Stalker call of chernobyl appears on the radar. We fix the problem by reinstalling

Problems with crashing from the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R began after the first day of release. Users have to deal with a large number of new errors. One of these problems is known to gamers "XR_3DA.exe has stopped working" or “The program “XR_3DA.exe” does not work.” Next we will give some tips that will clearly show what to do to fix this bug.

There can be many reasons for this failure. Sometimes players are suddenly denied access to the game for no reason. Others are faced with departures already in the process of surviving in a world contaminated by radiation. Although the most terrible thing is rightfully considered loss of saves when loading them the screen goes dark and appears error window XR_3DA.exe.

The paradoxical thing is that crashes from Stalker(Shadow of Chernobyl, Call of Pripyat, Clear Sky) are already considered the norm, the whole point lies in their quantity. The question is: how to reduce the number of crashes from the game? First, let's figure out why this happens. The game, as everyone knows, is very poorly optimized, even despite dozens of patches released. Problems arise at any opportunity: incorrect installation, poor quality assembly S.T.A.L.K.E.R software, spontaneously arising conflicts. We should better focus on how to eliminate them.

We fix the problem by reinstalling

During installation there is always a risk that something will go wrong. “Stalker” is no exception in this regard. Considering the bulk of players, they use different collections to initialize “Stalker” on their computer. Their quality is low. Not many people purchase a license. This is where various conflicts arise when patches are poorly configured.

  • First, update your NVIDIA video card drivers through their official web resource. If you have a video card another manufacturer, then apply the driver update and additionally install the program physx.dll. Restart your PC.
  • For notorious "pirates" it is recommended to try again reinstall the game. If possible, download it from another source. When downloading any software, read the user comments, this way you can avoid many problems in advance.
  • The decision also becomes purchasing a license.

Check out our material on elimination in Stalker.

Open access to XR_3DA.exe

This method is very simple. It does not completely eliminate the problem of discards, but it reduces their number significantly. To do this, go to the game folder. Find the folder in it Bin. Stored here game shortcut xr_3da.exe. Right-click and try to log in from administrator name. This method helps many users.

Problem with antiviruses

Antiviruses always find reasons to designate any file as potential Trojan. S.T.A.L.K.E.R, due to its patches, which were not developed by the developers, is blacklisted by many antiviruses. Removing various types of elements renders the entire game unusable. There is no way to restore them.

  • To solve the problem you can disable antivirus or make the game an exception.
  • Be sure to reinstall the game again.
  • As a last resort, try changing your antivirus to another one.

What to do if there is an error in XR_3DA.exe in a licensed game?

A licensed game, as a rule, always works quite well. However, there are cases where “xr_3da.exe application error” occurs.

  • Remove the game from your computer. Try it update drivers on the operating system.
  • Reinstall Stalker. Don't use any third party patches.
  • Sometimes patches are very demanding on the system. Make sure the computer can handle them.

Here are some useful tips from Stalker fans.

Once again I would like to remind you - S.T.A.L.K.E.R is always prone to crashes from the game. This problem cannot be completely avoided, especially for pirated assemblies. I hope our tips will tell you what to do to fix the XR_3DA.exe error in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

In contact with

Creating modifications is a painstaking task; the developer may make a mistake when writing code, or may forget to put something in the game archives. In such situations, fatal errors occur, and as a result, the game crashes. Immediately after the crash, the game engine sends it to the clipboard (After the crash, you need to paste the text from the clipboard into any text after), as well as into a special file (C:\Users\Public\Documents\stalker-shoc\logs (Example for Shadows Chernobyl)) description of the error, which contains debugging information. In order to simplify the debugging process for developers, this article was created. For convenience, our FAQ was divided into several parts, where errors are listed as the number in the "Line" line increases (The author of the reference book is users of the AMK forum).

Expression: e_parent
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_event_reject.cpp
Line: 11
Description: parent not found. id_parent=110 id_entity=117 frame=1791
Sometimes it appears randomly when NPCs die. While processing loot, the engine occasionally loses the server object of the item being destroyed, and as a result a crash occurs.

Expression: e_entity Function: xrServer::Process_event_reject File: E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_event_reject.cpp Line: 12 Description: entity not found. id_parent=7540 id_entity=44047 frame=2075050
Sometimes it appears randomly when NPCs die. While processing loot, the engine occasionally loses the server object of the item being destroyed, resulting in a crash
Try loading your latest save.

Expression: e_entity Function: xrServer::Process_event_reject File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_event_reject.cpp Line: 12 Description: entity not found.
Error 1.0004 patch.
Fixed by installing a newer version of the PM patch.

Function: xrServer::Process_event_reject File: E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_event_reject.cpp Line: 12 Description: e_parent && e_entity
The NPC died while trading or throwing grenades, and the engine did not have time to register its loot before deleting the NPC server object. Also occurs during an attempt to delete or change the owner of an already deleted object.
In death_manager.script you need to replace the lines:
alife():release(alife():object(item:id()), true)
local obj = item and item:id()and alife():object(item:id()) if obj then alife():release(obj, true) end

Expression: assertion failed Function: xrServer::Perform_destroy File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrGame\xrServer_sls_clear.cpp Line: 12 Description: object->ID_Parent == 0xffff stack trace:
Likewise, this can happen in OTHER scripts. Treat - adding the same check.
Reason: an open inventory box is trying to go offline (for example, when an actor “teleports”).
Treatment: It is necessary to transfer the inventory box itself to offline-online

Alife ():set_switch_online (sobj.parent_id, false) alife ():set_switch_offline (sobj.parent_id, true)

Expression: ini->section_exist(imm_sect)
Function: CHitImmunity::LoadImmunities
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\hit_immunity.cpp
Line: 22
Description: hunter_novice_resistance
An error in the immunity section, most likely the suit.
Search through the game files to find the specified section and check the correctness of its spelling, as well as its presence in principle.

Expression: assertion failed Function: xrServer::Process_event_ownership File: E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_event_ownership.cpp Line: 23 Description: e_parent
When processing an event associated with a “possessed” object, the object itself (parent) was not detected.
This sometimes happens when an object is removed from the game without the required registration. For example, sometimes an NPC, shooting from a barrel (particles are played out), gets into an anomaly and bursts - the server must continue or stop firing from the weapon -> searches for the owner of the shooting barrel and... does not find it.
The crash is unlikely to be stable, so sometimes just loading the latest save is enough.
And you can only fight by checking all the codes in which items/objects are deleted for the necessary registrations and reducing the occupancy of locations. The fewer NPCs/monsters, the lower the likelihood of such a collision.

Expression: e_entity->ID_Parent == id_parent
Function: xrServer::Process_event_reject
File: E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_event_reject.cpp
Line: 24
Description: device_pda23827
Arguments: gar_stalker_respawn_123826
Description and Arguments are usually different. The engine overshoot is quite rare. It happens when the engine tries to assign a parent to an item, in this case device_pda23827, non-dog (gar_stalker_respawn_123826), and the item ALREADY belongs to it, i.e. device_pda23827:parent() == gar_stalker_respawn_123826:id()

Expression: !hud_snd.sounds.empty()
Function: HUD_SOUND::LoadSound
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\HudSound.cpp
Line: 27
Description: there is no sounds for:
Arguments: wpn_rpg7
The number of registered sounds in the section of the specified weapon does not correspond to the number of sounds of the class registered there.
Check the correspondence between the weapon class and the number of sounds using the original files as an example.

Expression: no_assert
Function: CALifeStoryRegistry::add
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\alife_story_registry.cpp
Line: 30
Description: Specified story object is already in the Story registry!
The game has defined the same story_id for two or more objects. This can occur in several cases:
1. A more obvious reason: in all.spawn or by the script, different objects are assigned the same story_id;
2. When there are changes in spawn, i.e. When sections are added or removed, re-indexing occurs and sections that, after being added/removed, receive different indexes. In mods in which objects are spawned by indexes from all.spawn"a (alife():create(index_from_all_spawn)), and this is AMK, mods based on it and not only, an erroneous deletion occurs (of the wrong object) and, accordingly, a duplicate spawn of a non-deleted object - here you have a duplicate seed.
1. Find duplicate seeds using a search and make them different;
2. Add sections to all.spawn only with indexes exceeding the maximum in principle in all.spawn, and not in the file. In the case of deletion, the situation is more complicated. If you still need to get rid of an object in all.spawn, delete it with a script, thereby not disturbing the indexing sequence.

Expression: res!=-1
Function: get_rank
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\ui\Restrictions.cpp
Line: 34
Description: cannot find rank for
Arguments: wpn_rem870short
The specified weapon, in this case wpn_rem870short, is not registered in mp_ranks.ltx.
Add weapons to sections similar to existing ones. Or get rid of the crash completely by editing the dll.

Expression: fatal error
Function: weapon_hud_value::load
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\WeaponHUD.cpp
Line: 34
Arguments: There is no "muzzle" bone for weapon "wpn_usp_hud".
The specified weapon section (usually the hood model), in this case wpn_usp_hud, has an invalid bone (muzzle) specified for the fire_bone parameter.
Find and fix the error.

Expression: assertion failed
Function: CLevelGraph::CLevelGraph
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\level_graph.cpp
Line: 35
Description: header().version() == XRAI_CURRENT_VERSION
The file level.gct does not correspond to game.graph, most likely the files are from different parts of the game, because often occurs during the transfer of locations from one part of the game (including builds) to another.
Check that the files match.

Expression: fatal error
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_update.cpp
Line: 37
Arguments: Beer from the creator of "WP_SHOTG"
The departure is engine driven and random. The class name may be different: O_ACTOR, S_ACTOR, AI_CROW, WP_ASHTG. The object's no-package was broken during an update. Also, a possible reason is the use of trainers, ArtMoney and other similar programs.

Expression: fatal error
Function: xrServer::Process_update
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrGame\xrServer_process_update.cpp
Line: 39
Arguments: Beer from the creator of "S_ACTOR"; initiator: 0x00000001, r_tell() = 66, pos = 5, objectID = 0
Occurs when loading a game
The class parameter is incorrectly specified in the config of an object (not necessarily specified in the arguments line)
Examine the configs for an incorrectly specified class for any of the items

Expression: assertion failed
Function: CItemMgr::Load
File: E:\priquel\sources\engine\xrGame\ui\UIBuyWndShared.cpp
Line: 39
Description: it!=m_items.end()
In one of the files *_game.ltx (instead of * is the name of the game type), located at configs\mp, in the section like [*_base_cost] one of the items available for purchase in multiplayer is not listed.

Expression: assertion failed

Line: 42
Description: Name && Name
There may be an error in one of the .ogf models.

Expression: assertion failed
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\R_DStreams.cpp
Line: 44
Description: (bytes_need Reason:
Video buffer overflow for rendering.
Reduce graphics settings or limit visibility range at the location. A temporary solution would be to correct all silencer_light_ranges to values ​​noticeably larger than silencer_light_var_range in weapon configs. Also use the fix .exe file that eliminates this problem.

Expression: fatal error
Function: CObjectAnimator::LoadMotions
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\ObjectAnimator.cpp
Line: 46
Arguments: Can't find motion file "water_blow.anm".
The game cannot find the specified camera animation file.
Check the presence of this file and check that the path to it is spelled correctly.

Expression: assertion failed
Function: CStepManager::reload
File: E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\step_manager.cpp
Line: 46
Description: param.cycles >= 1
Error reading walking animation settings. The link to this section is specified in the non-writing section parameter step_params. And then there is a table in which, most likely, the error is located.
Find and correct the error in the table.

Expression: fatal error
Function: CResourceManager::_GetBlender
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\ResourceManager.cpp
Line: 49
Arguments: Shader "models\antigas_glass" not found in library.
The shader models\antigas_glass was not found in the shaders.xr library.
Add the missing shader, or get rid of the model that this shader uses.


Expression: 0
Function: ErrorLog
Line: 49
Description: You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id: --> try to add:
stack trace:
Spawning of objects with the same SID is called twice or more times
Remove unnecessary spawn calls

Expression: 0
Function: ErrorLog
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrServerEntities\script_engine_script.cpp
Line: 49
Description: object "pri_b36_sr_ahi_place_pda": activate_by_section: section "sr_idle@game_started" does not exist
stack trace:
In the restrictor (in this case "pri_b36_sr_ahi_place_pda") there is a switch, a reference to a non-existent section of logic ("sr_idle@game_started").
Check the presence of a section in the restrictor logic, check the names match, or remove the reference to the logic.

Expression: fatal error
Function: CStringTable::Load
File: E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\string_table.cpp
Line: 53
Arguments: string table xml file not found ui_st_pda.xml, for language rus
Instead of rus there may be eng, but the essence of the problem remains the same - in the localization.ltx file in the language line the name of the folder (rus in this case) is indicated in config\text from which the text will be taken, and so the specified file (ui_st_pda) was not found in this folder .xml).
If you added your own localization file, check that the name is spelled correctly and that the file is in the required folder. If you installed a mod, reinstall it.

Expression: fatal error
Function: IRender_Visual::Load
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\FBasicVisual.cpp
Line: 58
Arguments: Invalid visual
There is an error in the model of some object.
Find an object and either correct the model, replace, or delete the object itself.

Expression: W==1
Function: CFileWriter::w
File: e:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrcore\FS_internal.h
Line: 63
Description: Can"t write mem block to file. Disk maybe full.
Arguments: Invalid argument
Disk memory full. The insidiousness of this crash is that it often crashes while saving the game, and as a result the save will be broken.

Expression: fatal error
Function: CBlender_default::Compile
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\Layers\xrRenderPC_R1\BlenderDefault.cpp
Line: 63
Arguments: Not enough textures for shader, base tex: path/to_texture
Launching a model/location that has such a model, no matter the stats/dynamics. model, on dx8, i.e. static lighting. Perhaps due to the shader, its texture in the setting.
I’ll figure it out, I’ll be more precise, but for now - run on lighting above static, any dynamic, dx9, dx10, dx11.

Expression: fatal error
Function: CBlender_default::Compile
File: D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\Layers\xrRenderPC_R1\BlenderDefault.cpp
Line: 63
Arguments: Not enough textures for shader, base tex: veh\veh_mi2
problems with shaders - I only had this problem with static lighting due to a location object with the default shader.
replace the default shader with another one, for example, def_shaders\def_vertex.

Expression: !object->used_ai_locations() || ai().level_graph().valid_vertex_id(object->m_tNodeID)
Function: CALifeSwitchManager::add_online
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\alife_switch_manager.cpp
Line: 64
Description: Invalid vertex for object
Arguments: af_gravi22016
An object, in this case an artifact, spawned (went online) outside the AI ​​grid.
If you just need to go through some point in the game, you can try to reduce the radius of A-Life using the switch_distance parameter, go through the problem area, and then return the original value of the parameter. If you want to get rid of the crash, sort through the objects before going online and look for the desired object.

Expression: wave&&wave->length()
Function: CSoundRender_Source::LoadWave
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrSound\SoundRender_Source_loader.cpp
Line: 65
Description: Can't open wave file:
Arguments: ...\gamedata\sounds\music\sound.ogg
The game cannot open the OGG sound file called sound in the gamedata\sounds\music\ folder.
Check that the file exists and that the path and file name are spelled correctly.

Expression: hGame
Function: CEngineAPI::Initialize
File: E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\EngineAPI.cpp
Line: 65
Description: Game DLL raised exception during loading or there is no game DLL at all
Happens when one of the dlls is incorrect. For example, such a crash happens if you slip 1.0006 xrGame.dll from another patch into PM.
If there are no backups, then most likely you will need to reinstall the game, or reinstall the patch (Use a downgrade)