How to activate "Promised payment. Intersvyaz"

Leonid, how can you assess the level of development of broadband Internet access in the cities of the Chelyabinsk region? How in demand and necessary is the Internet for residents of our region?

There is a very large growth reserve in Chelyabinsk. There is a saturation curve, but we are still far from it. In many European countries with high Internet penetration rates of 75-80%, people consider broadband access a necessity. This is especially pronounced in people under 30 years of age. They use the Internet as their main source of information. Here's an interesting example. In 1991, still under Soviet rule, there were only 2.5% of people who did not have a television. Now there are 6% of them. That is, there is a drop in the number of televisions used. And the reason, apparently, is that the Internet is beginning to squeeze out television, cassettes, disks, etc. Users of the latter, of course, will remain, but the Internet will replace many things. Now the penetration level in Chelyabinsk is at 40%. This is what happened in Moscow two years ago. In two years, Moscow gave the same amount. I think we will have very similar growth rates. For example, in our company the level of connections in 2009 is at the same level as in the past. Even a little higher. If last year we connected 45-48 thousand new subscribers, then this year we expect a similar increase and even more.

- How mature and civilized is the Chelyabinsk Internet market?

Judging by the clients who are connecting to the network now, we are seeing a decline in computer literacy. It turns out that we are moving into the segment of subscribers who are far from information technology. This raises some additional, sometimes strange questions for us Internet users. The problem statements are completely different. But we have nowhere to go, we understand that this category of citizens has also come. We are adapting our technological processes: call centers, changing customer support schemes. Sometimes people just say “it doesn’t work for me” and that’s it. That's the point. Do whatever you want. In such cases, call center employees are also engaged in educational activities and improving user literacy.

- Do you predict the emergence of new players in the Chelyabinsk market?

Quite, why not? Everything is determined by the price of entry into the market. If a company or an individual has about $50 million, then you can create a new provider in Chelyabinsk. Yes, this player will fight for his share, but he will never pay off.

Recently, federal providers have bought up all local players in Yekaterinburg. Do you predict a similar pattern in Chelyabinsk? As far as I know, your company has been negotiating with some Moscow providers on various deals.

You're right. Moscow companies showed great interest. The peak occurred in the fall of 2008. This was a complete “catastrophe”. Almost everyone who could was visited this table: AFK Sistema, Golden Telecom, Akado, and other large Moscow companies. There were a lot of them. Now they are gone. They solve their problems. Last Saturday, the founding meeting of three telecom operators took place. The event was attended by the companies Infocenter, which occupies 70% of the market in Kurgan, Ufanet - 80% in Ufa, and our company. We agreed to create the public association GKS Rossvyaztekhnologii - a single standard for regional and independent companies. We also appeal to all independent providers to join our project. Now the total subscriber base of the three companies included in the association is 1 million people.

- Leonid, that is, some kind of single brand will be created?

We are not changing our brands, we are simply creating an “umbrella” over ourselves - “Rossvyaztekhnologii”, which is registered in Moscow and solves our problems. We are ready to pay money to those who will solve our problems both in Moscow and in the regions. A legal department has been created for this matter, which will help independent providers. It's no secret that a lot of problems arise when working with housing and communal services. The new format will solve such problems.

- Why was Intersvyaz never sold to Moscow companies?

And what will I do with KAMAZ money? Well, today I will receive this KAMAZ full of bucks. What's next? What then is the meaning of life? You can, of course, move to the position of a hired manager, as happened with companies in Yekaterinburg. I look now into the eyes of those people who yesterday were the owners of their company, and now are mercenaries. How bored they are! The eyes are empty. Life is over. It's all sad.

- Perhaps the most difficult relationship Intersvyaz has is with the Uralsvyazinform company. Why is this happening? Do two have a chance? companies live peacefully?

In fact, there has been no struggle for a long time. It’s just that every month the Uralsvyazinform company writes some kind of statement against us somewhere. I get the impression that they have a huge legal department with nothing to do. Instead of competently promoting its services, Uralsvyazinform, a company that I really, really respect, is engaged in such incomprehensible work. The first time it was funny was when the Uralsvzinform company wrote a statement to the antimonopoly committee against us. But then it began to take on some strange proportions. I don't understand why this happens.

Leonid, is the economic crisis affecting your company’s activities? How is the demand for Internet access services changing?

Our number of connections has not decreased. We conducted surveys in Chelyabinsk in November-December, and they turned out to be much worse than what happened in real life. Then people “under fear” said that they would not use the Internet, they would not connect. To be honest, we were scared too. But in January-February a funny picture was observed. At this time, we expected a drop in Internet consumption. But everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. People were laid off. They went home and sat down at the computer to look for a new job. At this time, the specific consumption of Internet traffic increased by 1.5 times. On the one hand, it’s complete nonsense, but these are the facts. We clearly understand that the Internet is included in the list of essential goods: bread, milk, Intersvyaz.

- What is the number of active Intersvyaz subscribers and their ARPU? Are these numbers declining?

The ARPU indicator for all Chelyabinsk providers is approximately the same, and it is not decreasing. For us it is approximately 378 rubles per month. Another thing is that companies like ER-Telecom are destroying the market. They are simply dampening. I don't know what this is connected with. It is clear that for them the most important indicator is the number of subscribers. We have a different psychology. We are building a profitable business and trying to do it competently. For us, the main thing is to earn money, which we then use for development and implementation of social projects. In general, we have a completely different ideology.

- What is the percentage of subscriber churn at Intersvyaz?

Every month up to 100 subscribers stop paying, this is approximately 0.1%. So, for someone to come to our office and refuse, this is extremely rare. But they stop paying, please. For our part, we are taking all possible measures to ensure that even subscribers with difficult financial situations remain our clients.

What offers are most in demand among Intersvyaz subscribers: basic tariff, per megabyte, unlimited?

Of course, the first place is occupied by unlimited games. They now account for about 60%. And here's what's interesting. Based on the results of our surveys, it turned out that 80% of Internet users only “surf” [viewing Internet pages for work, study, searching for information - approx. ed.]. And only 20% actively download files from the Internet. That is why we have launched a new line of services for our “surfers”.

- What do another 40% of the subscriber base prefer? Are they served at the basic rate?

No, that's not true. Indeed, there are those who pay only 100 rubles a month and nothing more. We have no more than 10% of these.

- What do you think will happen to prices for Internet traffic in the next six months?

Tariffs will decrease. It is obvious. There is simply no other way. This, of course, will not be megabit Internet for 350 rubles, which is not even available in Moscow. Such prices are not justified now.

- In the fall, Intersvyaz began promoting cable television services. How does Intersvyaz TV differ from competitors' products? How popular is this service among the company's subscribers?

The idea of ​​cable television is old. She appeared two or three years ago. At that time we did not have the strength and capabilities: personnel, technical solutions. When the crisis came, the quality of service began to decline among cable television operators Uralunicom, ER-Telecom and Multicable Networks. Some channels, etc., began to disappear from the broadcast network. After this, I concluded that, despite the presence of all these players in the market, it is losing strength. That is, you can access it provided you have a free connection and free viewing of channels in the first three months. We included 80 of the top TV channels in our broadcasting network according to TNS Gallup Media, without even looking at their price. We see that with such a connection trend as it is now, by the end of the year we can occupy 30% of the market. And this takes into account the fact that we decided to launch cable television on January 13, 2009. For us, cable television is an “add-on” to our main services. We connect it only to Intersvyaz subscribers.

- Does the launch of Intersvyaz TV mean a refusal to promote and develop IP-TV?

A year or two ago, my main thoughts were about the future, that is, about IP-TV. And this is one of the reasons why we did not launch cable television. Still, cable television is something archaic. Some people were already expecting digital, stereo sound, optional video. We are now continuing to work with IP-TV. But in November 2008, it became obvious that the speed of development of technical solutions using IP technology had slowed down sharply. Some new solutions will appear only in 1.5-2 years. The pause that has arisen needs to be filled with something, which is why we started doing cable TV - it will fill the suddenly empty niche.

Is Intersvyaz going to launch in other cities of the Chelyabinsk region? If yes, then which ones and within what time frame?

Of course, there are plans. But there are certain difficulties. As soon as you make a statement, for example, that “we are going to Kopeisk,” Kopeisk officials immediately rear up. They say, “We won’t let you in” when they learn about our statement. The same situation is developing in other cities. It's clear why this happens. But we have a clear position. If we could not agree on mutually beneficial terms that we bring some benefit to the city, then we simply do not enter. Now our plans are to launch in three cities of the Chelyabinsk region.

As you know, to connect to the home Internet, you need to enter into an agreement with a provider. One of the most popular providers operating in all major cities of Russia is the Intersvyaz operator. Internet and television of this company are chosen by many.

Internet Intersvyaz is a proven company that has been operating for 20 years. Since 2011, the company has the status of a federal provider, as it provides its services in 16 cities of the Urals. Today Intersvyaz is a leader in the telecommunications market in the Southern Urals. In addition, the company occupies a leading position in the number of connected subscribers in the Chelyabinsk region.

Services provided by the operator:

  • access to the network at speeds of up to one gigabyte per second;
  • cable and digital television;
  • telephone communications;
  • Computer Repair;
  • hosting and server maintenance.

Offers more favorable rates

Intersvyaz offers connection based on the following tariffs:

  1. Victory. The monthly subscription fee is - 350 rubles. The connection speed according to the tariff plan is: up to 30 Mbit/s during the day and up to 50 Mbit/s at night.
  2. Smile. The monthly subscription fee is 400 rubles. The connection speed according to the tariff is: up to 90 Mbit/s during the day and up to 100 Mbit/s at night.
  3. Attack Premium. The most expensive, but also the fastest tariff plan that the organization has. The monthly subscription fee is - 600 rubles. The connection speed according to the tariff is the same at any time of the day and is - up to 330 Mbit/sec.
  4. Base. Unlimited tariff plan. Subscription fee is - 1 00 rubles per month. The fee is charged on the first day of each month. Traffic is unlimited.

How to connect to the Internet from Intersvyaz

The Intersvyaz company offers Internet connection based on the following actions:

  1. First, you need to submit a request to connect the required service. This can be done on the provider’s website or in any branch.
  2. After leaving the application, the client will be contacted by the specified phone number and discuss the terms of connection.
  3. At the appointed time, an employee of the organization will come to the client and carry out the setup.
  4. After this, you need to sign an agreement with the provider and pay for the connected function.
  5. You can start using the connected service.

If you need to connect an Intersvyaz wi-fi router in addition to setting up the Internet, you can order the setup from a company employee. The router is configured on the day you connect to the Internet, but you can order the router setup on any other day.

An employee of the company can configure a router already purchased by the client or offer a router from Intersvyaz (in this case, the router is purchased from the employee).

Personal account features

In the user's personal account, you can perform the following actions:

  1. . Here you can make cashless payments for services purchased from the provider.
  2. Parental control. This function involves restricting access to various sites on your home computer.
  3. Setting up alerts. In the “Personal Data” section, you can configure methods of notification about maintenance work.
  4. Change of planned tariff. If you are not satisfied with the cost or speed of your current connection, then you can easily change the tariff plan in the appropriate section.
  5. Disabling network access. If you do not intend to use the connected services for some time, you can disable them in your personal account. In this case, payment will no longer be charged to the client. The minimum disconnection period is one month.
  6. Balance. The main page of your personal account displays current information about the client’s balance.
  7. Promised payment. If the deadline for payment for services has come, but the required amount is not available, then you can use this service. The term of the promised payment is 3 days.

How to disable Internet Intersvyaz?

You can disable connected services using the following methods:

  • call the provider. The client informs that he wants to turn off the Internet for a certain period of time and gives his account number. After this, the operator disconnects the Internet;
  • personal visit to a company branch. In this case, the client must write a statement to terminate the contract with the company or to temporarily refuse services;
  • Personal Area. In the user's personal account, you can temporarily disable the Internet;
  • do not pay for the services provided. In case of non-payment of services, the company suspends the client’s access to the Internet.

The history of the development of the Intersvyaz company begins in 2009, when the first cable TV subscriber was connected. The number of service consumers is growing every day, and today Intersvyaz is a leader in the Ural region. The company provides telecommunications services to citizens and legal entities in 18 settlements, including the cities of Chelyabinsk, Troitsk, Kopeisk, Magnitogorsk, Kurgan, Miass, Zlatoust and others. For the convenience of clients, a personal account has been created on the company’s website.

Personal account features

Without wasting time visiting the office or negotiating with an operator, around the clock, having access to the Internet, through a personal account the user can:

  • check the balance, find out the remaining money;
  • view statistics for the period of interest;
  • get a detailed report on consumed traffic;
  • manage “Safe Internet”, block visits to sites;
  • control expenses, receive notifications about applications; top up your balance by bank transfer without commission;
  • use the “Promised payment” option;
  • track the emergence of new tariff plans, promotions, special offers;
  • disable current services, connect new ones; link a phone number to your personal account, adjust personal data in the subscriber profile;
  • find the nearest payment centers;
  • participate in the loyalty program, activate a discount.

Registration in your personal account

Only registered users can use the capabilities of their personal account. To do this, you need a valid agreement with the Intersvyaz company indicating:

  • personal account used as a user login;
  • password for logging in and protecting personal data.

Login to your personal account

Log in to the address - this is the official website of the Intersvyaz company. The login icon is located in the upper right corner of the page. When you click on it, a data entry field appears: login and password. Losing your password will require contacting the customer service center; you will need a passport and an application to restore access to your personal account.

Payment methods for services

  • bank card - VISA or MasterCard;
  • type of electronic wallet – Yandex Money, Webmoney, Qiwi.

Funds are credited immediately, in real time.

Personal account

For all telecommunications services, the client is issued a single personal invoice, which is easy to control and pay through his personal account. The transferred funds are credited to your account within 24 hours. For regular, timely payments, the client is awarded a cumulative bonus.

Personal account Intersvyaz: balance

There is no longer any need to look for terminals, stand in line at the bank, call operators and find out whether the money has arrived, whether the payment is enough for the next month - just open “My Account” and the necessary information is received. Payment is tracked at If the balance is negative, the amount of the required payment will be indicated.

Promised payment

If there are not enough funds in the account, your personal account provides the opportunity to use the “Promised Payment” and receive a deferred payment under the following conditions:

  • repay the debt within 3 days;
  • the amount of the promised payment is equal to the amount missing to connect the service;
  • The option is available once a month.

How to turn off the Internet through your personal account

If the client does not plan to use the services of the provider for some time, then the Internet can be turned off at any time by going to the Intersvyaz personal account page. If necessary, access can be easily restored. The function allows the user to save money.

Many subscribers have to face the problem of lack of funds. After all, it’s not always possible to control your account and replenish your balance on time. According to the terms of service, some providers suspend access if the required amount is not in the account on the payment date. Thus, forgetting to top up your account on time or simply not being able to do it, you can be left without the Internet.

Subscribers using the services of the Chelyabinsk company Intersvyaz do not face such a situation thanks to a service that allows them to temporarily top up the client’s account with the missing amount. We will talk about how it can be activated and what the terms of provision are in this article.

Service “Promised payment” (“Intersvyaz”). Description

The opportunity to temporarily borrow funds from a provider appeared to Intersvyaz clients about 7 years ago. Previously, the company did not provide such convenience to its users. At the moment, it is popular, because, you see, it is quite convenient to borrow a certain amount of funds that would prevent the Internet from being disconnected. Under what conditions is the “Promised Payment” service (“Intersvyaz”) provided?

  • Activation is only available for customers who use unlimited Internet.
  • The service period is three days. During this period, the Internet will still work and the client must deposit the amount of the promised payment into the account. In the absence of timely payment, access will be suspended and the user login will be blocked.

  • The provision of the service is allowed once a month. Thus, it is impossible to use the promised payment twice several times in one reporting period.
  • It is possible to take the promised payment (“Intersvyaz”) only if there is an amount on the client’s balance that is insufficient to pay for the services under the contract. You can calculate it by adding a subscription fee for the unlimited Internet option to the cost of the monthly payment for the main tariff plan.
  • The list of options, upon activation of which the promised payment is available, includes: “Smile 74”, “Surfer”, “Attack 74” (the full list can be viewed on the provider’s official website).

How to take "Promised payment. Intersvyaz"

There are three activation options for the company's subscribers

  1. Personal account on the Intersvyaz website. By selecting the item of the same name in the upper right corner, you should specify authorization data (they are issued to clients when connecting to the service; login and password). After successful verification, the client's web account will be available. Here you can view detailed account information (balance, activated services, etc.), use services for paying bills online, etc.
  2. Mobile app. This is a modern and convenient way to monitor your account status. By installing it on a mobile device, the owner of an agreement with the Intersvyaz company (phone, tablet computer) will be able to quickly obtain information on his account at any time, top it up, and activate useful services.
  3. Customer Service. By calling the Intersvyaz company's hotline (telephone - 8-800-200-07-47) to the company's specialists, you can also activate the promised payment under the same conditions.

Methods for depositing funds into your account

After the expiration of the Intersvyaz company’s “Promised Payment” service (we told you how to connect it earlier), you need to top up your account. It is better to do this in advance, without waiting for the services to be blocked, which occurs after three days. There are several options for paying your Intersvyaz bill:

  • Bank card (via the provider’s website, ATMs).
  • Payment terminals.
  • From a mobile number account (any operator “Tele2”, “Beeline”, etc.).
  • At the company office.
  • Electronic wallets (“WebMoney”, “Yandex.Money”, etc.).


Promised payment (“Intersvyaz”) is a universal service that allows you to continue using the Internet, even if there is no money in your account. It is available for subscribers using unlimited access. There is no need to disable it - after the set period has expired, it will be deactivated, regardless of whether the balance is replenished or not.

When connected to the Intersvyaz Internet, information is transferred using Ethernet technology. The router connects to the Internet provider's network via a regular UTP cable. Depending on the selected tariff plan, the company provides access to interactive television and free local resources.

Connecting to the Intersvyaz provider

After connecting to the Internet provider, a UTP cable is installed into the subscriber’s premises. An Ethernet connector is installed at its end, allowing you to connect any wired device. If the Internet will be accessed simultaneously from several computers, a router is used for routing.

Important! When connecting via a router, you need to configure its properties in the web interface. To do this, use the control panel, which can be accessed via a standard IP, login and password.

Intersvyaz equipment setup

Open any browser, enter your username and password to log into the router control panel. These values ​​can be clarified on the sticker located on the bottom side of the device. If the device does not have a sticker with information for logging into the admin panel, find the necessary information on the manufacturer’s website or in the instructions for the device.
Go to the “WAN” section, select “Dynamic IP” in the drop-down list of protocols. When you select this item, the parameters will be obtained automatically, so manually specifying them is not required. Most devices require a reboot after specifying the operating mode. Click the “Reboot” button in the router’s web interface, and then wait until it reboots.

Note! Difficulties may arise when setting up the Internet if the device was previously used on the network of another provider. Restore factory settings by pressing the “Reset” button on the back of the case for 10-20 seconds.

Training video: Connecting to the Intersvyaz network

Setting up a wireless network (Wi-Fi)

To specify Wi-Fi settings, you will need to log in to the web interface. If you are already signed in to your control panel, continue to the next step. If necessary, enter your username and password, then click the “Login” or “Submit” button.

Open the Wireless menu and specify the following options:

    1. SSID;
    2. Channel;
    3. Authentication method;
    4. WPA encryption;
    5. WPA key.