Recording a video on a MacBook: simple ways. Writing files to NTFS flash drives and hard drives on Mac To do this, do this

If you downloaded an ISO image of a third-party system, such as Windows 10 or Ubuntu, on your Mac and want to copy it to a flash drive, then at some point you will encounter a problem.

One way to help copy an image to external media is to use the Terminal. In this material we will tell you about all the features of this method.

The main problem that may arise is with the sudo command. Firstly, it requires an administrator password. Secondly, due to the specific nature of the command, incorrect user actions can lead to damage and loss of copied data.

Before copying, make sure that all the names of the flash drive and image match those written in the command. The match must be complete, otherwise the Mac will erase other data. Also, all information on the USB drive will be automatically deleted and an ISO image of the system will be written over it. There will be no requests or confirmations.

1. Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.
2. Launch Terminal.
3. Enter the following command:

4. The command will display all devices connected to the Mac something like this:

$ diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *251.0 GB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_CoreStorage 250.1 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.1 MB disk0s3
0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD *249.8 GB disk1
Logical Volume on disk0s2
Unlocked Encrypted
0: partition_scheme *5.3 MB disk3
1: partition_map 32.3 KB disk3s1
2: FAT_32 THE_DESTINATION 8.2 GB disk3s2

5. In this list, find your USB drive by name, which in our case is called THE_DESTINATION.
6. Pay attention to the device identifier, in our case it is disk3s2. Write it down so you don't lose it.
7. Run the following command:

sudo umount /dev/id

Insert the required parameter in place of the identifier; in our version, the command will look like:

sudo dd if=/path/image.iso of=/dev/rid bs=1m

You need to add your own parameters to the command. Not only the identifier, but also the path to the image, as well as its name. Example:

sudo dd if=~/Desktop/Windows10_x64_EN-US.iso of=/dev/rdisk3s2 bs=1m

Note the parameter r before the identifier and bs=1m after it. They are not necessary for the copy-and-write process, but they greatly speed up the process.

10. If you entered all the commands correctly, you can press Enter.
11. The system will require you to enter the administrator password, after which the copying process will start.

Please note that there will be no progress bar. The speed of copying and writing is also not constant and will depend on many parameters, including the performance of the Mac, the speed of the flash drive, and so on. Once the process is complete, you can disconnect the drive and start using it as a boot drive.

A bootable MAC OS flash drive is created quite simply and quickly. This can be done using the same operating system or any other.

1. We use MAC OS

In all cases, to complete the task we will need an empty flash drive with a capacity of at least 8 GB, as well as an Internet connection. If you use MAC OS, you also need an Apple ID account.

The step-by-step process for creating a boot drive is as follows:

  • Download the system image from There is always the latest version. Usually on the main page there is promotional material for the OS and the inscription “Update your system now.” It can also be found on the App Store. To do this, use the search. Apple companies often give away their latest creations for free.
  • Insert the flash drive. Run the downloaded image. This is a special utility for creating bootable media. In the left panel, select the inserted drive. Go to the "Partition" tab.
  • Under “Partition Layout”, select “1 Partition”. It is also advisable to indicate the name of the flash drive. It is most convenient to name it according to the name of the operating system. In our case it is “El Captain”.
  • In addition, indicate the format next to “Format” “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)” and the size of the flash drive - enter as much as is on the media. Click Apply.

  • Now go back to the downloaded folder and launch the terminal. In it, enter the command shown in Figure 2. It can also be seen in this file.

  • Wait approximately 15 minutes. After this, the process will be completed and you will have bootable media ready to install the operating system.

Clue: To boot from the resulting media, connect it to your computer while holding down the Alt button. Then simply follow the installer's instructions.

As you can see, everything here is extremely simple. Difficulties arise if you are not able to use MAC OS to complete the task. Then you will have to resort to “workarounds”.

2. We use Windows

In this case, the installation image from the App Store will not work. You need to search on torrent trackers or regular sites. And then there are two options - either you will find the image in .dmg format, or in .iso format.

In the first case, you need to do this:

  • Download and install the TransMac program on your computer. The best way to do this is on the website (it’s official). The program is paid, but it has a trial period of 15 days. During this time, you can manage to create many flash drives.
  • In the left panel, select the flash drive that you are going to make bootable. Right-click on it and click “Format Disk for Mac” in the drop-down list. A prompt will appear in which you simply need to click “Yes” or “OK”.
  • Once formatting is complete, right-click on the drive again, but now select “Restore with Disk Image.”
  • In the window that appears, under the words “Disk Image to restore”, indicate the path to the .dmg file that you downloaded earlier. Click OK. In all subsequent warnings, also click “OK” or “Yes”. Everywhere they talk about the fact that all data will be lost, and the image will be installed on the selected disk. But that's what we need.

In the future, use the flash drive in the same way as when creating one in MAC OS, that is, insert it into the computer and hold down “Alt”. The corresponding menu will appear and the OS can be easily installed.

If you managed to find an image in .iso format (which is most likely), then you have a lot of options for creating a bootable drive with it. And they are all absolutely free. For example, you can use Rufus.

To do this, do this:

  • Download the program from the official website ( and run it on your computer.
  • In the “Device” field, select the flash drive that you are going to make bootable. You can change the remaining fields up to the one related to the name at your discretion. If you don’t understand, it’s better not to touch them at all.
  • In the New Volume Label field, enter the name of your media. This is not necessary, but it is better to name the drive accordingly to make it easier to deal with later.
  • Check the boxes next to “Quick format” and “Create a boot disk.” To the right of the last one, select “ISO image” and click on the button in the form of a disk drive. Specify the path to the downloaded image.
  • Click "Finish" and wait for the process to complete.

In the same way, you can use the following programs:

  • SARDU and others.

Some of them are paid, so be careful.

3. Use Linux

In Linux and Ubuntu everything is much simpler. There is no need to use any additional programs here. All you need is a terminal, the same empty flash drive and the downloaded image.

Important! To complete the task from Linux, you must have an image in .iso format. Others may not be suitable. However, some of the .iso files may not be suitable, but if you download the images in other formats, they definitely cannot be used.

If all this is there, insert the USB flash drive, launch the terminal and do the following:

  • Enter the command "diskutil list". After completing it, you will see a complete list of disks that are currently in use on the computer. Find your drive there.
  • Enter the command "diskutil unmountdisk [media name]". That is, if the flash drive is called “/dev/mydisk”, the command will look like “diskutil unmountdisk /dev/mydisk”.
  • Enter the command “sudo dd if=[folder where the image in .iso format is located] of=[name of the removable drive] bs=1024”. Then if the folder with the image is called “z:/papka/obraz”, then the command will look like “sudo dd if= z:/papka/obraz of=/dev/mydisk bs=1024”.
  • Wait for the creation process to complete.

As you can see, in Linux it is easiest to complete the task.

The MAC OS X operating system is rich in high-quality built-in applications. Moreover, many of these services have received wider functionality than it seems at first glance. Along with the advent of the OS version called OS X Lion, the standard Quick Time player was also updated. It received version 10.1.

Although the number in the name has not changed significantly, the video player has acquired several additional and, as it turned out later, quite useful functions. One of them is the ability to record video directly from your screen. The update came out a long time ago, but even now some users do not know how to record a screen, so they are looking for third-party applications. But in the case of Apple, many standard programs turn out to be more useful and easier to use than software produced by third-party developers.

Let's analyze the functions

Today we will tell you about the method of recording video in this application. Previously, these features were only available in third-party apps, but Apple decided not to share it with users. And we can safely say that they succeeded. So, launch Quick Time and select the program itself. Press the keyboard shortcut Command+Control+N. Instead of pressing these keys, as an alternative, you can perform actions with the mouse in the program itself: file - new image record. It is better to memorize key combinations, because it significantly speeds up working with the laptop.

By the way, you can find out the main shortcut keys in a separate article. A black window will appear in front of you, where you can configure some points. What can be changed here? Firstly, here you can activate or deactivate the microphone. A microphone helps make some explanations when recording your video, so the microphone will become a reliable assistant for explanations and educational videos. You can also turn the mouse cursor on or off here. That is, if you turn off the cursor, it will not be visible on your video recording.

In this menu you can select the recording quality, which will determine the size of your video. When you press the record button, you can choose whether to record a specific part of the screen or the entire screen. After you decide to finish recording, press the “Stop” button in the same black screen. After this, a window will appear in front of you where you can save the video in the desired format. Directly from this window you can send your recorded video to YouTube, Facebook or email.


As you can see, recording a video is quite simple, and this simple program has enough functionality to properly record your video on a MacBook. You can easily turn on the microphone and adjust the quality. For example, if you need to figuratively show some actions, you can set the recording quality to low. If you need a clear picture or legible text, then you will need to set the recording quality to high. Medium quality is universal.

You can find other useful instructions on our website. As for video recording, there are a huge number of third-party applications for the Mac OS X operating system. There are more advanced programs with editing of recorded video, various filters, etc. You can find all these applications in the App Store.

What's the best way to force an ISO to "burn" a USB drive on a Mac? Recovering using Disk Utility does not work.

ISO – ubuntu mini.iso. This is a minimalist ISO setup for installing ubuntu. It must be bootable on the PC. I'm trying to install ubuntu on a PC that doesn't have a CD-ROM. The only other computer I have is a macbook.

7 Solutions collect form web for “How to burn an ISO to a USB drive in Mac OS X?”

Directly from How to Install Ubuntu on a MacBook Using the USB Stick Page (My Formatting):

  1. Upload the required file
  2. Open a terminal (in /Applications/Utilities/ or prompt Terminal in the spotlight)
  3. Convert the .iso file to .img using the convert hdiutil option (e.g. hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso)
  4. Note. OS X tends to automatically put the ending .dmg in the output file. Remove the .dmg extension as needed, mv ~/path/to/target.img(.dmg,)
  5. Run diskutil list to get the current list of devices.
  6. Insert flash drive
  7. Run diskutil list and locate the device node assigned to your flash /dev/disk2 (e.g. /dev/disk2)
  8. Run diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN (replace N with the disk number from the last command, in the previous example N would be 2)
  9. Execute sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m (replace /path/to/downloaded.img with sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/ rdiskN bs=1m path where the image file is located, for example./ubuntu.img Or./ubuntu.dmg).
  10. Using /dev/rdisk instead of /dev/disk may be faster.
    • If you see the error dd: Invalid number "1m" you are using GNU dd. Use the same command, but replace bs=1m with bs=1M .
    • If you see the error dd: /dev/diskN: Resource busy, make sure the disk is not in use. Run and unmount (do not remove) the drive.
  11. Run diskutil eject /dev/diskN and remove the flash media when the command is completed
  12. Restart your Mac and hold Alt while the Mac reboots to select the USB drive

Note. On new Mac computers, you Maybe You will need to install an EFI boot manager to boot from USB.

See also: Download Ubuntu Desktop.

I had a very similar problem that none of them answered.

It's worth checking out UNetbootin. It will create a bootable USB drive on Mac for PC.

There is no need to convert ISO to IMG. I didn't want to convert the image first. These are the simpler steps outlined below.

Start by listing the current disks and volumes:

Diskutil list

Now unmount the current volume for the drive you are going to overwrite. (X = disk number, in my case 1):

Diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX

Now dd iso directly to usb:

Sudo dd if=/pathto/mini.iso of=/dev/disk1 bs=1m


  1. Make sure the USB key is properly formatted (Mastery Boot Record, FAT32 - NTFS using NTFS-3G if necessary)
  2. You can try using the "Recover" feature in Disk Utility by clicking on the volume of the USB key, then clicking the "Recover" tab and selecting the ISO to restore to it.
  3. If step 2 fails, you can do it manually by running ditto or cp -r ; For example. ditto /Volumes/NAME_OF_MOUNTED_ISO /Volumes/NAME_OF_USB_KEY or cp -r /Volumes/NAME_OF_MOUNTED_ISO /Volumes/NAME_OF_USB_KEY to manually copy all files (including hidden ones)

I had already used SuperDuper before. It does the job and not much else. Like a good program should :) The full version is not free ($30), but you get what you need for free:

You can download SuperDuper! V2.6.2 now and back up and clone your drives for free - forever!

The way to do this using DiskUtility is to first format the disk using Diskutility and then copy the files from the mounted iso to the newly created disk using cp -R. Example: cp -R /Volumes/mount_iso/*/Volumes/formatted_drive/

When formatting, be sure to select the ntfs file system and make the disk bootable by selecting the correct option in the Options menu on the Delete tab.

Unetbootin is a tool that installs ISOs onto USB keys, or you can use drop-down menus to select distributions directly within the tool.

A little easier than doing dd on the command line yourself.

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The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

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So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
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