Setup procedures. Choosing books on runes for beginners The best books on runes: theory and practice

Ancient runic knowledge has always attracted special attention, but in order to properly use the potential of runes, it is necessary to learn and comprehend a lot. The process of learning ancient runes is long and thorny.

Ancient runes are used in magical practice mainly for fortune telling, protection from dark entities and for some specific rituals in which runes can be used for a variety of purposes.

Runes are not only special stones with mystical signs depicted on them, they are also a series of signs and symbols used to draw various pictograms and circles. In order to gain knowledge about ancient runes and start using them, you need to study books about runes, since finding a suitable teacher is almost impossible.

By collecting bits and pieces of knowledge contained in various book sources, you can independently learn to use runes, but you need to remember that runes are a rather specific tool and, if used incorrectly, they can punish someone who decided to disturb them without proper knowledge about their use.

So, where should a person start studying runes for a completely ignorant person in this matter? At first, you should not purchase difficult-to-understand books on runes, try to perform complex rituals and even guess, as this will not lead to anything good.

For a beginner, it is best to purchase books that tell the history of the origin of runes, as well as those that explain what each individual sign recorded on rune stones means and where the signs come from.

This knowledge is extremely important and forms a kind of basis for future practical studies with runes. It is especially important to memorize the meaning of each individual rune, since without this it is almost impossible to carry out even fortune-telling, let alone some rituals in which runes are used.

In addition, initial knowledge allows you to correctly understand what each person associates this or that rune with, which is very important in the matter of fortune telling.

For a beginner studying the mystery of runes, it is best to pick up 2-3 books about runes - this will be enough to learn the history of the creation of this instrument, as well as the meanings of each symbol.

The selection of suitable literature on runes must be approached individually, since each author writes differently and if for some the knowledge described in the book will be a real discovery, then for others the information presented in the way that the author reveals it will become difficult to perceive.

Still, runes presuppose the use of one’s own intuition and, so to speak, the flight of one’s imagination, so books that are difficult to understand for a particular person are not the most optimal way to comprehend the magic and power of ancient runes.

Currently, there is a lot of literature for studying the history of the origin of runes, as well as the principles of operation of this magical instrument, so we can give certain recommendations regarding the choice of books for understanding the runes. Literature about the history of Scandinavia, its myths and legends is a very important source of knowledge about ancient runes.

For beginners, it is recommended to read the book “Myths of Ancient Scandinavia” by Vladimir Petrukhin, as well as the book “Myths of Northern Europe” by Helen Gerber. In addition, a beginner is recommended to study Aditi’s book “Runes,” which will explain a lot and become a good springboard for further study of runes.

Only after studying the starting information for understanding ancient runes can you begin to read more serious literature. Correct and thoughtful study of literature will allow you to quickly comprehend the mystery of using runes.

Without undergoing runic initiation, a person uses his own energy, although he believes that it is runic. This can lead to loss of strength, illness, psychotic disorders and early aging. Please be smart and don't put yourself at risk.


We have prepared for you a list of books on runes, among which you will find those that will be of interest to you. You can download books about runes for free for review, but based on our wealth of experience, we recommend purchasing the ones you like in paper form, since the material is 93% better absorbed and remembered directly from a sheet of paper, and the author should receive a reward for the invested effort, experience and knowledge . Remember that you also want to always be paid for your work and efforts.

The author of this book, K. Meadows, offers his readers a special look at runic fortune-telling - they are associated with the concept of a shaman. Who is a shaman? This is a person who communicates with special forces, exchanges energy with them to obtain any information. The roots of this phenomenon are the pagan beliefs of ancient tribes, including the Scandinavian religion.

Here we will talk about a completely special type of shamanism - runic. Such shamans lived among the peoples of Northern Europe, Scandinavia and Iceland. This phenomenon is in many ways similar to other types of spiritual perception, but has a number of important differences. Which ones you will find out by reading “The Magic of Runes” by Kenneth Meadows.

In addition to the history of shamanism, the book also invites readers to familiarize themselves with some of the practical applications of fortune-telling of the peoples of the North - and, in particular, with runic fortune-telling.

The book “Runes and Mysteries of the Northern Peoples” is not only one of the first works on Scandinavian magic, written by a woman based on personal experience of use, but also an excellent guide to deciphering the meaning of the ancient alphabet, which plays a vital role in the life and destiny of every person - the runes .

This book contains myths and magical techniques based on the so-called female power - female elements of Scandinavian mythology, based on methods of fortune-telling and knowledge of fate that have been proven over hundreds of years.

Runic traditions, the system of ancient matriarchy, mythological images of the ancient gods of the Scandinavian pantheon - all this is reflected in this truly monumental work.

This book is a wonderful guide to fortune telling with runes; Its peculiarity is that it is a practical guide. In this work, in addition to the fortune telling itself and the meanings of the runes, there is also a manufacturing manual.

The structure of the book contains a short introduction from the author, a manual and tips on production, the meaning of each Rune picture, as well as fortune telling itself.

This book is a detailed and conveniently designed guide to fortune telling with runes; it also contains a little history of the runes themselves and Scandinavian mythology, as well as an overview of Futhark - the magical alphabet of the ancient North.

In the last part of the book “Runes,” the author describes to us some magical techniques for using fortune telling, as well as the unusual properties of things marked with runes. The clear and fairly easy language in which this book is written will appeal to readers of any level.

And, finally, one more reason to read the book “Rune” from A. Kaya - regardless of whether you are a beginner in fortune telling with runes or a professional, this book will be of interest to you in any case.

The difference between “Predictive Runology” and other books on similar topics is its practical orientation - the author gives the reader only a little theory in the introductory chapter of the book, while the rest of it is completely devoted to various runic layouts and their interpretations, express analyses.

If we compare “Predictive Runology” with similar works, the abundance of different fortune-telling catches the eye; This is probably the first time that so many different techniques are collected in one book at once.

As for the quality of the material, the author's many years of personal experience and excellent knowledge of all techniques guarantee your success when using this book as the main guide to fortune telling with runes.

T. Karlsson's book is the most complete collection of various methods of working with runes to date. While other authors mostly limit themselves to descriptions of various fortune-telling, T. Karlsson tells us about the presence in the runes of unknown, hitherto unexplored energy, about their healing power and the power that influences the destinies of people.

The author of the book “Runes and Nordic Magic” is one of the most famous esotericists of our time, behind him is the creation of a magical order and occult-esoteric activities. All the methods described in this book have been personally tested by the author, so even the most picky reader will not be able to find a single inconsistency.

Of all the northern peoples, the author is primarily interested in the Vikings - their very special system of runic magic is presented in this book. “Runes and Nordic Magic” will be of interest to everyone - from experienced esotericists to those who are just taking their first steps in this area.

The authors of this book, practicing runologists, have devoted almost a decade and a half to their work. The result of this truly titanic work is the book “Runes. Futhark classical and armanic.” This material discusses ways of resonating runes with individuals, as well as correcting situations that arise when divining with runes.

But the main difference between this book and other works on similar topics is that the authors are not limited to using only the classic futhark (24 main runes and one empty), they also pay attention to its other variants - 16, 18, 33 runes and others.

Practicing runologists will be interested in the personal observations of the authors regarding work with all existing runic systems.

"Runes. Interpretation of the Elder Futhark, based on the runic oracle and practical magic" Aditi A., Aditi E.

This book is one of the most complete guides to fortune telling with runes; the authors have collected a huge amount of information about history, mythology, fortune telling, and the making of talismans. Each rune described in the book is provided with a drawing and a detailed description.

In addition to describing the runes, the authors provide many methods of various fortune-telling, as well as explanations of all possible layouts. “Runes” is one of the first books published in Russian, the authors of which explain in such detail and clearly all the mechanisms of interaction of runes with each other.

In this book, the famous researcher A. Platov convincingly proves that even before the invention of writing by Cyril and Methodius in Rus', there was a system of conventional signs similar to the Scandinavian Futhark - these were runes.

Runes keep many secrets, but no less are contained in the Glagolitic alphabet - its secrets and its roots are reflected in the work of the second author of this book, N. Taranov. Was it created or did the South Slavs borrow it from other tribes? When did it arise? How many thousands of years has the second system of Slavic writing gone back? About this and much more - in the book “Runes of the Slavs and Glagolitic”.

Runic attunement (initiation).
Review by Ariadne Soleil (Marseille, France).

Also useful:

  • Associated meanings of runes
  • Aditi, A. Interpretation of the Elder Futhark, based on the runic oracle and practical magic / St. Petersburg. : Society for Spiritual and Psychic Culture, 1993
  • Asvinn, F. Mysteries and magic of the North. Runes and feminine power
  • Batyushkov, S. Runic amulet practice / M., Rostov n/ D.: March, 2007
  • Bloom Ralph H., Logan S. Healing runes / M.: Sofia, 2004
  • Budur, N. Runes should not be cut by those who do not understand them / M.: Terra, 1997
  • Weber, E. Runic art / St. Petersburg. : Eurasia, 2002
  • Jarell, D. Recovery with rune magic / St. Petersburg. : Set, 1998
  • Korablev, L. Graphic magic of the Icelanders / M.: Veligor, 1999
  • Korablev, L. From stories about Old Icelandic witchcraft and the Hidden People / M.: Sofia, 2003
  • Korablev, L. Runes of speech and Mighty runes
  • Kormilitsyn, S. Secrets of the runes. Heirs of Odin / M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2005
  • Sheet, G. von. The Secret of the Runes / M.: Sofia, Helios, 2001
  • Makaev E.A. Runic inscriptions / M.: Nauka, 1965
  • Meadows, K. Magic of runes. Secret knowledge of the wise men / M.: FAIR PRESS, 2003
  • Melnikova, E.A. Scandinavian runic inscriptions: New finds and interpretations. Texts, translation, commentary / M.: Publishing company "Eastern Literature" RAS, 2001
  • Nevsky, D. Wisdom of Runes / M.: Avvallon, 2010
  • Nemenyi, G. von. Sacred Runes. Magical symbols of the North / M.: Veligor, 2005
  • Otila. Workshop on the psychology of runes / M.: Veligor, 2005
  • Penny, N. Runes
  • Peschel, L. Runes for beginners / M.: FAIR, 2010
  • Platov, A., Dart, A. van. Practical course of runic art / K.: Sofia, 1999
  • Platov, A. Runic magic
  • Prudius, E. At the source of Urd. Runic circle in fairy tales and myths / St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2007
  • Selchenok, K. Astrological interpretation of runes / 1999
  • Saint Germain, J. Runic palmistry / M. : AST: Astrel, 2005
  • Sandsmark, D. Runes. An ancient system of predictions reveals the future / M.: Kladez-Buks, 2007
  • Tarnovsky, A. Runic magic: the ancient tradition of the North / St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 2003
  • Thorsson, E. Source of fate / M.: Sofia, Helios, 2002
  • Thorsson, E. Runic teaching / M.: Sofia, Helios, 2002
  • Thorsson, E. Northern magic: mysteries of the Germanic peoples / Kyiv, Sofia, 1997
  • Chrzanowska, A.A. Mystery of Runes / M.: Doctor Gaspar, 2008
  • Runen Magic/ White Traditions Society
  • Beowulf. Elder Edda. Song of the Nibelungs / Library of World Literature, volume 9 / M.: Fiction, 1975
  • Roots of Yggdrasil / M.: Terra, 1997
  • Sturluson, S. Younger Edda / Leningrad, Science, 1970


We have prepared for you an expanded catalog of runes with a detailed description of each rune. Using these descriptions you will be able to correctly understand runic layouts. Using our descriptions of runes you will be able to correctly compose runic formulas. After passing a unique runic initiation (attunement):



SELF-realization in society


From this article you will learn:

    What are runes

    How to learn runes yourself

    How to choose books on runes for beginners

    What books should you start studying runes with?

    Which books on runes are recognized as the best?

    Are there books on Russian runes?

– this is not just an esoteric toy, but a complex mechanism for regulating the energies of the Universe. If they fall into the hands of a frivolous and unprepared person, they can harm not only him, but also those around him. In ancient times they believed this: “What is written in runes, even God cannot change.” This article is aimed at telling you what books on runes exist, which of them are best suited for a beginner and will help you understand all the intricacies of runic magic.

Books on runes for beginners: first steps

The ancient knowledge about runes has previously attracted and continues to attract the attention of many people. But in order to learn how to use the power of runes competently and safely for yourself and others, you need to study and comprehend a large amount of information. Runes are used in magic for fortune telling, rituals, and also as protection from evil.

Runes are not just beautiful stones on which images of mystical signs are applied, but also special symbols used to draw pictograms and magic circles. To gain a sufficient amount of knowledge about runes and learn how to use them, you need to select the best books on runes, buy them and delve into the study. Today, finding a competent mentor is very difficult, so getting information from printed sources is an ideal option.

By studying books on runes, you can independently learn to use runic symbols. But we should not forget that runes are a very specific magical instrument that is capable of punishing those who do not have the necessary knowledge and dare to disturb him.

So, where should a beginner start when starting to study runes? At first, do not try to immediately study complex literature, much less try to tell fortunes or perform magical rituals.

This is basic and extremely necessary knowledge that forms the foundation for subsequent practical training. It is worth paying attention to the meanings of each rune, without exception, and memorizing them, because without this information it is impossible to carry out rituals and fortune telling.

In addition, this basic information will allow you to understand what each individual person associates this or that rune with, which is very important in the process of fortune telling.

For beginners, it is advisable to choose two or three books on runes from different publishers. This will be enough to learn the history of this magical instrument and study the meanings of all the runes.

Today there is a lot of literature on the subject, so we should give some advice on choosing books for learning runes.

  • Vladimir Petrukhin. "Myths of Ancient Scandinavia."

This book is the most important source of information about ancient runes. It tells the history of Scandinavia, its myths and legends.

In ancient times, each person called his own people the real ones, while others were considered barbarians who were not even able to clearly express their thoughts. But over time, people came to realize that there are a large number of peoples on the planet who have their own traditions, culture and religion. It is legends and myths that will make it possible to understand what different nationalities believed in and how they saw the world around them.

This book also talks about the ideas of the peoples of Scandinavia about the earthly world. They were reflected in Scandinavian mythology, in cultural monuments that became accessible to knowledge thanks to archaeologists. During the Great Migration, the culture of the peoples of Scandinavia was closely intertwined with the culture of the Old Russian Slavs. In this regard, the book compares and contrasts the legends of the Scandinavians and Slavs.

You can find even more books about Runes in our online store.

  • Freya Asvinn. "Runes and mysteries of the northern peoples."

This publication reflects the esoteric, mythological and religious traditions of the peoples of Scandinavia, Germany, Holland and the British Isles.

The publication includes runic traditions, images of the most ancient Scandinavian Gods, and a description of the matriarchal system of antiquity.

  • Aditi A., Aditi E. “Runes: Interpretation of the Elder Futhark.”

This manual gives the most complete understanding of runes and fortune telling using them. The creators of the book were able to collect a colossal amount of information material about history, myths, rituals and the making of magical talismans. The book contains detailed descriptions of each rune, which are also provided with their images.

In addition to all of the above, the book provides descriptions of various fortune-telling techniques, and also explains all possible rune layouts. “Runes” is one of the first publications released in the Russian version. The creators of the book were able to explain the mechanisms of runic interactions in as much detail and clearly as possible.

The last section of the publication contains “The Prophecy of the Seer” - this is one of the texts of the Elder Edda. The information contained in this book on runes allows you not only to get acquainted with the runes, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

This book will provide answers to many questions and will become a springboard for subsequent knowledge of runes.

And only after studying the basic block of information about ancient runes, you need to move on to more complex literature. Competent and conscious study of thematic material will allow you to quickly learn the mystery of using runic symbols.

The best books on runes: theory and practice

So, having familiarized yourself with the basics, you can move on to studying more complex literature. Below are books on runes, from the list of which you will definitely be able to find one that interests you. You have the right to read these books for free on online resources in trial mode, but it is still better to purchase the publications you like in print. After all, it has been proven that information is absorbed 93% better and faster if you read it from a sheet of paper rather than from a monitor screen. In addition, the author, like any other person, wants to receive compensation for the work done.

  • Kenneth Meadows. "Magic of Runes"

The creator of this book offers a completely different look at fortune telling using ancient runes - he connects them with the concept of shamanism. Who is a shaman? This is the name given to a person who is able to communicate with magical forces and exchange energy in order to obtain the necessary information. The roots of this phenomenon go back to the pagan beliefs of the most ancient tribes, including the Scandinavian religion.

The book talks about a special type of shamanism - runic. Runic shamans lived in Northern Europe, Iceland and Scandinavia. Shamanism has many similarities with other types of spiritual perception, but at the same time there are many significant differences between them. You can find out which ones exactly by reading this book.

In addition to the history of shamanism, the book also presents several ways to use the fortune-telling of the northern peoples in practice, including fortune-telling using ancient runes.

  • Bloom Ralph. "The Book of Runes: A Compass for Navigating Troubled Times."

Among the many books about runes, this is the most popular. She can become a reliable and faithful advisor on the path of your self-discovery. The author was able to succinctly tell the centuries-old tradition of interpreting runes in a simple and easy-to-understand language. Largely thanks to this, “The Book of Runes” has rightfully become a world bestseller.

This work became famous for causing a split and heated debate among people involved in the study of ancient runes. The creator of the book, in an unconventional version, read the meanings of individual runes and made a very daring move - he made modifications to the runic system. He proposed introducing the “empty rune” or, in other words, the “Rune of Odin” into use. Also, Ralph Blum slightly changed the interpretation of the runes and their order.

  • Kolesov E.N., Torsten E.A. "Runes".

The creators of the book “Runes” are practitioners and runology consultants who devoted about fifteen years to writing this work. During this period, they understood how runes resonate with individuals, what information can be extracted from runes during fortune telling, how to use runes to correct emerging events, that is, how and for what purpose talismans should be made, spells and rituals should be performed.

In books on runes, both domestic and foreign, attention is mainly focused on the classic futhark, which consists of 24 iconic and one empty rune. At the same time, its other varieties - 16, 18, 33 and more runes - are either not mentioned at all, or they are described in general terms. The creators of this publication have worked through all the existing systems of ancient runes, so this experience can be very useful for a practicing runologist.

  • Kaya A. “Runes.”

This book on runes is a very detailed and practical guide to fortune telling with runes. This edition contains a brief history of runes and some Scandinavian myths. There was also room in the book for a review of Futhark, the magical alphabet of the ancient North.

The final part of the book discusses individual methods of using fortune telling and the amazing properties of objects marked with runes. Its simple and concise language makes the book a simple and accessible guide for readers of various skill levels.

And, in conclusion, I would like to note the versatility of this publication. Regardless of whether the book falls into the hands of a beginner in fortune telling with ancient runes or a professional, it will be of interest to both.

  • Amphitheaters V.L. “Runes: Wisdom and Strength.”

This book is considered a textbook on runic magic in its two main aspects: the creation of artifacts and amulets endowed with magical powers, which are invoked by the inscription in runes, and the later practice of using runes for fortune telling.

Basic books on Russian runes

The runes of the ancient Slavs have always been and remain a mystery for the Russian people. Even now, there is still heated debate about whether Slavic writing existed before the baptism of Rus'. To date, a significant number of arguments have been collected in favor of the fact that the first Russian alphabet was not Cyrillic, and there is a lot of evidence that the writing was runic.

Below are the most popular publications on Russian runes:

  • Asov A. “Slavic runes. A short guide to the art of fortune telling and prediction."

Slavic runes are the original runes, a gift from God. They were “born” at the same time as the Universe. They contain knowledge about the structure of the entire Universe. They are filled with magical power and serve spiritual awakening and personal development.

  • Asov A. “Signs and runes of the Magi.”

Since ancient times, the Magi, who were called the keepers of wisdom, spoke about the wisdom of the Universe through legends and mythical tales. Only in this way could hidden wisdom be passed on from generation to generation. The guardians have always made sure that wisdom, passing from generation to generation, retains the main thing - the ancient runic symbolism, which reflects the laws of the Cosmos so that after the Age of Ancient Silence the era of the Renaissance of tradition could begin. In this book on runes we are talking about the runes of the ancient Slavs, about their written heritage before the adoption of Christianity, about the keepers of secret written and runic Slavic manuscripts. In addition to all this, the book also found a place for runic writing.

  • Menshikova K. “Runes reveal the secrets of the world. Ancient knowledge in magical symbols."

Runes are magical symbols that were widely used before the adoption of Christianity. A person who touches the runes ceases to be ordinary. This book on runes is based on a technique that allows you to use runes to transform the inner world of people: consciousness expands to the extent when a person begins to fully understand and be aware of the events taking place, and tries to control them. This level of magic provides enormous possibilities. This book is called living.

It is based on the experiences and feelings of real people who were engaged in the knowledge of runes. They were able to completely change themselves, their own destinies and the destinies of their loved ones, and all this is described on the pages of this publication. Guided by the described methodology, you will be able to master the skill, discover the amazing possibilities and great power of such an ancient magical instrument as runes.

You can order some of these and many other books on runes in our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

The times when secret knowledge was passed on only by word of mouth are long gone. What a blessing that we live in the information age and can learn from hundreds of experienced practitioners and researchers of magic.

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