There are currently no charge level notifications. How to get rid of annoying Android shortcomings

Android is truly an excellent operating system, but at the same time it has its drawbacks. Some of them are congenital and you just have to put up with them, others can be eliminated quite easily. In this article, we have collected some of the most common Android problems and tips on how to fix them.

Increased battery life

This is still one of the biggest disadvantages of mobile gadgets. Manufacturers continue to produce smartphones whose lifespan does not exceed one working day. It is clear that the design features of modern batteries and the ever-increasing needs of devices have entered into a deep contradiction. However, there are ways to solve this problem.

  • When purchasing a gadget, please contact close attention to battery capacity. Yes, you may have to pay a little more for this pleasure, but freedom from plug addiction is worth it. Pay attention to the MAXX line from Motorola, the Samsung Galaxy Note series and other devices that can show outstanding survivability results.
  • Buy an extra battery. If you don't currently have plans to buy a new phone, then it's best to purchase an extra battery. This could be simply an additional battery, or replacing an existing one with a more capacious one.
  • Reduce application power consumption. If you find your battery draining even when you're not using your phone, then it's time to tackle the apps that are running in the background. To do this, it’s good to use the one we recently described or the tips from this one.
  • Use airplane mode. If the battery indicator shows less than 10%, then there is no time for fine-tuning. Just activate airplane mode and you will extend the life of your device by several hours. This can also be done at night if you are not expecting important calls. Turning off all communications reduces energy consumption to almost zero.

Get rid of junk software

Manufacturers and sellers install a huge amount of unnecessary commercial software on many device models. And this can turn into a real problem. The software imposed on you not only takes up space, but also eats up system resources, consumes the battery, and simply gets in the way. Luckily, there are ways to fix this.

  • Disable them in system settings. Most of these programs have system status and cannot be easily removed. If you don't want to root your device, you can almost always go into the settings and disable programs you don't need, as shown in the illustration above.
  • Get root and remove junk. Obtaining superuser rights is not such a scary procedure. You can use or article. After this, you can completely remove or just freeze the programs you have selected. There are a large number of special utilities for this, the most popular of which are Titanium Backup and RootAppDelete.

Hide or eliminate branded skins

Many manufacturers use proprietary launchers on their devices, which, however, may not be very convenient or consume too many system resources. This problem can be solved either by fine-tuning the appropriate shell or by completely replacing it.

  • Go back to stock Android as much as possible. If you want to solve the problem with little effort, then you will have to individually select and replace the launcher, keyboard, dialer, calendar, and so on with real Google applications. We described how to do this using Android 4.4 as an example in these articles (,). Also pay attention to third-party applications, which sometimes have even greater capabilities and low consumption of system resources. You can start, for example, .
  • Flash third party firmware. If you are inclined towards a more radical and complete solution, then you will have to reflash your gadget with one of the third-party firmwares. Such developments have long since come out of children's diapers and provide quite stable, convenient and safe operating systems.

Turn off annoying notifications

As a rule, almost all programs have a corresponding section in the settings. Just take the time to look for options that control what, when, and how often the application will display in the notification panel. This, by the way, can further reduce battery consumption.

There is a more radical way. In Android 4.1 and higher, you can open the application page in the system settings and generally turn off all notifications from it. Just uncheck Show notifications, as shown in the picture above.

Set the correct orientation for each application

Some programs look great in portrait orientation, others look great in landscape. To put this under control, use the Smart Rotator utility, which provides us with a single interface to control these settings and allows you to choose which applications will use automatic rotation and which will always stick to vertical or horizontal orientation. This program is especially good to use on tablets.

I installed Windows7 on my Lenovo Y410 laptop. I used to have Windows XP. In XP I received a low test notification when my battery reached 10% life. In I even set the low notification notification but still it does not notify me when the battery reaches 10% life and when it reaches the critical level of 5% it automatically goes into sleep mode. It annoys me.

Can anyone tell me why it doesn't notify me when it reaches low testosterone levels? I use a balanced diet. Low test tone notification is enabled and battery level is 10%. The critical battery charge level is 5%.

UPDATE: During a problem with internet search, I kept my laptop on battery and every minute I watched the battery level. Previously, when I used Windows XP, it lasted 3 hours with dim light. Now in Windows 7 it lasts for one hour and as some other user asked a question saying battery life suddenly drops from 26%-5% (question here) even my laptop right after I saw 26%, it went into sleep mode according to the action of the critical level. I admit that some things are similar to this user, such as my battery is a year old. But I don't understand why it started suddenly when I upgraded to Windows 7 from XP. This is a little iffy for me. Should I accept the solution given in this question, or is there another thing I should try?

One Solution collect form web for “Low battery notification not showing in windows 7”

Steps to change the icon and notifications for the power icon:

  • [Right click] taskbar
  • Select Properties
  • Click the button Tune".
  • Find the icon shortcut Power
  • Select Show icon and notifications from the dropdown list
  • Click OK.

This is already the case, then it could be a battery problem. For example, one message in this question. To check, change notification percentage O low battery level to a larger number, such as 30%. Then watch, wait and learn.

Steps to change notification percentage:

  • [Right click] power icon
  • Select power settings
  • Click Change settings power of the selected power profile
  • Click Change advanced power settings
  • Scroll to and select Battery through [+]
  • Expand Low battery level
  • Change battery On 30% or higher
  • Click OK.

Here are some more reasons. An error related to Vista has appeared. However, some problems are related to the BIOS. So try updating it. Another solution is to remove the battery and clean the contacts using a pencil eraser. One person said that when he or she changed the action Critical Battery on " Shut down" from " Hibernate", a low battery notification appeared.

EDIT: The notifications you can set are only battery [level, notification] and spare battery * [level]. There is no critical battery notification in Win7 [level and action only].

If, for example, you set the low battery to 6% and the critical battery to 3% [the lowest bypass is accepted], you can set the spare battery to 4% to act as a final ditch warning for the electrical connection until The battery operates without any additional warnings.

[* The reserve battery level is not associated with any action other than the warning alert - “Critical Battery Alert. You are now operating in power backup mode. Your battery is very low (4%), please connect immediately. No, your computer will soon automatically go into hibernation. "]

So to sum it up - your spare battery level should be HIGHER than the rest.

Link link to this study: Low battery notification is not... – Microsoft Answers. There are more solutions and reasons listed throughout the post. Also, the battery life... – SuperUser which was found by JayaprakashReddy.

The level of customization (customizability) of even official firmware of mobile devices is growing every day. However, there is no limit to perfection; there will always be some little things that cannot be implemented using standard system tools. But it’s these little things that make up the overall impression of using the device.

As part of this article, we will talk about one of those settings that is not available in every firmware of Android OS devices, namely, we will look at how to turn off the low battery sound on Android.

Changing or disabling Android system sounds

Android system settings allow edit various sound and notification parameters: Incoming call sound, incoming message sound, alarm sound, camera shutter sound on/off and so on. But muting the sound of some notifications is not possible in every version of the system and shell.

We are talking about parameters such as changing or disabling volume key sound, low battery notification sound and some others.
It’s good if these parameters are present in the settings with the ability to at least disable them, but often there is no such function at all. What can we say about the availability of changing such notifications to a different sound. To disable or change the sound that warns you when the battery is low, you will either have to sew custom firmware, or, most often, install specialized software on the device, which, unfortunately, does not always work correctly.

But, in fact, it is quite possible to configure these parameters without using additional programs. Below we will look at how to disable " battery sound" , played when it is discharged.

Silence the sound of a low battery on Android

Before any manipulations with the system, we strongly recommend that you make a full system backup(nandroid backup).

All actions performed by the user with his device and the system installed in it are carried out solely under the responsibility of the user. Neither the author of the article nor the site administration mirAdmin are not responsible for possible consequences

Now we will consider the option completely turning off the sound of a dead battery on Android.
What we need for this:

  • empty sound file in format ogg(below we present it for download), that is, a file, when played, no melody is played;
  • root rights in the Android system (so-called administrator rights or full access);
  • file manager on Android with access to system directories.

If we do not need to turn off the notification sound, but change it to our own, then in the same way we replace the file with the desired one, set the permissions and reboot the smartphone. For example, you can use a file that plays the pleasant sound of a drop of water: LowBattery-drop

Mute the volume keys on Android

Similarly, you can disable or change many different sounds of the Android system. We only need to know in which directories the sound file we need is located:

/system/media/audio/alarms/ - a directory containing possible melodies for the alarm clock;

/system/media/audio/camera/- a directory containing possible sounds for a standard camera, as well as a file for silent operation of the camera;

/system/media/audio/notifications/ - a directory containing options for alert signals;

/system/media/audio/ringtones/ - a directory containing ringtones that can be set;

/system/media/audio/ui/ - a directory containing system sounds, notification sounds.

For example, on some smartphones in the catalog ui there is a file like Volume.ogg or even several files: Volume-1.ogg, Volume-2.ogg, Volume-3.ogg, Volume-4.ogg and so on.
If we replace these files (or this file) with the above sound file with silence, or with the sound of silence in mp3: Volume-soundless- then in this way we can disable volume control sound, played when you press the side keys of the device.

But it’s worth keeping in mind that some firmware stores the volume control sound not in open form, but in a compiled file; in this case, you won’t be able to turn off the sound by replacing the file through the file manager.

The battery charge level is displayed as a battery icon in the Windows notification area. More accurate information about the charge level (as a percentage, where 100% is a fully charged battery) can be found in the tooltip that appears when you hover your mouse over this icon. But the user may not notice that the battery is almost completely discharged. Therefore, Windows provides a low battery notification mode, as well as actions that will be automatically performed when the battery level is low and critically low.

  1. Open the Power Options dialog box. Let me remind you that you can open it from the Edit Plan Settings window.
  2. Expand the Battery group, and then expand the Low battery notification subgroup.
  3. Make sure the On link appears to the right of On battery in the Low battery notification group. If the Off link appears, click it and select On from the drop-down list that appears. Low battery notification mode is enabled.

By default, 10% of full charge is considered low. You can change this number by expanding the Low battery level group and selecting the desired value. So, for example, you can set the low level to 50% and the low battery notification will appear when the battery is down to 50%. In the Critical battery level group, the critical battery charge level is set. By default, this level is 5%, as a discount when you invite a toastmaster to a wedding Moscow prices. With such a discharge, the laptop can only work for a few minutes.

To define the action that will be performed when the battery is low, expand the Low battery action group and select the appropriate action: do nothing, put the laptop into sleep mode, hibernate mode, or turn off the laptop. You can also define the action that will be performed when the battery level is critically low by expanding the Critical battery action group.

When choosing an action when the battery is low or critically low, it is best to choose to put the laptop into hibernation mode. When entering hibernation mode, the contents of the RAM are written to the hard drive and restored when the laptop is turned on. This way, you won't lose data that you didn't have time to save before the battery died.