Samba commands. What is SAMBA? Installing and Testing Samba

2. Get access to Microsoft network resources.

3. Print documents on network printers on the Microsoft network, and also allow you to use your printer as a network printer.

When installing, at the first stage, you need to install the samba, samba-common and samba-client packages:

# rpm –ih / mnt / cdrom / Mandrake / RPMS / samba *

However, if you are using a different distribution (not Mandrake, as indicated in the example), change to the correct directory.

The samba package consists of two main files, smbd and nmbd. The first one is 8MB protocol bearer, and the second one provides support for NetBIOS names. Immediately after configuring them, your computer will appear on the network.

After installation, the smbd and nmbd services are configured as autorun, that is, you do not have to take any steps to start them yourself. Perhaps you are not satisfied with this option (for example, in cases where they will be accessed infrequently and you want to free memory). In this situation, no one bothers to add them to the superserver configuration file /etc/inetd.conf and run them "on demand". In this case, do not forget to only disable their autoload using the system configurator.

In this chapter, we will consider configuring the Samba package "manually", that is, without resorting to the help of the configurator. You can use the netconf configurator (see Fig. 9.1), but in this case there is one "but": if you configure Samba or any other server service in another distribution (not Red Hat or Mandrake), the configurator you are used to may not, so you should know at least the purpose and location of the system files of this or that server service.

Rice. 9.1. Samba configuration

If you do decide to use the configurator, run netconf and go to the Server Tasks tab and select the samba configuration (see Figure 9.1).

With the netconf configurator, you can completely customize the Samba package, from specifying general options (see Figure 9.2) to defining shares (see Figure 9.3).

Rice. 9.2. Common parameters

Rice. 9.Z. Defining Shared Resources

9.2. Setting up a file server

The main configuration file for the Samba server is /etc/smb.conf. It is in it that all used and provided resources are specified. The format of this file is similar to the .INI file format for Windows programs such as win.ini. The /etc/smb.conf file consists of several sections, each of which begins with its name in square brackets. The parameters in each section are indicated in the form of records Name = 3value. The main section is, an example is shown in Listing 9.1.

Listing 9.1. Example of the global section
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF = 8192 SO_SNDBUF = 8192
interfaces =

The workgroup parameter specifies the NT workgroup or domain name. The comment parameter is the same as NT Description for Windows NT or Description for Windows 9x. The guest account parameter specifies the username. Specifying guest as a user means that users get access without registering. Rather, registration still occurs, but a guest account is used.

The next parameter - the security parameter can take three values:

share - the name of the user resource will be requested on each access.

user - for authentication, the username and password that are used to log on to the Windows network will be used. This is the default.

server - the NT server will be used to verify the password.

The printing and printcap name entries are specific to the printing subsystem. The first one specifies a BSD-type printing system, and the second specifies where the file containing information about the printers is located. We will talk about setting up printers a little later.

The client code page and character set parameters are required for the correct display of Russian-language filenames of the Windows file system.

In Windows NT, starting with Service Pack 3, the transmission of passwords over the network is encrypted. Recent versions of Samba support this capability. To do this, set the value of the encrypt password parameter to yes. If your version of Samba does not support this feature, then you can disable the use of encrypted passwords in Windows. Considering that you will have to manually change the registry setting of all Windows workstations, it seems to me that it is easier to update Samba. But if you are still interested in which Windows registry setting you need to change, I will indicate it. In the Windows NT registry key:

you need to create a DWORD key EnablePlainTextPassword and set its value equal to 1. In Windows 9x you need to create the same key, but in the section

In Windows 2000, you need to make changes to the registry key

The log file and max log size parameters define the name of the log file (log) and its maximum size. Socket options are specified using the socket option.

If your computer has multiple network interfaces, you can configure the Samba package to use all interfaces. How I did this is shown in Listing 9.1.

Now let's move on to the next section, which defines the parameters for shared resources. This section is called. An example of the contents of this section is shown in Listing 9.2.

Listing 9.2. Section

Browseable = yes (see Listing 9.2) enables the display of shared resources on the Microsoft network. The writable = yes parameter allows writing to directories (the read only = no parameter can be used instead).

Now let's create a shared directory (see Listing 9.3). This is done in the section.

Listing 9.3. Section

Your knowledge is already enough to make further settings yourself. To conclude this section, I'll give you a couple of practical examples (see Listing 9.4). Note that in smb.conf, comments can be denoted with either a hash (#) or a semicolon (;).

Listing 9.4.
; NETLOGON directory for domain logon
comment = Samba Netlogon Service
; Don't set to yes
; Shared resource profile
path = / usr / local / samba / proflies
; Directory used by user admin
; The admin user must exist on the Samba server

9.3. Accessing SMB shares from Linux

Let's face it, Windows was designed with housewives in mind. Every housewife uses the Network Neighborhood icon on the Windows desktop to browse Microsoft's network resources. Now imagine that this housewife is running Linux and wants to view the network resources. Most likely, she will have certain difficulties. Let's try to solve them now.

The smbclient program is used to view the Microsoft network resources. Let's say you want to connect to the share share of nt_ws1. That being said, let's say that your username is user and password 123456. In this case, using the smbclient command looks like this:

$ smbclient // nt_ws1 / share –U user% 123456

If no password is required, only the username is specified without a percent sign.

After connecting to a share, more specifically a directory, you can use the same commands as with the ftp client (see Table 9.1).

Smbclient Commands Table 9.1

Team Description
Dir List files in a directory
cd [directory] Navigates to the specified directory on the server (note that it is on the server, not on the client computer). If the directory is not specified, then smbclient will simply display the name of the current directory.
get [file] [loc. name] Retrieves the specified file from the share and stores it on the local computer. If a local name is specified, then the file received from the server will be saved on the client computer under this name
put [file] [delete, name] Copies a file to a remote computer (server) and saves it there under the name specified in the remote name field. Accordingly, if this name is not specified, then the file will not be renamed when saving.
rm [directory] rmdir [directory] Removes the specified directory on the remote computer (server)
md [directory] mkdir [directory] Creates the specified directory on the remote computer (server)
mput [files] Copies all specified files to a remote computer (server)
del [files] Deletes the specified files on the server, if, of course, the user has the rights to do so
help Help
exit or quit Ending a session of the smbclient program

The smbclient program is not very convenient to use. It is much more convenient to use the smbmount program, which can mount a remote share like a normal file system. At the same time, it becomes much more pleasant and convenient to use the shared resource later. Below is an example of a command that mounts the customers share of the nt machine using the username user. The mount point is / mnt / customers, the user ID (UID) is 500, and the group (GID) is 100:

smbmount // nt // customers –U user –c "mount / mnt / customers –u 500 –g 100"

For the same purposes, you can use the command:

smbmount // nt / customers / / mnt / customers –U user

Note. Only the root user can use the smbmount command. In order for a regular user to use this program, the Setuid root attribute must be set for it, but this is not a secure solution. The way out of this situation is to run the smbmount program at boot time. In your startup scripts, add a call to the smbmount program to mount the shared filesystems you work with most often. After that, ordinary users will be able to work with remote resources as with a normal local file system.

Rice. 9.4. Shared resources

You can view the shared resources of the computer using the -L option (see Fig. 9.4).

The Browse list (see Figure 9.4) shows other smb servers on the network with available resources. The –I option allows smbclient to handle DNS names. For example, if the domain is called, then you can view the shared resources of the nt_ws1 computer with the command:

$ smbclient –L –I nt

9.4. Linux printer access for Windows machines

We have already done almost everything we can to provide print support. The load printers section parameter loads printers from the / etc / printcap file (see Listing 9.1). The BSD printing system is used. Now all that remains is to define a section of the smb.conf file (see Listing 9.5). This section sets global parameters for all printers, so there is no need to specify them separately for each printer.

Listing 9.5. Section

Some of the parameters used in this section (browseable, writable, comment) have the same meanings as in the section. The path parameter specifies the spooled directory to which files will be copied before printing (the so-called spool printer). The public parameter set to yes allows printing from under the guest account, that is, to everyone. Specify public = no to disable printing from a guest account. In this case, only users registered on the server will have access to the printer. Instead of the public parameter, its synonym is sometimes used - the guest ok parameter. The writable parameter is set to on so that only printable files can be written to the printer spool directory.

You may need to allow only one or a few specific users to print on a specific printer. You can do this as shown in Listing 9.6.

Listing 9.6. Permission to print to a specific user
valid user = root admin administrator

Connecting a network printer connected to a Linux server or Linux station to a Windows computer is carried out in the same way as connecting an ordinary network printer connected to a Windows workstation. In the Windows 98 operating system, do the following:

1. Select the menu command Start → Settings → Printers.

2. Activate the Add Printer Wizard.

3. Select the type of printer: network.

4. Specify the path to the printer or click the "Browse" button to automatically select a resource (see Fig. 9.5).

Rice. 9.5. Connecting a network printer

9.5. Accessing a Windows Printer from Linux Computers

First of all, you need to create the correct entries in the / etc / printcap file. You can see the format of this file in Listing 9.7.

Listing 9.7. Printcap file
# just a comment
: cm = HP 5MP Postscript hp5m on nt_wsl: \
# the name of the device to open for output
# printer spool directory (on local machine)
# printer usage log
# maximum file size.
# If specified, the value is "zero", then the restriction is removed

Listing 9.7 provides (in the comments) a description of the fields in the printcap file, but I think it doesn't hurt to list them separately:

cm - sets a comment;

lp is the name of the device to open for output;

sd - printer spool directory on the local machine;

af - printer usage accounting file;

mx is the maximum file size. If the value "zero" is specified, then the restriction is removed;

if is the name of the input filter.

Returning to configuring access, make sure the directory for the printer spool exists and is writable. You also need to specify an existing output device. In Listing 9.7, this device is / dev / lp0. The Samba package includes the smbprint script. With this script, you can print documents to a network printer using SMB services. It may not be part of your package, so I recreated it in Listing 9.8. This listing is partly adapted from the Samba manual.

Listing 9.8. Smbprint script
# This script is a filter for the printing system using
# It uses the smbclient program to print the file to the network
# a printer that is attached to a Windows workstation.
# smb: lp = / dev / null: sd = / usr / spool / smb: sh: if = / usr / local / samba / smbprint
# The entry creates a unix printer named "smb" which will
# print with this script. You need to create a directory
# spool / usr / spool / smb with proper permissions and ownership
# Set here the server name and printer you want to print to.
# The script was further modified by Michael Hamilton
# so the server, service and password can be read from the file
# /usr/var/spool/lpd/PRINTNAME/.config
# For this to work, the / etc / printcap entry must
# include the usage accounting file (af = ...):
#: cm = CD IBM Colorjet on 6th: \
#: sd = / var / spool / lpd / cdcolour: \
#: af = / var / spool / Ipd / cdcolour / acct: \
#: if = / usr / local / etc / smbprint: \
# The /usr/var/spool/lpd/PRINTNAME/.config file should contain
# File for debug information, can be changed to / dev / null
config_file = $ spool_dir /. config
echo "server $ server, service $ service" >> $ logfile
) | / usr / bin / smbclient "\\\\ $ server \\ $ service" $ password –U $ user –N –P >> $ logfile

You can now print to your network printer. But nevertheless, I still recommend reading the Samba package manual for more information on printing to network printers.

9.6. Sample smb.conf file

Listing 9.9 is an example of my /etc/smb.conf file. Most likely, it will work correctly for you, too.

Listing 9.9. Smb.conf file
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
# I commented out the following lines because they are typical
# just for my config
# socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF = 8192 SO_SNDBUF = 8192
# interfaces =

9.7. SWAT configurator

The Samba Web-based Administrative Tool (SWAT) configurator is used to configure the Samba package through the Web interface. Like other configurators such as netconf or linuxconf, SWAT provides a user-friendly graphical interface for administering the Samba server. The main advantage of this configurator is that you do not need to be at the computer that you are administering. You can administer Samba servers from any computer on your network. As with other configurators, when working with SWAT, you do not need to know the format of the config files, nor their names, nor their locations.

To install SWAT, you need to install the samba-swat package. This package is usually found on the second CD of your Linux installation kit. Install the package with the command:

rpm –ihv

After installing the package, make sure that you have the following entry in your / etc / services file:

The SWAT Configurator uses TCP and port 901 for its work. However, you can assign any other port. If you change the port number, remember to change the port number in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/xinetd.conf.

If you are using the inetd superserver, add the following line to your /etc/inetd.conf file (if not there):

swatstream tcp nowait. 400 root / usr / sbin / swat swat

When using the xinetd superserver, the following swat file will be added to the /etc/xinetd.conf directory (Listing 9.11):

Listing 9.11. FILE /etc/xinetd.conf/swat
# description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat \
# to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, \
# connect to port 901 with your favorite web browser,

If you want to configure the Samba server from any computer on your network, comment out the only_from = entry or set any other SWAT access parameters.

Now you need to restart the superserver. To do this, enter the command:

You can also use the command:

When using inetd, you can restart the superserver with the command:

Everything! The SWAT setup is complete and you can now start configuring Samba using SWAT. To do this, launch your favorite browser and enter the URL:

After establishing a connection, you will see a window asking for a username and password (see Figure 9.6).

Enter your username and password. Then you will see the main configurator window (see Fig. 9.7).

Rice. 9.7. Samba Web Administration Tool

From fig. 9.7 it can be seen that in the SWAT configurator everything that is most needed is "at hand" of the administrator: from documentation to user passwords.

The Globals section defines the values ​​of the global variables (Figure 9.8). You can get a hint on a particular parameter by clicking on the Help link. You can set the default value by clicking the Set Default button.

Rice. 9.8. Samba Global Variables

The Shares section defines the shared resources, and the Printers section defines the shared printers. The state of the Samba server can be viewed in the Status section (see Fig. 9.9). Here you can start, stop and restart the SMB and NMB services. In this section, you can end any connection to the Samba server, as well as view the connection status.

Rice. 9.9. Status section

The Passwords section defines the users who have access to the Samba server.

(thanks to one of the readers for the question on this topic!). That is, I will tell you how to make Documents see files from your personal computer.

We will use SMB technology to access PC files.

SMB (abbreviated from the English Server Message Block) is an application-level network protocol for remote access to files, printers and other network resources, as well as for interprocess communication.

For convenient operation and settings, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch must be in the same Wi-Fi network with a computer.

Configuring SMB in Documents

Go to the program settings (icon in the upper left corner). Then poke the "Network" section and click "Add account".

Choose the storage service “Windows SMB”.

It remains to drive in the parameters:

  • Title - write whatever you want. :)
  • URL - See the sections below for Mac OS and Windows.
  • Domain is optional.
  • Login - user login on a computer that has access to files (see sections below)
  • Password - the user's password on the computer (see sections below)

Everything, SMB is configured. Now you can get access to computer files literally in 1 click and, depending on the settings, read them, copy or even change them.

Configuring SMB on Mac OS (OS X)

Open System Preferences and look for Sharing.

If you click the "Options" button, a window should pop up, in which a check mark is needed opposite the item: Sharing files and folders using SMB.

Also indicate which account will be granted access via SMB (you will need to enter the password from it).

Now, in the window, configure “Shared Folders”. They will be visible in Documents. And the users who will have access to them.

Configuring SMB on Windows

In Windows, the most important thing is to find out your IP address. This can be done by pressing the Win + R keys. The cmd window (command line) will open. There, type in the ipconfig command (and press Enter). Your line “IPv4 Address”. It is this IP that needs to be driven into Documents.

Login and password can be used the one that you use to log into Windows. Next, you need to share the folder that you want to make available via SMB.

Right mouse button on the folder. Select Properties from the menu. And then the tab "Access" and in it you need to click the button "Share".

This is an easy way to add a folder for SMB. You need to look for advanced settings for specific situations on specialized sites.

Configuring the SAMBA file server is relatively simple; for the service to work correctly, you need to configure only one file - smb.conf. This file defines which system resources are allowed access to the outside world, and what restrictions exist on the use of these resources.

The configuration file is in text format and is divided into sections. Each section starts with a section heading such as, etc. All section names in the smb.conf file are enclosed in square brackets.
This section defines the variables that Samba will use to determine access to all resources. All other sections describe a separate server resource.
A dedicated section allows remote users to access their home directories. So if Windows users try to connect to this partition from their Windows machines, they will be connected to their personal home directories.
Individual records in sections are specified according to the formula name = value.
The following is a description of all the variables, the values ​​of which can be set in the configuration file.

Variable substitution

Before describing the smb.conf file, this section describes the use of variable substitution. It can be used on many lines in the smb.conf file. Samba performs substitutions before processing the command.
Below is a list of all possible substitution variables:
-% S The name of the current service,
-% P Root directory of the current service,
-% u User of the current service,
-% g Main group% u,
-% U Username for the session (may be different from the name requested by the client),
-% G Main group% U,
-% H User's home directory,
-% v Samba version,
-% h Name of the host that Samba is running on,
-% m NetBIOS name of the client computer,
-% L NetBIOS server name. This variable can be useful if you run multiple NetBIOS servers on the same Samba server;
-% M Hostname for the client computer;
-% R Protocol level selected after connection establishment; -% d Number of the current server process;
-% a Client operating system (value may not be correct).
Currently, systems such as Samba, Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT, and Windows 95 are recognized. If the system is unknown to Samba, the value is UNKNOWN.
-% I IP address of the client machine;
-% T Current date and time.

Base options
The main parameters on the advanced settings page determine how the Samba server looks from the client side and in which workgroups and networks it is available. All major parameters are discussed below.

Workgroup parameter

The default is workgroup. This parameter determines which workgroup the server will be in. Upon receiving a request from a client, the Samba server will report that it belongs to the workgroup specified by this parameter.
This parameter is also used to set the domain name (the security parameter is set to domain) if the Samba server must connect to an NT domain or Samba itself is used as a domain controller.
The following example installs the bee-hive workgroup:

Workgroup bee-hive

NetBIOS name parameter

By default, Samba uses the computer's DNS name as the NetBIOS name of the server. If you are not using DNS this field will be blank.
This parameter sets the NetBIOS name of the Samba server. By default, it is the same as the first component of the DNS hostname.
The following example sets the NetBIOS name sugar:

Netbios name sugar

NetBIOS aliases parameter

The default is an empty string (no aliases).
The parameter is intended to create a group of NetBIOS names that nmbd will advertise as additional names for which the Samba server can provide services. However, even if the computer is running as a browser server or logon server, these names are not advertised as the names of the view server or authorization server; only the main NetBIOS name of the system will be the name of the view server or authorization server.
The following example creates the NetBIOS aliases sweetie and honey:

Netbios aliases = sweetie honey

After you set this parameter, the server will respond not only to its main name (sugar), but also to the names sweetie and honey.

Server string parameter

By default, the server description line is the Samba version number (the corresponding value in the smb.conf file is samba% v). Another substitution variable that is convenient to use in the server description line is% h (it specifies the name of the host on which the server is running). The parameter determines which text string will appear on clients as a comment to the server when browsing the network, as well as when executing the net view command. Any string can be used as a value.
The following example sets the sugar server description string to Sugar - The Bee-Hive Workgroup:

Server string = SuSe Samba Server

The interfaces parameter

This parameter allows you to specify multiple network interfaces so that the Samba server can properly use the browsing service. The parameter value is a list of pairs IP address - subnet mask. The subnet mask can be specified in one of two types - bitwise or length.
For example, the following line:

Interfaces =

specifies two network interfaces with IP addresses and The subnet masks for these interfaces are the same and are set to
The same effect can be achieved with the line:

Interfaces =

The interfaces parameter allows you to use both formats.
If this parameter is not specified, then Samba tries to find the primary interface, but will not use additional interfaces. If your computer does not have several network cards installed, then leave this parameter empty; Samba will find your network card and will automatically detect the IP address and subnet mask.
If you have two or more NICs, also read the description of the bind interfaces parameter below.

Bind interfaces only parameter

This global parameter allows you to restrict the list of computer network interfaces for which SMB requests will be processed. The smbd file service and the nmbd naming service use the value of this parameter slightly differently.
The nmbd service uses ports 137 and 138 of the network interfaces specified in the interfaces parameter, as well as ports 137 and 138 for address in order to receive broadcast messages. If bind interfaces only is not set, then nmbd handles all requests to the naming service on these sockets. If the parameter is set to yes, then the sender address is checked for packets received on the broadcast socket, and the request is processed only if this address is in one of the subnets specified by the interfaces parameter; in addition, processing of packets arriving through interfaces not specified in the interfaces parameter is not performed. However, this is not a security method. IP spoofing is a well-known method to bypass this simple check.
For the smbd service, if the bind interfaces only parameter is set to yes, only requests from the interfaces specified in the interfaces parameter will be processed. This limits the list of networks for which SMB requests are processed. You must also add to the address list in the interfaces parameter. The IP address, also called local address, is the default address for testing and other functions for all Ethernet cards. If you do not include this address in the interfaces parameter, the local means of interacting with the service may behave in unpredictable ways.
Parameter default value:

Bind interfaces only = No

To set a parameter, change this line to the following:

Bind interfaces only = Yes

These parameters determine how the smbd service responds to client requests. All of the options below help you protect your system and hide the differences between Windows and UNIX. We have already discussed one of the parameters in the previous section - the workgroup parameter when using the NT domain security policy can also be referred to as security parameters.

Security parameter

The default value is security = user, as it is most commonly used when interacting with Windows 95/98 and Windows NT. If the usernames on your client machines are the same as theirs on the UNIX server, then you should use
security = user. However, in this case, it is more difficult to create shared disks for public access. Regardless of which option you choose for your network, the interaction between the client and the server follows the scheme described below. The server follows this procedure to determine if it will allow a connection to the shared resource. If all steps fail, the connection will be refused. If one of the steps was successful, the following steps are skipped:
1) if the client has passed the name / password pair and the security system of the Fenix ​​AIA has confirmed its correctness, then the connection is made under the given username. This option includes the NT method of passing the username along with the share name: \\ sugar \ sharel edwardb;
2) if the client specified a username when establishing a previous connection and this time passed the correct password for this name, then the connection is allowed;
3) the client's NetBIOS name and all previously used usernames are compared with the transmitted password. If the password matches one of the names, the connection is allowed; 4) if the client previously transmitted the username / password pair, and it was recognized by the server as correct, then the connection for this username is allowed. If the revalidate parameter is set to yes, then this step is skipped;
5) if a list of users is specified in the smb.conf file using the user parameter for a shared resource to which an attempt is made to connect, and the client has passed the correct password for one of the users, then the connection for this user is allowed;
6) if the shared resource is a resource for public access, then a connection is made under the username specified for this resource using the guest account parameter, regardless of the password passed.
The security parameter has four available values:

Security = user (user-level security);
security = share (resource-level security);
security = server (server-level security);
security = domain (domain-level security).

The default is security = user. User-level security requires the client to connect to the shared resources using the correct username and password (the correspondence of which to the usernames of the Phoenix AIA can be specified using the username map parameter). This security mode can also use encrypted passwords (see the encrypt passwords parameter). If parameters such as user and guest only are set, then they are applied and can change the name of the user with whose rights the connection is established - but this happens only after successful user authentication. This is due to the fact that the name of the resource, the connection request to which is made, is sent to the server only after the client has successfully authenticated. That is why publicly available resources will not work when using user-level security without automatically mapping users unknown to the server to the guest account (see the map to guest parameter, Security options, 6).
Security = share does not require clients to connect to the server using a username and password before attempting to connect to the shared resource. Windows 95/98 and Windows NT clients, when connecting to a server that uses resource-level security, will still send an authentication request with a username but no password. Authentication passwords are sent by clients for each resource separately, directly when trying to connect to it. The smbd service always fulfills client requests on behalf of an existing AIA Phoenix user, even when using resource-level security. The smbd daemon uses several methods to determine which particular user it should be running as a given request. First, a list of possible users is created to check the password, then the password is checked:
If the smbd parameter is set, then all other stages are skipped and only the name of the guest account is checked.
If, when requesting to connect to a shared resource, the client passed a username, this username (after being mapped to local names, see the username map parameter) is added to the list.
If the client has connected to the server before, then the name it used during the previous connection is added to the list. The name of the resource the client is requesting to connect to is also added to the list as the username. The NetBIOS client name is also added to the list.
If the guest only parameter is not set, then a check is made that the password specified by the client matches all names from the list. The first user from the list for which this password matches will be the UNIX user on whose behalf smbd runs.
If the guest only parameter is set or the username corresponding to the password is not found, then a check is made to see if the requested resource is publicly available.
If the resource is publicly available, then smbd runs on behalf of the guest user, otherwise the connection will be refused.
In the security - server mode, Samba tries to check the correctness of the password for the given username by passing them on to another SMB server (possibly an NT system). If the check fails, then Samba switches to using user-level security (security = user).
From the client's point of view, security = server is no different from security = user. The only difference is how the server authenticates. Remember that the name of the resource requested by the client is not sent to the server until the user is successfully authenticated. This is why publicly accessible resources will not work with server-level security, unless you allow the server to automatically map unknown users to the guest account (see the map to guest parameter).
The security = domain mode only works correctly if the Samba server was added to the Windows NT domain using the smbclient program. It is expected that using this mode will enable encrypted passwords (see encrypted passwords). In this mode, Samba tries to validate the password by passing it to the primary or secondary domain controller, just like Windows NT does. From the client's point of view, security = domain is no different from security = user. As in the case
security = server, the name of the requested resource is not sent to the server until the authentication is successful. This is why publicly accessible resources will not work under domain-level security unless you allow the server to automatically map unknown users to the guest account (see the map to guest parameter).
The default is:

Security = USER

To set up domain-level security use:

Security = DOMAIN

Encrypt passwords parameter

This parameter specifies whether encrypted passwords should be used when communicating with the client. Windows NT 4.0 SP3 and later, and Windows 95/98 by default (unless you make special changes to the registry) expect encrypted passwords to be used. Unless you have legacy applications that only run Windows for Workgroups or DOS clients, set encrypt passwords = yes. (Do you really want to edit the registry on every client?).
Default value:

Encrypt passwords = No

To enable encrypted passwords, change this line to:

Encrypt passwords = Yes

Update encrypted parameter

This parameter is intended for those administrators and users who are migrating from older versions of Samba or Windows. It allows you to make a gradual transition to using encrypted passwords - without the need for each user to re-set their password using the smbpasswd program at the time of transition. If all users already have an encrypted representation of their password in the smbpasswd file, this parameter should be set to No. For Samba to work properly, when the smooth transition to encrypted passwords is enabled (Update encrypted = yes), the encrypt passwords parameter must be set to yes.
Default value:

Update encrypted - No

To enable smooth transition to encrypted passwords, change this line to:

Update encrypted - Yes

Map to guest parameter

This parameter is very important when using security at the user, server, or domain level. The fact is that in these modes the name of the requested resource will not be transmitted to the server until the user has successfully authenticated. The parameter can take three different values, which determine the behavior of smbd in the event that the username specified by the client does not match any of the UNIX system usernames:
- never is the default. Access for users who specified an incorrect password will be denied;
- bad user access for users who specified an incorrect password will be denied if the specified username is available in the Phoenix AIA. Otherwise, the user is considered a "guest" and gets the rights of a guest account;
- bad password all users who have specified an incorrect password are considered "guests" and receive the rights of a guest account. Do not use this mode. If it is enabled, then the user who typed their password incorrectly connects to the system as a "guest" without any warning and as a result cannot access their files.
Default value:

Map to guest = never

To change the value of the parameter to bad user, use:

Map to guest = bad user

The null passwords parameter

This parameter allows or denies client access to accounts for which no password has been set. This is another option that should not be enabled.
Default value:

Null passwords = No

To enable the parameter, change this to:

Null passwords = Yes

Password server parameter

This parameter allows you to specify the name of another SMB server. When operating in domain-level security or server-level security, Samba will check the correctness of names / passwords using the specified remote server. You must specify the NetBIOS server name as the value for the parameter. If the NetBIOS name of the server is different from its Internet name, specify the server name in the lmhosts file (it is located in the same directory as smb.conf). The password server address is determined using the methods listed in the name resolve order parameter, in that order. The password server must be a system capable of using the LM 1.2X002 or LM NT 0.12 protocol, and the server must operate in a user-level security mode. Do not tell your
Samba server to itself as a password server! This can cause loops and hang your server.
If you are using domain-level security, then the parameter discussed should specify the name of your primary or secondary domain controller. In this case, you can specify a list of names as the value of the password server parameter, and smbd will try to access these servers one by one until it receives a response from one of them. This is useful if your primary domain controller has suddenly gone down.
If you are using server-level security, there are additional restrictions. Again, you can specify a list of names for the password server value; however, if one of the listed servers fails, it will no longer authenticate users. This is a limitation of the SMB / CIFS protocol and cannot be fixed in Samba.
By default, the parameter value is an empty string:

Password server =

To enable verification of usernames and passwords with the sugar and terrapin NetBIOS servers, specify:

Password server = sugar, terrapin

The root directory parameter

At startup, the server will make the specified directory its root directory. Changing the root directory from / to something else increases the security of the system. However, there is a price to pay for every security improvement. If you use this parameter, you can be sure that there is no way for the server to access files outside the directory tree starting at the specified root directory. This also applies to the files required for the normal operation of the server. In particular, you may need to create copies of the files usually found in the / etc directory.
Default value:

Root directory = /

To set the / opt / samba / home directory as root, use:

Root directory = / opt / samba / home

Username map parameter

The parameter sets the file containing the rules for mapping the client's usernames to the usernames of the Phoenix AIA. This parameter is for convenience only (think about the additional overhead of the display). If you are going to display the names of all users on clients, why not just create corresponding UNIX users for them? This is the best place to map an NT Administrator user to a UNIX root user (if you need cross-platform administrative access).
Each line of the file describing the mapping rules must begin with one username in the Phoenix AIA, followed by a list of names after the = sign. In this list, the special character * can be used to designate an arbitrary name. The maximum length of one line is 1023 characters. There is no limit on the number of lines. The file with display rules is processed line by line. If the line starts with # or; - it is ignored. For example, to define the mapping of admin and administrator to root on UNIX systems, specify the following line in the file:

# entry for mapping NT-administrator to root
root = admin administrator

By default, displaying users is not enabled - the parameter value is an empty string:

In our example, the rules file is named and is located in the / usr / local / samba / 1ib directory:

Username map = /usr/local/samba/1ib/

Password level parameter

Some client-server combinations make it difficult to use passwords containing both upper and lower case letters. Most modern clients have no problem handling mixed case passwords. This parameter is actually intended to work with Windows for Workgroups, which requires an uppercase password when using the LANMAN1 protocol. The value of the parameter under discussion is a number that specifies the maximum possible number of uppercase characters in a password. The larger it is, the more likely it is that the upper case password will be considered correct, even though the real password contains both upper and lower case characters. You should be aware that using this option decreases the security of the system and increases the time it takes to establish a new connection. If your network has peg old Windows for Workgroups or DOS clients, leave this setting at the default (zero). In this case, only two passwords are checked - the password sent by the client, and the same password, all characters of which are converted to lower case.
For example, if the client sent the STRAW password and password level = 1, then if the password itself did not fit, the following combinations will also be checked:

Straw, sTraw, stRaw. strAw. Straw
If password level = 2, then passwords will also be checked:

STraw StRaw. StrAw. StraW. sTRaw. sTrAw.
Default value:

Password level = 0

The example below is set to 4:

Password level = 4

Username level parameter

This parameter, like the previous one, is intended for use by Samba with legacy clients. DOS clients always pass the username in uppercase. By default, Samba tries to use a lowercase name followed by a lowercase name with the first uppercase letter. If these two attempts to find the matching name on the UNIX system are unsuccessful, the client will be refused connection. However, if the username level parameter is nonzero, then Samba's behavior changes. The value of this parameter is the number of different name variations (obtained by converting individual characters to uppercase) that will be checked against the name on a UNIX system. The higher the number, the more combinations are checked. Again, as with the password level, using this parameter decreases both security and performance. The higher the value of the parameter, the slower the search for the name is. This parameter can be useful if you have strange names like WhatALongStrangeNamenic on your UNIX system or if you are using DOS or Windows for Workgroups clients.
Default value:

Username level = 0

Set to 5:

Username level = 5

Revalidate parameter

This option only works when using resource-level security (security = share). It determines whether Samba will allow a previously verified username / password pair to be used to connect to a new share. By default, connections are allowed without retesting. If you set the parameter to yes, then connect to \\ sugar \ lesh and finally try to connect to \\ sugar \ hart, Samba will not allow the client to automatically connect, even though the client will send the same username as before.
Default value:

Revalidate = No

Revalidate = Yes

Username parameter

Another option for working with legacy DOS and Windows for Workgroups clients. As with password level and username level, using this parameter degrades system security and performance. The parameter value must be a list of usernames separated by commas. The password supplied by the client is checked against each of these names in turn.

Guest account parameter

This parameter sets the username used to access public resources (see guest of). The privileges of this user are given to any clients connecting to publicly accessible resources. The user specified as the parameter value should not be able to log on normally.

Guest account = nobody

To use ftp as a guest account, change this line to the following:

Guest account = ftp

Parameter invalid users

invalid users = administrator if you don't need cross-platform administration.

Invalid users =

Invalid users = administrator admin

The valid users parameter

Valid users = phil

The admin users parameter

Admin users = georgeh

Read list parameter

In order to enable phi! and cheese is read-only access, use:

Read list = phil cheese

Write list parameter

The default is an empty string (no user gets write access to read-only resources):

Write list = admin root

Hosts allow parameter

The value of this parameter is a list of nodes that are allowed to access the service. Comma, space and tab character can be used as separators. If specified in the globals section, then it applies to all shared resources; moreover, if access is denied for a specific resource for one of the hosts specified in the hosts allow list in the globals section, then access is still allowed. The nodes in the list can be specified by name, IP address, or IP address-subnet mask pair. When using the wildcard * to specify exceptions, the except keyword is also valid.

Hosts allow = localhost, 192.168. *. *

Hosts allow - localhost,

Hosts allow = localhost, terrapin, deal

Hosts allow - localhost, except

Hosts deny parameter

Hosts deny - 192.168.111. *

Samba performs well logging of events and errors, allowing you to diagnose and fix problems that have arisen. As an administrator, you have a wide choice of what to log and where. When solving a complex problem, we may also need to increase the debug level, but keep in mind that Samba outputs a lot of information at high debug levels.

Log level parameter

This parameter is synonymous with debug level and sets the debug level. The default debug level is 0:

Debug level = 0

To set debug level 3:

Debug level = 3

Syslog parameter

The parameter sets the threshold value for sending messages to the syslog. Messages with a debug level lower than the threshold will be sent to the syslog.
Samba uses the following debug level values:

Debug level 0 corresponds to LOG_ERR;
- debug level 1 corresponds to LOG_WARNING;
- debug level 2 corresponds to LOG_NOTICE;
- debug level 3 corresponds to LOG_INFO;
- all higher levels correspond to LOG_DEBUG.

The default is 1:

To set threshold value 3 (LOG_INFO):

Syslog only parameter

If this parameter is set, then Samba sends debug messages only to the syslog, not writing them to its own log file.
By default, debug messages are both sent to the syslog and written to Samba's own log file:

Syslog only = No

To disable duplicate messages and send them only to the system log, set:

Syslog only = Yes

Log file parameter

This parameter allows you to change the default location and name of the Samba log file. You can use standard Samba substitution variables in the parameter value. The most commonly used:
-% m hostname,
-% u user.
The default is set at compile time:

Log file = /var/log/samba/log.smb

To use the log file /opt/log/samba/samba.log:

Log file = /opt/log/samba/samba.log

If the value of the log file parameter is:

Log file = /opt/log/samba/samba.%m

then for the deal node the log file will be named /opt/log/samba/ This approach is useful when you are doing centralized logging for all servers.

Max log size parameter

This parameter specifies the maximum size of the log file. Its value is the size limit in kilobytes. Samba keeps track of the size of the log file, and if it exceeds the specified value, it renames the file by appending the extension .old to its name. A value of 0 means there is no size limit for the log file. Default value:

Max log size = 5000

To double the default log file size limit:

Max log size = 10000

Timestamp logs parameter

Samba, by default, marks all entries in the log file with a timestamp. This option allows you to disable the time stamp. Use it when you need to sort out a problem but don't need timestamps. Default value:

Timestamp logs = Yes

To turn off the timestamp:

Timestamp logs = No

Status parameter

Protocol options

This section describes the network protocol parameters, from version and block size to text that your server will use to identify its network shares. With these parameters, you can control how the Samba server looks from the perspective of Windows servers, tweak it to improve performance, and define how Samba finds network shares.

The protocol parameter

This parameter sets the maximum protocol level that the server will support; you do not need to change it. The correct protocol level will be found during the autodetection phase in the SMB protocol. Available parameter values:
- CORE The first version of the protocol. Currently not used;
- COREPLUS More efficient protocol, but very primitive;
- LANMAN1 Next version. Supports long names. The so-called LAN Manager protocol;
- LANMAN2 Several enhancements to the LAN Manager protocol;
- NT1 The current version of the protocol, also called CIFS (Common Internet File System).
Default value:

To use, for example, the LANMAN1 protocol, specify:

Protocol = LANMAN1

Read bpmx parameter

This parameter specifies whether smbd should support Read Block Multiplex capability, and is rarely used.
Default value:

To set this parameter, change its value to yes:

Read bpmx = Yes

Read raw parameter

This parameter specifies whether the server should support raw read smb requests when sending data to clients. The included support for such requests allows you to read 65,535 bytes in a single packet, which can significantly improve performance.
Default value:

To turn off support for "raw" reading, change the parameter value:

Write raw parameter

By default, this parameter is set to yes, which enables optimized low-level file writing. Some servers may not support this feature, and disabling it in this case will improve performance.
Default value:

Write raw = Yes

Changing the value can improve the performance of some servers:

NT smb support option

This parameter determines whether smbd should use the NT-specific features of the SMB protocol when working with NT clients. The parameter is considered intended for debugging.
Default value:

Nt support = Yes

To turn off NT-specific SMB feature support:

Nt support = No

NT pipe support option

This option controls whether the smbd daemon should allow NT clients to connect to NT SMB-specific IPC $ pipes, and is considered a debug option for developers. Default value:

NT pipe support - Yes

To disable support for IPC $ channels, install:

NT pipe support - No

NT acl support parameter

This experimental parameter is set to no by default. It allows smbd to attempt to map Fenix ​​Phoenix access modes to Windows NT ACLs. Default value:

NT acl support =

In order to enable the mapping of modes to access lists, set:

NT acl support - Yes

Announce version parameter

The parameter specifies the version numbers that nmbd will use when it advertises itself as a server. By default, the version number is 4.2. Do not change the value of this parameter unless you need to configure Samba as a downstream server for some reason. Default value:

Announce version = 4.2

To change the announced version to 2.0, set:

Announce version = 2.0

Announce as parameter

The parameter determines how nmbd advertises itself to be added to the watchlist. Samba 2.0 and later advertise itself as Windows NT by default. Do not change the value of this parameter (unless you want the Samba server to stop looking like an NT server), as this may cause the Samba server to stop showing up correctly in the watchlist.
Available parameter values:
- NT Advertise itself as a server for all modern Windows based clients (since Windows 95);
- Win 95 Also announce. itself as a server for all modern Windows based clients.
Default value:

Announce as = NT

To make the Samba server look like a Windows 95 server, specify:

Announce as = Win95

Max mux parameter

The parameter specifies the maximum number of SMB operations that the client can perform at the same time. You never need to change its value. Default value:

Below is an example of decreasing the limit value:

Max xmit parameter

This parameter sets the maximum packet size that the Samba server advertises when establishing a connection with a client. The default is the highest value possible, 65535. You may find that for your customers, using a lower value will improve performance. However, a value less than 2048 is likely to cause problems.
Default value:

Max xmit = 65535

Below is an example of reducing the maximum packet size:

Max xmit = 16384

Name resolve orde parameter

This parameter specifies the list of name services that Samba will use and the order in which they will be used. The parameter value is a list of services, space is used as a separator. The following services are available:
- lmhosts Search for an IP address in the lmhosts file on the Samba server;
- host Look up an IP address using the standard method of the operating system Samba is running on. In this case, for example, the hosts file or the DNS service can be used;
- wins Find an IP address by polling the WINS server. The most important advantage of WINS over other methods is that it uses a dynamic naming method rather than a static one. This means that the WINS server "listens" to the network and remembers the names of the active systems. If a WINS server is not specified in the Samba configuration file, this method is ignored;
- beast Search for an IP address using a broadcast request on all local network interfaces. Samba uses the interfaces parameter to select the interfaces. This method is the least reliable because the host being looked up must be connected to one of the local subnets.
Default value:

Name resolve order = lmhosts host wins beast

To perform a broadcast request after searching in the lmhosts file, specify:

Name resolve order = lmhosts beast host

If the IP address of the target host cannot be found either in the lmhosts file or using a broadcast request, the operating system will search for the address.

Max packet parameter

The parameter sets the maximum packet size that the Samba server can use. The default is the highest value possible, 65535. You may find that for your customers, using a lower value will improve performance. However, a value less than 2048 is likely to cause problems. Default value:

Max packet = 65535

To set the batch size to half the default size, specify:

Max packet = 32768

Max ttl parameter

The parameter specifies the time to live (TTL) in seconds for NetBIOS names that nmbd will use by default. The time is counted from the moment of the broadcast request or the request of the WINS server. You should not change the value of this parameter.
The default is 518,400 seconds:

Max ttl = 518400

To set the lifetime to three days (259,200 seconds), set:

Max ttl = 259200

Min wins ttl parameter

This parameter is only meaningful if your Samba server is configured as a WINS server. It sets nmbd to the minimum NetBIOS name lifetime (in seconds). You should not change the value of this parameter.
The default is 6 hours, or 21,600 seconds:

Min wins ttl - 21600

To set the minimum lifetime to 12 hours (43,200 seconds), set:

Min wins ttl = 43200

Time server parameter

If this parameter is set to yes, then nmbd will advertise itself to Windows clients as a time server. In this case, the daemon will not play the role of a standard time service and cannot be used for this purpose by UNIX clients.
Default value:

Time server = No

To enable the time service, set:

Time server = Yes

This section is displayed only on the Global Advanced page and is intended for setting parameters for fine tuning Samba. You can configure Samba to run in a specific environment by specifying an inactivity time after which users will be disconnected from the server, specifying which socket options should be set, defining the cache size, and changing many other options.

Change notify timeout parameter

The parameter determines how a change notify request is handled by the client to the server, asks the latter to track changes in a specific directory and respond to the request only when such changes occur. Implementing this persistent tracking on UNIX is quite resource intensive. To improve performance, the smbd daemon does not constantly check the state of the directory, but at the interval specified by the change notify timeout parameter. The parameter value specifies the interval in seconds. The default is 60 seconds:

Change notify timeout = 60

To check the status of directories every 10 minutes (600 seconds), specify:

Change notify timeout = 600

Deadtime parameter

The parameter defines the time of connection inactivity in minutes, after which the connection starts to be considered "dead" and is terminated (only if the number of open files for this connection is 0). This frees up server resources that could otherwise be depleted by a large number of inactive connections. Modern clients have the ability to automatically reconnect when the connection is broken, so the use of this parameter is transparent to users.
The default is 0 (no connections will be closed automatically):

To set the maximum connection inactivity time to five minutes, specify:

Getwd cache parameter

If this parameter is set to yes, then a special caching algorithm is used to reduce the execution time of certain system calls. For this parameter to have a significant performance impact, the widelinks parameter in the Miscellaneous Options section must be set to no.
Default value:

Getwd cache = No

To enable caching, install:

Getwd cache = Yes

Keepalive parameter

This parameter specifies the interval in seconds between sending packets to keep the connection (keepalive packets). These packets tell the server that the client is still on the network and capable of responding to requests. Most services use their own packages to maintain the connection.
The parameter value specifies the interval in seconds. Use this option when troubleshooting problems.
The default is 0 (the server does not send packets to keep the connection):

To have the server send packets to keep the connection once a minute, specify:

The max disk size parameter

This parameter defines the maximum disk size that will be reported to clients. If you set it to 100, then all clients will appear to have no more than 100 MB of shared resources. The key word is "seem". This parameter does not limit the amount of data that you can put on disk; it only sets a limit on the amount that the server reports to the client in response to a request for the total disk space. This option is useful to work around problems in software that does not support very large disks.
The default is 0 (no limit):

Max disk size = 0

To limit the size of disks reported to clients to one gigabyte, specify:

Max disk size = 1000

The max open files parameter

The parameter specifies the maximum number of files that each client can open on the server. In fact, this number also depends on the maximum allowed number of open files for one process in the UNIX system on which the Samba server is installed. The default is very high because Samba only uses 1 bit for each unopened file.
Default value:

Max open files = 10000

To reduce the limit to 5000 files, specify:

Max open files = 5000

Read size parameter

This parameter specifies the overlap of disk read / write operations with network read / write operations. If the amount of transmitted data exceeds the value of this parameter, the server starts writing them to disk before the entire packet is received from the network. This overlap works best when disk and network speeds are about the same. For this parameter, practically no experiments have been carried out that would have made it possible to determine its optimal value, but we can say that it varies greatly from system to system. If you specify a value greater than 65535, it will allocate memory that will never be used (since 65535 is the maximum packet size possible).
Default value:

Read size = 2048

In the example below, the value is doubled:

Read size - 4096

Socket options parameter

You can set socket options that are used when communicating with clients. Socket parameters allow fine tuning of connections at the network level of the operating system to achieve the best performance of the Samba server. You can set multiple supported socket options at the same time, if the operating system allows it. However, certain combinations of parameters can cause the Samba server to crash completely.
If you are not a TCP / IP guru, then do not change the default.
Samba supports the following socket options:


Parameters marked with # require an integer as argument. Other parameters use the values ​​1 or 0 as an argument to enable or disable the use of this parameter, respectively (if the argument is not specified, then the use of the parameter is allowed).
In the example below, the size of the transmit buffer is increased to 8 MB (there should be no spaces around the second equal sign):

Socket options = SO_SNDBUF = 8192

If you are using a Samba server on a local network, try setting these parameters:


If you are using a Samba server on the WAN, try setting:

Socket options - IPTOS_THROUGHPUT

Default value:

Socket options = TCP_NODELAY

The stat cache size parameter

The parameter determines the number of entries in the static cache. You do not need to change its value. Default value:

Stat cache size = 50

To double the default value, specify:

Stat cache size = 100

Filename handling

In this section, you can set the rules for translating file names between the server and clients and for displaying long names on client computers.

Strip dot parameter

The parameter specifies whether periods at the end of UNIX names should be dropped. This may help to use some CDs with filenames ending with a period.
Default value:

To allow points to be dropped, specify:

Strip dot - Yes

Unix charset parameter

The parameter specifies the conversion map for file names.

Unix charset = koi8-r

Mangled stack parameter

This parameter specifies the number of mangled names to be cached by the smbd daemon. The server keeps a list of recently changed filenames and their extensions, if they are no longer than three characters or contain uppercase characters. The default is sufficient, unless you are using very long file and directory names on UNIX. Be careful: it may happen that a parameter to confirm its name will lead to corruption of long file names.
Default value:

Mangled stack = 50

To double the amount of memory allocated for the cache, specify:

Mangled stack = 100

Case sensitive parameter

Case sensitive = No

Case sensitive = Yes

Preserve case parameter

The parameter determines whether the new filenames received from the client are case-preserved. If you set the parameter to nо, the case of characters in file names will be changed to the default case.
Default value:

Preserve case = Yes

Preserve case = No

Short preserve case parameter

The parameter specifies whether the new filenames should be kept in uppercase and short in length, or if they should be converted to the default case. The parameter is meaningful if the preserve case parameter is set to yes.
Default value:

Short preserve case = Yes

Short preserve case = No

Mangle case parameter

Mangle case = No

Mangle case = Yes

Mangling char parameter

Default value:

Mangling char = ~

Mangling char = _

Hide dot files option

This parameter determines whether files with names starting with a period are considered hidden. By default, the commands for listing files in a directory do not display information about hidden files. Default value:

Hide dot files = Yes

Hide dot files = No

Delete veto files parameter

This parameter determines what happens when Samba tries to delete a directory that contains one or more vetoed directories. The default is no, which means that deleting a directory will fail if the protected directory contains regular files or directories. Most likely, these are the settings you need.
If set to yes, Samba will attempt to recursively delete all files and subdirectories in the protected directory. This means that when the parent directory is removed, all such directories will be removed transparently to the user. The user deleting the directory must have the appropriate permissions, or the deletion will fail, regardless of the value of the delete veto files parameter.
Default value:

Delete veto files = No

Delete veto files - Yes

Veto files parameter

The value of this parameter is a list of files and directories that are neither visible nor accessible to clients. However, keep in mind that if a directory contains only the files included in this list, it will be deleted along with all files if the user has the appropriate permissions on UNIX systems. In addition, the case sensitive parameter affects the interpretation of the value of the veto files parameter.

If you want to specify a non-empty list, then the / character is used to separate names in this list, which allows you to specify names containing spaces. The wildcard characters * and? Are allowed in the list. Each item in the list must be the name of a UNIX file, but cannot include the / character.

Veto files - /*.tmp/*root*/

Hide files parameter

The parameter value is a list of files and directories that are invisible but available to clients. For each of the files or directories matching the specified list, the DOS-attribute "hidden file" is set. The / character is used to separate names in this list, which allows you to specify names that contain spaces. The wildcard characters * and? Are allowed in the list. Each item in the list must be the name of a UNIX file, but cannot include the / character.

To hide all files ending in .log, install:

Hide files = o /*.log/

The veto oplock files parameter

Veto oplock files - /*.cookie/

Mangled names parameter

Name mapping allows clients to work with Phoenix AIA files (for example, copy a file from one system directory to another) while preserving their original long names.
If you have name mapping enabled for a shared directory, then two files with the same first five characters in the name can get the same name after being displayed, causing problems. The chance of this trouble happening is 1 in 1300.
Default value:

Mangled names = Yes

Mangled names = No

Mangled map parameter

This parameter allows you to directly set the map of displaying the names of files of the AIS "Phoenix", which are not compatible with DOS / Windows. If you do not want to use name mapping for all files, this option is quite useful.
Let's give one example describing a common situation. UNIX systems typically use the .html extension for HTML files, while Windows / DOS use the .htm extension. The discussed option allows you to map a UNIX-extension .html to a Windows-extension .htm.
Default value:

Mangled map = (* .html * .htm)

Stat cache parameter

This parameter determines whether the smbd daemon should use the cache to speed up case-insensitive file name lookups. By default, the parameter is checked, you should not change its value.

Stat cache = Yes

Domain options

This section allows you to set the values ​​for the parameters associated with the NT domain.

Domain groups parameter

The default is an empty string:

Domain groups =

Don't change it.

Domain admin group parameter

Default value:

Domain admin group =

Don't change it.

Domain guest groups parameter

Default value:

Domain guest group =

Don't change it.

Domain admin users parameter

Default value:

Domain admin users =

Don't change it.

Domain guest users parameter

Default value:

Domain guest users =

Don't change it.

The machine password timeout parameter

This parameter is only meaningful if domain-level security is used (security = domain). It specifies when smbd will change the password for the computer account. The value specifies the interval in seconds. The default is one week (604,800 seconds, which is the default for computers in a Windows NT domain):

Machine password timeout = 604800

The default value matches the behavior of Windows NT-based systems. Don't change it.

Logon options

This section describes the options that you can use to set options that determine how clients connect. These settings can be used to update user directories, automatically map network drives for users, and simplify account administration. The options listed below work well with all clients and are not part of the NT Domain Server code.

Logon script parameter

The parameter allows you to specify the name of the file that will be downloaded to each client and executed there after logging into the domain. You can use standard substitution variables in the parameter value, which allows you to specify different logon scripts for different users or workstations. Note that your login script must use DOS-style line endings. The script file must be located in the directory specified as the path for the netlogon resource. Don't allow write access to the netlogon resource! The content of the script file can be anything, you can put anything there - from synchronizing the clock with a time server to connecting shared drives for shared applications. For instance:

NET USE W \\ SUGAR \ workutils
NET USE Y \\ SUGAR \ datafiles
NET USE Z \\ SUGAR \ accounts

The default logon script parameter is an empty string (no logon script file):

To set the setenv.bat file as the login script file:

Logon script = setenv.bat

The following is an example of using the standard substitution variable% U (specifying the username). With this variable, you can create custom scripts for users:

Logon script =% U bat

Logon path parameter

This parameter is only used if Samba is acting as a domain login server and roaming is configured for user profiles. The parameter specifies in which directory the profiles are stored. The parameter value can use standard substitution variables, which allows you to specify different logon scripts for different users or workstations. The directory specified in the parameter value will also be used to load the desktop, Start menu, Network Neighborhood, and the Programs folder for your Windows 95/98 clients. This shared resource (and its corresponding directory) must be readable by the user, or the Windows 95/98 client will not be able to load the custom settings. The shared resource must be writable by the user at least the first time he logs on to the domain. After the first logon to a domain, directories and their contents can be set to read-only access. However, do not set the user.dat file to read-only mode, as it contains user settings and the user might want to change them. Instead, rename the file to and set the file to read-only mode. (Such a file is called a mandatory profile) Default value:

Logon path = \% N \% U \ profile

To specify that user profiles are located in the \ HOME \ username directory on the DEAL server, specify:

Logon path = \\ DEAL \ HOME \% U \ PROFILE

Logon drive parameter

This parameter is only used if Samba is acting as a domain logon server for NT-based workstations. The parameter specifies the local directory that will act as the user's home directory. The default is an empty string (no directory specified):

To set your home directory as the H: drive, use:

Logon drive = h

Logon home parameter

This parameter specifies the location of the home directory when a Windows 95/98 or NT workstation is part of the domain in which the Samba server is the PDC. The parameter value can use standard substitution variables, allowing you to define different home directories for different users or client computers.
The following is an example that specifies the name of the home directory server, but uses the name of the user who established the session to specify the directory itself:

Logon home = \\ deal \% U

Domain logons parameter

This parameter determines whether Samba will act as a domain connection server for Windows 95/98 based clients. A domain logon server for Windows NT clients is not the same! Default value:

Domain logons = No

To enable domain join support for Windows 95/98 based clients, specify:

Domain logons = Yes

The browse options determine how your Samba server will play the role of the Windows network browse server. With these parameters, you can force Samba to always win local browsing server selections (or always lose them, or win over some operating systems and lose to others), as well as specify information about network resources that will be sent to all clients.

OS level parameter

This parameter specifies the value that Samba advertises as the operating system version when it selects a view server. The default value is chosen so that the Samba server will lose the election to any Windows machine. Default value:

The value set in the example below will cause the Samba server to win the election over any Windows server:

Lm announce parameter

This parameter specifies whether the nmbd daemon should broadcast Lanman announcements (this is required for OS / 2 clients). If the parameter is set to false, then OS / 2 based clients will not see the Samba server in the browse list. The parameter can take one of three values:
- true to receive and respond to broadcast Lanman announcements;
- auto respond if broadcast Lanman announcements are found on the network;
- false Do not respond to broadcast Lanman announcements.
The default is to accept Lanman broadcasts and then respond to them:

Lm announce - auto

To prevent the Samba server from responding to broadcast Lanman announcements, set:

Lm announce = false

Lm interval parameter

If the previous parameter (lm announce) is set to one of the values ​​- true or auto, then using the lm interval parameter you can change the interval between sending broadcast announcements. The parameter value is the interval in seconds.
Default value:

Lm interval = 60

To triple the interval between Lanman broadcasts, specify:

Lm interval = 180

Preferred master parameter

The parameter specifies whether nmbd should act as the preferred master browser for its workgroup. If set to yes, then immediately after starting nmbd initiates view server selections. By default, the server that initiated the election has some advantage. The OS level parameter discussed above is another way to influence election results.
If you set the preferred master parameter to yes, then set the domain master parameter to yes as well. Using preferred master = yes, domain master = yes, and OS level = 65 ensures that nmbd becomes a domain controller.
This setting can cause network performance issues if multiple servers on the same subnet are configured as Preferred View Servers. It doesn't matter if these servers are Samba, Windows NT, or Windows 95/98 - if configured as preferred browse servers, they will periodically try to become a browse server for the subnet. This leads to excessive broadcast traffic on the network and slows down the browsing process.
Default value:

Preferred master = No

In order for the Samba server to act as the preferred browsing server, specify:

Preferred master - Yes

Local master parameter

This parameter allows you to specify whether nmbd should participate in the selection of the view server for its subnet. If the parameter is set to software, then the Samba server will never try to become the view server. In this case, Samba will play all browse server selections and never become a subnet browse server.
Default value:

Local master - Yes

To disable this parameter, change the default value:

Local master - No

Domain master parameter

The parameter determines whether nmbd will support a wide area network (WAN) browse list. If set, then nmbd captures a special Net-BIOS name in the domain. This name identifies the server as the primary domain browse server for this workgroup. Local browse servers in the same workgroup, located on different subnets, will send their browse lists to nmbd and then request a shared browse list for the WAN. Clients will receive a browse list for the entire network from their local browse servers.
If your Samba server is part of a network containing Windows NT domain servers, do not change this parameter. Windows NT primary domain controllers capture the NetBIOS special name (workgroup specific). If the Samba server grabs this name before the domain controller, then cross-subnet browsing may work oddly or fail altogether.
Default value:

Domain master = No

To enable the parameter, set:

Domain master = Yes

Browse list parameter

This parameter has the opposite meaning to the domain master parameter and determines whether the Samba server will send the browse list to the browse server when creating a wide area browse list. When the browse list is sent, the Samba server also receives information about other servers.
Default value:

Browse list = Yes

You should not disable this option.

WINS options

This section describes the WINS parameters that determine how Samba interacts with WINS servers and whether the Samba server should act as a WINS server.

DNS proxy parameter

The parameter is only meaningful if the Samba server is acting as a WINS server and determines whether nmbd will forward name resolution requests to the DNS server if the name is not found in the WINS database. It is not a good idea to use this feature unless for some clients there is no other way to get information from the DNS. The problem is not performance (nmbd will start itself up again, creating a second process to handle DNS queries). Here's the problem: If a client looks up a network name in the WINS database, what is the likelihood that the DNS server will help him? The DNS server will receive the requested name no longer than 15 characters.
Default value:

DNS proxy = Yes

To disable the option and not forward name resolution requests to the DNS server, set:

WINS proxy parameter

This parameter determines whether nmbd will respond to broadcast name resolution requests if the names are owned by other nodes, but nmbd knows the answer. As in ordinary life, it is a bad idea to be responsible for someone. On the other hand, setting this parameter to yes can help you troubleshoot network problems. If your network services only work with the WINS proxy option set, double check all settings. Default value:

WINS proxy = No

To enable WINS proxy support, specify:

WINS proxy - Yes

WINS server parameter

This parameter specifies the IP address or DNS name of the WINS server on which nmbd will register the used names. If your network consists of multiple subnets, then the WINS server parameter must be set, otherwise network browsing will not work correctly. If the WINS server is part of your network, enter its IP address. Although you can use a DNS name instead of an address, do not do so (as performance may degrade or the setting will not work at all). Use an IP address.
The default is an empty string (no WINS server specified):

For example, if your WINS server address is, then set:

WINS server = 192 168 99 24

WINS support option

This parameter determines whether nmbd will act as a WINS server and should not be set to yes on more than one computer on your network. The value yes should only be used if your network is divided into subnets and on one of them you want the nmbd daemon on a specific computer to act as a WINS server.
Default value:

WINS support = No

To enable the parameter, specify:

WINS support = Yes

This section describes the parameters with which you can set the blocking parameters. Correct configuration of these parameters will help improve the performance of the Samba server.

Locking parameter

This parameter determines whether the server will lock files when requested by clients, and is intended for use by the Samba developers. Do not change the value of this parameter. Setting it to no will cause all file lock and unlock requests to appear to clients to be successful, but not actually lock. If you disable locking either in the global settings section or on a specific shared resource, this will result in data corruption.
Default value:

Below is a really stupid example:

OLE locking compatibility setting

The parameter determines whether to enable the ability to lock the byte range in files. This capability provides compatibility with OLE applications. The locking mechanism used by Windows OLE can lead to crashes or other problems in certain lock managers used by Phoenix AIA. The default value allows Samba to negotiate lock requests from OLE applications and the Phoenix AIA lock manager. Default value:

OLE locking compability = Yes

In order to directly transfer requests for blocking from OLE applications to the blocking manager of the Phoenix AIS, specify:

OLE locking compability = No

Oplocks parameter

Default value:

Strict locking parameter

The parameter determines how the server handles file locking. If it is set to yes, then the server checks for the existence of a lock on the file on every read or write attempt and does not allow access if the file is locked. If the parameter is set to no, then the server checks for a lock on the file only at the request of the client. This is how the server behaves by default, as this method provides the best performance.
Default value:

Strict locking = No

Strict locking - Yes

Share modes parameter

Share modes = Yes

Miscellaneous options

This section is a collection of a mixture of a wide variety of options. Some of them allow you to customize the smb.conf file for a specific system, others allow you to make the Samba server visible on remote networks, and others allow you to determine what users connecting to the server will see.

Preload parameter

The parameter value is a list of services that the server should automatically add to the browse lists. This option is most useful for including home directory browse lists that would otherwise not be visible. The services in the list are separated by spaces.
The default is an empty string (no service is automatically included in watchlists):

Below is an example that automatically includes the share sugar and the sparc_printer in the browse list:

Preload = sugar sparc_printer

Lock dir parameter

The parameter defines the directory in which the lock files will be placed. These files are used by Samba to implement the functionality of the max connections parameter.
By default, a directory named samba is created in the / tmp directory to store lock files:

Lock dir = / tmp / samba

To place the lock files, for example, in the / var / samba / locks directory, specify:

Lock dir = / var / samba / locks

Default service parameter

The parameter specifies the name of the service to which the user will connect if the requested service is not found. There is no default value for this parameter. If the parameter is not specified, then the client will receive an error message when trying to connect to a non-existent service.
Typically, the default service is a public read-only shared resource.
The default is an empty string (if the requested service is not available, no other will be substituted for it):

Default service =

To connect clients requesting a non-existent resource to, for example, the access_tmp service, specify:

Default service = access_tmp

The message command parameter

The parameter specifies the command that is executed when the server receives a Win-Popup message. This command should deliver the message to the addressee. How exactly this happens depends on the set of services running on your server. For example, this command can send a message by mail, display it in a window, or simply delete it, but keep in mind that it is executed with the privileges of a guest account. If you come up with a messaging method that works well for your network, write to the Samba team about it.
You can use standard substitution variables in the value of the message command parameter. The following three variables are also defined for all messages:
-% s name of the file containing the message;
-% t addressee of the message (usually this is the server name);
-% f is the sender of the message.
The default is an empty string, that is, no message handling command is defined. In this case, Samba reports an error to clients trying to send a WinPopup message to the server.

Message command =

To simply erase all incoming messages, set:

Message command = rm% s

The valid chars parameter

The parameter specifies additional characters that will be considered by the server as valid in file names. It can be useful when using national alphabets. The parameter value must be a list of symbols, either in the form of their codes, or in the form of the symbols themselves. Individual characters are separated by spaces. If you separate two characters with a colon, they will be counted as one lowercase and uppercase character, respectively. In order for the parameter to work correctly, you must first set the correct value for the client code page. (By default, smb.conf lists the parameters in the correct order.) If you set the client code page parameter after valid chars, the value of valid chars will be overwritten. The client code page parameter was discussed above in the Filenames section.
It is difficult for any given system to create the correct list of characters to use as the value for the valid chars parameter. The Samba distribution includes a program to help automate this process. The validchars program automatically generates a complete valid chars string for a given client system. This program, the examples with the .out extension, and the sources are located in the examples / validchar subdirectory of the Samba directory.
The default is an empty string (no additional characters are considered valid in filenames):

Remote announce parameter

This parameter allows you to specify a list of IP-addresses by which the nmbd daemon will periodically advertise itself. Addresses can be on other subnets; also you can specify the name of the workgroup. If no workgroup name is specified, the Samba server workgroup name is used.
This option is useful if you need a Samba server to share resources with a remote workgroup and provides you with another way to manage your network browse lists.
The remote workgroup can be located anywhere - as long as you can send IP packets to it. If your network connections are stable, try setting this parameter to the IP addresses of the well-known view servers of the remote workgroup.

The default value is an empty string (no announcements are made to remote workgroups):

Remote announce =

Below is an example where nmbd advertises itself to the QandA and ENGINEERS remote workgroups:

Remote announce =

Remote browse sync option

This parameter only applies to the interaction of the Samba server with other Samba servers. It specifies whether the nmbd daemon will request synchronization of browse lists with the primary browse server, which is a Samba server on the remote network segment. This option allows the server to receive browse lists for multiple workgroups on routed networks, but it will only work correctly if the Samba server can send IP packets to the server it is supposed to sync with.
The default is an empty string (no syncing):

Remote browse sync =

Below is an example in which Samba will try to sync browse lists with Samba servers at and

Remote browse sync =

Note that Samba simply sends packets to the specified addresses. No verification is performed.

Socket address parameter

The parameter defines the address where Samba listens for connections. It is used to configure multiple virtual interfaces on one server. The Samba server on each of the interfaces can have its own configuration.
The default is (Samba will accept connections on all addresses):

Socket address =

For example, to have the Samba daemons listen for connections at, specify:

Socket address =

Time offset parameter

The parameter specifies the misalignment in minutes, which is added to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), before the normal procedure for determining the local time. This is a deprecated option for older clients that cannot handle daylight savings time (DST).
The default is zero (no offset used):

Time offset = 0

If you have clients on your network that do not support daylight saving time, you can install:

Time offset = 60

Wide links parameter

The parameter determines whether Samba will allow clients to follow links in the UNIX file system to areas outside the exported directories. It is intended for paranoid sysadmins. If the access modes on your system are set correctly, setting this parameter to yes will not compromise system security.

The default value allows customers to follow any links:

Wide links = Yes

To disable this feature, set:

Wide links = No

Follow symlinks parameter

The parameter determines whether the smbd daemon will allow clients to follow symbolic links. If it is set to no, then users will receive an error message when trying to access a file or directory that is a symbolic link. At the same time, users will not be able to not only follow symbolic links, but also create them. This setting can improve the security of the system (for example, otherwise the user can create links to important system files in his home directory) The default value allows clients to follow symbolic links:

Follow symlinks - Yes

Follow symlinks = No

Delete readonly parameter

This parameter determines whether files with DOS read-only attribute can be deleted. The yes value allows the Phoenix AIA access modes to take precedence over DOS access modes, which is useful, for example, for applications such as version control system (RCS). A situation may arise in which the UNIX access mode prohibits changing the access mode to the file, and the DOS mode prohibits the deletion of this file.

Delete readonly = No

Delete readonly = Yes

DOS filetime resolution = No

This parameter allows Samba to "invent" directory creation times to make Microsoft Visual languages ​​compatible with Samba shares. Even the most recent file systems, such as NTFS and Windows VFAT, retain creation times that are different from the UNIX ctime (time of state change). By default, Samba tells clients the earliest timestamp supported by UNIX. This can cause the compiler to rebuild objects that have not changed. Setting fake directory create times to yes will cause Samba to always report midnight on January 1, 1980 as the directory creation time.
By default, Samba tells clients the UNIX creation timestamp:

Panic action parameter

This parameter is intended for use by Samba developers. It specifies the command to be invoked when smbd or nmbd crashes, notifying the developer that the changes made to the Samba code do not work as expected.
The default is an empty string:


This section describes all the parameters for the resource.

Base options

In the main parameters section, you can set a comment for the shared resource and the path to it.

The comment parameter

The parameter will set the text that will be visible on clients as a comment for this shared resource.
The default is an empty string (no comment given):

comment =

Below is an example of a set comment for a resource:

Comment = Our server

Path parameter

The parameter defines the directory that will be shared. If you are configuring a print service rather than a file share, then the drive directory must be specified here. The path is specified from the root directory, which is defined among the global parameters in the section on security settings.
The parameter value can use standard substitution variables; for this parameter, the following two are especially useful:
-% u The name of the account of the AIA "Phoenix", with the rights of which the connection was made;
-% m NetBIOS system name.
The default is an empty string. If you have set the root directory of the operating system (directory /) as the root directory, then an empty line indicates this directory:

If the root directory is / opt / samba and you installed:

Path = / printer / spoolfiles

then the service will use the / opt / samba / printer / spoolfiles directory.

Security options

In this section, you define the access rights for users. Also you can define guest access to the resource here.

Revalidate parameter

This option only works when using resource-level security (security = share). It determines whether Samba will allow a previously verified username / password pair to be used to connect to a new share. By default, connections are allowed without retesting. If you set the parameter to yes, then connect to \\ sugar \ lesh and finally try to connect to \\ sugar \ hart, Samba will not allow the client to automatically connect, even though the client will send the same username as before. Default value:

Revalidate = No

To enable mandatory password checking when connecting to each new resource, use:

Revalidate = Yes

Username parameter

Another option for working with legacy DOS and Windows for Workgroups clients. This setting degrades system security and performance. The parameter value must be a comma-separated list of usernames. Keep in mind that the setting does not place restrictions on which users can connect. It only tells the Samba server which usernames the password can match. The password supplied by the client is checked against each of these names in turn.
The default is empty string (no users):

Guest account parameter

This parameter sets the username used to access public resources (see guest ok). The privileges of this user are given to any clients connecting to publicly accessible resources. The user specified as the parameter value should not be able to log on normally.
The default is set at compile time; usually nobody:

Guest account = nobody

To use ftp as a guest account, change this line to the following:

Guest account = ftp

Parameter invalid users

The parameter value is a list of users who are denied access to the system. It's a good idea to install

invalid users = administrator if you don't need cross-platform administration.
By default, there are no users who are denied access. The parameter value is an empty string:

Invalid users =

To deny access to NT system administrators, use:

Invalid users = administrator admin

The valid users parameter

The parameter value is a list of users who are allowed to access the system. This parameter is optional. By default, its value is an empty string, which means that everyone is allowed access. If a user is specified both in the valid users list and in the invalid users list, then access to him is denied.
By default, the parameter value is an empty string, that is, all users are allowed access to the system:

To allow only phil user access to the system, use:

Valid users = phil

The admin users parameter

The parameter value is a list of users who have administrative privileges for the resources. The specified users can work with files on shared resources with root user rights. This is another parameter that should not be used.
By default, the parameter value is an empty string (no users with administrator privileges):

To give the user georgeh administrator privileges, use:

Admin users = georgeh

Read list parameter

The parameter is a list of users whose resources are available in read-only mode.
The default is an empty string (no user is restricted):

To give users phil and cheese read-only access, use:

Read list = phil, cheese

Write list parameter

The parameter is a list of users who are granted read-write access to resources, even if the resource is marked read-only. If a user enters both the read list and write list at the same time, then he gets access in the "read and write" mode.
The default is an empty string (no user gets write access to read-only resources):

To allow the admin and root users read / write access to read-only resources, use:

Write list = admin, root

Force user parameter

The parameter specifies the name of the UNIX account under which the user connects to the resource. Samba grants the given account the rights after the connection is established, that is, clients still need to provide the correct username and password. All file operations performed after connection will be considered performed by the user who corresponds to the account specified by the parameter. Think carefully if you want to use this option.
The default value is an empty string (users work with the resource on their own behalf):

For example, to run all operations on this shared resource with the credentials of the cheese account, set:

Force user = cheese.

Read-only parameter

The parameter determines whether the resource access mode is read-only. You must set it to no if you want to make the resource writable.
The default does not allow writing:

Read-only = Yes

To make a resource available for writing, install:

Guest only parameter

The parameter will not work if guest access is not allowed in the global parameters section or if the next parameter (guest ok) is set to no. Setting the guest only parameter to no does not deny guest access to the resource.
By default, not only guest access is allowed to the resource:

Guest only = No

To allow only guest access to this resource, set:

Guest only = Yes

Guest ok parameter

The parameter determines whether guest access to the resource is allowed. By default, guest access is denied, which means that clients must provide the correct username and password to connect:

To allow guest access to the resource, set:

The only user parameter

The parameter determines whether access to the resource is allowed to users who are not listed in the value of the user parameter.
Default value:

To allow access to the resource only to users specified in the value of the user parameter, specify:

Only user = Yes

Hosts allow parameter

The value of this parameter is a list of nodes that are allowed to access the service. Comma, space and tab character can be used as separators. If specified in the Globals section, then it applies to all shared resources; moreover, if access is denied for a specific resource for one of the hosts specified in the hosts allow list in the Globals section, then access is still allowed. The nodes in the list can be specified by name, IP address, or IP address-subnet mask pair. You can also list netgroups if your system supports them. When using the wildcard *. In order to specify exceptions, it is also permissible to use the except keyword.
If you use the hosts allow parameter, then you must include the local host, localhost, in the list of hosts that are allowed access. Samba requires access to the local interface to work as you'd expect.
In the following example, Samba access is allowed for the local host and all hosts with IP addresses 192.168. *. *:

Hosts allow - localhost, 192 168 * *

To allow access to the local host and hosts from the specified subnet, use:

Hosts allow = localhost.

To allow access to the local host and the two named systems:

Hosts allow - localhost, terrapin deal

To allow local host and subnet access with one exception:

Hosts allow = localhost, except

The default is an empty string (all nodes are allowed access):

Hosts deny parameter

This parameter plays the opposite role of hosts allow. Nodes from the list specified with its help will be denied access to Samba. Even if it is indicated for a resource that access is allowed for a specific node, if this node is present in the hosts deny list in the Globals section, access will be denied.
The default is an empty string (all nodes are allowed access):

Below is an example denying access for the entire 192.168.111. * Subnet:

Hosts deny = 192.168.111. *

Logging options

This section currently contains only one parameter.

Status parameter

You should not change this parameter. If you set it to no, smbstatus will not be able to determine which connections are active. Default value:

An example of changing the value of this parameter (smbstatus will not be able to detect active connections!):

Additional tuning (Tuning options)

This section contains several settings for shared resources that can affect the performance of your Samba server. Correct tuning of these parameters can increase performance, while incorrect tuning can decrease it.

Max connections parameter

The parameter sets the maximum allowed number of simultaneous connections to the resource. The default value (zero) indicates that the number of concurrent connections is unlimited. Any other value will cause clients to be denied a connection to the resource if the number of connections already open matches this value. Samba uses lock files to do this. They are located in the directory specified by the lock directory parameter.
The default value does not limit the number of simultaneous connections to the resource:

Max connections = 0

To set the maximum allowed number of simultaneous connections to 100, specify:

Max connections = 100

Strict sync option

Use this option to smooth out the differences between how Windows clients view sync and how AIA Phoenix does. When writing buffers to the hard disk, in the Phoenix ZOS, the running process is stopped until the contents of the buffers are written. This is a very slow method. The use of this method was necessary in order to be sure of the safety of the data.
By default, smbd ignores sync requests from applications running on Windows clients. This means that if the server fails, there is a risk of data loss. In fact, at AIA Phoenix the chances of this are very slim. In addition, this behavior of smbd helps mitigate performance issues when copying files in Windows 98.
The default value of the strict sync parameter is no, which prevents smbd from writing buffers to disk when it receives a request from the client:

Strict sync = no

Setting this parameter to yes will decrease performance. Use only for troubleshooting:

Strict sync = yes

Sync always parameter

This parameter is ignored if strict sync is set to no. Otherwise, the parameter determines whether the process of writing to the disk should end before the server reports that the write request has been completed. If you set the parameter to yes, then after each write request is executed (but before the execution is reported to the client), the fsync () system call is made to write the contents of the buffers to disk.
Default value:

Sync always = no

To force write to disk (strict sync must be set to yes), use:

Sync always = yes

File names

This section contains parameters that determine how the Samba server processes filenames and how it displays these names to users connecting to the resource from various clients. Also, some options allow you to hide certain files from users.

Default case parameter

This parameter specifies the default case for all files and directories created by clients on the Samba server. The value of this parameter affects how the mangle case, preserve case, and short preserve case options work.
By default, the names of files and directories created by clients on the Samba server are in lower case:

Default case = lower

To use uppercase, set:

Default case = upper

Case sensitive parameter

This parameter controls whether file names are case-sensitive (default is no). If the parameter is set to nо, then Samba searches for a filename regardless of case. Default value:

Case sensitive = No

To distinguish between names with different case of characters, specify:

Case sensitive = Yes

Preserve case parameter

The parameter determines whether the new filenames received from the client are case-preserved. If you set the parameter to the value by, then the case of characters in the file names will be converted to the default case.
Default value:

Preserve case = Yes

To enable automatic conversion of new filenames to the default case, set:

Preserve case = No

Short preserve case parameter

The parameter specifies whether the new filenames should be saved in uppercase and short in length, or if they should be converted to the default case. The parameter is meaningful if the preserve case parameter is set to yes.
Default value:

Short preserve case = Yes

In order not to preserve the case of characters in short names, specify:

Short preserve case = No

Mangle case parameter

The parameter determines whether names containing non-case-sensitive characters are changed (are mangled). For example, if the parameter is set to yes, then names such as Mail will change. Default value:

Mangle case = No

Setting yes will only affect filenames that contain uppercase characters. For example, the name FranklinsTower.txt will be converted to case by default.
To enable transformation, specify:

Mangle case = yes

Mangling char parameter

The parameter specifies which symbol will be used when changing file names. The default is tilde, but this setting can cause problems with some programs. You can install any other symbol instead.
Default value:

Mangling char = ~

For example, to use the underscore character, specify:

Mangling char = _

Hide dot files option

This parameter determines whether files with names starting with a period are considered hidden. By default, the commands for listing files in a directory do not display information about hidden files.
Default value:

Hide dot files = Yes

To show files starting with a dot in directories, install:

Hide dot files = No

Delete veto files parameter

This parameter determines what happens when Samba tries to delete a directory that contains one or more vetoed directories. By default, the value is used, that is, deleting a directory will fail if the protected directory contains regular files or directories. Most likely, these are the settings you need.
If set to yes, Samba will attempt to recursively delete all files and subdirectories in the protected directory. This means that when the parent directory is removed, all such directories will be removed transparently to the user. The user deleting a directory must have the appropriate permissions, or the deletion will fail, regardless of the value of the delete veto files parameter.
Default value:

Delete veto files = No

To change the parameter value, set:

Delete veto files = Yes

Veto files parameter

The value of this parameter is a list of files and directories that are neither visible nor accessible to clients. However, keep in mind that if a directory contains only files in this list, it will be deleted along with all files if the user has the appropriate permissions. In addition, the case sensitive parameter affects the interpretation of the value of the veto files parameter.
The veto files parameter affects the performance of the Samba server. If the parameter is set, the server must check all files and directories for compliance with the specified list.
The default is an empty string (no protected files and directories).
If you want to specify a non-empty list, then the / character is used to separate names in this list, which allows you to specify names containing spaces. The wildcard characters * and? Are allowed in the list. Each item in the list must be a filename, but cannot include the / character.
For example, to hide all files ending in .tmp and files containing the root string from users, specify:

Veto files = / * tmp / * root * /

Hide files parameter

The parameter value is a list of files and directories that are invisible but available to clients. For each of the files or directories corresponding to the specified list, the DOS-attribute "hidden file" is set. The / character is used to separate names in this list, which allows you to specify names that contain spaces. The wildcard characters * and? Are allowed in the list. Each list item must be a -file name, but cannot include the / character.
The hide files parameter affects the performance of the Samba server. If the parameter is set, the server must check all files and directories for compliance with the specified list.
The default is an empty string, that is, the "hidden file" attribute is not set for any files or directories.
To hide all files uploaded to .log, install:

Hide files = / * log /

The veto oplock files parameter

The parameter can only be used if the oplocks parameter is set for the shared resource. This option allows the Samba administrator to selectively disable oplocks for files. The list format is the same as for the veto files parameter. This parameter is useful if certain files are actively used by several different clients.
The default is an empty string, which means that timely locking is allowed for all files.
To disable the oplocks mechanism for all * .cookie files, specify:

Veto oplock files = / * cookie /

Mangled names parameter

This parameter determines how clients will see the Phoenix AIA files. Either files with non-DOS-compatible names will not be shown to users, or their names will be mapped to DOS-compatible names. There are five parameters in total that control how names are displayed. This parameter determines whether the display of names will take place at all.
Name mapping allows clients to work with files (for example, copy a file from one system directory to another) while maintaining their original long names.
If you have name mapping enabled for a shared directory, then two files with the same first five characters in the name can get the same name after being displayed, causing problems. The chance of this nuisance happening is 1 in 1300. Default value:

Mangled names = Yes

To disable the display of names, specify:

Mangled names - No

Mangled map parameter

This parameter allows you to directly set the map for displaying names that are not compatible with DOS / Windows. If you do not want to use name mapping for all files, this option is quite useful.
Let's give one example describing a common situation. Html extension is commonly used for HTML files on UNIX systems, while the .html extension is used on Windows / DOS systems. htm. The discussed option allows you to map a UNIX-extension .html to a Windows-extension .htm.
Default value:

To render html to htm:

Mangled map = (* html * htm)

Browse options

This section currently contains only one parameter.

Browseable parameter

This parameter determines whether the shared resource is visible in the list of available resources when browsing the network. This parameter does not make the resource unavailable - only invisible. By default, all shared resources are viewable.
Default value:

Browseable = Yes

To exclude a resource from the network browsing list, specify:

Browseable = No

Locking options

In this section, you can set file blocking options. Correct use of these parameters will improve server performance.

Blocking locks parameter

This parameter determines whether smbd can block a specific part of an open file at the client's request. Such a request also contains the duration of the requested lock. If the parameter is set to yes and the specified area of ​​the file cannot be locked, Samba puts the lock request on an internal queue, and then periodically, before the timeout occurs, tries to execute it. If the parameter is set to the value on, then the client is immediately informed that it is not possible to complete the lock. If you use this parameter, it must be set individually for each shared resource.
By default, Samba will support requests to lock a portion of a file:

Blocking locks = Yes

To disable this option, specify:

Blocking locks = No

Fake oplocks parameter

You can use the fake oplocks mechanism for filesystems that are read-only to clients, or for shared resources that are available to exactly one client. Using fake oplocks on resources that are written to by multiple clients can lead to data corruption.
The essence of fake oplocks is that the client is told that the oplocks mechanism is supported, which is actually not the case. It is clear that if the resource is read-only, then nothing terrible will happen, although there will be no performance gain either. If a resource is only available to one client, then using fake oplocks is safe and can lead to some performance gain.
By default, the fake oplocks mechanism is disabled:

Fake oplocks = No

To enable it use:

Fake oplocks - Yes

Locking parameter

This parameter determines whether the server will block files when requested by clients, and is intended for use by developers. Do not change the value of this parameter. Setting it to no will cause all file lock and unlock requests to appear to clients to be successful, but not actually lock. If you disable locking either in the global settings section or on a specific shared resource, this will result in data corruption.
Default value:

Oplocks parameter

This parameter determines whether smbd will use the on-time locking mechanism (oplocks) when receiving requests to open files on shared resources. Using this mechanism can increase the speed of file access on the Samba server because it allows clients to cache files locally. Windows NT servers use this mechanism by default. On-time locking can be disabled for specific files located on specific shares by using the veto oplock files parameter.
Default value:

To disable the timely blocking mechanism, set:

Strict locking parameter

The parameter determines how the server handles file locking. If it is set to yes, then the server checks for the existence of a lock on the file on every read or write attempt and does not allow access if the file is locked. If the parameter is set to no, then the server checks for a lock on the file only at the request of the client. This is how the server behaves by default, as this method provides the best performance.
Default value:

Strict locking = No

To enable checking of the lock on every read / write operation, specify:

Strict locking = Yes

Share modes parameter

The parameter determines which access modes are used when opening a file. The client can request a mode of access, which implies an exclusive right to read or write. If you set the share modes parameter to no, then the Windows application will not be able to open the file.
The default is yes, which ensures that the shared resources are fully compatible with Windows applications:

Share modes = Yes

There is no point in changing this value.

Miscellaneous Options

In this section, you can set options that allow you to configure shared resources for users connecting to them. You can also specify which resource files are available to users.

Available parameter

The parameter determines whether this shared resource is accessible to users. If you set it to no, then all attempts to connect to the resource will fail (and will also be written to the log file). By default, the resource is available to users:

Available = Yes

To disable a resource, set:

Volume parameter

The parameter specifies the volume label for the shared resource. It can be useful when used as a CD-ROM share on a Samba server, if the Windows or DOS installation programs require a specific volume label.
The default is the name of the resource.
To set the volume label, for example CD_WIN, specify:

Volume = CD_WIN

Fstype parameter

The parameter specifies the type of file system that the Samba server informs clients for this shared resource. It does not affect the type of filesystem used.
The default is NTFS, for compatibility with Windows NT:

To have the Samba server tell clients that the resource is using the FAT file system, specify:

Set directory parameter

This parameter is used when working with Digital Pathworks clients. It indicates whether the client can use the setdir command to change directories.
The default is no because most of the clients are not Digital Pathworks clients:

Set directory = No

To enable compatibility with Digital Pathworks clients, install:

Set directory = Yes

Wide links parameter

The parameter determines whether Samba will allow clients to follow links in the Phoenix AIA file system leading to areas outside the exported directories. It is intended for paranoid sysadmins. If the access modes on your system are set correctly, setting this parameter to yes will not compromise system security.
The default value allows customers to follow any links:

Wide links = Yes

To disable this feature, set:

Wide links = No

Follow symlinks parameter

The parameter determines whether smbd will allow clients to follow symbolic links. If it is set to no, then users will receive an error message when they try to access a file or directory that is a symbolic link. In this case, users will not be able to not only follow symbolic links, but also create them. This setting can improve the security of the system (for example, otherwise the user can create links to important system files in his home directory).
The default allows clients to follow symbolic links:

Follow symlinks = Yes

In order to prevent clients from following links, install:

Follow symlinks = No

Dont descend parameter

The parameter specifies a list of directories that will appear empty to clients.
This setting is for convenience, not security. It affects the listing of directories, but not access to them. If the user has the appropriate permissions, he will be able to write or delete files in the specified directories. You can specify multiple directories by separating them with commas.
The default is an empty string (all directories are shown):

To make clients see the / dev and / proc directories empty, specify:

Dont descend = / proc, / dev

Delete readonly parameter

The parameter determines whether files with DOS-read-only attribute can be deleted. Setting yes allows Phoenix AIA access modes to take precedence over DOS access modes, which is useful, for example, for applications such as version control system (RCS). A situation may arise in which the access mode of the Phoenix AIS prohibits changing the access mode to the file, and the DOS mode prohibits deleting this file.
The default is no, which does not allow deleting read-only files:

Delete readonly = no

To enable deletion of read-only files, specify:

Delete readonly = Yes

DOS filetime resolution parameter

This parameter is used to troubleshoot problems that occur when using the DOS / Windows FAT file system. The best resolution that FAT can use for timestamping is 2 seconds. This can cause compatibility issues when using some software products (for example, the Microsoft Visual programming language series) with shared resources on the Samba server. The problem occurs when the on-time locking mechanism is enabled on a shared resource (see the oplocks parameter in the Locking Options section). However, a software product, such as one of the Microsoft Visual programming languages, uses two different calls to read the timestamp to check if the file has changed since it was last read. The first of these calls uses a resolution of one second, the second uses a resolution of two seconds, and rounds off the odd number of seconds to the lower even number. Therefore, if the file has a time stamp of an odd number of seconds, the results of the two calls will be different and the time stamps will appear to be mismatched. As a result, the software product will report that the file has been modified.
If the DOS filetime resolution is set to yes for a share, then Samba will round the timestamp down to an even number of seconds. In this case, Microsoft Visual products are happy and correctly report the file creation time.
The default is no (file creation time is not rounded off):

DOS filetime resolution = No

To have Samba round up file creation times by fooling products like Microsoft Visual programming languages, specify:

DOS filetime resolution = Yes

Fake directory create times option

This parameter allows Samba to "invent" directory creation times to ensure compatibility of Microsoft Visual programming languages ​​with Samba shares. Even the newest file systems, such as NTFS and Windows VFAT, retain creation times that are not the same as the ctime (time of state change) used in the Phoenix Arena. By default, Samba tells clients the earliest timestamp supported by AIA Phoenix. This can cause the compiler to rebuild objects that have not changed. Setting fake directory create times to yes will cause Samba to always report midnight on January 1, 1980 as the directory creation time.
By default, Samba tells clients the creation timestamp used in the Phoenix AIA:

Fake directory create times = No

To have Samba tell clients a build time compatible with Microsoft Visual compilers, specify:

Fake directory create times = Yes

Implementation of network protocols Server Message Block (SMB) and Common Internet File System (CIFS)... The main purpose is to share files and printers between Linux and Windows systems.

Samba consists of several daemons that run in the background and provide services and a number of command line tools for interacting with Windows services:

  • smbd- a daemon that is an SMB server for file and print services;
  • nmbd- a daemon that provides NetBIOS naming services;
  • smblient- the utility provides command line access to SMB resources. It also allows you to get lists of shared resources on remote servers and view your network environment;
  • smb.conf- configuration file containing settings for all Samba tools;

List of ports used by Samba

  • share- This security mode emulates the authentication method used by Windows 9x / Windows Me operating systems. In this mode, usernames are ignored and passwords are assigned to shares. In this mode, Samba tries to use a client-supplied password that can be used by different users.
  • user* - This security mode is set by default and uses a username and password for authentication, as is usually done in Linux. In most cases on modern operating systems, passwords are stored in an encrypted database that only Samba uses.
  • server- This security mode is used when Samba needs to authenticate against another server. To clients, this mode looks the same as user-level authentication (user mode), but in fact, to perform authentication, Samba contacts the server specified in the password server parameter.
  • domain- using this security mode, you can fully join a Windows domain; to clients it looks the same as user-level authentication. Unlike server-level authentication, domain-based authentication uses more secure domain-level password exchange. Full domain joins require additional commands on the Samba system and possibly on a domain controller.
  • ads- This security mode is similar to the domain authentication method, but requires an Active Directory Domain Services domain controller.

Complete list of parameters Samba available in manpages.

Above was an example with access for a shared directory. Let's consider another example with a private directory, which can be accessed only by login and password.

Create a group and add a user to it

Sudo groupadd smbgrp sudo usermod -a -G smbgrp proft

Create a directory for the user and set the rights

Sudo mkdir -p / srv / samba / proft sudo chown -R proft: smbgrp / srv / samba / proft sudo chmod -R 0770 / srv / samba / proft

Create a samba user

Sudo smbpasswd -a proft

Add a new resource to /etc/samba/smb.conf

Path = / srv / samba / proft valid users = @smbgrp guest ok = no writable = yes browsable = yes

Let's restart the server

Sudo systemctl restart smbd

An example of configuring a resource that has symlink to the user's folder ( / srv / samba / media / video » / home / proft / video)

Path = / srv / samba / media guest ok = yes read only = yes browsable = yes force user = proft

Client setup

Viewing Shared Computer Resources

Smbclient -L -U%

Another way to connect for anonymous user with command line

Smbclient -U nobody // ls

If the server is configured with a higher security level, you may need to pass the username or domain name using the -W and -U options, respectively.

Smbclient -L -U proft -W WORKGROUP

Mounting a samba resource

# create mount point mkdir -p ~ / shares / public # mount resource # for anonymous user nobody mount -t cifs // / home / proft / shares / public -o user =, nobody password =, workgroup = WORKGROUP, ip =, utf8 # for user proft mount -t cifs // / home / proft / shares / public -o user = proft, password = 1, workgroup = WORKGROUP, ip = 192.168. 24.101, utf8

Better yet, store passwords in a separate file.

# sudo vim / etc / samba / sambacreds username = proft password = 1 username = noboy password =

Let's set access rights 0600

Sudo chmod 0600 / etc / samba / sambacreds

New line to mount

Mount -t cifs // / home / proft / shares / public -o user = proft, credentials = / etc / samba / sambacreds, workgroup = WORKGROUP, ip =

And an example for / etc / fstab

// / home / proft / shares / public cifs noauto, username = proft, credentials = / etc / samba / sambacreds, workgroup = WORKGROUP, ip = 0 0

You can open a resource in the file manager Nautilus / Nemo / etc using this path smb: //

If Nemo writes Nemo cannot handle "smb" locations. means there is not enough package gvfs-smb.

Server access from Windows and Android client

Under Windows, you can find out the workgroup from the console using

Net config workstation

You can open resources on a remote machine by typing the UNC address in the Explorer line or in Run (Start - Run): \ .

For Android, you can connect to the server using ES File Explorer, on the Network tab, add a server, simply by IP (without specifying a scheme, smb). Then you can open shared resources. For statistics: HDRIP-movie runs without slowdown.

Additional reading

Sometimes you need to very quickly set up a file share on the server and open access to it. In this case, there is no need to fence any complex configurations, access rights or something else. You just need quick access to information without any questions.

For example, I recently needed something like this to open access to the backups that were stored on the server. I didn't want to understand and look for information myself, it was necessary to quickly give a person access to read, so that he himself could find everything he needed.

I will not specifically operate with operating system versions. Samba's configs are the same almost everywhere I had to work with them, especially in the simplest configurations.

So, we install samba in any suitable way for your operating system. The configurations are valid for the 3rd version of the samba. Then we decide what we need:

  • access by user and password,
  • access by ip address,
  • access to everyone without restrictions.

Depending on this, the settings will be slightly different.

For password access we draw such a config:

Security = user passdb backend = tdbsam workgroup = MYGROUP server string = Samba path = / mnt / shara valid users = @users force group = users create mask = 0660 directory mask = 0771 writable = yes browseable = yes

# useradd share-user -M -G users -s / sbin / nologin

We import this user into the samba and set the password:

# smbpasswd -a share-user

And we try to go to the ball at:

\\ server ip \ share

To organize access depending on ip address, we make the following settings in smb.conf:

Security = share workgroup = MYGROUP server string = Samba map to guest = bad user path = / mnt / files browsable = yes writable = yes guest ok = yes read only = no hosts allow =

In this case, full access will be at the address To add an entire subnet, you need to specify the following:

Hosts allow = 192.168.0.

You can combine different subnets and addresses, separating them with spaces. In order to disable access to some specific addresses from the allowed subnet, you can do it like this:

Hosts allow = 192.168.0. except

Access will be allowed to the entire subnet, except for the address.

We restart the samba and check.

If you have samba 4 installed, then this configuration will not work and you will receive an error:

WARNING: Ignoring invalid value "(! LANG: share" for parameter "security" !}

For ip access to work properly, you need to make the following changes to the above config:

Security = user map to guest = Bad Password

Leave the rest of the parameters the same. After that, ip access will work on the 4th version of the samba.

If access will be provided to everyone without restrictions, then the simplest samba configuration will be as follows:

Security = user workgroup = MYGROUP server string = Samba guest account = nobody map to guest = Bad User path = / mnt / files browseable = Yes guest ok = Yes writeable = Yes public = yes

Do not forget to make the rights for everyone to the folder:

# chmod 0777 / mnt / files

We restart the samba and try to enter. Should be allowed without any questions.

This is how you can organize a simple file server using samba in just 5 minutes. And often it is more difficult and not necessary. For any file trash, the very last option is suitable.

For more complex configurations, I have separate articles:

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