Phone quickly drains. My phone is draining quickly - what should I do? How to troubleshoot suboptimal usage issues

Although the battery life of an Android phone is quite decent, it can run out very quickly and there are very real reasons for this.

Keep in mind that this is practically independent of the Android version, for example, 4.4 2, 5.1, 5.0 2 or even 6.0.

Also, the fact that the battery began to drain sharply, even a new one, depends very little on the brand. This happens on a phone, for example, Samsung, Lenovo or Fly, just like on any tablet running Android.

In this post, we’ll look at the 5 main reasons why the Android battery runs out and what to do to increase the battery life of your device.

The battery runs out on Android due to a big appetite

If the battery starts to drain quickly, the first thing I recommend is to check for wear -

The first thing you need to do is check the battery usage of individual apps installed on your phone.

To do this, simply open Settings, About Phone, Battery Usage. One condition is that the system must be at least version 2.3 (Gingerbread). A similar option is also available on some HTC phones.

There you should see a chart that indicates which apps or phone components have the biggest electrical appetite.

If the phone does not have the ability to check battery usage, then install the SystemPanel program, which has even more features to check the battery consumption.

The first reason why your phone's battery runs out very quickly is brightness.

Although modern phones have a built-in light sensor that automatically adjusts the display brightness, this feature does not always work as expected.

This is especially true for devices with an AMOLED display, which is too brightly lit at night.

The darker the AMOLED display is, the less power it consumes. Solution – install an application called “Screen Filter”.

Then the display will be less dazzling and the battery will drain a little longer.

The second reason why the battery on Android began to run out quickly - GPS / Wi-Fi

The biggest energy hog on Android phones is the Wi-Fi controller. Even when you are not connected to the network, it still runs in the background.

Wi-Fi is also used in GPS to indicate location - these functions use a lot of energy.

They are not needed for most services - to check the weather by phone, you can safely use BPS transmitters.

Some Android phones have handy widgets for quickly launching basic services, allowing you to turn on Wi-Fi and GPS only when necessary.

If the phone manufacturer forgot about quickly disabling / enabling frequently used functions, you can install the “SwitchPro” or “Extended Controls” application.

The third reason why even a new phone battery runs out is 3G Internet

3G or 4G networks consume a lot of battery resources. If you don't use the Internet often, you may want to consider switching to the good old EDGE.

It's not blazing fast, but it's fast enough to process data in the background, like checking email or updating widgets.

If necessary, 3G can be enabled with one click. How? Here again there will be a useful SwitchPro, Extended Controls or the free APNdroid.

The fourth reason why the battery runs out in Android is unnecessary processes.

The phone often has processes or apps running in the background that are never used, such as TouchWiz, MusicHub, SocialHub, etc.

The problem can be fixed by installing the "Advanced Task Killer" application, which will turn them off regularly. A simple and effective solution.

However, if none of the processes consume a lot of battery, you can safely skip installing this killer.

The fifth reason why the battery in the phone began to run out - informers

Android has immediate access to email, but this service has a pretty big battery appetite.

This is not the case with Gmail, which is quite well optimized and doesn't even show up in the battery stats.

But the weather forecast, widgets, calendars, organizers, etc. it's a different matter. You don't need to constantly check, for example, the weather to make sure nothing has changed.

These informers often access the network and it is advisable to put them in data collection mode at a specified time.

How to prevent the Android battery from draining quickly

There are many applications on the Internet for this purpose - most advisors suggest using Battery Doctor.

I abandoned it; I, or rather my smartphone, was much better satisfied with the “DU Battery Saver” application.

NOTE: most likely in this post I did not mention everything that drains the battery in tablets, phones or smartphones running on Android and did not take into account all the nuances - then add your recommendations or observations in the comments.

I am sure many will say thank you - the issue of batteries is especially acute today.

Only very expensive devices can boast the battery life of cheap, regular phones - on average 10 days without recharging. Good luck.

The problem of quickly draining the battery of an Android phone has befallen perhaps every second smartphone user. Almost always, people solve the problem of rapid battery drain radically - by replacing the device (or battery), but there are also less expensive methods, which will be discussed in this article.

In those unpleasant moments when the phone quickly discharges, the user, out of habit, begins to blame it solely on the battery. But the problem is not always a faulty battery. In most cases, the user himself reduces the battery life of a smartphone or tablet computer by making typical operating errors. Before ordering a new battery, it is recommended that you first configure the phone correctly and put it in optimal energy consumption mode. One of the common operating errors that prevent you from using your smartphone for a long time is the screen being constantly on at a high brightness level. This indicator is adjusted in the display settings in the tab with the corresponding name. The optimal indicator for economical screen consumption is less than 40 percent brightness.

There are several other reasons why the battery drains quickly:

  • increased screen brightness;
  • simultaneous operation of several wireless modules;
  • running background applications;
  • poor operation of the power controller;
  • errors in updates and firmware;
  • negative impact of viruses on the system;
  • lack of balance.

There are many factors that affect battery performance. But most of them can be quickly eliminated on your own.

Why the phone discharges quickly - TOP reasons

  1. Active use (games). Mobile games, social networks, popular instant messengers, audiovisual applications make the smartphone work at its maximum capabilities. The most powerful cores, RAM, graphics editor, processor, GPS work simultaneously, data exchange channels are constantly active, and so on. All this does not allow the battery to last even 6-7 hours in a row.
  2. Several working sim cards. It’s hard to surprise with smartphones with connectors for two or more SIM cards, but users do not always use several numbers regularly. But maintaining the operation of less popular SIM cards, even in passive mode, takes a lot of energy. It is recommended to disable them completely in the settings.
  3. Loss of battery capacity. Most batteries that have served for more than 3 years wear out and lose capacity. Over time, the problem will only get worse.

To find out this information, you need to perform several steps in sequence:

  1. Go to the “phone manager” offer.
  2. Open the "battery manager" tab.
  3. Open the “flow rate” section.
  4. Next, a list of applications will open with battery consumption indicators in descending order. The indicators are shown as percentages on the right side of the screen.

Normal battery life for an Android phone

There are countless models of smartphones on the market today, and their energy consumption indicators, as well as battery capacity, vary. To get an accurate picture, you need to normalize all indicators - bring the screen brightness to the average value, disable auto-brightness, disable unnecessary modules, watch videos in FHD format or lower, stop power-intensive background applications, give up powerful mobile games. According to the results of many tests published on the Internet, in this state a smartphone with a medium-capacity battery works in active mode (video + games + video shooting and photo + Internet) from 7 to 12 hours. In offline mode (only calls and SMS), the battery will last a little more than a day.

What to do if your phone runs out quickly or 10 steps to mega-battery savings

If your battery is draining quickly, here are some effective ways to optimize its performance:

  1. Disable bluetooth, gps, wifi, internet. The problem occurs regularly when wireless data channels operate simultaneously. Modules are disabled in the quick access panel, which is located in the “curtain” on the work screen. This task is also easily performed in the settings.
  2. Remove applications (widgets/informers) running in the background. Many applications that are considered disabled by the user continue to run in the background. Some of them are voracious enough to drain the phone ahead of time. To correct the situation, the user needs to independently “identify” each of these programs by following a simple algorithm:
    — go to settings;
    — go to the “battery manager” tab;
    — go to the dispatcher page and activate the “optimize” command;
    — after analyzing the system, the dispatcher will install applications running in the background;
    — open the list of applications;
    — disable programs that are currently useless.
  3. Turn down the brightness. One of the common operating errors that prevent you from using your smartphone for a long time is the screen being constantly on at a high brightness level. This indicator is adjusted in the display settings in the tab with the corresponding name. The optimal indicator for an economical screen is less than 40 percent brightness.
  4. Reduce the time before the screen turns off. Devices have various modes for automatically turning off the screen - from a few seconds to infinity. Everything is simple here: the faster the screen turns off in passive mode, the more energy the battery will save.
  5. Do not allow your phone to overheat or become cold. A battery always performs worse if it is not maintained at an optimal temperature. Avoid leaving your phone in the sun and use it less outdoors in cold weather.
  6. Turn off vibration and loud ringing. Vibrating alerts and loud noises throughout the day can drain your battery and will definitely extend its life if turned off.
  7. Calibrate power controllers. A device that has been in use for several years begins to disappoint with battery performance due to its incorrect calibration. To correct the situation, you need to perform several steps in sequence:
    — charge the battery to 100 percent;
    — turn off the charger;
    - turn off the phone;
    — connect the disconnected smartphone to the charger;
    — wait for the signal that the battery is fully charged;
    — turn on the phone;
    — disable sleep mode in the settings;
    — charge the battery again to 100 percent;
    — discharge the device without turning off the screen.
    These actions are enough to restore calibration. Then you can use the device as usual.
  8. Check Android for viruses. Malicious but well-disguised programs also drain your battery quickly. It is extremely difficult to detect and eliminate them on your own.
  9. Update firmware and applications. The battery often performs poorly after recent updates. If the battery on Android quickly runs out for this reason, the developers have made a serious mistake. It is better to roll back the software to a previous version. In addition, unofficial firmware creates problems, since they are optimized for the proposed system. The way out of the situation is to update or replace the current one with stock firmware.
  10. Disable auto update of applications. The easiest way to do this is in the settings of the Play Store application. The system offers you to choose one of three options for updating programs: via any network, exclusively wi-fi, or never. To save energy, it is better to choose the third option.

Applications for diagnosing power consumption and saving battery power

  • Greenify. The application automates sleep mode, saving resources to resume some applications. The user determines the priority of applications in the program settings. Android version 6.0 has an advanced energy-saving Doze mode. It sends the passive system to sleep after a few minutes. Another smart mode, Shallow Hibernation, stops background processes without closing them completely.
  • Battery Doctor. With this application, all energy saving processes are launched in one click. At the same time, unused programs are disabled, the cache is deleted, and profile switching is configured. Battery Doctor offers a number of valuable recommendations to preserve battery life and quickly responds to negative situations. For example, if only a few percent of charge remains, the program switches the smartphone to extreme mode. It only allows calls, sending and receiving SMS.
  • Du Battery Saver. The program's easy, well-thought-out interface makes it easy to optimize system operation and stop some processes without loss when the battery quickly runs out. The program has several profiles for different occasions and user modes. At the request of the smartphone owner, Du Battery Saver starts cleaning the system and is integrated into the lock screen.

Every person has at least once asked the question - what to do if the phone dies quickly?

First, you need to determine the cause of this problem and only then take on its solution.

Reasons for battery drain

In addition to the standard reasons that are directly related to the battery itself (mechanical damage, swelling), there are also those that each phone owner can deal with on their own.

Initially, a new smartphone has nothing but a standard set of programs, but later you yourself begin to install all sorts of third-party applications, which additionally consume battery power and continue to work even when you are not using them.

As a result of the increased load, the phone's battery begins to discharge faster.

In this regard, to restore the battery life of your smartphone, you need to follow some steps.

First steps in saving battery

The most active consumers of your phone's charge are the mobile network, built-in modules, Wi-Fi and GPS.

With the mobile network, things are more complicated than with everything else, since it is the main source of communication and fills any mobile device with meaning.

However, if your phone has two SIM cards, you can do something in this case too.

So, for example, by turning off one of them that you are not currently using, you will be able to reduce the existing load on the battery to a certain extent.


In order to disable or enable one of the two SIM cards on your device, which is currently not in use, you need to go into the phone settings and find the “Manage SIM cards” menu item there.

Once you enter it, you will see information about installed cards, each of which can be manually deactivated.

In addition, you can disable mobile data transmission in cases where there is no need to use the mobile Internet at all.

Disabling communication modules

With regard to the remaining communication modules - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS, everything is much simpler - they can be kept completely turned off until needed.

To simplify this procedure as much as possible, convenient widgets are placed on the drop-down panels, allowing you to disable and enable the above services in a matter of seconds.

Reducing screen power consumption

The next largest amount of electricity consumed is the screen of your mobile device.

Don't forget that the larger the monitor on your phone, the more electricity it needs to function properly.

There are several ways to significantly reduce its energy consumption.

The first of them involves manually reducing the set brightness settings or using the function of automatically changing it depending on the ambient lighting.

For these purposes, you need to open the top “curtain” and change the existing brightness using the existing slider.

In addition, you can set the time to automatically turn off the screen or start locking the device for 10-15 seconds, so that in all those cases when you forget to do this yourself, it can turn off the screen itself.

You can also use dark and still home screen themes and wallpapers to save your phone's battery power.

You can also turn off the backlight of the touch buttons located at the bottom of the screen (if any).

Another thing to do if the phone sits down quickly is, among other things, to turn off the proximity sensor and the automatic rotation sensor of the phone display.

To disable or enable the proximity sensor on mobile devices running Android operating system version 5.01, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the “Settings” menu of your phone;
  • go to the “My Settings” submenu;
  • select “Calls”.

On the page that opens, opposite the line “Turn off the screen during calls,” check or uncheck the selection box.

This item is responsible for turning the proximity sensor on and off.

Disabling the vibration response when typing will also contribute to saving battery power.

To perform this task, you need to enter the phone menu and select the item "Sounds and notifications".

On the page that opens, select the tab "Vibration", where it will be possible to disable it.

Stop listening to music files using your smartphone.

Instead, it’s best to buy some small MP3 player that won’t take up much space and won’t allow your phone to run out of charge ahead of schedule.

There are also more complex options for saving charge than those described above.

Removing unnecessary applications

It often happens that quite a large amount of energy is destroyed by various installed applications, most of which you most likely do not even use, and the existence and purpose of some of which you do not even suspect.

Therefore, control what you put on your phone and do not be lazy to periodically get rid of the accumulated unnecessary junk.

For these purposes, you can use any suitable applications.

One of these can be called Advanced Task Killer, which is quite a good assistant.

With its help, you can not only manually, but also automatically disable all those programs whose work occurs in the background and is directly related to battery power consumption.

Let's look at the main programs that are initially installed on your phone and consume a large amount of electricity.

No one will be surprised by such information that Google services significantly “eat up” the battery charge.

This is due to the fact that they do not allow your phone to remain in Deep Sleep mode for sufficient time.

In this mode, the phone only receives messages and calls, and this significantly saves battery.

This item is located on the menu tab “ Other settings" in point " For developers" The question about allowing USB debugging must be answered with confirmation.

After this you should launch Kingoroot programs on your computer by connecting your gadget to it using a USB cable.

During operation, Kingoroot will automatically download and install the necessary drivers.

If for some reason this does not happen, find drivers for your device on the Internet manually.

After installing the driver, a root button will appear, clicking on which will reboot the phone.

Until this procedure is completely completed and a window with the result appears on the screen, it is strictly forbidden to disconnect the phone from the computer.

After rebooting your smartphone, you can enjoy the obtained root rights.

If even after this positive success was not achieved, enter your phone model and the name of the existing 4pda forum into the search engine window, which contains a huge amount of necessary information about obtaining root rights and more.

After you have been granted root rights, it's time to start calibrating.

Using third party programs

To implement it, you will need to download and install the program BatteryCalibration. The mobile device will need to be charged and brought to 100%.

After this, we do not disconnect the phone from charging, but leave it connected to the charger for another twenty minutes.

After this time has expired, you should launch the installed BatteryCalibration program. It will ask for permission to root rights - confirm receiving them and in the window that opens, click on the big button “ Battery Calibration».

All this time, your mobile phone must be connected to the charger.

After this procedure, you need to completely discharge the phone so that it completely turns off on its own.

Next, we let the gadget charge for 8 hours without turning it on, and as soon as the battery charge reaches 100%, you can start the phone and enjoy the amount of time during which it will hold a charge.

In the case when all of the above options did not have the desired effect, it becomes obvious that the time has come to replace the existing battery with a new one.

Replacing a faulty battery

For phones with a removable battery, replacing it will not cause any difficulties.

You can use the popular service, in the search bar of which you only need to enter the word “battery” and indicate the model of your mobile phone.

Having selected the appropriate option from the search results, place an order and wait for the battery to be delivered to your address.

If you don’t want to wait, use the network of stores in your city that sell phones and accessories for them - perhaps there you can immediately purchase the necessary battery.

In the case of phones whose battery is non-removable, you can also order it on the AliExpress service and expect delivery.

After receiving it, all you have to do is replace the battery yourself - by completely disassembling the phone, or take it to the nearest repair shop.

It is worth noting that to replace the battery, it is better to contact a repair shop rather than a service center.

This is due to the fact that the latter will impose on you the batteries they have, which will cost several times higher than in the option with AliExpress.

Another way to help extend the life of your mobile device is a Power Bank.

This device is intended for those who use their gadget very often. It will allow you to forget about the discharge of your mobile phone at the most inopportune time.

To choose a relatively inexpensive and high-quality model, you can familiarize yourself with the information available on the Internet, and then place an order for the model you like on the same AliExpress.

From the article you will learn

Over time, gadgets become unusable, which can result in various problems, such as a serious decrease in battery capacity and rapid discharge. But what to do if the device was purchased not so long ago, but the battery discharges very quickly? If you follow all the rules for operating an Android smartphone, but still have a problem, you will most likely find the cause and ways to resolve it in this article.

Phone screen

The main reason for the rapid discharge of a smartphone is the use of maximum screen brightness. In this case, it is recommended to either reduce the brightness or activate the automatic mode, which will independently adjust the position depending on the lighting. Fortunately, at the moment, almost all Android-based smartphones can do this. If you don't know how to do this, use our instructions:

  1. Go to the “Settings” of the device and select “Display”;
  2. Click on the “Brightness” tab and activate the “Adaptive adjustment” item;
  3. If you just want to change the level, click on the first item and set the value below the current one.

Mobile Internet

Nowadays, most smartphone users use the mobile Internet to access the Internet, communicate, watch a variety of videos and listen to music. The abundance of content and entertainment attracts more and more, so the user spends a lot of time on it, and accordingly, the battery discharges many times faster. Also, many people simply forget to turn off access to the mobile Internet, which continues to work even in the background.

That is why it is recommended to activate it only at the moment when you really need to write a message or watch a video, and immediately turn it off when the procedure is completed. It is also not recommended to use 4G if this communication standard is not actually available in your region. In this case, only additional battery energy is consumed and nothing more. To fine-tune, follow these steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” and select “Mobile networks”;
  2. Next, click on the “More” tab and in the “Default network type” column, select the communication standard – 3G;
  3. Also, every time you connect, use the quick access menu to disable or enable Internet access in one click. This will save battery power significantly.

Wireless network

Another common reason for rapid discharge is activated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules. If the latter is not used very often today, then with Wi-Fi the situation is completely different. It is available to us in cafes, universities, some schools, bus stations and even in the subway! It is recommended to disable these modules as described below:

  1. Go to “Settings” of your smartphone and find the “Network and Internet” item;
  2. Find Wi-Fi in the list and turn it off;
  3. Return back to the main menu, find the Bluetooth item and turn it off.

All completed actions could also be performed through the quick access menu by swiping from top to bottom. The most important points are located there.


Most often, your smartphone is discharged due to constantly activated GPS. With its help, we plot routes to various points in order to quickly get comfortable in an unfamiliar city and find certain stores and services, but we often forget to turn it off, which is why the battery drains many times faster.

  1. Go to “Settings” of your device and select “Location”;
  2. Set the slider next to “On” to “Off”;
  3. Also in this menu you can use different location modes, depending on how much battery power you have left. There are separate menus for this with search by coordinates and GPS satellites.

Attention! On later versions of Android, you can turn off location detection through the quick access menu. To do this, just swipe down and turn off the GPS item.

Automatic screen rotation

This option does not have a particularly strong effect on the overall energy consumption, however, coupled with other conditions, it drains the battery somewhat faster. If you do not care whether your smartphone automatically rotates the screen when you rotate the device in your hands, we recommend disabling this option. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the “Settings” tab and go to “Display”;
  2. Opposite the “Auto-rotate screen” item, remove the slider so that it switches to the “Off” state;
  3. It is also worth noting that in many smartphones this setting is also available from the quick access menu, so just swipe down and turn off this option there.


Fortunately, Android has a large number of widgets, both built into the shell itself and provided with applications installed from Google Play. Users often install many different widgets on their desktop, each of which constantly updates information. For example, these are different programs for viewing weather, social networks, mail, currency quotes and many other widgets. The more of them installed in a smartphone, the higher the load, and accordingly, the faster the battery drains.

  1. On any of the widgets, press with your finger and hold for a few seconds until a menu with a basket appears;
  2. Drag the widget to the trash, after which it will be deactivated;
  3. You can also remove standard Android add-ons that were added by the smartphone shell itself, but this will require root rights.

Background running of applications

Again, another common reason why a smartphone quickly discharges. Very often, users have a huge number of applications running in the background, each of which creates its own load. To view the list of running processes, follow these steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” of your device and select “Battery and Performance”;
  2. Next, click on “Battery Usage”;
  3. You will see a complete list of running processes, as well as general load statistics for each of them;
  4. To disable the selected process, click on a specific game or application, and click on the “Stop” tab.

Attention! If you have Android Oreo installed, then in this version you can allow or disable background work for each application. This is especially true for those programs that are not adapted for this version. You can do it like this:

  1. Go to “Settings”, then go to “Applications and notifications”;
  2. Here, click on the “Application Information” tab;
  3. You will see a complete list of all programs and games. Click on what you need and click on “Battery Saver”;
  4. Here, almost at the very bottom, you will only need to disable the background operation option, as a result of which the program will not be able to automatically load data and consume battery power.

Extra tip! To quickly clear the list of programs running in the background, you can use specialized utilities. For example, Clean Master does an excellent job of this, allowing you to close all unused applications on your device in a few clicks.

3D games

If you have a large number of 3D games installed, it is recommended that you carefully configure each of them to reduce battery consumption. Unfortunately, many mobile products are not adapted, so at maximum settings they consume a large amount of your battery. It is recommended to go into the game settings and select medium or low settings.

Data synchronization

It’s worth noting right away that this option is directly related to Wi-Fi and mobile Internet, therefore, if these wireless networks are disabled for you, then synchronization on your smartphone cannot be carried out. But the main problem is that for most users, by default, their account is synchronized with Google services, where copies of contact information and photos are saved to the cloud, and a separate backup of the system is created, as a result of which the load on the battery is simply colossal.

And if we add here all sorts of software updates, operating system and other “tricks”, then a serious problem is visible, which is observed even on phones with increased battery capacity. We recommend turning off automatic synchronization by following these steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” of your smartphone and scroll to the “Accounts” item;
  2. Here find the Google tab, click on it and click on your account;
  3. Uncheck all items related to synchronization;
  4. In this case, you can use wireless networks without fear that another synchronization process will suddenly begin.

Multiple SIM cards

Android smartphones that can use multiple SIM cards at once have a built-in mode that allows you to switch between SIM cards. As a result, such continuous operation seriously affects battery consumption. If you have several cards installed, it is recommended to configure different settings for each of them. For example, one will be used only for accessing the Internet, while the other is intended for making calls.

  1. Go to “Settings” on your device and find the “SIM Card Manager” item;
  2. Click on this tab and configure which SIM card will use the Internet and which will make calls. You can change these settings at any time by going to the same menu.


Most of the installed applications on Android are shells that contain advertising. Yes, it was initially known, because the developer indicates this fact in the Google Play service. A user who downloads another game to his device will see pop-up banners or videos automatically played by the system on the device screen when starting and performing certain actions. As a result, the phone's battery is discharged many times faster, and here everything depends on the user: how long he has been using this or that program or game that contains advertising. In this case, there are three options to solve the problem:

  1. You delete the application or purchase its full version to completely;
  2. Using specialized tools, remove all advertising banners and inserts from applications and games. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do this, most of which are described in our articles;
  3. Turn off the Internet so that the system cannot connect to the server, and therefore it will be impossible to display banners on the screen. Only in this case is it possible that the program will not start without access to the network!


If you have reached this point and are 100% sure that everything is fine with you, and the phone is also new, we recommend checking it for viruses. This is another common problem that affects millions of users around the world. Malicious shells get onto mobile devices both through applications on Google Play and from the outside, for example, when downloading files on the Internet, transferring information from a computer, having root rights and other actions. In this case, we recommend installing a licensed antivirus for the mobile version, and if it doesn’t find anything, reset the settings to factory settings.

Battery wear

A banal reason, but for some reason many users forget about it. If you have been using your smartphone for a long time, it is quite possible that the battery has simply lost its properties, as a result of which the battery discharges so quickly. In this case, it is only recommended to replace it with an original battery, and in no case a Chinese one, since no one will give you a guarantee of its long-term and correct operation.

Read, Android smartphone.

Ambient temperature

Unfortunately, in cold weather, phones can discharge faster, and here the degree of influence directly depends on the climate, temperature, and the manufacturer who assembled the smartphone. In this case, we can only give recommendations on changing the location and completely refusing to use the smartphone outdoors at low temperatures. In the instructions from the manufacturer of your smartphone you can find out about the maximum and minimum temperature limits at which it will work correctly.

We recommend that you install the Android Esay Battery Saver program, which will allow you to identify the most energy-dependent applications and processes in a few clicks. Also, with the help of this tool you can save costs, activate one of four energy-saving modes in one click, control the network and much more. If you have really serious problems with your battery, it is recommended to test its operation and monitor it with this application, and only then draw final conclusions.

Why does the battery on my phone drain quickly, literally within a couple of hours? The usual culprit for most users is “gluttonous” operating systems (for example, Android OS), resource-intensive utilities and a bright display. Is it really? Are there any ways to keep the battery from rapidly depleting? To understand this, it is worth studying this material.

Why does the phone discharge quickly: the main reasons

Even the latest gadgets with a very capacious battery (for example, the battery capacity is as much as 5000 mAh) can run out in a matter of hours. Constantly charging several times a day is definitely not a solution. To find out how to deal with this, you should first find out what causes such a nuisance.

Here are the main problems why a smartphone, regardless of the manufacturer brand, quickly discharges:

  1. Smart battery wear. An “ancient” battery is the main reason for the rapid loss of energy reserves. When charging, the battery heats up due to increased internal resistance. You can visually inspect it by removing it from the gadget (if possible). Swelling, corrosion, deformation, various stains on the surface are an alarm bell and a reason to replace the battery with a new one. How else can you find out about the battery condition? On your smart phone with Android OS, dial the combination: *#*#4636#*#*. A menu will appear in which you need to click on the “Battery Information” item. It will describe the charge level, condition, temperature and other data about the battery. Owners of Apple devices with iOS, starting with version 11.3, can view the battery status directly in the iPhone settings.
  2. Use in cold or hot weather. Modern batteries, although they have a large energy reserve, do not handle sub-zero temperatures and hot weather very well. The temperature limits of the device can be determined from its characteristics. And it’s better not to exceed them so that the smartphone’s battery does not run out at the right time. A case that covers the device on both sides will help to “warm” the phone a little in the cold.
  3. Very bright screen. Of course, most users want to see the brightest display possible with rich colors, but if you overdo it and set the indicators to 100%, the screen will simply “eat up” the battery’s energy consumption. To correct this defect, you need to go to the display brightness settings and use a special slider to reduce it to a level that is comfortable for working with the device. About 50-60% is quite enough.
  4. Resource-intensive features. If the device operates according to the all-inclusive program, then it is not surprising that the battery charge becomes less and less in a matter of hours. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC - all of this requires energy consumption. Therefore, if these functions are not needed right now, you should deactivate them in the device settings.
  5. Unstable cellular/GPS connection. The battery capacity decreases before our eyes when the phone tries to find a constantly elusive connection (if there are interruptions in the connection). The GPS sensor is one of the most “gluttonous”. In an unfamiliar area it is needed, but at home or at work it is hardly worth activating it.
  6. Mobile viruses. If you ignore the browser security warning, visit suspicious web resources, download programs from unreliable sources, then you will inevitably become infected with smart viruses. Malware can waste much more battery power than regular utilities. To be on the safe side, you should install an antivirus.

All of the problems listed can affect devices regardless of the manufacturer, for example, smart devices from or have the same chances. Rapid battery discharge is often associated with improper operation of the device. But what measures, besides proper handling of the smart phone, can be taken to improve the functioning of the battery? More on this in further sections.

What to do if your phone discharges too quickly?

To deal with the problem, you can take the following 3 steps.

Method No. 2. System update. A new version of Android or another OS brings a significant number of improvements, including those that affect the battery charge state. Updating your device to a new version is a chance to correct all the defects of the previous OS. Innovations regularly arrive on smart phones from or (if automatic updates are set in the settings), the user only needs to click on “Install”. This can be done manually by downloading the software from the manufacturer’s website.

Method No. 3. Removing unnecessary software - if entertainment or work programs are no longer needed, there is no need to clog up the device’s memory and waste battery power. You just need to remove unused applications.

In addition, you can use special programs: for – Clean Master, for iPhone – iTunes.

Battery saving programs: the best

All of the above methods can be combined with the use of special programs that help the battery save charge. All utilities are freely available on the Internet. The user just needs to download them and install them on the smart phone.

Greenife– operates in the background and reduces the activity of the smart device when the user is not using it. The advantages of the program are that it will detect and disable all unnecessary processes (even those that are not displayed in the task manager).

DU Battery Saver– the program deactivates background processes and displays all information about battery usage. There is a separate “Optimize” button that allows you to disable any resource-intensive utilities.

Amplife– disables all unnecessary processes when the smart device is not in use. The program operates in automatic mode, independently turning off unnecessary applications. Manual setting is possible.

GO Battery Saver– it has several energy saving profiles. They can be switched among themselves; to do this, you need to place the widget on the device screen. In addition to the free version, there is also a premium option in which you can schedule to enable/disable profiles.

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