Dicter doesn't work. Free Dicter translator for undemanding users

Dicter translator is used to translate texts from one language to another online. To use the program, it is necessary that the Internet is connected on the user's computer during work.

Free program - online translator Dicter can translate text selected on pages on the Internet, in documents, in a program window on a computer. In addition to the machine translation function, the program can listen to the translation or the source text made by an electronic speaker.

For its work, Dicter translator uses the Google Translate service. You have probably already used this online service to translate from one language to another. To translate text on this service, you will need to open the corresponding Google web page.

Currently, the Dicter translator program has support for about 80 languages. You can choose at your discretion various translation options from the supported languages.

Dicter runs on the Windows operating system. Naturally, this program supports the Russian interface language.

Dicter online translator works in three stages:

  1. Select text or a piece of text.
  2. Pressing the left keys "Ctrl" + "Alt" on the keyboard to translate this text.
  3. Opening the program window with the finished translation.

The only condition is that while using the translator, the computer must have an Internet connection. Since the Dicter program is an online translator, for the operation of this application there is no need to download a large amount of dictionary databases to the user's computer, which are necessary to carry out the function of translating text from one language to another.

Dicter download

Installing Dicter

Start the installation of the Dicter program on your computer.

Next, be careful. Since the Dicter program is free, therefore, during the installation of this program, you are offered the installation of other third-party software. You can refuse to install unnecessary programs on your computer.

After the installation of the application is complete, you can open the main window of the Dicter program from the program shortcut or from the Start menu. If you have not changed the program settings, then by default the program will start when the Windows operating system starts. The program icon will be located in the notification area (tray). From there you can open the main program window or enter its settings.

Dicter interface

The Dicter translator program has two modes of operation: a simplified mode (with one field) and an advanced mode (with two fields). To switch from one mode to another, you will need to move the mouse cursor to the corresponding item, and then click on it with the left mouse button.

In the main window of the program, in the extended mode, the main place is occupied by two fields, located one above the other. The first field is used to insert text that will need to be translated into the appropriate language. Below the field for entering text, on the panel there are buttons with which you can select the target languages, and the button "Translate". Below the panel with buttons there is a field in which the translation of this text will be displayed.

After clicking on the "Settings" (Gear) button, you can go to the program settings. These settings will also be available from the notification area (system tray), after right-clicking on the Dicter icon located there.

After that, you can: open the translation window, get help, find out information about the program, customize the keys for translation, select the appropriate font size, go to the dicter.ru website, enable or disable the autostart of the program, check the program update, exit the program.

By default, the program starts up when the operating system starts. In this case, you can use the program at any time while working on your computer. Naturally, this program will only work if you have an active Internet connection.

If you do not often translate, then you can disable the autostart of the Dicter program so that this program does not take up some space in the memory of your computer during its work. In this case, to use the online translator, you will need to launch the program, after that you can use the program's functions.

You can choose your own combination of any two keys on the keyboard, when pressed, the text will be translated. To do this, you will need to simultaneously press any two keys on the keyboard that you want to use to trigger the translation function.
By default, the Dicter program uses the combination of the left keys "Ctrl" + "Alt" for translation.

Text translation in Dicter translator

In order to translate any text that is posted on a web page on the Internet, or text from an application or document, you will first need to select all the text with the mouse, or only a certain part of this text.

Then you will need to press the key combination on the keyboard: you will need to simultaneously press the left keys "Ctrl" + "Alt". After that, the window of the online translator Dicter will open with the finished translation of this text.

You can simply paste the selected text into the open program window by pasting it into the appropriate field from the clipboard using the program's context menu. In this case, you will need to select a translation option and then click on the "Translate" button.

Of course, the quality of the translation performed with the help of an electronic translator, in some cases, leaves much to be desired, but in any case, you will still understand what was discussed in this text.

In the program window, you can make edits to the translation or to the source text.

You can listen to the translation or the original text performed by an electronic narrator using the buttons: "Listen to the original text" or "Listen to the translation". The button for listening is located in the upper right corner of the corresponding field.

If necessary, you can copy the source text or translation to the clipboard in order to paste this text into any document, or into a text editor window. To do this, click in the upper right corner of the corresponding field on the button "Copy source text", or "Copy translation".

Then paste this text into a document or a word processor.

After closing the main window of the program, the Dicter translator does not turn off, it continues to work. To exit the program, you will need to right-click on the program icon in the notification area. Then, in the context menu that opens, you will need to click on the "Exit" item.

Conclusions of the article

Free online translator Dicter is used to quickly translate from one language to another. This program supports a large number of languages ​​for translation.

Dicter - free online translator (video)

Surely each of us faced the problem of the language barrier, when the translation of a word or sentence was necessary, and searches in the dictionary take a lot of time, and this is where the Narrator online translator comes to the rescue. If you have a need for fast online translation, I suggest paying attention to this translator, who will become your assistant when you need it.

Dicter supports over 40 or more foreign languages. The translator will allow you to easily overcome language obstacles, be it a word or a long text. You can also listen to the translated text and copy it.

It is very easy to use the free online translator Dicter. There are no fancy settings or features that might confuse you. All you need to do is use the Ctrl + Alt key combination, or click on the tray icon.

If Dicter does not suit you, you can download another free text translator in the section of the site.

Dicter Installation Instructions

To install the download file you need to download it. We offer to download Dicter from our website for free without registration and SMS.

Let's say you downloaded the boot file, open it and the following window will appear in front of you

Dicter License Agreement Confirmation. Step 2

The program will offer you the option to install. Please note that in this case it is recommended to select the parameter settings, rather than agree to the full installation, because in this case, along with the installation of Narrator, additional components of the Yandex search engine will be installed on your computer. If you do not need them, we strongly recommend unchecking these checkboxes during the installation process.

Selecting Dicter settings. Step 3

Selecting Dicter Settings

After that, a window will appear in which you can choose a convenient place where you can install the file.

Selecting the Dicter installation folder. Step 4

After you have placed the program in the folder you need, click "Finish" and the installation will be completed. Enjoy your use!

Dicter installation completion process. Step 5

For more information, we suggest watching the video: How to set up and install the Dicter program on your computer:

Dicter Is a small installable translation software from Google Corporation. It easily translates text from browser pages, emails, documents, and so on. However, there are times when Dictator refuses to work. Let's take a look at the reasons why this program might not work and solve the problem.

Most often, program inactivity Dictator means that access to the Internet is blocked for her. Antiviruses and Firewalls (firewalls) can create such an obstacle.

Another reason is that the entire computer is not connected to the Internet. This could be influenced by: a virus in the system, problems in the router (modem), disconnection of the Internet by the operator, failure of settings in OC.

Firewall blocks Internet access

If other programs on your computer can access the Internet, and Dicter does not work, then most likely your installed or standard Firewall (Firewall) restricts the application's access to the Internet.

If Firewall is installed, then you need to open access to the program in the settings Dicter... Each Firewall is customizable.

And if only the standard Firewall works, then you should do the following:

Open the "Control Panel" and enter "Firewall" in the search;

Go to "Additional parameters", where we will configure access to the network;

We press "Rules for outgoing connection";

Having selected our program, we click "Enable Rule" (on the right).

Internet connection check

Program Dictator works only when there is Internet access. Therefore, you should first check if you currently have the Internet.

One of the ways to check the Internet connection can be done through the command line. You can call the command line by right-clicking on Start, then select "Command line".

After "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32>" (where the cursor is already located), type "ping -t". This is how we check the availability of Google's DNS server.

If there is an answer (Answer from ...), and there is no Internet in the browser, then it is likely that there is a virus in the system.

And if there is no answer, then the problem may be in the settings of the Internet protocol TCP \ IP, in the driver of the network card or in the hardware itself.

In this case, you should contact the service center to fix these problems.

Virus blocking Internet access

If a virus has blocked access to the Internet, then, probably, your antivirus will no longer help in eliminating it. Therefore, you need an antivirus scanner, but without the Internet, you cannot run it. You can use another computer to download the scanner and write it to a USB flash drive. Then run an antivirus scanner from a USB flash drive on the infected computer and scan the system.

Reinstall the program

If Dicter does not work, you can uninstall it and reinstall it. It won't take long, but it will probably help. Download the program only from the official website, download link Dicter below.

Here we have considered the common reasons why Dicter does not work and how can I fix it.

In this post, we will discuss the free online translator Dicter ru. It happens that when working with a computer, we come across unfamiliar words in a foreign language. Or vice versa, we write a text in a foreign language, but we just forgot a word.

Of course, in this situation, you can use free online translators, for example, such as Google Translate, which provides fast and high-quality translation of both text and entire sites.

But, if you often have to translate words, expressions or text, the Dicter ru program can come in handy (the link and installation process are given below), which makes it much more convenient to use the capabilities of the Google Translate translator.

Below is a text guide for installing and using the Dicter program. But, you can also use the same instructions, only in the video tutorial, which is at the end of the article.

The principle of operation of the Dicter ru program is very simple! It is enough to select unfamiliar text and press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ ALT:

As a result, we get the translation of the selected text in a nice pop-up window in which you can copy the translated text, change the direction of translation, and even listen highlighted text and translation.

You can also edit the text in advanced mode and translate it again:

Or we write in the language in which we can, after which we select the written text and perform three actions:

  1. We translate the text(keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT) in the language we need;
  2. Copying the translated text using the button shown in the picture above;
  3. Replace the selected section of text with its translation(keyboard shortcut CTRL+V):

Unlike other translators, Dicter Translator does not install hundreds of megabytes of dictionary databases on your computer, which I might never need. The only peculiarity is that you need to be connected to the Internet to make a transfer.

Installing Dicter ru

Download the program to official website.

Perhaps the instructions shown below will differ slightly from reality, since when updating versions, developers can change something, but the essence of the matter does not change.

We start installing the translator and in the first welcome window, click Further:

We agree to the terms of the agreement:

By default, a folder is created Dicter in a shared folder Program Files(on the hard disk of the computer where the operating system is installed) into which this program will be installed. You don't have to change anything here:

And the folder in the menu Start, through which it will be possible to launch this online translator in the future. You can also not change anything:

If you want, you can create a desktop icon to quickly launch the program. But, even if you do not leave the icon or then delete it, it's okay (later I will show where through the menu Start you can run this program):

The installation options are displayed again. Just click Install:

If you want to immediately launch the Dicter ru translator, leave the appropriate checkbox and complete the installation:

After installation, if you had an old version of the program installed, the system may ask you to restart Windows. Reboot for all settings to take effect.

Also, a program icon will appear on the desktop and in the taskbar tray, right-clicking on which brings up a menu where you can find additional features:

We leave Autostart if we want this program to always start when the operating system is started. And if you need to update the Dicter ru translator, you can also do this here by clicking on Check program update.

Or you can go to the official website of the translator Dicter ru yourself and download the new version directly from there.

That's all! And the use of the program is shown at the very beginning of the note.

If you suddenly click on Exit the program, then in the future it can be started again through the menu Start:

Be sure to try this free translator Dicter ru if you need a quick translation from one language to another. Very comfortably!

Below you can see the same instructions for installing and using the Dicter translator, only in the video tutorial: