Error during disk initialization. Invalid function. What to do if the hard drive gives an input / output error

Sometimes, when working with a computer, an I / O error on the hard disk device may occur. This problem does not indicate anything good, reporting a problem with the hard drive or its software. Let's take a closer look at what it is, what are the reasons for its appearance, and also find out how to fix it on your PC.

Often this type of problem covers problems with reading and writing data to the hard drive. When the operating system accesses the disk to read or write information, and it fails, it issues a similar message.

If a standard restart of the computer does not help to solve the problem, then let's look at the reasons why the hard drive does not initialize, and how you can fix the situation in one case or another.

Hardware problems

The immediate causes of this error are hard drive failure, control board dysfunction and bad cluster. If your hard drive started working too loudly, creaking or beeping, as is usually the case with devices from Seagate and Western Digital (WD), then, most likely, the internal mechanism of the media simply failed. Usually this is due to the obsolescence and development of the device, as well as mechanical damage.

If you do not know what to do in this situation when the disc is terrible, then you should not worry and worry. There is no need to immediately try to format it or perform overloading operations. It is possible that he only has a few minutes or hours left to work, so your actions will simply finish him off completely.

It is necessary to carefully disconnect the hard drive from the computer and take it to a trusted and reliable service center. Its performance should be checked by experienced specialists. If the HDD is fully functional, has no defects or mechanical damage, then proceed to the next step.

Connector or ribbon problems

A fairly common cause of hard drive malfunctions is problems with the power wires and SATA cable, namely, with their damage or oxidation of the contacts. This causes a complete loss of contact and, as a result, the appearance of malfunctions. Also it may work, but partially, resulting in an I / O error.

The solution is simple enough:

If, after carrying out preventive maintenance and replacing the cables, the hard drive still does not initialize, then this is not the problem.

Sometimes problems can occur due to external drives connected to the computer, for example, card readers or flash drives. Therefore, disable them and try to work with the hard drive without them.

Motherboard connectors

Very often, the connectors on the motherboard, with which the hard drive connects to a PC or laptop, fail and cause these problems. This can be caused by age or frequent switching on and off of the loop.

The fix is ​​simple:

  • Plug the cable into any other connector on the motherboard.

Software problems

Sometimes hardware problems cause software malfunctions in the device, when, in the event of physical damage, the integrity of the file system is violated, as a result of which the input / output error we are considering appears.

The solution is quite simple - you need to check the connected hard drive. If yes, then you need to use to identify bad clusters and fix them.

You can also use the software available in the system, which is pre-built into a laptop or PC.

For this you need:

Having done everything exactly according to our instructions, you just have to wait for the end of the check. After that, do the same steps, only with other sections.

You can use third-party utilities, for example, RStudio, which allow you to perform the reconstruction of existing disk arrays as efficiently as possible. Another option is to use an early restore point to downgrade to an earlier version of the system.

Another major cause of breakdown is overheating. To avoid this, you should stick with which you will extend the life of your device.

Lack of rights

It is also necessary to consider the situation when the user does not have the authority to record data, since this is the actual reason for the appearance of errors of this type. In this case, it is necessary to grant the required rights to the account used and simply refuse the operation being carried out. It is possible that the ban on recording is a decision of the computer administrator.

Failed OS update

According to user reviews on the Internet, the I / O problem may occur after the next Windows update, but not entirely successful.

To fix the situation you need:

In addition, you can do a system restore or the so-called "rollback" to the previous point:

If none of this helped, and the I / O error persists, go to the next item.

Unstable OS

A common cause of problems is the installation on a computer of an unstable operating system with many defects, often a pirated version. Solution to the problem: find a good version of the OS on the Internet and install it on your PC instead of the previous one.

As statistics show, I / O error on computers is most often associated with a physical failure of the hard disk. Check the hard drive cable and the connected connectors on the motherboard, make sure that the device works as usual, does not make noise and does not make strange sounds.

Then you should try specialized recovery utilities that will help you restore the structure of the disk.

If none of the recommendations helps to solve the problem, the matter may be in a problem with the motherboard. It is necessary to contact the service center, whose experienced staff know how to properly initialize the hard drive, will be able to identify the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it.

Video instruction on the topic

Hi admin. I bought a new hard drive, or rather an SSD, and connected it to my computer. In the future, I want to replace the hard drive on a laptop with this SSD, but this is not about that now.

I connected the SSD to the high-speed SATA Revision 3.0 port (up to 6 Gb / s) and turned on the computer, the system booted, then this window appeared " Initializing disks", "For the local disk manager to be able to access it, the disk must be initialized ".

So I think what should I choose:

1. Master Boot Record (MBR)

2. GUID Partition Table (GPT - GUID Partition Table)

Say what the note means: GPT partition style is not recognized by all previous versions of Windows.

I mostly use Windows 8, if I convert the SSD to GPT, will it be okay? What previous Windows won't see it?

Hard disk initialization

Hey! If you initialize a hard disk or SSD to a new style of GPT partition tables, then Windows XP will not see it and in XP Disk Management it will look like this.

But there is a way out, you just need to take the files disk.sys, partmgr.sys from Windows Server 2003 and copy them to the folders, respectively, the first file in C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers and the second file in C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ dllcache on Windows XP. These files can be found on the Internet.

Another question, will you need Windows XP? One more question, why do you need a new style of GPT partition tables on an SSD?

SSD will work equally fast with MBR. I somehow experimented and transferred Windows 8 from a regular hard drive of a new laptop to a solid-state drive SSD, I did not turn off UEFI, Windows on the SSD worked much faster. This was not enough for me and I turned off UEFI, then reinstalled the Windows 8 operating system on a laptop with a solid-state drive SSD on the MBR disk, I want to say that everything also "flew"!

  • Note: An operating system installed on a regular hard disk converted to GPT boots and works slightly faster than with MBR, but again, it cannot be compared with an SSD. If you want to noticeably increase the performance of Windows, then simply transfer the operating system to a solid-state drive SSD, or simply reinstall Windows on the SSD, no matter what you initialize the SSD to, GPT or MBR.
  • It definitely makes sense to initialize a new 3TB hard disk into a GPT partition table, since if you convert it to MBR, the same Windows 7 will see only 2 TB on it, and sometimes even 700 GB. For anyone interested in the difference between GPT and MBR styles, read our article.
  • You can, if necessary, convert a hard disk or SSD from GPT to MBR and vice versa without deleting the data, there are special utilities for this, although if Windows is installed on the hard disk, it just won't work.

Disk initialization process

We go to Disk Management. We right-click on the hard disk that needs to be initialized and in the menu that appears, select Initialize Disk.

In the Initialize disks window, put a check mark on the new disk and select GPT or MBR, click OK and that's it.

The disk is initialized, now you need to convert it to the file system, assign a letter and work.

Volume creation

Right-click on the initialized disk and select Create Simple Volume from the menu that appears.

If we want to allocate the entire hard disk space for the volume, click Next, otherwise, set the required space in the Volume size item.

Assign a letter

Formatting to NTFS file system

That's all. Our disk is initialized and has its own letter (J :)

After installing a new drive in a computer, many users face the following problem: the operating system does not see the connected drive. Despite the fact that it physically works, it does not appear in the operating system explorer. To start using the HDD (the solution to this problem is also applicable), it must be initialized.

HDD initialization

After connecting the drive to the computer, it is necessary to initialize the disk. This procedure will make it visible to the user, and the drive can be used to write and read files.

To initialize the disk, follow these steps:

  1. Run "Disk Management" by pressing the Win + R keys and typing the command in the field diskmgmt.msc.

    In Windows 8/10, they can also right-click on "Start" (hereinafter RMB) and select "Disk Management".

  2. Find an uninitialized drive and right-click on it (you need to click on the disk itself, and not on the area with space) and select "Initialize Disk".

  3. Select the disk with which you will perform the scheduled procedure.

    There are two partition styles available for the user to choose: MBR and GPT. Select MBR for storage less than 2 TB, GPT for HDD over 2 TB. Find the right style and click "OK".

  4. Now the new HDD will have the status "Not allocated"... Right click on it and select Create Simple Volume.

  5. Will start , click "Further".

  6. Leave the default settings if you plan to use all your disk space and click "Further".

  7. Select the letter you want to assign to the drive and press "Further".

  8. Select the NTFS format, write the name of the volume (this is the name, for example, "Local Disk") and put a check mark next to the item "Quick Format".

  9. In the next window, check the selected options and click "Ready".

After that, the disk (HDD or SSD) will be initialized and will appear in the explorer "My computer"... It can be used in the same way as the rest of the drives.

Hard disk initialization is its activation, preparation for work, including formatting the disk and writing control information. After initialization, the disk is ready for use.
Open the Windows search bar.

Type diskmgmt.msc. Hit Enter.

In the disk control panel that opens, we see a message stating that in order to gain access to the disk, it must be initialized.

First, set, in the same window, the style of the sections. There are two options, of which the most suitable for you is selected.


Master Boot Record (MBR) - translated into Russian as "Master Boot Record". This is the first sector (the initial five hundred and twelve bytes of the memory area) of the information medium - a hard disk, or a solid-state drive. Contains a loader (part of the code) for the installed operating system and information about logical disk partitions. For the first time, this technology began to be used in the eighties of the last century in the initial versions of DOS. Provides the functionality of drives with a capacity of up to 2.2 terabytes, and only four primary partitions on the disk.

GUID Partition Table (GPT) - a new rule for the location of partition tables on information media, located in sector number two. It has almost no restrictions, disks can be larger, a huge, practically unlimited number of partitions is created. It is a particle of Intel's UEFI firmware intended to replace the BIOS.
In our case, we will stop at MBR. Check the box for this style.
Click Ok.

In the highlighted window, click on the new disk ("not allocated") with the right mouse button (green arrow), make a choice - "Create a simple volume".

A wizard opens, creating a new volume.
Click "Next".

We choose a letter, naming the disk. We have this "R". Naturally, the letter must be assigned one that is not currently used in the names of other volumes. Duplication is not allowed. Go ahead.

We choose the file system, we have NTFS (they offer standard NTFS, FAT32, FAT). Specify the size of the cluster, in this case, left it by default. A minimum of 512 bytes is often recommended, which allows the system to use disk space more economically.

Select the volume label - the name of the disk displayed in the Computer folder .;
We put a check mark to format the disk faster.
To continue, click the "Next" button.

A message about successful completion of work on creating a new volume was displayed on the screen.
Click Finish.

The disk is initialized. We see it in the window that opens, as a new volume "R".
The task is complete, the new hard drive is ready for use.

Unfortunately, when buying a new hard drive, not every user imagines that after installing it in the system unit, it will be impossible to work with the hard drive right away, believing that it is enough to insert the appropriate cables into it and fasten it with screws, and the system will determine the device itself. First of all, after installing the hardware, the hard disk must be initialized. Windows systems will not do this automatically, so all operations will have to be carried out independently.

Installing a new hard drive

Before directly dealing with the problem of how to initialize a hard drive, you should tackle its correct installation in a system unit with a connection, observing some rules and precautions.

To do this, with the computer turned off and the power supply disconnected, you need to remove the side cover. Then, which is very important, before installing the hard drive in the slot, you should definitely remove the electrostatic charge from your body, in the simplest case, just by touching the spout of a regular water tap or the chassis of a disconnected system unit with both hands. After that, the hard disk is fixed with screws and connected to the motherboard with the appropriate ribbon cable and jumpers in compliance with the Master / Slave rule (main or dependent disk), after which the side case cover is installed in place.

Initializing the hard drive in BIOS settings

Now you can start the initial setup of the installed hard drive. First, you need to turn on the computer and go to the BIOS settings for the primary input / output system. Usually the Del, F2 keys or some combinations are used for this, which at the moment of start will be shown on the monitor screen.

Here in the main section, which shows all devices currently connected to the motherboard, find your hard drive, given its interface (SATA or IDE). If the hard drive is detected, you can proceed to the basic setup using the exit from the BIOS followed by an automatic reboot. Otherwise, if the device is not in the list or the Not Detected line is present, after exiting and disconnecting the PC, you need to re-check the correctness of the connection.

How to Initialize a Hard Drive: A Basic Windows Tool

We assume that the hard drive is defined in the BIOS. The disk will now need to be initialized. Once fully loaded, Windows will automatically recognize the new device and install the appropriate drivers for it (you can verify that they are present by looking at the drivers folder in the System32 directory, where the disk.sys and partmgr.sys files will be present). At this stage, the disk itself is not visible in Explorer, although it is physically present in the system.

Disk initialization is performed using the system's own tool in the disk management section. This section can be called from the "Control Panel" through the administration system with the choice of the computer management menu or from the menu of the right click on the computer icon, but it is simpler and faster to use the "Run" console, in the line of which the diskmgmt.msc command is written.

Starting Initialization and Setting the Boot Record Type

The disk is now initializing. First, select your hard drive in the list of available devices (it can be labeled as "Disk 1", "Disk 2", etc.), then right-click on the menu and use the initialization string in it.

If the hard drive has a volume of more than 2 TB, you will need to set the GPT attribute (otherwise, it will be impossible to use a large volume). If an error occurs during disk initialization, you will need to take appropriate measures to eliminate it. This will be discussed separately.

Volume creation process

The next step is to initialize the disk by creating a partition. This is done so that the computer system can "see" the disk.

Right-click on the selected disk again, and the line for creating a simple volume is selected from the context menu, after which the corresponding "Wizard" will open, in which the continue button is pressed.

Further, disk initialization provides for specifying the size of the partition to be created in megabytes (recalculate right away, since 1 GB contains not a thousand, but 1024 MB). This is usually not required because the system automatically specifies the size of the volume.

At the next stage, you need to assign the section a letter by which it will be determined by the system. Here you need to be very careful not to assign an already occupied identifier to the disk, which may correspond to other removable media (CD / DVD-ROM, USB devices, etc.), since in the future they may seem inoperable due to the fact that the system does not recognize them corny.

File system selection and formatting

Finally, the initialization of the disk comes to the final stage, at which it will be necessary to format the created partition.

Here, it is better to specify NTFS as the file system (it is considered more stable than FAT32, and can store files larger than 4 GB), leave the cluster size at the default 512 bytes (this will allow more economical allocation and use of the resources of the partition being created), as the volume label, enter the name that will be displayed in the system (file manager and context menus), and uncheck the quick formatting box (for the first time, it is strongly recommended to perform full formatting, which will avoid problems in the future). Compression of directories is not worth using, since this can only lead to slowdown of the disk, associated with the speed of reading or writing information to it.

Next, go to the completion window and, if all the parameters are correct, press the button to start formatting (Finish). If some parameters need to be changed, the button to return to the previous menu is used. At the end of the process, the system will display a message on the screen in the form of an autorun window, if it is enabled. But sometimes a warning may appear stating that the disk has not been initialized.

What if I get initialization errors?

With new hard drives, such problems usually do not happen. But if the system displays a message that the disk is not initialized, you can use the command line to fix it (cmd in the Run console).

It first uses the diskpart command, list disk to view and select the disk, and clean to clear the partition table. Then you can format it manually using the sequence of commands create partition primary, select partition 1, active and format fs = ntfs, which are entered without punctuation marks with the press of the enter key after each of them.

In other cases, you can use specialized programs like Partition Magic, but if none of the tools helps, you will have to re-check the connections or look for malfunctions in the hard drive itself (perhaps this is physical damage). For these cases, you can try to use the HDD Regenerator program, and then perform all the above operations again.

How to initialize a hard drive

After installing a new drive in a computer, many users face the following problem: the operating system does not see the connected drive. Despite the fact that it physically works, it does not appear in the operating system explorer. To start using the HDD (the solution to this problem is also applicable to SSD), it must be initialized.

HDD initialization

After connecting the drive to the computer, it is necessary to initialize the disk. This procedure will make it visible to the user, and the drive can be used to write and read files.

To initialize the disk, follow these steps:

After that, the disk (HDD or SSD) will be initialized and will appear in the "My Computer" explorer. It can be used in the same way as the rest of the drives.

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The problem of loading the operating system is quite common. And this is in no way connected with its performance. It also happens that the hard disk does not initialize at all (I / O error), or some other problem occurs. This material will consider several typical situations and solutions applicable to them. Immediately, we will make a reservation that issues related to breakdowns or physical wear and tear of the hard drive will not be considered, as well as viral infection.

Hard disk does not initialize: possible problems

The most common situation is related to breakdowns. We will talk about them a little later. But at the moment, you can determine several options for why the hard disk is initialized incorrectly or is not detected at all.

Among all that is described on the same Internet, several situations can be noted separately:

  • disk breakage;
  • incorrect boot priority in BIOS;
  • disk errors;
  • operating system crashes.

Hard disk not initializing: what to do first?

Let's start with a typical mistake. Let's say there is a situation where the WD hard drive is not initializing. In this case, the system simply "spits". The message that the hard drive is initializing (CRC error) can only indicate that the system partition has crashed, and this in no way can be associated with the hard drive (or rather, with its state).

To begin with, when the system at startup displays a message that the hard disk is not initializing, and the OS cannot be loaded, you should check the startup parameters in the BIOS (primary input / output system). It is very likely that upon receiving the message, the user will see text indicating that no OS boot device was found.

Thus, the solution suggests itself the simplest - enable the initial boot from the hard drive in the BIOS settings (Boot Device Priority - Hard Drive).

System tools

If the download fails, first you need to check the checksums of the CRC records, which were mentioned above. Such an error is akin to what you sometimes see when unpacking incompletely downloaded archives with the WinRAR program.

In principle, the situation is the same. However, when the system boots, if it works, initially you just need to check the disk with an indication of automatic error correction (it is clear that you cannot deal with formatting the system partition).

If Windows boots from removable media ...

The system can also be started from a removable device (either an installed OS or a bootable device). In this case, immediately, without postponing things on the back burner, you need to check. To do this, you can use both built-in commands and third-party programs.

In the simplest case, when, for example, the second system is on a virtual disk (in a partition), the check can be performed using the same chkdisk command specifying the disk label. But, as practice shows, this is usually not the problem.

If the external hard drive is not initialized, not to mention the built-in one, you will have to at least check the loop connections first. But this, as it turns out, is not the main problem. It is possible that the appropriate drivers for the external device are simply not installed, or they do not work correctly. Or maybe the device itself is simply not turned on.

You can check the operation of external media through the standard "Device Manager", which is invoked either from the "Control Panel", or by the devmgmt.msc command from the "Run" console, which is available on any Windows system (you can start it through the regular "Start" menu).

If the system does not boot: check the status from the command line

To check any type of hard drives, if the system does not want to boot, you can offer the option of booting from schematic media using utilities like LiveCD or even the Windows installation distribution kit, which has a boot sector that allows you to open boot from external media instead of HDD.

If you are using a Windows distribution kit, during the startup process, you need to press Alt + F10 or select the recovery console with the "R" button. Next, on the command line, you need to register sfc / scannow (this is at least for a start). In the advanced version, it is worth using the commands for restoring the boot record:

  • Bootrec.exe / FixMbr.
  • Bootrec.exe / FixBoot.
  • Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd.

The last command is optional for use and is used only to overwrite the boot area (sectors).

Recovery programs

As for applications that can restore the operation of Windows systems, it is rather difficult to decide on their use.

At the very least I can recommend utilities for bootstrapping, and then programs like HDD Regenerator. It is believed that this particular application, running in DOS mode, can perform the so-called magnetization reversal of the disk, even if the hard disk is not initialized as such.

Data recovery

It is clear that the user does not see the boot sector on the HDD. The section reserved for the start operation, even more so. Maximum is a swap file. But this is the main problem. The fact is that this is not even a file, but a reserved space on the hard drive, which is responsible for loading data when there is not enough RAM. If there is a sufficient amount of "RAM", it can be turned off altogether, since access to the RAM is many times faster than the same operation applied to the hard drive.

But you can restore the information. To do this, it is enough to use any program that allows you to do this. The R.Saver utility is considered one of the most powerful. True, it is preferable to boot in safe mode, or at least try to roll back the system, if possible.

In general, this approach allows you to solve a lot of problems, including some errors and failures of the boot record. If this option does not work either, you will have to format the disk (hard drive). But overwriting the boot sector via the command line is worth it.

In addition, it is precisely by the system commands without the use of third-party tools that you can correct the MBR record. As a last resort, you will have to use the formatting of the section. After that, the necessary information can be restored. But only on condition that the sector was not overwritten, that is, there was no saving of files after deleting the data. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it. Although ... You can try to do something in any case. There will be nothing wrong with that.

What's the bottom line?

To begin with, it is believed that you need to check the disk for errors, if it is detected at all. On the other hand, if initialization is not possible, you will need to use special programs capable of recovering HDD data, moreover, in the boot work area. But, even booting from removable media, you can solve a lot of problems regarding system startup.

When it comes to the impact of viruses, except for disk programs with the general name Secure Disk, you will not advise anything. These are available both in Kaspersky Lab and Doctor Web. The bottom line is that they load their own interface even before the system starts, while scanning even the RAM, and not just the hard drive (viruses, like any other programs running at the moment, can load their files there). Thus, the problem that sometimes the hard drive does not initialize when the system is booted may be associated with just such a situation.

Something in the end

But in conclusion, it is best to use the command line check and repair commands. Although it works in DOS mode, it never fails and allows you to fix even such problems that you cannot fix with the usual system tools, no matter how hard you try. As a last resort, if the disk is being mounted, you can go to the disk management section and use the appropriate initialization command.

What to do if the hard drive does not initialize and why it happens

To figure out why the hard drive is not initializing on your computer, you need to pay attention to the sounds it makes and analyze the information that appears on the screen. Remember also the events that preceded the failure. Have you been able to initialize the disk before?

Mechanical damage

A hard disk (hard drive, HDD), SSD, that is, built-in data storage, is the most unreliable part of a computer or laptop. In case of mechanical breakdowns, it may not turn on at all or make non-typical sounds, such as knocking, clicks, crackling, clinking, howling.

They can be translated into human language as follows: "I can not read the information." In combination with persistent failures, during initialization, this means that it is impossible to exploit the hard drive. You should contact the service center, whose specialists will find out whether it is possible to fix this hard drive or at least copy the information available on it.

Viral contamination

Another very common reason a hard drive won't initialize is due to a virus infection. Sometimes viruses declare this themselves, often putting forward demands for any payments. Do not give in to blackmail. In this case, the easiest way is to boot from another device and cure the infected one with an antivirus. To avoid such situations, you should use a high-quality antivirus (both Kaspersky and DrWeb will do), which includes a program like Secure Disk that loads even before the operating system starts and checks both the hard drive and RAM for viruses.

System data failures

If the hard disk on which the operating system is located does not initialize, then immediately after executing the primary input / output system (BIOS) program, an error message in the CRC data may appear, indicating that the information cannot be read correctly. Other messages are also possible. Messages such as Boot Disk Failed or Primary Master Disk Fail mean that the zero track of the device is damaged, without which it is impossible to start reading.

Disk Boot Failure indicates that there is a data error in the system's master boot record (MBR or GPT). The phrase Invalid Drive Specification indicates that the device parameters do not match the information about it stored in the BIOS. This can also be caused by malfunctions in the MBR, or an I / O error due to mechanical damage to the reading heads or contacts in the interface.

First, in these cases, you should check the BIOS settings. Here you need to pay attention to which device is assigned for the initial boot and whether the parameters of the hard drive are recognized correctly. In some cases, changing the boot device can help.

Damage to system data can be repaired using Windows tools or using utilities such as ACRONIS DISK DIRECTORY, however, you can immediately start active actions on the faulty device only if there is no data on it. The existing information can be damaged when corrected, therefore, first of all, you should think about how to recover personal data. To do this, as with viruses, you will need to boot from another device and use utilities such as R.saver, R-Studio, or Get Data Back. The data should be restored to another device so as not to damage the files that have not yet been processed. Damage to a significant number of sectors of the hard drive indicates that it will soon fail and it is necessary to prepare for its replacement.

The hard drive not initializing may be due to software changes made before the failure occurred. For example, changing drivers or installing updates for the operating system, other system products. In this case, it is advisable to restore the system from the last restore point created before the patch was applied. To initialize system recovery to be possible, you need access to the device on which the corresponding data is located.

When installing the operating system on a formatted large-capacity hard drive (more than 2.2 TB), problems may arise due to the fact that not all versions of Windows are able to work with the GPT formatted master boot record. You can change the recording format to MBR, but not all of the disk space will be used. If it is not possible to upgrade to a more modern OS, then it is better to use a device with a lower capacity for the system.

Additional hard drives

What if I failed to initialize hard drives containing alternative operating systems or other information? First, check if any letters are assigned to them. To do this, right-click on the "Computer" line, select "Storage Devices" in the "Management" item and then "Disk Management". If the device you are looking for is visible, but the letter is not assigned to it, the problem is solved very simply. It is enough to select this line, press the right mouse button and change the letter to any free one.

There may be other reasons why the disks are not initialized. If they have already been used before, then they may have worked as part of a dynamic volume, or were encrypted. In these cases, it is unlikely that you need someone else's information; it is enough to reformat the devices again. To prepare for this, you can use a utility like ACRONIS.

External device initialization error

If the external hard drive or SSD does not initialize, make sure it is turned on first. See also if the interface is working properly. Try replacing the interface, connect it to another SATA (or USB) connector on the motherboard. As with the HDD, you should check if a letter is assigned to the device.

It should be borne in mind that SSD technology is developing rapidly, so it is better to check the specifics of your device on the Internet. If using a SATA interface, check if the BIOS is set to AHCI for the controller controlling your SSD. Please update the drivers for this controller. SATA SSD type disk initialization may fail due to connection to a higher port number. These ports can be supported by additional controllers or run at lower speeds. You can recognize them by their color - ports that are different from SATA-1 should not be used.

Included with some drives comes software that allows you to transfer the operating system to them. If the problem persists after such a transfer, re-install the system from scratch. If you have Windows XP installed, you may need to upgrade to a later version of the operating system. It may be necessary to upgrade to the latest BIOS version as well. See the video below for more details.

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Hard drive won't initialize: what to do?

Problems with loading the operating system are quite common today. This has nothing to do with its performance. Sometimes there are situations when the hard drive does not initialize at all or other problems arise. In this article, we will consider several quite typical situations, as well as solutions that can be applied to them. It should be noted right away that this article will not address issues related to physical wear or damage to the hard drive. Also, issues related to viral infection will not be considered.

Hard disk does not initialize: possible problems

The most widespread situation is associated with the occurrence of breakdowns. But this will be discussed later. At the moment, you can identify several variants of problems due to which the hard disk is not detected at all or is initialized incorrectly. Among everything that is described on the Internet, there are several most common situations:

Disk malfunction;

Incorrect boot priority in BIOS;

Operating system crashes; - errors on the disk.

What if the hard drive won't initialize?

First of all, let's look at the most common mistake. Suppose there is a situation where the WD hard drive is not initializing. In this case, the system simply "spits". A message appears stating that the hard disk is not initializing (CRC error). This may indicate that the system partition has crashed. This may have nothing to do with the health of the hard drive. To begin with, when at boot the system displays a message that the hard disk is not initializing and the operating system cannot be loaded, you need to check the startup parameters in the primary I / O system or BIOS. When the user receives the message, they will most likely see a notification indicating that the operating system boot device was not found. In this case, the simplest solution suggests itself - enable the initial boot from the hard drive in the BIOS settings.

Using the system's own funds

If a download fails, it is a good idea to start by checking the CRC checksums mentioned earlier. This error may be similar to the one sometimes observed when trying to unpack incompletely downloaded archives in the Win RAR program. The situation is basically the same. However, when the system boots, if it is functional, initially you should simply perform a disk check with the choice of the automatic error recovery option. It is clear that you cannot deal with formatting the system partition in this case.

What if Windows boots from removable media?

The operating system can also be started from a removable device. In this case, the check must be done immediately, without postponing the case on the back burner. For this purpose, you can use both the built-in commands of the operating system and third-party programs. In the simplest case, when the second system is on a virtual disk, you can check using the chkdisk command specifying the disk label. Practice shows that this is not usually the problem. If the external hard drive refuses to initialize, then first you should check the loop connections. As it turns out, this is not the main problem. Perhaps, the appropriate drivers are simply not installed for the external device, or they do not work correctly. Perhaps the device itself is simply not turned on. To check the operation of external media, you can use the standard "Device Manager". You can call it either in the "Control Panel", or using the devmgmt.msc command in the "Run" console, which is present in any operating system of the Windows family.

What to do if the operating system does not boot: checking the status using the command line

If the system does not want to boot, then to check hard drives of any type, you can recommend the option of booting from removable media using utilities such as Live CD or the Windows installation distribution kit, which has a boot sector that allows you to open the boot from external media, and not from the hard drive. If you are going to use the Windows installation distribution kit, then during the start process you must press the Alt + F10 combination or use the R key to select the recovery console. After that, sfc / scannow must be entered on the command line. If you prefer the advanced option, you must use the boot record repair commands: Bootrec.exe / FixMbr, Bootrec.exe / FixBoot, bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd. The last command is optional and can only be used to overwrite the boot area.

Recovery software

As for applications that are able to restore the performance of operating systems of the Windows family, it is quite difficult to make a choice here. We can recommend utilities for bootstrapping, as well as programs like HDD Regenerator. It is assumed that this DOS mode application is capable of performing magnetization reversal on a disk even if the hard disk is not recognized as such by the system.

Information recovery

It should be clear that the user does not see the boot sector on the HDD. Moreover, he does not see the section reserved for the start operation. This is the main problem. The point is that this is not a file, but a reserved space on the hard disk, which is responsible for loading information in cases where the RAM is not enough. It can be disabled if there is enough RAM, since access to RAM is many times faster than the same operation in relation to a hard disk. However, it is still possible to recover information. To do this, you must use any program that allows you to do this. R.Saver is considered one of the most powerful programs of this kind. Beforehand, it is recommended to boot in safe mode, or at least try to roll back the system, if possible. This approach, in general, allows you to solve many problems, including some boot record errors. If this option does not bring the desired result, you will have to format the hard drive. However, overwriting the boot sector with a command line is worth taking advantage of. It is with the help of the system commands that you can fix the MBR record without using third-party tools. You may need to use partition formatting. After that, you can restore the information you need. However, this will only be possible if the sector has not been overwritten, that is, after deleting the data, no files were saved. Otherwise, nothing will work. In any case, you can try to do something. There will be nothing wrong with that.

What happens in the end? If the disk is not detected by the system at all, then first you need to check it for errors. On the other hand, if the initialization of the disk in the system is impossible, then it is necessary to use special programs that are able to restore information to the HDD in the boot work area. Even if you boot from removable media, you can solve many problems that relate to the start of the operating system. If the problem concerns the effects of viruses and other malicious objects, then in addition to disk programs under the general name Secure Disk, nothing else can be advised. Both "Dr.Web" and "Kaspersky Lab" have similar software products. The essence of these programs is that they load their interface before starting the operating system. In this case, not only the hard drive is scanned, but also the RAM, since viruses and executable programs can load their files there. Thus, the problem associated with the fact that sometimes the hard disk does not initialize when the system is booted may be related to just such a situation.


To give some final recommendations, it is best to use the command line check and repair commands. Although it works in DOS mode, it never fails and allows you to fix even those problems that cannot be fixed with the usual means of the operating system. If the disk is at the stage of mounting, then you need to go to the disk management section and use the initialization command.