What you need to take for an IT specialist. Programmer training

The IT sphere does not stop growing, and in 2018 experts still predict an increase in demand for professionals in this area. Many applicants, already realizing the importance of their future, want to become programmers, robotics, game developers, etc. What needs to be done now to become a successful IT specialist in the future? There is a very logical and important list.

1. Understand what kind of programming area or specialization attracts. Here are some of the options that are popular in today's world:

Website developer - two areas can be distinguished here:

a) bback-end developer- deals with the program-administrative part of the web interface (i.e. the one that underlies)

b) ffront-end developer- is engaged in the development of the user interface, that is, the part that we see with you when interacting with sites and services in the browser.

- VR architect is a virtual reality architect, a specialist who creates a new virtual space. Sounds very exciting :)

Information systems and software development specialist;

Product designer - is engaged in improving the IT product (program, service, etc.) in order to make it easier for users to interact with it;

A QA engineer - A Quality Assurance engineer (Quality Assurance literally means "quality assurance") is a person who tests software at the development stage to eliminate errors and improve the product.

A 3D designer is a specialist in 3D graphics who customizes computer characters for game animation, "sets drawing objects in motion." A very creative and fun area

A Java developer is a specialist who develops in the java language. We took out this item separately, because it occupies a special place in the field of programming. Such giants as Amazon, Facebook and Odnoklassniki actively use java in their back-end part (we talked about it above)

This is far from an exhaustive list, but it is an excellent ground for thought, since just a programmer is not a very specific choice, it is worth deciding on a narrower area in which you will become a truly professional, which means you can get a decent job offer.

2. Start exploring the base. Of course, having entered the university, you will study a lot, a lot of material. But the ideal option would be to form a base before admission. Why is this important: firstly, then it will be really easier, and secondly, you will definitely make sure that this sphere is yours and you will not "burn out" to it .... well, or vice versa, decide that this is all too bad for you and switch in time.

And also, do not abandon English, its knowledge makes it possible to intuitively understand a lot in programming. If you are studying another foreign language at school, then take separate English lessons.

3. Find useful sites and study information in your spare time. We advise you to pay attention to a very useful resource for beginners: http://htmlbook.ru/html/type/html5 Here is a guide to all html5 tags that need to be mastered. It immediately seems that there is a lot, but in the process of studying with a tutor, you will master everything very quickly.

4. Decide where to go. Each university has its own requirements, but for some specialties on the exam, you need to take 3 subjects: Russian, mathematics and social studies. In most cases, you will need 4: Russian, mathematics, computer science and a foreign language (better if it is English). Of course, in this article we will not be able to consider all the options for where to enter, so select the specialization you like and type it into the search, adding the city in which you would like to study.

Universities of Moscow:

MIPT - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Passing mark: from 90

NRNU "MEPhI" - Faculty of Software Engineering; informatics and computer technology. Passing mark: from 86

ITMO University - Faculty of Informatics and Programming; Wireless communication systems;

software-protected infocommunications; cloud technologies, etc. Passing score: from 85.

We wish all applicants success in their chosen profession, and remember, TutorOnline is always in touch to help you deal with any subject!

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Do you like working at a computer, are not indifferent to technology, closely follow the latest news in the field of innovative inventions? The profession of a specialist in the field of computer science and telecommunications would be perfect for you. How can you apply for such a specialist, and what kind of profession should you choose in this direction?

First of all, you need to write, which became admission to the Unified State Exam from the 2014-2015 academic year. Having successfully overcome this test, you can pass exams in mathematics, Russian language and the third subject, which will depend on the direction you choose. For example, - a leading university for training personnel in the field of telecommunications and information technology - the results of the Unified State Exam in computer science and ICT or physics are accepted.


1. Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology
2. Information Security
3. Infocommunication technologies and communication systems
4. Applied Informatics
5. Informatics and computer engineering
6. Information systems and technologies
7. Information security of telecommunication systems


Future specialists in the field of computer science and telecommunications can enter both college and university. In the first case, the term of study takes 3-4 years, depending on whether students are enrolled after the 9th or 11th grade. In order to get a higher education in this area, you need to study for 4-6 years: 4 years for bachelors, 5 years for specialists, 6 years for undergraduates.

If you have already decided where exactly - in a university or college - you want to get an education in the field of telecommunications and information technology, then you have to choose the educational institution itself. Those who decide to become an IT professional have many options. For example, more than 160 universities are ready to teach students in the specialty "Information Security" in Russia.

Be aware of all the events taking place during the admission campaign, check unclear questions with the members of the admissions committee. This will help you better assess your chances of admission. The main thing is to gain the maximum possible number of points for yourself on the exam and be confident in your own abilities.

This year, a little more than 708 thousand children graduated from school in Russia. Of these, 55,000 took the Unified State Exam in Informatics. That is, about 7.8% of applicants plan to connect their lives with information technology. But the trouble is - when choosing a specialty (and there are dozens of those related to new technologies), the guys do not really imagine what they will do after receiving a diploma. Many are guided by the name of the specialty, by the stories of older children or by the prestige of the university.

Komsomolskaya Pravda has found out which IT specialties will be in demand in 3-4 years and which universities train the best professionals.

Information technology has penetrated almost all areas of our life. Very soon, the amount of information will be measured in zettabytes (this is 10 to 21 degrees), and it will be extremely important to manage these communities, according to our experts - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Education at the Department of Strategic Technologies at Microsoft Alexander Gavrilov and Director of the Department Research and Education Mail.Ru Group Dmitry Voloshin.

1. "Datasientist"- a specialist in working with large amounts of data

Big data is a popular and promising direction in computer science. What it is? This is the collection and systematization of information of huge volumes and varied composition. It is necessary to analyze the entire information array and make serious management decisions on its basis. At first glance, this seems understandable, but such work requires very specific competencies. “A data scientist is a person who ideally has a technical background, he can be a programmer, analyst, business architect. He also has a scientific background, skills and ability to analyze information and formulate hypotheses, ”says Dmitry Voloshin.

2. Cloud Computing Specialist

Cloud data warehouses are powerful virtual servers that store user data. Due to the fact that data is stored in the so-called "clouds", it is not attached to a specific PC and can be retrieved from devices less powerful than the server. This is how Google and Yandex drives, Mail.Ru Files, Apple's iCloud service, or even Google chrome, which remembers bookmarks, passwords and the user's browser history, work. Experts predict a rapid growth in the number of such systems in the coming years, and there are very few specialists for their development. So it's time to learn how to develop "clouds", after graduating from the university there will be no problems with employment.

3. Mobile application developer

There is no point in explaining what it is. Smartphone = mobile apps. Each new application is more interesting and more complex than the previous one; new specializations appear in this area. For example, programmers for a certain platform, GUI specialists, mobile application testers “As tablets and smartphones penetrate the market, as communication channels improve, there is a huge need (I am not exaggerating), it is a huge need for appropriate developers ... Now this is one of the main trends, and a large number of startups are emerging on this topic, ”comments Dmitry Voloshin.

4. Robotics specialist

This is no longer a new direction in IT, but now it is rapidly gaining momentum. The sphere is very complex, here we have electronics, mechanics, and computer science. “In fact, I would compare a programmer of robots with a surgeon who performs operations,” says Dmitry Voloshin. But you can learn this, and besides, it is very necessary. Employers are waiting.

5. Information security specialist

Another wide sphere with many ramifications. This includes the development of antiviruses and the protection of electronic payment systems - in general, everything that will help information to be protected.

6. Comprehensive automation of business processes

Automation is needed to quickly solve various business problems. With the help of IT solutions, you can speed up almost any business process: from attracting new customers to calculating salaries. But all business processes are interconnected, so complex automation is more efficient and simpler.

Alexander Gavrilov also highlights interdisciplinary areas, such as bioinformatics. Programmers on platforms 1C, C ++, Java and others are always in demand. “Good programmers are swept away at once. All the guys who know how and want to program will certainly find a job in a very short time, ”assures students and entrants Dmitry Voloshin.

I'd go to IT specialists ... But where to go?

As always, there is a distance between higher education and real work. You cannot learn to be a mobile app developer, business analyst, or cloud specialist. This is understandable. “Even 5 years ago, none of the above specialties existed,” says Alexander Gavrilov. But this is not a reason to give up higher education and decide that you will learn everything yourself. University training provides the foundation for the development of a specialist. In addition, this is our country, without a diploma they will not take anywhere. And technical universities open doors to big companies.

When asked about the employment of students after graduation from universities, Dmitry Voloshin answers unequivocally: “Well, only losers do not get a job, sorry for being straightforward. 70% of the children work while still studying in the 3-4 course ”.

The best universities that train IT specialists

1. MSTU them. N.E. Bauman

In Baumank it is worth trying your luck at the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems and the Faculty of Robotics and Integrated Automation. True, in case of failure, you should not be upset. Strong technical training is given in any department in this university, even in management. The University holds its own Olympiad "Step into the Future", its winners and prize-winners enter without exams.

2. Faculty of CMC, Moscow State University. Lomonosov

Here they provide fundamental theoretical training, many graduates go to science after graduation. Competition for a place of 5-5.5 people, but there are many budget places: 335. Do not forget that Moscow State University has the privilege to conduct an additional entrance test, so the USE results alone will not be enough. Again, the university has its own Olympiads "Lomonosov" and "Conquer the Sparrow Hills". The diploma winners of these Olympiads enter without exams, or receive 100 points in one of the subjects.


Here, IT specialists are trained in three faculties: radio engineering and cybernetics, management and applied mathematics, innovation and high technology. On average, the competition for these faculties last year amounted to 2.2 people per seat, which is not so much. Although the scores are needed quite high. With the help of the Phystech Olympiad, one can enter MIPT without exams, and there are many other Olympiads that give advantages in admission. For example, "Start in Science" and traveling Olympiads.

4. MEPhI

The competition at MEPhI is large, in the direction of business informatics in 2012 there were as many as 16 people per seat. But you can apply to 5 universities at once. So why not take a chance and feel the spirit of competition in one of them?


Here, IT specialists are trained as many as 5 faculties: business informatics, informatics and computer technology, information security, software and administration of information systems, applied informatics. It is quite possible to enter there, the average passing score for these faculties last year was 216 for 3 exams.

It is also worth paying attention to the HSE Faculty of Business Informatics: they provide a good base with a focus on practice. You can become a worthy specialist by studying at MIREA and St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes. Among universities in St. Petersburg, NRU ITMO is a worthy alternative to Moscow universities.

From regional universities, experts identified Kazan (Volga) and Southern federal universities, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Nizhny Novgorod state universities.

All universities accept the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in specialized subjects and members of the International teams of subject Olympiads without exams.

The question of where to study as a programmer is of concern to many high school graduates and schoolchildren. In recent years, this profession has become one of the most attractive for young people, as it opens up great prospects and opportunities for them. The IT sphere is rapidly developing all over the world and programmers are in demand literally everywhere.

Even in the CIS countries, where the salary is often not so high, these specialists are ready to pay $ 1000, and often even more, depending on the knowledge and skills of a particular person. Such money in most professions is difficult even to imagine.

Also, the big advantages of the profession are the possibility of constant growth and development, a lot of opportunities for relocation and emigration. All this makes many people go to study the profession of a programmer.

What subjects need to be taken to a programmer

Answering the question about which subjects should be taken if a person is going to study to be a coder, you only need to understand the fact that each educational institution puts up its own list of compulsory disciplines.

Therefore, there are only two main ways so as not to miscalculate with your bright future as a programmer at the very beginning of this business:

  1. If a person has already decided where exactly he will go to study, then you need to go there, visit the admissions office and personally find out which exams are worth taking.
  2. If a certain university has not yet been chosen or the applicant plans to submit documents to several institutions at once, then it is necessary to pay attention to such subjects: mathematics, computer science, Russian, physics, English. More often than not, these are the disciplines that are required.

Some institutions prioritize not the results of the USE itself, but their own personal entrance exams. Therefore, it is still better to put pressure on the exact sciences, but you should not forget about the ability to write correctly.

Is it possible to become a programmer after grade 9

Many young school students have a pragmatic mindset and understand that two extra years in grades 10 and 11 will not give them any advantage in the labor market. Therefore, they tend to leave school immediately after grade 9.

Is it possible after 9 to go to get education as a coder, or is it better to finish my studies at school?

If you have clearly defined who you want to be, then there is no point in staying further at school. You can apply after 9 without any problems.

There is not one college or specialized faculty at the university that accepts students after grade 9. In this case, it will not be possible officially to enter the institute, but it is quite possible to enroll in programming courses. The most important thing in the labor market is specific skills and abilities.

What skills do you need to develop to become a successful programmer?

A programmer is not only a profitable and exciting, but also a difficult profession that is not given to everyone. Even if studying by profession is given to a person relatively easily, this does not guarantee his successful employment and productivity of actions in real work.

Why is this happening? There are many reasons and it is them that you should pay attention to and develop the relevant skills in yourself:

  1. Lacks perseverance. Many, even smart guys, cannot learn programming in any way, since this requires a lot of work and practice. Walking and having fun is easier and more fun, so many leave the race simply because of laziness and lack of discipline.
  2. Learning to be a coder will definitely be easier for a person with an analytical mindset. To advance in the profession went better, you need to diligently solve problems in mathematics and physics, this will help to develop some analytical inclinations and strengthen them.
  3. It is important to start learning English immediately. Even good programmers face an obstacle on their way up the career ladder - poor knowledge of English. This can be a strong brake, so learning the language is worth it well in advance.
  4. It is also important to be a confident PC user. The programmer should not be distracted for a long time by nonsense and simple things, such as installing the desired program or antivirus. This should be self-evident for a person.

It is important to note that many students do not understand that a programmer is not someone who reinstalls Windows. This profession involves a much more complex job.

What exams do you need to take as a programmer?

As mentioned above, educational institutions most often require graduates to pass exams in the following disciplines:

  • Mathematics;
  • Informatics;
  • Physics;
  • Russian language;
  • Foreign, most often English.

Consider: at least 4 of the 5 specified items will definitely have to be passed.

Where they teach to be a programmer

Since the profession of a programmer is now very popular and in demand in the labor market all over the planet, a huge number of universities offer training from them. This helps them to be heard, as well as to attract applicants.

Universities, often even far from the exact sciences, can also offer to study as a coder. Therefore, there are a lot of places to choose from.

But you need to be careful - you cannot go anywhere, only when you see the desired profession in the list of professions. After all, many institutions simply attract students in this way so that they have enough people during the recruitment. The quality of education there will simply be none.

It is best to choose popular and well-known large universities, polytechnic institutes, colleges, etc.

Is distance learning possible

Today's schoolchildren and all people who plan to study are very lucky. We live in the age of information technology, and higher education is available not only to those who are ready to sit at a student's desk for 5 years.

There are many options for getting an education and one of them is distance learning.

To check if the institution you want has the opportunity to study remotely, you can simply visit its website or personally the organization itself and find out this issue.

Most often, large universities create such groups and conduct them for the entire necessary period until they receive a diploma. From time to time you will have to visit the institution: take exams, various reporting.

Is it enough to take courses to become a good programmer

If you go to the Internet and write a request for studying to be a programmer, you can literally find in a minute many dozens of courses offered here for people with all levels of training. Are courses capable of replacing 5 years of study at a university?

The issue is controversial and you can approach it from different angles.

To be extremely pragmatic, it is worth agreeing that sometimes it is even more profitable to take courses than at an institute.

Why? Here are just some of the reasons:

  1. Good courses provide concentrated useful knowledge of the profession, and do not drive you to physical education and occupational safety, philosophy and ecology.
  2. It is even worth going to the courses even before serious studies at the university. This will help to understand the future profession and the knowledge necessary there better, to decide whether it is worth getting involved with at all.
  3. Courses can be a good basis from which you can start straight away to simple work. Further, with experience and new courses, the person smoothly moves into the category of the best specialists.

Do not neglect the courses. They are often even more profitable than 5 years of study at the institute.

How many years to study as a programmer

To answer this question, different cases need to be considered. If a person leaves after the 9th grade for college, then usually they study there for 3 years, then he can, if he wants, go to study further, often immediately for 2-3 courses of the institute, which will take another 3-4 years. In total, it turns out 5-6 years.

Exactly the same figure is relevant for applicants after grade 11, especially if in the future they will also choose a master's degree.

Higher education, obtained in person, by correspondence or remotely, usually takes 5-6 years. If you are a lady and are going to give birth in your third year, take a decree and return in three years, then the educational process will drag on for 9 years. The Academy of Sciences does not attract programmers, but if someone goes here to graduate school, then you need to prepare to give another 3 years of life ...

The second higher education takes less and can be obtained in different cases in 2-4 years. It is impossible to talk about specific dates here, since everything is very individual.

Courses, depending on their intensity and quality, usually take several months or six months. In terms of time and obtaining specific practical knowledge, this is the best option, so choosing the courses will be quite good.

Distance learning in the specialty "Programmer"

This case is not fundamentally different from other professions offered in absentia.

A person is given a certain program and the amount of knowledge that he must master, the framework in which he needs to invest when passing the exams, and the timing of the implementation of the individual plan.

Many options for distance learning are offered by Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities of the country.

Is it worth going to distance learning? The question is ambiguous, here each person must decide for himself. The most important thing is that you need to have enough independence and willpower to study intensively without outside supervision, help and control.

There are no universal techniques for mastering knowledge, except for perseverance and work.

Where the best programmers are trained in Russia

Where can you get the profession of software engineer or something similar in Russia?

There are a lot of universities, courses, distance programs, but if you aim to choose the best, then you should take a closer look at such institutions:

  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • NRU ITMO University;
  • UrFU - Ural Federal University;
  • Lobachevsky University;
  • MSTU.

There are powerful schools of programming here, which is confirmed by the many victories of students of these institutions at international olympiads and competitions. Knowing about these prestigious universities is worth at least because of this.

As a conclusion, we note that a programmer is a very popular and in every sense an attractive profession that many are striving to acquire. If you want to secure yourself a promising future and a solid income, be sure to earn the necessary passing score and go to study for this profession.

If it's a pity to lose 5 years of time, you can just take quality courses and immediately go to the labor market, even if at first to not very well-paid positions. With experience and new knowledge, this will quickly be corrected.