What does it mean that the order is closed? Why did the order status “Closed” appear on Aliexpress? What to do if the order status is “Closed” on Aliexpress? Aliexpress order statuses - description and explanation

One of the very common situations among buyers of the Aliexpress trading platform is that when users log into their account, they see the word “closed” next to the order. In this case, you should not panic, but the first thing you need to do is determine the cause of this situation and find out why the system closed your order.

Order status "Closed"

It is worth noting here that no seller has any rights to independently close an order. These rights are vested exclusively in the administration of the AliExpress trading platform. They are the ones who, under certain circumstances, can close certain orders. And, sadly, it is not possible to count on a refund in all situations.

In what cases does the order status “closed” appear?

Most often, this status indicates that the order has been received by the buyer. That is, he either confirmed receipt or the buyer’s protection ended.

If the status of the product changed to “closed” or “completed” and you did not receive it, and did not open a dispute or extend buyer protection, then the likelihood of getting your money back greatly decreases, since it is, in fact, your fault, and You won’t be able to make any claims against the seller (other than writing an angry review). We can only continue to hope that the goods are simply delayed at the post office.

Below we will take a closer look at the main reasons why a product’s status may change to “closed”.

Another recipient received the order

This trading platform has its own track status tracking system. If the system displays the status “Order delivered to buyer,” then the order protection period is reduced. In this regard, the time to open a dispute becomes significantly less. Typically, the system reduces protection to five days. If you did not manage to open a dispute in a timely manner, the system closes the order, as it considers it completed and transfers payment for the goods.

It is necessary to monitor the tracking code of the parcel. If you see that the order has been received, but you have not received it, then immediately open a dispute. After a few days, the order status will change to “completed”, and you will no longer be able to get your money back.

Buyer protection time expires

If the allotted protection time for the ordered product has expired, and you have not received it, have not extended the timer, or have not opened a dispute, then the transaction, as in the first point, is regarded by the system as completed, and the seller receives his money for the product.

If the goods do not arrive, and there is little time left to protect the buyer, you need to open a dispute, otherwise the status of your order will change to “closed”. Accordingly, the system will think that you have received the goods and have no complaints about it.

Confirmation of receipt of order

You pressed (possibly accidentally, although it is quite problematic to do so unintentionally) the “Order Receipt Confirmation” button. In this case, the system, of course, will think that the goods have been received, you are satisfied with its quality and have no complaints against the seller.

If you have confirmed receipt of the item, its status will change to “closed”

Canceling a product purchase

For example, you have already paid for the product, but for some reason you are not satisfied with it (for example, you read negative reviews, saw details, found it cheaper, etc.), then it is possible to refuse the product if the seller has not yet sent it. Cancellation of a purchase also occurs when the seller does not ship within the agreed time frame.

Ending an open dispute

Regardless of whether you win or lose the dispute, the system closes the order. True, if you win, the money will be returned to your account in full or in part, but in the second case, the money will not be returned to you.

If the dispute is closed, the product status changes to “Completed”

For safety reasons

This reason is quite common. The order is closed immediately after the purchase has been paid for. It is worth noting here that the system automatically returns money for such an order to your account. True, this will take some time. It is worth noting that, as a rule, AliExpress support does not comment on such automatic closures. There are suggestions that orders are “closed” in order to protect the buyer from fraud by unscrupulous sellers.

If all the previous points are more or less clear, then the average user may not know anything about closing an order in order to protect the buyer from fraud. Therefore, let's look at this moment in more detail.

Closing and freezing an order due to fraud

One common situation when a seller offers their product at a fairly low cost is the possibility of fraud. This, of course, is quite rare on this trading platform, but still. If a seller offers to buy an original iPhone for 1000 rubles, you should think about whether this is a scam.

Review of one of the products on Aliexpress

As a rule, new sellers offer lower prices for goods, whose ratings are still zero, and there are also very few purchases. Overall, this is correct and supports competitiveness. Buyers who want to save money risk money by buying from an unknown seller, but often, of course, the purchase is justified. This is beneficial to the seller, as it will help increase his rating.

But among such cases there may also be precedents for fraud, when a sweet price simply blinds the eyes, and the buyer does not bother to at least carefully read the product page. If there were buyers before you, and many of them complained to the seller, for example, because the product does not match the description, the administration can close your order so that you do not receive a low-quality product. However, the money may be returned to your account after some time.

If the seller has a generally good rating, but the latest reviews about him are negative, you should not purchase the product from him

It happens that the number of orders for a product on a page is quite large, and this fact is a very significant argument for making a purchase. As a result, the seller does not send the goods for a long time or provides the wrong tracking number to the buyer. Accordingly, because of this, many people begin to complain about such a seller, and as a result, the administration decides to check how honest the seller is. In this regard, the security service freezes all transactions made by him.

On Aliexpress, the process of purchasing a product is divided into stages. First, an order is placed and payment is made. Then the administration checks the receipt of funds into the account and sends a notification to the store. Then there is a long process of transportation and receipt.

Errors may occur during periods. The user can monitor the changes. The product is awarded a status - a short phrase telling about the condition of the product.

Sometimes a buyer goes into shopping and sees the status: “order closed.” The user is surprised and does not understand what to do. Let's explain the meaning of the status and solve the problem.

What does the “order closed” status mean?

In English, the status is written like this: “Order closed”. It means that the transaction between buyer and seller is completed. All disagreements and conflicts have been resolved. Both sides came to a compromise.

This is not always the case, but Aliexpress indicates the status this way. The deal is closed due to the buyer's carelessness. In other cases, the money is returned to the original account. The commission does not count.

If the status is closed, the buyer cannot do anything. Fifteen reserve days are given to resolve issues after closing. Once the deadline has passed, the order is completely closed. The buyer cannot change anything.

After the transaction is closed, the administration has no right to protect the buyer.

For what reasons is an order closed?

The buyer, seller and administration can close the deal. The fault may lie with the inattentive buyer. The client forgot about the deadline. The seller may not have had time to send the goods. The administration recognized the buyer or seller as a fraudster.

The deal is closed for various reasons. Let's look at the reasons in detail and talk about solutions.

Buyer Confirmation

When the product arrives to the buyer, the client closes the deal. After this, the money is transferred to the seller's account. The client has fifteen days to review the product. If the deadline passes, you will not be able to open a dispute.

Many users are irresponsible when it comes to confirmation. You cannot close a deal after receiving a notice. Before confirming, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Film the unpacking of the parcel on a video camera - the video can be used as evidence. If the product turns out to be defective, you will have to open a dispute. Unpacking the parcel is the best proof of the seller’s guilt.
  • Carefully check the product for defects and scratches - check during filming. Don't pause or edit. Don't create suspicion. Fraud may result in your account being blocked forever.
  • Use the product for several days - the method is suitable for technology. Check all functions of the tool. If the speaker on your phone does not work, you can demand monetary compensation.
  • Collect evidence - film all inaccuracies on a video camera. Videos are more valuable than photos.

After action or close the order. Don't wait for your order to be confirmed automatically.

Buyer protection period has passed

When opening the order description, the delivery duration is indicated under the photo. During this period, the administration protects the rights of the buyer.

After payment for the order, money is not transferred to the seller's account. The funds remain in a special Aliexpress wallet. In case of a dispute, the administration will not have to force the seller to transfer money. Aliexpress will independently return compensation to the client.

Mark your calendar so you don't forget about the end. Time will pass quickly. The buyer will be left without money and goods.

After completion, the buyer is given fifteen days to open a dispute and resolve issues. If no action has been taken during the period, the order is closed. The buyer cannot ask for help from support and open the deadline.

You can't give up. Write to support, complain about the seller. The administration will review the complaint and propose a solution. Don't expect Aliexpress to start solving the problem.

In most cases, nothing can be changed after the dispute is closed.

The seller did not send the goods

After payment, the administration checks the receipt of funds in the account. Afterwards the order is sent to the store. The seller is given time to prepare the parcel for shipment and arrange transportation at the post office.

The seller will not send the order for several reasons:

  • Negligent attitude - the employee delays sending it to the post office and forgets about the order
  • Problems with mail - postal workers refuse to transport goods for various reasons: weight is exceeded, price is exceeded, transportation of the product is prohibited
  • Incorrect execution – the seller provided incorrect information or executed the document incorrectly.

Write to the seller and find out the reason. If the issue is incorrect, please re-order after receiving a refund.

The money will be returned within eight days.

Closing after a dispute

If the buyer is not satisfied with the condition of the parcel or the delivery time, a dispute is opened. Both sides are making claims. As a result, the buyer and seller must come to a common opinion. Otherwise, the administration intervenes in the conversation, puts forward a solution and closes the dispute.

If the user is not satisfied with the conditions, an appeal is filed. The administration is considering the complaint and changing the terms of the deal.

Keep track of deadlines and don't miss the deadline. We wish you pleasant shopping and fast delivery.

and a few days later they were horrified to discover the inscription “ Closed". What does it mean? Should we panic? Why is this and what is the reason? Let's figure it out together.

  • To see the statuses that are assigned to your parcel or order, you need to log into your account and hover over your name. A window will appear in which you should select “ All orders". Here you can see the status assigned to your order and parcel.

  • Let us immediately note if the status changes to “ Closed", then in the next column an ​​"explanation" appears, by which you can understand what is happening with your parcel (order).

What does the order status Closed on Aliexpress mean? Dispelling fears

The first thing that comes to mind after seeing the order status is “ Closed» just a few days after payment - they deceived me. But don't get upset right away. Firstly, the seller cannot independently (at his own request) close your order. Secondly, only the site closes the order for certain reasons (we will consider them below).

What does the order status Closed on Aliexpress mean: the main reasons for closing an order

So, we found out that only the trading platform can close an order. But why? After all, you have not received the goods yet. Common reasons for a platform to close an order include:

  • Order received. This is the most common reason for closing an order if the customer has received their product. But, there are two more scenarios for the development of events. First - you accidentally pressed the button "Confirm receipt“, which means – the order has been received, I’m happy with everything. Secondly, an erroneous status “Delivered to the addressee” appeared in the mail (along the track), which is regarded by the system as the end of the transaction. This entails a reduction in protection to 5 days, during which the customer can, after which the money is automatically transferred to the seller.
  • Buyer protection time has expired. When purchasing (at the bottom after the product information), you see information about how many days the site will protect your rights. After the transaction, all these days the site responds in cases where problems arise. After this time ends, and the buyer does not confirm receipt of the parcel and within 15 days, the dispute is not opened, then the money is transferred to the seller.
  • Cancellations. The seller does not send the ordered goods within the agreed time frame, or the recipient cancels his order himself. The order is automatically closed and the money is returned to the account of the seller or buyer, depending on the situation.
  • Suspicious order. Orders receive this status when frozen. The site suspends all activities because the seller is suspected of fraud.

Order status Frozen on Aliexpress - does this mean closed? What to do?

Increasingly, site buyers are faced with the “Frozen” status, mistaking it for “Closing of goods.” Is it so?

No, in this case the site’s security service plays it safe and checks the new seller from whom you are purchasing the goods for exorbitant amounts of money. This often happens if a store receives a lot of complaints. During the investigation, the site freezes all sales of this store.

No action should be taken, since this status will remain present while the seller is being verified. After verification, the site transfers money to the seller (if everything is in order) or the buyer (if there is evidence of fraud).

What does the order status Closed on Aliexpress mean? Buyer actions

Having discovered the inscription " Closed"on, don't worry if:

  • the dispute is closed;
  • the order is canceled by you;
  • status – “frozen”.

For such reasons, the money is returned to your account within 3-14 days. If you confirmed that you received the goods, and then discovered defects, then it is too late to file a claim. But, under any circumstances, the appearance of the order status “Closed” before you have received the goods should give you the idea to contact the trading platform support service for help.

The order status is “Closed”, this is not a reason to “give up”, it is quite possible that the reason is insignificant and you will soon receive your money back. Be patient, and all purchase and sale transactions will go smoothly and without “adventures.”

is a Chinese giant platform for selling goods. You can find anything here. Like any site, this one also has its own operating features. For example, from the moment you pay for an order until it is received, it goes through several stages, which are displayed as statuses. One of them is the status "Closed". That's what we'll talk about.

Why can an order receive the “Closed” status on Aliexpress?

Not always when the user is on Aliexpress sees that the order is closed, understands why this happened. There are several reasons when a purchase receives this status:

  • The most banal thing is that you yourself confirmed that the order was received.
  • If you cancel an order after paying for it and the seller accepts the request, it will close.
  • The seller is given a certain time to send the goods. If he does not meet it, the order will be automatically closed.
  • When the buyer Aliexpress receives a defective product or does not receive it at all, then he opens a dispute. Regardless of what decision is made, once it is completed, the order status changes to "Closed".
  • There is one more reason, which appears extremely rarely - the site administration discovered that the seller was a fraudster and froze and then closed all his orders.

In any case, when the order status is Aliexpress changes to "Closed", then it is not displayed alone. Typically, an additional status will be displayed in the adjacent column to help you understand why this happened.

What to do if your order on Aliexpress has received the “Closed” status?

If you see that your order has been closed for Aliexpress, then there is no need to panic, as everything happens for a reason. In any case, if this happened due to the closure of a dispute, order cancellation or freezing, the funds will be returned to your account within 3-10 days.

If the reason for closing the order was the seller’s fraud, then you can start looking for a store where to make a purchase, since this one will most likely no longer work.

In addition, you definitely won’t be able to do anything with a closed order. If you confirmed receipt of the purchase yourself and suddenly some defects are discovered or the product is broken, then you have another 15 days to open a dispute. But if you forgot about the order protection timer and it ended on its own, then you will no longer be able to open a dispute if problems arise.

It is also worth noting that users do not always understand why the order received the status "Closed". In such a situation, you can always contact support.

Video: Aliexpress is closing orders - how to fix it?

Want to know what order statuses on Aliexpress mean? In this article you will find answers to your questions!

Aliexpress order statuses - description and explanation

Sometimes I get asked questions about what do orders on Aliexpress mean? and what to expect from them. I would like to clarify right away: I mean the status, and not the tracking of the parcel (there will be another article on this subject later).

Indeed, despite its long existence, the Aliexpress marketplace still periodically amazes novice users with its “intuitive interface.” Although, I have to admit, now it’s still a little simpler than it was the same year ago :)

But enough lyrical digressions, let's get to the point.

Where can I see the status of my order on Aliexpress?

You can view the status of your orders by logging into Aliexpress and going to the page with a list of orders (). In the list of orders, statuses are displayed in the corresponding columns.

The column with the main order status is highlighted in red on the screen. Green - column with additional status/warning.

Let's look first main statuses of orders on Aliexpress, the sequence of which as a whole constitutes the “life cycle” of an order:

  1. Payment is pending. This status means that you have placed an order, but have not yet paid for it, and the system is waiting for the transfer of funds to change the status. This status can last from a couple of hours (for purchases from the section) to 20 days, as far as I know. When the allotted time expires, the order is canceled and closed. You can find out how much time is left for payment if you go directly to the order page (there is a counter there).
  2. Payment verification. This status replaces the previous one after you pay for the order. The verification lasts up to 24 hours (during major sales, like, it can be extended to 2-3 days). No action is required from you at this stage.
  3. Expected shipping. After the system verifies and confirms your payment, the order will automatically receive this status. Its duration depends on how much time the seller has allocated for processing the order (the phrase on the product page “Dispatching the goods within ... business days”) + 2-4 days, depending on how many weekends fall during this period. As a rule, most sellers change this status before the time on the counter runs out (look at the order page). But if the seller is slow, you can try to give him more time. If the time on the meter runs out at this stage, the order is canceled automatically and the money is returned to you within 10-15 business days.
  4. The order has been sent. This status means that the seller has processed your order and sent you the package. No action is required from you until you receive the parcel or the Order Protection time expires. Just in case, I’ll repeat: Do not press the CONFIRM button if you have not received your parcel. This button indicates confirmation that you have received your package, not confirmation that your order has been dispatched. This is especially true for users of the Aliexpress mobile application (), since the interface there is less obvious in this regard. In general, the duration of this status is determined by the Order Protection period (indicated on the product page, usually lasts from 15 to 60/90 days). Your actions are simple and obvious: you received the parcel and are satisfied - click the “Confirm receipt” button, the parcel has not arrived, and the Protection period is ending.
  5. Completed/Closed. The first status usually comes into effect after you confirm receipt of the purchase/the Protection period expires/the dispute regarding this order is closed in favor of any party. In all cases, except for the closure of the dispute, after this status appears, you have another 15 days of so-called post-Protection, during which you can still open a dispute if you did not follow the Protection deadlines or the incoming purchase was suddenly found to be defective. The “Closed” status appears when the order was canceled at the “Waiting for Payment”, “Checking Payment” or “Waiting for Dispatch” stage.
  6. Order frozen. Quite a rare status compared to others, which is a signal of suspicious activity by the seller. The appearance of this status means that the Aliexpress administration suspects the seller of fraud and is now checking his activities, simultaneously freezing all his orders. In this case, you also don’t need to do anything; the order itself will change its status to “Order sent” or “Closed”, depending on the decision of the administration. In the case of the second status, the money will be returned automatically.

Now let's move on to the additional statuses of orders on Aliexpress, which are also explanations of the main ones. You can find some of them in the green column on the first screen or on the order page itself.

The main status is highlighted in red, and the additional status is highlighted in green, which is also a warning or explanation of the main status.

If we talk about what additional statuses of orders on Aliexpress are, then:

  • Order cancelled/Canceled orders. This status appears if you request to cancel your order while you are waiting for payment, payment processing, or order processing.
  • Confirmation received. This means that you have pressed the button to confirm receipt of the parcel.
  • Confirmation time has expired. This status appears opposite the order and is displayed in the list of orders in the case when Order Protection ends before you confirm receipt of the purchase. If you received a package and simply forgot to confirm it, that's okay. If you did not follow the terms of Protection and want to return the money, you need to quickly open a dispute; you have 15 days to do this from the moment this status appears.
  • Payment Processing. This status is displayed on the order page (the main statuses are “Completed” / “Closed”) and means that the above-mentioned 15-day post-Protection period has come into effect, during which you can still get your money back if necessary. You will have to count this period yourself; there is no counter. After these 15 days, the Aliexpress system sends the money to the seller.
  • There is a dispute going on/The dispute is closed. These statuses are displayed in the list of orders and are clickable - by clicking on them you can view information about an ongoing/closed dispute regarding your purchase.

This turned out to be a super-mega-long post, thank you for being able to read it :)

It seems like I didn’t forget anything, I looked at all the statuses of orders on Aliexpress that I had encountered. If I suddenly missed something or have additional questions, write in the comments.

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