Manual for creating SEO doorways. Doorway Doorways in mail in the Spam folder

True, it didn’t bring me anything good. But at least they didn’t reset the indicator, which is good news.
Finished the other day Seostein's doorway marathon, in which I also took part. Didn't take any prizes, because... drained traffic from his doorways not to SmartBucks, but to LimonCash. Why? Because they still have a paid platform for adult videos, which did not fall under the Kaspersky phishing filter.

with other novice doorway developers:

-> conditionally I take 13-14th place.

Doorway(from the English doorway - front door, portal) or entrance page - a type of search spam, a web page specially optimized for one or more search queries with the sole purpose of getting it to high places in the search results for these queries. Sometimes a doorway is also called a whole website consisting of such pages.

I will highlight three main type doorways (conditional names):

  1. Automatic doorway
  2. Handmade half-doorway
  3. Pseudodoorway

Automatic doorway

If you want to earn a lot of money on doorways, then get ready to invest a lot. First you need to buy Dorgen to automatically create doorways, select a keyword parser and decide on the direction. Then you will need to master Denver, the work of Dorgen and the parser, creating templates, buy good hosting and domains (it is assumed that you already know at least the basics of website building, otherwise you don’t even have to bother with doorways). After creation, the doorway will remain in the index for several ups, bring you a lot of traffic and money, and then everything needs to be done again. There are a lot of detailed manuals on the Internet, I don’t see the point in writing another copy. Here, as Seostein correctly says, you need to do doorway pages every day and as much as possible. I took a different route, taking into account the information I received on the marathon forum.

Handmade half-doorway

Selecting a platform and template

What gets into the index the fastest these days (with the exception of long-established portals)? Blogs! On some blogging platforms, search engines simply live, which allows you to push material into the index very quickly. So experiment with different free blogging platforms. Look, in some places there is a delay in indexing new blogs, in others there is poor functionality, some are not indexed at all by Yasha and Gosha. There are a lot of free templates on the Internet. Here you also need to select the optimal one by trial.

Selection of keywords

Don’t leave your keyword search entirely in the hands of a soulless machine. Not everything that a free tool from Yandex or Google gives you will bring traffic and money. For some keywords that may appear there, there is no traffic at all. Register on thematic forums, for example, on Pornolab, see what drones are interested in, what is relevant. And don't make keywords from an unrelated set of words. Do you think someone will search for a jerk-off video using the phrase “hardcore sex video download”? In addition, such headlines on your doorway are another reason for search robots to turn their angry gaze on you. Use the keyword in the tags, title, and make it bold in the text. It’s best to make one doorway for one keyword, but this is too labor-intensive, so mix similar keywords into one doorway.


There is room for your imagination here. From my own experience I can say that if you have an optimal template, it will go with a bang! even a simple copy-paste. I do this: 1 keyword per article with the addition of or . Keep your keyword density to no more than 5%. And it is desirable that the key be in the “meta” of our blog. If there are no places there, then it doesn’t cost us anything to make a new blog. Be sure to add a picture and a “login” button to the paysite, which we hide under the cut and close in nofollow and noindex.


There is no need to add 50 pages on the very first day of the life of our semi-doorway blog. It’s best to write 5-10 optimized posts every day until the site is included in the index. For reliability, you can link doorways to each other. Also, for speedy indexing, you can run them through social bookmarking services or buy them for a day or two in Sapa Links. As soon as the doorway has entered the index, feel free to add new posts to the stream.


Essentially we are making a free platform. We create a website, add erotic stories, photos, pictures to it, upload several clips for adults. Those. We are making a regular porn site. The most important thing is not to give your visitors too much material. The main goal is to interest the drone so that it clicks, in the hope of getting more, on the paid banner, which needs to be abundantly flavored with our site ( don't forget nofollow and noindex!). Alternatively, you can compose pages like this: a title, a description with keywords, a small clip, screenshots, a block “another video” or “video in better quality” with a link to a paysite.
Unlike a half-doorway, a drone can visit your pseudo-doorway several times, checking to see if a new free video has appeared. And your task is to occasionally add a couple of new clips to the site.

Here we will briefly describe for which topics when creating doorways you need to choose one or another type of traffic drain and, in general, methods of working with doorways in different topics.

Casino and other gaming topics

In these topics, we recommend using banners in doorways because due to the fact that the topic is extremely competitive, doorways try to do everything, as well as satellites and other traffic-generating sites. Therefore, in order to get good traffic in this topic and make doorway pages live long and develop successfully, it is better to use banners, backgrounds, chats and other similar types of traffic drain. In some situations, you can show banners to everyone, for example, mobile traffic, or from certain browsers, if the filters in the TDS match, it can be drained by redirect. The main thing is not to drain all the traffic with a redirect, but be sure to leave most of it on the doorway to create a behavioral factor.

Trade topics

In trading topics, it is also advisable not to send people away with redirects, at least until the doorways speed up and start generating a lot of traffic. In general, it is ideal when you have a price list (uploading with pictures and prices) and create doorways in cartoon mode, so that on each page of the doorway there is a picture of your product, its cost, an official description (closed from indexing), a button to go to the product (when clicked the button is redirected via tds to your store for this particular product) and below all this is the parsed and generated doorway text. This type of traffic draining allows you to create seemingly ordinary store pages with a product catalog and its description, due to the fact that there is no forced redirect, users can continue to climb the doorway, looking at the products and studying their descriptions, thereby creating a good behavioral factor. You can also put an online support chat code on such doorways so that people would write to consultants and ask questions, thereby interest- ing customers even more. Such doorways can be developed over the years by purchasing links to them, etc. and many of them can carry very good traffic depending on the topic.

Industry and manufacturing

In these topics, as a rule, doorways go very well due to the fact that few people make doorways for such things. Such topics include any production, such as heat exchangers, fireplaces, combines, stoves, monuments and much more. In such topics, we recommend using a redirect in doorways to direct all people directly to the target site to the desired page or contact page, since people will immediately contact support. If you wish, you can, of course, make doorways with banners in such topics, but as practice shows, redirects are more popular and provide more benefits.

Banks and loans

Nowadays, this topic is flooding the Internet and it seems that there is already a huge number of doorways on it, so there is no point in doing this. But in fact, in any field of activity, doorways can work and create competition; the main thing is to carefully analyze your competitors and understand why their sites, be they doorways, satellites or others, are in the top. Based on this, you can set the appropriate generation algorithm that will create doorways that search engines like. In such topics, of course, it is better to create doorways without a redirect, so that they develop over a long time and safely. You can install feedback forms, banners, and even contact pages on them. All generated content can be lowered below so that visitors who enter the doorway do not see it. Displaying banners, forms and other things can also be done through TDS and you can set any filters to whom and what content to show.

Medicine and real estate

The topics are extremely competitive and therefore it is not easy to start on doorways in them, and if in many topics the doorways begin to generate traffic after a week or two, then in these topics it takes about 4 weeks, and it is advisable to strengthen the links to the doorways with runs. In these topics, you can use both banners and redirects and see what brings you more applications or sales. Not everyone clicks on banners and not always (it very much depends on the type of banner itself and how much it attracts), with a redirect you can send every last visitor to your website or landing page. Many people choose redirect.

In any topic, you can receive traffic from doorways, the main thing is to optimize the generation algorithms for the selected topic.

If you have questions about the topic you need to create doorways, just write to us for a consultation and we can roughly calculate what kind of traffic you can expect in the topic you need.

It's time create our doorway, so I will answer the question of how to make a doorway. Since in the examples for parsing I cited dating keywords, that is, dating, we will work with the Eropays dating affiliate program - similar adult dating affiliate programs are now showing a burning envelope.

To get started, register in the Eropays affiliate program. I advise you to read the Rules and FAQ section so that fewer questions arise. Let's start generating doorway. Download - this is a free desktop Dorgen, which I really like. Of course, it is not without some shortcomings, but it is still very good. By the way, the author sells a paid version for 30wmz with support for console mode and many small fixes. Attention:Requires .NET Framework 2.0 installed

We launch Dorgen, the main window opens.

Below we see three checkboxes:

  • Relink doorways. We are removing it, because it does not work and causes an error. It works in the paid version, it’s useful, but not critical, the roads will come out if desired and without linking.
  • Save URLs of all pages. We don't need this function, we'll disable it.
  • After creation, upload all the doors via FTP. We also disable it, because Dorgen does not support multi-threaded filling mode. Any FTP client that supports this function will handle it much faster.

We get that all three checkboxes are not active. Click on the button Settings, located on top. In the settings you can select a template, adjust keyword density, etc. Please note that after changing these settings, you must click the Save Profile button, otherwise the changes will not be saved. The default settings are quite acceptable to create our first doorway, then change it to taste if you want to experiment.

Attention!!! Be sure to uncheck the checkbox Change the names of script files, styles, images. Otherwise it will not generate - it will throw an error.

What about doing doorway whether redirect or non-redirect is up to you. I am a supporter of non-redirect roads - they will live longer. Therefore, check the Redirectless box, and check the box below - Your own code, but don’t write anything there. If you work with film traffic, you can insert the film traffic popunder code there, or something similar. In this case, leave the Own code field empty.

It's time to make a template doorway to suit our needs. JakoDorgen templates are stored in the Templates folder. We go in and make a copy of a template, for example Flat. Now we need to create a clickable promo for the doorway. Promo in this case is a picture that will take 99% of the attention of the user who ends up on doorway. How to get such a promo? Here are some ways:

  1. Draw. For those who own -)
  2. Search the Internet for good thematic pictures
  3. Screen the landing page of the Eropays affiliate program itself and paste a screenshot into our door. To begin with, let's do just that. You will find the link to the landing page in your admin panel.

So, we’ve created the landing page, you need to insert it into page.html of your template. Use some html editor. On the sides, I advise you to put some banners of a similar theme, for example Conveer affiliate programs. Don’t forget to attach your affiliate hyperlinks to your promos and banners!

As a result, you will end up with something like this (doorway example, screenshot clickable):

All doorway It didn’t fit into my screenshot, it’s the top part that catches the user’s eye. I’m lucky with my partner, he’s a good designer and draws promos for me. So I can share with the refs our promo and several dating-themed banners. Let me note that ideally your doorways should be no different from regular websites. Yandex loves such doorways.

Now we have everything prepared to create a doorway. By the way, I advise you to add a project for door generation not in the program itself, but by editing the proj.txt file (located next to the exe program). Let's take it apart piece by piece. The project should look like: -domain name is indicated
title=The hottest dating! -will be written in the title of index.html
headcaption=Meet you? - inscription at the top of the door
keywordsfile=D:\vasha_papka\key.txt -path to keywords
textfile=D:\vasha_papka2\text.txt - path to text
options=dating -selected profile
status=0 -Status should be = 0.
By quickly editing proj.txt, you can create projects for a large number of doorways in a short time, click the generate button, and go have some tea. After editing proj.txt Launch Dorgen, doorway projects will become visible on the main page of the program. All that remains is to launch Dorgen and select the folder for creating Dorgen on your hard drive.

This fascinating process is nothing more than self-learning. This is a simple thing, but in fact most people do not understand it. And there are practically no such people among doorway developers, because without this there is nowhere there.

Also, if you are a complete beginner, it makes sense to look into the lurka and read what interesting things there are about doorways. Lurka is a very good source of information, where everything is usually complete, truthful, as it is. I am not kidding. Try to look for information on a topic you know in a journal and make sure that the question is covered there absolutely objectively and adequately. In particular, for dramas:

So, when we already have some kind of primary idea about the roads, it becomes interesting to look at them. See fully how they are structured and work. And here we come across a certain “ility”, because among doorway workers it is considered a kind of ethics to “not light” the door. This is understandable - few people are interested in breeding competitors, or putting their projects, especially income-generating ones, at risk. Therefore, you can and should find other people’s roads on your own.


The following is purely original research by the author for informational purposes only. If you, the reader, have discovered your dors, or nedabog of the grid, here, then this is just a reason to work on your methods, develop and improve. Any presentations in the style of “it’s not good to shoot” are not taken into account. Moreover, everything is shown as delicately as possible, just in screenshots. And you yourself spammed them in the comments on my sites. Be more careful :)

Why can it be difficult to find roads?

First of all, you need to understand where to look for them. On forums where doorway managers and other sympathizers communicate, you will most likely be sent to look for them in the search results. But if you have absolutely no idea and have never seen them before, you most likely won’t be able to find anything. Even if you can get the desired output using some ultra-low-frequency speakers.

Often because the doorway will redirect you directly to where the doorway manager is sending traffic. If this is a regular redirect, then of course you will notice it. But there are more advanced methods of draining traffic - cloaking and frames.

In these cases, you will not see anything at all, no redirects - when you go from the search results, what the door designer intended will immediately be shown.

This is how they pour it through the frame to the pharmacy store. But in fact, there is a door on this domain, and of such shitty quality that it’s fucked up. This is what search engines see:

These things are usually done using javascript. Because Google and Yandex search engines do not know how to execute it; they “see” the generated page. And when a person comes there, js is executed in his browser, and he ends up where he needs to go - to the store. Framing methods are based on this. Although it can be done more cleverly, without js, using filtering by user-agent, but this is a different level, and usually most door development developers don’t bother like that. This is called cloaking. Therefore, we will not consider how to recognize this and what to do in this case for now.

Therefore, in order to find and watch other people’s films, the first thing you need to do is disable javascript in your browser.

How to disable javascript?

This is a simple matter. In Firefox, the easiest way is to type about:config into the address bar, search for javascript and click on it to switch it to false.

Now you can view the roads and understand how they are arranged.

Another way is to view the source code of the page. If you do not have JavaScript turned off in your browser, but you suspect that you are on the doorway, simply open the source code of the page using the Ctrl+U key combination. Of course, you won’t see it clearly, but you can and should clearly determine that it is a doorway and understand the internal structure and operating principle of the doorway using this method.

How to find roads in search results?

This requires experience, of course. The easiest way to find doorways is described as follows. But first, let’s try to “eat the frog” - that is, deal with the most difficult thing. To find dora in search results, you need to take very low-frequency queries. Moreover, the more inadequate and lengthy the request, the greater the likelihood of finding the door. Well, for example, in a download niche, perhaps the easiest way to find it is something like this:

Characteristic features of a door in search results:

  1. The snippet contains a jumble of text.
  2. The headings contain a bunch of words without punctuation or special meaning.
  3. The domain is also without much meaning, and often not related to the topic and niche, or generally just a set of letters, often numbers. This happens because domains often rise on “drops” - expired abandoned domains that were previously used by someone.

This is roughly what it looks like:

At first glance, this is an ordinary forum. That's what it's all about. In the download niche, such doorways probably work best. There is also an option in the form of replies to mailru, etc.

How to search for doorway and satellite networks by IP?

We can immediately try to burn the mesh. Let's look at what IP the dor lives on:

Oh, I just got lucky, it’s a Dedik or VPS. Moreover, friends have 🙂 by the way, an excellent hoster for dora, anti-RKN, adult, and all that. I myself learned about it from doormen and also keep doors there.

Well, here is the mesh:

And there is all this farming created using similar technology for the same niche.

Then, there is also such a thing as “signs”. These are some unique fragments in doorways of the desired theme, dorgen. Let's say there is some unique piece of text, perhaps a server error that sometimes gets into the index, and something like that. I use doors on WordPress, so I know some of the signs of such doorways. Therefore, it is not difficult to find roads and nets on them.

Here are a couple for interesting niches:

Dors for loans. The whole grid is also glowing there, but I won’t shoot it, you’ll have to look for it yourself.

And here are the doors on WordPress for the essay niche in the city:

I recently read a case about this niche on some blog from the Babloklik feed, and I added it to my list to research the niche to see if there are any gaps in it. And then the opportunity presented itself - I found a door.

Searching for comments in spam comments on your WordPress sites

Almost every site is trying to spam doorway developers. I don’t know what these people are hoping for, but in spam on almost any site made on WordPress, there are usually hundreds, and sometimes thousands of comments with links to roads. This method is the coolest, in my opinion.

Here is a grid of excellent adult films.

The doors are not bad. What’s interesting is that it has micro markup registered. I’ve been planning to implement it on my tubes for a long time, by the way, I can’t get around to it. There is an assumption that traffic on the tube will increase sharply with the addition of such a feature.

How to find doorway networks

We try to ping and take the IP address of any road and shove it into the checkbox. I have previously shown a tool for discovering domains on a single IP.

Here, moreover, the person does not bother, he is clearly scorched by entire nets. And these are only second-level domains. And he also uses subdomains on each.

Here are the doras in the comments on another site:

Please note - 6k comments. There you can generally find “themes” for every taste. Landing pages, landing pages, tubes, farming, leaking through frames, cloaking - all doorway technologies are in spades.

Here are some interesting finds:

They put it on the right, got it?) By the way, this person with 1C has good protection in the form of cloudflare, so it won’t be possible to burn the mesh using the method described above.

And there are also such cute pictures:

Here, too, you won’t be able to burn the mesh. Interestingly, it was not possible to view the page code. I downloaded it, opened it with an editor and there are 135k lines, and most of them are empty. A strange approach, but apparently needed for some reason.

And here's what else there is.

Landing phishing under Quark! Of course, I didn’t hesitate to steal it and use it in action.

And here is the exit to the grid from here:

They also make roads on forum engines:

Doorways in mail in the Spam folder

Mail. Everyone has mail. With hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of letters in Spam folders. Often in several boxes.

Look there and browse periodically and you will find not only doorways. But also a bunch of options, schemes and ideas for arbitrage, sales and marketing. Well, I went in, looked at the list, and decided to look at this letter:

Mesh. Here's an example of a nice little door for a burgh:

Dora on social networks

Yes, don’t forget that doors don’t have to be on separate domains, in the form of static files or CMS. The doorway must be indexed in search and carry traffic - this is the only necessary and sufficient condition for its existence. Keys and titles decide. In the advanced version - behavioral factors.

Based on this, Dors can be pages on any social networks and services. A classic well-known example is the dora on Googledocs. More pdf doorways. And even in this Youtube of yours (sic!).


Twitter is especially loved by doorway developers. There are special programs for spam on Twitter.

Or this option, a link between a spamodor on Twitter and a dor on VKontakte:

Dory VKontakte

Doorways on Youtube

Order doorways, ask doorway designers for examples

Yes, now there is such an opportunity. People provide doorway grid creation services. And while you are a potential customer, you can ask the seller for examples of crafts. I did this on Quark, for example. I ordered a couple of doorways there.

They usually answer normally and show examples of roads. Although there are also clowns like this:

This one eventually agreed to show the test one, but it ended up being lost.

Well, I guess that’s all I have for today regarding methods of searching and fawning. In general, I got up to speed here and, in continuation of the quark theme, I wrote about my own . But there is one more post there, so I took it out separately.

You know, it happens like this, you sit, drink some tea and bam, you think - I should do doorways! So what? I have experience in white SEO, I should try black SEO too. In general, I started studying this issue. Frankly, I didn’t know anything about this, so I had to watch a lot of videos and read other blogs.

Oddly enough, if by searching “how to make a blog” or “website” you will find a bunch of manuals and comprehensive articles, then everything is bad with the dramas. If there is anything, then the information is outdated or “water with water”, and in general doorway developers are secretive people, they do not share willingly, because everyone thinks that he has sacred knowledge and if he “burns the topic”, he will become impoverished. So it’s true, why create competitors for yourself? Anyway.

Instructions for creating a doorway

After searching the Internet, I realized what I needed to create doorways, and so here is my starter kit:

  1. Doorway generator Pandoraboxx (I chose it because it has quite rich functionality and a simple interface). Price approximately $100.
  2. X-parser text parser (in general there are quite a lot of parsers, I chose this one for its simplicity and functionality). Discount price $35.
  3. Image parser (plugin that came with Pandoraboxx).
  4. Youtube video parser (plugin that came with Pandoraboxx).
  5. Denver is a local server.
  6. Keyword parser Key Collector (1,800 rubles) or free Slovoeb.

At first I tried to look for “broken” or, as they say, nulled versions of the Collector, but I will tell you that if you want to do something seriously, you don’t need to skimp on tools. Yes, and there is no hacked Key Collector on the network with normal operation. Buy the paid version on the official website or use the free Slovoeb.

Keywords and domains for the doorway

In general, the time has come to choose a topic. I wanted to try myself in all directions: services, goods, downloads, dating, etc. In general, in everything.

It was decided to start with a partner program for air tickets from aviasales, they have interesting conditions and good tools. I didn't bother with analyzing keys and competing with them. I just went and collected what I could through Key Collector and it turned out to be about 30,000 keywords. I decided to divide this amount into 6 sites, 5,000 keys each. This is logical, since doorways are a risky thing and can get caught by filters. And indexing will go faster. For this purpose, I took 6 domains in the ru and RF zones (3 for each). Domains are “freshly registered”, that is, not trust.


One of the reasons why I decided to take this topic is the availability of various forms for ordering tickets that can be customized (configured) and placed on your website. Well, I looked at the search results for “air tickets” and realized that all the sites there are one, they have a common scheme. Well, I thought, what will stand out from the crowd, I took a nice website from the top as a basis and completed its template.

I made the site according to the principle of 1 word - 1 page. This may not be correct! The site did not have category templates or a home page. That is, all the pages followed the same principle and were linked to each other randomly. In general, complete chaos, just the way I like it.

It is worth adding that the site looked like a site for people, since widgets occupied most of the visible part of the site, and no one reads the text anyway.

Adding to the webmasters panel is required!

After generating doorways and uploading them to the hosting, I did not do any actions other than adding them to Yandex and Google webmasters with sitemap.xml feeding. I didn’t buy links or do any runs.