Download mod for Skyrim your own guild. Your own guild

0. When you enter the game, you will have a Headquarters stone (marker) and a Recruit Necklace (all will be in your inventory) added.
1. Find a nice, cozy place in Skyrim to place your guild headquarters
2. In your inventory, find the “Headquarters - Marker” stone and place/throw it in the very center of your chosen location, meaning that everything is evenly distributed
I haven’t been in houses or anything like that. I settled in a clean area near Golkar
It’s better not to touch the stone later because people will flee to their default places. But then another “recruit necklace” will appear that can be sold....
3. Next, find a suitable candidate for recruitment into the guild and equip yourself with the “Recruit Necklace” in your inventory
From experience, take only companions after parting with them first.....
4. Next, simply talk to the chosen one so that the NPC joins your ranks, for this there will be corresponding dialogues during the conversation
- Attention!!! You can recruit no more than 10 Guild members
5. After the dialogue, the selected NPC will go to the point where you placed the Headquarters marker stone
In principle, you can recruit the whole of Skyrim, even the jarls, but the mod is beta - damp, NPCs simply get lost or don’t go to the headquarters at all, or come despite the task\in my case, to patrol the ShK\after a day\game\return to their previous places, and some don’t even leave the house, although they agree: yes - let’s go, collect, find, destroy.... They will cut off the loot\100 zlotys for the work\ but if you find them at the place, the work is not done. I don’t know yet - they give guild points or not.... Well, the mod is cool. And interesting.
By the way, it’s better to drive your companions there and fire them first. Otherwise, you invited one to the guild without parting and now there are two companions - one follows me, the other is a clone - performs tasks for the guild...... True, some work and don’t parting....
Managing your guild:

Submission of tasks:
- Talk to your new recruit and say, “I have a conversation with you,” and then, “I have a job for you.” Then select any job from the list. You can send a recruit to hunt, steal, explore dungeons, cause chaos in Skyrim, cook food, make armor or weapons, mine ore, jewelry, kill a dragon...

Training and orders:
- You can tell your recruit what fighting style to use, for example, use ranged or melee weapons or fight only with fists, and you can also teach the recruit any skills

Collecting rewards from completing tasks:
- Talk to your recruit and say: “I have a conversation with you,” and then “Give me what you collected from the tasks.” In the menu that opens, you can use it to accept any item from your recruit. After closing the menu, you will receive a reward in gold (if any)

Dressing up your recruits:
- Talk to your recruit and say: “I have a conversation with you,” and then “Give me what you collected from the tasks.” Accept all armor and clothing from their inventory
- Talk to the recruit again and give him everything you want him to wear and finally say "Equip the armor from your inventory"

Recruit following you:
- Talk to your recruit and say, “I have something to talk to you,” and then “Follow me.” To send a recruit back to HQ, say "Patrol HQ"

Recruit following you (if you have an in-game companion):
- Talk to your new recruit and say "I have something to talk to you" and then "Take a break from patrolling the headquarters"

Your guild name:
- Go to the MSM menu and in a certain option enter the name of your guild. This will appear in the top left corner of the menu

Dismissal of a new recruit:
- Talk to your new recruit and say, “I have something to talk to you about,” and then, “Sorry, but I’ll have to fire you.” They will no longer be members of your guild, and you must recruit someone else to replace the retired one.

Leveling up and skills:
- When you complete enough tasks, the level of your guild will increase, you, as the head of the guild, can choose certain perks for the guild. Every time your guild level increases, you will receive 1 guild bonus. You can spend these bonuses on perks. Each perk has a unique effect for each guild you are in (all this changes and is done in the MSM menu). The more work successfully completed, the higher the status of the guild = the more points are given... And again, the higher the status guild, the higher the chance for guild members to complete their work.

Perk management:
- If you have bonus perk points, you can spend them, just click on the perk you want to change. You can change the perks at any time (all this changes and is done in the MSM menu) You can enhance the collection of herbs or ore or robbery...
Known Issues:
I don’t have this kind of crap - you go to another location - you’re guaranteed to fly out - I didn’t fly out!\ The guys are complaining - don’t touch the NPCs yet - hire your own guys because it’s not a problem to fire them later. But finding an NPC later is a pain... you suffer.. ..


SKSE 1.06.16 or 1.07.01 and higher
SkyUI 4.1 and higher
UFO is desirable
Installation: (can be done manually or via NMM manager)
- Place the Data folder from the archive into the game folder (not Data inside Data, but on top), confirm merging folders and files and activate in the launcher

Updated version 0.4 \ fixed a number of bugs, etc. - not fully tested yet \ can be downloaded

In Morrowind, advancement in guilds was impossible without learning specialized skills. That is, in order to become an archmage and receive new quests, you had to have a high level of magical skills, for warriors military skills, for thieves - thief skills. And in Skyrim you can become an archmage without spending a single perk on magic schools.

The mod blocks access to quests if you do not meet certain conditions, different for each faction. Now guilds have a ledger, each with its own. To advance in guilds and receive quests, you will need to obtain certain perks. To sweeten the pill, a chest or purse with “salary” has been added to each guild. Payment is hourly.

If you IMMEDIATELY received a message that you WORTHY to become an archmage, this does not mean that you became one - the scripts simply checked your perks and reported your current level of capabilities. To become an Archmage, you will still have to complete all quests.

Affected Companions, Imperial Legion, Dawnguard, College of Winterhold. In my opinion, the Stormcloaks, as revolutionaries, need any help, which means that they have no requirements for candidates and they also do not give out regular salaries. The Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests are difficult to complete without developing the corresponding skills, but I intend to expand the mod on them in the future. For vampires, I just couldn’t come up with anything sensible yet.

How to play

Find the Account Book (each guild has its own) and activate it. You will receive a message about your current skill level and the requirements for further advancement in the guild. Next to the accounting book there will be a chest or a wallet with a salary.


Guild requirements and payment


Warriors. Requires mastery of two-handed or one-handed weapons. The maximum share of the Harbinger level is 48 coins per day. The ledger is located in the main hall of Jorvaskr.

Imperial Legion

Warriors and archers. It is required to master any weapon as well as any armor or blocking. If you start completing quests for the dark brotherhood, you will be kicked out of the legion and will stop paying your salary. The Legate's salary is 84 coins per day. Account book in the castle.


Vampire Hunters. Requires proficiency in light or heavy armor and bows (crossbows). Rewards - the opportunity to receive a potion of healing diseases no more than once a day and, after receiving Hunter status, to exchange one vampire ashes for 100 coins. Account book in the round hall of the castle.

College of Winterhold

Magi. It is required to improve knowledge in any two schools of magic except enchantment. College stipend: Archmage level - 84 coins per day. If you get the master perks for all schools of magic, you can receive up to 180 coins per day (the bonus is calculated separately for each school). Account book in the Hall of Elements.


Will conflict with mods that make changes to the Companions, Imperial Legion, Dawnguard, College of Winterhold quests (and especially to the conditions for starting them). Should not conflict with mods that add quests after completing the main guild quests.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard

A new feature is added to Skyrim by the mod for your guild. Now Dovahkiin is not required to climb career ladders to lead existing communities, because he is able to create his own. The hero can set the desired fighting style for recruits: order the use of small arms or close combat, and also fight exclusively with fists.

Additionally, the protagonist is now able to teach his subordinates the skills that he is well developed.


The Dovahkiin must initiate a dialogue to give the recruit an assignment. You should start with the remark: “I have a conversation with you.” To continue, you need to say: “I have a job for you,” and a list of possible tasks will become available.

Recruits can steal, hunt, explore various locations, cook, work in a forge, or even slay dragons.


The hero needs to start a dialogue to fire the recruit. The premise is the same as when issuing instructions, but after the first remark you should choose: “Sorry, but I’ll have to fire you.” The mercenary will leave the guild and you can recruit someone more suitable.

After installing a mod for new guilds in Skyrim, you need to give a name to your noble or criminal organization. Pay attention to the upper left corner of the MSM menu - there you can set the name of the faction.



For the mod to work correctly, do the following:

Set the "Working Version" folder, then download the file from the "English bsa" folder into your "Data" folder.

Why is that? The MSM menu of this mod is translated, but after its translation bugs appear.

(Updated to v0.4! Removed the price and weight of the marker and amulet. Now recruits can be ordered to "Wait here". Recruits will no longer report crimes. You can double the size of the headquarters through the settings.) Added files that are responsible for translating SKUI . Fixed some scripts.

(Updated to v0.3.1! Added the ability to train your guild members + select their skills, fighting style. Also, when giving tasks, you can select the zone in which the selected NPC will go to carry out their tasks + added the ability to trade with fellow guild members)

(Updated to v0.2! Added the ability to specify the name of your guild, 3 new jobs (supplying skooma, searching for soul stones, killing dragons), now you can kick an NPC out of your guild, or replace it + you can change the inventory of your guild members)

A plugin for Skyrim that will allow your character to create and assemble his own guild. Approach any NPC and start a dialogue with him, in the dialogue itself you will see a new line that will allow you to hire the same NPC to your guild, 10 places in total.

A headquarters marker will be added to your inventory, throw it where you want to set the location of your guild, guild members will come there after tasks, sleep, etc. Guild members can also be given tasks and paid for them.


Possibility to accept 10 people into your guild

Ability to specify the guild headquarters (absolutely any location)

Full management of guild members

It is possible to instruct guild members to patrol the headquarters

There are simply a huge number of tasks that you can give to your guild members: hunting, killing, finding supplies, doing good deeds, looking for ingredients, crafting armor, crafting weapons, wreaking havoc, looking for treasure, etc.

You can choose equipment for guild members.

Requirements: Skyrim, SKSE, SKUI (Optional)

Installation: standard

Removal: delete mod files from the "Data" folder
Version: 0.4
Creator: MaksLSD


How it all starts:

  1. When you enter the game, you will have a Headquarters stone (marker) and a Recruit Necklace (all will be in your inventory).
  2. Find a nice, cozy place in Skyrim to place your guild headquarters.
  3. In your inventory, find the “Headquarters - Marker” stone and place/throw it away in the very center of your chosen location, meaning that everything is evenly distributed (In houses, etc., it was not tested). It is advisable not to move the headquarters marker any more, because when you take the marker, all your hired fighters will be automatically dismissed, but when you take the marker you will receive the 2nd recruit necklace, etc. (can be sold)
  4. Next, find a suitable candidate for recruitment into the guild and equip yourself with the “Recruit Necklace” in your inventory (from experience: take only companions after parting with them first)
  5. Next, just talk to the chosen one to NPC joined your ranks, for this there will be appropriate dialogues during the conversation - Attention!!! You can recruit no more than 10 members Guilds
  6. After the dialogue, the chosen one NPC will go to the point where you placed the Headquarters marker stone. In principle, you can even recruit the whole of Skyrim, even the jarls, but the mod - beta - is damp (they don’t go to the headquarters or they come despite the task\in my case - to patrol the ShK\after a day\game\ return to their original places, and some even They don’t leave the house, although they agree: yes, let’s go, collect, find, destroy....)
  7. Apart from some mistakes in the mod and if it is still completed, then the mod is cool, unique and interesting.

Managing your guild:

Submission of tasks:

  • Talk to your new recruit and say, “I have something to talk to you about,” followed by “I have a job for you.”
  • Then select any job from the list (You can send a recruit to hunt, steal, explore dungeons, cause chaos in Skyrim, cook food, make armor or weapons, mine ore, jewelry, kill a dragon...)

Training and orders:

  • You can tell your recruit what fighting style to use, for example, use ranged or melee weapons or fight only with fists, and you can also teach the recruit some skills.

Collecting rewards from completing tasks:

  • Talk to your new recruit and say, "I have something to talk to you about," and then, "Give me what you collected from your missions." In the menu that opens, you can use it to accept any item from your recruit. After closing the menu, you will receive a reward in gold (if any)

Dressing up your recruits:- Talk to your recruit and say: “I have a conversation with you,” and then “Give me what you collected from the tasks.” Accept all armor and clothing from their inventory

  • Talk to the recruit again and give him everything you want him to wear and finally say "Equip the armor from your inventory"

Recruit following you:

  • Talk to your recruit and say, “I have something to talk to you,” and then “Follow me.”
  • To send a recruit back to HQ, say "Patrol HQ"

Recruit following you (if you have an in-game companion):

  • Talk to your new recruit and say "I have something to talk to you" and then "Take a break from patrolling the headquarters."

Your guild name:

Go to MSM menu and in a certain option enter the name of your guild (this will be displayed in the upper left corner of the menu)

Dismissal of a new recruit:

Talk to your new recruit and say, “I have something to talk to you about,” followed by “Sorry, but I'm going to have to fire you.” (they will no longer be members of your guild, and you must recruit someone else to replace the retired one.

Leveling up and skills:

  • When you complete enough tasks, your guild's level will rise, and you, as the head of the guild, can choose certain perks for the guild. Every time your guild level increases, you will receive 1 guild bonus. You can spend these bonuses on perks. Each perk has a unique effect for each guild you are in (all this changes and is done in MSM menu).The more work successfully completed, the higher the status of the guild, the more points are given...And again, the higher the status of the guild, the higher the chance for guild members to complete their work.

Perk management:

  • If you have bonus perk points, you can spend them, just click on the perk you want to change. You can change the perks at any time (all this changes and is done in the MSM menu) You can enhance the collection of herbs or ore or robbery...


  • Skyrim SKSE 1.06.16 or 1.07.01 and higher
  • SkyUI 4.1 and higher
  • UFO is desirable


Can be done manually or via NMM manager - Place folder Data from the archive to the game folder (not Data inside Data, and on top), confirm merge folders and files and activate in the launcher