Instructions for setting up email archiving in Outlook for the VSK company. Solving problems in Outlook Express How to disable outlook express compression

To free up space in the mailbox when the quota is exceeded, you have to either delete some messages or move them to a local data file. Messages can be transferred to a local data file either manually or automatically using archiving. Archiving is moving mail items from your mailbox on the server to a local data file on your computer.

The main advantage of archiving is that if the quota is exceeded, there is no need to delete messages - they remain fully accessible in the archive folders, and when you set up auto-archiving - automatic cleaning of your mailbox according to a schedule. But it is worth considering that the file with archived data is stored locally – i.e. directly on the computer, so when using Outlook Web access or Exchange Active Sync (on communicators) to access the mailbox, the email data will not be available. Also, when replacing a computer/logging into another computer under your account (for example, on a business trip to another branch), in order to gain access to your archive folders, you need to transfer the file with archive folders from the source computer.

Contents of the instructions:

1. Information about the mailbox server storage.
2. Information about the local data file.

- Setting a password for the created data file
- Setting a password for an existing data file
II. Setting up and archiving emails
- manual archiving using the “Archive” menu
- setting up automatic archiving

1) In Outlook 2003
2) In Outlook 2007
3) In Outlook 2010
IV. How to transfer and connect a local data file to another computer.
V. If for some reason it is not possible to use the archive/local file.

I. Understanding Outlook Data Files

1. Information about the mailbox server storage.

The standard server quota for your mailbox is as follows:

When the size reaches 141 MB, a warning “Your mailbox is almost full” is sent.

When the size reaches 146 MB, receiving letters is still possible, sending letters becomes unavailable;

When the size reaches 150 MB, both receiving and sending letters become unavailable.

How to view the current size of your mailbox: to do this in Outlook, you need to right-click on “Mailbox-full name”:

The sizes of each folder in your mailbox (in kilobytes) will be shown, and on the “Local data” tab - the sizes of the local copy, on the 2nd tab “data on the server” - respectively, the server mailbox. If the size of the local copy differs by more than 2 MB from the server data and the reason for this is the existing letters in the server mailbox in the “Outbox” folder, leave a request to clean this folder.

In exactly the same way, you can determine the size of the local data file (Archive folders).

In Outlook 2010, mailbox size information is also displayed on the File tab in the Mailbox Cleanup section:

2. Local data file details:

The file format is .pst.

The maximum file size for Outlook 2003/2007 is 20 GB, for Outlook 2010 – 50 GB. At the same time, if you connect a data file created in outlook 2003-2007 to outlook 2010, then the limit for it will remain 20 GB, i.e. The 50 GB limit applies to data files created directly in Outlook 2010.

Default data file location:

Windows XP Outlook 2003/2007: C:Documents and SettingsYour accountLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook (to display Local settings, sometimes you need to set the display of hidden files in Explorer in the Folder Options->View menu, since these folders are usually hidden)

Windows 7 Outlook 2003/2007: C:UsersYour AccountAppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook

(you may also need to configure the display of hidden files)

Windows XP/7 Outlook 2010: My Documents->Outlook Files

3. Setting a password for the local data file

According to the appendix. 93 adj. 2 clause 3.4: Personal (archive) folders must be protected by a password consisting of at least 6 characters, containing numbers or special characters, letters of the Russian or English alphabet.

You can set a password for both newly created and already created data files.

Setting the password for the created data file is done during its creation when the window appears:

As a result, access to the data file without a password will become impossible; When you open Outlook, a window like this will appear:

Setting a password for an existing data file(as well as changing the password) is done as follows: you need to right-click on the desired local data file, select “Properties”:

On the “general” tab, click “advanced”, then click “Change password”:

A password change window will appear.

“Old password” field: if no password was set when creating the archive folders/data file, leave it blank; if there is a password, enter the current password; then enter a new password in the “new password” and “confirmation” fields, then click OK.

II. Setting up and archiving emails.

- manual archiving using the "Archive" menu

In the “File” menu, select “Archive” (or for Outlook 2010 – File->Cleanup Tools->Archive):

A window will appear:

Point 1 – you can either manually specify what and how we will archive, or archive according to the auto-archiving settings. In this option, we select the archived folders manually, i.e. dot in the “Archive this folder and all subfolders” position. Below, in the window with a list of folders, select the folders that need to be archived. In order to archive the contents of all folders in the mailbox, left-click on “Mailbox – Full Name”.

Point 2 – “Archive items created before..” - here you need to select the date until which all messages will be moved to the archive. To archive all letters except today's, you need to select today's date; to archive all letters, without exception, you need to select tomorrow's date.

Item 3 – Include items with the “Do not autoarchive” flag - if such a flag was set on messages, then selecting this item will archive the messages marked with the flag.

Item 4 – archive file – here the path to the file with archive folders is indicated. You can either leave everything by default (then, if there is no file, a standard file archive.pst will be created with the name “Archive folders” and located in the folder along the path specified in paragraph I.), or manually select the storage location and file name using the button "Review".

After selecting the required items, click OK. If there are no archive folders, Outlook will create them:

The fact that archiving is in progress can be judged by the inscription “Archiving” in the bottom status line. If you click on this inscription, you can cancel archiving using the corresponding menu item. The folder structure in the archive folders will be created exactly the same as in the main mailbox, i.e. with all subfolders and the corresponding letters in them, both if the “Archive Folders” data file already existed, and if a new file was created.

Also, you must not forget to set a password for the newly created archive folder file (see paragraph I.3)

- setting up automatic archiving

Autoarchiving is the process of performing archiving according to a schedule with specified parameters. The settings are configured in Outlook in the menu Tools->Options->Advanced->AutoArchive... (or for 2010 outlook in the menu File>Options>Advanced>AutoArchive Settings)

In the archiving options window:

Autoarchive every... days – sets the archiving schedule. The more often your mailbox becomes full, the more often you need to archive. Minimum period – daily (1 day);

Prompt before archiving - if you check this box, before autoarchiving Outlook will ask the question: “Do you want to start automatic archiving now?”;

Delete expired items (mail only) – for items with an expiration date. It is better to uncheck this box;

Archive or delete old elements – check this box, otherwise auto-archiving will take place without moving emails;

Now we determine which mail elements are considered old:

Delete elements older than... days/weeks/months – in this item, select the date of the element, after which the element is considered old and will be moved to the archive folders during the next autoarchive. On the screenshot: all letters received earlier than 3 days ago will be moved to archive folders.

The following 2 points determine what to do with old mail items:

Move old items to a folder<путь>- moving letters to the specified data file (Archive folders). You can also specify/create another data file using the “browse” button.

Delete old items permanently – deletes items without moving them to archive folders.

Autoarchiving can be started forcefully. To do this, select “Archive” from the “File” menu (or File->Cleanup Tools->Archive in 2010 outlook):

A window will appear:

In this window, select “Archive all folders according to autoarchive settings”, after which archiving will start, which will move all letters older than the period specified in its settings to archive folders.

You can also move files to archive folders manually from your main mailbox.

III. Selecting a local file as the default mail delivery location

This function is useful when you almost constantly work with mail on only one computer and when the server mailbox cannot provide sufficient storage space for letters (for example, every day you receive 100 MB of scanned documents, which, moreover, should be stored for a certain time) . Those. Your archive folders (or any created data file with a .pst extension) are chosen as the default mail delivery location - i.e. When Outlook is running, all incoming emails immediately go to a local data file located on your computer (limited only by the size of your hard drive and the limit per file of 20 or 50 GB).

When choosing this method of storing mail, you must take into account that the mail is stored in a file on the computer, because... factors such as hard drive failure will lead to the loss of the mail archive.

This is configured as follows.

1) Outlook 2003.

In the outlook menu: Tools->Email Accounts->View or change existing accounts. The following window will appear:

In the menu item “Place new mail in a folder:” select the following settings:

If you already have a data file, select it from the list (for example, Archive folders), click “Finish”, after which the warning “Default email delivery location has changed, etc.” will appear. - click OK and restart outlook. After restarting, outlook will move the emails already in the server mailbox to local folders for some time.

If you do not have a data file or you want to create a new data file, click the “Create Outlook data file” button, a window will appear

Next, click “Finish”, after which the warning “The default email delivery location has changed, etc.” will appear. - click OK and restart outlook. After restarting, outlook will move the emails already in the server mailbox to local folders for some time.

2) Outlook 2007.

In the outlook menu: “Tools->Account Settings” go to the “Data Files” tab. A list of available data files will open (there will definitely be at least 1 - with the name “Mailbox - Full Name” - this is a local cached copy of the server mailbox, it will be selected by default):

If there is already a data file in the list of data files (for example, archive folders in the screenshot), you can use it for the new mail delivery location. To do this, select the file by left-clicking on it, then click the “Default” button, a warning will appear:

Select “Yes”, after which the “account settings” window can be closed and restarted Outlook. After restarting, outlook will move the emails already in the server mailbox to local folders for some time.

If there is no other local file in the list of data files other than “Mailbox - Full Name” or you want to create another data file and designate it as the default data file, you need to create a data file. To do this, click the “Add...” button. A window will appear:

Select “Outlook Personal Folders File (.pst), click OK, the next window will suggest where to save the file and its name (by default, the path specified in paragraph I.2 and the name is Personal Folders (1)) - click OK , then the following window will appear:

In the warning that appears, select “Yes”, after which the “account settings” window can be closed and restarted Outlook. After restarting, outlook will move the emails already in the server mailbox to local folders for some time.

3) Outlook 2010.

Step 1. Go to the “File” tab, select “Account Settings” -> “Account Settings”:

Next, go to the “Data Files” tab. A list of available data files will open (at least 1 will definitely be called “Mailbox – Full Name” or [email protected] with the label “Online” - this is a local cached copy of the server mailbox, it will be selected by default) :

Step 2-1. If there is already a data file in the list of data files (for example, in the screenshot - archive folders - Archive), you can use it for the new mail delivery location. To do this, select the file by left-clicking on it, then click the “Default” button, a warning will appear:

Now we connect the data file.

Outlook 2003: You need to close outlook, then:

Control Panel->Mail->Data Files->Add->select “Office Outlook Personal Folders File (.pst)”, click OK->find the file to be added on your computer, select it, click OK (if the file was password protected, it will be displayed request a password, enter the password for the file) -> in the next window, click OK -> close the window for editing data files. After this, the file will appear in outlook.

In outlook 2007/2010, connect the data file without closing outlook. To do this, you need to go to the account settings (Tools->Account Settings in outlook 2007 and File->Account Settings ->Account Settings in outlook 2010), go to the “data files” tab -> “add..”- >in the window that opens, select the data file to open on your computer; if the file was password-protected, a password request will appear -> in the next window, click OK, then close the account settings window, the file will already be connected in Outlook.

V. If for some reason it is not possible to use the archive/local file.

In this case, you can submit a request to increase the volume of your mailbox. After reviewing your application, a decision will be made to increase the volume of your mailbox based on an analysis of incoming mail logs for the last month.

In your application you must indicate the reason why you need to increase your mailbox. For example, “Frequent business trips, there is no way to regularly clean email”; “This employee’s mailbox receives a large amount of information, as a result, the mailbox becomes full over the weekend,” etc.

In which case should you not apply to increase the volume of a mailbox:

An attempt to use a mailbox for long-term storage of information. A mailbox is not intended for long-term storage of information. To do this, you can use archiving or exporting the necessary messages;

A large number of letters arrive per day, but the volume of letters is small. If you receive about 100 letters of 10 kb each day, this is not a reason to increase the space;

A large number of letters are sent per day from a given mailbox: the idea of ​​​​increasing the volume of mailboxes is to not miss receiving important letters, because... The volume of received letters cannot be controlled by the owner of the mailbox. And the volume of sent letters can: sent ones can be promptly deleted/moved to archive folders. The same applies to the “Deleted Items”, “Drafts”, etc. folders.

Before applying to increase your quota, think again about whether setting up auto-archiving would be a good option, because... increasing the quota will still not be too large and may not meet the storage space requirements.

The more messages you send and receive, the larger your Outlook inbox can grow. Large mailboxes may take longer to open and search, and many email providers, including Office 365, limit the maximum mailbox size. If you receive a message that your mailbox size exceeds the limit, deleting messages and folders may help you, but if you save the data in an Outlook data file (.pst), the data file size may not shrink automatically.

Note. If you use a POP or IMAP account, all of your email account information, including folders, email messages, contacts, calendar, and task information, is stored in an Outlook data file (.pst). If you use an Office 365, Exchange, or account, a copy of the mailbox will be stored in an Outlook offline data file (OST).

To reduce the size of your Outlook data file (PST), you can compress the data file. Outlook offline data files (OST) cannot be compressed. For more information, see Reducing the size of an offline data file (OST).

Search for large messages

You can search for all messages larger than a certain size in the Outlook search box. Click the search box and enter: messagesize: >5 MB. All messages larger than 5 MB will be found. You can delete some or all of these messages, or move them to another Outlook data file (.pst). For more information about moving items, see Move or copy messages between folders.

If you delete items from an Outlook data file (.pst), the file is automatically compressed in the background when the computer is not in use while Outlook is running. You can also start the compact process manually immediately. It may take several minutes for your Outlook data file (.pst) to compress. You cannot compress an Outlook offline data file (OST).

    Delete any items you don't want to keep and empty the " Deleted".

    Click file >Account Settings >Setting up accounts.

    On the tab data files Options.

    Open the tab additionally > Outlook Data File Options.

    In the Outlook Data File Options dialog box, click Compress and then click the button OK.


Means mailbox cleaning Used to view the size of the mailbox and individual folders. You can also archive old items to an Outlook Archive Data File (PST) and empty the " Deleted ".

    Open the tab File.

    Click service> Cleaning your mailbox.

    Selecting an item Finding older elements, find more items, view deleted, clear"Deleted Items" folder, or empty conflicts

Reduce the size of an Outlook data file (.pst)

If you delete items from an Outlook data file (.pst), the file is automatically compressed in the background when you are not using your computer and Outlook is running. You can also immediately run the Compact command manually. It may take several minutes for your Outlook data file (.pst) to compress.

    Open the tab File.

    Click the button Setting up accounts and select a team Setting up accounts.

    On the tab data files select the data file you want to compress and click the button Options.

    Click the button Compress.

Note: Once you compress your Outlook data file (PST), you don't need to exit Outlook.

Mailbox size management

You can use the tool mailbox cleaning, which lets you view the size of your mailbox and individual folders. You can also archive old items to a Personal Folders archive (PST) file and empty the " Deleted ".

    On the menu Service select item Cleaning your mailbox.

    Select an item View mailbox size, Finding older elements, find more items, view deleted, clear"Deleted Items" folder View conflict size or empty conflicts to complete the required task actions.

Email losses are mainly due to DBX corruption. When you receive emails in your mailbox, those messages are stored in a single file, usually called a DBX file. DBX files are provided with a DBX extension and are named according to the folder in which the emails are located. If the DBX file is damaged, there are several ways to fix it. This article discusses two methods to recover a damaged DBX file. The first method is the compression method. It uses a compression utility to compress and remove inconsistencies or redundant information in the DBX file. The second method is the forwarding method, which attempts to move all emails from the damaged folder to the working folder.

Outlook stores emails, address book entries, and other data in a PST (Outlook Personal Store) file. If you saved a PST file or need information from another PST file, restore it from Outlook. Losing this information can be scary, but Outlook makes it really easy to recover the data so you can recover your Outlook contacts and email.

Imagine that your Outlook Express email database has been deleted or your file system has become corrupted. In this case, you need a file recovery tool. Regular removal tools usually scan your hard drive and list a number of files with corrupted or corrupted filenames. What is the purpose of this information if you only need your email database?

Using the compression utility

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. In Outlook Express, select Work Offline from the File menu to stop each transfer.
  2. In the folder list, click Outlook Express to make sure no email or message folders are open.
  3. Close the folder list by clicking the X in the top right corner of the list pane.
  4. From the File menu, select Folder, then Compress All Folders.
  5. This may take a few minutes.

Use Stellar Outlook Express Email Recovery to Receive Your Emails

Outlook Express Recovery Tool is capable of recovering damaged DBX files very easily and creates a new DBX file without writing anything to the real DBX file and users can use this unlinked DBX file in Outlook Express as they are free from each other. Outlook Express Recovery will extract emails from Outlook Express and allow users to save recovered emails in DBX and EML file formats. The software recovers Outlook Express email folders that are damaged due to the same reasons as virus attack, errors like folder compression, antivirus scanning, etc. The software recovers Outlook Express email folders that are damaged due to the same reasons, like a virus attack.

Outlook Express Recovery Tool is a standalone program designed to recover dbx files and restore Outlook Express email to its original folder structure (a separate subfolder is created on your hard drive for each Outlook Express folder). Another great feature of this software is that it allows you to view emails in damaged DBX files before recovery! So you can choose between a complete Outlook Express database recovery or recovery of your most important messages from a dbx file. The program also allows you to extract attached files! Use the simple GUI to retrieve files and messages and let the app do the rest!

Who benefits from using Outlook Express Recovery?

  • Outlook Express Users - Recover Email Folders and Recover Lost Emails
  • Administrators - allow users on the corporate network to edit Outlook Express folders under their own identification, installing the software on all computers.
  • IT Consultants - Help your clients recover Outlook Express folders, add value to your services to the client by providing a simple and effective solution to the recurring problem of corrupted Outlook Express folders.

List of main characteristics:

  • Recover information from *. DBX files for Outlook Express 5, 5.5, 6.
  • Microsoft Outlook Express 2GB Recovery: Retrieve messages from files larger than 2GB.
  • Save the data in separate *.EML files.
  • Recover deleted messages.
  • Recover email in different formats: plain text, RTF and HTML.
  • Recovering emails with attached files.
  • Restore folder structure and types when saving individual *.eml files.
  • Batch recovery mode for *.dbx files.
  • A simple and convenient data recovery wizard in the .dbx file recovery tool.
  • Selective backup of recovered emails.
  • Compatible with Windows 98, NT 4.0, 2000, Me, XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1 and Windows 10.

To recover an Outlook Express folder

  1. Install the software on your computer.
  2. Launch Outlook Express Recovery
  3. Please select the folder containing Outlook Express DBX files.
  4. Select DBX files to recover
  5. Click the "Start Recovery" button.
  6. Select a folder to save the recovered message
  7. Save all messages by clicking the "Save All" button.
  8. Please create a new empty Outlook Express folder.
  9. Select the .eml files in Windows Explorer using the Shift + or Ctrl + keys.
  10. Drag the selected .eml files to the Outlook Express folder.

To make repairs even easier, the program provides export and import wizards that help you identify accounts, select messages, and save them in a specific location. Outlook Express Recovery can also extract attachments and HTML emails so that you can recover all your valuable data and recover your email account.

Outlook Express is included in the initial installation of the Windows XP operating system and is therefore widely used among users. You don't have to pay extra for it, and Outlook Express allows you to perform basic email operations and even maintain an address book with all the necessary contact information.

The disadvantages of the email program include poor security of information storage and the lack of a backup mechanism. But the last problem can be solved manually. In practice, sometimes the task arises of reinstalling the operating system while preserving the user's personal correspondence, or the task of transferring email messages stored in Outlook Express to another computer. This is where you will need a manual backup of your existing correspondence and address book with contacts.

The email data migration process can be divided into several stages:

    Backup email messages.

    Address book backup.

    Recovering email messages.

    Address book recovery.

Backing up email messages

The most important stage. You must manually copy the files that store all your emails to another drive. But first of all, you should find out where the mail files are located in Outlook Express.

Address Book Backup

If you have a large address book or if it contains very important contact information, then they, like email messages, should be reserved so as not to lose something important.

Recovering email messages

When you start a new Outlook Express (after reinstalling Windows XP or on another computer), you can restore all previously saved messages immediately after setting up your email accounts. For this:

    Quit Outlook Express.

    Make sure that you have the option to show hidden files.

    Go to the folder in the following path "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\Microsoft\Outlook Express" and copy over the existing files, those that you reserved earlier in the first stage of this article.

    Launch Outlook Express. The Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, etc. folders will contain your old emails.

Address book recovery

You can also add contacts from the address book you saved to the CSV file in step 2 to your recovered email messages.

The appearance of the intrusive message “Outlook Express may compress messages to free up disk space” can irritate most users of this useful program. The solution to the problem, albeit with some reservations, lies in using the resources of the Windows system itself.

You will need

  • - Outlook Express 5.0;
  • - Outlook Express 6.0


  • Launch Outlook Express 5.0 and go to the Tools menu in the top toolbar of the application window to disable message compression (for Outlook Express 5.0).
  • Go to "Options" and expand the "Maintenance" link (for Outlook Express 5.0).
  • Uncheck the Compress Messages box and click OK to confirm the command (for Outlook Express 5.0).
  • Make sure that the mechanism for triggering annoying messages is clear - the number of working sessions of Outlook Express 6.0 is monitored by the system and is displayed in the registry in the Compact Check Count parameter. There is no “Compress messages” option in the application settings. The maximum allowed by the program is 100 launches, so a solution to the problem, although incomplete, may be to reset the counter to 0, after which the application can be closed using standard methods. Then the procedure will have to be repeated (for Outlook Express 6.0).
  • Click the “Start” button to open the main system menu and go to “Run” to launch the “Registry Editor” tool to reset the Outlook Express 6.0 run counter.
  • Enter regedit in the Open field and click OK to confirm the run command.
  • Expand the registry branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\6.0 and call the context menu of the Compact Check Count parameter by right-clicking.
  • Specify the "Change" command and delete the numeric value in the dialog box that opens.
  • Enter a value of 0 in the cleared field and click OK to apply the selected changes.