1c software licenses on the terminal server. 1C:Enterprise software licenses on the terminal server

Software protection is tied to the hardware and the installed operating system:

In the box with the program you will find a yellow piece of paper. The registration number of the program will be written at the top, and the PIN codes for the program keys will be given at the bottom. How to install it is written in detail on the same sheet.

Types of software licenses

  • All software licenses are divided into client and server. There are three types of client licenses:
  • Single-user - allow you to run an unlimited number of applications in thin and thick client mode, as well as the Configurator on one PC.
  • Multi-user - allow you to run the number of applications specified in the license rating in thick, thin and web client mode, as well as the configurator on an arbitrary number of PCs. The 1C:Enterprise server or web server extension module is responsible for issuing multi-user licenses to clients.

Combined - contains licenses of both types, but only one can be activated; if a single-user pin code was activated first from such a set, then in the future it will no longer be possible to use this license as a multi-user one.

A server license allows you to run an unlimited number of 1C:Enterprise server worker processes (rphost) on one server; it is divided into 32-bit and 64-bit, while a 64-bit license allows you to run a 32-bit version of the server.

A single-user license is supplied with the main distribution or as a license for one seat. Can be installed on a computer, 1C:Enterprise server, web server extension module or terminal server. If installed on a server, it is combined with other licenses activated on the server and is used, in addition to the terminal server, as a multi-user license.

Multi-user licenses are supplied in sets of 50, 100, 300 and 500 licenses and can only be installed on a 1C:Enterprise server, web server extension module or terminal server; in the latter case, they are used as single-user licenses.

Sets for 5, 10 and 20 users are combined; the license type is selected at the time of activation of the first PIN code.

For single user PIN code versions look something like this:

  • 111-111-111-111-111
  • 222-222-222-222-222
  • 333-333-333-333-333

The first pin code for the initial installation of a license. The remaining two & spares. When the spare key is activated & the first one is deactivated. I recommend marking the name of the computer on which the key is activated, and also saving the organization data requested during activation to a file and printing them out and storing them as the apple of your eye, since when replacing a computer and activating a spare license, they must be entered exactly the same as the first time.

Network (multi-user) versions:

For network versions two types of pin codes are given & single-user and multi-user . Each type has main and spare keys.

Let's say the 5-user version will have: 5 main single-user ones and 2 spare ones, or 1 multi-user version and 2 spare ones.

The question arises: In what cases should one or the other be used?

Let’s say you put the database on the server in a file version, and users will log in over the network and each will have the platform installed locally, in this case we will activate single-user licenses. There is one inconvenience in this case. Now the 8.2 platform often has new releases and you need to periodically update it on all computers from which you access 1C. To prevent damage to the Information Base, you cannot run it from different computers with different platform releases. After such a launch, internal tables may be damaged, and archived copies of programs created during such operation will not open.

If users access the server through terminal access, RITMIX and others, i.e. work directly on the server, then activate the multi-user license. In this case, we update the platform on the server.

I recommend that each key be marked with the name of the computer on which it was installed and print out a file with the organization data that you enter during activation and store it in a secluded place, along with the regankets.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a 1C multi-user license on a terminal server.

Many people believe that in order to launch 1C:Enterprise when users are working on a terminal server, you need to install a 1C server. It's a delusion!

It is enough to simply obtain a multi-user license for the terminal server and configure visibility for 1C during each use.

Below are step-by-step instructions:

1. Launch 1C on the terminal server. Select Configurator mode. You must run it under administrator rights. Next, we specify the database (you can specify any) or create a new one. A prompt appears on the screen to “obtain a license from the licensing center.” We confirm receipt of the license.



3.The next step is to select the operation to be performed with the license. If you are installing it for the first time, then select “Obtain a license for the first time.” You will see a detailed description of each item on the screen or in the screenshot below.




6.Next, you must enter the registration number of the client license and PIN code, as well as other information about the license holder required for registration. PLEASE NOTE that you must save all registration data. In the future, they may be required during the recovery procedure.


After that, we successfully received a license. The file will be located at the following address: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\conf\". You can also find it using the *.lic mask.

1.Software license (PL)

This is a special file containing information about the license, as well as about the computer for which we received this license. The data is encrypted using a special code. If this file is located in a directory that is not accessible to a specific user, then that user will not be able to use the license.

2. General principles by which the submarine operates

Both the 1C client and server applications search for the license file during the process of obtaining a license. After they find the required license file, the information is decoded. Once the computer has been identified, the license type begins (single-user or multi-user).

3.The main difficulties in the dialogue for obtaining a license

As practice shows, there are two such difficulties.

The first is which computer to choose to install the license, and the second is the mode of license availability to users (only for a given user or for everyone). Let's try to figure it out.

The item “On a 1C server computer: Enterprise” should be selected if, when receiving a license, you will use the license on another PC, and the 1C server is located on that computer. With this option, the license file will be located on the PC on which the 1C server is running, in one of the user directories through which the server operates (usually USR1CV82).

In all other cases, you should select the “On this computer” option. (An exception is a license designed for several users (multi-user). When obtaining such a license, the “for this computer” column should be selected only if we launched the Configurator on a terminal server (or in a terminal session).

In addition, you can choose in which directory the license file will be stored, and thereby influence the level of access other users have to the license. By placing the file in a directory that is publicly accessible to all users, you thereby ensure that all users of this computer have access to the license. If you place the license file in a directory that is accessible only to the current user, then other users of this PC will not have access to the license.

4. Activation of additional submarine.

It is necessary to activate the additional submarine in the same order as the activation process was carried out for the first time.

Please note right away that you should not place the license file in several directories to which 1C has access, because This is a violation of the license rules and may lead to incorrect operation of the file and the impossibility of its further use.

5. Other tips for obtaining software licenses.

5.1.File version of the information base

5.1.1.On the client computer

When obtaining a license for one user, you should select “On this computer” and provide access to “all users”. There is no need to activate a multi-user license at all.

5.1.2.On the terminal server

Any license, regardless of its type, should be obtained “For this computer” and provide access to “All users”

5.2.Information database via web server (file version)

5.2.1.It is possible to launch the Configurator

Install a thick client on a PC with a web server and obtain any license through the Configurator. Select “On this computer” and access to all users. (Please note that this recommendation is for Windows OS).

5.2.2. It is not possible to launch the Configurator.

If the PC from which we receive the license is not able to run the Configurator, we must install a server of the required capacity, and then obtain a license from any other computer on the network on which the thick client is installed. Thanks to the installation of the server application, we will be able to obtain a license even without a server license. In this case, you need to obtain a license (regardless of its type) “For the 1C:Enterprise server computer.” By the way, this way you can get a software license for the Linux OS.

5.3.Client-server version of the information base.

5.3.1.On the client computer

Single-user license: “For this computer”, “Available to all users”. Multi-user – “On a 1C server computer.”

5.3.3.On the 1C Enterprise server computer

5.4.Server license

5.4.1.On the client computer

Receive “to the 1C server computer”, regardless of the type of license received;

5.4.2.On the 1C Enterprise server computer
Recommended settings: “On this computer” and “Shared by all users”

1C:Enterprise software licenses are the main licensing option today, providing administrators with new capabilities and removing some limitations of hardware keys. At the same time, the use of software licenses has its own characteristics, which can cause a lot of difficulties, despite the fact that they are described in some detail in the administrator's manual, which “traditionally” no one reads. Therefore, we decided to prepare this material, including both official information and our own explanations and examples.

Understanding Software Licenses

A software license is a special file that, in encrypted form, contains the parameters of the license and the computer for which this license was activated. Duplicating this file is not allowed; in this case, the license is canceled and blacklisted on the 1C activation server.

License activation is performed using a PIN code; active and backup PIN codes are supplied with the license, which are required to reactivate the license when key computer parameters are changed.

Here we come to an extremely important point: linking software licenses to a specific PC. For this purpose the concept is used key parameters, which include:

  • computer network name;
  • motherboard model;
  • amount of RAM;
  • BIOS type and version;
  • list of processors and their parameters;
  • list of network adapters and their MAC addresses;
  • list of hard drives and their parameters.

On the Windows platform, key parameters also include:

  • name of the operating system;
  • operating system version (only the first two digits of the version number);
  • operating system serial number;
  • operating system installation date;

Moreover, from the list of key parameters excluded:

  • Bluetooth network adapters;
  • network adapters connected via IEEE 1394 or USB;
  • WAN and RAS software adapters;
  • adapters that do not have a MAC address and VEN_ and DEV_ data from the PNP identifier;
  • external drives connected via IEEE 1394 and USB.

Subsequently, the list of key parameters, which is stored in encrypted form in the license file, is compared with the current computer parameters, and only deletion, and not adding devices, the same applies to the amount of RAM.

Simply put, you can add another network adapter or hard drive to the system, but you cannot replace the current ones, and you cannot reduce the amount of RAM to a value less than it was at the time the license was activated.

This leads to a simple rule: when activating a software license, temporarily disconnect all hard drives except the system one, as well as all additional network adapters (if installed).

Separately, we should touch upon activation in virtual environments, where the key parameters of the license are taken to be similar to the values ​​of the virtual machine. If you use dynamic memory allocation, then at the time of obtaining a license you must disable this feature and boot the system with the minimum possible amount of allocated memory.

The greatest difficulties arise when using virtual machines as part of a cluster; in this case, when moving machines between nodes, several key parameters can change at once, in particular the parameters of the processor and network card. If the last issue is easily solved by assigning a static MAC address, then changing the processor type under the current licensing model is a serious problem.

From our experience we can say the following: successful migration of a virtual machine while maintaining the activation of the 1C license is possible only when using the same type of hardware on all nodes available for migration, i.e. identical motherboard models (down to the BIOS version) and identical processors (with the same stepping).

Also note the license holder information that you must fill out upon initial activation, you will need to repeat it when you receive a license again up to the symbol! Which, by the way, they warn you about, requiring you to check the appropriate box.

Therefore, to avoid any unpleasant surprises, save the entered data in a safe place.

In general, it seems that 1C has greatly overcomplicated the software license protection system, which leads to significant inconvenience and in some cases forces license holders to resort to methods of bypassing the protection (which is secretly recommended even by 1C partners), for example, when using a cluster with different hardware on nodes It would be more logical to follow Microsoft's path and revoke activation when only a few key parameters are changed.

Types of software licenses

All software licenses are divided into client and server. There are three types of client licenses:

  • Single-user- allow you to run an unlimited number of applications in thin and thick client mode, as well as the Configurator on one PC.
  • Multi-user- allow you to run the number of applications specified in the license rating in thick, thin and web client mode, as well as the configurator on an arbitrary number of PCs. The 1C:Enterprise server or web server extension module is responsible for issuing multi-user licenses to clients.
  • Combined- contains licenses of both types, but only one can be activated; if a single-user pin code was activated first from such a set, then in the future it will no longer be possible to use this license as a multi-user one.

A server license allows you to run an unlimited number of 1C:Enterprise server worker processes (rphost) on one server; it is divided into 32-bit and 64-bit, while a 64-bit license allows you to run a 32-bit version of the server.

A single-user license is supplied with the main distribution or as a license for one seat. Can be installed on a computer, 1C:Enterprise server, web server extension module or terminal server. If installed on a server, it is combined with other licenses activated on the server and is used, in addition to the terminal server, as a multi-user license.

Multi-user licenses are supplied in sets of 50, 100, 300 and 500 licenses and can only be installed on a 1C:Enterprise server, web server extension module or terminal server; in the latter case, they are used as single-user licenses.

Sets for 5, 10 and 20 users are combined; the license type is selected at the time of activation of the first PIN code.

Using single-user licenses

In most cases, especially for small businesses, the use of single-user licenses is preferable, because the limitation of this type of license is the licensed PCs, and not 1C sessions. In file mode, this is the only type of license available (except for terminal server mode). Consider the following diagram:

Having at your disposal a PC with an activated single-user license, you can run any number of databases in file mode, located both locally and on the network, without restrictions, as well as databases located on a 1C:Enterprise server or a web server; in the latter case, work is only possible in thin client mode. Launching a database via a web client with a single-user license impossible because the web client must obtain a CAL from the web server extension.

Client - server mode

In this mode, as we have already said, two options are possible: using a single-user license on each workstation or obtaining a multi-user license from the 1C:Enterprise server. Also, do not forget that the server itself requires separate licensing.

When you launch any 1C:Enterprise client application (thick and thin clients, configurator), a local license is first searched for, if it is found, the application is launched. Thus, a PC with a single-user license installed allows you to open an unlimited number of client applications for working in a client-server version.

If a local license is not found, the application contacts the server, which issues it a multi-user license for each application running. In our diagram, the server has a license for 5 connections, and if two client applications are opened on two PCs, the laptop user will be able to open only one, since there are not enough client licenses.

Web server mode

The 1C:Enterprise web server extension module can work with both file and client-server databases. In the first case, licenses must be activated on the computer with the expansion module; in the second, if the expansion module does not have a license, it will request it from the 1C:Enterprise server. It is important to understand this point, since for a file database the extension module never requests a license from the server, while for client-server databases its own licenses are first issued and only then licenses are requested from the server. This can lead to a situation where the total number of licenses is sufficient, but you cannot launch the file database due to the lack of a free license on the web server.

In our diagram, a multi-user license for 5 users is installed on the 1C:Enterprise server, and a single-user license is installed on the web server. This allows you to run one session in file mode or up to six sessions in client-server mode through the web client.

Let's say on the first (from left to right) PC two sessions were opened to the client-server database, one through the application, the second through the web client. In this case, the application will receive a license from the server, and the web client from the web server extension module, with the module first issuing its own license. By opening two more applications on the second PC, we will receive two licenses from the server, spending a total of 4 licenses.

If after this, on the third PC we launch a client-server database through the web client, then the expansion module will receive a license for it on the server, but it will no longer be possible to launch the file database through the web client, since the expansion module does not have free local licenses. at the same time, the remaining free license on the server will allow you to launch another server database through the web client.

To avoid this situation, you should not publish file and client-server databases on the same web server at the same time.

Another subtlety is related to the web server extension module and the local single-user license.

When connecting a web client locally on a computer with a web server, it will be possible to launch only the configurator; launching in client application mode for any database will be impossible. This should be taken into account in small organizations where one of the workstations can be used as a web server. On the other hand, this behavior will make life easier for developers, since it allows the use of a single license both locally and for client connections.

Terminal server mode

The terminal server allows installation of any type of license; all licenses must be installed locally and be available to all users. In this case, all licenses, regardless of type, are added as single-user licenses and limit the total number of terminal sessions (not to be confused with 1C application sessions).

As can be seen from the diagram above, by installing one multi-user license for five users and two single-user licenses on the terminal server, we will be able to run unlimited 1C:Enterprise client applications in seven terminal sessions, and it does not matter how exactly the applications will be launched, in desktop mode or as RemoteApps. In this case, work can be done with both file and client-server databases, as well as with databases on a web server using a thin client.

If the terminal server is configured incorrectly, a situation may arise when a new terminal session is created for each new user connection, especially in the RemoteApp mode, so be sure to specify the option in the terminal server settings Limit a user to a single session.

Combination of software and hardware protection

Another important issue that cannot be ignored. 1C:Enterprise allows you to combine both types of licenses by adding up their number, and to use them effectively you should know some points. Namely, the process of searching for a license. We will present a simplified diagram, which, however, should be quite sufficient to understand the processes taking place. When the client application starts, licenses are searched in the following order:

  1. Local software license
  2. Local hardware key
  3. Network hardware key
  4. Software license on the 1C:Enterprise server
  5. Local hardware key on the 1C:Enterprise server
  6. Network hardware key available on the 1C:Enterprise server

When using a local or network-accessible HASP key to the client, the resulting license is considered as a single-user license, i.e. allows you to run an unlimited number of client applications on your PC. When obtaining a license from HASP keys available to the server, licenses are issued as multi-user licenses, i.e. for each session to the information base.

  • Tags:

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A terminal server can be a solution to the problem for organizations where the number of users is large, but the computing power of the workstations is insufficient. Also, a configured server solves the problem of administering and installing a 1C client.

How to set up a terminal server for 1C

For stable operation of 1C, it is necessary to prepare a fleet of very powerful computers and servers. As the number of users and the depth of implementation of 1C products grow, the appetite for configurations increases. Sooner or later, the ability to improve the performance of servers, client machines and network parameters will dry up, and you will have to look for other solutions to the problem of client performance. Terminal server for 1C is one of the working ways to simplify the life of administrators and reduce the requirements for terminal clients.

Using a terminal server for 1C

If you do not use terminal servers, user computers independently perform calculations, for which information is transferred from the database to clients. This process does not depend on the type of database. This type of work requires serious investment to ensure that performance on the server and workstations is at a decent level.

When working with a terminal server, the client computer plays the role of only a keyboard and monitor. The network is responsible only for transmitting signals from the user's keyboard to the server and images of the result of entered commands from the keyboard back. In this regard, the requirements for their characteristics are significantly reduced. There is no need to purchase and regularly update terminal clients and ensure a high-speed connection to the server.

With the growing popularity of 1C programs and the increase in the areas in which this software is being implemented, more and more companies are using the 1C terminal server. Saving on technology is far from the only reason why many organizations are inclined to favor the option of working with 1C using a server.

Advantages of terminal servers

In addition to saving by reducing the cost of working clients and the network, the operation of terminal servers allows you to:

  • Increase the speed of 1C software calculations and reduce the load on the network. This is critical if you have a file version of the database configured. The terminal server will be faster even for minor operations;
  • Ensure data safety in the event of a connection failure between the terminal client and server. After all, it is not the data that is sent, but its display. If there is a failure, clients can simply reconnect to the server and continue working from the point at which the network failed. This advantage of terminal servers is important, since 1C programs are sensitive to failures and power outages at workplaces;
  • Increase the security of information in the database. Making a copy of the database from a terminal server under a client is much more difficult, and users connect to the server using unique logins and passwords;
  • Simplify the IT structure in the company, which will save time for system administrators.

In addition, the capabilities of Microsoft server operating systems allow full-time administrators to configure the ability to connect terminal clients to the 1C server, which is why setting up a 1C server is such an important issue.

Installing a terminal server for 1C

For example, let's install a terminal server for 1C on Windows Server 2012:

  1. You need to go to the connection properties on the server and register the required IP address;
  • To check if our server is visible, try running the ping command on the client computer<Адрес терминального сервера>on the command line;
  • If the ping was successful, open “Server Manager” on the server and click “Add roles and features”;

  • Select the server installation type – “Installing roles and components”;
  • Select our server for 1C from the server pool and click “Next”;

  • At the stage of selecting server roles, we need to find and check the box next to the “Remote Desktop Services” role;

  • Click “Next” twice and at the stage of selecting role services on the server you need to check two boxes:
  • In the next window, check “Automatically restart the server if required” and run the installation of the terminal server;

  • After some time, the terminal server for 1C will be successfully installed.
  • Let's set up a server for 1C

    Now we need to configure client user access to the server. For this:

    1. Install 1C on the server;
    2. Open Administration. Go to Computer Management. Go to the "Local Users" section and select "Users". Create a new user on the server;
    3. In the window that opens, fill in the fields “User”, “Full name”, “Description”, “Password” and “Password confirmation”;

  • Click “Create”. Then go to the properties of the created server user. On the "Group Membership" tab, add "Remote Desktop Users";

  • Then on the server, go to “Local Security Policy”. Click on the left “Assign user rights” and on the right go to the properties “Allow logon through the Remote Desktop Service”;
  • By default, the server only allows administrators access. Add users using “Add user or group...”;
  • When all users are listed on the server, click Apply.
  • The terminal server is configured and client computers can connect to it.

    Connecting to a terminal server

    Connection to the configured 1C terminal occurs via the RDP protocol. Microsoft family of systems have a built-in tool called “Remote Desktop Connection”. To find this tool, go to “Start” – “All Programs” – “Accessories”:

    In the window that opens, you must specify the following parameters:

    • In the “Computer” field, enter the address of the terminal server;
    • In the “User” field, you must indicate the name under which you want to log into this server. Naturally, for this the user must be allowed remote control;
    • In the next window you will need to enter the user password to access the server.

    If the settings are made correctly and the data is entered correctly, a window will open in which you will see a slightly modified desktop.

    Further work is no different from the situation in which 1C is installed on your computer.