Teenagers children companions in Skyrim. Mods and plugins

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    • From

      The Shire is a quest mod with a volume of about 4 GB, containing 10699 lines and representing a separate island location of the Shire from The Lord of the Rings. You can get there from Skyrim through a portal. Unique music, ENT, textures available. No major bugs were noticed.
      The story begins near Riften. You should run along the road to the edge of the map past the Dawn Gorge. When you get there, you will see a woman fighting the Thalmor. Help her and start a conversation, then everything will go on its own.
      There are 2 options available. First, the player falls on the side of conditional Good, then is given the choice to continue as he started or go over to the side of conditional Evil. Good and Evil have different paths and endings. Also, the player's decisions and the degree to which quests are completed affect the survival of a number of NPCs.

      Translation features:
      There are both inevitable mistakes and blunders, since this is my first translation.esp in my life.
      Some of the names have not been translated. Mainly items for building your home and ingredients. Something simply has no analogues in Russian, something has several meanings and the context is unclear. For example, the line "Close" can mean either "Close", "Close" or "Close".
      The mod has no connection to sexlab and no age restrictions. Since there is a certain love line with a woman, I focused on the GG - a man. A couple of times the author inserted alternative lines of dialogue for "she", but not often. So, if you play for ZhGG, be prepared that you will sometimes be considered a woman, but mostly a man. It is not always clear which gender is which in the dialogues.
      The dialogues in the mod were not written at once, but were added to, and not in order. That is, the author wrote the main branches, and then completed them, adding new phrases to the end. As a result, it is not always clear what they refer to and the characters may speak at random.
      Identified shortcomings:
      At the very beginning, when the GG just entered the Shire, 2 Hobbits are standing and talking. Both are men, but one of them is translated as a woman.
      Criticism is welcome, I will fix bugs when I receive a sufficient number of reports.

      We take the mod itself from the nexus, version 3.3
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      Registration on the site. .esp from my Yandex disk
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      UPDATED as of 11/09/2019
      Paradise Halls SLExtension

      Version: 7.3.9

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      including the original author
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      Original page:

      Features: Plugin for slavery, will allow you to enslave NPCs and sell them on the Fellgrou slave market, also adds the ability to train and punish slaves through sex. The collar and whip can be created in the forge or taken from the Dragon's Reach on Farengar's table, to start the mod you need to launch it through the menu, in new versions it is possible to give slaves names, choose a specialization, etc.
      Sexlab SkyUI ZazAnimationPack Hearthfire JContainers - for the ability to give slaves names (it works for me with the version JContainers_-49743-3-2-6) Recommendations: Load the main mod after Death Alternative: Your money or your life, extension paradise_halls_SLExtension.esp below the Advanced Follower mod Tweaks to reduce problems.

      Old versions:
      Add-on patches from version 7.0 in one archive.

      Old versions of patches from version 7.0 are not required:
      and Hidden Content

      Old versions of patches from version 7.0 are not required:
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      by author Hidden content

      Updated on November 24, 2019 *New version* Paradise Halls - Home Sweet Home
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      Version: 1.22
      Hidden content
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      Developer: Hidden Content
      A temporary camp allows you to keep up to 3 slaves, two permanent ones up to 4 slaves each, and cells in the interiors (cave, fort, house) - up to 3, or 6 after the update.
      The auction is available after completing the quest, or by unchecking the checkbox in the menu immediately.
      Training: Some slaves can train others upon reaching the appropriate level of subjugation (>70).

      In some rare cases, house slaves may become unresponsive. They will speak a certain line of text when clicked, but no dialogue will be displayed. If this happens: check the list of Home Sweet Home slaves in the MCM menu. If the slave's name is empty (only their submission can be seen), then exit the house. Hopefully the name will be reset to "Nippy" and the slave will have to work again.
      During a slave auction, slaves may become stuck in their cages and/or auction block. To fix: try to wait an hour, hit the slave. If all else fails, approach Pardo and tell him you need to leave, then leave the inn. The quest stage will end and you will have the opportunity to see Pardo and collect your money.
      When you wait for Melina to visit the Laughing Rat, keep in mind that she should be at the Laughing Rat at noon, so she will leave the palace a little earlier. Also, the quest step will fail if you wait (T) in Melina's palace (you can repeat the scene). Wait for her outside the palace.
      During the quest "Search for Justice", Merian will attack everything. If she doesn't find you, wait for a day or so outside of major cities (not indoors) and she will find you. She must be out of combat after the attack in order to talk to her and move on with the quest; hitting her will force her to give up and stop fighting. If other NPCs attack her, it may take several attempts.

      Features: Plugin for slavery, will allow you to enslave NPCs and sell them on the Fellgrou slave market, also adds the ability to train and punish slaves through sex. The collar and whip can be created in the forge or taken from the Dragon's Reach on Farengar's table, to start the mod you need to launch it through the menu, in new versions it is possible to give slaves names, choose a specialization, etc.
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      or Hidden content
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      Hearthfires Hidden Content
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      To view hidden content, REGISTRATION on the site is required.
      - turn your house into a pimp den Hidden content
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      - selling extra slaves Hidden content
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      - Adds HDT circuits to the game, can be used for slaves Hidden content
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      - improves slave interaction with HDT chains Recommended if you use Heretical Resources Hidden content


      Old versions of patches from version 7.0 are not required:
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      - new types of bondage Hidden content

      Updated on November 24, 2019 *New version* Paradise Halls - Home Sweet Home
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      - additional torture devices Hidden content
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      - even more torture devices
      To view hidden content, REGISTRATION on the site is required. PAH - And you get a slave! Updated from 02/09/2020
      Version: 0.58b
      Original page:
      Features: Allows you to sell slaves to residents of Skyrim (citizens, shopkeepers, tavernkeepers, farmers or miners), after the sale the slaves will be located next to the owner (farm, tavern).
      You can sell slaves from Paradise Halls or Home Sweet Home to the majority of Skyrim's population.
      - Slaver: allows you to buy slaves from their owners
      - Hardler's Glove: you can force your PAHE slaves to earn money with sex: NPCs approach them, or you can approach NPCs with this offer (in taverns or towns where slavery is common)
      - Prostitute Perk: You can leave your PAHE slaves in taverns, on the streets or tied up on the roadside to earn money, unattended tricks
      - Perk Madame: open your own brothel in your home
      - When selling slaves at auction in HSH, slaves may appear again later in the bandit camp or for sale in the city
      - Owners who are dissatisfied with their slaves sometimes punish them with a whip, with a yoke or shackles, or by tying them to a tree or to a post (in cities where slavery is common)
      - Support for interactive BDSM: allow passers-by to interact with slaves shackled in devices.
      - Adjustable appearance ratio for male and female subordinates
      - After the end of the civil war, famous characters from the losing side may appear as slaves for sale.
      - Owners have the option to punish slaves in static devices placed around the city (instead of creating them as needed)
      - The patrons of your brothel are chosen based on the gender of the courtesans and customized sexual preferences
      - Smaller cities such as Mortal will accept slavery a little faster. Hamlets like Rorikstead are even faster
      - You can check slaves for owner's marks to see who owns them (only works on new slaves)
      - Added places for prostitutes in cities and villages. On the streets and behind buildings.

      Features: Plugin for slavery, will allow you to enslave NPCs and sell them on the Fellgrou slave market, also adds the ability to train and punish slaves through sex. The collar and whip can be created in the forge or taken from the Dragon's Reach on Farengar's table, to start the mod you need to launch it through the menu, in new versions it is possible to give slaves names, choose a specialization, etc.
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      A Redguard woman with dreadlocked pigtails will wait for her savior in the stronghold of Snake Rock, in the dungeon. We go down, multiply the rogues by zero, and open an inconspicuous side door in the hall, locked with an expert lock. Next, we drag madam to the Ice Cream Fruit tavern, Rorikstead.
      You can approach her for sex. Dialogues become active once every 4 hours, I don’t know if this is a bug or a feature. Loves skooma, including double distillation, you can keep bottles in your inventory. From 9 am to 5 pm he will work on the farm (8-hour work day? Local peasants live well). Dialogues are random, about 100 pieces. Either way they end in sex. There is something about sex for money, but I don’t understand how to get there. Maybe there was more digging to do, or maybe something else.


      Old versions of patches from version 7.0 are not required:
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  • We will all grow old and die. Hello.

    I present to your attention a mod that is a complete reworking of the “Children of Skyrim” mod. A lot of things have been fixed technically, but the most important thing is that the mod will change existing children, allow you to play for them, add new children and, attention, make it possible to see and play for, for example, an Argonian child. Or an orc/elf/khajiit child, etc. But in order.

    You could see my opinion about children in the entry “Children of Skyrim” and, although quite some time has passed, I have not changed it. Perhaps some remember the Oblivion mods that tried to add children? They were city expanders and stuff like that. But no one took them seriously there - well, it’s true: there are no models, animation, scripts, you won’t be able to make a full-fledged child, just a small NPC. It was simply impossible to make them there. But in Skyrim they are there from the very beginning, and Holy Shit - how disgustingly they are made. Even in the third Fall it was better. It’s one thing when something simply doesn’t exist and can’t exist, but a flawed implementation is quite another. Some might say that this is not what the game is about, but no. The Hearthfire DLC made it clear - and about this too. And HD textures won't fix anything.

    At first I wanted to upload the entire mod into one archive, but then I decided to split them into several, let's go.


    The mod itself. Actually, it adds five children's playable races and will change existing children. Of course everything is in Russian. There's not much to say about it, but just keep in mind that the child races use their own skeleton. The mod will add six playable races: Wood Elf child, High Elf child, Orc child, Khajiit child, Human child and Demon Child (don't ask =_, and will also change existing children.

    Also, if you have Apache hairstyles installed and want to use them on children's races, then you will need these optional extras:




    Here, I remember, someone complained that the hero and the enemies - children - were swearing in an angry adult voice. But you want the girl to wave the two-handed weapon not with an angry wheeze and exhalation, but to cutely yak, right? Well, this is it. Corrects children's voices, making them really childish.

    More Stuff

    A pack of no small size, adding clothes for children to the vastness of Skyrim. Don't worry, adults can wear new clothes and armor too. All things are aligned in level sheets, so don't try to find everything at once. New content can be found: on farms or in ordinary places, such as cabinets and chests in houses/forts. Noble clothes and armor are available from the rich and in stores, and armor is in the chests of caves/forts. I like it.

    Pale and incomplete screenshot:


    Well, the name says it all. Perhaps the most delicious addition to the base. A few screenshots below are from my game. It is highly recommended to use it together with the “Armor Pack”, otherwise the children will be in vanilla armor (which fits them quite naturally, but does not work). The following will put their children on the battlefield: bandits, outcasts, necromancers and the Thalmor. Brings both realism and variety. The mod will not affect enemies - adults and the approximate correspondence between an adult asshole and a small asshole: 4\1, so everything is fine.

    RCOTS - Vampires

    Either a bug fix or something. Some players were unable to become a vampire while playing as a child. This mod seems to correct this oversight.

    Alternative body textures

    Got it: alternative textures for kids. To be honest, there are no author’s screenshots, and I didn’t understand the difference. In short, at your own peril and risk.

    Parts from adult races

    The name makes me crazy. Now I will explain what it does:
    Children have their own model, their own textures and skeleton. Thanks to the mods described above, it became possible to add Apache hairstyles, but that’s all. Now let’s imagine that you crammed 150 mods on hairstyles, faces, scars, eyebrows, eyes, war paints and the inscription “Log” on Lydia’s ass. But you couldn't use them on children. Thanks to this mod, you can.


    Initially, this addition was developed as a test of the performance of new races (not human children), but, as usual, away we go. This expansion will add seven (7) new child companions to the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood. They don’t represent anything particularly useful, but if you want to watch the gladiator fight “Lola vs Troll Horde” - welcome. Attention! The add-on requires the installation of ALL OTHER add-ons (Basic, Children are enemies, Armor Pack, Replacer) and all DLC. Also, for the correct sound of Khajiit and uh... Argonians, you need a mod (link to Nexus), but this mod does not fit in this collection - one hell of a lot will only correct the English sound - two. Russian-speaking users will have to listen to an adult Khajiit and Argonian voice from the lips of children. (no longer, put “Children's voice”)


    As the name suggests, it’s a replayer. Replacement of girls with more pleasant and beautiful ones. This does not apply to children - enemies, but will change the key characters. Necessary? Who knows, the main file does a good job of this, but it depends on your tastes.

    I didn’t want to scatter screenshots all over the post, but I can’t do without them here:



    The second main delicacy. A huge armor pack, which is designed specifically for use by the child race. I recommend installing it together with the “Children Are Enemies” add-on so that the new armor can be found on NPCs. Of course, the new armor can also be used by an adult character, but with bugs (for example, almost missing breasts). There is a lot of new armor - both reworkings of existing ones and completely new ones. Seriously, I don't see the point of this pack without "Children-Enemies".

    Not compatible with game armor replacers that have esp.


    Requirements for the mod: SKSE, all DLC, latest version of the game. The “base” is mandatory, everything else is optional.

    Installation: Standard.

    All mods have been tested by me: if you have problems in the game, look for a conflict in other mods, I don’t know what they conflict with.
    Everything is in Russian.
    Hell will take everyone.
    Someone needs it, like me.
    The cleaver stands behind and waits for me to finish writing.
    If you don't like it, don't eat it.


    What does this plugin do?

    Tired of the harsh warriors and warriors who cover your back in battle? Do you want to educate the younger generation? Then this plugin is for you! From now on, you will have the opportunity to make any child in Skyrim your companion.


    Please note that a recruited child does not take up a companion slot. This means you can also hire an ordinary companion (friends, mercenaries, housecarls).


    1. Copy the Data folder of the archive to the folder with the installed game.
    2. Connect the esp file in the Files section of the game launcher.

    From the translator:

    Some dialogs and options that are visible in the screenshot are not from this plugin,
    and from UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul, so don't be surprised,
    if you don't find them in yours.
    I also want to warn you that nothing is known about the compatibility of this plugin with any other plugin affecting satellites. If you have any problems, please contact the author of the plugin on the official page.

    Published with written permission from the author - Praveen