A program for printing on a computer. What is the name of the application where you can print

Hello everyone, my dears! Just yesterday I realized such a thing that many of my readers are very poor at computers. That is, here I’m talking about how to make money using the Internet, about some cool services to save on travel, but it's all like peas against a wall, because computers are a dark forest for some of my guests.

So today I decided to correct this omission and start with a very detailed story about how to type text on a computer. So...

In this article:

1. Program for working with text

There are special programs for creating a text electronic document. It is they who allow you to print text, that is, create a document layout in electronic form, which can then be printed on a computer or dropped onto a USB flash drive.

There are a huge number of such programs, but there are only a few of the most popular.

1 - Microsoft Office Word
2 - WordPad
3 - Writer (rarely used, needs to be installed separately).

2. How to find the required program on the computer

I know from my family that the most difficult thing for a beginner at the first stage is to find and open these programs.

To do this, you must have an idea of ​​what the program icons look like. Most often this is a document icon with a letter W, or as in the last case - with the letter A(this is how WordPad is denoted):

Look carefully at the desktop and the toolbar below, programs can be brought out in a prominent place, like on my desktop (by the way, here it is, don't be alarmed):

If you didn't find anything like that, then try the second method:

1 - run the panel Start or just click on the round icon in the lower left corner, a menu will open.

In it you need to find a field for searching for files, I have it called Find programs and files:

In this field, enter the name of the program you are looking for. For example, I enter the word Word and I get Microsoft Office Word programs:

If I enter the word WordPad, then it will find this program for me too:

After that, you simply click on the found program, and a working window opens in front of you, in which you can create a document: print text, edit it and save it.

3. Working with the document and editing text

So, before you is a work area, the so-called blank sheet. This is where you can type text, edit it as you like.

Usually, at the sight of this sheet and a huge number of buttons, beginners get lost and do not know what to start. The keyboard most of all causes a brain explosion: it is not clear where and what to press.

So, you don't need to be afraid of this, you will definitely be able to figure it out. To do this, just watch this informative video, everything is very simple and explains in detail the main features of the program.

Be sure to watch this informative video from start to finish, remembering to repeat all the steps after the presenter. This will take you a giant step in learning about text editors.

Then you just have to train, and then you can navigate literally any text programs, since they are all arranged in about the same way.

4. How to save text

After you have created your document, you can save it. To do this, find in the upper left corner the button that brings up the menu, and in this menu select Save as and any suitable format like Word document:

A window will appear in which you can select:

  1. where to save the file (I usually choose Desktop,
  2. how to name the file (enter any suitable name),
  3. and the file format (I do not change it, I leave it by default).

Ready! This file will now appear on your computer desktop.

You can do whatever you want with this document. For example, upload to a USB flash drive, send by e-mail, open for further editing, or delete.

By the way, if you are working on a large document, I recommend that you make intermediate saves. And the more often the better.

5. How to upload a text file to a USB flash drive

Everything is very simple.

1. Insert the USB stick into your computer.

2. On your desktop, find and open My computer(or simply Computer).

3. In the window that opens, you should see Removable drive, click on it 2 times:

An empty window will open to us, which we will leave for now:

4. Now find our text file, we saved it with you in the previous paragraph on the desktop. Click on it with the RIGHT mouse button, and in the menu that appears, select Copy:

5. Now go back to the removable disk that we just opened in step 3, click on the free field with the RIGHT mouse button and select Insert:

The document will be copied and will appear in this field:

That's it, now the USB flash drive can be removed from the computer.

6. How to print a document on a printer

Let's say you have a printer, it is already connected to your computer and configured properly. I will not talk about connecting a printer and settings now, since this is a topic for a separate article.

But if you already have everything set up, you can print the document literally in 2 clicks. But first, make sure the printer is turned on and has the required amount of paper.

1. Open the document you want to print:

2 ... Find and open in the upper left corner of the menu and select in it Seal, and then one more time Seal:

You will be presented with a window with a bunch of settings, but do not be afraid of them, they are all quite simple.

Here you can select a printer, if you have several, the number of copies of the document, paper size, print color, etc.

But if you do not need any specific settings, you can leave everything as default and just click OK.

The printer will start printing and you will receive your document. By the way, in this way you can print not only a text document, but also other files, the scheme will be the same.

7. Become a "YOU" with a computer and improve your life

Not having a common language with a computer is a big problem today. If 5 years ago it was forgivable not to be able to work with technology, today it turns into a huge obstacle for every beginner. This is because almost any profession today comes into contact with a computer in one way or another.

When I worked at a large military enterprise, a new version of the design program was installed for us. It didn't cause any problems for me, just a new shell.

This can be compared to the updated packaging of my favorite sweets: I did not stop buying them less, but I was simply able to quickly adapt to the new wrapper.

But for many employees it was literally a disaster, so much they depended on the program interface, and so desperately their brains resisted everything new. As a result, they were even trained to work in the new interface.

Today is not the best time for Russian companies, and I don't even need to guess who will be the first to be laid off ...

And a completely opposite example is also from real life.

The engineer has more than 40 years of experience, is constantly developing and mastering not only a computer, but all modern engineering programs. They do not want to let such a specialist go, he is needed, in demand and speaks the same language with young subordinates.

This is just one example. Now think about how many opportunities open up the ability to use a computer to make money remotely via the Internet. Even after learning how to use a text editor, you can write.

It is already a necessity to be familiar with the computer today. It doesn't matter where you study, today there is a huge amount of useful materials, courses, schools on the Internet.

On this I will end. I hope this article was useful to you and helped you understand the main points. Move forward, improve, be better. And that's all for today, thanks for your attention and bye!

After purchasing a computer, the user usually gets a bare system with a minimal set of applications. How to print text on a computer if there is no text editor. And the newly minted user first of all starts looking for ways to install a Word from Microsoft. What do you need it for? Well, if you are really a professional, then you need this program. But why is she to a beginner? To write a few lines of text and that's it.

The functionality of the office suite from Microsoft is huge and is needed for professional use. In order to write small notes and articles, a text editor is quite enough, which is already in the Windows system. You probably did not even suspect that you already have such a program. And no need to buy or use the unlicensed version.

Program for printing WordPad text in Windows

Wordpad is a program for creating, modifying and in the Windows system. Supports the following text document formats: TXT, ODT, RTF.
The texts created in this text editor can be decorated with different fonts. Symbols can be highlighted in color and have different styles. You can insert a picture or photo into the text.

The appearance of the WordPad program

Appearance text editor WordPad resembles Microsoft® Word, but contains a minimum of tools. There is a ruler at the top of the document. With its help, you can set a red line in a paragraph. And the preview function will allow you to see the entire page.

You can read an additional description of the interface of the Wordpad program in the article.

How to start WordPad on Windows

Press the menu Start and in the program search bar we type WordPad ... The name of the text editor appears in the list. Click on it and open the program.

Calling up the WordPad editor

We see a white sheet of paper in front of us. Now you can type your text.

Basic typing techniques

  • Words must be spaced using the key Space (the largest button on the keyboard).
  • A capital letter or a character from the upper row above the numbers can be printed by pressing simultaneously with the button Shift desired key with a letter or sign.
  • Punctuation marks are put together with the words after which they are written. A dash is highlighted with spaces on both sides.
  • You don't need to erase the entire word to correct the wrong letter or symbol. Just click with the mouse pointer after it and press the button Backspace .

How to save typed text

Press the menu button and select the item Save .
In the window that opens, you need to give a name to your document and specify the location for saving. Here you can also change the file type (the default is the universal RTF type).

Saving a text file

More detailed instructions on working with text can be found in the help of the program.

How to print a saved file

After you have saved the text, you can print it on the printer. If the printer is connected to your computer, follow these steps.

In the Windows 7 operating system, click the button in the upper left corner of the WordPad program, as shown. If you have a different version of the system, then this will be the button File ... Next choose Seal ... You have three options for action:

How to upload to a USB flash drive

If you are unable to print the file on your printer, then the text must be dropped onto a USB flash drive and printed on another PC or laptop with a connected printer. Connect your USB flash drive to your computer.

Sending a file to a USB flash drive

Open the folder with the saved text file. Right-click on it. Choose an item send ... We go along the arrow to the right, select our flash drive and click on it with the left mouse button.

Attention! The name of your flash drive will differ from the one shown in the screenshot.

Now open your USB stick to make sure the copied file is present.

I hope you have received an exhaustive answer to the question: "How to print text on a computer, print it and upload it to a USB flash drive?" But if you still have little functionality, give it a try. It has sufficient functionality for working with text.

Unlike Wordpad, you can add tables in it. It also contains a program for creating presentations and a spreadsheet editor. By the way, in the Write editor I create from this package. Try it. If you don't like it, then put Microsoft Word. But please note that this is a paid product.

PS: Modern children try to type on a typewriter

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In this article, we will briefly consider the above utilities + the LibreOffice software package (a free analogue of Microsoft Office) and Google Docs.

Suitable if you just need to write down some information.

Here you can only change the type of font and its size. In principle, you can type text and make headings.

By default, in Windows, text files with (extension ".txt") are opened using notepad. You can create it as follows.

In the folder, or on the desktop, on an empty space, right-click and select "New"> "Text Document".

The new file can be named immediately.

Now you can open the created file and print.

This is a more functional analogue of a notepad. The program is freely distributed and you can download it from the official website at the link below.


There are few ways to format text, but it is unrealistically convenient to use it to edit site pages.

In the picture above, you can see the display of a simple HTML file. Simple text can be typed and printed.

You can open a document for editing in Notepad ++ from the context menu.

Click on the file with the right mouse button and select "Edit with Notepad ++".


Next in functionality is WordPad. There are already significantly more options for formatting text and all these functions are located on the "Home" tab.

By default, WordPad opens .rtf (Rich Text Format) files. You can create an rtf file in the same way as a txt file.

You can try to open Microsoft Office documents using WordPad. In most cases, a notification will appear that there is no support for all functions and some of the content may not be displayed correctly.

But, you can create a new document, type text, format it a little and print.


It is a freely redistributable analogue of Microsoft Office. I don't know why everyone hasn't switched to LibreOffice (or OpenOffice) until now. Probably, Microsoft has something like that (attractive) :).

LibreOffice has a program that uses, by default, the "ODT" format. You can create a new document from the context menu.

This is a full-fledged text editor in which you can, if not everything, then a lot.

You open it, type in the text, format it as needed and print it.

I find it convenient to use LibreOffice for three reasons:

  1. it is free software;
  2. satisfies all my needs in test formatting (which can be counted on the fingers :));
  3. you can open a Microsoft Word document.

Moreover, you can not only open a Microsoft Word file, but also save the ODT file in DOC and / or DOCX format.

Google Docs

Now almost all computers are connected to the network and it is a sin not to use this technology. You need a Google account and that's it.

The advantage over offline programs is colossal:

  • automatic saving;
  • several people can work with one document at once.

Automatic saving allows you not to worry about your files if you suddenly turn off the light or the hard drive with one copy of the document is out of order.

Two or three people editing the same document can significantly increase your efficiency.

Go to the address:


Click "Start"

All files uploaded to Google Drive will be displayed. Click on the "+" at the bottom right and create a new one.

We type the text, format it and you can print it.

To give access to another user, click on the access settings (blue button at the top right) and give permissions.

This is probably ideal for working with text.

You can also edit Microsoft Word files using Google Docs. To do this, you need to install the extension from the link below.


Add the extension to Google Chrome.

Click on the file with the right mouse button and select "Open with ..."

The document can now be edited.

Enjoy printing.

Programs for printing text in Russian are collected in this heading. All programs can be downloaded for free with activation keys.

FontCreator is an application with which you can develop your own unique font for working with graphics programs. You can download in Russian + the activation code on this website. This utility is able to recreate even a handwritten font by scanning to digital format. However, the easiest way to design a font is to format the previously used one. Free download FontCreator Pro + activation code Password for all archives: 1progs To create a new font, you need ...

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EmEditor is a program designed for text editing. The application is small but very functional. You can download the utility for free on this site. The main advantage of this utility is the high speed of the process. To this day, this application is the highest speed text converter and is very popular with programmers, IT specialists and website developers. But thanks to its huge set of functions, the program is also used by ordinary people. Free download EmEditor Professional 18.9.12 Russian version Password for all archives: ...

Evernote is a widely used, highly sought-after application for creating and editing notes. You can download the Russian version of the program for free on this page. With Evernote for Windows 10, 7, 8, XP, you won't forget anything - the service will remind you of both minor details and the most important events. Since all records are stored on the server, you can view and modify them from any device. It is only important that the application is installed on it, and ...

Word 2013 is a text editor that lets you work with images, videos, and other information. This is the most successful product from Microsoft. Many users use the program to work with office documents. The developers regularly improve the office suite. This version has a rather attractive interface, which has become more functional. It may take a while to install Word 2013 because there are many different tools included in the program. Free download Microsoft Word 2013 x64 activated Free download Microsoft Word ...

The manufacturing company is Microsoft. The previous version is Microsoft Word 2013. The developers assure that the new version of Word is not an updated version of the old program. It was written absolutely "from scratch". The program works properly on OS: Windows 10,8,7 and Mac OS. Before it was officially introduced, users could install a trial version to experience the benefits of the new product, it did not require Word 2016 activation. From the date of issue, throughout the year, each ...

The most popular text editor is Microsoft Word. Users from all over the world love the 2010 version of this app. This is exactly the text editor that will help you create documents with the ease of a professional. You can download this program without any problems. On the Internet, you can find special sites where you will find the keys to Word 2010. With this program, you can not only create a new document, but also edit existing ones using modern tools ...

FontLab Studio is a typeface software product for professionals designed for design and typography. The program is compatible with the most popular fonts. Its interface is quite simple, does not differ aesthetic appeal, but it is very easy to work with it. The software allows you to open a font in a specific folder, system fonts, and can also view all PC data and find all the fonts that are on the device. Free download FontLab Studio 6.1.3 Password for all archives: 1progs ...

It may seem that printing documents is a simple process that does not require additional programs, because everything you need to print is in any text editor. In fact, the possibilities of transferring text to paper can be greatly enhanced with the help of additional software. This article will describe 10 such programs.

FinePrint is a small program that is installed on your computer as a printer driver. It can be used to print a document in the form of a book, booklet or brochure. Its settings allow you to slightly reduce ink consumption when printing and set a custom paper size. The only drawback is that FinePrint is paid for.

pdfFactory Pro

pdfFactory Pro also integrates into the system under the guise of a printer driver, whose main task is to quickly convert a text file to PDF. It allows you to set a password for the document and protect it from copying or editing. pdfFaktori Pro is distributed on a paid basis and to get a full list of features, you will have to purchase a product key.

Print Conductor

Print Conductor is a standalone program that solves the problem of simultaneously printing a large number of different documents. Its main function is the ability to compose a print queue, while it is capable of transferring absolutely any text or graphic file to paper. This makes Print Conductor stand out from the rest as it supports 50 different formats. Another feature is that the version for personal use is completely free.

GreenCloud Printer

GreenCloud Printer is an ideal option for those who are trying their best to save on consumables. Everything is here to reduce ink and paper consumption when printing. In addition to this, the program keeps statistics on the saved materials, provides the ability to save a document to PDF or export to Google Drive and Dropbox. Of the shortcomings, only a paid license can be noted.


priPrinter is a great program for anyone who needs to print an image in color. It contains a huge number of tools for working with pictures and a built-in printer driver, with which the user is able to see how the print will look on paper. priPrinter has one drawback that combines it with the above programs - it is a paid license, and the free version has significantly limited functionality.

CanoScan Toolbox

CanoScan Toolbox is a program specially designed for Canon's CanoScan and CanoScan LiDE series scanners. With its help, the functionality of such devices is greatly increased. There are two templates for scanning documents, the ability to convert to PDF format, scanning with OCR, quick copy and print, and much more.


BOOK PRINT is an unofficial plugin that installs directly into Microsoft Word. It allows you to quickly generate a book version of a document created in a text editor, and print it. Compared to other programs of this type, BOOK PRINT is the most convenient to use. In addition, it has additional settings for headers, footers and chapters. It is distributed completely free of charge.

Book Printer

Book Printer is another program that allows you to print a book version of a text document. If we compare it with other similar programs, then it is worth noting that it prints only on sheets of A5 format. She creates books that are convenient to take with you on trips.

SSC Service Utility

SSC Service Utility can be called one of the best programs that is designed exclusively for inkjet printers from Epson. It is compatible with a huge list of such devices and allows you to continuously monitor the status of cartridges, configure them, clean the steam generator, perform automatic actions for the safe replacement of cartridges and much more.


WordPage is an easy-to-use utility that is designed to quickly calculate the print queue of sheets in order to create a book. She can also split one text into several books as needed. If you compare it with other similar software, then WordPage provides the least number of possibilities for printing books.

This article describes programs that can greatly expand the printing capabilities of text editors. Each of them was created for a specific purpose or for specific devices, so it would be useful to combine their work. This will overcome the disadvantage of one program with the advantage of another, which will significantly improve print quality and save on consumables.