Rules of the game Burkozel. Bora card game

Number of players From 2 to 3

Party time From 20 minutes

Game difficulty Average

Card game - Borax (thirty-one). It has another name - a combination of three trump cards. The most famous type of this game is called burkozel.

Buru is played by two players who are dealt five cards. The game continues until all the cards in the deck are gone. At the end of the game, the players' bribe points are counted. The winner is the one who ultimately scores more than 60 points (120 points in one deck).

Accordingly, if both participants in the game scored the same number, 60 points, the game is a draw. Other rules are similar to the three-card game. There is only one suit that cannot be interrupted by a trump card - these are spades, which are interrupted by the same suit, that is, a spades card, and by the superior value of the card.

Terms and rules of the game Bura

  • The number of players is best two or three.
  • Despite the fact that the number of participants in the game should not exceed the number of cards in the deck, it is still advisable that there are not too many players, otherwise the game will lose its interest. In this case, the outcome of the game depends mainly on the initial distribution of cards.
  • The deck consists of 36 cards.
  • By casting lots before the game, a player is designated to deal the cards, and whoever wins subsequently deals. All participants receive three cards, but not all at once, but alternately, one card per distribution circle. Then a card is revealed, establishing the trump suit. The player to the left of the one who deals starts the game; subsequent distributions are made by the one who took the last bribe.
  • Cards and their values:
    • ace - 11 points;
    • 10 - 10 points (it is worth noting that the ten in this game is higher than the jack, queen and king);
    • king - 4 points;
    • queen - 3 points;
    • jack - 2 points;
    • 9, 8, 7, 6 - 0 points.
  • A combination of three cards of the same suit is called a “pull” or “letter”, and a combination of three trump cards is called a “bura”, hence the name of the game.
  • If the move is made from one card, then the opponent is also obliged to report only one card; if from two cards of the same suit or from three, all other players do the same and consistently. The opponent takes a bribe in the game if he was able to beat all the cards, but one unbeaten card is enough, and the bribe goes to the player who moved. In a game where there are more than two participants, the player who wants to take a bribe must beat the cards of the last player who interrupted.
  • Cards from the deck are taken by the participants one at a time. The one who took the bribe takes the card first, and he also goes first.
  • The player who scores 31 points first wins. He can only declare this during his entry. But the player who gets the bora has a significant advantage; he wins the game, regardless of how many points he has. If, by accident or carelessness, a participant declares the game over but does not score 31 points, he becomes a loser. A loss is also counted towards the one who took cards from the deck in a wrong turn. This maneuver is commonly called “alien lifting.” There is also a “double raise” - this is when two cards are taken at once or an extra card is drawn. This phenomenon is also punishable by loss.
  • There are a number of installed add-ons that players often encounter in the game:
  • A player who fails to beat your entry can discard his cards face down, that is, without revealing his suit. These cards cannot be revealed until you declare the end of the game (using the word: “I’m revealing!”). The desire to reveal them is equivalent to the pronunciation of this word.
  • As mentioned above, whoever declares the end of the game but does not reach 31 points is considered a loser.
  • “Bura” is played until the initially agreed upon number of hands won is reached (21 hands are “rubber” or 11 hands are “small rubber”). It is important that this number be reached by a margin of two wins or more. Each subsequent deal is made by the player who won the last one. To identify the winner, there is another generally accepted method: any participant who loses the hand is given 2 penalty points, and having scored 12 points, the player loses the game.
  • When a player has a pullet, but when another player is moving, he can (but should not) announce this combination with the word “Stop!” and exit with all three cards. But it happens when, at the same time, the opponent has “Bura”, “Moscow” or “Little Moscow” in his hands (the description follows), then this law does not apply.
  • There are other possible combinations:
    • “Moscow” - three aces, (possibly: one of the three aces is trump)
    • “Little Moscow” - three sixes with a trump card (possibly three tens)
    • "Moscow" gives a big advantage: the player wins immediately, even if the opponent has "Bura". And “Little Moscow” gives the right to enter all three cards, declaring it with the word “Stop!”, even if the opponent has a “pull”.
  • When "borax" is found in two players at once, the winner is the one who has cards with superior value. Or all cards are discarded and no score is kept. When two players have a pullet, the same player still has the option to move.
  • And the last thing: the game is dealt again when one of the combinations (“borax”, “pullet”, “Moscow”, “small Moscow”) appears immediately from the first deal of cards

the site is a portal for board games, where we tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The Bura Card Game page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in the "Bura Card Game", we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

Burkozel on Gambler

Burkozel is a simple card game often considered for children. We invite you to play Burkozla online with friends, as well as take part in personal and team tournaments for this game. Our club is the only place in the world where this is possible.

Burkozla rules

The game is played with a deck of 36 cards. From 2 to 4 people participate. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible by taking bribes.

At the beginning of the hand, all participants are dealt 4 cards, then a trump card is determined at random. At the beginning of the game, the one with the smallest trump card goes. A move is made by laying out any number of cards of the same suit (from 1 to 4).

After the first player, the next player moves clockwise. He must lay out the same number of cards, any of them. There are no restrictions on suit or interruption. This makes Burkozel very different from games like preference.

The bribe is taken by the one who was able to beat all the cards of the person entering. Each card is tapped either with a higher card of the same suit or with a trump card. The seniority of cards in burkozl: T, 10, K, D, V, 9, 8, 7.

If there are more than 2 participants in the game, and someone has beaten the cards of the one entering, then those following him must already beat his cards in order to qualify for a bribe. Please note that a player may deliberately refuse to push, and discard any of his cards for strategic reasons.

After all players have placed cards into the trick, it is considered played. After this, players draw from the deck so that they again have 4 cards (or less if there are not enough cards in the deck), and the game continues. The move is made by the one who took the previous trick.

At the end of the deal (all cards are out), points are counted, then a new deal is made. In subsequent hands, the one who took the last trick in the previous one goes first.

Move out of turn

In some situations, a player may make a move out of turn. This happens when a certain combination of cards is formed: 4 cards of the same suit (pullets), more than 40 points (4 foreheads) - for example TT1010). If there is more than one such player, the one closest to the one entering makes the move.

At the beginning of the hand, moves are not made out of turn; this rule applies only when at least one trick has been played. At the beginning of the deal, you can play with no more than three cards.


There are 120 points in the deck. The one who scores more than 60 points wins. The one who has less loses 2 big points. If the loser scores less than 31 points, his loss is 4 major points.

If he didn’t take any tricks at all - 6 big points. Points are awarded to the winner. A standard game of burkozla is played up to 12 large points.

The first one to score 12 or more big points wins the game. Please note that we award points to the winner, not the loser (often the opposite is done in burkozle). This is done for convenience and clarity of recording.

We only have one-on-one and doubles play (there are no plans for three-on-one play).

Russian "Burkozel" is a card game, a variation of "Bura" or "Thirty-one". The main difference between the first and the second is the lack of great excitement and the great dependence of determining the winner on chance. In "Burkozle" you need to think more and calculate subsequent moves; the game is not designed for quick wins. We suggest taking a closer look at the Burkozel game, the rules and winning strategy. And before you start the gameplay, we advise you to stock up on pen and paper.

Number of players

The game "Burkozel" provides for an optimal number of players - two to four people. But it really all depends on the size of the deck. Although the more players, the less interesting the game will be. Therefore, when a large group wants to play Burkozel, it is recommended to divide into groups of optimal size. You can play pair against pair, then there will be two groups of tricks.

Cards. "Burkozel"

Burkozel is usually played with one deck of thirty-six cards.

All cards except nine, eight, seven and six are worth points.

So, an ace is worth eleven points, a ten is worth ten, a king is worth four, a queen is worth three, and a jack is two.

Game "Burkozel": rules

The first card dealer is determined by lot. This could be a coin toss, a game of rock-paper-scissors, or simply the largest card drawn at random from the deck. Subsequent times, the deck is shuffled by the players in turn.

So how to play Burkozel? Rules of the game:

  1. From the shuffled deck, a total of four cards are dealt (one at a time) to each player.
  2. The first card from the remaining deck is the trump card. The dealer announces it and shows it to all players, then returns it to its place.
  3. The first move is made by the player to the left of the distributor.
  4. The move is made from any one card or from several, of only one suit.
  5. The other player must place exactly the same number of cards on the table as the number of cards he was approached with.
  6. The bribe is taken by the player whose cards of the same suit are higher, or who plays a trump card. If the response card was of the wrong suit, the player who made the move takes the bribe.
  7. After the bribe move, all players take cards again so that their number is four. The player who took the bribe takes first, then the rest in a circle.
  8. The next move is made by the player who took the bribe before.
  9. The game continues in the same vein until someone scores more than sixty-one points, or someone has four cards of the same suit as the trump card (the "Bura" combination).

Rules Notes:

  1. In the event that one of the players has a combination of cards “Molodka”, “Four Ends” or “Moscow”, the right to move is transferred to him.
  2. The player who mistakenly reported that he had sixty-one points, but in fact this was not the case, is considered a loser. Just like the one who took the fifth card.
  3. If several Burkozl players have the same combinations (for example, two players each had four trump cards - "Bura"), then the one with the higher cards wins or goes.
  4. It is possible to announce that a player has scored sixty-one points before the end of the game only during his turn.
  5. You can agree in advance to change the amount of points required to win. For example, instead of sixty-one there could be one hundred or one hundred and fifty and so on.

Card combination

Sometimes the names of card combinations that allow you to make a move out of turn may change. But their meaning remains the same.

The most common names of card combinations in the Russian game "Burkozel":

  • "Bura" - four trump cards in one hand.
  • "Pullet" - four cards of the same suit in one hand.
  • "Moscow" - three aces along with a trump card.
  • "Four ends" - the player has collected all four aces or four tens.

Scoring and determining the winner

In addition to the points that the player receives for the cards in his trick (the cost of each card was discussed above), throughout the entire game "Burkozel" the rules provide for additional points:

  1. A player who scores zero points for the entire game, that is, did not receive a single trick, or the trick was from cards six to nine, receives six additional points.
  2. Four additional points are earned by a player whose total points are between zero and thirty-one if there were two or four players in total, and between zero and twenty-one if there were three players.
  3. Two points go to the player who scores more than thirty-one points.
  4. A player who receives points for the entire game does not receive additional points.

These extra points are needed when several games are played before the main winner is determined.

Features of the game strategy

The goal of the Burkozel game is to score the highest number of points (more than sixty-one) or the winning Burkozel combination (four cards of the trump suit).

Those who want to win must:

  • try to collect four trump cards, especially if you already have three in your hands;
  • keep track of your opponents' cards;
  • try to count the cards in your tricks and those of your opponent.

Have a good game of Russian "Burkozel"!


Burkozel is a real Russian card game for 2, 3 or 4 participants. Its rules are not so simple, and winning requires not only a successful combination of circumstances, but also serious consideration of the strategy of moves. Burkozel is played online, just like in real life, with a deck of 36 cards.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the online game Burkozla is to be the first among your competitors to score 61 points or more.

Dignity of cards by seniority

General rules of the game burkozel

Each player is dealt one card in several circles, so that in total everyone gets 4 playing cards. Then the top card of the deck is revealed, which will determine the trump suit. The player sitting to the left of the dealer starts the first move; the player who took the last trick will move next.

Progress of the game burkozel online

You need to start your move with one card or with several (2, 3, 4) of the same suit. The partner must put down as many cards as were sent to him. Then all participants also take turns walking. If your partner beats your cards, he takes a bribe. If at least one card has not been beaten, then the one who started the move takes the bribe. If the Burkozel game has more than 2 participants, the order of moves is as follows. Provided that the cards on the bet of the player have been interrupted, the next one, in order to take a bribe, must interrupt the cards of the last interrupted participant. Players take turns getting the missing cards from the deck. The one who took the bribe gets it first. He also begins the next move.

Names of card combinations in the game "Burkozel"

A set of 4 trump cards is called “Bura”. The person who collects the “Bura” is considered a winner, regardless of the number of points scored. A set of 4 cards of the same suit is called a “Pullet”. A combination consisting of 3 aces is called “Moscow”. A set of 4 tens and aces, including an ace of trump or a trump ten, is called "4 ends". All these combinations can be played out of turn by the player.

Loser of the game

If a participant declares himself the winner, but does not score 61 points, he is considered a loser. This is also the name given to a player who took cards out of turn.

The correct strategy for playing Burkozel online

As in a game with real people, playing Burkozel online provides an opportunity for cheating and intelligent thinking about the politics of the next move. Experienced players advise storing trump cards in the hope of catching the missing number of trump cards in the “draw” to make a “drill” combination. However, your competitors will try to do the same. It is recommended to carefully count your opponent's points and not forget about your own.

How to play the card game "Goat"? Rules and variations of this game.

A card game called "Goat" has been around for a long time. It was invented in Germany, and over time it reached Russia. In our country they love this game very much and have been addicted to it from a very early age.

Next, we will talk about what variations this game has and describe their rules. If you want to play the card game "Goat", then be sure to try several of its types. We will tell you how to play “Goat” with two, three, with four cards, six cards, and several other options.

Rules for playing goat 4 cards

The rules say that in this variation of the Goat game, all players are given 4 cards, and the rest are placed in a deck in the center of the table. The topmost card is opened face up and placed under the deck, but so that half of it is visible. This is the so-called trump card.

The point of the game is to earn 60 points as quickly as possible. If there are a lot of players, then in some cases it is very difficult to score 60 points, so you can discuss in advance the set number of points corresponding to the winnings. So, the cards are dealt, and the one chosen by lot goes first. The move is made clockwise.

Sixes from a 36-card deck should be thrown aside and not allowed into the game. You need to have a deck of 32 cards left. The order of cards in the deck for this game is as follows:seven (smallest card), eight, nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace (largest card).

The point is to try to throw out as many cards from your hands as possible, which are the most unprofitable in terms of points, and take cards for yourself that correspond to the most points.

In general, points in relation to cards are distributed as follows: seven, eight and nine correspond to 0 points, jacks get 2 points, queens get 3 points, kings get 4 points, tens get 10 points, and aces most of all - 11 points each.

There is a special attitude towards jacks in this game. The jack of spades will beat trumps and red jacks. The Jack of Hearts will beat the Trumps and the Jack of Diamonds. The Jack of Diamonds, in turn, will beat only trump cards. This needs to be remembered.

As soon as you have less than 4 cards in your hands, you will need to take the missing number of cards from the common deck. If you cannot beat the card that was thrown to you, then you need to take it into your own hands. The first one to score 60 points wins. When counting points, those cards that passed through your hands are taken into account, that is, those that you beat and took for yourself.

If there are a lot of players, then it will be difficult for you to score 60 points. In general, the entire deck of cards has 120 points, as you might guess. If you are playing in a large group, more than 2 people, then you can agree that you will play until the moment when one person scores, say, 20 or 30 points.

Goat cards 6 rules

This type of card game involves dealing 6 cards to each player. The deck should have 32 cards, as in the first case. The cards in this game start with seven. The scoring is the same as in a four-card game of Goat.

In the six-card variation, the first player to score 60 points wins. This is the case if two people are playing. If there are more players, then the number of points can be set differently, less than 60. If you decide to play with four people, for example, or six players, you can split into teams.

In the case of a team game, the first team to score 60 points wins. It is most convenient to play this six-card variation game with four players. There will be two teams of two for two people, each of them needs to be dealt 6 cards and another 8 pieces remain in the common deck, which will then be sorted out one by one by the players who will first have less than six cards in their hands.

If cheating is noticed among the players, then the team in which he played is recognized as a loser immediately. In "Goat" you shouldn't bluff; you have to play honestly so as not to let your playing partners down.

Goat 24 card rules

This variation of the game will use a deck of cards that is missing all cards except nines, tens, jacks, queens, kings and aces. You will have 24 cards in total.

The correspondence of cards to points in this type of game is the same as in the version with 32 cards. This means that nines are worth 0 points, jacks are worth 2 points, queens are worth 3 points, kings are worth 4 points, tens are worth 10 points, and aces are worth 11 points. .

Here there is a distribution of 4 cards. You can play this variation of “The Goat” together, but it will be more convenient with four or six. If a company of six people gathers, then the entire deck is dealt, 4 cards to each player, and the last card before being dealt is shown - this will be the trump card.

The game itself follows the same rules as in the case of 32 cards. If there are a couple of players, then you can continue to play until someone scores 60 points or more. If there are more of you gathered, then you can play by agreement to a lower number of points.

Bur goat card game rules

The game "Burkozel" will require thoughtfulness and developed intuition from you. It does not go by quickly, so you will need to free up time in your schedule for this game. There is no particularly great excitement in this type of card game “Goat”.

It is most convenient to play Burkozla with two or four people. The usual deck for this game is 36 cards. Points are not awarded for sixes, sevens, eights and nines. For other cards, points are awarded.

You will get the largest number of points for aces - as many as 11 pieces. Slightly fewer points are awarded for tens - 10. For kings you can get 4 points, for queens - 3 points, and the least for jacks - 2 points.

The lot determines who will deal the cards. To do this, each player takes one card from the deck and whoever has the largest card, based on the number of points awarded for it, is appointed as the card distributor. The player who is on the left hand of the card distributor makes the first move.

Each player must be given 4 cards, but they must be dealt one at a time, not at a time. Cards are dealt clockwise. The first card in the remaining deck will be considered a trump card. It should be shown to everyone playing so that they remember that it is a trump card, and then put back into the deck.

You need to move towards the next player with smaller cards; it is better to get rid of them first. You can play with one card or several, as long as they are of the same suit. For example, you can throw a six and a seven at once if they belong to the same suit, say, hearts.

The player to whom the cards were thrown must cover them with the appropriate number of cards. They should be larger in accordance with the points awarded. You can also cover with trump cards if it is impossible to cover the cards with the appropriate suit.

If the cards are “beaten”, then the player who received these cards takes this trick. The bribe is not taken into the hands, but is placed next to the player. These cards will then be taken into account when calculating points. If he could not cover the cards and did not find cards of a higher value in his hands, then the cards are taken by the player who threw these cards.

After the bribe, all players must take cards from the common deck. Their number in each hand should be four. The one who took the bribe takes the first. The move is also made by the player who previously took the bribe. For convenience, you can play with a pen and a piece of paper, where you can immediately write down the number of points of each player.

The game should be continued until one of the players accumulates 61 or more points or until one of them has the “Bura” combination in their hands. This combination consists of four cards that are trump cards.

Comments on the rules of the game "Burkozel":

  1. If one of the players mistakenly said that he had 60 or more points, he is considered a loser and is no longer allowed to play. The player who took the fifth card is also considered a loser.
  2. If two players immediately have the “Drill” combination in their hands, then the winner is the player whose cards are higher.
  3. Claiming that you have scored 60 or more points is only allowed during your turn.
  4. The amount of points corresponding to the winnings can be changed by agreement up or down.
  5. If in the hands of one of the players there is such a combination as “Molodka”, “Moscow” or “Four Ends”, then the right to move is transferred to him.
  6. The Pullet combination is four cards in the same hands of the same suit. The “Moscow” combination is three aces along with a trump card in the same hands. The “Four Ends” combination is four tens or four aces in one hand.

Playing goat with cards rules for two

If you decide to play “Goat” together, then it is best to do this with a deck of 24 cards. Throw all the sixes, sevens and eights aside, and with the remaining cards, feel free to start the game, giving each of you 4 cards.

You can play until one of you scores 60 or more points. The correspondence of points to cards here is the same as in the standard version of the game “Goat”. The principle of the game itself is the same as in the (very first) version we described above.

Try to get rid of small cards first. Write down the number of points from bribes immediately on a piece of paper, this will make it easier to count points in the game.

Goat rules for cards for three

To play Goat with three players, you will need a deck of 32 cards. Each player is given 10 cards, and 2 remain in the draw. The permanent trump cards in this game are diamonds, and all queens and jacks are considered trump cards and can be used to beat any card of lower value.

Absolutely all sixes are removed from the deck. The correspondence of points in a game of this type is the same as in the variations of the “Goat” card game described above. In other words, sevens, eights and nines carry 0 points, for aces you get as many as 11 points, for tens you get 10 points, for kings 4 points, for queens 3 points, for jacks 2 points.

The one who has the best combination of cards in his hands, that is, the largest number of points, takes 2 cards from the buy-in for himself. Then he looks at which 2 cards can be removed into the bit and throws them aside, near him, they will also be taken into account when calculating points.

This player then starts the game against the other two players. If he wins, then the others are awarded one extra point. This is the case if the opponents scored from 31 to 59 points. If they score up to 31 points, then they are assigned 2 additional points.

If the buy-in was not taken by anyone, then they play “for less”. If the player did not take anything in the draw and scored less than 31 points for the game, then he is awarded 0 points. If he scores from 31 to 60 points, then he is awarded 2 points. If a player scores more than 60 points, then he is given 4 points. The game continues until one of the players scores 12 points. He will be considered the GOAT.

Rules of the game goat in cards praise pants

This variation of the card game “Goat” will involve 32 cards. In this variation of the Goat game, sevens are thrown out of the deck. The player who was given the honor of making the first move by lot can “boast”, that is, say how to deal the cards. He may refuse to be “boastful”, then the deck is dealt 8 cards to each player. The game can be played by 4 people.

All cards of the diamond suit are considered trump cards in this game, and queens and jacks are also permanent trump cards. The seniority of suits for queens and jacks is in the following order: crosses (the highest), spades, hearts and diamonds. The largest card is the six cross. She can beat absolutely all cards, including absolutely all trump cards, queens and jacks.

The Queen of the Cross is slightly smaller than the Six of the Cross. Next comes the Queen of Spades, then the Queen of Hearts, then the Queen of Diamonds. After queens come jacks. The highest is the jack of crosses, then comes the jack of spades, then the jack of hearts, and the jack of diamonds concludes this circle.

There are several types of praises. Today we will talk about a praise called “pants”. During such a game, the boaster takes one card from the bottom and one card from the top from a deck of cards, looks at them, but does not show them to others. If trumps or aces come, he has the right to put them aside and ask for more cards.

The boaster can take cards from the common deck until he comes across so-called bad cards. These may not be trump eights and nines, which are zero cards in terms of points. The first card, which is neither a trump nor an ace, is the one who is boasting and makes the first call, but he does it in the dark, that is, the players do not see what card the one who is boasting played.

If the boaster collects 8 good cards, then he may be given the opportunity to collect cards in the same way for the next player sitting next door, but he may well not do this. The second player can choose cards from the deck according to the same principle as the boaster. He also lays out the first card, which is neither an ace nor a trump card, and thus makes a move.

The rest of the players also take one card from the top and bottom of the deck, but make their move face up. After the entry is completed, the cards of the first two players are revealed and it will become clear who owns the bribe and who scored more points. It is more convenient to play the game as a team. Whichever team gets 60 or more points first is declared the winner.

Now you know how to play the card game “Goat” in several ways and we hope that you will be able to brighten up your leisure time with this activity and will be satisfied.