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If you want to express yourself in a bright and unusual way on your Whatsapp profile, short statuses for Whatsapp will come to your aid.

What are short statuses for Whatsapp for?

  • First, charismatic and memorable statements help us express ourselves on the Internet. Many people prefer concise and laconic phrases, because restraint shows only the best side in us.
  • Secondly, you can quickly tell friends and colleagues where you are and what you are doing, who is next to you.
  • Thirdly, your friendlist will have a lot of fun if you offer a joke or a cool anecdote.
  • Fourthly, thanks to the status, you can easily and simply invite your friends to a party or to any other place. It will turn out to be a kind of opinion poll, only you will receive the results instantly.
  • Fifth, by using quotes from your favorite writer or celebrity in your profile, you will attract the attention of his fans and, possibly, organize a discussion.

The shortest and best statuses for Watsap can be divided into several categories, they can be on general topics or about something personal. In this group, any questions related to the fact that you are especially worried about what you are interested in are relevant: here you can talk about the weather, and about study / work, funny incidents and funny sayings - everything will be appropriate:

  • If you don't know which side it is better to approach - go ahead, you won't be mistaken!
  • Conscience is like a hamster: either it constantly gnaws or sleeps.
  • Fortune smiles only on the most courageous.
  • If you're happy, why are you texting your ex?
  • The rake teaches one thing, but the head still believes in miracles.
  • I’m conducting a poll: are all your teachers called "Sorry, Please"?
  • How wonderful it is to be loved!
  • I wish everyone to find their soul mate and live together until old age!
  • Cleaning and washing dishes will help melt mom's heart.
  • The nervous one is not the one who taps his fingers on the table, but the one who twitches from it.

A little positive self-criticism, wit, and your image in the eyes of friends becomes brighter and more attractive. You can surprise them a little or arrange a provocation - the main thing is to keep within the limits and not lose face.

  • How unfair! The salary is given once a month, but I work every day!
  • Professional success is when you sit with the back of your head against the wall in the office, and not some awards.
  • My cat knows more cool keyboard shortcuts than I do.
  • When they send me three letters, I happily fly to Goa.
  • Sometimes I like to remain silent. It is then that at least someone will hear me.
  • I hear the word "no" only when I ask.
  • I am firm and serene. Like an expired gingerbread.
  • My tits are already falling out of my hands!
  • For me, there is nothing more dramatic than the moment of parting with a blanket.
  • I'm lucky in life - I have a socket right next to my bed.
  • I'm not looking for happiness. I am my own happiness!
  • I am responsible for my words, yes. But not for the way you understood them.
  • I hate breakups: I seem to have slept, but still did not get enough sleep.
  • I don’t shave my beard. What if she grows up magical?
  • I can cook. I speak softly. Nothing hurts. There is a fur coat.

Short statuses for Whatsapp with photos

This option is chosen mainly by those who care not only about the semantic content of their utterance, but also about its external design. You can set a romantic-dreamy picture with beautiful words, or a funny cat with the text of an anecdote, a sad black-and-white photo with a wise aphorism - and so on, for which you have enough imagination.

Short statuses in Whatsapp for a girl

As you know, the fair sex occupies the majority of the Internet audience, including among the users of the Whatsapp messenger. It is they who "produce" the overwhelming majority of statuses, and how versatile and unpredictable the female mind is, their phrases reflect the most diverse spheres of life and manifestations of feelings.

  • I'd rather write to you than call you. My heart sinks into my heels as I listen to these endless beeps.
  • I am increasingly convinced that some guys have a little angry hysterics.
  • I woke up, smiled, put on makeup and went to conquer the world.
  • If I fall, make a wish! After all, a star has fallen!
  • My plans for the next three years are not to give birth and not to die. And the rest will follow somehow.
  • You may be right a million times over, but what's the point. if your beloved is crying ?!
  • When I was little, I didn't want to travel anywhere at all and dreamed of living in a blanket hole.

Short statuses on Whatsapp for women

Here, life experience and amazing female wisdom come to the fore.

  • I am still not married because I wear a Save and Preserve ring.
  • I’m already about 30, and I have never thrown the man's things out of the window!
  • It pisses me off when you put on a few pounds for a role, and then remember that you are actually not an actress.
  • A good husband, having found his wife's stash, must add more money there.
  • You eat, I am a cook. You get dirty - I wash. You litter - I clean. Lord, what would I do without you at all?
  • They say that there are no princes. I don't care at all, because I'm with the King!

Short statuses for Watsap about family

The home and love for its inhabitants inspire us to do many things, including writing grateful and grateful words to the family. But sometimes you really want to grumble and complain a little. It's okay - whoever, no matter how family, will react to such criticism with understanding.

  • It seems to be no longer small, but I still run to meet my mother from work - suddenly she brought something tasty.
  • My husband came home from work very tired yesterday, so he decided to pay off his marital debt in cash.
  • The mother-in-law must take care of her daughter-in-law. Perhaps the next one will be even worse.
  • A husband is a person who throws out the garbage, and then remembers it for a month, as if he did a general cleaning.
  • It's a shame: you get a wonderful spouse, and in addition to him all his strange relatives.
  • If a man is ready to move mountains for a woman, it means that he loves her. If she is ready for anything for the sake of a man, then most likely it is his mother.
  • I work as a mom. This is the highest paying job! After all, I am paid with love!
  • My grandma always feeds me like the last time.
  • If your mom says no, try asking your grandmother.
  • The only thing I worry about is my Family. The rest is complete nonsense!
  • Happiness is when my husband, who does not hear a single alarm clock, wakes up if I stop hugging him.
  • Family happiness is made up of Kindness, Forbearance and Compassion.
  • My family is the coziest and warmest place on Earth.
  • I love my mom. This is the most hopeless optimist in the world, because in spite of everything she considers me the very, very best.
  • Dad sat with the child for one day and was tired. And my mother has been doing nothing for three years on maternity leave.

In fact, there can be a huge number of options, they will differ in meaning, reflect the different characters of their authors and their preferences. And to decorate your profile, you can always put short statuses for WhatsApp with pictures. We wish you productive communication!