How to send a message to the future yourself. How to send a letter to yourself in the future or right now using Yandex.mail and why is it necessary? Weeding out everything unnecessary

Goals of the “Writing to the Future” exercise:

— consolidate the material obtained during the training;

— draw up a preliminary action plan for yourself based on the results of the training;

— evaluate the results of your activities after a certain period of time.

Action plan

1. Prepare writing paper, pens, envelopes in advance.

2. Set aside time at the end of the training: from 20 to 30 minutes.

3. Seat all the participants so that they do not interfere with each other and it is convenient for them to write.

4. Determine the period of time after which letters will be sent to all participants.

5. Write a letter to the future.

How to conduct the “Letter to the Future” exercise

In the final part of the training, the presenter gives the task to all participants to write a letter to themselves in the future.

The letter will be sent in three months (or any other predetermined period of time).

Each training participant writes a letter future person who has already applied the knowledge and skills acquired during the training, and thanks to this has achieved certain results.

“You may have questions for yourself in the future, ask them. Express gratitude to the person who has achieved his goals, be happy for him, praise him for the difficulties that he was able to overcome.”

The presenter may suggest using ready-made phrases, for example:

"I'm sure you managed to do..."

"I know you did it..."

Invite participants to list the actions they want to take at this point in the future and describe what they will do differently.

When the training participants write their letters, they will have to seal them in envelopes with their addresses indicated and give them to the facilitator.

The facilitator sends the collected letters to the participants after three months.

How to use creativity techniques

You can write a “Letter to the Future” to yourself at any time.

Describe your current state, your fears and worries, your hopes and dreams.

Be constructive: Set a specific goal and your expectations for yourself in the future. Write down what exactly you expect from yourself and how you plan to achieve it.

Ask your future self unexpected questions.

Be kind to yourself: praise yourself for the successes you have achieved and for the crushing failures that brought you new experiences.

Write yourself a letter and send it so that it arrives no sooner than a year or even two later. It depends only on your desire.

The end of our business trainings is approaching, so the task for today is very simple, pleasant and at the same time effective. Write a letter to your future self. Tell us about what is happening to you now, what you think about people, events, the world, yourself. What worries you and what makes you happy. Give useful advice to your future self and so on. If you want, write a letter to your children, give them advice, tell them about yourself. Choose the date for sending the letter yourself. It may come to you in a year, or maybe in 20 years. It's up to you. You can write it yourself (yourself), you can find an example of a letter on the Internet.

As a report, publish excerpts from this letter, for example, advice to yourself or your views. You can talk about plans or some significant event, etc. Post your report in the comments marked “Business trainings”.


Task No. 11

Business trainings

To be honest, I was carried away by this task. It turned out to be very interesting, I imagined myself in ten years, how I want to see myself at 31 years old. I sent this letter on my birthday so that the words that were written today would make me doubly happy in the future. Letters like this from the past are really interesting!

Not to grow old at heart is probably the best wish for yourself on this day after so many years.


Task No. 11.

Business trainings

Write a letter to your future self.

Hi all. The movie What Men Talk About was about writing. I wanted to write something, but it just didn’t work. It turns out that there are services. Let's see. I wrote myself a letter!

Here are a few lines:

Hello. You are now 35 years old! And when you wrote this letter, you were 30.

Hello, I. There are a lot of thoughts that I want to tell you. My very first and most important question! Have you achieved the goals you were supposed to achieve from age 30 to 35?

How are things going with your friends? At 30 years old. You communicate well with...

How is your health? At the beginning of your 30s, you set yourself a goal...

Advice my friend, my Self. If you have not yet achieved those goals...


Task No. 11

Business trainings

The letter has been written and sent!


Business trainings

Day 11.

It was a very good idea to write a letter to your future self. I sat with great pleasure and wrote line after line in my battered diary. And, as expected, I’m posting a short excerpt here.

"...I learned to appreciate what I have, I’m sure you will only develop this feeling in the future. There is nothing more important than family and you in this family, your participation. Time flies quickly, it’s about to be 26, and then 30 , and at 36, when you read these lines, you will be a completely different person. You can never stop, a man’s path is constant development.

And I’m incredibly interested to see you at 36 years old, Alexander, I’m sure you will achieve a lot. I feel what will happen next. No matter what happens, don’t stop believing in yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Without the past there is no future, remember this. You are what your past made you. Take it. Although I would like not to give you advice, but to listen to what you have to say, I think this is much more important. Smile".


Task No. 11

Business trainings

Cool assignment! I sent a letter to my future self. One of the pieces of advice I wrote to myself was “Work from the perspective of: How can I do this.”


Task 11

Business trainings

Hi Andrew!

I am sure that you have relaxed again and stopped developing. But the world hasn’t changed at all, and life has moved forward, leaving you behind. What are you doing now? Yes, I know that you train and train. It’s just that I haven’t seen first places and beautiful victories from you for a long time. Do you remember the victory in Poland in 2003 and the victory at the Russian Championship in the 50-kilometer race in 2007? And your 3:48 on vitamin C alone in the last century? Do you remember how you launched a hopeless project from scratch?

It’s just that all this happened too long ago. I’m curious, what is your main goal now? Will you remember this years from now? That's it. You stand still and do some little thing, not using your full potential. Saying that I could do something real are completely different things. But you are not letting yourself down, but those people who invested in you.

Are you making money? What for? What do you lack in life that money can buy? Andrey! You already have everything for a comfortable life. Calm down already. My essay, a letter, is intended to give you food for thought: are you living correctly, are you doing what you like, or what you need?

Have you become bored, sad and uninteresting in life? Then continue to develop and help good people develop. This is what makes you happy. Rid yourself of communication with moral monsters. They won't give you anything good, and even if they do, it won't bring you happiness.

Are you dreaming about something? Do you want your dream to come true? Then make your dream a goal. Analyze (write down) what is stopping you from achieving this goal. Write a clear plan for achieving it and start moving towards it every day. Let it be in small steps. Just go and nothing can stop you.

Do you have any unfinished business? I beg you! Why did you start then? Why did I waste so much time, money and effort. Is it hard to just take it and start finishing all the things one by one? No time? Let's go to the forest! Think about where your time goes. Maybe you could set your priorities? Stress? Have you forgotten? Your methods of getting rid of stress have long been outdated. Turn around and see how the people who started their journey next to you live.

How is your relationship with your son? Are you tired of him? Are you screaming? Does he annoy you? And take his place. Spend a day understanding his thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Maybe then you will understand the reason for all his actions, and you will be able to change everything for the better.

Okay, Andrey, as you wish, but I still have a lot to do in the coming days, because it makes me happy, and not the meaningless activities that you like to do, not understanding where the stress comes from.

If you have created an ideal world, then be kind enough to maintain order in it. Not only your life depends on it.

This is a letter to myself in the future.


And greetings again!

Report on day 12 Business trainings

Assignment: write a letter to yourself in the future.

I never did this, but when I sat down, I wrote for a very long time, to be precise, I spent 2 hours on it. He described every nuance, set goals, described his dreams. As it turns out, this is an excellent tool for boosting energy, we need to do it more often! Unfortunately, I won’t post anything, since such letters are something personal. Thanks to the organizers for such an interesting and inspiring task!


Business trainings

Task No. 11 – Letter to the future.

This morning I was surprised when I saw the assignment. What surprised me more was that there are services on the Internet that allow you to write a letter to the future. I was even more surprised that my wife had already used this service several times and wrote letters to herself in the future. She has already received some letters

I wrote a letter to myself on my 30th birthday. I will keep what I wrote in the letter for myself personally. I won't post excerpts. I would like to note that in this letter I reflected the events that I believe will happen in my life in the next 3 years. We can say that I set myself goals for the 3 years ahead. This is how the letter turned out

Thanks to the organizers for a truly positive task!


Hi all!

Business trainings

I'm a little late, so task number is past.

Assignment: learn something new and teach someone else.

Every day millions of data pass through us, the question is whether we use this information or not. Every person gets the opportunity to learn something every day, the question is will he learn from it? The most important thing is not studying for the sake of studying, but studying for the sake of practical application. It is in practice that theory acquires truth.

To be specific, at the current time I am studying in detail the development of online sales, promotion methods, SEO optimization, context and much more. All these things will greatly help me in my work, in the development of the online direction.

I have not yet passed on this knowledge to anyone, since I myself am not yet an expert in this. But during the day I had to discuss several issues regarding the management and organization of the sales department - I helped with these issues.


Letter to the future - 2.

Business trainings

Whoa, whoa, organizers, take it easy! I already sent myself a letter to the future: the period is 5 years. And now a new letter? Why write now? Well, okay, I’ll write to myself in six months. In the letter I will indicate a checklist of what needs to be closed and changed in the next six months. This will make it easier to monitor my progress and mistakes.

Hello, future me from 2016. It's spring, the blossoming of nature and life. It's time to start eating greens, vegetables and planning for summer. Here's what you (or rather I) can do next summer:

1. A trip on your own to Lake Baikal. You need cars, company, tents and 2-3 weeks of time.

2. Visit to the Altai mountains. We need money and a week and a half of time. Company is desirable, but not required.

3. A trip to Crimea on your own. We need company, at least for one car. And that means the car must be brought to mind.

4. Spending a few nights in nature away from the city: a long-standing desire to spend the night looking at the stars. Company is optional.

And here is what should be done by the spring of next year:

1. Moving to your apartment (minimum conditions - purchase of a stove and refrigerator, transportation of a wardrobe and a sofa).

2. Paying off personal debts.

3. Visit two, preferably three Golden Retriever kennels. According to the situation - purchasing a puppy for yourself.

4. Determining your future specialization and career. There must be an exact answer as to where I will work, by whom and in what company.

5. Fixing the current weight (94 kg) as the maximum weight bar.

Optional cases:

1. Rope jumping.

2. Visit your coach in person.

3. Winter swimming.

4. Coach's first pancake!

Take care of your health and don't be stupid!

There is only one life.

Best wishes, me!


Task 11

Business trainings

A very strong task.

Hello, Yuri!

A whole year has passed since this letter was written. I hope you read this letter, look at the closed goals and smile. You will say: I did it! You've been through a lot. Life is like a descending escalator. Stopping in one place is like death. To stay in one place, you need to run. Go!


I hope you gained 75 kg? Eat right. How - you know. You shouldn't practice every day. Give your muscles and nervous system a rest. Rest is very important for recovery. You know. Develop flexibility! Alternate days of physical activity and days of stretching.

Why do you need all these muscles if you can’t even tie your shoelaces? Normalize the regime! Fall asleep much earlier and get up at a clearly defined time. Yes, it's hard at first, but it will pay off! You’ll sit for a week on tea, and everything will be fine!

It seems to me that you have become dull due to the lifestyle of recent years. Read every day! You will be surprised in a year how your life will change. It's better to be smarter than dumber. Finally, start learning English every day for 20-30 minutes. You are wasting this time. Get busy! In a year you will be able to speak the language. Just get started! You have someone to help, someone to help, your girlfriend speaks four languages. Get started today!

Why do I want to send a letter to my future self? Because of your surroundings.

You weeded out your old social circle, if you could call it communication. Now you need to surround yourself with positive, goal-oriented people. Do you remember the saying - people win prizes alone, but together they win championship cups.

Parents - time goes by. Your parents are already aged. Father has cancer. Try to give him as many positive moments as possible. Don't upset me. Improve your relationship with your mother. Apologize to her. She doesn't talk to you for a reason. There will come a time when they will not be there. You will bite your elbows, but it will be too late.


As soon as you start walking without crutches, immediately get a job. First for anything, then you have ideas. Implement them. Just take it and do it. Don't sit on your ass!


It's better to spend money on experiences rather than things. Life is made up of bright moments. Mandatory for the year: rope jump, plane flight, trip to Thailand, scuba diving, climb a mountain.

Personal relationships.

Business trainings

Day 11.

The task is very interesting. In a few years, a lot will change, a lot will be forgotten. In the future, this letter will give us a boost of energy that will again fill or inspire you even more to complete your tasks and make your dreams come true.

In this letter I paid a lot of attention to my goals. And he formulated proposals, thus encouraging himself (after 10 years) to take action.

For example:

“I hope you haven’t forgotten to start traveling around the world and visit the most picturesque places on our planet. I wrote rules that must be followed regardless of age:

To do good;

Think positively;

Plan your life;


Don't forget about your relatives;

Be More Reasonable;

Don’t stop investing in your own development.”

Towards the end I want to write a recent thought that came to me.

For EVERYTHING in this world you have to pay:




With money


If you want to be strong, spend your Time and Energy on it. Get up early, go for a run, do 20 pull-ups. These are not beautiful wishes, these are instructions for action.

If you want to be healthy, watch the foods you eat, change your diet and buy a new, healthier one. Spend Time on planning your diet and Money on purchasing new ones. Temper yourself more, kill the eternal self-pity inside you, and take a cold shower.

Do you want to be smart, educated, well-read? Sign up for courses, start attending literary clubs. Start communicating with those people who have something to learn from, form your environment, and let it help you develop. Spend Energy and Time

If you want to be happy, give happiness, make people around you happy and happiness will return to you.

And these are my short wishes for you, my dear Me!


Business trainings

Day 11.

Letter to the future.

I already tried to write a letter to the future at the last training, great task! This time the letter came out in interrogative tones, mostly questions. They will come in a year, I’ll remember.

Well, a final, motivating line from the letter to conclude:

“Remember, Seryozha, time passes, and you go with it. Build your future, believe in yourself and hold on to your dreams! I believe in you, that is, myself.”


Task 11

Business trainings

(letter to my future self)

Hello. I’m writing to you, it’s 2018. I'm already 31 years old. I really want... I don’t know what to call myself... so that your cherished dream about (secret information) has already come true.

What I think about people: every person is a piece of God. People should help each other (“A lone wolf dies, but the pack lives”). I believe in people, in our superiority over other animals, we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility to decide the destinies of “our little brothers.” We decide what this world will look like.

What I think about the events: I hope ISIS has been crushed long ago, like the fascists in neighboring states. I hope the crisis is over. But most of all I hope that I do not depend on these supposed world events.

What I think about the world: The world is our home. I think the world won't change much in 3 years, maybe it will just speed up. Don’t forget that participation in this race determines your belonging to “civilized people”, that the race is not the main thing.

What I think of myself: Human.

What happens to me: I take upon myself what happens to me.


Business trainings

Hello future me!

Oh, it wasn't that easy. The problem is choosing the words in the letter. How to write a letter to yourself in the future?

Usually you write: “You’re great there, you’ve achieved everything, you and your husband go everywhere.” But what if not with your husband? If you haven't achieved it?

Therefore, I spent some time on the wording of the letter. Thanks to the organizers, I used one of the services, it was very convenient.


Task 11

Business trainings

I refuse this task because I don’t want to ruin the established tradition.

My friend and I wrote our first letter on August 6, 2008, when we were seventeen and a half years old. They wrote that now: “we are in the very wilderness of the village of Yunost”, “we are lazy in our minds, we just really want everything to come to us”; who we will be in the future: “an accountant and an economist.” It’s very nice to watch this now, to remember those thoughts, dreams, feelings. There was no date to view.

About a year later, I left for Krasnodar, and she remained in Surgut. We met at the beginning of January 2012 in Novosibirsk. I came to visit for a week, but then the following letter was not written down.

The second letter was recorded at the end of August 2014, in Crimea, I don’t remember exactly what we recorded. But it was based on the first and longer than the first time. Keep it with a friend, she is in Surgut now, and I am in Krasnodar. We have been good friends, despite time and distance, since 2003. Supports me in completing this training, knows how many points I will get before I do!

When we meet, there will be a third letter to the future! And there will be endless wishes for good. Again. We remain the same kind and naive at heart.


Task 11.

Business trainings

I want to send a letter to the future, to 2020. Exactly in 5 years, when I will be 25 years old. I won’t reveal what is written there, but it concerns the realization of one’s goals. I was able to achieve financial independence, have multiple sources of income, a great athletic body, a great vacation home, do what I love, and recently got married. This is only superficial, and more or less describes the future picture.


Task 11.

Business trainings

This task is interesting again! Yes, this is a useful thing. I myself remembered that I once wrote a diary, about 10 years ago. I was wildly delighted that I remembered him. I thought I would get great pleasure from reading it, well, let’s just say I overestimated the pleasure a little. Although it’s interesting to look once again at how and with what you were thinking.

Just as interestingwrite a letter to the future. About today's letter: I wrote myself wishes for 9 years in the future. Until 40. Some moments I can throw into this message addressed to me as wishes (although these wishes relate specifically to the current self, but still). It will be interesting to see what conclusions I draw when I read it. Was I able to live my life the way I wrote to myself?

Until I got into the rhythm, I need to keep my tone and do what I planned, and not be afraid to set difficult and daring goals. I think they really encourage me. You need to periodically feed yourself victories and not become discouraged when you lose. Yes, even if it is unsuccessful, a good attempt to solve a difficult problem in itself gives an influx of strength, but procrastination and fear deprive one of strength and faith and begins to drag him to the bottom. So, at least there’s no place without banality, but it’s not worth burying yourself in it at all.

We need to remember the daring moments more often. At the same time, you need to remember that banal and necessary decisions are steps to the intended peak, such an understanding makes banality a strong foundation, the basis of everything and gives strength when solving it, when you understand why you should do it. These bricks, in my opinion, are the most important. I hope you did this all along. Well, at least with enviable regularity. I understand that sometimes the butt also needs to be relaxed, and well!

There are also moments that bother me: (then it’s personal)

I hope you're doing great. Success and good luck in business. With love and hopes, Pavel Jr.


Business trainings

Task 11.

I sent myself a letter, told myself that I was living quite well, and naturally paid attention to my plans and intentions. Let's compare, as they say, expectation and reality, and I will be able to do this already on December 30, 2016, right before the new year, 2017.

I gave myself the task - as soon as I read it, write the next letter.

It’s also very cool that there are services that allow you to do such things.


Business trainings

Day 11, report. Assignment - Write a letter to yourself in the future.

Somewhere in early September, I listened to business coaching, and there was an exercise - the ideal morning after three years. I had to imagine my day in three years. And I presented and recorded it. I visualize it in the morning and evening, and read it. And I try every day to do something that brings me closer to this. This exercise had a huge impact on me.

I wrote a letter to myself in the future. It should arrive to me on December 31, 2016. I achieved my goals by the end of 2016. I gave myself advice:

1.Decide what you want.

2. Take an action.

3.Notice what works and what doesn’t.

4.Change your move until you achieve what you want.

I’ll probably write a letter to my future child next time.


Business trainings

Task 11.

I have never written letters to my future self. For a long time I was looking for a letter to my future self, an example. It turned out that it turned out, but from the heart.

I decided that it would come to me in 5 years. Once upon a time I kept a diary, and reading it later, after the passage of time, was very funny. I won’t quote the letter because it turned out to be quite personal. I will say that I described my life today, what I dream about and what I plan.

I wrote how I imagine my life in 5 years. It’s very interesting how it will be, whether my writing will coincide with my life or not. And let's see if email will still be used in 5 years. The main thing is not to forget to check the box!


Task 11

Business trainings

This is not the first letter to the future; the previous one was written about 5 months ago. During this time, a lot happened. There were a lot of interesting and new things, during this time there were victories, first of all, over myself. I began to understand that no matter how difficult the circumstances, there is always a solution, you just have to do it. The choice is up to me.


Task No. 11

Business trainings

Hi guys. I didn't write parts of my letter. Let it remain a secret. Let me just say that I decided to congratulate myself on my 35th birthday. I wrote a wish and direction of movement. It's a shame you can't write letters to the past! After all, Alexander will not be able to answer me in 7 years.

Just a little time left to wait


Business trainings

Task 11

I wrote down my current thoughts, dreams and plans. Parting words of advice - always be close to family and friends (even living at a distance), remain optimistic, take care of yourself, and sports, always sports!

I'll check it out in 8 years!


Report 11

Excerpt: “You are already 28 years old, a little more than five years have passed since you wrote this letter. At such moments, the meaning of the words becomes clearer than ever that life is the moment between birth and death. How have these five years passed? Have your goals been fulfilled? did you put them down or crossed them out and put new ones in? Where are you now? Are you happy?

It's time to take stock and look around. In any case, I am sure that you have something to be proud of and something to remember! There are many downs behind us, but no less ups. I really hope that you have not lost your faith in yourself, your desire to always be first, and your optimism; they will still be useful to you.

One of the initial and generalized versions, later there were revisions, detailing and expansion, but the final version turned out to be personal, and, unfortunately, I will not be able to post it.

Thanks to the organizers for the excellent task, it turned out to be much more useful than I expected when I first saw it!


Task No. 11

Business trainings - Write a letter to yourself in the future.

Well. I had to really rack my brains about how to write a letter to myself in the future. My letter (as much as 2 pages) mostly consists of questions that will remind me of what was important to me, so that I can check if I missed anything this year.

How do you like your English? I hope you are still enjoying your classes and homework. Even after a summer of practice translating 100 pages. Be sure to communicate in English - with Valya or guys from other countries.

I also included parting words and advice, in particular regarding the dissertation, attitude towards people, and one’s potential. I outlined my plans for the future, I wonder if they will be realized or if they will change radically? By the way, you can send a letter to the future even in paper form or via video message!

You can comment and discuss what you read on our

Many people cannot fulfill their dreams only because they are sure that this is not for them, others can live this way, but not them. To achieve a goal, you need a firm conviction: you deserve it, this can and should happen to you. There are many techniques for this - visualizations, affirmations, collages... Along with them you can put another method of attracting what you want into your life - a letter to yourself in the future. Those who used this technique say that by the day of the dream, almost everything that was written in the letter was fulfilled; the rest was fulfilled a little later.

How to write a letter to yourself in the future so that it works? The best way is to create it electronically and send it to your own email using a service or delayed mail application. Instructions for their use can be easily found on the Internet.

Write down in detail everything you have “accomplished” in a year or five years. Describe your desires in detail - what kind of house you want, how many rooms, in what area, what color the walls are, what’s inside, what the furnishings are. But don’t write “I want” - write “I have.”

If you are married, then describe what kind of relationship you have with your significant other - how attentive and caring you are to each other, what you do in your free time. If you are still searching, describe your future chosen one in detail: from eye color to manner of speaking and dressing. Write down everything that is important to you, don’t miss a single detail.

Of course, it is important to indicate the level of income and how you manage it - saving for a house, making investments, buying beautiful things, and so on.

Describe every detail of your life - you read books, or you bought a dog that you have long dreamed of. The letter will be long, but it's worth it.

You definitely need to write down your feelings that you will experience about each positive change. After all, it often happens that a person bought a dream house, began to earn good money, met his soul mate, started a family - but is still unhappy. The reasons may be different - maybe he fulfilled the dreams of his parents, or maybe he put too much effort into achieving what he wanted, and nothing can please him in a state of extreme emotional exhaustion. Therefore, describe everywhere how easy and pleasant it all was for you and how happy you are now.

Do not write streamlined phrases like “I have a lot of money.” Everything should be specific - how much you earn, name the amount.

Why do I insist so much on writing down the details? People who have experienced the full power of techniques for attracting what they want often complain: everything came true, but they are not happy about it.

One woman wrote: “I want to meet a man so that he will love me, fulfill all my desires, give flowers and gifts.” It’s fulfilled, but there’s no happiness – because she doesn’t love him. She didn't say anything about it...

There is no need to write down ways to achieve goals in the letter. The Universe is smarter than us, it will find ways to realize your desires. And sometimes they may not be entirely pleasant. We can even lose everything and start from scratch empty-handed, and this path will lead us to our dreams.

The controversial question is whether it is worth re-reading the letter before the X-day. Some advise re-reading, others do not. The first claim that by regularly reviewing the letter, we will always remember our goals and try to implement them by the target date. Adherents of the second option say: the essence of writing is to plant goals in the subconscious and send a message into space - they will not go away from there. And it’s even better if you completely forget about the letter - it will be much more interesting to find out how accurately it came true. What to do is up to you.

Which date should I choose? The most interesting thing would be to send yourself a letter on your birthday, and at the same time congratulate yourself and your loved one. Imagine waking up on a holiday morning, and in your mailbox there is a letter from yourself from two years ago. It's nice!

While working on a letter, you may feel that it is very difficult to write down some dreams; some kind of rejection and internal resistance are preventing you from writing. It may be funny - well, it’s not me, it’s the hero of some glamorous American TV series!.. But don’t get distracted - write, this will remove certain psychological blocks that we have set to achieve our goals.

Looking at successful people, we often think: what do they have that we don’t have? Why were they able to do what millions of other people could not? One of the differences is that they know exactly what they want. And a letter to our future self will help us understand this issue.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

These letters were written by people who realized that the person closest to you is yourself. And that it would be nice to at least talk to this loved one. Get acquainted. Make friends. And that he - “I” - needs our attention and our love. The letters are followed by replies: as a rule, with warm feelings in return, but, curiously, not so enthusiastic. The answers are calmer, more realistic and restrained.

And sometimes, as you will see, they are quite aggressive.

As I understand it, the alignment of the authors here is as follows: I, who wrote the letter, am most likely the suddenly awakened, tender Master, telling the horses (and the crew as a whole) about his love for them, and also giving them all my Smart Instructions. And the one who wrote the answer is the living I, the one who actually takes us through life...

The letters, like the answers, are presented without proofreading and without comments. They speak best about themselves.

Real letters from real people

Research was carried out in Sinton in the mid-90s.

Sasha Loginov

Hello Sunshine!

I am very glad to have this opportunity to write a few lines to you. How often have you and I had to, wittingly or unwittingly, deceive each other. Today I will be sincere and open: I have loved you for a very long time! At first I didn’t realize this, I thought that you could love for something: for great merits and achievements, embodiment and overcoming, courage and beauty... My God, how stupid I was!!! I am happy that you, my beloved, are next to me as you are. I can be happy and sad with you, very hard and very easy, I can be happy and unhappy with you. Thank you...


Hello, my dear!

I always told you that words are a “reflection of a reflection”, let’s finally meet!!!


Hello, my dear, dear. How rarely do I talk to you! How ashamed I am for my carelessness. And now I want to tell myself how much I love myself. For the fact that I am, so alive and real. How lucky I am to be like this. What hair and eyes I have! What hands I have, flexible, full, soft and affectionate, hardworking and skillful! What legs I have, fast, strong, beautiful! What a body I have! It is obedient, smooth, sensitive, and at the same time can become strong and tough, like a stretched string. What a happy character I have, because I am cheerful, kind, smart, strong, bright and active. I will make a fortune for someone, how I envy the one who gets me! And today I’m simply amazing, how blue suits me! And in general, I’m always gorgeous, always in shape. But, gold, you and I are in poor health, so we need to take care of ourselves as soon as possible.


You know, I completely agree with you! You, my narcissistic soulmate, are right about almost everything. It's good that you love me so much, it brings me joy and peace. I will no longer, as before, twitch and rush from black to white in assessing myself, because now I am sure that I love myself any way. I realized that the most important thing is peace with yourself, and it exists, and it is joy.

Alexander Tuzov

Hello, Sanya!

I miss you very much. Just think, I haven’t written to you for 28 years. All this time I lived and did not notice that you exist in the world...

I used to look around and everywhere: in the family, at work, in transport, in the theater (it doesn’t matter where) - I saw a lot of interesting, beautiful people. But why didn’t I notice You, because You were always next to me? How blind I was. And only recently have I begun to understand that you are the most, the most. And I don’t need any other self.

I have a lot to blame for you. All my injuries to my soul and body are on my conscience. I promise that from now on and forever I will treat you very carefully, warmly, and worthy of you. And I won’t let anyone (even the most charming woman) fool you around her finger.

But all this is not the main thing. The main thing is that we are together. Sincerely yours, Alexander Tuzov.


My dear! I’ll write you an answer right away. I feel very good now, I feel happiness and joy. And even those few clouds that remain in my sky, I watch with interest and know that tomorrow morning there will be no trace of them. Because I love you too!


Hello my dear. It’s been a long time since I talked to you normally - we argue all the time, swear, fight with each other endlessly - first one gains the upper hand, then the other. I have a proposal for you: let's end this civil war. After all, we love each other, we love the body in which we live. Let's be friends. Or maybe we will rule alternately: one time you, the same time I. Let's respect each other. I love you. Forgive me that I have very little time for a friendly conversation with you, for words of love for you. I am sending you a kiss with a letter. Waiting for an answer. Stas.


Hello guy. You rolled your lips: I want peace, friendship, and rule one by one. I sneezed at your suggestions. Who wants to talk to you? Now I’ll pull your pants, they’ll fall off, and while you’re climbing down to get them, I’ll take your place and won’t let you get close to me. And you love me, because I’m good. Flag in your hands. I'm tired of you often defeating me, giving me a bone in my teeth, patting me on the head and saying rejoice. I wish I could crush you, but okay, let's go.

What is a letter to the future? This is an amazing opportunity to send a post date letter. “Why is this needed?” - you ask. It's very simple: you can write a letter to the future, just to send yourself a message from the past, to remind yourself of an important event, or maybe to wish your loved ones a happy holiday.

Changing reality

But most importantly, writing to the future can be a great exercise that sets you up for success; a ritual that can change your life for the better! Imagine your ideal day, in which all your dreams have already come true and you feel like an absolutely happy person. Visualize every little thing: from where you live and what kind of people surround you, to the aromas in the air and your inner feelings.

Introduced? Now describe this ideal day in detail in your letter to yourself, but write in the present tense, as if this happy future has already arrived. After that, send a letter to yourself with a postponed date so that it comes to you in 1-3 years. This way you will launch a powerful program to fulfill your cherished desires. At the same time, sooner or later you will forget about this letter, i.e. let go of the desire. And this, as you know, is very important.

When you hear from yourself a few years later, you will be surprised that much of what you wrote has already come true.

How to send a letter to the future

To send a letter to the future, click the “Write” button in the picture, then fill in all the fields in the screen that opens: enter the subject and text of the letter, your email address and select the date for delivery of the letter. Then click the "Submit" button.

Good luck and fulfillment of your wishes!

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