The game Pokemon GO - why is it so crazy and the impact on the psyche. Types of Pokemon: where to look What type of Pokemon is better against hypno

Dark Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Dark-type attacks are super effective against Ghost-type and Psychic-type Pokémon.
They deal half the damage to Pokemon of the dark, fighting and steel types.
Dark-type Pokémon take double damage from Bug-type and Fighting-type attacks.
Dark Pokémon take half the damage from Dark and Ghost-type attacks.
Dark Pokémon are immune to Psychic-type attacks.
All dark attacks have additional effects, such as intimidating the enemy or stealing their item. Although there are no dark Pokemon in Generation I, there is a Bite attack. This is explained by the fact that she was originally a normal type.
It is impossible not to point out that although before the IV generation all dark attacks were special, in the IV generation they all became physical, except for the Dark Pulse attack, which appeared in this generation.
Dark attacks are mainly of the Smart type in Contests, but can also be of all other types.
There is not a single dark type attack with a hit power greater than 80 units. That is, among them there is not a single attack with a power of 100 or more.
Absolutely all dark attacks, except Dark Void, have 100% accuracy.

Flying Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Flying-type attacks deal twice the damage to Bug, Fighting, and Grass-type Pokémon.
Flying-type attacks deal half the damage to Electric, Steel, and Rock-type Pokémon.
Flying-type Pokémon take twice as much damage from attacks from Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokémon.
They take half the damage from insect, combat and grass type attacks.
Flying-type Pokémon are completely protected from ground-type attacks.
There aren't many flying attacks, but there are enough. It is noteworthy that they can be learned by Pokemon not only of the flying type, but also of any other type, if they have the physical capabilities for this

Poisonous Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Poison-type moves are super effective against Grass-type Pokemon.
They deal half the damage to Ghost, Ground, Poison, and Rock-type Pokemon.
Poison attacks are useless against Steel-type Pokémon.
Poison-type Pokémon take double damage from Ground and Psychic-type attacks.
Poisonous Pokémon take half the damage from Bug, Fighting, Grass, and Poison-type attacks.
In competitions, poison attacks are mainly of the Smart type, but there are others, excluding Cute.
All poison attacks that deal damage can also poison the enemy in addition to the main damage, except for Acid, which has a different effect. In general, all poisonous attacks that cannot poison have the word Acid in their name.
Poison type is one of three (also includes dragon and normal) that cannot deal quadruple damage because it is only effective against one type.

Fighting Type
Efficiency and weaknesses

Fighting-type attacks are super effective against Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, and Dark-type Pokémon.
They deal half the damage to Poison, Psychic, Bug, and Flying-type Pokémon.
Fighting-type attacks are useless against Ghost-type Pokémon.
Fighting-type Pokémon take double damage from Flying and Psychic-type attacks.
Fighting Pokémon receive half the damage from Bug, Dark, and Rock-type attacks.
In Contests, combat attacks are mostly Cool or Strong types, but there are others besides Cute.
All combat attacks are aimed at only one enemy, that is, in double battles they do not provide much of an advantage.

Electric Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Electric-type attacks are super effective against Flying and Water-type Pokémon.

They deal half the damage to Electric, Dragon and Grass-type Pokemon.

Electric attacks are completely useless against Ground type Pokemon.

Electric-type Pokémon take double damage from Ground-type attacks.

Electric Pokémon take half the damage from Electric, Flying, and Steel-type attacks.


There are a total of 28 Electric-type Pokemon.

In every generation there was at least one Electric-type Pokémon whose name began with the Latin letters E, M, P.

Among the Electric-type Pokemon, the least common are the dual-type Pokemon. Of the regular Pokemon, these are the evolutions of Magnemite and Chincho, as well as the Pokemon Emonga. And from rare zapdos, mouth and zekrom. Zekrom is so far the only Pokémon with double protection against electric attacks, thanks to the second - dragon - type.

Most of the electric Pokemon appeared in generation I, namely 9. In generation II there were 8, in generation IV - 7, and in generation III only 4.

Ice Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Ice-type moves are super effective against Dragon-, Flying-, Grass-, and Ground-type Pokemon.
They deal half the damage to Fire, Ice, Steel and Water type Pokemon.
Ice-type Pokémon take double damage from Fighting-, Fire-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks.
Ice Pokémon take half the damage from Ice-type attacks.

Earth Type
Efficiency and weaknesses

Ground-type attacks deal double damage to Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel-type Pokémon.
Ground-type attacks deal half the damage to Bug- and Grass-type Pokémon.
Ground attacks are completely useless against flying type Pokemon.
Ground Pokémon take twice as much damage from Ice, Grass, and Water-type attacks.
Ground-type Pokemon take half the damage from poison-type and rock-type attacks.
Ground Pokémon are completely immune to Electric-type attacks.

Dragon Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Dragon attacks are super effective against Pokémon of their own dragon type.
They deal half the damage to steel-type Pokemon.
Dragons take double damage from Dragon and Ice type attacks.
Dragons take half the damage from electric, fire, grass and water attacks.
In Contest types, dragon attacks are mostly Tough types, but there are a couple of Smart and Strong types.
The dragon type has very few attacks, only 12, less than other types. And of these there is only one status attack, Dragon Dance. In Generation I there was only one Dragon Rage attack.

Normal Type

Efficiency and weakness

The normal type is quite weak in attack; attacks of this type deal half as much damage to rock and steel pokemon. Normal attacks are useless against Ghost-types. Normal attacks are not super effective.
Normal-type Pokémon take twice as much damage from Fighting-type attacks, and are completely immune to Ghost attacks.
The normal type is the most numerous in terms of number of attacks. There are a total of 152 normal type attacks. There are 10 normal type attacks with power 100 or more. This is more than any other elemental types. There is no type that is weak against Normal type attacks, making Normal the only type that is not effective against anything. Additionally, the Normal type is the most numerous in terms of non-damaging attacks. There are 77 such attacks of the normal type.
If you use normal type attacks in competitions, then these attacks will be a rare favorite for the judges.

Mental Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Psychic-type attacks are super effective against Fighting and Poison-type Pokemon.
They deal half the damage to Psychic and Steel type Pokemon.
Psychic attacks are completely useless against Dark-type Pokémon.
Psychic-type Pokémon take double damage from Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks.
Psychic Pokémon take half the damage from Fighting and Psychic type attacks.

Herbal Type
Efficiency and weakness

Grass attacks are super effective against Ground, Rock, and Water-type Pokémon.
Grass attacks deal half as much damage to Bug, Dragon, Fire, Flying, Poison, Steel, and Grass-type Pokémon.
The Grass type has many weaknesses, along with the Rock type, it has the largest number of them, namely five.
Double damage to Grass-type Pokémon is dealt by Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, and Poison-type attacks.
Grass Pokémon take half as much damage from Electric, Ground, Water, and Grass-type attacks.

Steel Type
Efficiency and weakness

Steel-type attacks are super effective against Ice and Rock-type Pokemon.
Steel-type attacks deal half the damage to Electric-, Fire-, Water-, and Steel-type Pokémon.
Steel-type Pokémon take twice as much damage from Fighting-, Fire-, and Ground-type attacks.
Such Pokemon receive half the damage from attacks of normal, insect, flying, dragon, dark, grass, ghost, ice, steel and rock types.
Steel Pokémon are completely protected from Poison-type attacks.

Fire Type

Efficiency and weakness

Fire attacks have double effect against Bug, Grass, Ice and Steel types.
Fire attacks deal half as much damage to Dragon, Fire, Rock, and Water Pokémon.
Fire Pokémon take half as much damage from Bug, Grass, and Fire-type attacks.
Fire Pokémon take twice as much damage from Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks.

Water Type

Efficiency and weakness

Water attacks have a double effect against fire, earth and rock types.
Water attacks deal half as much damage against dragons, grass and water.
Water Pokémon take half as much damage from Fire, Ice, Steel, and Water-type attacks.
Water Pokémon take twice as much damage from Electric and Grass-type attacks.

Insect Type

Efficiency and weakness

In competitions, insect attacks come in different types, without any predisposition.
Although many insects are semi-flying type, few of them can learn the Fly attack.
Before Platina, some insects (Shuckle, Cricket, Burmy, Wormadam, and Combi) could not learn any insect-type attacks. Now they all learn Bug Bite through leveling up, and Wormadam can also learn Signal Beam with the help of a teacher.

Stone Type

Efficiency and weaknesses

Rock-type moves are super effective against Bug-, Fire-, Flying-, and Ice-type Pokemon.
Rock-type attacks deal half the damage to Fighting, Ground, and Steel-type Pokémon.
Rock-type Pokémon take twice as much damage from Fighting-, Grass-, Ground-, Steel-, and Water-type attacks.
Such Pokemon receive half the damage from attacks of normal, fire, flying and poisonous types.

Ghost Type
Efficiency and weaknesses

Ghost attacks are super effective against Pokémon of their own Ghost and Psychic types.
They deal half the damage to Dark and Steel-type Pokemon.
Ghost attacks are useless against normal type Pokemon.
Ghosts take double damage from Ghost and Dark-type attacks.
Ghosts take half the damage from poison and insect attacks.
Ghosts are immune to normal and fighting type attacks.
Ghosts have a special Curse, which is the ??? type's only attack, and it works differently for ghosts than for other types.
Most ghostly attacks have an additional status effect, they can sleep, paralyze, and frighten. For now, you won't be able to poison them.
In the Contest types, the ghost attacks are mostly Smart types, but there are a couple of Cute and Strong types.
Phantom attacks are quite weak. Only Shadow Force has a strength of 120 units, but only Giratina and Arceus know it.
There is no Ghost-type attack with less than 100% accuracy. They either have 100% accuracy or never miss at all.

Mental type

Psychic type (Japanese: エスパータイプ) is one of the seventeen elemental types. Notable Psychic-type trainers include: Sabrina from Saffron City, Will from the Indigo Elite Four, Tat and Lisa (okay, I'm very good at Psychic-type, that's my favorite type) from Mossdeep City, and Lucian from the Sinnoh Elite Four. Every generation has had at least one Gym Leader or Elite Four member who specializes in Psychic Pokémon.

Efficiency and weaknesses

Psychic-type attacks are super effective against Fighting and Poison-type Pokemon. They deal half the damage to Psychic and Steel type Pokemon. Psychic attacks are completely useless against Dark-type Pokemon. Psychic-type Pokémon take double damage from Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks. Psychic Pokémon take half the damage from Fighting and Psychic type attacks.


The average characteristics of the mental type can be seen on this page. Psychic-type Pokémon have very high Special stats. Attacks and Specials Protection. Quite a high speed. But low Defense and HP. Psychic Pokemon are some of the best in the offensive sense. The uselessness of psychic attacks against dark-type Pokemon has a bad effect, but the ability to learn attacks of other types, as well as the Miracle Eye attack, which removes the immunity of the dark type to psychic attacks, helps. Defensively, Psychic Pokémon are weak. But many have attacks that restore HP. Psychic Pokémon hold up well against special attacks, but quickly lose to physical attacks. The only exceptions here are Bronzong and Metagross, their second - steel - type gives them higher Defense and the ability to withstand dark-type attacks. In Contest types, psychic attacks are mainly Smart type, but there are four others besides Strong.

5 Place "Espeon"

Espeon is the fourth evolution that appeared in the second generation. trainer. He has a sleek lilac body and purple eyes similar to those of cats. It has a red gem on its head, with which it senses vibrations in the air when someone or something approaches. Espeon is very loyal to its owner. This is a very calm Pokémon. Espeon appears in the episode "Espeon Doesn't Count." In this episode, Ash and his friends meet their old friend Sakura again. During their separation, this Pokemon appears to her. The exact prototype is unknown. Although this Pokémon is very similar to a cat.


4th Place "Mr. Mime"


Mr. Mime (English: Mr. Mime, Japanese: バリヤード Bariyaado) is a dual Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon from the 1st generation of Pokémon, number 122 in the National Pokédex. Evolves from Mime Junior (although he initially had no pre-evolutions). Mister Mime has the Soundproofing ability or the Filter ability. Soundproofing causes Mister Mime to be immune to "sound" movements. The filter causes all the super-effective actions that weaken it. Mister Mime is gifted with the art of imitation at a young age, but as he grows older, he gains the ability to make invisible objects by emitting energy from his fingers and instantly vibrating his fingertips to solidify around them and form a wall. Barriers generated in this way can repel severe attacks, and his gestures and movements can convince observers that something invisible actually exists. Once this is achieved, the perceived element materializes. Mister Mime takes great pride in his mime performances and will hit anyone hard that interrupts them while he is miming. Mister Mime was first shown in episode 64, "Mister Mime's Exit". Mr. Mime, the circus star, became completely starstruck and refused to work. Ash even had to replace him in the arena. But soon another Mr. Mime appeared, and the circus star, out of envy, took up work again. And the newly arrived Pokemon settled in Ash's house, becoming a good helper for Ash's mother.

3rd Place "Mew"


Mew is a Psychic-type Pokémon and a Legendary Pokémon. Mew has gigantic strength equal to that of Mewtwo. In the movie "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" it is said that Mew very rarely appears to people in his real form. Mew can also transform into any Pokémon. He appears in the form of any Pokemon. Mewtwo was created from the remains of Mew.

The first image of the Legendary Pokemon Mew was shown on an ancient mural, which Mewtwo subsequently destroyed, vowing to himself that he would surpass his “parent” (film: “Mewtwo Strikes Back”). Mew is playful and curious. Teleportation - the ability to instantly move; Transfiguration - the ability to transform , transform into others, copying the appearance); Copying the abilities of other Pokemon (imitating the abilities of others); Telekinesis - the ability to move objects and lift them into the air); Levitation - the ability to fly without the help of wings). The name Mew comes from "mew" - meow. Possible The prototype of Mew may be a Sphynx cat. or that the prototype could have been a jerboa or an embryo.


2 Place "Abra"


Abra is a Psychic-type Pokemon from the first generation. Abra is a humanoid Pokemon with a light brown color. The abra has a triangular head with small ears, like a fox, always closed eyes and a small nose. Abra is golden brown in appearance and human like a fox Pokemon. He has three fingers on both hands and feet. His eyes are mostly closed due to his tendency to sleep. Shoulders are brown. The abra has a long tail with a single brown stripe. The feet have 3 sharp claws, 2 on the front and 1 on the heel. He has slightly pointed ears, and his body looks a bit like a body armor on his top. Abra has the abilities Synchronize and Inner Focus. Inner Focus prevents Abra from flinching. Sync allows Abra to give a status condition back to the opponent if Abra gains a status condition. It was known that he sleeps 18 hours a day, as he needs telekinesis abilities. Abra can also teleport away from danger using teleportation means. He can even perform this technique while sleeping. Abra is native to the Kanto region. Also found in Johto and Sinnoh. Lives mainly near populated areas. Can live in an old house. Tries to avoid being seen by people and other Pokémon. Abra was first shown in episode 22, "Abra and the Psychic Attack", where it evolved into Kadabra, the leader of Sabrina's stadium. Kadabra appeared in episode 24 "Hunter vs. Kadabra" in the decisive duel between Ash and Sabrina. Outwardly, Abra looks like a fox, which has always been credited with magical abilities. Perhaps the prototype was also psychics and even aliens. There are also suggestions that it was based on Edgar Cayce, an American clairvoyant and healer. He made the vast majority of his predictions in a special state of trance, reminiscent of a dream.


1 Place "Slowbro"


Slowbro (English: Slowbro, Japanese: ヤドラン) is a dual water/psychic-type Pokémon from the first generation of Pokémon, number 80 in the national Pokédex. Slowbro evolves from Slowpoke at level 37. Slowbro is very similar to Slowpoke, only on its tail is the Pokémon Shelder, which clung on like a leech. Since Slowbro's tail is not light, he only has to walk on his hind legs. Slowbro can become Slowpoke again if Shellder accidentally falls off the tail. Slowbro is faster in speed than Slowpoke. At the same time, he is very lazy, does not shine with much intelligence, because he is too lazy to shake Shellder off his tail. Slowbro has several abilities: Brick Break, Ice Strike and Seismic Throw. It lives near bodies of water, like Slowpoke.

P.S And you’re like this right now - You’re boring us with these tops!!!

In early July, the latest development in the computer gaming industry appeared - the Pokemon GO game. Fans all over the world took to the streets in search of Pokemon. They spend a lot of money on virtual tricks to catch and train computer monsters (that's how the word Pokemon is translated).

Who are Pokemon?

Pocket monsters (unusual animals) were originally the heroes of fantasy games, and then an endless animated series. Japanese game designer Satoshi Tajiri spent six years developing Pokemon. He practically transferred his childhood fantasies and collection of beetles into the virtual world. But now Pokemon can not only be collected, but also trained and held in competitions.

Pokémon, thanks to their trainer, begin to grow, develop, turning into real fighters - true monsters. Each Pokemon has not only an original appearance, but also a special character. Some features clearly resemble the player himself, and some resemble someone he knows. There are more than 700 Pokemon in total, and the development of the game is still ongoing. They can be forest, earth, water, fire, electric, etc. To command monsters is to have power over enormous power. Pokemon has become a cultural phenomenon.

The game is developed by Niantic. In just a few weeks of its existence, the game brought in billions of dollars to both Niantic, the game developer, and Nintendo, the owner of the Pokémon brand.

The essence of the game Pokemon GO

So, Pokemon GO role-playing multiplayer game created using the latest augmented reality technology. The essence of the game is to find Pokemon, catch them in your collection, turn them into real fighters through long training, arrange battles, join groups of other trainers and join forces. It is possible that all this will remind you of an ordinary computer game, but the developers have surpassed their competitors by using augmented reality technology, the essence of which is that all Pokemon actions take place in the real world.

Pokemon hide, live, frolic, study and fight next to us: at home, in the office, at school, in the playground, in a public place. The game combines reality, images of which it receives using the cameras of smartphones and tablets, and virtuality - a product of the game developers.

At the squeaks of the Pokemon, people begin to move. They come to the most unexpected places, where they begin to catch or train monsters. The game is made in such a way that you have to stop every time at an important interesting place. Naturally, a person does not want to lose the achievements of his game.

You should not assume that the developers gave the world such an interesting activity absolutely disinterestedly. At certain stages, the player begins to encounter a lot of obstacles, which become almost impossible to overcome. In this case, a variety of virtual tricks, helper items, and baits come to the rescue, which can be purchased for real money.

Of course, you don’t have to acquire it, but at the moment of this need, a person’s consciousness is deeply immersed inside the game. Although in this case, it would be more accurate to say that the game penetrates deeply into a person’s consciousness. There is a burning desire to explore each new place through the prism of the game (tablet screen) in order to discover new rare Pokemon and replenish your collection. By this period, a person is already ready to spend money on his virtual reality.

Advantages of Pokemon GO over other games

  1. Feeling of reality: the action takes place in the real world around us.
  2. The opportunity is not easy to be strong, but to command someone else’s strength. Power versus force.
  3. Availability of the game: the ability to play anywhere, away from the computer desk.
  4. Ease of use: the developers tried to make the game as accessible as possible even for small children; in addition, it does not require high technical parameters.

Danger of Pokemon GO

The game developers stated that the game has a very positive impact on people:

  • people move as actively as possible;
  • comical situations with characters evoke positive emotions.

However, a detailed analysis of the game can reveal a number of features that have a negative impact on the psyche. No wonder psychologists have already begun to sound the alarm.

Danger of the game:

  • The superimposition of two realities on top of each other causes a violation of a person’s perception of reality. At first glance it may seem that this is completely controllable. But later, it becomes obvious that the overall picture of the environment is formed not through the psyche, but through a computer program. We perceive what the computer dictates to us. And this is fraught with damage to the psyche.
  • The game is dangerous to human health and life. Without noticing what is really happening, the player follows the path set by the game, bumping into objects and getting injured. It's scary to think what will happen if the game takes you onto a busy road or dangerous area.
  • Pokemon require constant attention. Any distraction from the game will result in changes and loss of points and bonuses, and may even lead to the death of the Pokemon. This is how addiction to the game is formed.
  • Pokemon are very cute creatures in the early stages, but who can guarantee that this will be the case all the time. The player has terrible battles ahead, which means a surge

The game Pokemon Go in many ways refers players to the animated series. You can track and catch your favorite monsters, evolve them and send them into battles with other Pokemon. At the same time, the game is completely devoid of the element of fierce rivalry. Even these fights don't stop players from forming friendships. To show yourself effective and strong, you need to know the basics of combat and some useful secrets.

Pokemon Power

There are many stats for Pokémon in the game, but the power stat is perhaps the most significant. It is called, and is shown as an arc above the image of the pet.

Combat Rower

CP determines the strength of the blow and durability in battle. It is possible to catch Pokemon with very high CP. They help evolve strong fighters. However, the maximum CP is rather an exception to the rule, and a larger number of Pokemon will have to be “fed” first, and only then evolve.

If you don't come across enough to successfully evolve it, you'll have to accumulate power yourself. Its increase is facilitated by the direct increase in CP (Power Up) and (Evolve).

Types of Pokemon, their combination in battle

The type of Pokemon plays an important role in battle. There are 17 of them in Pokemon Go. The type depends on the origin of the Pokemon and its physiology. Taking into account the vulnerability of certain elements in real life, the game increases or decreases the attack when two opposing elements collide. So, for example, they are effective against, and stronger.

Rules for a successful fight:

  • Stone, steel, ice, as well as normal and dark Pokemon cannot withstand the blows of fighting Pokemon.
  • Flying monsters destroy insects and grass monsters without any problems. Effective against combat.
  • Fire and ice ones do not hold up well against stone ones. Insects and flying Pokemon won't help either.
  • The Psychic type is not very powerful and almost everyone can resist it. These just do not include poisonous and combat monsters.
  • It’s stupid to field a dragon, dark or fighting Pokemon against magical ones.
  • Water and flying ones do not hold back electric attacks.
  • Ice ones attack earth, grass, flying and dragons with redoubled force.
  • Perhaps, ground Pokémon have the fewest opponents. They easily penetrate the protection of poisonous, stone, steel, fire and electric.
  • Aquatic ones have proven to be strong and easy to control. They are stronger in battle with fire, stone and earth ones.
  • Earth, water and stone are sensitive to grass attacks.
  • Steel monsters are merciless with stone, magic and ice ones.
  • Fire Pokemon destroy everything in their path. Their flames burn insects and grass Pokémon, melt ice and steel.
  • Dark and Ghosts are the most oppressive to other Ghosts and Psychic Pokémon.
  • Feel free to throw the poisonous ones to capture the hall where the magical and earthen ones stand.
  • Dark ones, oddly enough, are susceptible to attack by insects. Just like psychic and herbal ones.
  • Dragons reveal their full power only in battle with a dragon.

Unproductive combinations:

  • ghost > normal;
  • ground > flying;
  • electric > earth;
  • normal > ghost;
  • combat > ghost;
  • poisonous > steel;
  • psychic > dark;
  • dragon > magical.

If you try to attack the second ones first, you run a great risk of losing. The blows may not have any effect at all. Otherwise, the message Not effective will appear. All actions are thought out by the developers, even from a logical point of view, because it is difficult to poison steel and get a flying Pokemon from the ground.

How to attack

Each monster can fight quickly and make a super attack. Regular strikes are carried out by periodically short taps on the screen. The super attack is activated by long pressing. This is the control mechanics.

Types of attacks, their impact on the effectiveness of Pokemon

There are many types of attacks in the game. Pokémon of the same species can have completely different attacks in terms of specificity and strength. The most successful combination is considered to be a set of abilities of the same type. For example, the fighting monster Machoke (the second evolution of Machop) is ideal if it has all Fighting attacks, and the fiery Flareon has collected all Fire moves.

You can find these options by opening the Pokemon menu. The type is listed below the Pokemon on the left. Attack indicators at the bottom of the screen. Each of them has its own strength. It is displayed opposite its name. The first line represents fast strikes. The Pokémon that deals more damage from such attacks is considered stronger. On the second line you can see a blue line or dotted line. This is the frequency of super attacks that can be performed. That is, the more divisions, the less time it takes to reload, but the blow weakens. One big bar is even better in the sense that the Pokemon remains defenseless if you constantly hold the screen for a super attack.

Types of attacks

Sorting attacks by Pokemon type is not the last thing in the game. There are different fast attacks, for example, for ice and water Pokemon. One monster may receive an attack with more damage, and a second monster of the same type may receive another with less damage. We have collected complete information about them for you. With its help, you can analyze the potential of a Pokemon and correctly distribute forces.

Characteristics of fast attacks

Type Name Damage/energy/time (s)
Poisonous Acid 10/7/1,05
Poison Jab 15/7/1,05
Poison Sting 6/4/0,575
Dark Bite 6/7/0,5
Feint Attack 12/7/0,04
Sucker Punch 7/4/0,7
Vine Whip 7/7/0,65
Water Bubble 25/15/2,3
Splash 0/7/1,23
Water Gun 6/7/0,5
Insect Bug Bite 5/7/0,4
Fury Cutter 3/12/0,4
Steel Bullet Punch 10/7/1,2
Metal Claw 12/7/0,63
Steel Wing 15/4/1,33
Mental Confusion 15/7/1,51
Psycho Cut 8/7/0,57
Zen Headbutt 12/4/1,05
Normal Cut 12/7/1,13
Pound 7/7/0,54
Quick Attack 10/7/1,33
Scratch 6/7/0,5
Tackles 12/7/1,1
The Dragon Dragon Breath 6/7/0,5
Fiery Ember 10/7/1,05
Fire Fang 10/4/0,84
Ice Frost Breath 9/7/0,81
Ice Shard 15/7/1,4
Combat Low Kick 5/7/0,6
Karate Chop 6/7/0,8
Rock Smash 15/7/1,41
Ghost Lick 5/7/0,5
Psycho Cut 8/7/0,57
Shadow Claw 11/7/0,95
Zemlyanoy Mud Shot 12/7/0,55
Mud Slap 15/9/1,35
Flying Peck 10/10/1,15
Wing Attack 9/7/0,75
Electric Spark 7/4/0,7
Thunder Shock 5/7/0,6
Herbal Razor Leaf 15/7/1,45
Stone Rock Throw 12/7/1,36

Characteristics of super attacks

Type Name Damage/percentage/time (s) Number of divisions
Flying Aerial Ace 30/5/2,9
Air Cutter 30/25/3,3
Drill Peck 40/5/2,7
Hurricane 80/5/3,2
Stone Ancient Power 35/5/3,6
Power Gem 40/5/2,9
Rock Slide 50/5/3,2
Rock Tomb 30/25/3,4
Stone Edge 80/50/3,1
Water Aqua Jet 25/5/2,35
Aqua Tail 45/5/2,35
Brine 15/5/2,4
Bubble Beam 30/5/2,9
Hydro Pump 90/5/3,8
Scald 55/5/4
Water Pulse 35/5/3,3
Ice Blizzard 100/5/3,9
Ice Beam 65/5/3,65
Ice Punch 45/5/3,5
Ice Wind 25/5/3,8
Normal Body Slam 40/5/1,56
Horn Attack 25/5/2,2
Hyper Beam 120/5/5
Hyper Fang 35/5/2,1
Stomp 30/5/2,1
Struggle 15/0/1,695
Swift 30/5/3
Vice Grip 25/5/2,1
Wrap 25/5/4
Zemlyanoy Bone Club 25/5/1,6
Drill Run 50/25/3/4
Bulldoze 35/5/3,4
Dig 70/5/5,8
Earthquake 100/5/4,2
Mud Bomb 30/5/2,6
Combat Brick Break 30/25/1,6
Cross Chop 60/25/2
Low Sweep 30/5/2,25
Submission 30/5/2,1
Insect Bug Buzz 75/5/4,25
Megahorn 80/5/3,2
Signal Beam 45/5/3,1
X-Scissor 35/5/2,1
Poisonous Cross Poison 25/25/1,5
Gunk Shot 65/5/3
Poison Fang 25/5/2,4
Sludge 30/5/2,6
Sludge Bomb 55/5/2,6
Sludge Wave 70/5/3,4
Dark Dark Pulse 45/5/3,5
Night Slash 30/25/2,7
Magic Dazzling Gleam 55/5/4,2
Disarming Voice 25/5/3,9
Draining Kiss 25/5/2,8
Moonblast 85/5/4,1
Play Rough 55/5/2,9
Electric Discharge 35/5/2,5
Thunder 100/5/4,3
Thunder Punch 40/5/2,4
Thunderbolt 55/5/2,7
The Dragon Dragon Claw 35/25/1,5
Dragon Pulse 65/5/3,6
Twister 25/5/2,7
Mental Psybeam 40/5/3,8
Psychic 55/5/2,8
Psychoshock 40/5/2,7
Fiery Fire Blast 100/5/4,1
Fire Punch 40/5/2,8
Flame Burst 30/5/2,1
Flame Charge 25/5/3,1
Flame Wheel 40/5/4,6
Flamethrower 55/5/2,9
Steel Flash Cannon 60/6/3,9
Heat Wave 80/5/3,8
Iron Head 30/5/2
Magnet Bomb 30/5/2,8
Herbal Leaf Blade 55/25/2,
Petal Blizzard 65/5/3,2
Power Whip 70/12/2,8
Seed Bomb 40/5/2,4
Solar Beam 120/5/4,9
Ghost Ominous Wind 30/5/3,1
Shadow Ball 45/5/3,08

Evasion and double attack

In Pokémon Go battles, you can not only strike, but also dodge them. All you have to do is quickly swipe your finger horizontally from one side of the screen to the other. This trick doesn't always work, so don't rely on it too much.

A very useful technique in battle is a group attack. If you attack the hall at the same time as another player, you will see each other in the arena and deal damage to the enemy together. Of course, this technique is only suitable for players from one team.

At first, players mindlessly catch all the Pokemon in a row, but after playing the game for a while, every player wants to start catching certain Pokemon and wonders Where are which Pokemon are found in Pokemon GO?.

What types of Pokemon are caught in Pokemon GO

There are as many as 17 types of Pokemon, and each of them can be caught in different areas:

  • Normal
  • Mermen
  • Fiery
  • Herbal
  • Electrical
  • Icy
  • Combat
  • Poisonous
  • Earthen
  • Flying
  • Mental
  • Insects
  • Stone
  • Haunted
  • Draconic
  • Dark
  • Steel

Some types may “cross”, i.e. The same Pokemon can belong to both dragon and fire Pokemon.

Below we will look where to look for Pokemon in Pokemon GO and where they are found, and we’ll talk about each type in detail (which type of Pokemon is better to fight against a certain other type) in a separate article.

Pokemon Go where to catch water Pokemon

Water Pokemon are found in areas near bodies of water (seas, oceans, rivers, lakes). But if there are no such bodies of water nearby, even a small pond in your park or even a landmark “Dedicated” to water will do!

Canals, Docks, Harbours, Lakes, Seas, Beaches, Rivers, Reservoirs, Swamps, Ports and even Water Parks.

If you really have a hard time with water, for example, you live in an arid climate or in the desert, but you need a strong water Pokemon to fight, you can:

  1. “Hatch” a water Pokemon from an egg
  2. Get Vaporeon by evolving Eevee.

All water Pokemon Pokemon GO: Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Psyduck, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Slowbro, Seel, Dewgong, Shellder, Cloyster, Krabby, Kingler, Horsea, Seadra, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Goldeen, Seaking, Staryu, Starmie, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras and Vaporeon.

Where to catch fire Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Fire Pokémon are the exact opposite of Water Pokémon. They are found in arid climates, but the chance of catching such a Pokemon is everywhere, but much lower.

Locations where water Pokemon are found: Cities, dry/arid climate, warm climate, beaches, parks.
Unconfirmed fishing spots: Car parks, gas stations

There are several more ways to catch fire Pokemon:

  • You can evolve Eevee into Flareon. A very strong fire Pokemon.
  • There is also a high chance of catching the most popular fire Pokemon - Charmander - in the parks. Players also note that it is also found in stadiums.

What are the fire Pokemon in Pokemon GO (12 types): Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash, Magmar, Flareon and Moltres (is a legendary Pokemon).

Grass Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Grass Pokemon are found everywhere; catching simple Pokemon is not particularly difficult. They live wherever there is “greenery”.

Places where Grass Pokemon are found: Parks, Agricultural land, Forests, Gardens, Fields (eg football fields), Meadows, Nature reserves.

What grass Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(14 types): Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Odish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Tangela, Paras and Parasect.

Electric Pokemon

Electric Pokemon are mainly found near universities and schools, and are found in industrial areas of cities.

Places to catch Grass Pokemon: Universities, Colleges, Industrial areas, Schools, Railway stations, Commercial properties, Libraries.

What electric Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(9 types): Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz, Jolteon and Zapdos (legendary Pokemon).

Rock Pokemon spawn locations in Pokemon GO

Rock Pokemon are caught in “rocky” areas - in mountains, quarries, etc.

Places to catch rock Pokemon: Mountains, Quarries, Farmland, Suburban reserves. Possible appearance in shopping centers

What rock Pokemon exist in Pokemon GO?(11 types): Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onix, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops and Aerodactyl.

Where to catch psychic pokemon

Psychic Pokémon most often appear at night, and players have also noted their appearance in the hospital area.

Places to catch psychic Pokemon: Residential areas of cities (at night), Hospitals. Possible appearance in libraries and beaches.

(11 types): Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Drowzee, Hypno, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Slowbrow, Slowbrow Jynx, Mr, Mine, Mew and Mewtwo (the latter are not found in the wild)

Where are Pokemon insects caught?

Insect Pokemon are found in the same locations as grass Pokemon - forests, parks, nature reserves, etc. By the way, parks are the best place to catch insects.

Places to catch Pokemon insects: Parks, Forests, Gardens, Meadows, Nature Reserves

What psychic Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(12 species): Caterpy, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Paras, Parasect, Venonat, Venomoth, Scyther and Pinsir.

Ground Pokémon Habitats

Ground Pokémon are found in the same places as Rock Pokémon. Agricultural objects are the favorite habitat of this type of Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

Places to catch ground Pokemon: Agricultural land, Quarries, Parks

What kind of ground Pokemon exist in Pokemon GO?(14 species): Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onix, Kubon, Marowak, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Nidoqueen and Nidoking.

Where are poisonous Pokemon caught in Pokemon GOU?

Most often, poisonous Pokemon can be caught in swampy areas; they appear less often in large industrial areas of cities. Almost all poisonous Pokémon have a second (adjacent) type, so they are easy to catch in other areas.

Places to catch poisonous Pokemon: Swampy areas, Industrial areas, Lakes.

What poisonous Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(33 species): Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Venonat, Venomoth, Bellsprout, Weepinbel, Victreebel, Ekans, Arbok, Nidoran (female), Nidoran (Male), Nidorina, Nidoqueen , Nidorino, Nidoking, Zubat, Golbat, Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Weezing, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Gastly, Haunter and Gengar.

Where are normal Pokemon found?

Normal Pokemon are caught everywhere. They are not hard to find, but among this type of Pokemon there are also rare species. Normal Pokémon often hatch from eggs.

Places to catch normal Pokemon: Residential areas, parking lots, universities

What are the normal Pokemon in Pokemon GO?(22 species): Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Dodrio, Lickitung, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon and Snorlax .

Where to catch Dragon Pokemon in Pokemon GO

The easiest way to get a dragon is to catch a Grass Dratini and evolve it into Dragonite. The dragon can also be caught in the area of ​​“big” attractions.

Places to catch Pokemon dragons: Attractions

What kind of Pokemon dragons exist in Pokemon GO?(3 types in total): Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.

Where are the magical Pokemon?

Magic Pokemon can be found near landmarks, and players also note that Pokemon of this type appear in churches and cemeteries.

Places to catch magical Pokemon: Landmarks, Churches, Cemeteries.

What magical Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(5 types in total): Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff and Mr. Mine.

Where do fighting Pokemon live in Pokemon GO?

Places to catch fighting Pokemon: Stadiums, Sports clubs and centers, recreation areas.

What fighting Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(8 types in total): Mankey, Primeape, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Poliwrath.

Ghost Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Places to catch ghost Pokemon: This type of Pokemon is caught everywhere at night. Players reported that they can be found in cemeteries.

What ghost Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(3 types): Gastly, Haunter and Gengar.

Where to catch Ice Pokemon

Often such a Pokemon can be obtained from an egg. But from the name it is clear that they are found in cold climates, where snow-covered areas predominate.

Places to catch Ice Pokemon: Ski resorts, Glaciers, Skating rinks, cold climates

What ice Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?(5 species): Jynx, Dewgong, Cloyster, Lapras and Articuno, Articuno (is a legendary Pokemon and is not found in the wild).

note that Pokemon rarity in Pokemon GO– a relative concept. If for the area in which you live it is very difficult to find a certain species, then on another continent these Pokemon can be found everywhere.

A striking example of this is Pinser, who lives in the central park of New York.

Remember that in addition to the geographical factors of the appearance of Pokemon, there is also a factor of time of day, etc.

Pokemon type table Pokemon GO

Below in Pokemon GO Pokemon Type Table we will look at which species are “stronger” in battle against which species, and which are weaker.

Pokemon Go type chart Strong against Weak vs.
Normal type Strong Against: No Weak Against: Combat
Insects Strong against: Herbal, psychic, ghosts Weak against: Flying, Fire, Stone
Poisonous type Strong against: Herbal, magical Weak against: Earthy, psychic
Herbal type Strong against: Water, Earth, Stone Weak against: Flying, Poisonous, Fire, Ice
Water type Strong against: Fire, Earth, Stone Weak against: Electric, Herbal
Fire type Strong against: Steel, Insects, Ice, Grass Weak against: Land, Stone, Water
Earth type Strong against: Fire, Electric, Poisonous, Stone, Steel Weak against: Water, Herbal, Ice
Fighting type Strong against: Normal Weak against: Flying, Magic
Stone type Strong against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Insects Weak against: Water, Herbal, Combat, Earth, Steel
Magic type Strong against: Combat, Dragons, Ghosts Weak against: Poisonous, Steel
Electric type Strong against: Water, Flying Weak Against: Grass, Steel, Dragons
Mental type Strong against: Combat, Poisonous Weak against: Insects, Ghosts
Ghost type Strong against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak against: Ghosts
Dragons Strong against: Dragons Weak against: Icy, Magic
Ice type Strong against: Herbal, Earthy, Flying, Dragons Weak Against: Fire, Earth, Steel
Flying type Strong against: Herbal, Combat, Insects Weak Against: Electric, Grandfather, Earth
Ghost type Strong against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak Against: Combat, Magic
Metal type Strong against: Magical, Icey, Earthy Weak Against: Fighting, Fire, Earth

The strongest Pokemon GO Pokemon of each type

Type The most powerful Pokemon
Normal Snorlax Wigglytuff Clefable
Insects Pinsir Scyther Venomoth
Poisonous Venusaur Vileplume Muk
Herbal Exeggutor Venusaur Victreebel
Mermen Lapras Vaporeon Gyarados
Fire Arcanine Charizard Flareon
Earthen Nidoking Rhydon Nidoqueen
Combat Machamp Poliwrath Primeape
Stone Rhydon Omastar Golem
Electrical Jolteon Electabuzz Raichu
Mental Slowbro Exeggutor Hypno
Flying Dragonite Gyarados Charizard

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