Beyond wiretapping: why Roskomnadzor and the FSB are suing telecom operators. How the FSB taps phones Who does the FSB tap

"Not on the phone." “I’ll call you back from another number now.” “Let’s go outside and take a walk, it’s better not to talk here.” Such phrases have become firmly established in the life of the Russian establishment, but just a few years ago those who complained about wiretapping of phones and offices were mistaken for half-crazy people, like those who wear tin foil hats and believe in the zombie rays of the KGB. Today everyone knows: they listen to everyone, they listen without regard to the law, and the materials of these wiretaps are more often used not in court, but in political intrigues, denunciations, and provocations. spoke with one of the professionals in the shadow market of electronic intelligence to find out how this area works.

In the language of law enforcement agencies, wiretapping telephones and monitoring Internet traffic is called the abbreviation “SORM” - “System of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities.” SORM-1 is a set of measures aimed at wiretapping mobile communications, SORM-2 - mobile Internet traffic. Today, such investigative methods are coming to the fore, eclipsing traditional forensic approaches. Accordingly, the units responsible for SORM are becoming increasingly influential within the internal affairs bodies. In the Sverdlovsk region, this is, for example, the Bureau of Special Technical Measures (BSTM) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region and the Operational and Technical Department (OTO) of the FSB Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region.

According to the law, wiretapping of telephones and monitoring of Internet traffic is possible only by a court decision. True, the law allows investigators to “turn on the recording” without it, if the case is urgent and wiretapping is necessary to prevent an impending crime. By approximately the same principle, investigators are “as an exception” allowed to conduct searches, receiving court approval after the fact. As in the case of searches, law enforcement officers often use this rule to gain uncontrolled access to other people's secrets. There are also ways to legalize illegal wiretapping by placing the name and phone number of the desired person on a long list of suspects in some criminal case. As sources in the authorities say, judges almost never delve into how this or that surname is connected with a criminal case, and sign permits “in one fell swoop.” Such court decisions are classified as “secret”, and citizens will never know who was on the wiretapping list.

However, experts involved in wiretapping say: today, more and more often, citizens are being “recorded” without any court decisions at all. Each telecom operator has equipment installed that allows security forces to access the conversations of any client at any time (operators are required to do this by law). And in the regional department of the FSB there is a remote access terminal, with which you can start listening to any mobile user in a few clicks. According to the law, several special services have the right to conduct wiretapping. In addition to the FSB itself, these are the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSKN, GUFSIN, customs, FSO, SVR. But control over the equipment itself, which ensures the operation of SORM-1 and SORM-2, is under the control of the FSB. As experts explain, in order to put a particular number under wiretapping, employees from the police bureau of special technical measures do not have to run to the FSB and ask them to press a button: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other agencies conducting operational investigative activities have their own access terminals. But they are connected “through the FSB,” that is, the main key is still located with the security officers.

“Why do you need so many phones?”

How to protect yourself from wiretapping? Almost nothing. Firstly, it is useless to change SIM cards: it is not the mobile number that is used for wiretapping, but the unique number of the telephone device (IMEI). No matter what SIM card is installed in the phone, it will still be “live”. Many establishment representatives and businessmen carry several phones with them, believing that the “regular” one is listened to, while the others - the "left" - are not. “This is naive,” says the interlocutor of - If a person is wiretapped, law enforcement officers constantly receive information about the location of his phone. To do this, the phone does not necessarily have to have a GPS module installed; the location of even the simplest and cheapest handset is determined by base stations with an accuracy of one meter. And if you carry several handsets with you, geolocation data shows that next to your “main” number there are always 2-3 others. They are also immediately put on wiretapping, so walking around with a bunch of phones is completely pointless.”

However, there is a small trick with two handsets that allows you to relatively reliably keep the secret of negotiations. “Suppose there are two devices - A and B. A is used constantly, and there is reason to believe that it is being listened to. B - for confidential conversations, registered to another person. In this case, A and B should never be turned on at the same time or next to each other. If you need to make a call on the “secret” phone B, you turn off A, move further away, into the coverage area of ​​another base station, then turn on B and make a call. Then you turn off B, go again to another base station and then turn on A,” says our interlocutor. Another way is to constantly store a “secret” phone in some hidden place, each time arriving at it with the “main” mobile phone turned off.

Particularly cautious victims of wiretapping prefer to turn off the phone during an important conversation or hide it somewhere away. The interlocutor of confirms that the possibility of recording via phone in standby mode exists, but this technology is used infrequently. “In these cases, the so-called microphone effect. This can only be done if a team of specialists works in close proximity to the interlocutors. The signal receiver and recording device must be somewhere nearby,” he explains.

With the analysis of Internet traffic of suspicious citizens (SORM-2), the situation with the security forces is somewhat worse than with wiretapping of conversations. Although telecom operators provide intelligence agencies with any information in the same way, the analysis of this data itself is quite complex. “Any smartphone constantly downloads and sends huge amounts of data. Until recently, there was a huge problem in isolating interesting information from all this mass, for example, correspondence on Skype. However, now this problem has been generally solved, and even in the regions they have learned to read Internet messengers,” says our interlocutor.

Maybe the security forces would like to “listen to everyone,” but in reality there are only 200-300 people in Yekaterinburg under constant surveillance, says a interlocutor. Most of them are suspected of extremism (primarily Islamist) and terrorism, members of organized crime groups under development, participants in large-scale opaque financial transactions (“cashers”, etc.). Only no more than 10% of the entire mass of “supervised” listen on political orders, says the interlocutor of “They are absolutely listening to the governor, his inner circle, and the top officials of the city. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly and City Duma are unlikely, only if someone was ordered by competitors. But this is a rare case, no one says anything important on the phone for a long time, and few are willing to spend 70 thousand rubles a day to wiretap a competitor,” says the source.

Recently, another proven way to become a victim of wiretapping has emerged - regularly criticize the current government or go to protest demonstrations. Of course, all participants in street actions will not be wiretapped, but the most active ones will be wiretapped.

Recently, an increasingly significant role in the structure of SORM is played by the analysis of information collected on social networks. The intelligence services have access to all correspondence conducted on Russian social networks, according to the interlocutor of With Facebook, the situation is more complicated, but even here the secrecy of communication is not guaranteed. “A relatively safe way to communicate is through Western email services - for example, Gmail,” says the interlocutor of - The Tor network is also effective, guaranteeing anonymity to users. With its help, American journalists, among other things, communicate with their informants.”

It’s rare that a Russian businessman and politician today discusses on the phone something more important than fishing and football. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the actual texts of negotiations, electronic intelligence professionals are engaged in processing large amounts of data, identifying mathematical patterns, implicit connections, and on this basis building hypotheses about the interaction of certain groups or persons. The material for this may include telephone calls, emails, banking transactions, transactions for registration or liquidation of legal entities, etc.

Illustration of electronic correspondence and monitoring of telephone conversations have already gone as far as the authors of dystopian novels never dreamed of. Probably, often the power of SORM helps prevent genuine terrorist attacks or real crimes. But much more noticeable to society are cases where electronic intelligence methods are used for political persecution and have nothing to do with legal procedures. At the same time, not only oppositionists, but also politicians loyal to the Kremlin suffer from uncontrolled surveillance. Compromising evidence collected using electronic means often becomes a weapon of the elite struggle against those who until recently themselves ordered the wiretapping of their enemies. In this sense, electronic intelligence has become a danger from which no one is immune.

Of course, we can say that honest people have nothing to fear. Wiretapping is a strictly procedural matter, but... What do we know about it?

In Russia, several years ago, a “system of technical means of facilitating operational-search activities” (SORM) was created, the main task of which is to control electronic means of communication, including mobile phones, pagers and computers. The head of the working group on SORM, Sergei Kabanov, said that the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the tax police - “a total of eight entities” - will be able to access the help of this system.

This system operates only with the permission of the court, but there were precedents when it turned out already in court that the “client” was heard many months before the start of the hearings, although law enforcement officials say that only if you are a suspect and serious charges have been brought against you accusations, you fall under the surveillance of the intelligence services.

The government adopted a Regulation on licensing activities to identify electronic devices intended for secretly obtaining information in premises and technical means. According to this provision, licensing of activities of this kind is carried out by the FSB. Therefore, private installation and even dismantling of “bugs” unauthorized by the FSB are punishable actions, and it may not be your opponent who ends up in Lubyanka, but you yourself. That is, if previously you could calmly listen to what your employees or competitors were talking about, now you must ask permission from employees of the relevant authorities.

Which do you think is better: when your bosses listen to you and you can simply be fired, or when you are in full view of the FSB and you can lose not only your job, but also your career in general?

Technically, given the availability of resources, today it is possible to conduct any wiretapping anywhere, and mobile phones are easier to wiretap than landline phones. Although if information from pagers can be easily digitized onto a scanner screen in text files, it is more difficult to do the same procedure with cell phones.

In offices, computers are connected to work phones, and your digitized conversations are recorded on disk. These files are small in format, so they can accumulate for a long time, just in case. If you have a special program that is easy to install, all conversations can be automatically transcribed into text.

Those interested in office wiretapping often find equipment via the Internet. There are advertisements of the following nature: “Do you want to know what is happening in your company and at home behind your back? New! A device designed for the legal automatic recording of telephone conversations simultaneously on one or several telephone lines and their subsequent listening, with digital processing.. "According to the estimates of the SmerSh Technics company, which deals with technical means of information security, one set of high-quality professional wiretapping costs at least $100,000, but only international terrorists deserve this; even oligarchs are cheaper.

FSB expert Alexey ORLOV commented on the situation with the purchase of “devices”:

“Listening devices are not sold openly even on the market, only under the counter. And even then, basically, only cheap equipment can be bought this way. Professional listening devices are too expensive. The hardest thing to fight with are professionals, but they are the ones who end up in our field of view, since state secrets can be leaked through these channels. Detective and security agencies are often guilty of illegal wiretapping. In recent years, there have been several high-profile cases related to illegal wiretapping. For example, the story of the security service of the "Most" group, which kept records. negotiations of famous Russian politicians and officials. Or the case of the private security company Sokol UNS, whose head Yu. Stenin was charged under Articles 137 part 2 (Violation of privacy), 138 part 2 (Violation of the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, mail , telegraphic or other messages) and 201 part 2 (Abuse of power) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Just 3-4 years ago, we received a lot of complaints from citizens about illegal wiretapping. Now there are much fewer of them. The fact that this activity began to be controlled by law enforcement agencies played a role. Today, citizens who are faced with illegal wiretapping can come to the FSB and write a statement or report it on the 24-hour helpline of the FSB of Russia: 914-22-22."

The right to information security and non-interference in private life is guaranteed to residents of Russia by the Constitution of our country. Several articles of the Criminal Code protect the privacy of a person, the secrecy of his correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. By law, only law enforcement agencies have the right to wiretap telephone conversations on the basis of the federal law on operational investigative activities, adopted in 1995. Moreover, in order to install equipment on your phone, operatives must obtain a court decision.

There is also a special order of the Ministry of Communications, according to which law enforcement officers have the right to freely listen to subscribers of automatic telephone exchanges and mobile communication systems. At the same time, operatives are by no means obliged to report to signalmen who and on what basis they are listening. Ordinary employees of telephone exchanges and cellular communication companies sometimes have no idea how many of their subscribers are under surveillance and for what flaws. The only people who can monitor the legality of wiretapping are the intelligence officers themselves.

In Russia, intelligence services can tap subscribers' phones using the so-called SORM system (System of technical means for ensuring the functions of operational-search activities). Based on the Law “On Communications,” telecom operators are required to provide them with information about subscribers. But law enforcement agencies are allowed to listen to the conversations themselves only by court order.

However, now it is not only the special services that have the ability to tap phones. There are special spy programs that are installed on mobile phones and allow other people, such as a competitor or a jealous spouse, to spy on you. Parents who want to gain full control over their child can also use such programs.

What features does spyware have?

Under the hood of the FSB. Will the intelligence services take total control of Runet?

Spyware installed on a mobile phone is capable of recording telephone conversations and intercepting SMS messages, and then sending them to the desired address. It can also copy numbers from your contacts list, share your phone's location, and even let the other person hear everything that's going on around you. Thus, it turns your phone into a real bug.

A corporate phone can have a battery with a special chip, which also makes it possible to listen to conversations and transfer data.

How to determine if spyware is installed on your phone?

Typically, such software does not manifest itself in any way; it is quite difficult to detect. But there are certain signs that may indicate its presence.

1. The phone dies too quickly

A sign that spyware is installed on your mobile phone may be if the battery drains too quickly. If your phone battery is constantly hot, this is also not a good sign. Of course, the problem may be in the phone itself, especially if it is more than a year old. However, it is still worth checking it for spyware.

2. Oddities in the phone's operation

You should also be wary of a delay when turning off the phone, spontaneous rebooting and turning on the backlight.

“Shhhh. This is not over the phone"

Who, how and why listens to your conversations and reads your correspondence. Study site

"Not on the phone." “I’ll call you back from another number now.” “Let’s go outside and take a walk, it’s better not to talk here.” Such phrases have become firmly established in the life of the Russian establishment, but just a few years ago those who complained about wiretapping of phones and offices were mistaken for half-crazy people, like those who wear tin foil hats and believe in the zombie rays of the KGB. Today everyone knows: they listen to everyone, they listen without regard to the law, and the materials of these wiretaps are more often used not in court, but in political intrigues, denunciations, and provocations. the site spoke with one of the professionals of the shadow market of electronic intelligence to find out how this sphere works.

Who's listening

In the language of law enforcement agencies, wiretapping telephones and monitoring Internet traffic is called the abbreviation “SORM” - “System of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities.” SORM-1 is a set of measures aimed at wiretapping mobile communications, SORM-2 – mobile Internet traffic. Today, such investigative methods are coming to the fore, eclipsing traditional forensic approaches. Accordingly, the units responsible for SORM are becoming increasingly influential within the internal affairs bodies. In the Sverdlovsk region, this is, for example, the Bureau of Special Technical Measures (BSTM) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region and the Operational and Technical Department (OTO) of the FSB Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region.

According to the law, wiretapping of telephones and monitoring of Internet traffic is possible only by a court decision. True, the law allows investigators to “turn on the recording” without it, if the case is urgent and wiretapping is necessary to prevent an impending crime. By approximately the same principle, investigators are “as an exception” allowed to conduct searches, receiving court approval after the fact. As in the case of searches, law enforcement officers often use this rule to gain uncontrolled access to other people's secrets.

There are also ways to legalize illegal wiretapping by placing the name and phone number of the desired person on a long list of suspects in some criminal case. As sources in the authorities say, judges almost never delve into how this or that surname is connected with a criminal case, and sign permits “in one fell swoop.” Such court decisions are classified as “secret”, and citizens will never know who was on the wiretapping list.

However, experts involved in wiretapping say: today, more and more often, citizens are being “recorded” without any court decisions at all. Each telecom operator has equipment installed that allows security forces to access the conversations of any client at any time (operators are required to do this by law). And in the regional department of the FSB there is a remote access terminal, with which you can start listening to any mobile user in a few clicks.

According to the law, several special services have the right to conduct wiretapping. In addition to the FSB itself, these are the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSKN, GUFSIN, customs, FSO, SVR. But control over the equipment itself, which ensures the operation of SORM-1 and SORM-2, is under the control of the FSB. As experts explain, in order to put a particular number under wiretapping, employees from the police bureau of special technical measures do not have to run to the FSB and ask them to press a button: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other agencies conducting operational investigative activities have their own access terminals. But they are connected “through the FSB,” that is, the main key is still located with the security officers.

“Therefore, for example, in the Roizman wiretapping case, it will be difficult to point all the fingers at the police and pretend that the FSB had nothing to do with it,” says the site’s interlocutor. According to him, responsibility for unauthorized wiretapping and its leakage in any case lies with two departments.

“Why do you need so many phones?”

How to protect yourself from wiretapping? Almost nothing. Firstly, it is useless to change SIM cards: it is not the mobile number that is used for wiretapping, but the unique number of the telephone device (IMEI). No matter what SIM card is installed in the phone, it will still be “live”.

Many representatives of the establishment and businessmen carry several phones with them, believing that one “ordinary” one is listened to, while others - “leftists” - are not.. - If a person is wiretapped, law enforcement officers constantly receive information about the location of his phone. To do this, the phone does not necessarily have to have a GPS module installed; the location of even the simplest and cheapest handset is determined by base stations with an accuracy of one meter. And if you carry several handsets with you, geolocation data shows that next to your “main” number there are always 2-3 others. They are also immediately put on wiretapping, so walking around with a bunch of phones is completely pointless.”

However, there is a small trick with two handsets that allows you to relatively reliably keep the secret of negotiations. “Suppose there are two devices - A and B. A is used constantly, and there is reason to believe that it is being listened to. B – for confidential conversations, registered to another person. In this case, A and B should never be turned on at the same time or next to each other. If you need to make a call on the “secret” phone B, you turn off A, move further away, into the coverage area of ​​another base station, then turn on B and make a call. Then you turn off B, go again to another base station and then turn on A,” says our interlocutor. Another way is to constantly store a “secret” phone in some hidden place, each time arriving at it with the “main” mobile phone turned off.

Particularly cautious victims of wiretapping prefer to turn off the phone during an important conversation or hide it somewhere away. The site's interlocutor confirms that the ability to record via phone in standby mode exists, but this technology is used infrequently. “In these cases, the so-called microphone effect. This can only be done if a team of specialists works in close proximity to the interlocutors. The signal receiver and recording device must be somewhere nearby,” he explains.

How does it work

Another thing is ordinary wiretapping. It can be massive. Today in Yekaterinburg, the FSB’s capacity allows 25-50 thousand subscribers to listen simultaneously, in Moscow – hundreds of times more. The main problem is not how to record information, but how to decipher and process it. In the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, for example, there is a special department of “analysts” who are engaged in simply transcribing recorded conversations and turning audio into text. Now Sverdlovsk law enforcement officers, using the preparation for the 2018 World Cup and EXPO 2020 as an excuse, are setting themselves the task of increasing hardware wiretapping capacity. And creating more advanced systems for processing the information received is already a task for security forces not only at the Russian, but also at the global level. Recent scandals in the United States show that Russian intelligence services are far from the only ones involved in illegal or semi-legal “monitoring”.

The world leader in creating data analysis and processing systems for intelligence services is the American company Palantir Technologies. According to the site’s interlocutor, Palantir technologies are used by both American government organizations, such as the CIA, and Russian ones, including the FSB and the Information and Analytical Center of the Russian Government. “The last one is hard to wrap my head around. It turns out that the entire volume of government information, including secret information, goes through the American system..

In Russia, one of the largest suppliers of “analytical” software for intelligence services is also Avicomp Services. And hardware solutions and programs for “monitoring” (that is, wiretapping) are actively sold by the Novosibirsk company Signatek. Its website says that it offers “subjects of operational investigative activities” “systems for monitoring the communications of objects: telephone conversations, fax sessions, video calls, SMS messages, DVO, ICQ, email”, as well as “Systems for monitoring the movement of objects with visualization on map."

The product catalog contains examples of what the program interface for “monitoring” looks like:

What'sApp or Viber?

With the analysis of Internet traffic of suspicious citizens (SORM-2), the situation with the security forces is somewhat worse than with wiretapping of conversations. Although telecom operators provide intelligence agencies with any information in the same way, the analysis of this data itself is quite complex. “Any smartphone constantly downloads and sends huge amounts of data. Until recently, there was a huge problem in isolating information of interest from all this mass, for example, correspondence on Skype or WhatsApp. However, now this problem has been generally solved, and even in the regions they have learned to read Internet messengers,” says our interlocutor.

He calls the popular What’s App an extremely unsafe messenger - the information sent is not encrypted. Skype has such encryption, and it would have been reliable if the owners of the service, having entered the domestic market, had not shared decryption codes with Russian security forces. Therefore, today communication via Viber can be considered the most reliable, in which all data (both correspondence and voice conversations) are encrypted and are not yet available to domestic intelligence services (“This is why they are trying to ban Viber in the first place,” our interlocutor is sure). The site’s source does not trust the Telegram service, which is declared to be a “super-reliable” messenger, “as well as everything that is done in Russia, including by Pavel Durov.”

Another relatively reliable way to communicate is to use BlackBerry phones, which have their own messaging service, BlackBerry Messenger. The data in it is encrypted even more securely than in Viber; Russian security forces do not have access to it, and perhaps that is why BBM is banned in Russia. To use it, you have to buy a phone in the USA and “unlock” it from Russian specialists.

A major developer of programs and equipment for SORM-2 in Russia is the MFISOFT company, which supplies software for the FSB. The description of the SORMovich hardware and software complex given on their website states that it can place users under control by account name, phone number, email address, IP and ICQ number. The complex provides “detection and interception of mail messages at an email address”, “interception of files transferred via FTP”, “listening to IP telephony”, etc.

Who's being watched

Maybe the security forces would like to “listen to everyone,” but in reality there are only 200-300 people in Yekaterinburg under constant surveillance, the site’s interlocutor says. Most of them are suspected of extremism (primarily Islamist) and terrorism, members of organized crime groups under development, participants in large-scale opaque financial transactions (“cashers”, etc.).

“They are absolutely listening to the governor, his inner circle, and the top officials of the city. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly and City Duma are unlikely, only if someone was ordered by competitors. But this is a rare case, no one says anything important on the phone for a long time, and not many are willing to spend 70 thousand rubles a day to wiretap a competitor,” says our source.

Recently, another proven way to become a victim of wiretapping has emerged - regularly criticize the current government or go to protest demonstrations. Of course, all participants in street actions will not be wiretapped, but the most active ones will be wiretapped. In Yekaterinburg, they have long been listening to Evgeny Roizman and Aksana Panova - as opponents of the Sverdlovsk governor Evgeny Kuyvashev. Those around the governor do not hide the fact that printouts of their conversations regularly land on the table of the head of the region.


Recently, the analysis of information collected on social networks has played an increasingly significant role in the structure of SORM. With Facebook, the situation is more complicated, but even here the secrecy of communication is not guaranteed. “A relatively safe way to communicate is through Western email services: Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo,” says the site’s interlocutor. – The Tor network is also effective, guaranteeing anonymity to users. With its help, American journalists, among other things, communicate with their informants.”

To exchange information, more and more people and organizations are using cloud services like Dropbox, Yandex.Disk, Google disk and others. Law enforcement agencies are also interested in them. Among the popular services, Google's offering is considered relatively reliable, but our source advises paying attention to Wuala: an encrypted storage facility with servers in Switzerland. True, if you are saving your secrets not from Russian intelligence services, but from American ones, it is unlikely that anything will help you. A few days ago, another “ultra-secure” cloud service, Lavabit, was mysteriously shut down and all of its users lost their information. Apparently, the fact is that Lavabit email was used by former CIA agent Edward Snowden.

Under the hood

It’s rare that a Russian businessman and politician today discusses on the phone something more important than fishing and football. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the actual texts of negotiations, electronic intelligence professionals are engaged in processing large amounts of data, identifying mathematical patterns, implicit connections, and on this basis building hypotheses about the interaction of certain groups or persons. The material for this may include telephone calls, emails, banking transactions, transactions for registration or liquidation of legal entities, etc. The resulting large diagrams are similar to those shown in one of the presentations of the already mentioned company Avicomp:

Illustration of electronic correspondence and monitoring of telephone conversations have already gone as far as the authors of dystopian novels never dreamed of. Probably, often the power of SORM helps prevent genuine terrorist attacks or real crimes. But much more noticeable to society are cases where electronic intelligence methods are used for political persecution and have nothing to do with legal procedures. At the same time, not only oppositionists, but also politicians loyal to the Kremlin suffer from uncontrolled surveillance. Compromising evidence collected using electronic means often becomes a weapon of the elite struggle against those who until recently themselves ordered the wiretapping of their enemies. In this sense, electronic intelligence has become a danger from which no one is immune.

Our information: How Ural politicians suffer from surveillance and try to save themselves

Everyone suffers from illegal wiretapping. Director of the Foundation for Support of Civil Initiatives “Legal Mission” (Chelyabinsk), Alexey Tabalov, told the site that “all his telephone conversations are being tapped” and he has been convinced of this more than once. Chairman of the Board of the Voice - Ural Foundation Yuri Gurman also assured us that in his organization the intelligence services listen to phones and look at email correspondence. “I know that they are listening, and let them listen. Although it gets disgusting,” he says.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory Vladimir Nelyubin told the site that at the entrance to some high offices it is now customary to hand over the phone to the secretary. The banker himself uses classic Nokia, does not recognize modern instant messengers and is not going to protect himself from wiretapping. And the former head of the administration of the governor of the Kama region, Firdus Aliyev, is convinced that it is impossible to protect himself from wiretapping. “Such measures do not exist, it is an illusion. Only personal communication allows us to eliminate leaks as much as possible, so we have to fly [to meetings],” he told the site.

In the “Tyumen Matryoshka” only in the South, in Tyumen, have they accustomed themselves to instant messengers like Viber and WhatsApp: in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 3G coverage is much worse and it is expensive to use them. But northern officials are actively using hardware against wiretapping. For example, in the office of one of the high-ranking officials there is a “jammer” behind the curtain, which he turns on during important conversations. As they say, this device makes an eerie sound, so talking for a long time when it is working is simply physically difficult.

The same manager tells absolutely fantastic stories about mobile communications. According to him, today security officers have equipment that, once they have recorded the timbre of your voice, if they need to write about you in the future, it will automatically turn on, no matter what phone you are talking on. Therefore, it makes no sense to change numbers and devices. The official is also quite suspicious of Apple products, although he has been using them since Dmitry Medvedev became president, who introduced the fashion for iPhones and iPads among government employees. However, he covered the camera lenses on both gadgets with black tape. The official is confident that with the help of cameras the owner of the devices can be monitored.

One of the governors of the “Tyumen nesting doll” was observed without any iPhones. A video camera was found directly above the first person's bed in the official residence. Who ordered the surveillance (FSB or private individuals) has not yet been determined.

In the Tyumen North, in order not to become a “godsend for spies”, a few years ago they used the old grandfather’s methods - they liked to change mobile phones and SIM cards. One of the leaders of a large company told the site’s correspondent that there is a place near the shore of the Irtysh in Khanty-Mansiysk, passing over which a boat could run aground, so many telephones are sunk there.

The most thoughtful officials and businessmen will always prefer personal conversations to telephone conversations. Moreover, as one of them admitted, the most reliable way of communication is to write on a piece of paper, after which this piece of paper is simply burned.

You can listen while your mobile phone is on hook. The telephone microphone can be forcibly turned on by the relevant persons and then all conversations around the telephone can be heard.
Digital phones of the DECT standard have the same capabilities.

You will not find any noticeable signs on your mobile phone screen or communication quality if your conversations are being monitored. It is impossible to determine the fact that mobile phones are being tapped. If it is easy to detect the fact of covert interference in analog telephone lines, then digital mobile networks work on a different principle and exclude such a possibility.

It is clear that it is impossible to wiretap everyone, either technically or due to the limited number of human resources that can be attracted to this task. It is also difficult to obtain court approval for wiretapping. However, simply to obtain operational information, wiretapping can be carried out without authorization (the results of wiretapping will never be exposed anywhere).

Draw appropriate conclusions.

How to reduce the likelihood of your mobile phone being tapped
. Avoid or minimize sharing sensitive information such as credit card numbers, financial information, passwords.

Do not use cell phones for business conversations. Or, for this purpose, use specially prepared mobile phones and spatial noise systems.
. It is more difficult to intercept a conversation conducted from a moving car, since the distance between it and the intercepting equipment (if it is not in the car) increases and the signal weakens.
. Use communication systems in which data is transmitted at high speed with frequent automatic changes of frequencies during a conversation (for example, GPRS).
. Turn off your mobile phone completely if you do not want your location to become known to anyone.
. You should not have your phone repaired in dubious workshops.


Technical capabilities today allow Jews to listen to everything.
The recording equipment is configured and automatically responds to certain words,
(and absolutely all conversations are constantly recorded and stored for a certain time)

For example, you say on the phone: killer, TNT, kill, liquidate, etc. and all this, previous ones
(which were recorded and stored in a database) and future conversations are already recorded on the hard drive.

If your phone is tapped, it is forced to be put on transmission. Technically, you can be heard if the microphone is not covered and you are nearby.
Any RF field LED located near the phone will blink, thus registering the RF field and notifying you that the phone is in transmitting mode. Such indicators are sold and installed in almost all car phone holders. While listening, the indicator will flash for quite a long time. When the phone is registered, the blinking continues for about ten seconds.

remotely turning on the microphone of a mobile phone and turning it into a portable device for listening to conversations carried out by its owner or people around him. To date, only one case is reliably known,
when intelligence agencies used a similar technology, called the “roving bug”, however, since there is already a sanction from officials of the US Department of Justice, there is no doubt that this new product will soon receive the widest use.
Moreover, there are no problems on the technical side: as counter-terrorism security consultant James Atkinson states, “The FBI can have access to mobile phones and remotely manipulate them without any physical contact.”

According to the expert, "any newly manufactured cell phone has a built-in tracking device that allows eavesdroppers to pinpoint someone's location within a few feet."

Information about the existence of a secret FBI program became public after mention of it appeared in a federal court ruling, which was considering a case against representatives of the famous Genovese mafia clan. To monitor the suspects, the FBI remotely used their turned on mobile phones, which transmitted all their conversations to the intelligence agency's listening station.

“The device functioned regardless of whether the phone was turned on or off, and intercepted conversations within its reachable radius, wherever it was located,” federal judge Lewis Kaplan stated in his decision, who found the FBI’s actions fully compliant with American laws.

The judge refused to grant the request of the defendants' lawyers, who demanded that the mobile wiretapping materials be declared illegal and excluded from evidence.
The roving bug program was reportedly deployed by the FBI under a court order after all other eavesdropping and surveillance methods had failed.
FBI officials declined to say anything about the program, saying only that the FBI "does not discuss sensitive surveillance technologies" but that "all electronic surveillance is subject to a court order and ongoing legal oversight."