Tuning the Optim 270 radio to wave 27. How to open the Optim radio stations

Optim radios buy Anyone can visit our specialized store on favorable terms.

Optim radios with prices, acceptable for organizations and private vehicle owners, have won great respect and trust in the domestic market.

Radio station Optim from the Soyuz SV company, this is the optimal choice for truckers and taxi drivers.

The Soyuz SV company was founded not so long ago (in 2012), but already, after several years of work, it has become one of the most promising brands in the 27 MHz communication equipment market. The main direction of the brand specializes in the creation and development of civil communication devices, taking into account the wishes of users, therefore the line of equipment Optim is in great demand among truck drivers and taxi drivers.

Radios Optim, buy which you can find in the Geotelecom online store, have wide user capabilities and high technical characteristics.

Optim radios and their price become a competitive offer, meeting the expectations of owners with excellent performance. All Optim radio models feature the following advantages:

  • Radio stationsOptim have frequency and amplitude modulation. The models are easy to use as a base or car radio. Possibility of use in several modes makes the work of cargo carriers and passenger transport workers easier. Walkie-talkies provide stable communication without failures or interference, which is important when performing group work or tasks.
  • Models have increased range and signal reception. In comparison with devices of the same class, but of a different brand, Optim radio station has more favorable price/quality ratios.
  • All Optim models have automatic squelch function, which makes working with the radio easier and more comfortable.
  • Walkie-talkies have non-volatile memory. Saved modes do not have to be reconfigured when the radio is disconnected from the battery or the vehicle's on-board network.
  • Radios Optim have additional function of quick switching to the emergency channel in case of emergencies.

Modern technologies allow us to always stay in touch, regardless of where we are, the weather, or the presence or absence of cellular networks. All this is possible thanks to radio communications - a type of communication that uses radio waves of different frequencies as an information carrier. Today, the majority of the radio equipment market is represented by walkie-talkies and radio stations, which can be used as a means of communication for motorists and the military, security guards and hunters, fishermen and skiers. A simple solution buy a walkie talkie sometimes it saves you in difficult situations when you need to call for help or convey particularly important information. But it is not always possible to achieve excellent quality of the radio reception and transmission signal.

This is largely due to the fact that the selected radio needs to be adjusted to the desired wavelength. That is, initially any walkie-talkie, whether amateur or professional, may not operate at full power or may operate with interference. Modern digital walkie-talkies do not require configuration, since they have a built-in button that allows you to automatically adjust the device to the required radio wave. The rest of the radios can be divided into portable (wearable) and car (stationary). Setting up walkie-talkies These two types are similar in many ways, although they have their own characteristics.

Setting up walkie-talkies

Portable radios in the amateur band (433-434 MHz) do not require registration with a radio frequency center, so setting them up is a fairly simple process. Before purchasing, you need to find out whether the radio supports replaceable antennas, in case you want to increase the power of the radio. Also, an important point in the operation of portable radios is their adjustment to each other. To do this, you need to set the same channel number and subcode on each radio. Only in this case, the selected radios will work harmoniously with each other. To send a message, just press and hold the talk button. After releasing the button, the radio waits for reception from another device. An important element of setting up a portable radio is the choice of call sign (individual identification signal). This can be any alphabetic or numeric alias that will be unique to the selected radio system.

Further setting up a walkie-talkie includes setting up the radio antenna. We will consider setting up the radio antenna in more detail below for car radios. For now, let's just note that to fine-tune the antenna you will need an antenna analyzer. But in many cases, to adjust the radio to a first approximation, a device called an SWR meter is sufficient. Using it, you need to adjust the antenna to the minimum standing wave ratio. Typically, an SWR value of 1.5 or less is considered optimal. It is also important to understand that the higher the SWR value of the wave, the greater the percentage of power loss during signal transmission. But in practice, achieving SWR = 1 is almost impossible. If the standing wave ratio is greater than three, then operation under such conditions can damage the transmitter stage. Thus, an untuned walkie-talkie can easily fail.

How to set up a car radio

Before as set up car radio, you need to perform some mandatory steps. They will not only increase the efficiency of subsequent setup, but also minimize the likelihood of transceiver failure in the future. Typically, a car radio is a stationary unit that is fixed in the car interior and an external antenna. It is the antenna of a car radio that plays a key role in the quality of the signal. Therefore, you need to know the basic rules when installing a car antenna.

Rules for installing a car antenna

  1. Installation of the antenna on supporting elements is prohibited. Always try to install the car antenna on a supporting body. In this way, we will protect ourselves from possible losses in the efficiency of radio signal transmission.
  2. It is important to install the antenna on the very top part of the body, usually the roof. The higher the antenna is installed, the stronger the signal.
  3. The antenna sheet must be installed at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from any metal surfaces parallel to the emu. This will prevent possible signal reflections and absorption.
  4. The position of the magnetic antenna on the roof of the car has little effect on the standing wave ratio. Therefore, always try to fix the magnet in the same position after removing it.

After the antenna is installed correctly, it must be tune. Only after setting up the antenna can you safely use the radio at full power.

Setting up a car antenna

The best option for tuning an antenna is to use a professional antenna analyzer. But since the prices for such devices are quite high, many car enthusiasts find an alternative in SWR meters. With this device you can adjust the radio antenna to a first approximation. This is what the simplest SWR meter SWR-430 looks like

So, tuning the antenna must be done on a flat and clean surface free of any interference: metal, wood or concrete objects. It is also important that when setting up the antenna there are no other 27 MHz antennas nearby. Armed with an SWR meter, you can begin tuning the antenna. The first step is to connect the SWR meter between the station and the antenna in a special way (as shown in the figure below).

  1. It is important to take measurements on different channels and grids to see the broader picture.
  2. We calibrate the SWR meter. To do this, set the toggle switch on the front panel to the FWD position. We set AM modulation channel 20 on the radio. After this, press and hold the start conversation button, while turning the CAL knob clockwise, so that the device arrow points to the extreme right SET position.
  3. While holding the PTT button, switch the toggle switch on the front panel of the SWR meter to the REF position. We take readings from the device.
  4. We find the minimum SWR and tune the antenna to the desired frequency. If the minimum is below the required frequency, then the antenna is shortened. And vice versa, if the minimum is higher than the required frequency, then the antenna is extended.
  5. All manipulations are performed before re-tuning the antenna.
  6. We repeat the measurements until the result is achieved (SWR no more than 1.5)

As mentioned above, achieving SWR = 1 is largely problematic, precisely because of the characteristics of a particular antenna-body pair. But even if in the desired section of the radio frequency range SWR = 2, the loss in efficiency will be no more than 10%. That is, for comfortable communication and transmission of messages without interference, SWR = 1.5 is sufficient.

Modern means of communication make it possible to maintain contact at a distance, regardless of the weather, cellular coverage or type of terrain. This became possible thanks to radio waves of different frequencies. For the device to operate correctly, you need to know how to set up the radio. It is worth noting that the market offers a wide selection of devices aimed at universal use or a narrower specialization (car, hunting, railway radios).

general information

Any radio must be tuned to a specific frequency. If configured incorrectly, an amateur or professional device will operate with interference or at incomplete power. The latest modifications of digital devices do not require special adjustments, since they have an automatic configuration function. The remaining devices are divided into portable (portable) or stationary (car) radios. The configuration of both modifications has its own nuances, although the general principle is largely similar.

How to set up a portable radio?

Amateur portable radios operate in the 433-434 MHz range. They do not need to be registered by a radio frequency center, so they are quite easy to set up. If you plan to increase the power of the device, find out about the possibility of using a detachable antenna before purchasing. Another important point is the aggregation of walkie-talkies among themselves. To do this, you need to set the same numbers and subcode on each device.

After carrying out these manipulations, the selected devices will work harmoniously with each other. To communicate, you just need to press and hold the conversation activation key. After releasing the button, the device switches to a signal from another radio. An important point in setting up a portable device is the selection of an individual signal for identification (call sign). Its role can be any digital or alphabetic code that has a unique origin for the selected communication system.

Antenna setup

Let's look at general recommendations on how to set up a portable radio in terms of the antenna. To accurately correct an element, a special analyzer will be required. As an alternative, you can use an SWR meter. It will allow you to adjust the antenna to the minimum stable wave coefficient. Most often, a coefficient of 1.5 or less is considered optimal.

It is worth considering that the higher the SWR value, the greater the loss of signal transmitting power. Ideally, this parameter should approach unity, but in practice it is almost impossible to achieve such a result. If the VAC exceeds three units, it is quite possible to damage the transmitter stage. From this we can conclude that an untuned walkie-talkie can quickly break down.

Car modification

How to configure (stationary) type? You must first complete a number of mandatory procedures that will increase the efficiency of further configuration and minimize the likelihood of transceiver failure during operation. The device in question is a stationary unit fixed in the vehicle interior and an external antenna. It is the last element that plays a significant role in signal reception and transmission. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic rules for installing a receiving remote device.

Installing a car antenna

Mounting the element on load-bearing parts is not allowed; the best option would be the body. This will protect the airwaves from possible losses in signal reception and transformation.

In addition, the following points are important:

  • Try to install the antenna at the highest point of the body. This will improve the quality of reception.
  • The working part of the antenna is installed at a distance of at least 500 millimeters from any parallel metal surfaces. This will make it possible to avoid absorption and reflection of the incoming signal.
  • Placement on the roof of a car has a certain influence on the stable wave coefficient. Therefore, fix such an element in one position after removal.

Having installed the antenna correctly, proceed to its configuration.

Antenna setup for a stationary walkie-talkie

To configure the channel of a stationary radio, first configure the antenna. For this, it is best to use a professional analyzer. If this is not available, use an SWR meter. Work is carried out on a clean and level surface, away from metal or concrete interference, as well as other analogues of the 27 MHz range.

First, connect the SWR meter. Then measurements are taken on channels and grids to display a large picture. Calibrate the SWR meter by setting the toggle switch on the front panel to FWD mode. The radio is set to channel No. 20 of AM modulation. Then activate and hold the talk key, while simultaneously turning the CAL knob clockwise until the device pointer is set to the far right SET position.

Without releasing the button on the PTT switch, switch the SWR meter toggle switch to the REF position. Record the data generated by the device. After finding the minimum SWR, adjust the antenna to the required frequency. If the limit is lower or higher than the required frequency, the antenna is shortened or lengthened, respectively. The measurements are repeated until the SWR coefficient reaches 1.5 or less.

How about the wave of truckers?

Let's look at this procedure using the Sirio T3 Mag antenna as an example (range within 5 km):

  1. The antenna is mounted on the central part of the roof, after which the protective cap is removed and the adjusting screw is tightened until it stops.
  2. An SWR meter is installed between the radio station and the antenna.
  3. The radio is turned on and the “long-range” mode is set (channel No. 15 on AM).
  4. After pressing the PTT, use the SWR adjustment knob to move the arrow to the SET position.
  5. While holding the PTT switch, move the SWR lever to the REF position, and observe the current value of the device on the upper scale. If the coefficient is higher than 1.5, use the adjusting screw to adjust the readings to within 1-1.5.
  6. The correction screw is fixed with a locknut, the cap is put on and the SWR readings are rechecked.

Knowing how to set up a truckers radio, you need to take into account that these elements are narrowband. Therefore, it is better to perform settings on the main working channel.


First, the radio is switched to 240 channel mode using the AM/FM-ON combination. You can switch to the Russian grid by typing DW/M2-ON. Domestic frequencies end in 0, European waves end in 5.

How to set up the Megadjet radio? You can do this yourself by studying the instructions. Briefly, the following points can be noted:

  • First, turn on the radio station using the VOL/Off knob and set the required sound volume.
  • Using the SQ regulator, the noise suppression threshold is adjusted.
  • Using the UP/DN switch buttons, select the desired channel.
  • To set the transmission mode, hold down the PTT control and speak into the microphone at a distance of 50 mm.
  • To receive, release the PTT and listen to the received message, adjusting the volume and noise reduction level.


Next, let's look at how to configure the Baofeng walkie-talkie. By default, the operating frequency of the device is 2.5 kHz. General settings are identical for portable radios. Below are the ways to program the device.

Simplex channels:

  • Go to VFO A.
  • Press the Band button to select the VHF mode.
  • In the menu, type ‘27’ and press menu.
  • Then use a free memory cell, which is searched using the UP/DOWN buttons.
  • The selected frequency is confirmed by pressing the menu key again.
  • To exit - Exit.

Repeater-shift channels:

  • Switch to VFO A mode.
  • Select UHF or VHF using the Band key.
  • Select the receiving frequency.
  • They find ‘27’ in the menu, then back to the menu.
  • They look for a free memory cell, as in the previous case.
  • Use the "menu" button to confirm your choice.
  • Press EXIT.
  • Then enter the menu again, select ‘27’, press “menu” twice.


The above describes how to set up a walkie-talkie. The wave should be selected depending on the type of device, as well as the country where the device is used. The antenna plays an important role in the configuration of portable and stationary walkie-talkies. Therefore, special attention should be paid to its installation and configuration. If the device is adjusted correctly, you will be able to easily communicate with the respondent at the distance specified in the instructions for the device.

There are many portable and car radio transmitters on the market today. Among them, you can easily choose the option that best suits your needs. It is worth noting that modern digital models are configured automatically, but their price is an order of magnitude higher than the considered analogues.

Table of contents. 1. Introduction 2. Technical characteristics 3. Delivery set 4. Appearance and controls 5. Working with the radio station 6. Installation and connection 7. Antenna installation 8. Safety measures 9. Warranty Attention! Before starting to operate the radio, carefully read the installation instructions and features of using the radio. The manufacturer and supplier are not responsible for the consequences of improper operation of the radio. Specifications. General: Supply voltage 13.8 VDC. Maximum current consumption is no more than 12 A. Fuse type 15A. Frequency range 26.965-27.860 MHz. Modulation types F3E(FM) and A3E(AM). Dimensions 15.8*4.8*16.5 cm. Weight 1.1 kg. Transmitter: Output power 5 W. Frequency instability 0.002%. Out-of-band emissions suppression -54dBm. Frequency range 300 Hz – 3 kHz. Microphone input sensitivity 3 mV. Nonlinear distortion in the transmitter path is no more than 3%. Receiver: Maximum FM sensitivity at 10 dB sinad 0.25 µV AM at S/N 10 dB 0.5 µV. Frequency range 300 Hz – 3 kHz (AM, FM) Adjacent channel selectivity 60 dB. Maximum audio power 3 W. The sensitivity adjustment range of the threshold noise suppressor is from 0.2 µV to 1 mV. Current consumption 0.3 A nominal / 1.2 A maximum. Contents of delivery. Radio station 1 pc. Push-to-talk with cable and connector 1 pc. Radio station mounting bracket 1 pc. PTT mounting bracket 1 pc. Set of mounting screws 1 pc. Spare fuse 15 A. 1 pc. Operating instructions 1 pc. Appearance and controls. FUN key. Includes alternative functions of the radio control keys, indicated by inscriptions under the keys, and is also intended to select the radio operating mode CH or VFO. Key ASQ/0/BEP. Turns the spectral noise reduction system on/off. Activates the beeper (audio signaling of key presses). BAND/1/TOT key. Selects the operating frequency grid from A to L. Controls the operating mode of the transmission time limit timer (TOT). SC/2/SKP key. Controls scanning modes. A/F/3/HI key. Selects the type of modulation AM or FM, and also controls the output power of the transmitter. MEM/4/NB key. Designed to work with non-volatile radio memory channels and turn on/off the impulse noise suppressor. Key -5K/5/RB. Key for frequency shift by -5 kHz (“Russia” - “Europe”) and activation of the Roger Beep function. PRG/6/SET key. Enters settings mode. EXT/7/LOCK key. Exit settings mode. Locks all control keys except CH15 and CH19. FRQ key. In CH mode – turns on the channel frequency display. In VFO mode – enables direct frequency input mode. ECHO key. Turns on the reverb in transmit mode. (“ECHO” effect) CH15/8 key. Performs a quick transition to the 15th channel of the D grid with amplitude modulation (AM) CH19/9/MHz key. Provides a quick transition to channel 19 of the D grid with frequency modulation (FM), and also allows you to change the frequency in VFO mode in 1 MHz steps. PTT connector. SQUELCH handle. Threshold squelch control. VOLUME knob. Volume control and radio switch. Knob CH. Channel selector and menu item switching. ANT connector. SO-239 50 Ohm connector for connecting a 27 MHz antenna. AXT SP connector. Jack type connector 3.5 mm for connecting a loudspeaker with a power of at least 3 W and a resistance of 8 Ohms. DATA connector. Connector for connecting a programmer (purchased separately). Power cable. Key for transmission reception modes Key for switching channels in descending order. ASQ power key. Key for switching channels in ascending order. Working with a radio station. 1. VFO-CH. VFO mode – changing the operating frequency in 5 kHz steps. CH mode – 10 frequency grids in the “Russian” standard and 10 frequency grids in the “European” standard. To select modes, turn off the radio. Then, while holding the FUN key, turn on the radio and wait until CH or VFO appears on the screen. Rotate the channel selector to select the desired mode. Then press the FUN key for 2 seconds until SET OK appears and release the key. After this, the radio will turn on in the desired mode. Use the CH channel selector to select a channel. To select the mode of the so-called “Russian” frequency grid, briefly press the -5 kHz key. All channel frequencies will automatically shift down 5 kHz and the display will replace the E icon next to the channel number with an R icon. To display the frequency of the selected channel in CH mode, use the FRQ key. To quickly set the frequency in VFO mode, press the FRQ key and set the frequency using the ASQ/0/BEP – CH19/9/MHz keys. To change the frequency, use the channel selector, and to change in 1 MHz steps, press the CH19/9/MHz key. 2. ASQ-SQUELCH noise suppressor. The radio is equipped with two types of noise suppressors: a) Automatic spectral noise suppressor - ASQ b) Manual threshold noise suppressor - SQUELCH To turn on ASQ, briefly press the ASQ key, and AQ will appear on the display, which indicates the operation of the spectral noise suppressor. When ASQ is deactivated, the radio begins to operate with a manual squelch. The squelch threshold is adjusted using the SQUELCH control on the front panel of the radio. To set the squelch correctly, turn the adjuster fully counterclockwise. Then gently rotate it in the opposite direction until the noise stops. Further clockwise rotation reduces sensitivity and the ability to receive weak signals. 3. Select AM/FM modulation type. To select the type of modulation, use the A/F key. A short press changes the type of modulation shown in the upper right corner of the display. 4. Pulse noise suppressor NB. The radio station is equipped with a suppressor of pulsed and on-air interference – NB (Noise Blanker). This system reduces the noise level primarily in AM mode during the presence of pulsed interference on the air. To activate this mode, briefly press the FUN key, then the MEM/4/NB key. The display will show NB, indicating that the NB mode is activated. 5. Sound signaling of BEP keystrokes. To turn on the audible key press alarm, you must briefly press the FUN key and then press the ASQ/0/BEP key. The BP icon will appear at the top left of the display, and each key press will be accompanied by a short beep. 6. Roger Beep transmission end signal. This tone is emitted by the transmitter when the radio switches from transmitting to receiving mode and serves as a signal to your interlocutor that you have completed the message. Recommended for use in environments with strong interference. To activate the mode, briefly press the FUN key and then press the -5K/5/RB key. The display will show RB at the top of the screen. 7. Turning on the “ECHO” effect This effect is designed to create an “ECHO” effect when transmitting a message. The moment you speak into the microphone, your interlocutor hears your message with an echo. The effect is intended for comfortable communication over short distances in conditions of weak interference. To activate the mode, you must briefly press the ECHO key, the display will show ECHO and the mode will be activated. 8. TOT transmission time limit mode. This function is designed to protect the radio from prolonged unauthorized activation in transmit mode. To activate and configure this mode, you must briefly press the FUN key and then the BAND/1/TOT key, and the display will show OFF or the limitation time in seconds, for example 15 S. Rotate the CH channel selector to set the desired time in 15 second increments or disable the function by setting the mode to OFF. After completing the settings, wait until you enter the main operating mode or press the EXT/7/LOCK key. 9. Transmission prohibition mode on a busy channel. This feature is designed to prevent the transmitter from being turned on while the person you are talking to has not yet finished their message. To activate this mode, enter the settings menu. To do this, briefly press the PRG/6/SET key. Rotate the CH selector to select item number 4, BUSY. Press the PRG/6/SET key again and rotate the channel selector to set the SQ value. Wait to exit the settings mode or press the EXT/7/LOCK key. You will now be unable to transmit a message if the squelch is open. 10. SC scanning mode. The scanning mode is designed to search for a channel within the same grid in which radio traffic occurs. Scanning in the main CH mode has two options: a) SQ option – scanning stops when the squelch opens or a signal appears in one of the channels and continues after closing after the set time has elapsed. b) TI option – scanning stops when the squelch opens and continues after a set period of time, despite the operation of the open squelch. To select scanning options, you need to make some settings. Enter the settings menu by briefly pressing the FUN key and then the PRG/6/SET key. In the settings menu, use the channel selector to select 3 SCN and then briefly press PRG/6/SET again. Rotate the channel selector to select the desired SQ or TI option and press the EXT/7/LOCK key. The desired mode is selected. Now set the time period for stopping scanning. To do this, enter the settings menu again by briefly pressing the FUN key and then the PRG/6/SET key. In the settings menu, use the channel selector to select 4 SCT and then briefly press PRG/6/SET again. Use the channel selector to select the desired scanning stop time interval of 5,10 or 15 seconds, then press the EXT/7/LOCK key. The time interval has been set. Now to start scanning, briefly press the SC/2/SKP key with ASQ or manual squelch enabled. After this, the SC icon in the lower left corner of the display will begin to blink, and the radio will begin to cycle through the channels available for scanning within the same grid. To change the scanning direction, use the channel selector. To stop scanning, just press any key. Creating a scan sheet. Note that when scanning is stopped, the SC icon is lit in the lower left corner of the display. This symbol indicates that the selected channel is available in scan mode. If you want to remove this channel from the scan list, you must first briefly press the FUN key, and then SC/2/SKP. You will see that the SC symbol has disappeared. This means that this channel is not on the scan sheet and will be skipped when scanning. To add a channel to the scan list, select the channel number, then press FUN and SC/2/SKP again. 11. Working with MEM memory. The radio station has 8 non-volatile memory channels for quick and convenient access to established settings and working channels. To record settings into memory and then recall them, a MEM/4/NB key is provided. Select the desired channel and modulation type. Optionally set the offset to -5 kHz. Then press the MEM/4/NB key until MEM 1 starts flashing on the display. Then, rotate the CH selector to select 1 of the 8 memory channels to save the settings. When the desired memory channel is selected, press the MEM/4/NB key until the display stops flashing. This completes the operation of recording settings. To exit memory mode, briefly press the MEM/4/NB key and you can begin recording the next memory channels. Once one or more memory channels are full, they can be used by briefly pressing the MEM/4/NB key. Rotate the CH channel selector to select the desired memory channel, in which the established settings of the working channel, modulation type, etc. are saved. Scanning through memory channels is carried out in exactly the same way as in normal mode. Read the scanning settings in the previous paragraph. 12. PRG settings mode. There are two independent PRG settings menus. You have already used the first one to set scanning modes. To enter the settings menu, briefly press the FUN key and then the PRG/6/SET key. The display will display 4 items of the first menu option, numbered 1,3,4,5: 1) Setting the TOT transmission limit time (duplicates FUN+ BAND/1/TOT) 2) Absent. 3) Selecting the SCN scanning mode 4) Setting the SCT scanning time interval 5) Activating the sound alarm for pressing the BEP keys (duplicates FUN+ ASQ/0/BEP) To enter the second menu, just briefly press the PRG/6/SET key. The second option has 6 points: 1) Activation of the Roger Beep transmission end signal (duplicates FUN+-5K/5/RB) 2) Activation of the impulse noise suppressor NB (duplicates FUN+ MEM/4/NB) 3) Add or remove a channel from the scan list ( duplicates FUN+ SC/2/SKP) 4) Activation of transmission prohibition on a busy channel 5) PAM or PFM transmitter power, taking into account the type of AM or FM modulation. 6) REP shift of the transmitter frequency relative to the receiver frequency, for operation through a repeater. 13. Keypad lock mode. This mode allows you to block the keyboard from accidental keystrokes. To activate the lock, briefly press the FUN key and then the EXT/7/LOCK key. The display will show LOCK. Now, when you try to press any key other than the CH15 and CH19 keys, LOCK will appear on the display and use of the function will be denied. Installation and connection. Attention! The radio station, antenna and other equipment must not interfere with driving. Choose a location where you have easy access to the PTT and all radio controls, and where there is a flow of cold air to cool the radio's radiator. To install the radio, use the included bracket and screws with a plastic handle. To install the radio into the bracket, do not use screws whose working length exceeds the length of the standard screws. To attach the microphone, use the special holder included in the package. 1. Attach the bracket to the location where you intend to install the radio. 2. Mark and drill holes, then secure the bracket in the selected location. 3. Connect the antenna cable connector to the standard connector on the rear panel of the transceiver, marked with the ANT symbol. The antenna must first be tuned to the required frequency (channel). 4. Connect the power cable directly to the battery or vehicle fuse box. Observe polarity and connect the cables according to the following diagram: red cable - “plus”, black cable - “minus”. 5. Install the PTT mounting bracket in the location of your choice using the two supplied screws. 6. Connect the PTT switch to the appropriate connector on the front panel of the radio. The radio is ready for use. Antenna installation. It is important to select a high quality and efficient antenna designed to operate in the 27 MHz band. Using an inferior antenna or an antenna not designed for the 27 MHz band may result in poor performance and damage to the radio. 1. Place the antenna as high as possible on the surface of the body of your car. 2. As a rule, the longer the antenna, the greater the range of the radio station. 3. Try to position the antenna in the center of your chosen surface. 4. Make sure that the parts of the antenna body to be grounded are reliably grounded (reliable metal-to-metal contact without intermediate layers of paint, etc.) Does not apply to antennas on a magnetic base. 5. When installing the antenna, be careful not to damage the antenna cable. Attention! Transmitting with a disconnected or unaligned antenna is not permitted and may damage your radio and void your warranty. Security measures. It is not allowed: 1. Install the radio station in places where moisture may enter the radio station housing. 2. Operate the radio station with a faulty or inappropriate antenna for the given frequency range. 3. Apply excessive force to external controls and connectors. 4. Connect the radio station to a power source with a voltage of 13.8 V. ±10%. 5. Connect the radio station to the on-board network of cars with a voltage of 24 V without using a special voltage converter. 6. Open the radio housing and make changes to the product components. 7. Connect a non-original PTT, as well as touch the contacts of the PTT connector, programming connectors and antenna with foreign objects, metal objects or hands. Short circuits and static electricity can damage the radio. 8. Deform the body and drill additional holes. 9. Remove the standard fuse or use a fuse rated for a current of more than 15 A. Violation of the operating instructions and safety precautions will result in damage to the radio and loss of warranty. Warranty obligations. The guarantee period for trouble-free operation of the product, established by the manufacturer, subject to compliance with operating rules and safety measures, is 6 months from the date of sale. In the event of malfunctions due to violation of operating rules and safety measures, as well as damage to the warranty seal or plate with the serial number, the manufacturer and supplier have the right to refuse warranty service.