We connect the TV to the computer. Connecting RADEON cards to TV via composite and S-Video connection and watching movies cards with S video output

Switching the video part of the complex

Let's continue the conversation. This article will focus on switching video signals between sources and display device(s). Types of video signal transmission and, of course, the problem of making homemade cables will also be considered.


In fact, regardless of the type of analog video signal (composite, S-Video, RGB, component), the conductor is structurally a coaxial cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms. Depending on the type of video signal, there can be either one such cable, or several such cables are used to transmit the signal.

However, there are a huge number of varieties of practical implementation of this design. The center conductor may be a thick solid copper strand, may consist of many thin copper or silver-plated copper strands, and so on. The screen can be single, double or even triple, and can consist of wire, or wire in combination with foil or foil-coated plastic. The cable itself can be quite impressive and thick, or it can be very thin and inconspicuous. In general, there are many options here. And the most interesting thing is that it is quite difficult to say for sure which design provides guaranteed high image quality when transmitting an analog video signal - each manufacturer has its own methods and proprietary technologies. Some manage to make excellent cables consisting only of a stranded copper conductor and one copper screen. And someone makes a super-sophisticated cable using expensive materials, and the image quality does not live up to expectations, given the considerable cost of such a cable. That is, when choosing a cable, you should under no circumstances exclude the “image factor” by blindly trusting the phrase “expensive means high quality.” However, it’s not all that scary, since most well-known “cable manufacturers” still have a well-deserved reputation as a conscientious manufacturer, which means that if you buy a cable from a well-known manufacturer that has proven itself well in the production of cables, you can hardly go wrong. At least this is better than buying a cable from an unknown manufacturer, which, according to a seller on the market, is “much cooler than all these fashionable branded ones.”

Can you at least give a few examples of trusted video cable manufacturers?

Supra, Wire World, Straight Wire, Canare, Monitor cable, QED, Ixos, Liberty. Of course, this is not a list, but brands named “at random”. I remembered, as you understand, not all of them...

Types and methods of analog video signal transmission


Since the most widespread is relatively inexpensive video equipment and budget-class TVs, the most widespread among people so far is the method of transmitting a video signal, where all its components are transmitted in a mixed form over one single coaxial cable. This video signal is called “composite video”. And if in the era of the dominance of VHS cassettes this method of transmitting a video signal could be considered quite acceptable in quality, since the VHS cassette itself (in comparison with DVD, for example) cannot boast of high-quality, clear images, then with the advent of inexpensive DVD players The composite video signal, if not doomed to death, at least began to fade into the background even in the class of budget equipment (it has not been used in expensive household video equipment for a long time). Nowadays, only VHS players/cassette recorders have a composite video output (in fact, they have never had and never will have another low-frequency video output except for a composite one), and karaoke set-top boxes. The vast majority of other devices, such as DVD players, modern video cameras, satellite receivers, and so on, already have much higher quality video outputs, where the components of the video signal are transmitted separately from each other. Although, in most modern devices, the composite video output is still present, so as not to deprive the user of the ability to connect the device to “less advanced” display devices. For example, many modern TVs with small screen diagonals (14″-21″), not to mention previously released models, still only have a composite video input.

Typically, the output and input of a composite video signal is made in the form of a yellow RCA socket (in the photo the connector is in the lower left corner), or can be transmitted through a universal one.

The cable used to transmit a composite video signal consists of 1 coaxial cable with RCA (“tulip”) connectors at the ends.


This type of video signal provides separate transmission of a luminance (Y) signal and two combined chrominance (C) signals via independent cables. The standard for this type of connection is a round 4-pin connector. S-Video transmission can also be organized via Scart

Compared to a composite video signal, connecting via S-Video provides some gains in image clarity and stability, and to a lesser extent in color rendition. However, these improvements will only be noticeable when using a high-quality source (DVD player, high-quality satellite receiver, etc.) together with a sufficiently large diagonal screen (25″ or more). With a TV screen diagonal of 21″ (or less), the difference between a composite video signal and S-Video may not be so obvious, since much depends on the quality of the TV itself.


Or another name - color difference (Y"PbPr or in other words YUV, YIQ). To transmit the components, three independent coaxial cables are used, where one cable (Y) transmits signals in the ratio 0.299R + 0.5876G + 0.114V, according to the other (Pr) is red minus brightness (R-Y), and the third (Br) is blue minus brightness (B-Y). The connectors at the ends of the cable are usually RCA or BNC.

And here is what the component video output of a DVD player usually looks like.

The picture quality when connected via a component is radically (for the better) different from S-Video and, even more so, composite. Here the improvements are immediately visible: the picture is clearer and more stable with accurate color reproduction. The advantages of a component connection will be especially obvious when using high-quality video signal sources and large screens (29″-36″ TVs, good plasma panels, large-screen projectors).


In this case, separate transmission of three primary colors and a synchronization signal is used. To be precise, this type of video signal is called RGBS (Red, Green, Blue, Sync). Information is transmitted via independent cables. This can be 3 or 4 separate coaxial cables (in the case of 3 cables, the sync signal goes along with the green) with RCA or BNC connectors, or RGBS can be transmitted via.

There is also an even more complex variety of RGB, where not 3 or 4, but 5 cables are used to transmit signals, since the horizontal and vertical sync signals are transmitted separately from each other. This variety is called RGBHV (Red, Green, Blue, H-Sync, V-Sync). It is no longer possible to find RGBHV in a Scart cable, since such a video signal usually uses separate coaxial cables with RCA or BNC connectors, or one VGA cable (on one side of which there may also be BNC connectors (pictured)).

By the way, it is RGBHV that is used to transmit a signal from the video card of your computer’s system unit to an analog monitor - look how clean, clear and stable the picture is.


How do the analog video transmission standards described above compare in terms of image quality?

In ascending order:

  • composite video
  • S-Video
  • component video

    But this is the case if we abstract from practical implementation. Although, of course, a component or RGB is better in any case than S-Video or, especially, a composite. But between the component and RGBS (Scart), the difference in picture quality is often subtle. Often, a component connection turns out to be even more optimal, since, as already mentioned, RGBS is usually implemented via Scart, the quality of the conductors of which may be inferior to the individual coaxials used in the component cable. In addition, Scart is not very long, and this is often required when, say, mounting a projector on the ceiling or installing a cabinet with equipment away from a plasma panel or TV. And finally, many plasma panels and Scart projectors are simply not equipped.

    And RGBS via Scart will be an excellent solution if you connect, say, a DVD player to a nearby large-screen TV or plasma panel (many modern plasma panels perfectly “understand” not only RGBHV, but also RGBS - this will require a special Scart cable - 4 BNC or Scart - 4 RCA).

    So both options (component video and RGBS) provide very high image quality, it’s just that each option is convenient for certain cases (depending on the installation conditions of the equipment and the switching capabilities of the equipment). But if you are concerned about connecting a high-end projector to a high-end DVD player, and plan to use a scaler too to improve picture quality, then it’s worth looking towards RGBHV, or even using a digital connection (SDI or DVI) of the source to a processing and display device .

    Are there RGB converters to component video or vice versa?

    Yes, I have. However, the price of such devices is very high, so it is easier to immediately select a source (DVD player, satellite receiver, etc.) and a display device (TV, plasma panel, projector) in order to connect them directly without any converters.

    Are there S-Video to composite video converters or vice versa?

    In the case of converting a composite signal to S-Video, you only solve the problem of compatibility of switched devices - the image quality will not improve from such conversion. Often such converters are built into S-VHS video recorders or high-end AV receivers. There are also separate devices.

    If you convert S-Video to a composite signal, you noticeably lose in picture quality. True, for small screens (14″-21″ diagonally) this problem is practically not relevant. You can make such a converter yourself in a few minutes:

    What is the difference between an S-VHS cable and an S-Video cable?

    S-VHS is not a cable, but a video cassette format. The cable has one name - S-Video, although, unfortunately, sellers in many stores for some reason call it S-VHS, which only indicates their incompetence.

    Does the presence of a Scart connector on a TV or source indicate the presence of RGB in this Scart?

    No. The fact is that a composite video signal, RGBS, and S-Video can be transmitted through Scart. Plus, sound and service commands. Therefore, it is not at all necessary that RGB is present in the Scart output of the device or the Scart input of the TV. It’s easy to find out: look at the instructions for the device. Or conduct a visual inspection of the rear panel of the device: often they write “Scart (RGB)” above the Scart connector. However, they do not always write, but this information is required in the instructions.
    More detailed information about the Scart connector can be obtained from. However, I can reassure you: almost all modern large-diagonal TVs, if equipped with Scart connectors, then one or two of them will definitely have RGB. As for DVD players, almost all modern models with Scart allow you to output RGB through it. But it’s better to check, just in case...

    I have only one Scart with RGB on my TV - who should I “give” it to: a DVD player or a DVB satellite receiver (say, NTV+)?

    If the picture from the satellite receiver is not in HDTV (high-definition television) format, then it is better to connect the DVD player via RGB, and the satellite receiver via S-Video. Karaoke and VHS video recorder - composite, of course.

    Does switching the video signal through an AV receiver harm the quality of the picture?

    The switches of most modern AV receivers from well-known manufacturers do not introduce visible interference into the video signal. Moreover, in most cases, the highest quality video source (for the vast majority of people this is a DVD player) is usually connected to the TV (plasma panel, projector) directly. Often only composite video signals and S-Video are switched through the AV receiver.

    Which S-Video cable should you buy?

    If a cable is needed to connect an S-VHS VCR or a relatively inexpensive satellite receiver (say, NTV+) to a TV with a screen diagonal of up to 29″, then you can safely limit yourself to an inexpensive cable for $10-15 (for a ready-made cable 0.7-1. 5 meters). If you have a high-quality large-screen TV to which you want to connect, say, a DVD player (bearing in mind that neither RGB nor component connections are available in your case), then it is worth paying attention to higher quality cables for $25- 40. Also, the quality of the cable is of considerable importance if you need an S-Video cable longer than 4-5 meters.

    Which Scart cable to connect a DVD player via RGB should I buy?

    To connect to a 21″-25″ TV, any inexpensive cable for $15-20 (Hama, Monitor Cable, Bandrige, etc.) is sufficient. If you have a decent TV with a diagonal of 29″-36″, then it is better to buy a cable of at least a class of Profigold PGV-78x. Such a cable will cost $35-50. For large plasma TVs, you should take a closer look at serious cables from Supra, QED (in the picture in the RGB description in the middle of the article), top models from Monitor cable, and so on. Such a cable will cost $50-100.

    Which component cable should I buy?

    To connect the projector to a DVD player, it is better to use a high-quality component cable, which will cost $100-150 (for a 2-3 meter sample). To connect a DVD player to a projection or regular TV of any diagonal, it is enough to buy a component cable for $30-50 (2-3 meter sample). Although the most optimal solution would still be to manufacture the cable yourself, or to have such a cable made to order in any large professional equipment store. Such a component cable (2-3 meters long) together with connectors will cost $30-60. I have already described the benefits of buying professional cables, but I will repeat: when buying a cable from a well-known brand, you pay not only for the product, but also for advertising in glossy magazines, beautiful packaging and, of course, the big name of the manufacturer. In the case of component cables, the problem of needlessly overpaying money is especially relevant, because often even a very cheap component cable, made from 3 identical pieces of a good antenna cable and 6 connectors (the total cost of the cable will be no more than $10) will perform no worse than a branded one for $50. Unless, of course, we are talking about inexpensive LCD projectors, entry-level plasma panels, projection or CRT TVs. On high-quality plasma panels or high-end projectors with a large screen, this “trick” with a cable will not work.

    How to make a high-quality component cable yourself?

    You need to buy a high-quality coaxial video cable ($2-4 per meter) and 6 connectors of the required type (RCA or BNC) from a professional equipment store. However, the situation is such that almost all modern RCA or BNC connectors for professional equipment are not intended for soldering, but are connected to the cable by crimping with a special tool. Most professional hardware stores provide a crimping service for connectors - usually costing about $1 per connector. And since the manufacture of a component cable involves cutting the cable into 3 equal pieces and installing connectors, then consider that for the work of making a component cable they will charge you only $6, or a little more - it depends on the company. The crimp connectors themselves cost $3-5 apiece (these are high-quality metal connectors with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms). Just consider: even if you need a 3-meter component cable, it will cost about $50-60 including labor and connectors. And such a cable, believe me, can easily compete in picture quality with a purchased branded component cable for a couple of hundred dollars. I am not kidding. By the way, in serious home theater installations based on good projectors, a high-quality professional video cable is usually used, and not a “fingered” Hi-End video cable in a mahogany box. Among the most well-known companies producing professional video cables, one can name, for example, the Japanese company. In no case do I want to offend other respected manufacturers of high-quality professional cables by giving a description of self-manufacturing cables using the example of Canare products. It just so happened that I often used Canare in both installations and at home - I have nothing to blame these cables for. So, to make a component connector, you can use Canare or even . By the way, such cables allow you to use lengths of even several tens of meters without any visible loss in picture quality.

    Is it possible to make an S-Video cable yourself?

    The scheme is the same: purchase a high-quality professional cable (let me remind you, you will need two coaxial cables) and a pair of S-Video connectors. You can find the cable wiring in the middle of the article. But get ready: soldering S-Video connectors is quite inconvenient. It is better to take a relatively thin cable, otherwise it will be very difficult to solder it to the connector pins.

    Frankly, making S-Video yourself has more disadvantages than advantages, given the relatively low quality of the video signal via S-Video, the complexity of soldering and the low price of many S-Video cables, the quality of which is quite sufficient for switching a satellite receiver or S-VHS VCR.

    Is it possible to make Scart yourself?

    If you have a lot of patience, then yes. Why patience? , you have to solder 21 pins on each side. Is this really necessary? No no need. What do you need from a Scart in a home theater? That's right, video signal transmission, often only RGBS and composite (the sound still goes through the home theater audio system) - and this is much less hassle. Here you need to buy a couple of good Scart connectors ($3-10 piece) and a cable of the Canare V5-1.5C class (pictured), which costs a few dollars per meter, but contains 5 full-fledged thin coaxials with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms. Such a cable will provide a high-quality signal and is easy to solder.

    As a result, such a homemade Scart for $30 can easily compete with a purchased Scart for $70-100 in terms of picture quality in S-Video or RGBS mode.

    What is the maximum length of component, RGB (if implemented as 3-5 separate coaxial cables) or composite cable?

    Since in all cases separate coaxial cables are used, we can talk about all three types of connections at once. So, if you use high-quality coaxial cables (including professional ones), then without visible degradation of the image you can use lengths of 20-30 meters, and, if desired, longer. On low-quality cables, the image may become noticeably worse even when the cable length is over 5 meters.

    What is the maximum length of an S-Video cable?

    Often, relatively inexpensive ready-made S-Video cables use not the best coaxials, which behave well over short lengths, but if you want to stretch the cable more than 3-5 meters, then it is better to buy high-quality (that is, quite expensive) S-Video Video cable, or make it yourself from a professional video cable (it will be cheaper and better) - in this case, a distance of ten or two meters will no longer be a problem.

    To be continued…

Due to their higher resolution, video signals are more susceptible to degradation than audio signals, particularly when transmitted over poor quality conductor. And, as with audio signals, radio or electromagnetic interference can ruin the video. This may result in snow, noise, or streaking in the image. More with a copper conductor and 2-3 layers of shielding will help maintain cable strength and signal accuracy.

Digital video connection

A digital video cable will give you the best picture quality when you connect an HD video source, such as a high-definition player, Blu-Ray player or game console to your HDTV. Digital cables are a good choice because they are less susceptible to environmental noise sources than analog video cables. However, it is still important to use high-quality cables, as the cables included in the home theater kit, especially if they are longer than 3 meters, may cause signal loss or pixelation of the image. At the moment, the most optimal cable for carrying video signals is HDMI.


.What is he doing? An HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cable passes the video signal while storing it in digital format. This way, you can avoid image degradation due to signal conversion from digital to analog and vice versa. HDMI cables can carry both standard definition video signals and high definition digital signals up to 1080p, depending on the capabilities of the receiver. An HDMI connection is also the only option that will allow unconverted signals coming from a Blu-Ray or DVD player to be transmitted at 720p, 1080i or 1080p resolution. And, of course, HDMI is the only cable that, along with video, carries up to eight channels of high-resolution audio. Standard HDMI continues to evolve, so check the cable specifications and version before purchasing.

When to use it? HDMI is the preferred video connection, so use it whenever possible. You can find HDMI connectors on almost all HD components: high-definition televisions, home theater players, game consoles, HD cable or satellite modulators, and even HD camcorders. HDMI cables are also backwards compatible with older DVI digital video connections. You can use an HDMI to DVI adapter to connect an older component to a DVI terminal and a newer component to an HDMI terminal, but this will only play video. In this case, the audio signal will not be transmitted.

What should you pay attention to? When you buy an HDMI cable, pay attention to the higher quality of the metal from which the center conductor of the wire is created. It is better to choose copper, silver or gold instead of aluminum. For example, silver conducts signals 5% better than copper. Thus, you will get better video quality and protection from interference.

Analog video connections

If you're trying to find a cable for older TVs or players and they don't have an HDMI connector, then you might want to try one of the analog video cables.

Component cable

What is he doing? Component video cable carries the video signal efficiently, delivering more detail and color than you can get from coaxial, composite or S-Video cables. It divides the video signal into three parts, each of which is transmitted over a separate channel. Unlike the other three types of analog connection, a component video cable can carry a high-definition signal with progressive scan up to 1080p (this is a common video equipment limitation of the output resolution of a component signal to 1080i).

When can it be used? Since a component video cable is capable of carrying high-definition video, it is an excellent plan B to replace an HDMI cable. Component video connectors can be found on most DVD players, Blu-ray players, televisions, HDTV tuners, cable or satellite modulators and A/V receivers. Keep in mind that not all video components can be transmitted, and not all TVs can accept a full 1080p signal through the component jack.

What you should pay attention to? High quality materials, gold-plated connectors ensuring reliable fixation, shielding (two or three layers of protection), and at least a copper center conductor of the cable.

.What is he doing? S-video cables are basically round, have 4 connectors and transmit color, brightness and parts of the video in different ways. As a result, they provide better color reproduction and image detail than coaxial or composite cables. S-video can transmit video at resolutions up to 480i.

When to use it? S-video cable is well suited for connecting older receivers, S-VHS VCRs and older televisions that cannot display resolutions greater than 480. It is because of this limitation that it is less popular than other types of cables.

What you should pay attention to? For proper lossless video display, look for cables with a copper core and double shielding.

.What is he doing? Composite video cable, also known as RCA, often has yellow video connectors with matching red and white stereo audio connectors. This cable can also transmit video at up to 480i resolution.

When to use it? This type of cable is most often found in sets that come with video components. It can be used to connect VCRs, older TVs, and in other cases where the source cannot play high frequency video.

What should you pay attention to? It is necessary to check the quality of the RCA connectors, as well as the presence of double shielding protection.

What is he doing? Coaxial RF cable, also known as coaxial F cable, is designed to carry video and stereo audio signals from a television antenna or cable TV jack. Please note that it is only intended to transmit signals to your video system outside the home. This cable only carries the lowest quality video (compared to other cables), and supports resolutions of around 350i.

When to use it? Coaxial RF cable is suitable for connecting antennas, cable distributors or satellite dishes (do not confuse this type of cable with coaxial audio).

What you should pay attention to? Standard coaxial video cable is labeled "RG-59". You need to find a higher quality cable - "RG-6" - which reduces signal loss and has better protection. When installing, ensure that all regulations are followed and that the cable is protected from the elements.

We display the image from the computer to the TV

In order to connect a computer to a TV (we are talking about television equipment produced over the last few years, and not about the old “Seagulls” and “Horizons” from the 80s), you will need an adapter cord that allows you to send a signal from the PC video card to the video input TV. Usually this is an s-video - “tulip” or s-video – scart cable. Everything will depend on what connector you have installed on your TV. In our case, “tulip” (RCA). Such an adapter cable can be purchased at the radio market or in a specialized store. Its price is low - from 100 to 250 rubles, but everything will depend on the length. Therefore, before buying an adapter cord, measure the distance from the back wall of the system unit to the TV. If the distance is, for example, five meters, still take a longer cord - seven meters. Suddenly you will make a rearrangement.

If the cable is purchased, the matter remains small. We plug the s-video connector into the output of the graphics card (you won’t confuse it with anything else), and the “tulip” into the “video in” socket of the TV. This operation is performed, of course, with the computer and TV turned off.

If your video card has a 4-pin plug, you can try make an adapter cable yourself.

For this you will need:

Shielded cable, detachable 4-pin S-video connector, detachable Tulip type connector.

Everything must be connected according to the diagram below.

After you have connected the adapter cable, turn on the computer and make the following settings. Right-click on the desktop and select “Properties”. Go to the “Options” tab and select “Advanced” in it. Attention, we made the settings using the ATI RADEON 9200 video card as an example. For other video cards, the settings will, naturally, be different. But the difference will not be very significant. The main thing is to learn the algorithm of actions.

We now have the “Properties: monitor connection module...” window. Click on the “Monitors” tab and see the following window.

It shows that the TV button is marked in red. That's right, this means our TV is turned off. Let's turn it on. And then we choose whether the main device will be a TV or a monitor. We chose a monitor and this is what happened. If we click on the TV button, we will see the following picture.

Currently, there are a huge number of different video standards and interfaces. Some have been in use for more than a decade, others are just entering our everyday life, and it’s quite easy to get confused in this variety. This is as difficult as for a non-specialist to understand a template for a forum. In this article, we have made a small selection of various interfaces for transmitting video signals, as well as common video connectors.

We hope you find this information useful.

Composite video output

Composite video output is designed to transmit all components of a video signal in a mixed form over one wire.

Typically the composite connector is a yellow RCA jack, or a generic SCART connector. To transmit a composite video signal, a coaxial cable with RCA ("tulip") connectors at the ends is used.

Composite video signal ( composite video) has been used since the reign of video cassettes, but is not capable of transmitting a high-quality signal. For this reason, it is currently used only in inexpensive video equipment, for example, in televisions with a small screen diagonal (14"-21").

Component video output

Component video is also called color difference video. It contains a luminance signal (Y) and two chrominance signals (U and V), which are determined by the formula:

Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B

Interlaced ( interlaced) or progressive ( progressive) sweep. Interlace scanning is used in all existing television broadcasting systems. Progressive scanning is used in the modern television standard HDTV and in modern DVD players, as it allows for higher image quality.

To transmit such a video signal, three separate coaxial cables are used, at the ends of which there are RCA ("tulip") connectors or BNC connectors.

Video output S-Video

The S-Video connector is commonly used to output video signals from camcorders, PCs, and game consoles to household televisions and other consumer video equipment. The S-Video interface uses two signal lines - a chrominance (C) signal and a luminance (Y) signal. When used as a signal source, a DVD player or satellite receiver and a TV with a diagonal of 25" or more, this interface allows you to obtain a higher quality image than a composite video signal.

The cable for transmitting this video signal contains different types of connectors: 2 BNC connectors, 2 RCA connectors, 4-pin Mini DIN connector or a universal SCART connector.

RGB video output

To transmit a color image to a CRT monitor, intensity signals for each RGB color are used, as well as horizontal (H) and vertical (V) scan signals. A total of five signals are obtained - RGBHV.

To transmit the RGB signal, 5 coaxial cables equipped with BNC connectors are used.

VGA video output

In addition to RGB and synchronization signals, the VGA connector also contains so-called DDC signals for transmitting information between the video card and the monitor. The VGA cable connects using a 15-pin D-Sub connector (also called D-Sub 15 pin).

DVI video output

DVI digital video output is used mainly in video adapters of personal computers. It provides digital signal transmission directly from the video adapter of a computer or laptop to the projector. This does not use an intermediate digital-to-analog image (as in the S-Video standard or in a composite video signal), which allows you to obtain a higher quality picture.

Today there are two types of DVI connectors:

  • universal combination connector DVI-I. It allows you to connect both digital and analog monitors (with an adapter from DVI-I to 15-pin VGA D-Sub);
  • fully digital connector DVI-D, to which only digital monitors can be connected. This connector differs from the DVD-I connector in that it does not have four holes (pins) around the horizontal slot. As a rule, such an interface is used only in cheap video cards.

In addition, DVI connectors (DVI-I and DVI-D) have two types of connector: Single Link And Dual Link, differing in the number of contacts. At the same time, Dual Link uses all 24 digital contacts, while Single Link uses only 18. Single Link is used in devices with a resolution of up to 1920x1080 (the so-called HDTV). For higher resolutions, Dual Link is used, which allows doubling the number of output pixels.

HDMI video output

HDMI interface ( High Definition Multimedia Interface) is designed for connection to DVD players, satellite receivers and video adapters of personal computers, modern televisions and home theaters. Today it is the standard for transmitting digital audio and video in uncompressed form.

HDMI is an all-digital digital format that allows you to transmit not only high-definition video, but also many digital audio channels using just one cable. An HDMI cable with a signal spectrum width of up to 10 Gbps allows you not only to output high-resolution video, but also simultaneously transmit up to eight channels of high-quality audio.

The HDMI interface is a further development of the DVI-D interface and is fully compatible with it, but has more advanced parameters.

Currently, the following types of HDMI connectors are available:

  • Type A, which has 19 contacts and is most widespread.
  • Type B, having 29 contacts. It has an extended video channel, which allows you to transmit video information with a resolution higher than 1080p. Currently, this connector is not yet in great demand.
  • mini HDMI is designed for use in camcorders and portable devices. It is a variation of the HDMI Type A connector, but has a reduced size.

Please note that the HDMI cable cannot be longer than 15 m.

If we arrange all the video standards described above in increasing order of video signal quality, we get:

  • composite video
  • S-Video
  • component video

The article was prepared specifically for the site

An article about how you can use S-Video connectors.

Theory of the issue

S-Video output - black round 4 and 7 - pin connector, located, as a rule, on the back panel of the TV and often serves to connect cable TV to it. You can connect your computer to your TV in a variety of ways, but the most accessible way is to connect via the S-Video connector. An S-Video connector is present on almost every video card, and everyone, even an analog TV, is equipped with it. In addition, the S-Video interface provides very high-quality color and sound transmission: the picture quality when connecting a computer to a TV via S-Video connectors will be many times better than when using RCA connectors or several cables connected by an adapter.

The S-Video input is one of the earliest connectors for connecting external devices to a TV. Many should remember it from Soviet televisions: it was into these connectors that the antenna was inserted. Now this black “circle” is more used for connecting cables for TV and children’s game consoles. Modern TVs are equipped with many connectors: RCA (“tulip”), HDMI, DVI, VGA (D-Sub) and, without fail, an S-Video connector.
Many owners of modern plasma or LCD TVs unjustifiably “forget” about the S-Video connector and prefer to use more modern interfaces - the same HDMI, DVI, RCA.
At the same time, S-Video provides much better color rendering quality than either of them. Perhaps, only for connecting LCD TVs (which are similar in matrix structure to computer monitors) is it more convenient to use modern digital interfaces: HDMI or DVI. And the color triple RCA outputs are nothing more than an original innovation. The composite connection is inferior in quality to all the above interfaces.
Connecting your computer to your TV via S-Video connectors is also convenient because you don’t have to use adapters. Every TV and almost every video card (with the exception of only the oldest models) have such connectors. You just need to connect them with a cable. And there are plenty of S-Video - S-Video cables in every store. This standard cable has been in great demand since the early 90s.

So, we connect the computer to the TV via S-Video connectors

1. Connect the computer and TV with an “S-Video – S-Video” cable. Before connecting, the computer and TV must be turned off. If the TV is connected to cable TV, the cable from the S-Video connector must be removed. After this we proceed to the connection.
We insert one end of the cable into the S-Video output of the computer (black “circle” on the video card), and the other end of the cable into the S-Video input of the TV (a similar black “circle” on the back (sometimes on the front) panel of the TV). S-Video output is the connector through which signals are sent (in our case, the S-Video connector on the video card), and S-Video input is the connector through which signals are received (in our case, the S-Video connector on the panel TV).

2. Turn on the TV first, and then the computer. When Windows loads, the TV screen should blink slightly. This action indicates that the TV has detected external signals. Therefore, our connection is on the right path. If you are using a digital TV, then in this case you do not need to switch it to AV mode - it must receive signals from the antenna socket (S-Video).

3. Set up the video card. If you are using a video card from NVidia (Ge-Force), do the following. Right-click on the desktop, select “Properties”, open the “Options” tab (in the upper right corner of the window that opens), and in the opened tab click on the “Advanced” button. In the window that opens, go to the tab with the name of the model of our video card (Ge-Force****). We put a point on “Clone” (thereby defining the TV as a second monitor), in the Ge-Force window open on the left, select nView and click on Apply. After that, click on the “Display” field and select the name of our TV from the list of devices that opens. The image should appear. You can also set additional image settings here (color correction, for example).
If you are using an ATI graphics card, the first three steps remain the same. And after clicking on “Advanced”, the computer itself will tell you how to further connect the TV to it. Installation instructions will begin to appear on the screen. You just need to complete them.

4. Turn on “search” on the TV. Unfortunately, when connecting a computer to a TV via S-Video, in some cases the image still needs to be configured as a separate television channel. To do this, turn on the search and scroll through the frequencies until we come across the computer desktop. In a word, the computer is connected to the TV via S-Video exactly like a game console: we connect the cord, and then adjust the image.