Information letter-invitation to the presentation. Invitation to a presentation How to invite to a product presentation

Remember, any call to your apartment with an offer to come to a free presentation of something with winning a prize or with a guaranteed receipt of a free gift is a 100% scam. They usually call home phones during the daytime - this way there is a greater chance that a pensioner will pick up the phone - and it is easier to deceive him. Although sometimes seemingly smart people fall for the bait...)

The deception scheme is to lure you to a presentation and force you to take your passport with you, citing the fact that in any case you will “leave” with a gift and will not lose anything except your time. But that's not true.

At the presentation, you will be told for one and a half to two hours about the miraculous properties of ordinary products and told tales of how good it is. For example, about products made from pure sheep wool. They will intrusively apply for a loan from them using any fraudulent means for a pillowcase you don’t need or a woolen pillow for 99,000 rubles). And as a gift when purchasing, you will be given a free blanket, which in fact costs no more than 1000 rubles in a regular store.

Also, if you still don’t buy anything, and they can’t force you to sign a loan agreement, they will give you some kind of woolen sash, since they promised, or a wool bracelet)) In general, an unnecessary thing with a minimum of “wool”))

Good evening!

I am writing, as they say, hot on the heels!

In the Perekrestok store next to the house there was an uncle handing out coupons for a prize draw from the Wool House company - a house of wool. Raffle of household appliances about plasma TV before the kettle!!!

In exchange you leave your name and phone number. And then the ambush begins.

A systematic call begins. And an oil invitation to the presentation. And I didn’t agree for a long time - about 2 months. I really didn’t have time. Then I decided to go. Once I was 10 minutes late for a presentation. And attention!!! — I wasn’t allowed to attend the event! I filled out the coupon. And she left. After some time the calling continued. I ignored it and didn’t pick up the phone. Then I think, okay, we got it. I decided to go for 30 minutes. Luckily it’s not far from home! I arrived today, I was very surprised, because... There was no one there except me! Oh, we have another woman, now we’ll find her - apparently she’s a fake (definitely!) She appeared literally 3 minutes later. And the show began!!! Very long - not 30-40 minutes, but 1.5-2 hours! First, of course, about the prize draw! But apparently it was just a joke! :)))

They told us about their super products with truly magical properties. And micro massage. And the savings are complete - you don’t need bed linen! No need to wash! No water consumption! You can sleep directly on a wool mattress pad and not wash it for 3-4 months! Of course, a full set of bed linen costs 75 thousand rubles. But especially for you, we have a discount of 30 thousand and you will pay only - 55 thousand for a one-and-a-half-bed set and 63 thousand for a double set. The set includes a mattress pad, a blanket, a latex pillow (we sang about it separately! That these are the best “magic” pillows and are now super expensive!!!) and a pillowcase. Moreover, if you take 2 pillows, 2 pillowcases, 2 blankets and a mattress cover - pay attention to the cost!!! - practically does not change! I have a question - why??? And we offer you installment plans!!! For 24 months for 63 thousand rubles. Plus another gift - a blanket or any jacket or poncho of your choice. Another important addition is that we have a European level of service!!! (no matter how it is!) We will take you by taxi home! We'll pay for your taxi! I wonder how many companies you know that will pay you for a taxi home? :)))

I began to refuse. I do not need it! To which the aunt next to me said, “I really need it!” Then I looked at the time - I was already terribly late for kindergarten to pick up my child! But they don’t let me out - I had to pretend that I agree. They photocopied my passport. And again, attention - we will call you a taxi! You drive to pick up your child and back, and then they bring you back! Well, it’s a real temptation!!! :)))

I refused a taxi and said I’ll get there myself. But again they don’t let me out. The doors are closed!!! The taxi arrived and I left safely to pick up the child. Then I waved to the taxi driver and said that I wouldn’t go back. The taxi driver was stunned - asking about payment! I answered - were you called here and back? Who called - come back there and get paid!

Then the bacchanalia began on the phone. They called me and started telling me that they had taken out an installment plan for me! We have cameras everywhere and you agreed! I replied that I didn’t sign any contracts and all this was illegal! And it’s great that there are cameras. I'm going to the police to report fraud and extortion! Then they started demanding to pay for the taxi! I answered - I didn’t call him, so I won’t pay for him! After threatening to write a statement, the calls stopped! Later I returned there and took a copy of my passport. They broke the contract in front of me. It is naturally not valid without my signature!

They will issue you a loan agreement at Renaissance Bank at a crazy interest rate - 33% per annum!

This is another scam! Like Desheli and a very well-known company that sells vacuum cleaners.

This is formalized for different types of individual entrepreneurs. In my case, it was individual entrepreneur Vitaly Vladimirovich Belous! Various individual entrepreneurs appear on the internet. Chernov A.I. etc. Apparently registered to dummies.

But the company is actually completely different! Here are her contacts! There are a lot of advertisements on Avito about recruiting employees for this company!

Legal / Actual address of Kampotex LLC

111141, Moscow, st. Elektrodnaya 11, building 1

TIN 7720538740

Gearbox 772001001

OGRN 1057748873863

Bank St. Petersburg branch of OJSC Promsvyazbank

account 40702810406000001114

cor/account 30101810000000000920

BIC 044030920

OKPO 79339948

OKATO 45263583000

General Director Vera Konstantinovna Grigorieva

People are suing, trying to return goods that do not correspond to what was declared.

By the way, when I returned an hour later. To pick up a photocopy of your passport. How they yelled at me! And they didn’t let me go where several women were sitting. On which the bonded loan was issued!

Already in the evening I went to their website. I calculated how much this set actually costs - and voila - its cost turned out to be only 28 thousand rubles!

Be carefull!

Very tough marketing! Don't go to presentations!

Older women are especially susceptible to these influences!

No slippers please! I couldn’t escape it any other way!

An invitation letter is a type. It is drawn up with the purpose of inviting the addressee to any event (exhibition, presentation, seminar, corporate party, etc.). The article at the link provides an example of an invitation to a seminar; hereinafter in the text there will be a sample of an invitation to an exhibition.

The invitation can be issued like any other with a set set of details. Or it can be designed on sheets of various formats, even in color or even with the addition of decorative elements (patterns, drawings, embossing, etc.) to enhance the attractiveness of the invitation letter.

Quite often, an invitation is sent to a specific person (the address “Dear...!”). In the case of a mass event, it is allowed to depersonalize the address (for example, “Dear ladies and gentlemen!”).

The text of the invitation letter must indicate the specific location and time of the event; it may be necessary to explain how to get there or provide other useful details (the exhibition program or what benefits can be obtained).

Care must be taken to ensure that the invitation is sent in advance. How much depends on the scale and solemnity of the intended event - from several days (for example, an ordinary seminar) to many weeks (a rare pompous event, for example, a company anniversary).

As a rule, it is necessary to respond to an invitation according to the proposed option in a letter or depending on the circumstances (write a letter, confirm consent by phone, fill out an application form on the website, etc.). Often, so that organizers can “calmly” plan the event. In case of a negative decision, also to politely explain the refusal.

Invitation letter to an exhibition - sample text

Ladies and gentlemen!

The company "Paradise Place" invites you to visit our stand at the tourism exhibition "Travelmarket - 2014". The exhibition will be held on March 12-15, 2014 at the Kronix Exhibition Center at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, Shuisky Ave., 121b.

We will be happy to present all the information about already well-established and consistently successful routes to China, Malaysia, Thailand and the countries of Oceania, as well as offer you new promising destinations to Argentina and Peru.

We hope to see you among our guests at the exhibition!

For additional information, you can call 628-36-54 or visit the company website

company "Paradise town" V.I. Forget-me-not

An invitation to the exhibition, as mentioned above, can be issued on a letterhead or on a beautiful postcard, addressed personally to someone, or used repeatedly the same text to send a mass invitation. Pay attention to the other types of business letter samples available on the site, which will no doubt be useful in practice.

An invitation to the presentation is issued separately for the media and for interested parties. The invitation consists of 2 parts: the main background and details are indicated on the reverse side. A sample invitation could be formatted as follows:

Dear A. A. Berkman!

We invite you to the presentation! We sincerely hope that you will find time for your future!

The presentation will take place on MAY 4 in the Anchor business center, which is located at Barnaul, st. Semashko, 44.

Presentation starts at 12:00 Presentation ends at 16:00

Presentation program:

1. Introduction of the organization

3. Presentation by the presenter

4. Answers to questions

5. Guest performance

6. Distribution of souvenirs

At this event, issues of cooperation, further development of the organization, advantages and development prospects, profitability of activities, etc. will be discussed.

This event will be attended by: Mayor of Barnaul - Aleshin Gennady Vyacheslavovich, his first assistant - Tipun Alisa Grigorievna and his 2nd assistant - Harpun Alexey Rimmovich. Vladimir Konstantinovich Strutsky - production manager of Pekar LLC and others.

An approximate image of the front side of the invitations is given in Appendix E.

Visual Aids

Characteristics of visual presentation tools Table 13

Presentation Tools



Electronic projector

Connected to a computer to display a presentation created in Pover Point. These may be product images.

Material seen is better perceived than material heard, since the information heard must be visualized in the head. That is, imagine it.

Board stand

A small board-stand on which you can write with a felt-tip pen and hang posters.

Convenient, you can make sketches (improvise, introduce an element of surprise and show knowledge of the matter), takes up little space.


Technical, organizational and other indicators of the organization’s performance. In advance, each seat will have a set of handouts. It includes: a folder, a pen, blank sheets for recording interesting information.

It’s convenient, the listener can evaluate the information himself, and analysis won’t take much time. And if desired, for a more detailed analysis, the guest can take this handout with him.

A sample handout is given in Appendix E

Audience plan

The plan of the audience in which the presentation will be held is given in Appendix G.

The management of the organization, interested parties, and invited guests are in the forefront. The fourth and fifth rows are occupied by media representatives. The remaining seats are occupied by other guests. There are two aisles along the rows, there are comfortable chairs, and there are four entrances. TV cameras are located near the stage. Sound speakers are located in the corners of the audience and on the stage. The lighting is brighter than in the hall. There is enough light to take notes, the air conditioning is on. An air flavoring agent is used - a floral aroma.

The stage is decorated with flowers and balloons. There is a podium and a board stand on it. There is a projector on the wall opposite the stage.

Hello dear partners! We really like our community, we love it and want it to continue to grow and develop. And we also want our partners to develop and grow together with the community.

Do you want to receive additional income every month? In fact, we help all partners earn affiliate bonuses. After all, not everyone knows how to speak, present and “sell”. And then how to invite a person to the IC? We do the most difficult and important work for you. We really want each partner to have results and specifically for this purpose we conduct online presentations, where we ourselves show, present and “sell” everything.

You too can earn good bonuses through the affiliate program! Several times a week we hold community presentations for newcomers. These are very favorable moments when you can invite people to a presentation so that they hear everything from us and become your partners, members of the community. And you, in turn, will receive rewards through the SuperKopilki affiliate program.

It's very simple! Your task is simply to invite friends or strangers from the Internet to a free webinar. You don't have to explain or tell anything about the community, what it is and how it works. All you need to do is invite 10 to 20 people to attend the webinar that day and receive valuable information. For our part, we will do everything to make your person interested in SuperKopilka and start participating. We will now show you how to invite to a presentation.

How to invite?

First option.

We will use the social network VKontakte as an invitation tool. Having learned to use the invitation system via VK, you will then decide for yourself in which other networks you can use it (in part or in whole).

To invite people to a presentation, you need

    Step 1. A few hours before the start of the event, make a post on your wall on social networks, namely, an invitation to the presentation. You can repost from our VK group or create your own post by copying the text or inventing your own. You can select a picture from this photo album

    Step 2. If you are a member of the “Collective Leveling Up” chat, you need to level up your post in it. The collective leveling chat was created only for active users of social networks. If you are one and want to join, read the rules and apply

Regardless of your choice, proceed to step 3.

    Step 3. Invite 15-20 people who are online via private messages.

You can invite both those with whom you are friends and those with whom you are not.

Examples of invitations:

First example.

Hello Igor!

Today there will be an interesting webinar: “How to start saving and making money on the Internet?” Free admission.

I invite you to go and listen. If you like it, you will receive $50 as a gift.

Second example.

Hello Ira! Are you here?

I wanted to ask you what you think about my post on the wall? I have friends who earned money for a car in six months. And all newbies will get 50 dollars as a gift to lift their spirits!

How would you like to attend the webinar today and learn more? Interesting?

The entrance is free.

Be sure to include the $50 gift in your message! This is the information that is easiest to attract the attention of your invitees.

These are just examples. With a little practice you will find your style and your approach.

Important! After finishing the presentation, you need to delete the post about it on your wall.

This is the first option for how you can and should invite people. It won't take up much of your time. If something seems difficult to you, just do what is written in the instructions, step by step, one after another. Believe me, after two or three repetitions of the material, you will do everything automatically, while thinking about what you will spend your earned affiliate bonuses on.

There is another option, an alternative. Here you will have to devote more time, however, and the number of people you invite will increase. This means your income will increase.

Second option.

You need to create a VK Event following the example of this one and invite your friends to it. You can invite 40 people per day.

An event is a page to which a specific event with a specific date is attached. At the same time, the date can be changed, so there is no need to create a new event for each presentation.

You can design the event page at your own discretion - add posts to the wall and pictures to photo albums. Be sure to share your results, add reviews and screenshots. Also add videos from our channel and news from the site. If you have difficulty filling out your page, take information from our official groups And

Be sure to add your affiliate link with your posts.

You can invite people every day, not only on presentation days. If you invite someone a few days in advance and they confirm they will attend, they will receive a reminder on the day of the meeting.

Once you put in the effort and create your page, you will always have a simple tool at hand for inviting newcomers to a presentation.

To create an Event, go to the “My Groups” section and click “Create a Community”

Select “Event”, write a name and click the “Create community” button.

The event has been created. You can design it.

After the registration is completed, set the time for the next presentation (via the “Community Management” function)

Make sure that the time of the next presentation is always set correctly.

Once these steps are completed, start inviting friends to your event.

To do this, click “Are you going” and select “Invite friends”

Select any 40 friends from the list and send them invitations (or send them to everyone)

Everyone will receive notifications about invitations, except those of your friends who have forbidden inviting themselves to meetings. You can communicate with such people only in private messages.

Invite friends as often as possible and add fresh information.