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Useful information for tourists about Presov in Slovakia - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.


Presov is a city founded earlier in the 9th century in northeastern Slovakia, lying in the Kosice depression. This depression is formed by the foothills of two mountain ranges, one of which is called Sariska Vrhovina, and the other - Slanske Vrhy. The mentioned heights mark with their slopes the point of confluence of the Sekchev and Toris channels.

With 91,000 inhabitants, Presov is known as the administrative center of the region of the same name. The importance of the city is confirmed by one of the largest Slovak universities, which has located its educational buildings here. The city archbishop-metropolitan at the same time heads the Slovak Greek Catholic Church, and the archbishop of Slovakia, who heads the Metropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church, also serves here.

With the collapse of Great Moravia, the Slavic settlement that had been here for the 9th-10th centuries merged with the Kingdom of Hungary. The crowded stream of German settlers that poured here in the XII century, their deeds on the inhabited territory prompted some historians to assert that Presov owes its origin exclusively to German colonists.

The developing city was mentioned by written sources for the first time in 1247 under the name Epures, and fifty-two years later Presov was awarded the privileges of the city, becoming a key handicraft and trading point of Sarish. The next title - a free royal city - was awarded to Presov in 1374. The dynamic development of the city aroused bad feelings in the neighbors, and in 1441 its buildings were burned down by the Polish conquerors.

The subsequent 16th - 17th centuries glorified the city with excellent schooling. Outstanding teachers, the best scientists in Germany were engaged in improving schooling here. Further development of Presov took place in the 19th century, when, thanks to numerous local enterprises, a railway line stretched to the city.

The formation of Czechoslovakia in 1918 poured additional energy into the development of the city. The textile, woodworking, machine-building and food industries began to rise. Their growth, interrupted by the Second World War, continued in 1948, marked by the onset of a new wave of industrialization.

Among the most valuable monuments of Presov, the Rakosi Palace stands out for its architecture, which today has given its elegant rooms to the museum. The church of St. Mikulas also attracts the eye, the main difference of which is the sixty-meter towers. In total, there are 325 buildings listed as cultural monuments.

Since winemaking is listed among the oldest traditions of Presov, the city acquired a unique wine museum located in an old cellar. This basement itself is a product of antiquity, for its age exceeds 500 years. All these centuries winemaking has been the core branch of the city's economic life.

The museum does not suffer from provincial patriotism - collection wines from different countries are on display in its exposition. The museum is not limited to exhibition activities either. Here you can taste local wines and buy your favorite drinks in the museum shop.

Today we will travel to the third largest city in Slovakia to experience its beauty, sights and attractions. He is located in the region that is named after him. The city is famous for its salt and the Shroud of Turin, and last but not least, it is also the gateway to the peculiar region of Sarish. If you decide that we are talking about Presov, then you guessed it.

Presov is considered the pearl of the East, some even consider it Athens on Toris. This comparison may seem strange to you, but believe that it is true. Presov is located at the confluence of the Toris and Sekchov rivers in the Kosice Basin and is surrounded by the Slanskie Vrkhs and the Šarišskaya Upland. Historically, it belongs to the royal cities and at the same time to the centers of education or culture.

If you are interested in sightseeing, prepare a few pairs of shoes, as there are over 300 of them in Presov. The city center is one of the oldest urban conservation areas in Slovakia. Nearby Solivar boasts the title of the most significant technical and still functioning monument, which can be read in more detail. Of the sacred buildings, Presov offers real treasures.

Pay attention to the magnificent Gothic Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Mikulas), where be sure to visit the observation deck at the top of the church tower. You will have a beautiful view of the city there. The Jewish synagogue, the Baroque calvary and the elevated cathedral of the capital are also worth a visit. Inside he hides an exact copy Shroud of Turin or a reliquary of the blessed martyr bishops Paul Peter Goidich and Vasil Gopok, as well as a relic of the Holy Cross. Other churches are also interesting, but you should see them yourself.

It will also appeal to fans of museums and galleries. You will find the Wine Museum, the unusual Aviation Museum, the Regional Museum in the building of the Rakoczi Palace or the Sharish Gallery and many other cultural institutions. Theaters can also provide you with interesting cultural experiences. One of them is Yonash Zaborsky Theater with a location in several buildings or the only theater in the world that plays performances in the Rusyn language - the Theater of Alexander Dukhnovich.

Leisure lovers will surely appreciate the water park, which is open all year round. For space explorers, the city offers an observatory and a planetarium. Tourists and cyclists will surely enjoy excursions to the ruins of five castles in the vicinity or to the famous Dubnica opal mines. At one time they found here largest opal in the world - the Harlequin, which you can currently see in the Natural History Museum in Vienna.

We can continue to list the sights for a long time, but we must not forget that the city also lives with events. Among the most interesting are the Presov Musical Spring, the Salt Mine Fair, the Lace Festival, the Bad Music Festival or Presov cultural summer.

In conclusion, we will give a few more uniqueness of this city. The first is the location. The 49th parallel runs through the Presov historical center. With very good visibility from some areas of the city, you can observe, in addition to the surrounding beauty of nature, also located at a distance of more than 70 kilometers. You probably don't suspect that the first book in Slovakia was printed in Presov. It was a Latin textbook. The city is home to many prominent figures, such as Yakub Bogdani, a baroque artist who worked for the English kings. Famous musicians such as Katarina Knekhtova, Katarina Koshchova, Peter Lipa, Peter Nagy, Ivan Tasler or the popular actor Juraj Kukura also come from here.

Presov is a city of many faces, so for you every visit will be associated with the discovery of something new and exceptional.

Translation: Alla Kutserova

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Presov, also Pryashev (Slovakian Prešov, Ukrainian Pryashiv, Hungarian Eperjes, German Preschau, Eperies, Polish Preszów, Latin Fragopolis, Eperiessinum) is a city in northeastern Slovakia, founded at the confluence of the Toris and Sekchov rivers at the foot mountain ranges Slanske Vrhy and Sariska Vrhovina in the Kosice depression. Presov is the third largest city in Slovakia and has 91 thousand inhabitants. The city is the administrative center of the Presov region of the same name. It is also home to one of the largest in Slovakia, Presov University in Presov.

Archbishop-Metropolitan Presov is the head of the Slovak Greek Catholic Church.

In Presov, there is the Metropolitan Council of Slovakia, the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, headed by the Archbishop of Presov.


In the 9th-10th centuries on the site of Presov there was a Slavic Great Moravian settlement. After the collapse of Great Moravia, the territory of the city became part of the Kingdom of Hungary. Since the 12th century, a large number of German colonists have moved here, who played such an important role in the development of the city that a number of sources say that it owes "its origin" to them.

The city was first mentioned in 1247 as Epures, in 1299 received the privileges of the city and quickly became an important craft and trade center of Sarish. In 1374 Presov became a free royal city.

In 1441 Presov was almost completely burned by the Poles, and in 1604 Bochkai was conquered, but soon it was again occupied by the Imperials.

Protestantism found a response here already in 1530. During the uprisings of Tököli and Rakoczi, the city was badly damaged. Since 1673, it has been greatly damaged by the Vatican's reaction to the teachings of Martin Luther, which has found a warm welcome here. In 1683, the imperial general Karaffa established here the so-called Eperiesh (Pryashevsky) bloody court and built a permanent scaffold on the main square of the city, on which 30 of the most respected Protestant residents of the city were executed on May 9 of the same year.

In the XVI and XVII centuries. the city was famous for the organization of school affairs: in its educational institutions, for the most part, outstanding scientists and teachers from Germany were engaged.

In the 19th century, the city continued to develop rapidly. A railway was laid here, many enterprises were built.

In 1918 Presov became part of Czechoslovakia. In 1948, a further wave of industrialization began and, as a result, the rapid growth of the city.


  • City fortifications
  • Gothic ensemble of the main square with a parish church

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Presov is located in the northeastern part, next to the Slanske Vrhy and Sariska Vrhovina mountain ranges, at the confluence of the Torisa and Sekčov rivers. The city has the status of the administrative center of the Presov region and is the third largest in the republic. Above all, it is known for its sights and fine wines, which are considered the best in the country.


Despite the relatively small area, Presov has an impressive number of interesting architectural and historical sites, and has long been famous for the extraction and production of salt. The city is of considerable interest from a tourist point of view, offering its guests a rich excursion program, comfortable accommodation in hotels and good shopping opportunities. The city streets are full of cozy restaurants, promenade parks, shops and shopping centers where you can have fun. Many locals have their own family business here related to winemaking, with production facilities and roomy cellars in the cool basements of houses. The natural landscapes of the region are extremely beautiful, which can be admired by climbing the mountain ranges adjacent to the city, from where fabulous landscapes open up. A well-developed transport system allows residents and guests of Presov to move freely not only within the city limits and the region, but also to travel to nearby countries.

general information

The city territory covers an area of ​​70 sq. km, with a population of about 91,000 people. Local time lags behind Moscow by 1 hour in summer and 2 in winter. The time zone is UTC + 1 and UTC + 2 in summer. Telephone code + (421) 51. Official website

A brief excursion into history

In the 9th-10th centuries AD, a Slavic Great Moravian settlement existed on these lands, after the collapse of Great Moravia it became part of the Hungarian Kingdom. Beginning in the 12th century, German colonists began to come here in large numbers, who later played an important role in the development of the region. During the reign of Andras III, the townspeople were delegated electoral rights, which, however, extended only to local governments. In the 70s of the 17th century, there were serious riots and bloody showdowns in the city due to disagreements in the field of religion, and in 1887 a fire broke out in Presov, which practically destroyed the city. However, it was quickly restored, and soon a railway was laid in the vicinity, which contributed to its rapid development. In 1918, Presov became part of Czechoslovakia, and after the end of World War II, a massive wave of industrialization swept across the country, which also affected the Presov region, as a result of which the city continued its rapid growth, which began at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. After the collapse of Czechoslovakia, Presov retained the status of the administrative center of the region and is still one of the most interesting cities in Slovakia.


The Prešov region is characterized by a temperate continental climate. In winter it is often cold here, and the thermometer regularly overcomes the minus mark, while snow often falls. Summers are usually warm, with lots of sunny days and high temperatures. The best time to visit here is from May to September.

How to get there

The nearest airport is located 50 km from Presov, in, but it only accepts domestic flights. From there, as well as from other nearby districts of Slovakia, the city can be reached by bus. In addition, there is a railway and bus connection with, and.


Buses and trolleybuses are used as internal transport. In general, the distances in the city are small and you can overcome them both on foot and on a bicycle rented at a rental point.

Attractions and entertainment

The main architectural structures and the most interesting objects are concentrated in the central part of the city. On the main street, attention is drawn to the Church of St. Nicholas, which is an example of the Gothic style. There are also the Klobushitsky Palace, the Evangelical Church, the Jewish Quarter and several elegant religious buildings. The old Semiata Park is ideal for walking, and not far from it there is the Neptune fountain, made in its original form and with a statue of the sea lord in the center of the composition. Curious tourists should definitely visit the local museum, where they can learn about the history of salt mining in these places and get to know more about the main aspects of this business, including tools and equipment. The picturesque Šarišský hrad castle, which has an important historical value, is located 6 km from the city limits. The excursion to the "Evil Pit" cave, about a 30-minute drive from the city, is especially popular among visitors. Its mysterious vaults attract thousands of travelers every year. The air temperature inside the cave is only +7 degrees, so before leaving, tourists are advised to bring warm clothes with them. At the entrance, all visitors are given special lanterns to illuminate the path. There are very few discos and entertainment nightclubs in Presov, but there are enough cozy restaurants and park areas where you can have a good time.


There are many different culinary establishments in the city that provide visitors with a varied menu with an abundance of vegetables, meat dishes, fish and other delights. Particular attention is paid to wines, which is not surprising, given the old traditions of the city associated with the production of this drink. The most picturesque institution in the capital of the region is the Film cafe, famous for its signature cocktails, with the names of famous world films.


For shopping, one of the best places in the city is the city bazaar, on which numerous counters display all kinds of goods for every taste. Also, from morning to evening, the doors of shops, souvenir shops and shopping centers are open.

Presov is a pleasant and cozy city where you can relax and have fun, seeing the local sights and discovering the culture and traditions of the little one. Beautiful architecture, rich historical heritage, the splendor of the surrounding natural landscapes and a favorable welcoming atmosphere give this city a unique charm, and its appearance remains in the memory for a long time.

At first glance, Presov seems like a typical university town, ready to get involved in everything. This is the center of the best ski region in Slovakia, from here you can go on fantastically picturesque routes, so the city's population increases throughout the year due to the influx of tourists. Fortunately, Presov escaped large-scale destruction during the Second World War and preserved not only the historical center, but also many other sights. Now the entire city center, planned in the shape of a diamond, has been completely restored to resemble the scenery of a wonderful theater of history, where residents and guests play interesting roles.

The old buildings of Presov are concentrated mainly around the main square, which has witnessed many interethnic clashes both in the past and now. Catholic cathedral of the XIV century. (with a marvelous, albeit modern, Moravian stained-glass window and a stunning Baroque altar) contrasts spectacularly with the Protestant church on the other side of the square, both churches vying with the austere simplicity of the mid-17th century Lutheran church between them. All the churches are functioning, local residents pray there daily, which testifies to both the historically established religious tolerance and the modern inter-confessional tension. The role of Presov is obvious as the only cultural center of the ancient minority of Slovakia - the Roma. Nevertheless, it can be noted that in Presov there is still a calm, friendly and tolerant relationship between clearly different ethnic communities.

Do not miss

  • Creamy pastel facades of 18th century mansions along the main square.
  • Incredibly high iconostasis of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral in the rococo style.
  • The town hall in which the Hungarian Red Army of Bela Kun proclaimed in 1919 the Slovak Socialist Republic, which was destined to live for a short time.
  • Early medieval castles Saris and Kapusianski 15 km north of Presov.
  • Synagogue.

You should know

The Irish pub closes at 7:00 am when the bar next door opens.