What to do if the order did not arrive from eBay? Why doesn't the seller send the paid goods? Ebay didn't tell me what to do.

Shopping via the Internet no longer causes surprise or fear to anyone. When shopping online, you usually save your time and money without losing quality. Not long ago I made a purchase on the global ebay auction, but did not receive my parcel. Almost 40 days have passed since the purchase and payment of the goods, and this period is usually enough to send and receive the goods.

What to do in this situation?
How to contact an ebay seller?
How to get your money back?
How to protect yourself from an unscrupulous seller on ebay?

So, to answer these questions, I’ll start with the fact that the item was paid for through PayPal. I would like to write a kind of guide to action, outline the steps if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation. A little advice: it is better to work through the Google Chrome browser, since it is very convenient to translate the entire page through it, but this is for those who are not fluent in English.

1. First, go to your personal account on Ebay by entering your credentials.

3. We find a product that has been paid for but not received, for which we are going to return the money or find out from the seller when to expect delivery. In my case, as can be seen from the screenshot, the goods have not yet been shipped. First of all, click “More actions” and select “Contact seller”. Next, select “Where is my item?” and to the system’s question (Did we answer your questions?) Did the proposed answer help you? We say: “No, I want to contact the seller.” Next, we will be asked to write a letter to the seller; I advise you to use a translator and write in English. Most likely you will even receive an answer from the seller, but it is unlikely that he will solve your problem, although everything is possible.

4. After correspondence, if the problem cannot be resolved with the seller, we open a dispute on the ebay auction. To do this, go to the “Resolution Center” and select “I haven’t received it yet.” (I have not received the goods yet). We indicate “Didn"t receive an Item” (have not received the goods) and click on the “Item not received” button, which confirms our intentions to open a case on this fact and help the system figure it out.

5. At this step, everything is extremely simple and clear: we select an item that was paid for at the ebay auction, but not received by us. And click “Continue”.

6. After this, if you go to your personal account and “Won/Purchased”, you will see that a case has been opened. By clicking on the link, you can track the progress of this case.

Now we will talk about filing a claim against the seller through the system through which the goods were paid for.

7. Log in to PayPal.

8. Find the transaction of our payment; to do this, you can click “View all my transactions” and select the period when the goods were paid for. (this information is on ebay in your personal account)

Well, here are his answers with dispatch dates. This is so you don't think I'm a babble.

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09/03/2013 11:05

Hello imborm!
So sorry to trouble you.
We are so sorry to tell you that your package got damaged at the post office due to some reasons,so we are going to resend the new item to you.But we were told that the new item still needs 2-3 days to arrive , so would you agree to wait another 2-3 days?Then we will resend this item to you.How do you think?Or do you just want us to cancel and refund to you?Anyway,we will respect you.
We apologize to you again and hope can hear from you soon.
- elec-mall

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09/04/2013 12:43

Hello imborm!
Thank you for your reply.
We will ship it once we get it from our supplier.We are appreciated for your patience and kindness.We will tell you if anything changes.
Any problem please feel free to contact us,we will try our best to solve it.
Have a nice day!
- elec-mall

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09/07/2013 12:48

Hello imborm!
Sorry to trouble you again.
We are so sorry to tell you that we still don"t get this item in stock,because the suppliers delayed the shipping time,we still needs 2-3 days to send your package out.Do you agree to wait 2-3 days more ?We feel so sorry for this inconvenience.Really hope you can understand and have a good impression on us.
Looking forward to your reply.
- elec-mall

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09.09.2013 13:31

Hello imborm!
Thanks for your email again
We are so sorry for the inconvenience,hope you understand.Just now we checked the item is arrived at our warehouse,so what do you think now?In your last email,you want us to refund to you,so we want to confirm with you again.If you need it,we will send it out within 48 hours;If you need the money back,we will refund to you immediately,you will get the money in 48 hours.Could you tell us your final decision?
Waiting for your early reply
- elec-mall

I see another dynamo for 48 hours.
I opened a dispute and wrote to him, he replied:

Hello imborm,

Seller message:
“Thanks for your email Don"t worry,we just need time to test the goods,because we don"t want to bring you any inconvenience about the quality,hope you understand.Now everything is OK,we will send the goods to you within 24 hours,item will deliver 15-35 business days,it would be highly appreciated if you can wait for it patiently,many thanks Best Wishes »

Hello imborm,
The seller responded to you and offered another solution to the problem.

Seller message:
“We are really sorry for this problem.Our supplier didn"t send the item to us on time,so your pacakge is delayed.And we have got the item finally,our workers are packing your item,it will be shipped soon.We apologize to you again and hope you can forgive us. Regards"

Hello imborm,
The seller responded to you and offered another solution to the problem.

Seller message:
“Thank you for your mail. We are so glad to serve you.We have sent your package out already.It needs 14-24 days to arrive normally,but sometimes it will be a little late.Hope you can receive it soon.Would you please help us to close the case?Really hope you can have a good impression on us. Looking forward to your reply. Regards »

I asked for proof of sending the parcel
Sent: 09/12/2013 09:38

Hello imborm,

The seller responded to you and offered another solution to the problem.

Seller message:
“Thanks for your email We sent the item by common post,so we don"t have the tracking number,hope you understand.Yes,here is the address:***my delivery address***Russian Federation Is it right?Waiting for your early reply Regards »

It feels like they have some kind of trash going on right now, well, it’s not because of 3 bucks that they’re putting themselves up like that.
Let me remind you that he was selling these chargers for all 10 days.
Maybe he has force majeure, what was bothering him then?

I think that each of you found very interesting products at low prices in online stores, but were not always able to buy them due to the fact that the seller for some reason did not ship the goods to your country. You got upset and bought the product from another seller... perhaps even more expensive.

Below I will give an example instruction on how to buy a product if the seller does not ship it to your country.

*** This instruction is not valid for delivery by courier: DHL|RUSTON|TNT|FedEX***

I found sneakers that the seller did not send to Ukraine.
(Most likely, the seller, upon request in a PM, would have sent the goods to Ukraine without problems, but I didn’t want to explain to the seller, and I’ve been wanting to test this trick for a long time).
I assessed all the pros and cons of this purchase. I realized that in any case I would not lose money... I paid for the goods.
True, before payment I made some manipulations with the delivery address!

1. Go to My Aliexpress (or any other store) and change the delivery address.
We change the delivery country to Russia (or any other country to which the seller ships).

The whole trick is that the mail DOES NOT MATTER what exactly you write in the address. The main thing is the post office INDEX. And he is unique!

Having indicated the delivery country Russia, our parcel is first imported in the destination country, and after that it will be re-shipped to the country according to the index.
The postmen will think that this is a filling error and will send the parcel correctly...

Select Country/Region and write Russia (or any other).
In the first field Street Address we write our REAL country. In our case, Ukraine.
In the second field we enter the street, apartment, house.
Example: Ukraine, Kiev, Gruwevskogo Street d.X, kv XXXX.
It should look like this:

2. We pay for the goods with a clear conscience.

3. After a certain amount of time, the parcel showed up in Russia in Orenburg:

4. And a week later she arrived in Ukraine:

5.The parcel was received intact and safe.

For those who still don't believe. Here is a photo of the sneakers:

Delivery of T-shirts from the USA to an American address. The parcel was successfully delivered to Ukraine:

Sleight of hand and no fraud!
You need to remember that:
a) it’s not worth ordering expensive equipment.
b) delivery time thus increases.

P.S. This trick does not work if the goods are sent within the country. That is, you won’t be able to buy NVGs in the USA...

Well, here are his answers with dispatch dates. This is so you don't think I'm a babble.

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09/03/2013 11:05

Hello imborm!
So sorry to trouble you.
We are so sorry to tell you that your package got damaged at the post office due to some reasons,so we are going to resend the new item to you.But we were told that the new item still needs 2-3 days to arrive , so would you agree to wait another 2-3 days?Then we will resend this item to you.How do you think?Or do you just want us to cancel and refund to you?Anyway,we will respect you.
We apologize to you again and hope can hear from you soon.
- elec-mall

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09/04/2013 12:43

Hello imborm!
Thank you for your reply.
We will ship it once we get it from our supplier.We are appreciated for your patience and kindness.We will tell you if anything changes.
Any problem please feel free to contact us,we will try our best to solve it.
Have a nice day!
- elec-mall

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09/07/2013 12:48

Hello imborm!
Sorry to trouble you again.
We are so sorry to tell you that we still don"t get this item in stock,because the suppliers delayed the shipping time,we still needs 2-3 days to send your package out.Do you agree to wait 2-3 days more ?We feel so sorry for this inconvenience.Really hope you can understand and have a good impression on us.
Looking forward to your reply.
- elec-mall

From: elec-mall
Sent: 09.09.2013 13:31

Hello imborm!
Thanks for your email again
We are so sorry for the inconvenience,hope you understand.Just now we checked the item is arrived at our warehouse,so what do you think now?In your last email,you want us to refund to you,so we want to confirm with you again.If you need it,we will send it out within 48 hours;If you need the money back,we will refund to you immediately,you will get the money in 48 hours.Could you tell us your final decision?
Waiting for your early reply
- elec-mall

I see another dynamo for 48 hours.
I opened a dispute and wrote to him, he replied:

Hello imborm,

Seller message:
“Thanks for your email Don"t worry,we just need time to test the goods,because we don"t want to bring you any inconvenience about the quality,hope you understand.Now everything is OK,we will send the goods to you within 24 hours,item will deliver 15-35 business days,it would be highly appreciated if you can wait for it patiently,many thanks Best Wishes »

Hello imborm,
The seller responded to you and offered another solution to the problem.

Seller message:
“We are really sorry for this problem.Our supplier didn"t send the item to us on time,so your pacakge is delayed.And we have got the item finally,our workers are packing your item,it will be shipped soon.We apologize to you again and hope you can forgive us. Regards"

Hello imborm,
The seller responded to you and offered another solution to the problem.

Seller message:
“Thank you for your mail. We are so glad to serve you.We have sent your package out already.It needs 14-24 days to arrive normally,but sometimes it will be a little late.Hope you can receive it soon.Would you please help us to close the case?Really hope you can have a good impression on us. Looking forward to your reply. Regards »

I asked for proof of sending the parcel
Sent: 09/12/2013 09:38

Hello imborm,

The seller responded to you and offered another solution to the problem.

Seller message:
“Thanks for your email We sent the item by common post,so we don"t have the tracking number,hope you understand.Yes,here is the address:***my delivery address***Russian Federation Is it right?Waiting for your early reply Regards »

It feels like they have some kind of trash going on right now, well, it’s not because of 3 bucks that they’re putting themselves up like that.
Let me remind you that he was selling these chargers for all 10 days.
Maybe he has force majeure, what was bothering him then?