Create a new webmoney wallet. What is a WMR wallet and how to create one? How to open web money your electronic wallet and get a personal certificate

If you are puzzled by the question of how to get a webmoney wallet without spending a lot of time looking for the necessary information, then you have come to the right place! Now we will look at a detailed example of how to quickly do this. In order to create wallets, you first need to register in the system and get your personal WMID (user registration number). Each person can make up to ten such registrations, which means that, if desired and necessary, you can receive 10 WMIDs and, accordingly, the required number of wallets for each account. So, let's get straight to the action.

Registering a new WMID!

Initially, you need to go to the site and click on the "registration" button:

The system will immediately request your mobile phone number. It is important that this number is valid and accessible, as access codes will subsequently be sent to it:

The next step after entering the phone number is to fill in personal data (date of birth, country of residence), as well as a security question when restoring access to your account and email address:

If you do not want to receive notification in the form of news or various promotions, uncheck the appropriate boxes, as they are set by default. Further, the system will allow you to check the entered data again, and if an error is found, you can always go back to make a correction:

If everything is filled out correctly, click on the "continue" button and get to the page with checking the phone. At this stage, an SMS will be sent to the specified mobile phone number - a message with a special code that will need to be entered in the appropriate field:

In case you have not waited for SMS - messages, click on the link called "HERE" and the service will transfer you to the support service. At this stage, you will either need to send an SMS - a message with the specified text to any of the provided numbers (there is no additional charge for SMS, everything is within the tariff plan of the mobile operator), or scan the QR code using a special application for its recognition (if such the program is installed on your mobile phone):

After clicking the "continue" button, the page of your personal Keeper Standard wallet will open. The specified phone number automatically becomes the page login. Next, you need to come up with a strong login password. In no case do not duplicate your email password - come up with a new one and write it down twice. It is also necessary to indicate the verification digital code from the picture:

After completing these steps, a message will appear about the absence of wallets - and this is absolutely true, because you have just completed the registration stage:

How to get a webmoney wallet in Keeper Standard ?

Closing this notification, you can see the 12-digit WMID code and the alias passport that appears in the right corner (what it is, we'll talk a little later). To create a wallet, you need to perform just a few steps. On the top, already open, panel of the “finance” tab, it says in large letters “CREATE NEW WALLET”. Below you can select any of the proposed types from the drop-down menu. Also be sure to agree to the terms of use of certificates and click the "create" button:

The following message will appear to confirm the correctness of all actions:

Now you can see the created wallet in the "finance" menu:

Let us remind you that no matter what title signs you create wallets in, they have a clear structure: the letter is indicated first, and then the code of twelve digits. The correspondence between currencies and wallet types can be seen here:

We also note that the user has the right to open all the specified types of wallets (but there are some restrictions). So, to add the following type, you need to click on the plus sign of the top bar of the "finance" menu item and select "create a wallet" from the drop-down menu:

Further, the procedure is no different from the actions already described. On the screen we see a field with a drop-down list of types of currencies - select the necessary one, accept the terms of the agreement and click the "create" button:

What are the restrictions when creating wallets?

Now that you know how to get a webmoney wallet, let's get back to the question regarding the passport. As you have already noticed, after registration you are automatically assigned a pseudonym certificate. In the process of registration itself, it was also not required to enter your full name, passport data and identification code. By the name of the passport itself, you can understand that your data is not available to the system - in this case, you are incognito. This status has its pros and cons. For you, the plus is that the passport data is not “lit up” on the Internet.
The thought of this makes some users uncomfortable, although in fact there is nothing wrong with this - the data is simply stored on the webmoney server. We now turn to the shortcomings, and there are many more. At the stage of creating wallets under the pseudonym passport, you may encounter the problem of creating them in other title units. Allowed for creation is a wallet in the currency of your country, as well as WMZ, WME and WMG. If you try to create a wallet in other titles, you will see the following messages:

If there is a need to create wallets other than those allowed for the alias passport, you will have to upgrade your passport.

How to upgrade a pseudonym's passport to a formal one?

To do this, go to the specified link, after which the following window will appear:

As you can see, the login was filled in automatically based on your WMID. We confirm the entrance with our password and the number from the picture. Formal is the next level certificate, which is also issued free of charge to webmoney participants, but with certain requirements. Here you will need not only to enter your personal data, but also to attach photos or scanned copies of your passport. In return, the participant gets the opportunity not only to open additional wallets, but also to carry out additional actions to use them, for example, replenish them by bank or postal transfer, withdraw funds in various ways. Details about all this can be found in the following publications: Thus, formal passport holders get much more opportunities than pseudonym passport holders. And most of the convenient methods of both depositing and withdrawing funds require a minimum of a formal passport with verified passport data. To get it, after authorization, click on the field “get a formal passport”:

After that, the system will issue a short instruction, for which this type of certificate is needed. If you have not changed your mind, then click on the "continue" button:

Now you will need to fill in the required data (your personal data, such as full name, address, passport details):

The recommended data can either be filled in or refused. But a photo or scan of passport data is required to be uploaded. After verifying the data you specified with copies of the passport, a decision will be made to issue a certificate. It is very important that all the data match, otherwise the extradition will be refused. After receiving a formal certificate, a lot of additional very convenient features of the webmoney system will open before you!

Now you are armed with knowledge on how to get a webmoney wallet and what you need to pay attention to. However, before you get a formal passport and create different types of wallets, make sure that you really need it. The webmoney security system is built in such a way that you can no longer delete both your account (WMID) and a separate wallet. You may not need to use all the functions of the system, and you may well be limited to a pseudonym certificate along with the established restrictions. The choice is always yours!

In RuNet, popular electronic money is WebMoney (abbreviated as WM, in Russian “webmoney”). Many online stores and commercial portals work with Webmoney.

Whoever thinks about getting additional income on the network, he may need to start a Webmoney wallet for this. Also, webmoney can be used to pay for products and services, utility bills, mobile communications, television, etc.

Many users create WM-wallets and, having some experience (and experience, as they say, comes with time), use this payment system with pleasure.

How to start a Webmoney wallet

If you get a Webmoney wallet, then you can work with it either directly through the browser, or through applications installed on your computer or mobile phone. For those who use small amounts, it is probably easier to work through the browser.

Registration on the official website of Webmoney should be done only once, and then you can use your webmoney wallet through the “Login” (4 in Fig. 1).

On fig. 1 in the top menu you can see that webmoney registration takes 4 steps for free (the steps are clickable):

It all starts with the first step:

1) Phone input

To start a Webmoney wallet, follow the link to

And enter your mobile phone number, which you should have at hand during registration:

Rice. 1. The first step to get a Webmoney wallet: entering a phone number

We enter the phone number without errors in the field marked with the number 1 in Fig. 1 in the format: country code, without spaces immediately operator code and phone number. For Russia, the country code is 7. Therefore, the phone number for Russia is entered, for example, in this form: 79100012345. Click the "Continue" button (3 in Fig. 1). Hooray, the first step is taken!

Number 2 in Fig. 1 it is noted that you can use webmoney applications for social networks if you have accounts in social networks.

Is it possible to register a webmoney wallet for Ukraine? Of course it's possible.
When entering the site, you can immediately click on the choice of language (5 in Fig. 1). Then we will see what languages ​​webmoney is friendly with:

Rice. 2. Language selection on the webmoney site

There are Russian, English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and others. There is no German language, probably in Germany the Webmoney payment system is not used.

Registration of a webmoney wallet for Ukraine and for some other countries (see languages ​​in Fig. 2) consists of the same four steps that are described here.

2) Entering personal data

To be able to resolve possible issues or problems with webmoney, you should enter reliable data: letter for letter, as in a passport. The data after registration can no longer be changed, edited, you may have to get another Webmoney wallet. Although it will be possible to change the mobile number and e-mail.

By clicking " Continue"(3 in Fig. 1), we proceed to the second step of registration:

Rice. 3. The second step for registering webmoney for free: entering personal data

1 in fig. 3 - enter the date of birth. To do this, click on the small triangles in field 1. A drop-down menu of numbers will appear in which you need to find and click on your date.

2 in fig. 3 - select the country of residence, if another country is offered. If you click on the small triangle in field 2, you will see a huge list of countries: there are plenty to choose from. You need to find your country and click on it to select it.

3 in fig. 3 - in this field, enter your email without errors.


  • To register in the payment system, it is better to use a new e-mail and, if possible, do not show this mail on the Internet in the future. This is useful for reducing spam in the mailbox, and most importantly, for preventing account hacking. Login, password, security question from new mail should be written in a notebook.
  • Do not confuse the password from the e-mail and the password from the Webmoney wallet, these are different passwords.

4 in fig. 3 - choose a security question.
In addition to the mother's maiden name, you can choose "Favorite number", "Nickname of a pet", "Favorite sports team", "Brand of the first car". (By the way, in Spain, every child is given 2 surnames at birth: the first from the father, the second from the mother. They have two surnames in their passports. Therefore, for Spaniards, the option with the mother's maiden name is hardly suitable).

5 in fig. 3 - enter the answer to the question that you have chosen in field 4.
It is better to write all this data in a notepad as the data necessary to access the webmoney wallet.

6 in fig. 3 - you can leave the checkboxes (they are on by default), or you can uncheck them.

7 in fig. 3 - without a checkmark in front of "I give ... consent" further the path is ordered, so this checkbox is required!

Please note that at each step you can return to the previous step by clicking on the "Return" button. Until the registration is completed, you can easily edit your data in order to get a Webmoney wallet.

Click "Continue" (8 in Fig. 3). The “Check again the correctness of the personal data you entered” window will appear.

Rice. 4. Checking your data for registering a webmoney wallet

We carefully check all the data again, it is better to write them down. At the bottom of this window there are buttons "Return" (if something is wrong) and "Continue".

If everything is correct, click on "Continue" again. Hooray, the second step is done!

3) Phone check

After clicking on the "Continue" button, an SMS message immediately arrives on the mobile phone containing a code to confirm that you are the owner of the phone.

Rice. 5. We confirm the mobile for Webmoney registration: enter the code from SMS

Enter the code received on your mobile phone in an SMS message (1 in Fig. 5) and click "Continue" (2 in Fig. 5).

4) Assigning a password

Here you need to come up with a password for your Webmoney wallet. This should be a new password that has nothing to do with the password from the e-mail that you specified when entering personal data (Fig. 3).

You can use . A password consisting only of numbers is bad, because numbers are most quickly selected using appropriate password guessing programs. The password for the wallet, in addition to letters, must at least include Latin letters. The presence of other characters (!, :, etc.) increases the strength of the password.

1 in fig. 6 - we come up with a strong password and write it down in a notebook,
2 - repeat entering the same password, most importantly, repeat without errors,
3 in fig. 6 - enter the characters from the picture.

Click "OK".

Note: write down in a notebook or otherwise your data entered during registration. Relying only on your memory amid the flow of information in life and on the Internet is a utopia.

We get to the window (Fig. 7), in which you can immediately select the currency of the wallet.

A wallet with a ruble currency is WMR, its number starts with the letter R, for example, a ruble webmoney number can look like this: R530000018008. Although it will be possible later in your Webmoney account to create wallets with other currencies, if they are needed. Rubles are selected below (number 0 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. We accept the agreement and create our own webmoney wallet

In the upper right corner, pay attention to the WMID - this is not yet the number of the Webmoney purse (1 in Fig. 7), this is a WM-identifier, which is just the address of a member of the WebMoney payment system.

Do not confuse the WMID with the webmoney wallet number, they are different things. Replenish webmoney - this means putting money on the webmoney wallet number, but NOT on the WMID.

So, as seen in Fig. 8, the task - to start a Webmoney wallet - is solved:

Rice. 8. WebMoney ruble wallet created

WebMoney wallet number in fig. 8 is highlighted with numbers 1. It is this number that will be needed in order, for example, to replenish a webmoney wallet through the terminal, which will be discussed below.

Email confirmation

In our mail, which was indicated during registration (Fig. 3), we are looking for a letter from Webmoney Team with the heading "Confirm your email address":

Rice. 9. Confirmation of the email address for the webmoney wallet

To confirm the e-mail, click on the long link (red frame in Fig. 9). True, the entrance to the Webmoney wallet is carried out mainly by mobile phone number, at least for an anonymous (unidentified) user.

Login after registration

Registration on the webmoney site takes place once. In the future, on your computer (smartphone), you can enter through the browser using the link:

Login to Mini webmoney

To enter your webmoney wallet, you need to enter your username and password. As a login, you should use not an e-mail, but a mobile phone number.

In the future, if necessary, you can go through the identification of the webmoney wallet in order to change the status of an anonymous user to an identified one. There are other levels of webmoney certification, if necessary, it will be possible to pass them.

Exit from webmoney

The correct exit from the webmoney wallet is a small button in the upper right corner, which in fig. 8 is circled in a red box.

How to put money on Webmoney?

You can put money on your Webmoney wallet, or, if necessary, on someone else's wallet. To put money on someone else's Webmoney wallet (for example, through the terminal), you can not start your own wallet, although dealing with your wallet is, of course, easier and more enjoyable.

To make electronic payments directly from home, from the office or through mobile devices, you need to replenish your Webmoney wallet. There are different options to fund your Webmoney account, below is a useful overview.

Ways to replenish Webmoney

The official website of the payment system contains information about all available methods of replenishing a WM-wallet. This includes

  • bank transfer,
  • replenishment from a mobile phone,
  • remittance,
  • terminals and
  • special Webmoney cards.

You can use whichever option suits you at the moment.

You can replenish your Webmoney wallet in rubles. And if another currency is needed for settlements, then you can make a quick exchange inside the Webmoney payment system. Currency exchange in Webmoney can be carried out directly through the system itself or through third-party services (through reliable exchangers). In order not to lose money on commissions when exchanging them, you can remember that it is safe and practical to use webmoney on the network, for example, to pay for mobile, Internet, etc.

How to put money on webmoney through the terminal

If you want to replenish Webmoney in cash, then you will need to write down on a piece of paper (or print) the Webmoney wallet number. As already mentioned, the WM ruble wallet number can look like this: R530000012345. Approximately this type of number should be written down without errors.

With the Webmoney wallet number written on a piece of paper, you should go to the nearest terminal, which is located in a store, shopping or office center, bank, or train station. All modern terminals are equipped with the function of replenishing electronic wallets. Through the terminal, you can replenish both your Webmoney wallet and any other wallet.

  • In order to deposit cash, you need to go to the "Electronic Commerce" section at the terminal.
  • After that, select the “Webmoney” icon and enter the number of your or another R-purse (ruble wallet) into the field without errors. Be sure to check the correctness of the input.
  • Next, click "Forward" and enter the required amount through the bill acceptor in the terminal.

Please note that the replenishment of Webmoney through the terminal involves the payment of a commission. The amount of additional costs can be from 3 to 10%, depending on which electronic terminal you use. If you need to transfer a certain amount to someone, keep this in mind, otherwise you will have to go to the terminal again to report the money.

Money is credited to the Webmoney account almost immediately. Do not forget to take a check from the terminal to avoid possible problems with not crediting funds. Unfortunately, no one is immune from technical failures. You can, for example, put money through the terminal to a WebMoney wallet, come home or to the office and check the receipt of money in your wallet there on a computer (smartphone).

Alternative ways to replenish your Webmoney wallet

You can receive funds to your WM-purse not only by depositing cash or electronic money. You can earn a certain amount on the Internet. Article exchanges, comment exchanges and other projects for making money on the Web work with Webmoney (and some only with WebMoney), so you can receive money received for completing tasks to your WebMoney wallet.

For beginners, such ways of earning as writing reviews, writing articles for content exchanges, taking paid surveys, posting messages, comments on forums and social networks, etc. are suitable. Of course, it will take time to earn even a small amount. Perhaps, for the first earnings, it is not the amount that is important, but the very fact of receiving it. Therefore, such an option to replenish the webmoney wallet has a place to be.

Now you know how to start webmoney and put money there.

How to get webmoney wallets of another currency

You can create Webmoney wallets in the following currencies:

  • currency rubles is WMR, such an account begins with the letter R (1 in Fig. 8),
  • currency dollars is WMZ, the account number starts with the letter Z (4 in Fig. 10),
  • the euro currency is WME, its number is preceded by the letter E,
  • WMU is equivalent to UAH,
  • WMB is equivalent to BMY,
  • WMX is equivalent to 0.001 BTC,
  • WMG is the equivalent of 1 gram of gold,
  • WMK is equivalent to KZT.

A ruble webmoney wallet has already been created, now we create a webmoney wallet for the same WMID (1 in Fig. 10), for example, in dollars. This can be done in 6 clicks:

Rice. 10. How to start a webmoney wallet with a different currency: the steps are numbered

1 in fig. 10 - you need to log into your Webmoney account,
2 in fig. 10 - click on the + icon,
3 - click "Create wallet",
4 - select the desired currency,
5 - read and be sure to check the box next to "I accept the conditions ...",
6 in fig. 10 - click "Create". A wallet will appear with a number that will begin with the letter Z (because in Fig. 10 the currency was dollars).

How to remove Webmoney

Removing webmoney is not as easy as it might seem. The official webmoney website says that before deleting a Webmoney wallet, you must:

  • Withdraw all funds.
  • Pay off loans, if any.
  • End claims and claims, if any.

Rice. 11 How to delete a Webmoney wallet

1 in fig. 11 - you need to go to your wallet,
2 - click on Settings,
3 in fig. 11 - in the window that opens, click "Submit a denial of service request".

The request is checked by webmoney technical support. A message is sent to the E-mail that after 7 days the service will be completely terminated, all data will be permanently deleted.

Webmoney technical support

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One of the popular electronic payment systems is WebMoney. At the same time, it is the most common in Russia and the CIS countries. Creating a WebMoney wallet is quite simple, but you need to know some of the nuances. This will avoid difficulties when registering a virtual wallet and linking a card.

Preparing to register an account

To register an account in this system, you will need an e-mail.

You need to understand that the box must be protected, since it can be used to hack WebMoney and steal funds from a personal account.

Also, for more convenient management of your virtual account, you will need to download the Keeper WinPro (Classic) program. You can download the program from this link. This is the official website of WebMoney. We will return to the installation of the program a little later.

Now you can move on to the question of how to create a WebMoney wallet. First you need to register an account.

Payment system WebMoney: Video

Registration on WebMoney

There is nothing complicated here. Moreover, you will see hints on the screen. So, let's take a closer look at all these stages.

First, enter your mobile phone number. This will be required to confirm transactions in the future.

At the second stage, you need to fill out a short questionnaire:

  • A pseudonym is a nickname that other participants in this system will see, for example, when communicating with you or at the time of making transactions to your account. It can be anything you like.
  • Next, you should specify the last name, first name and patronymic. Here you need to write the full name that is indicated in your passport, since the WebMoney security system will check this data. Moreover, in the future, when withdrawing money to a card, the data in WebMoney will have to match the information of your bank. Otherwise, withdrawal will not be possible.
  • Paul - this is clear. Specify.
  • The date of birth must also match the passport data, as this information will also be verified. In addition, if you forget your password, these data will also be verified to restore access.
  • actual place of birth. Again: this information must match the one indicated in the passport. Here you need to indicate the full address, up to the number of the apartment (or house, if you live in the private sector).
  • Contact information is your email address. This information will be required to contact you. That is, letters with a report on completed transactions will be sent to the specified address, and so on. If you have a website, it would be useful to indicate it. In the future, this may be required in various controversial issues, for example, when restoring access to your account, as well as in case scammers try to deceive you.
  • Recovery information - like in any other system, WebMoney also has a security question, the answer to which will be required to restore access to your account in case you forget your password or someone tries to hack your wallet.

It is worth recalling once again that all data must be true, and you must always remember the answer to the security question, or even better, write it down. But no one should have access to this information. After filling out the form, click the "Continue" button.

Now the system asks to double-check the entered data, since some of them will no longer be possible to change after the registration is completed. If everything is correct, then click Continue. After that, a letter with a confirmation code will be sent to the specified e-mail box. Check your mail and enter the received code.

This code is one-time and valid for 10 days. If during this time you do not enter it in the appropriate field, then you will have to go through the registration procedure again and receive a new password. So, enter the password and click "Continue".

The next step is to check the mobile phone number. To do this, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your number. This password is also one-time.

Here we come to the final stage. In order to create a WebMoney account, it remains to come up with a complex password. In the future, it will be used to enter your WMID (personal account).

Here you need to consider that this is a system that allows you to earn and store money. They are called title units and are not considered money. But at any time they can be exchanged for real money. Therefore, you must come up with a password that cannot be guessed or cracked.

Setting up account management

Now you can log in to manage your WMID. To enter your personal account, you will need to enter your email and password.

For more convenient management of virtual wallets, it is recommended to use the Keeper WinPro (Classic) program you already know. Moreover, this program allows you to increase the level of security.

So, to activate this control method, log into your WMID in the usual way (through the official website). Go to the "Settings" tab.

Here, select the "Profile" section. In the menu that opens, you will see the item "Control Methods". Opposite the item "WinPro" there is a button "Allow". Click it. Now do the following:

  1. Run the Keeper WinPro utility on your computer and select the location where you want to store the keys, specifying the value "This computer".
  2. Enter your WMID. To find out, you will need to log in to Keeper Standard (WebMoney official website) using your login and password. It will be listed in the top right corner.
  3. Click Recovery.
  4. Enter the password (it is also used to enter Keeper Standard). After that, specify the location for storing the key file. Enter the password for this file (access code).
  5. Click OK.

You can download the key file for your WMID on the official website at the following link. Here you will also find step-by-step instructions on how to activate wallet management using Keeper WinPro(Classic).

Creating wallets

Before you can replenish your WMID, as well as conduct any transactions - accept and make transfers, you need to register a wallet in WebMoney. There are many types of wallets here. All of them are the equivalent of a certain currency:

  • WMZ - US dollars.
  • WMR - Russian rubles.
  • WMU - Ukrainian hryvnia.
  • WME - euro.
  • WMG - gold (Gold).
  • WMB - Belarusian rubles.

Each wallet consists of a 12-digit number and an identifier, for example, a dollar wallet is Z123456789012. The letter Z stands for dollars, and the numbers are your personal dollar account number. The wallet number is needed for transactions.

So, to add the wallet you need, open Keeper WinPro. Enter your WMID and password to access account management. Now go to the "Wallets" tab and click the "Create" button.

Creating an electronic wallet in the WebMoney system will allow you to start working on the Internet. This can be compared to buying a wallet, because the money you earn needs to be put somewhere. In real life, we put them in our wallet, while working on the Internet you also need to put your salary somewhere. Next, we will take a step-by-step look at , write down your wallet number to deposit or withdraw money.

To create your wallet on the Internet you need:

1. Go to the website of the system and register on it.

2. After successful registration, start creating your own electronic wallet.

How to register on the WebMoney site

To register, you will need to have (Email) and a mobile phone at hand. The registration process will take you no more than 10 minutes, then I will describe how to register on the WebMoney site correctly.

1. On the main page in the upper right corner, click the Register button.

2. After that, a new window will appear, you will be prompted to enter a phone number, do it. You will be sent an SMS with a confirmation code. Subsequently, the system will send you passwords to confirm the transfer of money and make payments. In general, the phone number is entered for security purposes so that no one can steal or spend your money without your knowledge. Enter your number and click continue.

3. A new page will appear again, on which you need to enter your personal data. If you are going seriously and for a long time, then I recommend that you indicate all the data as in your passport. Don't worry, no one but you will be able to see or somehow know this data. At the end, you need to select a security question and give an answer to it, take it seriously, you never know the password, then this data will help you enter the site. After that click on the Continue button.

4. On the page that opens, you need to check whether you filled out the required form fields correctly, if everything is fine, click Continue, or go back and go back and correct what you need.

5. The next stage of registration is checking your Email, you have already been sent a letter with a code, you need to check your mail, copy the received code and enter it on the site in the appropriate window. Below you see an example of a letter to your email.

6. And now enter this long registration code on the WebMoney site page and click Continue.

The recently launched Birds Money project managed to shake the already established market of economic games with the withdrawal of money, where 2-3 well-known projects have been leading for a long time. The developers have provided players with ample opportunities in terms of earnings - both with investments and without them, and also generously distributed bonuses for registration, the first replenishment of the account and the activity shown. Just creating an account allows get a free bird with basic income and withdraw profit.

7. We are almost done, it remains to check the mobile phone and come up with a password. Next, we check the phone. You will receive an SMS, you do not need to send any messages, the WebMoney system itself will send you an SMS. Enter the received code in the required box and click Continue.

8. Well, that's all, come up with a good password so that no one can crack it and enter it in the window that appears. If later it seems to you that your password is too simple, you can change it as many times as you like. Click OK.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing complicated. Now you are a full member of the WebMoney system. In order to start using electronic money, you need to create a wallet or several wallets for yourself.

Just a couple of clicks and you will have your own wallet on the Internet. It will expand your opportunities, allowing you not only to earn money without leaving your home, but also to spend it paying for various goods and services, including Internet access and a mobile phone. So let's get started.

1. In the menu bar, select the Wallets section, and then click on the create button, as shown in the figure below.

2. After that, you need to select the type of wallet ( , WMR, etc.) that you want to create. I will say right away that I created all the available wallets for myself at once, because you never know what currency you will need. Next, accept the terms of the agreement and click create.

3. If everything is done correctly, and it is difficult to make a mistake here, then you will see a screen like this.

Remember, the created wallets can no longer be deleted and they will remain with you forever, but, as they say, they don’t ask you to eat, so I think they won’t bother you. Beginners often ask where and. It can be seen below, under the name, wallet numbers consist of a letter and 12 numbers. For example Z250496547658 will be your dollar wallet number.

What's next? I recommend that you explore the possibilities of this payment system, because they are not limited only to storing money earned on the Internet and withdrawing it to real life, you can spend WebMoney directly on the Internet, and today you can buy almost everything for them.

Of course, to start working in the system, you will need to create a WebMoney wallet. We note right away that the registration procedure on this service is not complicated, but it takes time. In addition, the system has its own rules, violating which you will not be able to connect an online wallet and make payments. But, if everything is done correctly, then you will get one of the most popular and secure wallets in the online payment system.

Registration: entry level

Even before you start registering on WebMoney, you need to register yourself mail otherwise you will not be able to create a Webmoney wallet.

Remember that if you have already registered a wallet, then when re-registering, you cannot use the same data: cell number and mail - they must not be “highlighted” in the system, otherwise you will not be able to “register”.

In order for the registration to begin, go to the site or find it through a search in your browser. Creating a personal account begins with the fact that in the upper right corner you click "registration" and you get to the desired menu.

The creation of the wallet is almost complete. It remains only to come up with a password and enter it in your personal account. At this stage, for many users, registration causes difficulties, since the Webmoney system has very high password requirements.

Instructions for creating a password:

  • use latin letters and arabic numerals;
  • put capital and lowercase letters;
  • include upper case characters in the password;
  • do not use Russian letters and lower case.

Example of a good password: Xhj@58MOpar#93

Choose security password. Repeat it. Enter the code from the picture and click OK.

If you do not understand the numbers in the picture, then click "change picture" so that the system changes the image.

After successfully creating a password, you will need to confirm your email address. A system message with an activation link will be sent to the specified E-mail address. Follow it.

On the new page, you will need to enter the code from the image and click "check".

If everything is done correctly, then the email address will be confirmed, and the system will prompt you to enter your personal account. To enter, enter your login - the phone number specified during registration, password and enter the code from the picture. Click "login".

To enter WebMoney, you will need to enter a one-time code sent to your phone number. Usually, the code comes in a few seconds.

Registration: creating a wallet

Many people think that after they register with WebMoney, they will be able to start working with a wallet, but this opinion is erroneous. Before you can use the features of the payment system, you will need to open a WM wallet. The system will prompt you for this as soon as you first .

  1. Click "Yes" to create a wallet for work.
  2. Select the currency in which you are going to work. If this is Russia, then choose WMR.
  3. In the new window, check the box to accept the agreement.
  4. Click "continue" to complete wallet creation.

The creation of a WMR wallet is completed, and you can conduct transactions with Russian currency. However, the Webmoney service offers more opportunities, including working with multiple currencies. More on this later.

Creating WM wallets

Electronic service Webmoney offers 9 currency options, with which you can work in your personal account. It remains only to figure out how to start a multi-currency WebMoney wallet. Creating a current account in another currency is an extremely simple procedure:

  1. Go to your personal account.
  2. In the options menu, select "add an existing wallet".
  3. From the proposed list, choose the one whose currency you are interested in.

For example, you choose "create a WMU wallet" - this is the Ukrainian currency. You will see an agreement window. Read the user terms and check the box that you agree to continue creating.

You will see a window where the number of the new wallet will be displayed. Set limits - if there is a need to set them and click "add" to open a Ukrainian current account.

To confirm, you will receive a message with a code on your phone - enter it in the appropriate field and click "ok".

Now you have several current accounts, Russian and Ukrainian. According to the above scheme, you can make other wallets: WMZ, WMH, WMX, WMG, WMV, WMK, WME, WMB. All of them will be displayed in the top control panel or in the list of wallets if you use another Keeper.

Currency exchanges

If you start Webmoney wallets in different currencies, then this gives you the opportunity to exchange your money directly on the service. That is, if you want to receive dollars, and rubles are transferred to your account, then this situation is easy to change.

Now you can exchange rubles for dollars directly in your WebMoney account. To do this, open and at the very bottom click on the green circle, which means the exchange.

You will see an exchange window in which you must specify how much money you want to change. Choose the currency in which the exchange will be made and the service will calculate how much money you will receive and what the commission will be.

Click "OK" to transfer from one WM to another.

If all the data is entered correctly, then you will receive a message with a confirmation code on your phone. Enter it on the site to complete the exchange.

Alias ​​Passport Capabilities

Certificate in WebMoney, this is your access level. Getting a higher passport is completely free and gives users more options and security. To see your level of the certificate, just click on the avatar in your personal account.

This is the initial level of the passport obtained without a passport and automatically assigned to all users who have opened a WM-purse. What opportunities does it give?

  • transfer funds within the system, but with minimal limits and only to certain wallets;
  • deposit funds to your account through terminals and prepaid cards;
  • use the entire list of opportunities included in the "payment for services" section;
  • conduct correspondence within the network;
  • make exchanges between their current accounts.

In the "payment for services" menu, the following options are available to you: payment of mobile and utility bills, replenishment of any bank card, payment for online games, the Internet and social networks.

Obtaining a formal certificate and its possibilities

To get a higher level passport, click on the inscription "alias passport" in the avatar section. The service will redirect you to a new window where you can read more about certification levels. Click "Get Passport" at the bottom of the page to apply for a new one access level.

In a new window, you will be told about the possibilities of a formal passport - this is background information. Click "continue" after reviewing.

You will see a form in which you need to enter your personal data:

  • surname;
  • surname;
  • date of birth;
  • city;
  • postcode;
  • address.

All data indicated in the questionnaire must be reliable, otherwise you will not pass the test.

On the side of each field there is a checkmark "do not show". This means that other users will not be able to see this data. If you uncheck the box, then you will make this data open to all WebMoney users.

  • citizenship;
  • passport data;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • branch where the document was issued.

After entering this information, click "continue entering data".

After you enter these details, the system will ask you to download a copy of your passport and begin the check. Having received formal certificate, you can:

  • use more translation options;
  • link cards and electronic wallets of other systems;
  • withdraw cash from WebMoney;
  • use exchangers;
  • write reviews;
  • create claims;
  • your limits will increase.

Obtaining a formal passport is necessary if you work at WebMoney at least periodically. If this is not done, then managing your personal account will be problematic.