I can't pay for my order on AliExpress. Why does a system error occur when paying on Aliexpress?

Many people are very afraid to buy something on the Internet, as they have heard more than once about deception and fraud from online stores. I myself have been deceived more than once; once I was cheated out of $100 by a very famous Russian online store.


But I want to assure you - the Aliexpress store is a VERY RELIABLE SITE! How to pay on Aliexpress? What payment methods are there on Aliexpress? What is the best way to pay for purchases on Aliexpress? I’ll tell you about this now...

Payment on Aliexpress: all methods

There are many payment methods on Aliexpress, which one should you use? For each individual country, the methods may differ, I will tell you how to pay for Aliexpress to a Russian. Here are the main ways:

As you can see, these methods are currently available:

Bank card — Master card, Visa and Maestro.

Yandex money — electronic money from the largest search engine on the Runet.

Sberbank - the largest bank in Russia.

Qiwi — a payment service that is tied to the phone.

Webmoney — electronic money, you can create wallets in different currencies.

Mobile payment- payment via phone.

Cash payment- no comments, details below.

Now I’ll tell you about each payment method on Aliexpress separately, about all the pros and cons...

1. How to pay on Aliexpress via card?

I am sure that most people pay for goods on Aliexpress with a bank card. With this payment method, you will be asked to fill out these fields:

Card number- write down all the numbers that are written on your card - there are always 16 of them.

Month and year termination of card service - written under the card number, two digits each.

Owner's name— in the same Latin letters (not necessarily capital letters) we enter the card owner.

Security code- turn your card over and write in the last three numbers that are written on the writing strip.

That's it, now press the pay button. Depending on the bank and your settings, you will be asked to confirm the operation by entering a password (which you created in advance) or a code from the SMS message sent.

If you are unable to pay for your purchase on Aliexpress with a card, there may be the following reasons:

Your card does not support payments outside your country. Your card should say Master card, Visa and Maestro. If not (and this is a common case with pensioner cards), then get a “normal” card with the ability to pay in foreign online stores.

You are blocked from purchasing online. Many banks block this feature by default for security reasons. You need to go to your online bank and enable the ability to make purchases online.

You've run out of money. It's corny, but it happens...

Is it worth buying on Aliexpress through a card?

This is a very good question, because although purchases on Aliexpress are quite safe, you need to take into account other threats - VIRUSES ON YOUR COMPUTER.

Yes, if a Trojan virus settles on your computer, it can steal the card information you enter when purchasing. And then after you buy, the hackers will use the money remaining on the card to buy many gifts for themselves and their loved ones...

This happens, although not so often, but there is a possibility and believe me, an antivirus, even the best one, cannot always help. But there is a way out of this situation, and it’s very simple - get a separate card for online purchases.

Yes, it's that simple. If you have a lot of money on your main card that you are afraid of losing, find the bank where you can order the card cheapest (or better yet, free) and use it for online purchases.

I can recommend Tinkoff Aliexpress card - this is a special card for purchases on Aliexpress, when buying with it you can get back 5% + 10% on Alibonus, for example, the result is good savings.

Tinkoff Aliexpress terms, full review.

In this way, the wolves will be fed and the sheep will be safe...

2. How to pay on Aliexpress via Yandex money?

Yandex Money is a very convenient payment system. I have been using it for a very long time and mainly because they give (almost free - 199 rubles) a plastic Master Card with a chip.

In this case, the card will be sent to you directly by mail, you don’t need to go anywhere (even to another country). With this card you can pay on the Internet (including Aliexpress), make purchases in stores and withdraw money from an ATM (with interest, however). It’s very easy to pay with Yandex money on Aliexpress: choose this payment method:

Click the PAY NOW button, you will be redirected to the Yandex Money page, where you will need to confirm the payment. And everything is so simple, you don’t need to enter anything all the time, it’s fast and convenient.

3. How to pay on Aliexpress using a Sberbank card?

It’s a little unclear why it was necessary to make the Sberbank card a separate payment method? After all, if a person has a Sberbank bank card, then he can pay for the goods using the first method. Another option: a person has a savings bank account, but no card. But it’s hard for me to even imagine such a situation - a modern person with a savings book and without a card.

But let’s say that such an anachronism exists in theory in the form of a grandmother who decided to buy herself new glasses on Aliexpress. Now she has chosen the product, starts paying - she needs to select this item:

As a result, she will receive a unique code, which she writes down with a shaking hand on a piece of paper, goes to the payment terminal and pays for her goods in CASH. I feel sorry for grandma...

4. How to pay for Aliexpress via Qiwi?

I have never used Qiwi, since the percentage for their services always seemed too high to me. But the Russian people are very generous and are not used to counting pennies, so many people use this payment system.

To pay for goods on AliExpress Qiwi, you need to select the appropriate payment method:

You need to enter your phone number in the field to which the Qiwi wallet is attached and click the PAY NOW button. After this, you confirm the payment and wait for the goods.

It is worth considering that the amount that you will be charged from qiwi will most likely be more than what you pay on aliexpress, since the dollar exchange rate for qiwi is not the best. But this is the price for simplicity and convenience.

5. How to pay on Aliexpress via Webmoney?

I am firmly convinced that the WebMoney site was made by drug addicts, otherwise it is difficult to explain the TERRIBLE confusion of the interface, endless authorizations and other inconveniences. In view of this, if you don’t have a webmoney wallet and you don’t desperately need it, then don’t get it just to pay on Aliexpress.

But if you already have a WebMoney wallet and have funds on it, then buy through it FIRST. The thing is that withdrawing money from Webmomey is not so easy, so it’s best to spend it on purchases, like Aliexpress. That is why I ALWAYS pay only with Webmoney on Aliexpress. Go to the tab:

Then you will be redirected to the Webmoney website, where you will need to confirm the payment. Webmoney is convenient because if you have a WMZ wallet (dollar), then there will be no conversions when paying on Aliexpress. If you put prices on Aliexpress in dollars, and initially they are there in dollars, then you will pay exactly as much as the product costs. This is one of the advantages of such payment.

6. How to pay for purchases on Aliexpress via phone?

This is another very convenient way to pay on Aliexpress, especially if you are buying some small items. When paying, go to this tab:

Choose your mobile operator: MTS, Megafon, Beeline or Tele2, enter your phone number and click SEND SMS. After this, you will need to confirm the order (otherwise everyone would simply write someone else’s number and money would be debited from it) and the goods are paid for. And, naturally, the required amount will be debited from your balance on your phone.

7. How to pay for goods on Aliexpress in cash?

There is another way to pay for a purchase on Aliexpress - pay for the goods in cash. This method is very similar to the case with Sberbank. Select this tab:

We write our phone number, receive an SMS with a unique number, go with it to one of the stores or a mobile phone store, show our code there, give them money, and they make the payment. At the moment, such a payment can be made in Omigo, Svyaznoy, Comepay, Eleksnet, Euroset, Leader, Russian Post, MTS, PSKB, Free Kassa, Quickpay, Credit Bank of Moscow, TelePay and some other offices unfamiliar to me.

The simplest of all this is to pay at the Russian Post Office. As in the case of Sberbank, this is a method for those who are comfortable with the Internet and banking systems. In principle, it is good that such opportunities exist for such ordinary people.

8. How to pay Aliexpress Mall?

Yesterday I ordered a product from this section for the first time and was unpleasantly surprised that you can pay for a purchase in this section in a limited number of ways, in particular:

Yes, only by card and Yandex money, a couple more offline payment methods, which I wrote about above. This is very inconvenient for me, since I am used to paying with Webmoney. Why is that? I don’t know, maybe Russian legislation is so harsh? Or are the sellers themselves looking for easy ways? Will need to find out more about this...

9. How to pay on Aliexpress from a current account?

Recently I was asked a question on the website: is it possible to pay for goods from Aliexpress using a bank account? For obvious reasons, I have never paid this way, but I still wondered if it was possible to pay on Aliexpress using bank details?

I specifically ordered a small product on Ali to see if there was something similar there. I only found this small, inconspicuous item - Bank Transfer.

I think this is what is needed, but I couldn’t check it right away, since this payment method has a limit:

The total order amount does not meet the allowed limits of this Wire Transfer:USD 20.01~50000.00.

If you paid using this method, then tell me in the comments how this happens and whether this is what I’m thinking about.

10. How to pay for an order on Aliexpress via phone?

So, we got acquainted with the product - everything is fine, click the BUY NOW button (it is located below the image of the product itself):

A page opens with a choice of product parameters: color, size, etc. Select them and click NEXT. And here is our product design page:

On it we see delivery information, as well as payment methods:

  1. Payment by card (visa, mastercard, maestro, world)
  2. Other payment methods (QIWI)

If you pay using the first method, you need to add a bank card, to do this, click ADD NEW CARD and perform 8 simple steps:

Now your orders will be paid using the added card.

Attention! Do not add a card with large funds on it, otherwise you may become a victim of scammers!

If you have a Qiwi wallet, or any other payment system, then check the USE ANOTHER PAYMENT METHOD checkbox and click PLACE AN ORDER, the following message appears:

There are no other methods here other than Qiwi, but if you click on the OTHER METHODS VIA PC SITE button, alipay will open with the methods we need:

We choose a payment that is convenient for us and enter the required data. That's how easy it is to pay on Aliexpress via phone.

Is it possible to pay on Aliexpress upon receipt?

This question interests many and there is a simple answer to it - NO! The Chinese do not sell goods by cash on delivery, but only by prepayment. And this is logical, imagine what would happen if this were possible. A bunch of fools would order a product just for fun and then not receive it in the mail. Shipping costs () would be borne by the seller.

But as I wrote above, you shouldn’t be afraid to buy on Aliexpress - this is one of the largest online stores in the world, and everything is under control there, no one will steal your money. The only problem when ordering may be YOU yourself. Therefore, before you start using Aliexpress, read:

  1. - how to save using .

And if there are problems, then read it like on Aliexpress.

What is the best way to pay on Aliexpress? Everyone chooses for themselves, a woman, a religion, a job... Just like the classics, use the payment method that is more convenient and secure for you...

You've probably encountered errors when making payments. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. As a rule, the fact is that the site’s servers are overloaded due to a very large number of visitors. But there are many other problems due to which payments may not be accepted. To know what to do if the payment is due Aliexpress is not accepted, you need to learn about the reasons for the errors and how to eliminate them.

What to do if payment on Aliexpress does not go through?

Most often, when placing an order, or more precisely when paying for it, customers do not receive a password to confirm the transaction. Don’t panic in this case and try to fix the problem in one of the following ways:

  • Log in to your bank's online account or electronic payment system, depending on your payment method.
  • Check whether you have enough funds in your account - perhaps the payment has already been debited and the order has been placed and paid for. Please wait until it is processed by the seller and shipped.
  • If the balance has not changed, wait a while and try making the payment again.

If it turns out that you confirmed the payment twice, then there is nothing wrong with that. System Aliexpress recognizes such actions and automatically returns the excess. But be careful, because this does not happen immediately, but over several days.

Why payment on Aliexpress does not go through: reasons

As we have already said, payments for Aliexpress may fail for many different reasons. These could be customer errors, website problems, or other problems. Let's take a closer look at them.

Buyer mistakes

If, despite all your attempts to correct the situation and pay for the order, you are unable to do anything, then try using a different payment method.

account is blocked

If you do not activate your profile after registration, it may be blocked. As a rule, three days are given for activation. If this is not done, the account will be considered fake and will be blocked.

First, check your email, maybe the letter is still there and you just have to open it and follow the link. If there is no letter, then do the following:

  • Open "My Aliexpress" and go to "Profile Settings"
  • Select "Change settings" and then click "Edit profile"

  • In the new window select "Editing"
  • A form will open for you to fill out your profile information. Click next to your email address "Click here to confirm"

  • After that, check your email again. You should receive an activation email. Follow the link in it and activation will be completed

Suspicion of fraudulent activities

If you have entered your card details incorrectly several times or made several payments from different cards, the system Aliexpress may think that you are a fraudster and will block your ability to place orders. To rectify the situation, contact support and send them several documents:

  • Photo of your passport and card
  • If the purchase was made from a corporate account, then additionally send business registration documents
  • In addition, please attach a statement of card transactions from the bank, which will show at least one payment in favor of Aliexpress

As you may have noticed, there are many reasons why Aliexpress payment is not accepted, but each of them is completely solvable. The main thing is to do it on time.

Video: Payment does not go through on Aliexpress

Or if you are doing this for the first time, there is always a chance that a problem will arise when paying for your purchase. There are quite a few reasons why such situations happen. Usually the payment is not accepted by the system due to a system failure that occurs due to overload. Let's discuss what are the main reasons that are an obstacle to making a payment and how to eliminate them.

Why does it give an error when paying by card on Aliexpress?

Errors when paying on Aliexpress

Sometimes, when users try to make a transaction, they do not receive a one-time confirmation code, and then a logical question arises - what to do about it? First, you need to put aside all panic and do the following:

  • Open your personal account on a banking website or an electronic wallet
  • Check whether the money has been debited, as sometimes the code simply does not arrive, but the payment is processed
  • If the payment did not go through, try repeating the process a little later; perhaps the system is too busy and cannot process the payment
  • If you paid several times for one order, the site administration will return your money, but this may take more than one day

Failed payment: reason - Aliexpress system error

Payment by card does not work on Aliexpress

In some cases Aliexpress It turns out that it has nothing to do with it and errors with payment happen due to the fault of the buyers themselves. Here are the most common reasons:

  • There are not enough funds on the card. During payment, the password is not received and the order cannot be finalized. Accordingly, in order for the problem to be solved, you need to top up your account with the required amount.
  • The bank rejected the payment. Usually this error appears if the card has expired or you wrote something incorrectly. If all the details are filled out correctly, then in this case the reason may already be on the bank’s side. In this case, contact the bank's contact center.
  • The operation is prohibited by the bank. This situation sometimes occurs with cards Visa Electron or Maestro. The bottom line is that banks are trying to protect customers from scammers on the Internet and therefore prohibit online shopping outside Russia. Thus, if you try to pay for an item abroad, the transaction will be automatically blocked. As an option, you simply have the service of paying for purchases via the Internet disabled. In this case, you just need to activate it with the help of bank employees.
  • Transaction limit exceeded. Each bank or payment system sets certain limits for transactions. If you have already exceeded the permissible threshold within a day or month, you will not be able to pay for the purchase. To increase the limit you need to contact the bank or use another card.
  • Suspicion of fraud. Sometimes banks, instead of limiting amounts, set a limit on the number of transactions performed. If you withdrew money during the day and paid in a store, then your online purchase may be rejected because the number of transactions has reached the maximum number.
  • The bank system is overloaded. If on Aliexpress There is a major sale, then there are more customers and, accordingly, orders on the site these days than usual, and therefore the system does not always cope with a huge number of transactions. In this case, you just need to wait a little and try to pay for the order again.
  • SMS notification is not connected. As a rule, payments for Aliexpress confirmed by entering a code from an SMS message. Accordingly, if notification from the bank via SMS is not connected, then you will not receive a password. To resolve the problem, activate the appropriate service.
  • Wrong payment system selected. Even if you have all indicated the rule, but you made a mistake with the payment system, then Aliexpress will not accept payment.

Aliexpress server or network error when placing and paying for an order

Error when paying on Aliexpress

In some situations, the problem is on the side of the Aliexpress. The system may be temporarily unavailable. There is no need to do anything special in such a situation. You just need to wait a little and make the payment again. If the error does not disappear after some time, contact the site administration.

Another common reason is high system load due to a large number of purchases made at one time. The payment acceptance service may not always work correctly. This error can also be seen during scheduled or technical work. Try making a payment using a different method or restart your browser.

Why there is a payment error on Aliexpress - other reasons

Other reasons for errors when paying on Aliexpress

Some users receive the following message when paying: "It is temporarily impossible to process the order". Usually the error appears in the mobile application. To ensure that the order is completed correctly, you can use your computer to complete the operation.

If you saw the inscription "Payment declined for security reasons", then this indicates that the administration Aliexpress thinks you are a fraud. In this case, you can solve the problem as follows:

  • Send a letter to the site administration and attach documents to it to prove that you are really the owner of the bank card
  • If your card is corporate, then additionally attach a business registration certificate
  • You also need a statement of recent card transactions with at least one transaction made in favor of Aliexpress

Non-standard problems when paying on Aliexpress

Error appears very rarely ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. It appears when you log in to Aliexpress at the time of payment. To fix it, clear the cache in your browser and try logging in again.

Also, a payment error may appear when paying for the same order again. The point is that withdrawals and deposits do not occur simultaneously, but Aliexpress It takes time to check the translation. Therefore, you should not rush to pay for your order a second time if you see that the payment has not yet gone through. First of all, check your card balance and wait a bit. In rare cases, the payment may take up to three days to process.

When making a purchase, the user may receive a notification that his account has been blocked and payment has been cancelled. This may happen if you did not confirm your email when registering. Therefore, it is worth looking for a letter in the mail and going through activation.

If you don’t have a letter, then on the error page select "Appeal for account reactivation" and you will receive a new activation link within a few days.

It is possible that you have already encountered problems when paying for your order. There are quite a few reasons for such situations.

As a rule, the payment does not go through due to a failure on the server or on days of high traffic, when the servers simply cannot cope with the load.

Let's talk about possible causes and ways to solve them.

Why the order on Aliexpress is not paid: reasons

There are several reasons when a site rejects a payment - these are:

  • No one-time password via SMS to confirm payment
  • The buyer himself was mistaken
  • Errors in the operation of the site and other problems

Let's talk about all the reasons in more detail.

Why don't I receive a one-time password?

For many users, when paying for an order, they do not receive a code to confirm the purchase, and then they begin to panic. In fact, nothing bad happened. To start:

  • Visit your bank account or e-wallet
  • Check your account balance, the money may have already been debited
  • If the payment did not go through and the money was not withdrawn, then try to repeat the payment after a while

Aliexpress does not accept payment due to the buyer's fault: reasons

  • There are not enough funds on the card— during payment the code does not arrive and the order cannot be completed. To fix this problem, simply deposit the required amount on the card.
  • The payment was rejected by the bank. This error appears if the card is no longer valid or you filled in the details incorrectly. If the data is correct, then the problem is on the part of the bank that issued the card.
  • The bank prohibited the transaction. As a rule, this situation arises in the case of Visa Electron and Maestro cards. Some banks allow payments only in Russia. If you try to do this from another country, the function will be blocked. This is done for security reasons.
  • Spent limit exceeded. Usually the bank sets the limit. To increase the limit, you need to contact the bank.

  • Suspicion of fraudulent transaction. Sometimes banks set a limit on the number of payments per day. Therefore, if you exceed the allowed quantity, the payment will not be processed.
  • Bank system is loaded. If there is a big sale day on Aliexpress, then usually there are many users on it at once and most make payments. Therefore, the system is overloaded and cannot process all requests. In this case, you need to wait a little and pay for the purchase again.
  • Your Internet banking is not connected. To make a payment, you must confirm it with a one-time password. If you do not have connected Internet banking, you will not receive a message. Therefore, before making a payment, make sure that all functions are active.
  • Payment is rejected if you make a mistake with the card type. For example, you chose Visa, and you Maestro. Then the site system will block the payment.

The payment system is unavailable: problems with the Aliexpress server

Problems often lie in the work Aliexpress. If the site system is not available, then simply make the payment a little later.

If after some time the error remains, then you need to write to the administration Aliexpress .

Typically, congestion occurs when too many payments are made at once. The payment service does not always process orders correctly.

Usually the error appears during scheduled updates or during maintenance work.

The following is displayed: " Payment was not made«.

This problem is solved by searching for a similar product, but from a different seller.
Or change your browser. Sometimes this helps too.

If all else fails, try using another payment method.

Why you can’t pay for an order on Aliexpress: other reasons

  • When paying for an order, you can often encounter an error "The order cannot be processed temporarily". Typically this problem occurs in a mobile application.

To make a payment correctly, it is better to make it from a computer. If even then it does not work, then you should contact the bank’s customer center.

  • The payment may be rejected if the site administration suspects the client of fraud. In such situation:
  • Write a letter to the administration with scans or photographs of documents confirming that you are indeed the owner of the card
  • Attach scans of documents about the registered business if the card is corporate
  • Scan the card on both sides, covering the back of the card
  • You also need a bank statement showing that you made card payments on Aliexpress

The problem is solved by changing the delivery region. But always warn the seller about this in advance.

Why doesn't Aliexpress accept Sberbank Maestro card?

The Sberbank card of the Maestro payment system is exactly the same card as any other. Therefore, the reasons when payments are not accepted are the same - on the part of the bank, the seller, or you did something wrong.

First check:

  • Is there enough money in the account?
  • Have you entered all the details correctly?
  • Is your card working?
  • Is Internet banking enabled?

If everything is fine, try waiting a little and making the payment again.

Thanks to the widest range of goods at affordable prices, the trading platform is increasingly pushing aside local stores every year. However, what to do if the payment does not go through. All possible causes and their solutions are described in the article.

Why doesn't payment go through on Aliexpress, possible reasons?

Regular customers of the site occasionally encounter problems when paying for goods.

The most common are:

  1. Server overload. You made the payment at a time when there was a huge peak of buyers on the site.
  2. Buyer carelessness. The buyer entered incorrect bank card details.
  3. Lack of sufficient money for purchases. The balance on your card or e-wallet does not match the cost of the product.
  4. Overload of the banking system or technical work on the bank server.
  5. Technical work on the server.
  6. Absence connected functions on a card that allows you to pay for purchases abroad.
  7. Limit on the number of transactions within one day. Some banks set a certain limit, allowing only a certain number of transactions per day from one account.
  8. Internet banking service is not activated.
  9. The version of the browser you are using is out of date and the system cannot read user data. To resolve this error, update your browser version or try logging into the site through a different server.
  10. Blocking the buyer's account.
  11. You are suspected of fraud or you have been caught committing fraud.
  12. You are not logged in to the system before making payment.

Why does payment on Aliexpress by card not work?

Payment by credit card for goods is the most common payment method.

Despite the simple payment procedure, errors still occur and in most cases are the fault of the buyers themselves.

  • Lack of money in the account. Double-check your card balance and top it up if necessary.
  • The payment was rejected by the bank. This is possible if the bank card has expired or the card has been blocked due to suspicion of fraud.
  • The bank card details were entered incorrectly. Repeat the payment, carefully double-checking the entered data.
  • The card has a monetary limit that can be spent within 24 hours from your card. In this situation, you should pay for the order the next day.
  • Internet banking is not connected or disabled. After paying for the goods with a bank card, an SMS message with a code to confirm payment is sent to your mobile phone. When the Internet banking function is disabled, the SMS does not arrive on the phone and the amount is not debited from the account; in this case, the payment is not completed.
  • The banking system is overloaded. Repeat the purchase of the product in a few minutes (10 - 30 minutes).

Why is payment on Aliexpress Visa not going through? Why doesn't payment go through on Aliexpress Maestro?

The most common reasons why card payments are not made on the site are discussed in the paragraph above.

However, with some cards such as Visa and MasterCard it is generally impossible to make payments on the website, as well as in other international stores, since they are not intended for international shopping. With such cards it is possible to pay for purchases in stores within the country, and not abroad. To prevent this problem, contact your bank to issue a new international card or connect this function to your existing card, if, of course, this is possible.

What mistakes do buyers make when paying on Aliexpress?

The reasons for refusal of payment may be not only the fault of the bank, but also the buyers.

Incorrect actions by the buyer include:

  • incorrect entry of bank card details. Always check the information you entered before clicking the “Pay” button.
  • lack of funds on your card balance. Payment for the purchase cannot be made due to lack of sufficient funds. Top up your account and try again.
  • The buyer has exceeded the card limit set by the bank. Many banks set a monetary limit, according to which the buyer can spend a certain amount within 24 hours. In this case, pay for the goods the next day.
  • Internet banking is not connected to the card. For some cards, the “Internet banking” function is required, since to complete the payment you must receive an SMS with a code that must be entered on the bank’s page to debit funds. Payment will not be made without the code.
  • using an outdated version of the browser. The system does not read the buyer's data, thereby blocking payment. Log in to the site from a different browser or update an outdated one.

If payment fails due to site problems

From time to time he carries out technical work on his server, during which it is not only impossible to pay for the purchase, but it is not even possible to select any product.

Technical work does not last long, so in half an hour or an hour you can easily pay for your desired purchase.
Another reason why it is impossible to make a payment is high workload. You have found yourself at exactly the moment when there are a large number of users on the site, and the server is simply not able to process all the information. Just wait a little and try again.

Payment fails due to account blocking

Very often, after creating a personal account, users forget to activate it.

Exactly three days are given for activation, during which the user must follow the link sent to the email address specified during registration. If this does not happen, the account is blocked and the buyer cannot pay for the purchase.
If you accidentally deleted a received letter and the period has not expired since its receipt (three days), go to your personal account in the “Edit Profile” sub-item and click on “click here to confirm” next to the specified e-mail. After this, in a few seconds you will receive an email again to activate your personal account.
If three days have passed, then you should create a new account.

Payment does not go through because there is no access to Aliexpress

Access to the site may be closed for two reasons:

  • problems with the Domain Name System (DNS) on the server.
  • Problems with the Domain Name System (DNS) of your network provider. In this case, try to access the site through another PC with a different IP or access the site through the mobile application.

When paying, the buyer did not receive a payment confirmation password, why and what to do?

If, when paying for goods using a bank card, the buyer does not receive an SMS message with a payment confirmation code, this indicates that the “Internet banking” function is disabled for this card. Without Internet banking, the buyer will not be able to pay for the purchase, so to pay, contact a bank consultant and enable this function.

Payment was confirmed twice, how do I get my money back?

When placing orders, some buyers hastily make duplicate payments, that is, they purchase the same product twice, thus debiting the account twice for the cost of the product. It is possible to get your money back. To do this, after confirming the receipt of money, go to your personal account and refuse the purchase, choosing a suitable reason. A few days are given for the refund, their period depends on where the payment was made from. For example, money is returned to a bank card within 15 calendar days, to WebMoney - within 24 hours.

When paying, I received a notification “Aliexpress is temporarily unavailable” why and what should I do?

Sometimes, when paying for an item, a message appears on the buyer’s PC screen that says “temporarily unavailable.” This text indicates that during the payment the Aliexpress system began to carry out technical work. After they are completed, the buyer must place the order again and pay for it.

Payment does not go through because there is no page. Error 404

Sometimes, when paying for a product, an error (error 404) occurs, indicating that the page with this product does not exist, or the seller of this store is blocked or has removed his store from the site. In this case, look for this product from another seller.

The buyer is suspected of fraud, what to do?

Repeated incorrect entry of bank card details when purchasing goods is regarded by the trading platform as “suspicion of fraud.” In order to protect the funds in the account, the system blocks the transfer of money.

To unlock:

  1. contact the site administration and provide them with a scanned passport or other document confirming that the card belongs to you.
  2. also send a scanned bank card in an email.
  3. make an extract from your bank card account for this operation and send it to the site administration.

Happy shopping!