came up with.

You can choose any of them. But I advise you to work a little more and choose something better - shorter and easier to remember. The fact is that this name will no longer be changed.

Of course, you can then register another mailbox and set up mail forwarding to it from the old address. But why such difficulties if you can immediately choose a normal name.

To simplify the task, after entering the desired login, press the Enter button and see what the system offers. It will show a different free title after each click. Maybe something will do.

If the name is free for registration, then after pressing Enter, the field for entering it will not be highlighted in red.

Many people don't realize at first how important it is to have a good address. Of course, if mail is needed not for correspondence, but for something else (registration in Google Play, for example), then any name will do. But if you plan to receive letters to it, then the address is very, very important.

Ideally, it should be simple and not too long, so that it can be dictated over the phone. Preferably without numbers and dots. And no “babies”, “beauties” and “pussies”!

It’s very funny when a serious guy’s business card says puzatik45.

Password and password confirmation. Here you need to print an alphanumeric code with which you will open your box. It can only contain letters of the English alphabet and numbers, and must be at least eight characters long. It is highly desirable that the letters be of different case (both large and small) - this will make it more difficult for hackers to hack the mailbox.

Be sure to write this password down in a safe place!

It’s been verified: it’s forgotten instantly, but you simply won’t be able to log into your email without it.

Date of birth, gender. These fields are also required. Information from them will not be used anywhere. As with the first/last name, it is better to indicate your real data. This will make it easier to regain access to the mailbox if problems arise with logging in.

Other information. Mobile phone, spare email address. mail and country - this data may not be specified.

3. After filling in all required fields, click “Next”. If the system does not let you in, it means that some field is not filled in as it should. It will be highlighted in red, and just below it will be written what is wrong with it.

4 . A window will appear in which the conditions for registering with will be written. They must be accepted, otherwise you will not receive the box.

The “I Accept” button will become available only after you have read them.

That's all! The mailbox is registered and Google is happy to provide its address. We write it down in a safe place and click on “Go to Gmail service”.

Immediately after this, your new mail will open.

E-mail address

If you carefully read what I said before, you should remember the username. I said that this is exactly your email address. But this is not entirely true: every mail on the Internet has one more part in addition to the login. In the case of Google, this is

It turns out that the correct name of the email account consists of the username (login) and the prefix And this address must be one continuous word without spaces. There is no period at the end.

An example of a correctly written address:

This is the full name that needs to be dictated to people, written on business cards, websites and other places. If you give a person only a shortened version, he will not be able to send the letter - it simply will not arrive. But only the address must be your own, and not the one written in this picture :)

How to find out your mailbox address

As soon as you get into your new mailbox, Google greets you and briefly tells you about the capabilities of mail. We close this window - it will not appear again.

To find out your email address on Gmail, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name at the top right. A small window will appear where it will be written.

How to log in to your email after registration

Okay, we have a box. But how to get into it after a while: a day, two, a month, a year...

It's very simple: usually an Internet program (browser) remembers the data from the mail and downloads it automatically. You only need to open Google website, and in the upper right corner click on the picture with small squares, where you select the mail icon.

Immediately after this, your mailbox should open with new and old letters. And if suddenly the Internet program forgets the data from the mail, then you will need to enter it.

Why do you need a Gmail email account?

Of course, first of all, mail is needed to send and receive emails. In addition to text, you can send documents, photos and other files.

But Google has created a bunch of other useful services that also become available to you after you receive your mailbox on A little about the most popular:

Disk ( Free 15 GB storage for your files. You can upload data there from your computer, phone or tablet, and then open or download it remotely (for example, from another device). Or make some files available to other users.

Documentation ( Through this service you can create documents, tables, presentations and forms. They are saved to your Google drive and at any time they can be sent, downloaded, and edited, including by several people at once.

YouTube ( The world's most famous video hosting site. Through your Gmail account you can subscribe to interesting channels, as well as publish your videos and even earn money from them.

Google Play ( - applications, games, books, music and movies for Android phones and tablets.

Google+ ( - social network.

All this becomes automatically yours after receiving mail in Gmail. That is, along with the box you are given an account in each of these systems, which, by the way, are not at all necessary to use.

In this article we will look at mail in detail. Gmail and registering a new account. To do this you will need about 5 minutes of free time and a phone. Recently, Google has been actively working on security and user protection systems. Therefore, during the registration process you will need to enter a special code from the SMS that will be sent to your phone.

Gmail - register

To register, Gmail offers several options: using the main Google website, using your phone, using the Google Chrome browser. We will use the simplest method and create mail on gmail com through the main site.

After that, on the page that opens, click on the “Create an account” link:

After that we will start on the website gmail com new user registration. This is what the registration form looks like. These are several fields in which you need to one by one enter the information that the service asks you for: first name, last name, date of birth, and so on.

Be sure to take care of safety and reliability with the help of a special service. After you fill out all the fields, click on the blue “Next” button in the lower right corner under the form.

If you made mistakes, gmail register It won't give it to you. Incorrectly filled fields will be highlighted in red, and you will need to fill them out again, but without errors.

After this, you will see an agreement on the use of mail. You need to scroll to the end and click on the “I Accept” button. Without this action, registration is impossible.

How to create an email on gmail com

Now we need to confirm the wish create mail on gmail com by confirming your phone number via SMS. Check that your phone number is entered correctly and click “Continue” as shown below. If you want to receive a voice call instead of an SMS, select the appropriate option under your phone number:

Within a few minutes you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code on your phone. You need to enter it in the appropriate field. If you chose a voice call, this code will be dictated to you. Also enter it from the keyboard:

After this, all you have to do is click the “Continue” button. If the code is entered correctly, registering a new gmail com account completed successfully. Google itself will tell you about this:

Now you know how to create an email on gmail com in just a few minutes. You can start using it immediately after registration. For example, read the first welcome letters from Gmail and write to someone you know.

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And in the top horizontal menu, click on the button " Mail". If you have opened another page, then in the upper right corner there is a button "", click.

  • 2. And now a page has opened for you where we will begin registration. You are ready? Then let's move on! Pay attention to the picture and be careful when filling out the data. Enter your first and last name in Russian or your native language. Next, in the “Enter user name” field, write in Latin letters and just left click in the empty space just outside the field to check if there is a user under that name? It will be visible below the field. If it's busy, come up with a different name. Now enter a complex password and a hint (podcast) will appear to you on how complex the password you entered, in the lower field, repeat the password. Next comes the “Date of Birth” field, which I personally entered. Be reasonable, of course, indicate the "Gender" field. Below, if you do not want to indicate your mobile number, then leave the field blank. During the next steps, Google will ask for a number for full confirmation. Actually, this field is to protect your account from hacking. But in this field “Your email address” enter an email from another service.

  • 3. Are you a robot? Then confirm to Google that you are not a robot, write two words from the picture in the field, with a space between the words. Indicate the country in which you live. Be sure to check the checkboxes that are highlighted in red squares. Below, click on the “Next” button.
  • 4. Confirm your account! Confirmation options: put the radio dot in the “Text message” line, then the country and now you need to enter your mobile phone number, then click on the “Send verification code” button. Did you receive a code via SMS? And in the next step, enter this code in the field, then click on the “Check” button.

  • 5. After a long first step, the second step is where you need to put a photo or immediately click on “Next”. Hooray!!! Congratulations! The service thanks you for choosing Google.

  • 6. What's next? And then it’s up to you: do you want to inform your friends about the new opening of your email box? Take action, and if not, then click “No”.

  • 7. And here is the dazzling Gmail interface. Google has sent you three emails that you need to read. And after that, be sure to save it, do not delete it.

  • 8. While you and I were fiddling with the process registration, let's go to another mailbox, to which Google sent two letters. Open the letter where you need to confirm your email address. This is for the address link. The letter will contain an important link that you must safely click on. If the hyperlink does not work, then copy it and in a new tab (Blank page) paste it into the address bar, which is located at the top of the browser (white, long field), then press “Enter” on the keyboard.

  • 9. We continue the binding process. In this account login form, enter the password that you entered at the very beginning of registration, then click on the “Confirm” button. Linked address confirmed!

  • Attention! In paragraph (8.), where I talked about two letters. I strongly recommend saving it in a folder. After all, the second letter contains important information, there is a secret code for confirmation, for example: your email was hacked or something else. If for some reason you were unable to log into your Gmail account, you will see a page where you need to write a letter in the field with a detailed explanation of why you were unable to log in, and there will be a button either “Send” or “Report to Google”. After sending, you will have to wait 2-3 days and a letter with a link will be sent to another email box, where they will indicate that you need to reset the old password and at this moment immediately replace it with a new, more complicated one.