Why doesn't the screen flip on the iPad and how to enable auto-rotate? The screen on my iPhone stopped rotating. What to do? Iphone screen rotation lock

Especially for those who recently bought an iPhone or updated the firmware to iOS 11, I’ll tell you how to set up screen rotation for any . Rotating the screen is most often used to watch video from a smartphone screen; a horizontal view of a movie or YouTube video is more comfortable for the eye.

Wide or panoramic photos are also viewed better when the iPhone is held horizontally. Auto-flip turns on engineering mode in .

Enable and disable screen rotation in iPhone 7

For iPhone 5s, 6, 8, rotation adjustment in iOS 11 firmware is still carried out by pressing the portrait orientation lock button. To find it, do the following:

Lock screen icon in iPhone 7 with iOS 11 firmware

  1. Pull it out from the bottom of the screen
  2. And we see a button with a lock in a round arrow

If the button is not active (as in the picture above), then you can turn your iPhone on its side, the screen with a movie or clip will also turn, stretching across the entire display in horizontal scanning.

But if you lie on your side and want to read on your iPhone in this position, you will have to use the screen rotation lock to prevent it from rotating. By pressing the button you will disable screen rotation, which not only locks, it locks in portrait orientation and this is a bad decision. Lying on your side, you can’t watch reviews on YouTube in full screen.

So Apple, listen here - you just need to lock the screen, without being tied to portrait mode, then it will be much more convenient.

Horizontal screen mode on iPhone Plus models

The lock icon that blocks screen rotation is also present in iPhone models with the Plus prefix. So for the pros, everything works exactly the same.

But the iPhone 6 Plus, 6S Plus, 7 Plus, 8 Plus added the function of rotating the desktop with icons to landscape mode (also called landscape mode). If such a model is turned on its side, then all the icons and wallpapers will turn over and adjust to the horizontal position of the display.

If auto-rotation of working screens with icons does not work in Plus, then you may be using a larger scale, with larger elements, including icons. This mode can be disabled in the Settings application:

  • Screen and brightness – View – Standard – Set

The phone will reboot after confirmation. Now in the iPhone Plus, with 5.5 inches, auto-rotation of screen icons should be enabled again.

When you see that your iPhone does not change screen orientation, you need to understand the reasons. To do this, you can check the functionality of this function and make sure that everything works correctly.

Reasons why the screen does not turn over

  • The first reason that the screen does not rotate is that this function is blocked. To make sure it is in working condition, you can turn it off and rotate the phone in different planes. The main thing is that the button is not highlighted - then the function does not work.
  • The second reason is the apps you use. On iPhone, the screen does not rotate in any applications, so you will need to check as follows:

    Go to the standard calculator;

    Turn off the orientation lock and place the phone in a vertical position (portrait orientation);

    The normal mode of this application should open;

    When you turn the phone horizontally with the screen facing you, the calculator will unfold, showing you its engineering side.

  • You can also simply restart the phone, because some kind of failure could have occurred due to the new application not being of high quality.
  • If all this does not work and the photo does not turn upside down in the iPhone, then it is better to restore from a backup or update the phone to factory settings.

When you have done all this and the phone still does not change orientation, you will need to take your iPhone to our service center, where it will be tested and diagnosed for free. Original components, if any parts need to be replaced. A 30-day guarantee will inspire confidence and confidence.

St. Petersburg | Ekaterinburg

Sooner or later, almost every user encounters a problem when the iPhone screen refuses to flip from portrait to landscape format. In this article I will tell you what to do if the screen on your iPhone does not turn over.

Before moving directly to the instructions, I want to remind you that some applications only work in portrait mode or, conversely, only in landscape mode. Therefore, first of all, check whether the screen on the iPhone rotates in some standard application, such as Calendar or Photos. If in these applications your screen refuses to turn over, then follow the steps described below.

iPhone screen won't turn over

To fix this problem, you need to disable orientation lock on your iPhone. If the lock is enabled, an icon will be displayed in the notification line - a padlock in a circle with an arrow.

Do the following:

1. Swipe your finger from the bottom of the screen to the top,

2. “Control Center” will open, in which you will see an icon with a padlock in a circle,

3. Just click on it and the lock will turn off.

How to make the iPhone screen rotate

Also, if the iPhone screen stops rotating, then the function may be turned on "Display enlargement." To turn it off you need to:

1. Open application "Settings"

2 .Go to the section "Screen and brightness"

3. Scroll down the screen to the section "Display enlargement" in it we are interested in the subsection "View".

4. Translate function "Increase" to mode "Standard". After this, your iPhone will reboot.

If after performing all the described steps, the screen still does not rotate, then you should try hardening the device. If the problem persists, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of the smartphone. In this case, you should contact any authorized Apple service center for diagnostics and consultation.

Let's say you're reading a book on an iPhone or iPad, the pages of the book cannot be rotated horizontally or vertically in relation to the screen. Are you comfortable? Or let's say you're watching YouTube videos on the big iPad screen and even after rotating the screen, the videos just don't play in full screen mode? Or you can't view your photo gallery by turning your iPhone or iPad sideways.

Seriously, it's really depressing because it's a shame to have a big screen and not make the most of it. Still, we love Apple devices for many reasons. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the screen rotation feature, how to set up, disable and enable screen rotation on iPhone (5, 6, 7, 8, X), and all the errors that may be associated with it.

If you don't want the screen to rotate when you change your device's location, all you need to do is use the screen rotation lock feature built into iOS.

Here's how to set up screen rotation:

1. Make sure Control Center is turned on.

2. Swipe from the bottom of the screen to open Control Center.

3. The location of the screen rotation lock depends on which version of iOS you are running. In iOS 11 and higher, it is located on the left, just under the first group of buttons. In iOS 7-10, the location is different, namely the upper right corner. Regardless of the iOS version, look for an icon that should show a padlock with a curved arrow around it.

4. Tap the rotation lock icon to lock the screen at the current position. You'll know the rotation lock screen is turned on when the icon is white (iOS 7-9) or red (iOS 10-11).

Enable or disable screen rotation on iPhone

How to disable/enable landscape mode on iPhone

What is landscape mode? Landscape mode is a horizontal mode of the smartphone display, in which watching videos, movies, using applications or games becomes many times more convenient than in portrait (vertical) mode. In order to disable/enable this mode, you need the following steps:

1. Click "Application Settings".
2. Click "Display & Brightness".
3. In the list of options, pay attention to “Display Zoom”. Under this heading, you should see "View". Click on it.

4. You will see two tabs:
When you select the "standard" tab, you can switch between landscape and porter modes.
When selecting "Zoomed" » , the entire interface will increase a little.

5. Click "Install" » in the upper right corner. Your iPhone will restart to implement the changes.

How to activate landscape mode on iPhone

Checking the display scaling factor

You can check whether the zoom feature is enabled or disabled on your device. If this feature is enabled, it will prevent the screen from rotating freely. In order to disable it, you need to:

1. Go to “Settings” and select “Display & Brightness”.
2. Afterwards, click on “Display Magnification” and select the view option to check whether Display Magnification is enabled or disabled.
3. If the option is in the zoom state, simply select the standard mode and then click on the Apply button to save the changes.
4. In the next window, click the “Use Standard” button to continue working with the standard mode.
5. Once completed, the phone will restart in standard mode.

Has it ever happened to you that, lying on your side, you scroll through a photo gallery in an awkward position, and all because the screen rotation function rotates it, turning the picture over in a way that we don’t need. Until I found out how to disable screen rotation, it really annoyed me. Now we will teach you this too.

How to enable/disable screen rotation on iPhone

To disable the screen rotation option:

1. On an unlocked iPhone, press the button HOME 2 times. By calling up the menu of running applications in the background.

2. Scroll the panel to the left to bring up the iPod control window.

3. In this menu on the left you will see a button with a lock (or an empty arrow in the form of a circle). This button is responsible for turning on or off screen rotation.

4. Select the option you need "Vertical orientation locked/unlocked"

After these simple steps, you will not be bothered by flipping the screen when you are lying on your side, or in any other cases when you do not need it.

If you have new iOS 7

Guys, if you updated your operating system, then everything has changed for you. New instructions.