Dungeons and raids of the Battle for Azeroth. Raid - What is Raid? The easiest raid in wow

How to start raiding in WoW? This question is asked by many players who have recently entered the lands of Azeroth. The answers, as a rule, are always vague or not entirely accurate, which is why they make a lot of mistakes at the beginning, on the way to fame and epic equipment.

First, it’s worth understanding the questions: “Why do you need raids? What will raids give you?

Firstly, completing raids is the top of PvE content in WoW, and secondly, in raids you can get the best equipment. Raids teach you how to play better with your class, a raid teaches you how to work in a team, and also helps you understand how other classes work.

In raids you can also get achievements, mounts, pets, and toys. Reid teaches you how to communicate on a completely different level. A raid can also bring quite a few new acquaintances. Most PvE players play WoW because of raids, they pay a subscription and log into WoW just to raid. It's not surprising that many newcomers become interested in raids over time.

The motivators to go on a raid should be the following: learn to play better with your class, learn to work in a team, and complete WoW to the end. If your motivator is getting equipment, mounts, achievements, do not be surprised that you will have to raid mainly in guilds that do not have the best progress, or almost always with random groups through search. It is worth mentioning that with a probability close to 1% you will be able to master the most difficult bosses in raids, as well as subsequently receive the best equipment, mounts and achievements.

So, you're not sure yet, but you want to try real raids for a taste. I'm not talking about raids that are matched to random players. These are not raids, just a pathetic parody of them. I'm talking about normal, heroic and mythic raids - these are raids as they should be, not a bunch of 30 strange bodies that act and behave like a bunch of Neanderthals, one-shotting everything in their path or dying in the entire raid because the healer turned out to be a damage dealer, the tank was a druid in the owl branch, three damage dealers were sitting in the garrison, the hunters brought two more packs of trash to the boss (because it’s boring), the robber set the boss against the mage, the second tank did not know what a taunt is, a shaman went to /afk even before the battle began, the BL was surrendered at a time when there were only 10 living players left in the raid, five players left after the start of the battle, another 6 went offline in the middle of the battle, the healer could not run out of the AoE zone, as did half the raid, causing him to run out of mana after 1 minute of battle.

In general, this is not a raid, but sometimes it is as difficult as a mythical one.

The first thing you need to decide is what role you want to play in the raid - hold the boss or a group of monsters (tank), heal the raid (heal), or deal damage (DD). You should not approach this lightly; your position and tasks in the raid will depend on it.

Many people mistakenly assume that much less is required from DDs than from other classes, and the female half often thinks that from healers. So this is absolutely not true - the duration of the battle depends on the damage control, the survivability depends on the healers, and the maximum amount of battle time depends on the tanks.

In other words, the more damage the raid deals, the faster the boss dies, the better you heal, the more DD you can take on the boss, the longer the tank can hold the boss on itself without healing and survive the greater number of powerful abilities of the boss, the more time the heal has remains to heal the raid, and the DD has more time to kill the boss.

The second is your class and spec. Getting to one or another boss often depends on the class. In some guilds there is a shortage of classes and specs, in others there is a shortage. It is also worth noting that from patch to patch, some classes become stronger than others, and accordingly their chances of getting into the raid will be higher.

If with tanks and healers everything is more or less simple (in the realities of WoD), tanks have their own tasks, healers have their own, then the damage dealer still has a division into physical damage and magic damage, ranged fighters (RDD) and melee fighters (MCD). RDDs are taken much more willingly and more than MDDs; they are easier on many bosses.

That is, if you choose the mage class and try to join a guild where there are already about 5 raiding mages, you will most likely be refused, but in good guilds... well, a note that they are always looking for all classes and specs, they are ready to take you for a test and so on. - this is not written for you (not yet for you). If you are not able to understand this, you will understand in time and there is no need to worry about it.

Of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one spec. If you, say, are a paladin of the “Retribution” branch and have chosen the role of MDD, then most likely there is only one way. Whether it's shamans or druids, they have specializations in both RDD and DMD. That is, of course, you can be a MDD (enkh) shaman and raid in this particular specialization, and if necessary, depending on the composition or boss, switch to the RDD (elem) specialization - this is convenient, but you will have to learn to play in both specializations, as well as get things for them.

It’s still worth thinking about playing in two specs, so that if necessary you can adapt to the raid. The situation is slightly worse for robbers. There are three specializations, and all of them are MDD, but this also makes life easier for them; on some bosses it is better to be in the “Elimination” branch, on others - in the “Stealth”.

The third stage is faction and race. Depending on your race, you can get additional bonuses, which can put you ahead a little. It is also worth remembering that not all races can be paladins or warlocks. Each race can only choose from a specific set of classes. For example, you cannot create a tauren warlock, or a pandaren paladin, or a pelegen bard (neither such race nor class exists in the game).

Have you decided on the role, race, class and spec? Great, now your actions will be aimed at obtaining equipment with which you will be allowed to go on a raid. In the realities of WoD, in order to be able to comfortably complete a raid of a normal difficulty level, you need to acquire things that would raise the level of the equipment you are wearing to level 630+.

You can get level 630-636 equipment in five-player dungeons of heroic difficulty. You can also buy level 630+ items at the auction, but it will cost you a pretty penny. As soon as the “Raid Search” button becomes available, I advise you to go there (once a week) to try the chance to get level 640-646 equipment.

There are also world bosses (there are only three of them so far), where 40+ people gather and, as a rule, they take everyone there (even if you are a level 100 leprechaun with level 600 items). From them you can try your luck to knock out items of a level much higher than 630. There are still ways to get equipment by doing PvP, sending your comrades in the garrison on missions, also with a small chance of knocking it out of monsters or getting it from scrap.

After obtaining equipment, you should not storm raids with a flag in your hands. Will not work. You will need to read PvE guides for your class and spec. Understand what your rotation of abilities is, what abilities there are that can help you survive or help your comrades, find out the stat priorities for your class and spec.

You might want to go through a couple more dungeons to replace a few things, make the discovery of the century - glyphs, find out the best enchantments and stones for equipment, as well as what food, flask and sweat are suitable for you. Sometimes from guides you can also find out bis equipment for your class and spec, bis (bis boots, bis chest, etc.) - this is the best equipment that, roughly speaking, all representatives who have chosen the same want to wear class and spec, because It is this that gives the best characteristics among other things in the same slot for you.

Have you selected the level of things, enchanted items, inserted stones, inserted symbols, distributed talents, found out your rotation? Now your path lies to the garrison, to the nearest mannequin with the Recount or Scada addon installed.

In the garrison you can find special dummies for tanks, healers and damage dealers. Try to practice on them until your performance becomes better, more stable, and hone your acquired knowledge. Then you can go sharpen them in the testing rooms and try to take at least gold.

Further, you can hone your skills in dungeons for five players and “Raid Search”. When you get used to your DD or heal rotation, learn how to press defensive abilities at the right time and run out of AoE zones. Did you understand that a flask is a drink that increases your characteristics for an hour, and sweat is a thing that is better to drink 1-2 seconds before the start of a fight (and drink a second time during the fight)? Then you can proceed to the next step.

The next step will be for you to search for guilds. You can start looking for a guild on WoW Progress, you just need to select your server, then look at the progress of all guilds in descending order until you find a guild with progress that suits you (Crazyboys 1/7 normal, we are looking for everyone to master, the requirement is to have a computer and a paid subscription), You should not aim at guilds with progress in mythical difficulty levels, pay attention to guilds that are mastering normal and the beginning of heroic difficulty levels.

In these guilds, as a rule, newcomers will feel more comfortable; they will always be told what to do, they will be helped to catch fish on the weekend, and they will even share a flask. While in more advanced guilds you most likely will not even be able to pass the entry stage, and words like “What to do here?” will be taken as an insult.

As a rule, admission to guilds that do not have the best progress is carried out not through websites, by filling out questionnaires, but through a short interview within the game.

It's also worth noting that not all guilds will go on raids when you want them to. Guilds have their own schedule, let’s say every Wednesday and Thursday from 22:00 to 01:00 Moscow time, they go to raid dungeons, the rest of the time is rest. Those. When choosing, pay attention to the guild’s RT, it may simply not suit you.

Do you have a guild? So it’s time to learn about communication methods during a raid; as a rule, they use voice communication Ventrilo, RaidCall, Mumble, TimeSpeak sometimes and others. Download, install, enter the required coordinates, test to ensure that you can hear everyone well and that they can hear you.

Find out the system for distributing loot in a raid so that there are no unnecessary questions later.

Next, you should take time and learn tactics for bosses. They, like guides, can be found on the Internet. Find out what the representatives of your role perform on the boss, what you should be wary of, how you should act, who to call a goat after two minutes of battle, at what point you need to open the window and scream at the top of your lungs at 3 o’clock in the morning “Leeeeeeeeee...”, so on. so that the neighbors below, above, to the right and to the left will rattle on your walls. You can also look for videos of boss kills to make it all clearer, and if you’re lucky, then from the perspective of not only the person playing your role, but also someone who has the same class and spec.

Do you recognize the tactics? You can practice in “Raid Search”. Well, if you’ve already trained, it’s time to start setting up your interface, if you haven’t done this before. You can start with this article

Buy food, flasks and sweats in advance. As a rule, raids last from 3 to 4 hours, so for each raid, have at least 5 flasks, a stack of food and 2 stacks of potions with you. You will refresh the buff from the flask every hour, from food after each death (or every hour), and consume pots before each start of the battle and one during the battle. In 3-4 hours, guilds usually manage to make no more than 20-30 pools, so everything should be enough.

What should you try to understand before the raid? Usually players don’t understand anything and don’t even try to find out, and rush there with the flag already burning and the drums between their legs, which is why the process of killing bosses can be drawn out:

A raid is not a group of 5 or more people who have gathered to chat in a voice chat and discuss when they will go out for a beer.

The raid is controlled not by you (as you would like) but by the raid leader (RL), who can exclude or accept people into the raid, distribute promotions, hang up stamps and perform other actions.

Assistant raid leaders, main tanks and gunners are auxiliary positions in the raid. They are appointed by the raid leader and have a more limited range of abilities. Your range of possibilities is even more limited: ask to be reminded of something, ask to explain something about a class or spec, listen carefully to RL (once again, carefully, and not sit on VKontakte and listen to RL), remain silent.

The raid can be normal in complexity (from 10 to 30 people) or heroic (from 10 to 30 people), as well as mythical, designed for 20 people. The raid cannot be legendary or for 100 people.

Find out in advance what words like wipe, res, BL, CD, trash, roll, unroll, off-spec, main-spec, RF, chemistry, main-tank, off-tank, taunt, aggro, axe, wagon, locomotive mean , slak, summon, sum. Names of classes with specs (elem, muti, retrik, fire, enkh, owl, cat, etc.) and without (pal, sham, hunt, war, horns, etc.), names of buffs (fist, helmet , paw, inta, etc.), pull, pull, void zone, healing, damage, enrage, loot, save, stone, urn, etc.

It doesn't matter what role you choose. What is required of you, first of all, is not high performance, but to do everything correctly in terms of tactics - do not stand where you shouldn’t, hold down your defensive abilities when necessary, do not hit everything (hit only what you were told), run away when necessary and where necessary , do certain actions that were discussed in advance, etc. Don't think that if you break through at the beginning of the fight in terms of damage dealt and then die a couple of minutes later, you will be praised for it.

It’s worth delving into your abilities, suddenly you discover abilities useful for the raid, and instead of pressing the hit button, you throw a save on an ally who is about to die - 2 living damage dealers are better than one, and besides, the same actions are appreciated often more.

World of Warcraft's Cataclysm expansion had the longest and perhaps most intense build up to its final raid. Dragon Soul saw players return to the Temple of Wyrmrest to destroy the great black dragon lord and one of the main villains of the Warcraft game, Deathwing.

Not only did The Deep take place in various important areas of the world, such as the Eye of Eternity and the Maelstrom, but it also culminated with a grand final boss that players fought on the back of a titanium dragon, flying through the sky.

The difficulty of the raid combined with the pure epic element easily makes for one of the most memorable WoW raids of all time. One of the advantages is Thrall. And you know when Thrall will appear in all the misadventures and you will have a good time.

While Warlords of Draenor wasn't exactly known for its raids, Blackrock Foundry is truly one of the best raids in World of Warcraft. The Foundry was a massive 10-boss raid set in the parallel universe version of the Burning Crusade's Outlands.

Serving as a large base of operations for the Iron Horde, much of the raid was dedicated to the theme of metal forging and engineering. The environments for the Blackrock Foundry were just as beautifully crafted as the unique equipment dropped from the bosses. The Foundry still stands out as one of the more neglected items for players looking to transmog the Warrior, which is a clear testament to how awesome the armor and weapons are.

The raid also saw the return of an old favorite raid boss from the Burning Crusade, Gruul, as well as some very interesting boss mechanics like Hansgar and Franzok. It also gave players a chance to meet the Blackrock Clan chieftain and longtime character, Blackhand, who was featured as the final boss of the raid. The combat was intense and interesting, which was a great way to beat back an already well-done raid.

Few raids from the original World of Warcraft are as memorable as the Lair of Onyxia expansion. Back in the days, raids were 40-man lagfests of pure chaos, eventually leading to mass celebrations shouting through static-filled microphones on poorly designed chat channels, and Onyxia's Lair was no different.

Although the raid only held one boss, she was an absolute monster. As the daughter of Deathwing, Onyxia was not only heavy, but her command of the Black Dragon Field had raged many players for many weeks. But the combat was also well-tuned and extremely fun.

By accepting the dragon, players were rewarded with their head, which could be turned into major Horde or Alliance cities to instill a buff for everyone. As an added bonus, turning your head caused the NPC to shout your name throughout the city, so everyone knew who killed the powerful beast.

This raid was so beloved in fact that in Wrath of the Lich King the raid was completely redesigned and reconfigured for level 80 players. And while many were sad to see the raid's original form as it became unavailable, they were also excited to be back in the fearsome dragon's lair.

The Burning Crusade expansion for World of Warcraft was one of the most influential when it came to the future of raiding. He saw that going from 40 man raids to 10 and 25 man raids was also a much more tuned and interesting mechanic. Among them, the Serpentshrine was not only home to one of the main villains of the expansion, Lady Vash, but also as a building block for future successful raids. This was a 6 boss raid where the bosses could be completed in almost any order. The bosses were brutal but fair, featuring multiple phases and revolutionary mechanics for their time. The fight with Lady Vash in particular was an example of how a fight can be a complex amalgamation of order and chaos through a design scenario that results in a full blown fight.

Serpentshrine Cavern also dropped a huge amount of trash monsters to fight in favor of a more streamlined raid and the trash it did drop was very useful and powerful equipment. It also saw one of the most interesting bosses of all time, "Lorker Belov", which could only be created by having a character with 300 or more Fishing skills put a stitch on a noticeable water gauge pool.

Firelands was an 8-boss raid released around the middle of World of Warcraft's Cataclysm period, and it was a brilliant idea. Thematically, Firelands' design was one of the most beautiful environments ever seen in a raid. Ironically, this raid acted as some fresh air for raiding, as most of the mechanics for it weren't rehashes of previously used ones, but felt new and different.

Using a combination of linear and free progression, Firelands gave players the opportunity to explore the first half of the Elemental Plane at their leisure, sending them down the proverbial rabbit hole into the second half, which directly led to the return of another fan favorite, Ragnaros.

Firelands played a not-so-subtle path for players to survive the more advanced version of Molten Core. With many returning bosses and more fleshed out storylines, Firelands was everything we expected from an elemental-based raid set in a place of magma outpouring and scalding.

The Black Temple was the penultimate raid in the World of Warcraft expansion, Burning Crusade, but it also acted as the pinnacle of it. The raid became the base of the expansion's main villain, Illidan Stormrage, imposed by the demon Night Elf who betrayed his people and his twin brother for power.

Each of the 9 bosses in the raid was fresh and featured some of the most complex mechanics the game has ever seen. The sheer size of the raid was colossal, which helped sell the "Founding the Largest Demon Army" theme.

The final fight with Illidan was an absolute joy. Illidan also had the chance to throw down the legendary Warglays of Azzinoth, which were not only one of the best weapons available, but also a status symbol for any player lucky enough to acquire them.

Arthas was, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best villains in the Warcraft universe. His cruelty and desire for world domination was unyielding, and he was integrated into almost every aspect of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. However, the place that held him most significant was the raid that housed the Scourge King, Icecrown Citadel. This raid was the final raid of the expansion and was essentially Arthas's castle of ice and death. Not only were the 12 bosses incredibly well designed and challenging, but they were also an absolute blast to fight. Exploring the citadel felt expansive and battles like those against helicopter gunships were memorable.

Fighting Arthas felt rewarding, not only from a gameplay perspective, but also from the story of one. He followed you throughout your adventure in Northrend, trying to stop you several times and each time you defeated him. And now you stand on your throne with the Light behind you. The fight was fierce. And yet the cinematography made it one of its undoubted advantages.

Naxxramas was a large scale entry level raid in Wrath of the Lich King for 10 or 25 man gatherings. The original form of this raid consisted of 40 people during the original World of Warcraft, however it was rebuilt and then brought to Northrend and released at the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King.

While the original was known for its difficulty, this version was the pinnacle of what raiding had become for the game. Naxxramas was one of the largest raids World of Warcraft has ever seen, with 5 different map areas and a total of 15 bosses. To create a raid this big and still have boss differences and rewards in its own way is absolutely a testament to how well Naxxramas is crafted.

Naxxramas set an incredibly high standard not only for Wratch of the Lich King, but for all future World of Warcraft raids. Getting into massive htql with a group of friends for hours was fun and very tiring. Talking about the raid still brings back strong memories for most players who played during the fantastic era of the raid. Just don't forget to kill Mr. Bigglesworth, if only to kill Kel'Thuzad.

It's almost impossible to talk about memorable raids without bringing up Karazhan. While the raid was only running with 10 people during the Burning Crusade, Karazhan was set up at a level that had never been seen before. Featuring some of the most finely tuned MMO bosses of all time, the encounters were absurdly satisfying and even more rewarding.

It also saw the introduction of less traditional bosses such as the Opera and Chess Tournaments, which made a very important attack on raids and brought a stronger sense of role-playing and adventure. In many ways, Karazhan felt somewhat freer from a Dungeons and Dragons session than a game raid scenario.

The Raid did see a redesign in the recent Legion expansion and while it may not create nostalgia, it's definitely a fantastic love letter to the Raid that meant so much to so many players. For many, Karazhan was everything the Burning Crusade or even World of Warcraft was. As a pure and near-perfect fusion of lore and gameplay, Karazhan will stand the test of time as one of the best raids to ever be released.

Few raids reach the perfection of this expansion. Coming out mid-life of Wrath of the Lich King, Ulduar became one of the best raid experiences of all time, if not the only one. Ulduar was another massive raid zone with a whopping 14 bosses. It threw almost everything needed to run a good raid (boss mechanics, thematic design, music, challenges, hidden abilities) into one pot and created something out of this world.

Even the opening of the raid was special and different as players controlled vehicles to defeat the first boss and gain entry into the rest of the raid. Each boss had its own "elite mode", which was completed by performing certain actions during the boss, making it more difficult or challenging.

The raid even had an optional hidden boss, Algalon the Observer, who initially could only be defeated within an hour of the raid group entering the dungeon. Although this was later corrected, such details in the raid's release were something that created deep memories for players who had the opportunity to immerse themselves in it.

On top of that, the infusion of deep lore in Ulduar was arguably the tipping point in what made it one of the greatest raids to be released in any MMO.

We'll be looking at Dungeons and Raids in the new World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (BfA) addon on this page.

New dungeons (insts) in the Battle for Azeroth

A total of 10 new instances await us in the Battle for Azeroth. Some of them are only available to a certain faction during the leveling phase, and only at level 120 you can visit all dungeons.

Dungeons on Kul Tiras are available during leveling only for Alliance players, on Zandalar only for the Horde. After reaching the maximum level, you will be able to visit all dungeons at all difficulty levels. Please note that Siege of Bolarus and Rest of Kings are only available on Mythic difficulty, not Normal and Heroic.

This article and its expansion depend entirely on visitors. The more you share it (buttons at the bottom of the article), the more diligently we will update it. If you find inaccuracies, suggestions or errors, do not hesitate to write about it in the comments.

Dungeon loot

The loot on Instagram is, as usual, different. The higher the rank of the dungeon, the better your loot will be. The exception is Azerite items.

  • Normal – item level 310+
  • Heroic – Item Level 325+
  • Mythical – item level 340+
  • Mythic + – Item level 345+

Dungeons on Kul Tiras

Free Harbor (from level 110) – The Free Port in Tiragarde Sound is full of thieves, bandits and other rather dubious inhabitants of the underworld.
Waycrest Manor (from level 110) – Drustvar was the ancestral home of one of the most powerful families on Kul Tiras, but it is a dark secret.
Shrine of Storms (Level 110+) – The tides bless the newly built ships in Storm Valley before setting out on their first ocean voyage. But meanwhile, something bad took this place.
Tol Dagor (from level 115) is a large prison island located near Kul Tiras and controlled by the Ashenwind Company.
Siege of Boralus (level 120 and above). The Ashwind Company has attacked the city, and we must make sure that there is no confusion and chaos in them. Dungeons must be unlocked, requiring Respected reputation in the War Campaign faction.

Dungeons on Zandalar

Atal'Dazar (Level 110+) - The Atal'Dazar Dungeon is located on the slopes of Zuldazar and the resting place of the Zandalari kings, as well as the home of the Troll sect that performs dark rituals.
Temple of Sethralissa (from level 110) – Is a sacred place for the Sethrak snake people. Therefore we can count on some rituals here.
The Underrot (level 110) – The Underrot in Nazmir is one of the main sources of corruption in Zandalar.
Gold Mine (from level 115) – Let's return to Kezan! The goblins heard about Azerite very early on and dug deep into the land of Azeroth to mine more of it.
Tomb of the Kings (from level 120). This dungeon, as the name suggests, is the resting place of long-gone kings and is located in Atal'Dazar. Insts must be unlocked, a respectable reputation in the military campaign faction is required.

New Raids and Queen Azshara

Also not to be missed are the new raids, Uldir will be the first raid in Battle for Azeroth with a total of 8 bosses. Thematically, it's titans and old gods.

Of course, more raids will be released during the new updates. It has already been confirmed that we will meet Queen Azshara. How exactly this happens and what awaits us is still unknown.

However, the Uldir raid is not directly available with release, after which you will find an official schedule that will show you when it will open.

  • September 5: Normal and Heroic
  • September 12: Mythic and LFR Part 1 (Quarantine Halls: Talok, Mother and Zek'voz)
  • September 26: Part 2 LFR (Bloody Descent: Decaying Devourer, Vectis and Zul)
  • October 10: Part 3 LFR (Heart of Corruption: Mifrax Dissolver and G'huun)

We have collected in one place all the information about the dungeons and raids of the Battle for Azeroth: achievements, transmogrification, equipment, Mythic+, pets and other details.

New features in Battle for Azeroth dungeons

Battle for Azeroth dungeon entrance coordinates



Waycrest Manor

World quests in dungeons

The world quest system implemented in the Legion also affects dungeon quests.

For completing such world quests, the player can receive Azerite, equipment and reputation (depending on the location of the dungeon). These tasks can be completed at any difficulty level, with the exception of Mythic+.


For each dungeon, there are achievements for completing the dungeon itself at different difficulty levels and an achievement for completing it with a guild team on Mythic difficulty. Unique achievements are included in the meta-achievement Glory of a War Hero.




Waycrest Manor Alchemists joke Destroy three Deathmarked Enslaver corpses with a single blast of Alchemical Fire, then defeat Gorak Tul in Waycrest Manor on Mythic difficulty.
Loss of profession Find and defeat the enemies listed in the achievement in Waycrest Manor and Siege of Boralus on Mythic difficulty.
Run like your clothes are on fire Defeat the Animated Goliath in Waycrest Manor before it reaches 12 Harvest of Souls stacks on Mythic difficulty.
Free port Who will come with Live bait... Give Livestock his favorite treat in Freehold on Mythic difficulty.
Handsome Man's Riches Defeat Handsome Harlan after destroying three treasure chests in Freehold on Mythic difficulty.
Full speed ahead! Defeat Sky Captain Kragg after summoning and defeating the Eye in Freehold on Mythic difficulty.
Underrot There's no time for damage now Defeat Elder Lixa without any party members being corrupted by G'huun in the Underrot on Mythic difficulty.
Controversial survival Defeat a Freed Beast in the Underrot on Mythic difficulty without killing any Corrupting Spores.
Angry guy Defeat Musashitaka and then Spore Caster Zanchu in the Underrot on Mythic difficulty.
Tol Dagor Our stop Defeat Overseer Korgi in Tol Dagor on Mythic difficulty after all party members are stunned with Heart-Stopping Poison at the same time.
Not a single barrel was damaged Defeat Knight-Captain Valyri in Tol Dagor on Mythic difficulty without causing any explosive kegs to explode.
Shrine of Storms

Raid - from the English raid - a group for going into especially dangerous and difficult dungeons or participating in the largest PvP battles.

The size of the raid can reach 40 people, who are divided into groups of five raiders each. All raid dungeons have two difficulty levels: for a small raid (10 people) and a large one (25 people). In classic World of Warcraft, red dungeons were also designed for 40-man raids, but they don't do that anymore. Currently, raids of more than 25 participants are held for PvP only.

The raid is controlled by the raid leader, who can exclude or accept people into the raid, distribute promotions, hang up stamps and perform other actions.

Assistant raid leaders, main tanks and gunners are auxiliary positions in the raid. They are appointed by the raid leader and have a more limited range of abilities.

PvE raids

In PvE, raids gather to conquer special raid dungeons. Raid dungeons can be of four main types:

  • Normal 10 people
  • Heroic 10 people
  • Normal 25 people
  • Heroic 25 people

Old content also featured 40- and 20-man dungeons. Now they are practically not visited, although they are available for passage in normal difficulty mode.

PvP raids

In PvP, a raid is created to jointly kill PvP bosses, such as leaders of hostile factions, key leaders, or a raid of opposing factions. In addition, Battlegrounds participants automatically join a raid when they enter a battle zone. This also applies to open PvP zones like the Lake of Ice Shackles or Tol Barad.