Wood disc for a small grinder. Attachments for grinders for wood processing

An angle grinder, if you know and correctly use all its capabilities, is a truly universal device that can be used on almost any material. And if we are talking about processing wood on a large scale, then the “grinder” is much more effective than hand-held abrasive tools and devices. The main thing is to choose the right nozzle. This article will help you understand their main modifications and specific application.

Rough stripping of wood

Disc plane

This attachment almost completely replaces this hand tool.

An irreplaceable thing if, for example, you need to rough-process a log - when erecting a log house, preparing fence supports, and so on.

Features of application:

  • IN in this case The protective cover can be removed. This nozzle is solid and does not collapse. But protection from flying wood chips (glasses, thick clothing, gloves) is required.
  • It is allowed to work only with a grinder, in which a second handle is provided (or installed). The angle grinder must be held with both hands when roughing wood.

Roughing disc

The main purpose of such attachments is to remove bark from wood and trim the workpiece. If the “grinder” is in skillful hands, then with such a device you can make a selection of material. For example, if it is necessary to cut out a bowl. If a log house is being built, then an angle grinder with such an attachment perfectly replaces a carpenter’s axe.

In some cases, sawing can be done with a roughing disc. True, the cut will be wide, and there will be a lot of waste (shavings, sawdust).



These nozzles are available in various designs. The main difference between the devices is the size of the abrasive grains.

In terms of specific application, they are not much different from rasps. The only difference is the speed of the technological operation. With certain skills, it is advisable to use these for finishing wood.

Milling cutters

They exist, and especially for wood. The assortment is significant, since nozzles of this type differ in the configuration, location and size of the teeth.

Purpose of cutters:

  • Selection of grooves.
  • Pre-alignment of edges.
  • Bowl cutout.
  • Sawing (for small-section wooden pieces).

Application specifics:

  • When processing wood with such attachments, it is prohibited to dismantle the protective casing.
  • Each product has instructions. It clearly indicates what types of work this attachment is intended for, the recommended speed of the grinder, and so on.

Sanding wood

If you decipher the abbreviation angle grinder, it is clear that finishing is the main purpose of the “grinder”.

Cord brushes

They are used primarily for primary (rough) sanding of wood, when it is necessary to smooth out the unevenness of the sample.

End discs

The name speaks for itself. These attachments are used to process the end parts of wooden blanks (cuts). They are especially effective if you have to deal with corner (oblique) cuts.

Petal attachments

The most used grinding devices for grinders.

Such attachments are used sequentially, so you will need several of them to process wood. Grinding begins with a disk with a “coarse” abrasive, and gradually its grain size must be reduced. Consequently, the devices change periodically during the work on the grinder.

Grinding wheels

The most universal adaptation to the grinder. It alone is quite enough for varying degrees of grinding. The attachment itself is a metal base on which circles with one or another grain size are attached. They are easily changed either as they wear out, or in case of moving to another area of ​​work. Therefore, only circles are consumables. The nozzle itself can be used for an unlimited time.

Application specifics:

  • Sanding wood.
  • Parquet scraping.
  • Processing of edges and ends.
  • Stripping wood before painting.

Wood polishing

For these purposes, brushes and discs are used. Their “working elements” can be made of sponge, felt, fine-grained sandpaper and a number of other materials.

The article provides examples of only the main types of attachments for an angle grinder. Products of this class quite a lot, so it's easy to choose best option devices for processing any wood. The author hopes that the information provided will help the reader with this.

On a note!

Wood processing also means its cutting (sawing). Sometimes, when manufacturing piece parts, you have to adjust them to the installation site even before you start grinding the sample. Some “craftsmen” (and there are many of them among friends and on the Internet) recommend using for such operations. Strictly prohibited! Here are just the main reasons why this should not be done.

  • “Bulgarian” is a high-speed machine. And although the metal from which the cutting discs are made is durable, it does not withstand this mode for long. More precisely, cutting edges (teeth), which are fixed by soldering. During intensive work, they fall off and fly apart, and with great speed. The consequences are easy to predict.
  • Not all discs in size (primarily, outer diameter) are suitable for installation on angle grinders. This means you will have to dismantle the protective casing. The same thing - you can forget about employee safety.
  • The structure of wood (even hardwood) is quite loose. Therefore, there is a high probability that the saw blade may jam due to constant vibration. How the “grinder” will behave in such a situation, given its power and speed, no one can predict. But it’s clear that it can easily escape from your hands.
  • Constant changes in mode (for the same reason - the viscosity of lumber) lead to systematic overheating of the angle grinder engine. If used this way, the grinder will not last long.

That is why wood processing with its help is carried out only superficially - rough stripping, sanding, brushing. And for cutting you should use sawing tools and mechanisms (hacksaw, circular saw, electric jigsaw, and so on).

If you are trying to understand whether it is possible to cut wood with an angle grinder, then the answer to this question is clear: it is possible. But many will not do this, because... Too many injuries people get from using an angle grinder as a wood saw, which is correctly called a miter saw grinder.

First of all, this is caused by the fairly high speed of its rotation, for which most saw blades are simply not designed. But who pays attention to this when the work needs to be done, and there seems to be a suitable tool at hand, and a compensator ring of the required size is also attached to the saw blade for wood. Moreover, the protective casing is removed for ease of operation, which is absolutely forbidden to do.

But we won’t talk about injuries, but we’ll talk about what and how you can process (including cut) wood during angle grinder help, but first - about the difficulties of working with an angle grinder specifically with wood.

Difficulties when working with an angle grinder

We mentioned the discrepancy between the speed of the grinder and the circular saw, but users who have an angle grinder with speed control can say that this factor was taken into account, and any saw blade for wood will be suitable for their tool.

Of course, by setting the number of revolutions of the grinder's output shaft corresponding to that indicated on the saw blade, they significantly reduce the risk of injury during operation, but do not completely eliminate it. This is primarily due to the material itself, or rather its structure and heterogeneity.

Even in different places of one trunk, a tree has different hardness, not to mention inclusions of viscous resin, the possible presence of metal found in the thickness of the wood: from pellets and bullets that hit the tree during a hunt, to wires that had grown into it, which were used to tie branches. Don't forget about knots, which are present in almost all types of wood.

When encountering the listed obstacles, the saw blade sharply slows down and, by inertia, the grinder is simply torn out of the hands, and when passing a hard section, it rushes forward with redoubled force.

When encountering metal, there is a high probability of chipping a carbide tooth, which can be captured next and thrown out at the speed of a bullet. It’s good if it’s within the range of the protective casing.

A person who decides to cut a tree is exposed to even greater danger, because in this case the grinder must be placed on its side, which changes the usual and comfortable grip, which means the grip weakens.

Grinder discs designed for cutting wood

1. Chain disks and cutters based on them.

Structurally, they are designed in such a way that even when biting the chain, which is similar in structure to saw chains for chainsaws, the base can rotate, so the tool will not be pulled out of your hands. Such discs are primarily intended for external processing of wood: sawing cups in logs, removing bark, modeling, but they can also be sawed, especially with a 230-size disc, which costs a lot, but compensates for its cost with the safety of work.

2. Saw blades for wood with a small number of teeth.

To enlarge the picture, click on it.

Such discs indicate the maximum rotation speed and should be selected based on the parameters of your tool. Such a large pitch between the teeth compensates for the high speed of the grinder and makes sawing much safer than working with standard saw blades, but you should also be wary of metal in wood. You will see their work in the video:

In addition to wood, they can also handle plastic and aerated concrete.

3. Tungsten carbide discs.

This is a new product in the field of tools for angle grinders, allowing you to freely saw wood without fear of metal inclusions, operating at rotation speeds of up to 12,200 rpm. She is the only one that gives an absolutely positive answer to the question: is it possible to cut wood with an angle grinder? You can see this for yourself by watching a short video about the operation of this disk:

Needless to say, these blades cut more than just wood.

4. Another tool, to one degree or another, suitable for cutting or other processing of wood using a grinder.

First things first:

a) Rotarex produces discs for cutting wood. In terms of their performance, primarily safety, they are inferior to those listed above, but are clearly more suitable for sawing wood than circular saw blades;

b) wood cutters designed for external processing of wood with angle grinders can also cut thin wood;

c) plane disk – attachment for an angle grinder.

d) a saw for creating wooden sculptures with a configuration of cutting elements vaguely reminiscent of the links of a saw chain; it is not entirely intended for sawing, but will cope with it to some extent.

Grinder for sanding wood

But this work, incl. on wood, specifically for this tool. Just a small photo selection of angle grinder attachments for grinding is evidence of this.

  • for rough grinding.

  • The most common type of attachments for grinding angle grinders, cleanliness depends on the size of the abrasive grain on the blades.

  • The simplest option for changing grinding wheels is to use a holder attachment with a sticky base, on which replaceable abrasive wheels with different grains or even polishing bristles are attached.

  • polymer abrasive nozzle made of silicon carbide with nylon.

  • belt attachment for sanding.

And instead of a conclusion. Is it possible to cut wood with a grinder? It depends on what and what. If you cut a thin dry twig, then there are practically no restrictions, but if you have to do more serious work, see above.

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An angle grinder, whose real name is an angle grinder, is a universal tool. Construction work is almost never done without it. But in order for the tool to last a long time, it is necessary to select the correct grinding discs. A disk for wood is fundamentally different from a disk for metal. What are its features, and what varieties are there?

Today the entire range is divided into three main areas:

  1. Saw blades. They resemble a regular saw, but are made from completely different materials. Until recently, such specimens could not be found, but now they are sold completely freely. The most preferred option is tungsten carbide.
  2. Diamond coated disc. The most popular variety. In turn, it is divided into solid and segmented. Their scope of application is different, but they have a common feature - high-quality and accurate results of work on concrete, metal or stone.
  3. Abrasive. Universal consumable, suitable for any type of surface. It cuts, grinds and polishes well.

Of the listed disks, the first and second are not suitable for wood. Natural wood has a very dense structure, and if you use a diamond disc, the grinder will overheat to the point of breaking.

The products also vary in diameter. The most practical ones have a diameter of 125 mm; in rare cases, a compact disk is needed - 115 mm. There are specimens up to 230 mm, but they are not suitable for wood. Their use may cause injury.

Selecting cutting wheels for wood

Cutting discs are divided according to three parameters - diameter, depth of cut and shape/frequency of teeth. When choosing the right option, there are several things to consider: how often the product will be used and for what type of wood.

Coniferous and other soft woods can be easily cut with a straight-toothed blade. If you plan to cut different types of wood, it is better to take a universal wheel with variably beveled teeth. There are also trapezoidal teeth that are ideal for cutting through medium-density wood and solid wood.

Selecting grinding and polishing wheels

If cutting a material requires certain skills, then almost anyone can grind. Flap discs are usually used for this operation. Such a disk consists of several sandpaper petals arranged in a circle. Sandpaper provides a gentle sanding effect.

Another option is a Velcro abrasive disc. It is convenient to use, but even more convenient to change. Such circles do not last long, but also have a low cost. And, of course, they are many times more effective than the manual sandpaper method. For example, using such a circle you can polish parquet.

Preparing the tree

Whatever the blade for the grinder, the work cannot be done efficiently if the wood is not properly prepared. Here are some tips on this matter:

  • the wood must be thoroughly dried;
  • special abrasive attachments are suitable for removing paint or varnish from the surface;
  • the work is carried out in two stages, roughing and finishing.

Discs and other tools that will be needed for complete sanding or polishing of wood:

  1. Cord brushes designed for rough surface grinding. They help give the product an acceptable shape.
  2. The next step in processing a piece of natural wood is to use a sanding attachment. If the subject is complex, you will also need to apply radial stripes.
  3. A felt circle made of pressed wool (coarse, fine or semi-coarse) will help get rid of the slightest roughness. With their help, the surface can be made almost mirror-like.

As you can see, when using various attachments, the grinder becomes a universal tool for woodworking.

Saws (chain wheels)

Suitable for cutting boards less than 4 cm thick. Use requires extreme caution. During non-working hours, the disc must be kept in a case, and during operation it must be used only at the speed indicated on the product itself.

Also, goggles and protective gloves are required when working. It is important to remember that under no circumstances should you use regular circles designed for a circular saw on an angle grinder.

Using an angle grinder for milling

A wood cutter for an angle grinder can be dangerous in unprofessional hands. For a specialist, its use is acceptable.

The milling cutter helps to level the edge, make grooves, cut workpieces and cut out bowls for log houses. Even on non-uniform wood, the tool will not jam or throw off. However, before starting use, it is important to carefully read the instructions and also observe the required speed.

The choice of cutters for angle grinders is quite wide, no less than for a manual milling machine. They are not intended for precision machining, but are quite suitable for shaping.

Safety rules during operation

In order for the use of a wood disc for an angle grinder to bring only benefits and not injuries and damaged products, you must follow several important rules:

  • choose the right circle according to size and properties;
  • The operating mode of the machine must correspond to the requirements on the disk;
  • Damaged wheels should not be used under any circumstances;
  • Protect your hands and face with special devices and protective clothing.

The attachment should fit effortlessly under the angle grinder casing. If you can’t do this, then do not remove the casing, it is dangerous.

Why can’t you use saw blades with an angle grinder?

The hardness of wood can vary even within a few centimeters. It may also contain clumps of resin and knots. All these uneven areas lead to the saw blade stopping abruptly, as a result of which the grinder is torn out of your hands.

The grinder, or angle grinder (angle grinder), is a very popular tool that is distinguished by its versatility. It is used in the process of performing most construction work. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to saw a tree with its help. To process this material, you need to choose the right wood disc for the grinder. There are many types of nozzles, differing in characteristics and purpose.

The range of attachments for this tool is quite wide. Products are classified according to purpose, depending on which 3 main groups of wheels for angle grinders can be distinguished:

  • saws;
  • with diamond coating;
  • abrasive.

Saws. They are similar to standard saws, but are made from different materials. The most common option is tungsten carbide discs. They are not suitable for working with wood.

Diamond coated. This group of circles for an angle grinder is the most extensive. The high popularity of diamond-coated nozzles is due to their wide operational range. With the help of such circles you can process metal parts, as well as elements made of stone and concrete. Such disks are not used for wood.

Note! The use of angle grinders requires compliance with certain rules. One of them states that you cannot use circles with a larger diameter than indicated in the device passport.

Abrasive. They are highly versatile. Abrasive discs are used not only for cutting, but also for grinding and polishing surfaces. Products from this group are also used for wood processing.

These products are differentiated by one more characteristic - dimensions. The modern market provides wide choose products whose sizes vary from 115 to 230 mm. The 115 mm wood grinder blade is the most compact and is used for quick and accurate cutting of material. It is worth noting that the most big rims Not suitable for working on wooden surfaces.

Types of wood discs for angle grinders: design options

Many experts do not recommend using a grinder for cutting and processing wood. This is explained by the operating principle of the device and the characteristics of the material itself. However, the variety of discs for angle grinders is growing every year. They can be divided into several types according to the characteristics of their work.

Circular saws. Such wood wheels for grinders are used, as a rule, for more technologically advanced equipment, but many install them on angle grinders. They are divided into two types: large diameter with soldering and more compact, without soldering.

Chain. Ideal for working with wooden materials. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to cut wood with a grinder. There is no clear answer to this, but chain products are best suited for this purpose. The edge of the circle in this case is equipped with a chain on which the teeth are located. This design has many advantages. This attachment is most often used for smooth cutting of boards. It can also be used to process other materials: chipboard, fiberboard, plywood.

Saws with a small number of teeth. This type of circle was specially invented to ensure maximum human safety when working with wood. Compact products belonging to this group have 3 teeth, and larger ones have 4. This group also includes cutting discs for an angle grinder for wood 125 mm. Such products do an excellent job of their functions. They can be used to cut wood along and across the grain. In addition to standard functions, such disks are used to organize grooves in workpieces.

Segmental (material – tungsten carbide). Such products appeared relatively recently, but have already gained enormous popularity. A distinctive feature of such products is the absence of teeth. The edge of the disc consists of segments that are characterized by high strength.

Helpful information! Using a segment nozzle, you can work with wood of any strength and viscosity. It is highly safe and can withstand even metallic inclusions present in some workpieces (screws, nails, etc.).

Chain saw blades for wood: advantages of use

In this case, the saw blade is made using a chain from a chainsaw. This attachment is the most suitable for working with wood, as it has the greatest efficiency. A chain disk for wood for an angle grinder is also considered the safest. The use of this attachment significantly reduces the likelihood of injury if the tool jams.

If the disk hits a hard element of wood during operation (for example, a knot), the chain is not destroyed. This happens by turning the base. Such attachments are very popular when it is necessary to strip a tree trunk of bark and knots.

Wood saw blades for angle grinders with a chain are used for various types of work. With their help you can remove tree branches, as well as cut boards of small thickness. The functionality of chain products allows them to be used as roughing tools. They do an excellent job of removing bark.

Using a saw wheel, you can make an even cut of parquet boards, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, as well as ordinary unedged and edged wooden products. It is important to remember that the thickness of the material that will be processed with such a nozzle should be no more than 4 cm. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the device overheating.

Cutting disc for wood for an angle grinder: features

For the manufacture of such products, a special material is used - tungsten carbide. This is explained by the following: when working with an angle grinder, there is a possibility that it will break out of your hands, so the material of the circle must have high strength characteristics. The use of tungsten carbide can significantly increase operational safety, but the cost of such products is quite high.

Discs of this type can have different tooth patterns. A variety of product types based on this feature allows you to choose the most suitable nozzle for a particular situation. The shape and frequency of the teeth also play a very important role. The most common wheel size for working with wood is 125 mm. If you decide to choose the most versatile version of a cutting saw blade for wood for a 125 mm grinder, then it is recommended to purchase a product with beveled teeth.

Helpful information! Wheels that have straight teeth are best for working on soft woods. Coniferous boards are also processed using such attachments.

These products may have teeth that resemble a trapezoid in shape. They are characterized by a wider operational scope and are used for cutting boards of medium density. Using this wheel you can cut the following materials:

  • USB plates;
  • fibreboards.

Wood saw blades for this type of grinder have some design features, which are determined by their purpose. For example, during operation, products easily overheat, so they have special slots, which can be empty or filled with copper. This measure allows you to compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal that occurs at high speeds. The width of such slots may vary, but not more than 2 mm. As for their depth, it does not exceed 20 mm.

Wood sanding disc for grinder: characteristics

With the help of a grinder, you can not only cut and saw off wooden parts, but also carry out roughing work of varying degrees of complexity. The modern market offers a wide range of such attachments. They are classified according to several indicators: shape, design and purpose.

Peeling wheels are used to remove bark from logs or boards. Thanks to them, you can easily remove excess wood from the end surface of the board. They may have special spikes or crumbs.

Wood grinding discs for grinders are also used to level the surface of boards. Such circles are equipped with special spikes that are placed on a flat surface. This function is very useful, as it allows you to polish the boards from which the floor covering is constructed.

On sale you can find stripping products consisting of twisted wire. They are usually called brushes. There are two types of such attachments for grinders for woodworking, depending on the features of their structure. The first option provides for a base in the form of a glass to which the wire is attached. The second type is a disk with a wire fixed along the edge.

Brushes are used to remove paint and varnish materials from wooden surfaces. It is important to note that most often such nozzles are used to remove paint and rust from metal pipes.

Note! For wooden parts, it is necessary to choose a thinner wire that will not damage the workpiece itself. These products are suitable for different types wood

Wood sanding discs equipped with wire coils are also used for brushing. This event allows you to give the wood an unusual look and artificially age it. However, with the help of an angle grinder equipped with a wire stripping attachment, only small volumes of wood can be processed. Thus, this element is not recommended for brushing on an industrial scale.

Grinding and polishing discs for wood for an angle grinder

Sanding and polishing wood is carried out using special attachments that are used for grinders. Such products include a metal base onto which the grinding wheel is fixed. Fastening is usually done using Velcro.

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To use such an attachment on wood for an angle grinder, you need to fix it with a wrench (open-end) on the tool shaft. Quite often it is sold complete with a special adapter element, thanks to which it becomes possible to quickly attach it to a drill chuck. In turn, polishing requires the use of a more gentle material. Therefore, nozzles of this type are equipped with felt discs. They are also secured using Velcro.

Another option for a grinding wheel for an angle grinder is a flap wheel. Its design fully lives up to its name. It consists of a large number of sandpaper petals, closely spaced to each other. If desired, you can select the required paper grain size, which allows you to process wooden materials of varying degrees of density.

Although the grinder is not considered the tool of choice for woodworking, sanding attachments are very common. It is worth noting that grinding in this way is not suitable for smooth surface treatment, since even the most gentle versions of discs for angle grinders leave small scratches on the wood. If you decide to carry out this process as efficiently as possible, then experts recommend purchasing a special device - a grinder. Angle grinders are usually used for materials that will subsequently be painted.

Grinding wheels for grinders on wood: rough grinding

Grinding wheels that are used for angle grinders differ in material of manufacture, shape and operational purpose. The wood processing process itself, as a rule, proceeds in two stages. First of all, rough grinding is carried out, after which the material is subjected to finishing. For rough polishing, several types of attachments are used:

  • peeling;
  • brushes;
  • end circles.

Sanding wood with a grinder using a sanding tool is most often used to remove a layer of old paint. Sometimes nozzles of this type are used to remove varnish coating if it cannot be removed manually. Such circles can have different reliefs, the features of which determine the efficiency with which the product will function.

Brushes are used for sanding different types of wood. Products that belong to this group are classified according to their design, the direction of the wire bundles and their diameter. Depending on their hardness, they are also divided into types. If necessary, it is possible to select the necessary tool corresponding to a particular grinding option.

Helpful information! For rough processing, larger diameter wire is used.

End discs for grinding wood on an angle grinder are used when it is necessary to adjust the size of a part from the end. Often such products are used for regular leveling of the side surface during uneven cuts. The principle of operation of the end attachment resembles the operation of a file. The difference in this case is the high efficiency of the angle grinder.

Using sanding attachments greatly simplifies the processing of wooden workpieces. Such products allow you to restore old furniture by removing paint and varnish compounds from its surface.

Grinding discs for grinders: flap wheels

After rough processing, finishing may be necessary. Of course, if the wood is subsequently painted, there is no need to bring its surface to a perfectly smooth state. However, in most cases finishing is a necessary step. To perform grinding, you can use a common attachment - a flap wheel.

The design of the petal disk model, as mentioned above, includes sheets of sandpaper that have a trapezoidal shape. Their grain size is selected depending on the type of wood and the specifics of the work. This type of wood sanding disc is one of the most common. It ensures gentle processing of the material and has a high degree of safety. It is almost impossible to get injured using this disc.

The efficiency and speed of wood processing, as well as its appearance. For maximum smoothness, it is customary to use fine-grained products. Experts recommend using several of these wood grinding wheels at once. This will make it possible to quickly carry out rough cleaning, and then finish the work with soft petals, bringing the workpiece to the desired degree of smoothness.

The use of such an attachment requires a certain skill from a person. Therefore, before starting to use the petal circle, it is recommended to practice on wooden parts.

Grinding wheel for grinder: soft processing and polishing

To carry out soft grinding, special discs are used, which appeared on the market not so long ago - just a few years ago. Such circles are characterized by a high degree of functionality and can have different grain sizes.

Helpful information! Unlike flap attachments, abrasive particles are fixed with Velcro to the surface of the disk, and not to its end part.

A grinding disc for a wood grinder of this type has one advantage - ease of replacement. This procedure is performed without removing or disassembling the main nozzle, so using such discs is quite convenient. Sticky nozzles can be easily purchased at the construction market or ordered online. Selecting the desired grain size is not a problem in this case. With the help of such devices you can bring the wooden surface to the desired condition.

Polishing, which is carried out after grinding, can be carried out using special felt wheels. Such attachments provide maximum smoothness of the working surface, which is difficult to achieve using other tools. A large number of angle grinder speed promotes uniform polishing of wood.

Felt discs for an angle grinder include wool (densely compressed), which can have various characteristics(depending on need). On the modern market you can find different types of attachments:

  • fine-haired;
  • semi-coarse-haired;
  • rough-haired.

Attachments for wood processing are characterized by high efficiency and quality. Alternating use of these discs allows you to achieve incredible results. The wood surface after using them can be compared to a mirror.

Safety rules when working with an angle grinder on wood

The use of angle grinders for wood processing requires a serious approach. Incorrect operation of an angle grinder can lead to injury, so before using it, experts advise paying attention to some rules for operating the device. For example, before replacing one attachment with another, you need to disconnect the angle grinder from the network. How to change a disc on an angle grinder? To answer this question, it is necessary to determine the type of circle. Some products are installed without removing the main nozzle. However, in most cases it is necessary to unscrew the flange holding the element.

Note! Under no circumstances should the cover, which is used for protection, be removed from the angle grinder. If the circle breaks, this element will protect your face and other parts of the body from injury from fragments.

Processing wood material using an angle grinder must be carried out with protective gloves. Saw and cutting blades for wood are best used on medium (in terms of power) devices. This can be explained quite simply: if the saw jams, then you still have a high chance of holding the tool in your hands. With a powerful device this will be much more difficult.

For cutting logs and boards, it is recommended to use attachments that have fine teeth. The smaller their dimensions, the less effort required to cut. Among other things, the likelihood of encountering hard wood fibers in the path of the disc is reduced.

Any angle grinder must be equipped with a speed controller, which must be set to the minimum position. When working with cutting discs for an angle grinder, it is very important to maintain a right angle. Otherwise, the cutting process will be uneven and the device itself may jam.

Angle grinders can be used for processing wood, but before starting use you should study technical features various nozzles. Products used for grinding and polishing do not pose any danger and are easy to use. Discs for cutting wood material require careful selection. During work, you must follow safety rules and not deviate from them.

Quite often, a grinder is used to process various types of material. Some sources claim that working with wood with these power tools is strictly prohibited, while others say that it is possible, but only taking into account some nuances. One way or another, an angle grinder is used in carpentry. Therefore, the issue of using a wood cutter for an angle grinder remains relevant.

A saw wheel with chainsaw chain elements allows you to cut boards whose thickness does not exceed 40 mm, but it is important to take special care. Violation of the rules can lead to injury:

  1. Protective covers on the instrument must not be removed. If the diameter of the discs exceeds the dimensions of the casing, the grinder cannot be used.
  2. It is necessary to operate an angle grinder in compliance with the speed indicated on the cutting tool. If they are exceeded, the chain may slip, which will lead to the scattering of its component parts.
  3. Wearing safety glasses and thick gloves is mandatory. It is also recommended to work in thick canvas clothing.

Working with an angle grinder installed disks, which are intended for circular paper, are prohibited. Because this poses a threat to human health and life.

This ban also applies to diamond cutting discs for concrete. They are not safe for working with wooden products because they are not designed for this. The efficiency indicator from their use is quite low, considering the cost of the disks. There is also a possibility of charring the product and simply ruining it.

And most importantly, there is a possibility of such a disk jamming at the processing site, which will lead to the tool flying out of the hands and possible injury.

With such a disc for an angle grinder, which is shown in the figure below, you should work with the utmost caution when processing wooden materials. Its design provides protection that prevents jamming of the side teeth, which contribute to the expansion of the cutting width. The disc has a diameter of 115 mm, and thanks to its dimensions it is possible to work with a protective casing installed.

Some home-grown “masters” practice fitting standard saw blades for a circular saw to an angle grinder. All work is carried out with removed protective covers. Often the ending of such experiments is quite tragic. The unfortunate masters receive serious injuries that pose a threat to life.

But despite this, construction markets are full of offers that allow you to purchase. Inexperienced craftsmen are convinced by sellers that there are no risks when using such tools correctly. All this is true, exactly until the moment when nothing bad happens.

No professional stores will ever sell a person a disc for an angle grinder that may also be suitable for working with a circular saw. For such sales, if the buyer is injured, the seller may be subject to criminal liability.

A list of the main reasons why using a circular saw to work with an angle grinder is unacceptable:

  • The discs are designed to work at low speeds; the material of such a cutter is quite fragile. During operation, there is a possibility of the tool scattering into small parts or the teeth soldered on the disk breaking off, which fly off at great speed;
  • Wood has a rather viscous structure, and therefore the teeth bite in an uneven manner, which leads to vibrations and mobility of the tool. This may result in loss of control of the angle grinder and may result in serious injury;
  • Discs become jammed during the work process when processing wood, and the tool can be torn out of your hands. Please note that turning on a spinning disc tool is unpredictable.
  • Uneven loads caused by working on a wooden surface can lead to overheating of the power tool, which will lead to its breakdown.

The optimal solution is to manufacture a stationary sawing machine on which the grinder will be securely mounted. It’s absolutely not difficult; you only need to prepare the basic components for this equipment. But it is definitely worth it; you will not only reduce the time for processing products, but also protect yourself from bad consequences.

Video “Wood cutter for angle grinders”

Informational video from an expert about the Speedwood LEMAN saw blade for an angle grinder.

We carry out rough processing of wood with a grinder

But, despite the existing warnings, it seems possible to process a wooden blank with an angle grinder. This requires the use of special attachments that are manufactured under production conditions, and strict adherence to safety rules when working with the tool.

Using plane discs for an angle grinder

Rough processing of a log house involves the use of special discs that allow it to perform the function of a plane. This method of processing wood using an angle grinder is considered one of the safest if you follow the operating instructions. The device is a good alternative to a carpenter's axe.

The nozzle is used without installing protective covers, since the fact that it can be destroyed during operation is completely excluded. You cannot use such a disk if it is in an upward position.

When using an angle grinder, it is imperative to install a handle on it, which will allow you to hold the tool with both hands.

It is also necessary to have thick overalls and personal protective equipment that can protect exposed skin. When cleaning wood, you may encounter large chips flying away, which can easily injure your skin. One of the positive side effects of using such a power tool is the ease of chopping shavings or large sawdust, if necessary for household needs.

Application of grinding discs

To remove bark from a tree trunk and give it a primary shape for workpieces, a number of special peeling attachments for an angle grinder are used.

Thanks to such a chain wheel, it is possible to strip trunks of bark or small knots. The blank material is also given the required shape for further processing using a more precise tool. Such devices can replace axes for cutting out bowls in logs for the construction of log buildings.

It is also possible to use this disc as a cutting wheel, but the resulting cut will be jagged and the loss of material will be too high due to the large thickness of the cut.

Using cutters on an angle grinder for working with wood

Having completed the rough processing, you should proceed to the next step in processing wooden blanks - milling. For this purpose, some types of special nozzles are used.

The size of the abrasive on the discs can be completely different. When using this cutting tool, its intended purpose should be taken into account. Using such cutters, it is easy to give the final shape to workpieces. Some craftsmen use such attachments to finish wood, and the results from such work are quite good.

Almost similar types of discs are a mechanized rasp. They are considered relatively safe instruments that do not require special precautions or certain conditions. You just need to take care of protecting your eyes and respiratory organs.

If you need to carry out regular cutting of wood materials, then it is better to use simple circular, chain and reciprocating saws, rather than a grinder. The task can also be effectively completed with a jigsaw.

It is worth noting that an alternative to electric tools for cutting boards and logs is homemade equipment. It is quite easy to make for simple tasks, making it unnecessary to use dangerous and expensive tools for simple tasks.

Milling wood with a grinder: what cutters can be used

This requires careful adherence to safety precautions. Such work with a milling cutter using an angle grinder is classified as dangerous, but acceptable if the relevant recommendations are followed correctly.

A milling cutter on a grinder for working with wood is used for making grooves, rough leveling edges, cutting out bowls for log houses, and even for cutting workpieces. You can use only those cutters that have a special design that eliminates the process of jamming and tilting of the power tool due to the heterogeneity of the wood. When using, it is recommended that you read the instructions, in particular about the sections with maximum speeds and the direction of movement of the cutter in relation to the position of the angle grinder.

Milling attachments for angle grinders are not inferior in their range to attachments for manual milling devices. Naturally, it is almost impossible to achieve a similar quality of material processing with an angle grinder, but selecting suitable attachments to give the product a suitable shape is quite possible.

Video “Is it possible to cut wood with an angle grinder?”

Video review about using a grinder for cutting boards and beams. How to properly cut wood with an angle grinder and whether it can be done - you will learn in this video.