What does it mean to receive a shipment? Importance of International Mail Export

On the way from China, your parcel will have to wait for one stage, which Aliexpress buyers call the “Bermuda Triangle”. And in fact, the parcel is being exported, and the tracking statuses do not change for some time. And visually it seems that the parcel has simply disappeared somewhere. Moreover, the postal company that transported your order to the border no longer has information about the parcel, since they handed over the parcel and it will then be sent by local mail. But the local post office does not yet have information, since the parcel has not yet reached them.

How many days to wait for import?

Of course, the question immediately arises, how many days do you need to wait from export to import? Which deadlines are considered normal, and which already indicate that the package is stuck and something needs to be done.

Let's look at the official documents. In the regulations of the Universal Postal Union, the standard time frame for a parcel to pass through the export-import stage is not indicated in any way. That is, there are no regulatory deadlines and you cannot make any claims. And even the seller himself can only roughly tell from his own experience the usual time frame in which the parcel arrives in a given country.

If you are lucky, the parcel can go through export-import in 3-6 days. On average, this stage lasts 2-3 weeks. During periods of pre-New Year congestion, parcels may be stuck at this stage for a month or more.

In some cases, with a heavy mail load and when the parcel passes through very “slow” sorting points, the parcel may be stuck for 2-3 months. This is why mediators believe that parcels to Russia and neighboring countries can be sent within 90 days and usually ask to wait for this period before returning the money for the reason ““.

Why are parcels stuck at export-import?

Your parcel is sent by the postal company to the border of China. Then it is transferred to customs and the “Export” status appears. The first delay may be at customs if there is a congestion there. The second delay may occur after customs inspection, when the parcel is distributed into the required container, where it will await its flight. Also, she can wait until this container is completely filled. And it is not known how long it will take until the goods physically leave China.

Further, upon arrival in the destination country, the parcel will wait its turn to clear customs at a temporary storage warehouse. It is impossible to predict how long she will spend here. Maybe a few days, maybe even months. Everything will depend again on the workload of customs.

The “Import” status appears when the goods have been transferred to customs, or when they have already passed customs clearance and arrived at the postal sorting center of the recipient’s country.

The parcel is stuck at export. When to open a dispute?

If at the export-import stage your order is stuck and the tracking statuses do not change, then the thought immediately arises of opening a dispute. But in fact, if the track was tracked earlier and it is clear that the parcel was sent, then a dispute should be opened no earlier than 2-3 days before the delivery deadline.

If you open earlier, both the seller and the mediators will insist that you wait until a certain date for your goods.

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At tracking parcels from Aliexpress Using the track number, you can track the entire journey of the parcel from China to Russia. It is divided into several stages, each corresponding to a certain status, for example Export of international mail, released by customs. Next, we will give a Russian translation of each status and tell you what it means.

  • Status "Reception" means that the Chinese sender (seller) brought your parcel to the post office. He completes the necessary invoices and customs declaration (forms CN 22 or CN 23). After this, the parcel is assigned a unique postal identifier - a track number (or track code). This is a special bar code that is located on the receipt issued upon receipt of the postal item. Operation "Reception" shows the date and city in China from where the package is sent. After acceptance, the parcel moves on its way to the place of international exchange.
  • Status “Arrival at MMPO”(arrival at the place of international exchange). At MMPO, the parcel undergoes customs clearance and is prepared for export (export from China). Formed dispatch(postal items grouped for ease of shipment in containers) to the address of the place of international postal exchange (IMPO) in Russia.

Status Export of international mail “Export”. This means that the parcel is transferred to a Russian or other carrier for delivery to one of the MMPOs of Russia by plane or train. Low-cost parcels, when transferred from a Chinese to a foreign carrier, often do not receive a track number and are not tracked after this stage. In this case, you should just wait for a notification from the mail.

Airline departure. "The plane has taken off" The shipment is in the process of being transported from China to Russia. The delivery stage from export to import is usually the longest. For now, the departure status is “Airline departure.” It is impossible to determine the exact position of the parcel.

Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation. Arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Import of international mail Translation into Russian - “Import”. All mail arriving on the territory of Russia from flights ends up in the aviation post office (AOPP) - a special postal warehouse at the airport. Here all mail is registered and then transferred to Russian Post.

Import of international mail Operation “Import” means that the parcel arrived on the territory of Russia and was registered. After this, import information appears. Next, the parcel is transferred to the place of international postal exchange (IMPO).

Handed over to customs Translation into Russian - “Handed over to customs.” This means that the shipment was transferred to the customs point. At MMPO, parcels undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Customs clearance, Released by custom house “Customs clearance is completed.” This status means that Russian customs checked the parcel and returned it to Russian Post. In many MMPOs, customs operates around the clock. Status “Detained by Customs”. This operation means that the parcel is detained by Russian customs officers to determine the destination of the postal item. This may happen if information about the goods is missing or does not correspond to the actual information. Inspection involves conducting a customs inspection and documenting its results. This procedure significantly increases the delivery time of a package from China to the sender.

Left the place of international exchange “Left MMPO.” The item has left the place of international postal exchange and is then sent by mail to the recipient's local office.

Arrived at the sorting center, Left the sorting center "Arrived/left the sorting center" While a parcel is moving by mail, it can go through various stages of sorting and transhipment in different cities of the country.

Arrived at the place of delivery Translation into Russian - “Arrived at the place of delivery.” The parcel has arrived at your post office. Postal employees issue a notice (notification). It is given to the postman. The notification is delivered on the day the parcel arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the parcel arrived at the department in the evening). Any recipient has the right to receive the parcel without notification, having only an identification document and tracking number.

The status is “Delivered to the addressee”. Parcel received.

Now you know what is behind each status when tracking parcels from Aliexpress.

Very often people on the site ask what this or that parcel status means. And since they ask, then we need to figure it out.

Postal status and order status on Aliexpress are two different things!

This article will discuss about postal statuses , we also have an article. These are different things. The order status is tracked in your . And reflects information about the parcel within the Aliexpress trading platform. And the status of the parcel is tracked in postal services (Russian Post, China Post, etc.). Don't be confused.

Not all orders can be tracked

Please note that not every parcel can be tracked while moving from the seller to you. This is only possible if it has a trackable track. But how can you find out about this BEFORE ordering?

In the case of Aliexpress - open , then click on Delivery

And after clicking, you will see a menu with information about delivery methods. The last column will display information about the availability of the track (Delivery Information).

If this field says Not available, then your order will not have a track when you select this delivery, the parcel will not be tracked and you will not be able to find out the current postal status of the parcel.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress

If this is your first time tracking a parcel and your package is from Aliexpress, then read our article. If your parcel is not tracked at all, then read.

Please note that the article describes the most common statuses. In fact, there are many more of them, but other parcel statuses are much less common. And yet, for some private courier companies, especially in China, the same statuses can be designated by different words. If you have a status that is not described in this article, ask in the comments, we’ll try to figure it out. Be sure to indicate where you saw this status!

Parcel statuses in the country of departure (for example in China)

While the parcel is in the country of departure, it may have the following statuses:

  • Collection, Acceptance – the parcel was delivered to the post office. It is worth keeping in mind that the parcel does not immediately begin to be tracked using the tracking number given to you by the seller. It takes some time to process the parcel and enter it into the database. Usually the track begins to be tracked within 10 days.
  • Opening (The parcel has arrived at the transit point) . Usually the postal code of the transit point is written next to this status. There can be many such statuses. Moreover, their order is not always correct. Probably transit point operators do not fill in the data right away. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the Opening status after Export.
  • Arrival at MMPO (Dispatching, Processing) . In this status, the parcel is being prepared for export and shipment to the destination country. For some transport companies in China, this is the last status that is tracked.
  • Export (Departure from outward office of exchange, Total Export) – means that the parcel has passed all the necessary procedures and has been sent to the destination country.

After the last status, it may take quite a long time until the parcel begins to be tracked in the destination country. If the parcel was sent without an international track, it may no longer be tracked at all.

Parcel statuses in the destination country (for example, Russia)

  • Import (Import) – the parcel has arrived in the destination country. It is processed for transfer to customs.
  • Reception at customs – transfer to customs for clearance.
  • Customs clearance. Customs release – the parcel has passed all the necessary customs clearance and is being prepared for release from MMPO
  • Left the place of international exchange of MMPO – the parcel left customs and was handed over to the post office for further dispatch.
  • Left the sorting center – the parcel is sorted and sent to its destination.
  • Came to the place of delivery – the parcel has arrived at the post office. In principle, you can already receive it. Or wait for a notification.
  • Product Delivered – the parcel has ALREADY been delivered to the recipient.

Please note that in the parcel tracking interface at Russian Post, for import, the addressee's index is indicated. Sometimes, in case of an error or a fake track, it may be clear that the parcel is not going to your post office. If the package has changed several statuses, but the index is still incorrect, then you should start worrying.

Unpleasant parcel statuses

The parcel statuses described above are quite standard. They mean the package is on its way. Sometimes the package may get stuck on statuses, sometimes miss some, but, in most cases, everything is fine. However, there are statuses that clearly mean problems:

  • Return. Other circumstances - means that there is something wrong with your package. And it is returned to the sender. What is wrong needs to be clarified. It's best to start with the Russian Post hotline 8-800-2005-888. After finding out the reasons and finding the culprits, you can think about what to do next.
  • Return. Return to customs - similar to the previous paragraph. Usually means that the address is not written legibly.
  • Unsuccessful attempt of delivery - usually accompanied by clarification about the reasons for failure. Inaccurate address, Incomplete address, Addressee dropped out, etc. In this situation, the main thing is to get to the post office before the parcel storage time expires - that’s 30 days. Also check whether the parcel arrived at the post office at all. Well, sometimes at the post office such statuses are given from a flashlight. But it's worth monitoring.
  • Return. Expiration date – obviously, you forgot to receive the parcel on time and it was returned.
  • Dosyl. Submission – the parcel arrived at the wrong post office and was redirected. That is, the parcel travels further. That is, this is not a problem, but you need to control the situation.

What do the letters at the end of the status mean (PEK, CAN, etc.)

These letters are often visible when tracking the status of a package at China Air Post. They indicate the IATA airport designations where the parcel was registered. Their designations can be seen on any air ticket purchasing service (SkyScanner for example;)).

What does NULL status mean (NULL, PEK)

This status is visible when tracking the status of the parcel at China Post. These are just internal China Post statuses that they haven't translated into English. Therefore, where there should be a translation, it is not there, but instead NULL. If you can’t bear to find out what this status is, switch to the Chinese version of the service, copy the status in hieroglyphs and translate it with Google Translator. True, this method does not always work. Sometimes in the Chinese version some statuses simply do not exist.

NULL, PEK means that the parcel was at Beijing airport. What she did there can be found in the Chinese version of China Air Post.

What does item arrived at OE in tne destination country mean?

OE - office of exchange - MMPO, Place of International Postal Exchange. This is a normal status, which means the parcel has arrived at customs and is undergoing customs clearance.

The track (package status) has stopped changing, the parcel is not tracked

Very often, restless buyers begin to worry when the status of the parcel suddenly stops changing. This often happens after export. It seems that just recently the parcel was briskly moving around China, changing statuses almost every day, and suddenly, after some Export of international mail, Arrived to destination country and the like track, the parcel stops moving..

If you recognize your situation, we have discussed this situation in detail in the article. In short, there are two options:

  • If your track is international and is successfully tracked on the official website of your state mail (Russian Post, UkrPochta, Belposhta) and more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the last status update, then well, your fears are not without reason.
  • If your track has never been tracked on the mail website. You checked the status of the parcel in your Aliexpress personal account or some specialized track checking site, or the track format is generally clearly different from the international one (the correct international one is something like this RR123456789CN). This track often changes during export if the parcel is transferred to your state post office. That is, in your country such a parcel travels under a different track (which you do not know, and, as a rule, cannot find out). Well, the old track remains in the latest status. That is, there is nothing to worry about here at all. This situation is normal.

But be that as it may. Whether your parcel from Aliexpress is tracked or not, the main thing you should do is control the protection period and extend it if necessary or open a dispute.

Checking the seller on Aliexpress

Most problems with orders on Aliexpress can be avoided if you carefully choose a seller on Aliexpress BEFORE purchasing. There is nothing complicated about this and you can figure it out. But if time is precious and you don’t have time to figure it out, then use our service.


I have repeatedly written my personal opinion that when ordering goods from China you need to be patient. There is no need to worry if the parcel does not change its status for three days, a week, or two. This is a common occurrence. And on holidays, of which there are quite a few in China, everything stops. When ordering goods on Aliexpress, your parcels are protected. It is much more important for a successful purchase to spend more time choosing a lot and then control only the expiration date of the protection. Than monitoring the movement of a parcel 20 times a day.

And use services and programs to control the movement of parcels. There are quite a few different ones now.

P.S. from February 2018:

In the comments you often ask what this or that parcel status means. Most often, the unclear meaning of the status is associated with a crooked translation of the status issued by the Chinese carrier. Often the current status depends on the previous movement of the parcel, and to understand what your non-standard status means now is only possible by understanding how the parcel moved earlier. Therefore, if you want to ask something about your parcel:

Write the tracking number of your parcel.

And we will ignore or delete comments like “What does XXX status mean?” Sorry, but I’m tired of copy-pasting “Write a track, we’ll see” into the void.


I don’t see much point in knowing a detailed description of a particular postal status. The meaning of most of them is clear from the name, the meaning of others is not so important (again, for me).

However, many users want to understand what the parcel statuses they see when tracking mean. So I will give a description of the most frequent and popular statuses that you can find on various trackers.

Delivery to the addressee / Delivery to the recipient

The parcel has been received by the addressee (at the post office or delivered by courier)

Flew to destination country

The parcel will be delivered to the post office of the destination country. Next, it will be delivered to one of the places of international postal exchange for subsequent import/export operations.

Departed from the airport

The parcel has departed from the airport of the sender's country and is heading to the destination country. The status will not change immediately upon arrival at the airport of the destination country, but after the parcel is processed by the postal service. This may take from 3 to 10 days.

The parcel has departed from the airport of the sender's country and is heading to the destination country.

After the parcel leaves the territory of the sender's country and arrives at the destination country, it will be assigned a new track code, which is not registered anywhere. Accordingly, the parcel will not be tracked.

Issued by customs

The customs clearance procedure has been completed, and in the near future the parcel will be handed over to the post office of the destination country for further delivery.

Ready for shipment

Ready to ship

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent soon.

Detained by customs

This operation means that the parcel is detained by customs officers to carry out measures to determine the destination of the parcel.

When receiving goods by international mail within a calendar month, the customs value of which exceeds 1000 euros, and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, in part of such excess, it is necessary to pay customs duties and taxes using a flat rate of 30% of the customs value of the goods , but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight. If information about the goods sent to the MPO is missing or does not correspond to the actual information, this significantly increases the time spent on processing shipments, since there is a need to conduct a customs inspection and document its results.


The parcel was sent to the wrong zip code or address, an error was detected and it was redirected to the correct address.

Import international mail

The operation of receiving the item in the recipient's country.

All mail arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation from air flights begins its journey at the aviation postal department (AOPP) - a special postal warehouse at the airport. Within 4–6 hours, shipments from the aircraft arrive at the AOPP, the containers are registered, and their integrity and weight are checked. Mail is registered in an electronic database. During registration, the barcode is scanned, data is entered about where the container is addressed (for example, MMPO Moscow), from which flight it arrived, about the country and date of formation of the container, etc. The time of these operations can be increased from 1 to 7x days due to the limited capacity of the AOPP.

The next operation after export from the country of origin, which is reflected on the website when tracking the shipment, is import into the destination country. Import information appears after the shipment is transferred by the carrier to the postal operator of the destination country. Operation “Import” means that the shipment arrived on the territory of Russia and was registered. International shipments arrive in Russia through the international postal exchange place (IMPO). There are several MMPOs in Russia: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk. The choice of city where exactly the international shipment will arrive depends on the sender’s country. The choice depends on the availability of regular flights and free carrying capacity in a particular direction.

Unsuccessful attempt of delivery

Assigned if the operator reported that there was an attempt to deliver the parcel to the addressee, but for some reason it failed.

Options for further action:

  • New delivery attempt
  • The parcel will be transferred for storage until demand or until the circumstances are clarified.
  • Return to sender

What to do if you receive this status:

  • You need to contact your post office and find out the reason for non-delivery.
  • You must contact the post office yourself to receive the parcel.


The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further dispatch to the recipient.

Processing at an intermediate point

Processing at the sorting center

Status Processing at the sorting center - assigned during the delivery of the item through intermediate postal sorting centers. In sorting centers, mail is distributed along main routes. Parcels are reloaded from one transport to another, for further dispatch to the recipient.

Processing completed

Generalized status, meaning the completion of processing of the parcel before sending it to the recipient.

Awaiting delivery to the post office

Awaiting shipment

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent soon.

Awaiting quality check

Means that the parcel is not yet complete and is in the seller's warehouse awaiting verification of the contents before shipping.

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel has left the warehouse / intermediate sorting center and is heading to the next sorting center towards the recipient.

Export operation completed

The customs clearance procedure is completed, the parcel is handed over to the post office of the destination country for further shipment to the recipient.

Shipment from the seller's warehouse

The parcel has left the seller’s warehouse and is moving towards a logistics company or post office.

Cancel shipment

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel (order) for some reason cannot be sent (continue further movement).

Sending to terminal

The parcel is sent to the postal terminal at the airport to be loaded onto a plane and sent to the destination country.

Item is ready to ship

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent soon.


Generalized status, meaning the sending of a parcel from an intermediate point towards the recipient.

Sent to Russia

The parcel will be handed over to Russian Post for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import/export operations.

Sent to destination country

The parcel is in the process of being transferred to the mail of the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Note! The next status will not be displayed immediately as soon as the parcel arrives in the country, but after the parcel is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service.

This may take from 3 to 14 days, depending on the workload of the international postal exchange location.

Sent from warehouse to sorting center

As a rule, this status means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your parcel to the local post office.

Transferred for storage

Means the arrival of the item at the recipient's post office (OPS) and transfer to storage until it is delivered to the recipient.

Read also:

As soon as the item arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the item is in the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the item arrived at the department in the evening).

Transferred to customs

In the sender's country

In the recipient's country

Loading onto the plane

Loading onto the plane before departure to the destination country.

Loading into transport

Preparations for shipment are completed

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be sent soon.

Preparing for shipment

Preparation for export

Packaging, labeling, loading into a container and other procedures necessary for shipment to the destination country.

Left the airport

In the sender's country The parcel has departed from the airport of the sender's country and is heading to the destination country. The next status will not be displayed immediately upon arrival at the airport of the destination country, but after the parcel arrives and is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service. This may take from 3 to 14 days.

In the recipient's country The parcel is delivered to one of the places of international postal exchange for subsequent import operations.

Left the international sorting center

The parcel is sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Left the international exchange site

The shipment has left the place of international postal exchange and is then sent to the sorting center. From the moment the shipment leaves the MMPO, delivery times within Russia begin to apply.

According to information received from Russian Post, the status “Left the place of international exchange” can last no more than 10 days. If after 10 days the status has not changed, this is a violation of the delivery deadlines, which can be reported to the Russian Post Office by calling 8 800 2005 888 (toll-free), and they begin to respond to this application.

Left the mail terminal

The parcel has left the intermediate point of its route and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the warehouse

The parcel has left the warehouse and is moving towards the post office or sorting center.

Left the sorting center

The parcel has left the postal sorting center and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the transit country

The parcel left the sorting center in a transit (intermediate) country, sent to the destination country, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Information about the postal item has been received

Received information about the postal item in electronic form

This means that the seller has registered the package (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the package has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration until the actual delivery of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After the parcel is transferred, the status will change to “Reception” or similar.

Received for further processing

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further dispatch to the recipient.

Parcel registered

This means that the seller has registered the package (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the package has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration until the actual delivery of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After the parcel is transferred, the status will change to “Reception” or similar.


Generalized status, meaning arrival at one of the intermediate points, such as sorting centers, postal terminals, airports, ports, etc.

Arrived at the airport

The parcel arrived at the airport for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to its destination.

Arrived at the international sorting center

Came to the place of delivery

Indicates the arrival of the item at the recipient's post office (OPS), which must deliver the item to the recipient. As soon as the item arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the item is in the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the item arrived at the department in the evening).

This status indicates that the recipient can independently contact the post office to receive the shipment without waiting for a notification.

Arrived at the post office

Indicates the arrival of the parcel at the recipient's post office, which must deliver the parcel to the recipient. This status indicates that the recipient needs to contact the post office to receive the shipment.

Arrived in Russia

Arrived at the sorting center

Indicates the arrival of a parcel at an intermediate postal hub for sorting, selecting a route and sending it to the recipient.

Arrived at the sorting center of the destination country

The parcel has arrived at the sorting center of the destination country for subsequent import/export operations.

Arrived at destination country

The parcel has arrived in the country of destination at the place of international postal exchange for subsequent import/export operations.

Arrived in transit country

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers of the transit (intermediate) country for processing (sorting) and further dispatch to the recipient.

Arrived at the small package processing center

Indicates the arrival of a parcel at the postal distribution center for sorting, selecting a route and sending it to the recipient.

Arrived at warehouse

The parcel arrived at the warehouse for unloading, labeling, processing, loading and further dispatch to its destination.

Arrived at the terminal

Means arrival at an intermediate terminal for unloading, loading, processing and further dispatch to the destination.

Arrived in the territory of the Russian Federation

The parcel arrived on the territory of Russia, for further import and dispatch to the recipient.


Reception by the customs service of the country of destination

The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the parcel may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Reception at customs

In the sender's country The parcel was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

In the recipient's country The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the parcel may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Reception from sender

This means that the overseas sender (seller) has brought your parcel to the local post office. At the same time, he filled out all the necessary documents, including the customs declaration (forms CN 22 or CN 23). At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). It is located on the check (or receipt) issued upon acceptance of the parcel. The “Reception” operation shows the place, date and country of receipt of the item. After acceptance, the parcel moves on its way to the place of international exchange.

Accepted by carrier

Indicates that the sender (seller) has transferred your order to a local carrier. At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special bar code (Track number, Track code). It is located on the check (or receipt) issued upon acceptance of the shipment.


The parcel has arrived at one of the sorting centers and is being processed. After some time, the parcel will leave the sorting center for further dispatch to the recipient.

Customs clearance

In the sender's country The parcel was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

In the recipient's country The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the parcel may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Customs clearance completed

This operation means that customs has checked the item and returned it to the Postal Service. In many MMPOs, customs works around the clock: this is the only way to check the colossal volume of mail incoming from abroad in a timely manner. Each customs officer is assisted by two postal operators.



Transportation of a parcel from one sorting center to another, towards the recipient.


This means that the parcel is being packed and marked for further shipment.


Export (content check)

The parcel was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

Export (packaging)

The parcel has successfully passed inspection, is packed and ready to be sent to the destination country.

Export international mail

Indicates the actual dispatch of the parcel to the destination country.

The “Export” status includes the transfer of the parcel to a foreign carrier, which, by land or air transportation, transports it to the MMPO of the destination country. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to “Import” may take some time. This happens due to the characteristics of flight routes and the formation of the optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50 - 100 tons. On average, an export operation takes from 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the “Export” status, then it is impossible to track it (find out what exactly is happening to it); only at the import stage will you be able to see your package and monitor its further movement. The use of transit transportation and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but has not received the “Import” status, then the sender needs to contact the post office and apply for a search.

Export, processing

Indicates the actual dispatch of the parcel to the destination country.

The “Export” status includes the transfer of the parcel to a foreign carrier, which, by land or air transportation, transports it to the MMPO of the destination country. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to “Import” may take some time. This happens due to the characteristics of flight routes and the formation of the optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50 - 100 tons. On average, an export operation takes from 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the “Export” status, then it is impossible to track it (find out what exactly is happening to it); only at the import stage will you be able to see your package and monitor its further movement. The use of transit transportation and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but has not received the “Import” status, then the sender needs to contact the post office and apply for a search.

Electronic parcel registration

This means that the seller has registered the package (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the package has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration until the actual delivery of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After the parcel is transferred, the status will change to “Reception” or similar.

What do postage statuses mean in English?

Both on Aliexpress and on popular trackers, all postal statuses are translated into Russian. So you won’t come across statuses in English often. And yet, I decided to add here a translation and transcript of the most popular of them.