Live journal blog rating. Visual Shards Blog

Let me remind you: on November 3 of this year, the developers of the Yandex.Blogs service announced the closure of the ranking of posts, while opening the API. The top will be completely removed from Yandex in December.

The announcement of the first version of has already been published on Habré. The reaction of the Khabra residents was generally negative, despite this I decided not to give up and continue the development of the project, and took it as a test for “liceiness”, especially since such feedback is largely my fault: I provided an absolutely crude service for the public to judge, I hastily wrote a post in a half-joking, half-stupid manner.

Over the past week and a half, the project has undergone many positive changes:
- new interesting features have been added;
- the lion's share of the code was completely rewritten;
- a plan for further development has been formed.


What is the most important thing in the ranking? That's right, ranking quality. At the beginning, the Top 50 were not very good at this, which was also written about by the Khabra team. Since its launch, the algorithm has changed several times and now, we can safely say: the relevance is comparable to Yandex. However, this does not mean that the entries are sorted in the same way, it means that all the most interesting and relevant ones are in the top.

In addition to improving the summary rating, all others were also improved: by commentators, by links, by comments, by traffic. The changes are related to checking the relevance of the information: for example, if five new comments have appeared on a post three years ago, this does not mean that the topic is relevant.

The technological part has also undergone many changes. Most of the code was rewritten, our own micro framework was formed (the bicycle is justified by maximizing performance). Thanks to the new core of the system, adding new types of ratings is much easier and faster.

It is worth noting another significant aspect: all data received by the robot via the API is saved in an archive, due to this, in the future it will be possible to create a blogosphere analytics system.

The service is still extremely fast.


After publication on Habré, the Top 50 was written about in many blogs. A post appeared on, and after it, you won’t believe it, was mentioned about the service.

An average of three hundred visitors visit the Top 50 every day. I really hope that this number will only grow :)

What's next?

I devote all my free time from full time to Top 50, I still don’t give up and will continue to develop the project. There is a whole list of interesting features that I would like to implement, but time, alas, is not flexible.

Here are just the most basic things planned: analytics of the blogosphere, various ways to present blog ratings, a complete redesign, notifications of blogs using comments about getting into the consolidated top. Habr will be the first to know about all significant innovations.

Dear Khabra residents, I really need your help. The service is made for users, and the users are you. Offer any features that would be useful to you personally. Criticize those that exist now, not forgetting to give arguments.

I look forward to any comments and suggestions from you in the comments to this post, in my habramail, by email. mail [email protected], through the service

I had nothing to do with the creation of the project, but I was very worried that the “science” in the park of the science city would be presented in the form of an echo of the regular school curriculum (H 2 O, E = mc 2). Therefore, in discussions and surveys, he tried in every possible way to induce his own considerations. Remember, for example, I asked about the gazebo in Strasbourg ( Thank you, Dmitry Gurin) - I put together a “notebook” site from similar examples about good ideas. Judging by the result, the conceptual shift to “scientific” was noticeable and not superficial.

Scientific art objects are good and provide food for discussion of physical and chemical models. Some objects, judging by their simple names, even turned out to be deeper than expected. For example, here I see supramolecular chemistry, DNA copying and gravitational distortions:

The observation bridge is a very good idea. The area is flat, requires interest, there is enough space across the water to the forest and there will be an excellent view from the height. (I dreamed that there would be a gazebo on the site of the “old swifts” with a through bridge from the main street to the water).

It's good that the concept makes it mandatory to move the main stage for public events. Now the stage has its back to the city, which is why, in order to come to it on a holiday, people have to go through the organized backstage of cars, fences, preparing artists and cables.

I hope they build it!

How do you like this?

2019/09/02 - Miracles of electronics

September 3, 2019, author:,

Yura arrived and casually fixed my scooter in the kitchen. Remember, I told you that when the headlight is on, the scooter begins to “stumble” more and more often, and lately it has stopped moving, although everything is fine when the headlight is off? I was going to order a new board, but in the comments they advised me to first resolder all the capacitors.

So, electronics are becoming more and more incomprehensible from year to year. In old devices they installed a fuse - such a small piece of crap with a wire inside, which burned out under heavy load. The device accordingly failed. But this made the life of repairmen easier: in the workshop they easily replaced a blown fuse and the TV worked again. We will not judge how wise it is to make the device immediately faulty at the slightest suspicion of a malfunction. But it just happened that way. In recent years, a new topic has emerged - electronic fuse. It’s also a figurine, which creates a break from a high current, but does not burn out completely, but is restored as soon as the danger has passed. Why the hell are they needed, these fuses in small electronics are completely incomprehensible. They only added to the problems: knowledgeable people say that a significant percentage of electronics malfunctions are associated precisely with a malfunction of the electronic fuse. Here it is, this buggy detail:

The device, designed for a current of 150 mA, for some reason decided that it would turn off the power for a moment and immediately turn it on again, many times per second. The part chose the state of the headlight being on as the threshold for rebellion. Accordingly, you get this “saw” on the oscilloscope, and other hell:

The most interesting thing is that there was, firstly, nothing to replace this buggy fuse with (there was nothing similar at home), secondly, there was no need (if you just close it, everything will work), and finally, thirdly, it wasn’t needed at all. It turned out that it was enough to unsolder it and solder it back, and it worked like a rabbit: it again started giving 0.1 Ohm instead of 8 and stopped cutting out. Either there was bad soldering, or because of the heat of the soldering iron, his crystal came into order - a mystery. But now the scooter works even when the headlight is on, and the headlight itself began to burn brighter. Well, isn't it schizophrenia?

September 3, 2019, by:

Improve ideas that work, connect with smart people, and try to attract a business angel.

"Rogue Country" organizes the V Eastern Economic Forum

September 3, 2019, ,

Maybe no one will come?

US business circles will come to the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), despite the sanctions policy of official Washington. Almost 20 American companies have confirmed their participation in the event, including IBM, MasterCard and McDonalds. The American Chamber of Commerce confirmed that interest in direct investment in Russia among US businesses is growing: their accumulated volume has reached $85 billion.

A representative official delegation of India headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to attend the Eastern Economic Forum 2019. As part of the Forum's business program, a business dialogue "Russia - India" is planned with the participation of leading entrepreneurs of the two countries. In addition, to present the economic, industrial, tourism and cultural potential of the country, a national stand of India will be organized at the EEF site.

All Chinese companies participating in the Eastern Economic Forum are full of expectations, hoping to learn at the EEF about the further policy of the Russian authorities on the development of the Far East, Secretary General of the China Overseas Development Association (CODA) He Zhenwei told RIA Novosti in ahead of the forum.
“We see that the Chinese government attaches very great importance to the Eastern Economic Forum. The Chinese delegation will be headed by Vice Premier of the State Council Hu Chunhua. About 180 delegates from China will take part in the forum. All Chinese companies that will take part in the upcoming forum are full of expectations,” - He Zhenwei said

This year, for the first time, Russia is hosting a high-level Malaysian delegation in Vladivostok. We are also expecting business representatives from this country. Moreover, Malaysia has a number of large investment projects in Russia. The Malaysian delegation to the Forum will be led by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

This year, a ministerial delegation from Indonesia will visit the V Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok for the first time. “Minister of National Development Planning Bamban Brojonegoro will take part in the Eastern Economic Forum,” said Mohamad Wahid Supriyadi.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to attend EEF 2019. Last year, Shinzo Abe also headed the Japanese delegation at the Forum.

There are persistent rumors that everything will soon change seriously, so I consider it necessary to show up in order to make a comparative analysis of future changes after some time.


Deservedly the permanent leader of LiveJournal for several years now, Ilya is two heads taller than many bloggers. All this is thanks to his unique talent for seeing the future and his ability to lead and delegate authority to a team of assistants. Today this is not just a blog, but, perhaps, one of the most cited media outlets, and Ilya himself has long turned into a media person.

2. mi3ch

So to speak, the LJ intelligentsia, Dmitry is one of the most erudite bloggers. He recently announced that he is going to make a political career and run for deputy, and although our points of view do not coincide on many issues, I wish him success in this field, since there is a serious shortage of decent people in our politics.

3. davydov_index

I guess for what purpose this project was created, but I can’t understand why they gave it the name of a boring program on the RBC channel, in fact it’s the most ordinary yellow news bureau, as a rule, it’s 20 events rewritten from the media, one of which begins like this: MAKAREVICH ..., SHNUR..., POSNER..., SHEVCHUK..., PUGACHEV..., LOZA... etc.

It feels like this blog is read by bots, since the average number of comments rarely exceeds 10, and judging by the daily increase in the number of social media, it is higher than that of Ilya Varlamov.

4. theme

According to the website, this is the most popular blog on LiveJournal; today its traffic is 4.56% of the entire site. If Tema suddenly starts putting kats in his posts, he will become the first LJ blogger in a few weeks.

Well, actually, the main thing is that this is the blog from which I discovered LiveJournal, long before I made my first entry here.


One of the most scandalous blogs, in the good sense of the word, people come here for a good kick or to fill their boring and worthless life with emotions. According to rumors, Lenochka is the sweetest and kindest person, but once you put her behind the keyboard...

6. evo_lutio

Many letters about psychology

7. macos

Once Alexander admitted to me that he wanted to overtake Sergei Dolya in the ranking and become the first travel blogger, I gave him some advice and after some time he succeeded. Then Alexander raised the bar for himself and decided to become the first and again turned to me for help, then I described the strategy to him, but the obligatory condition was to assemble a staff of assistants and Alexander began implementation. After some time, he rose to second place in the ranking, but at the last moment he realized that he was not ready to trust his work to strangers and dispersed his small team.

In my opinion, Alexander is the most hardworking blogger, because while I was telling him on the plane the strategy of how to climb the LJ Olympus, he not only listened attentively, but at the same time managed to write several posts for his blog.

8. bespridanitsa

I'm very curious to know who is behind this blog)

9. miumau

Nice good blog for girls

I once decided on a bet to join the top 10 LiveJournal bloggers and here I am.

11. kiss_my_abs

I come here to admire the beautiful Sonya

12. aquatek_filips

Sergey is a tireless traveler, the most vivid impressions from his trips are only on his blog.

13. LJ magazine

LiveJournal magazine is a team of editors who select for us all the most interesting things and publish them on an alternative top page; there are rumors that this page will soon become the main one.

14. colonelcassad

Sometimes I look here too, according to the website, this magazine is one of the leaders in terms of the amount of guest traffic, this is traffic from the outside.

15. A great cook of our time, his name is so popular that mentioning it is considered bad manners.

According to Artemy Lebedev Studio. Rating of posts in Russian blogs. When compiling, data obtained from LiveJournal is used. The rating is generated automatically.
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1 Sep.
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Blogging is an Internet phenomenon that is becoming increasingly widespread in Russia. Famous bloggers attract the attention of millions of subscribers, providing themselves with an annual income measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars. What Russian blogs can be classified as the best in 2017?

Mochi the Cat's blog is a specific blog, built in the form of posts on behalf of a fictional character.

It touches on issues of politics, culture, social life, economics, etc.

Since Kot’s position is close to the point of view of a simple man in the street, and the posts themselves include sharp criticism, obvious mistakes and abuse, this order of describing well-known events is close to many Internet users.

Kota Motya is actively criticized and condemned for his radical position and encroachment on cultural values, but the blog is so specific and original that it requires being assigned the first line of the rating.

Delicious blog

Tatyana Nazaruk’s delicious blog, which in 2009 took first place in the All-Russian “Golden Site” competition, and in 2010 won the Site Cup in the “Family, Home, Life, Beauty and Health” category, is a favorite place for housewives. It contains more than 2,000 original recipes with step-by-step photos, which are also accompanied by detailed comments from the author-cook.

The verdict is a convenient, informative, interesting resource that can turn any housewife into a skilled cook.

Tatyana Volkova's blog - Justice.NET - is one of the most scandalous and discussed in Russia. The author himself presents it as a tool for awakening “smart and educated people” by breaking through the “information blockade.”

The author discusses and actively criticizes the most pressing Russian and international political, economic and political problems. Each article contains a lot of facts, quotes from famous people, figures from closed sources. Some people believe that a blog is the work of a large group of people.

One way or another, the blog is popular among a wide range of critical and skeptical Russians.

It has been known since 2007 that the famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, television and radio host Stanislav Sadalsky maintains his own blog. Currently, this is one of the most popular blogs in Russia.

What is the reason for such popularity?

There are several of them:

  • The tone of the presentation is captivating, interesting and good-natured.
  • The author does not delve into topical political, social, and economic problems.
  • The variety of topics captivates the reader from the first minute.

It became especially popular in Russia against the backdrop of the development of the conflict in Ukraine, the introduction of Western sanctions, and the war in Syria. Positions itself as a platform with reliable geopolitical information.

Interesting, informative, relevant, covers a wide range of topics. At the same time, some critics note the subjectivity of his assessments. However, this does not reduce its popularity among those who like to discuss the latest news in geopolitics.

The brainchild of a Ukrainian journalist, created in 2014, gathers a considerable number of subscribers and admirers. Although not a professional dancer, Dinara Doletskaya was able to so actively and colorfully discuss TNT dance projects, including “Dancing on TNT,” “Everybody Dance,” “Battle of the Seasons,” that she formed a significant audience for herself.

An exclusive and extraordinary blog, in which the author actively talks with users, easily joining in any discussion, deserves its place in the ranking.

The blog of Nikolai Starikov, a public figure, publicist and writer, is also in demand and discussed in Russia. The author covers political and international economic news. His posts show support for V.V.’s policies. Putin and criticism of the country's economic course.

Elena Miro's blog is another scandalous LiveJournal page. Its author is writer and screenwriter Elena Mironenko, who in 2014 alone received more than 800,000 comments on her posts. What issues does she discuss on her blog? Everyday and social problems, topics of beauty and social life, without neglecting politics.

Her style of presentation is light, but sometimes offensive and derogatory. She criticizes politicians, openly discusses the figure and personal life of stars, and often gets personal. He often calls readers “fat pigs,” believing that this motivates them to a healthy lifestyle.

Yegor Gord's blog attracts a huge number of visitors. The reason for this is its psychological focus, providing useful advice on a wide range of problems - from getting a loved one back to completely changing your own life.

Gord offers readers unique methods of self-development, changing their lives, and finding happiness. The presentation style is simple, easy, and close to the reader. It is often criticized by psychologists, but has many enthusiastic reviews from readers.

Blog of Eduard Limonov

It is impossible not to mention the blog of the scandalous writer, chairman of the unregistered party “Other Russia”. For several years now, he has been publishing very specific posts on LiveJournal in the form of short, meaningless stories with overt political overtones or references to the most discussed social problems.