Niksic montenegro. Rest in Niksic

The city of Niksic is located in the central part of the country at the foot of Trebes mountains, 50 km from. Many federal highways and various roads cross here, leading from the coast of the Adriatic Sea inland. A road connecting Podgorica with. The surrounding area is no less beautiful than the high-mountainous regions of Montenegro - there are also lakes (, Liverovichi), monumental mountains rise around (the height of Niksic itself is 630 m above sea level), and flows past Zeta river.

City `s history.

Niksic was founded by the Romans as a fortified military camp in the 4th century BC. e. on the site of an old Gothic settlement at the intersection of important roads. Then he bore the name Anagastum... The Slavs who came to this region in the Middle Ages renamed the Roman name of the city to Onogosht... After the Ottoman conquest, the Turks once again renamed the city - now it began to be called Niksic, and a Turkish fortress was rebuilt here. Gradually, the inhabitants became cramped within the walls of the fortress and they moved to the valley, where later the main city arose.

Turkish rule ended in 1877 when Niksic freed army of Nikola I Petrovic Njegos, the expulsion of the Ottoman Empire gave a new impetus to the development of the city - rapid construction began here, and the population began to grow. Most of the buildings from this period of development are associated with the name of the architect Josipa Slide for example he built Cathedral of Vasily Ostrozhsky, the palace of Nikola Petrovich Njegos, Tsarsky bridge, several parks and many other objects.

In 1883, a development plan for Niksic was drawn up, which began to implement urban planner Josip Slade from Trogir... The first three decades after the drawing up of the plan are characterized by the explosive growth of urban production and trade, the establishment of various cultural and educational organizations in the city. By 1900, various sights were built in Niksic: St. Basil Orthodox Church, Royal Palace, Main Town Square with six streets diverging from it, several parks.

After the Second World War, the city was renovated and reconstructed. Niksic has grown tenfold and has become one of the important industrial centers of Montenegro.

Niksic is the second largest industrial center of Montenegro after Podgorica. The Niksicka Zeljezara metallurgical plant, bauxite mine, Niksicka Pivara brewery and other large enterprises are located here. The wars of the disintegration of Yugoslavia passed Montenegro, but left Niksic factories without suppliers and sales markets, which caused a complete decline in production, which lasted until the end of the 90s. Many businesses in the city were closed, others fell into disrepair. Niksic's business life began to recover only at the beginning of the new millennium. The surviving factories were privatized and have already adapted to the new conditions by now. However, these enterprises cannot employ as many workers as they were employed during the times of socialist Yugoslavia. Therefore, the city's economy is gradually transforming towards a service economy. The city's well-being is supported by three large enterprises: a metallurgical plant, a bauxite mine and the Trebjesa brewery, which produces popular beer "Nikšičko", which is sold throughout Montenegro and the region.


The city has several interesting sights to visit. It is worth starting with central square, from where the streets diverge to the north and east, and thus form a "web". Not far from the square there are the palace-museum of Nikola I Petrovic Njegos in the Renaissance style, which is now a museum of local folklore, a city park and Freedom Square.

Lovers of historical monuments will also be able to see at the entrance to the city ancient Turkish fortress Bedem.

The fortress was built by the Turks in the 18th century after their conquest of Slavic Onogosht. They surrounded with walls only the upper city, where the Ottoman administration was located, while the lower part of the settlement, inhabited by artisans, was outside the fortification and had its own defense system. The fortress has always been the site of battles for the city during numerous wars, the last battle at the walls of the bastion took place in 1878, when Niksic was liberated Montenegrin Prince Nicholas I.

Be sure to visit Church of St. Basil of Ostrog, which was built in the 19th century. The Church of St. Basil keeps the memory of the heroes of Montenegro who gave their lives for her freedom. The temple is beautiful in itself, and even better makes it a park, laid out around. This architectural ensemble is called Saborn.

Visit the bridges on the Moshtanitsa, Tsarskiy and Vukov rivers. is considered one of the most beautiful bridges in the country. It belongs to the creative heritage of the famous architect Josip Slide and was built at the end of the 19th century with money Russian Emperor Alexander III, in whose honor it received its "royal" name. The bridge is located at the exit from Niksic along the route of the old road to Podgorica and crosses the Panduritsa river... The stone structure is about 269 m long, the embankment on both sides of the bridge stretches for almost 600 m. The bridge structure contains 18 arches, the maximum span height is 13 m. A small pedestrian bridge is thrown over the Panduritsa River in the lower part of the structure.

In the middle of the Niksic cemetery, you can find the oldest church in the area, which bears the names Saints Peter and Paul, which is a rather rare name among the many Montenegrin temples. According to legend, this church dates back to the 9th century, and Saint Sava himself, the first patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, once served there. The church is located in the center of Niksic on the territory of the city cemetery and not far from the Cathedral of Vasily Ostrog.

Among other things, the old town is perfectly preserved here. Turkish mosque Khadzhi-Smailov, and an ancient human settlement was discovered in the immediate vicinity of the city - Red rock(Crvena stijena).

The city hosts numerous international festivals such as the International Festival of Actors, the International Chamber Music Festival and the International Guitar Festival. At the end of summer, famous in Montenegro take place "September days", during which theater and film evenings, meetings with local poets and writers, various exhibitions are organized.

What to see in the vicinity of the city?

Niksic welcomes lovers of skiing with little experience. On the Krnov slope, by the canyon of the Komarnitsa River, less than 20 km from the city is ski center Vuchye(Vučje). Vacationers have at their disposal 4 tracks (their total length is about 3 km) and three lifts. The slopes are gentle, which is convenient and safe for mastering alpine skiing.

For those who are interested in the history of Orthodoxy, we advise you to visit Zhupa monastery... The history of the monastery is full of unexpected twists and turns and drama. Legend has it that it was originally erected on the right bank of the Gracanitsa River, but was soon destroyed by a devastating rockfall. The monastery was restored, but history repeated itself. Then the local residents dismantled the remains of the monastery literally brick by brick and moved the building to the other side of the river. But - again a failure - the Turks burned it. And only at the end of the 19th century, the monastery was rebuilt in the form that it has now.

In the vicinity of the city in 1960 was built here hydroelectric power station Perucica, which contributed to the formation of three artificial lakes: Krupac, Slano and Vrtac... These lakes have so organically blended into the natural landscape and are beautiful that they gradually became the favorite places for recreation of residents. Many people say that this is the best place for walking in the area - Food and accommodation .

Niksic is as hospitable as other cities in Montenegro. You can find and choose for yourself any type of accommodation for your vacation: rent a private apartment, book a room in a hotel / hotel, as well as rent a villa or a private house. You can choose a suitable accommodation on the page of our partner - Booking company.

Niksic is the second largest city in Montenegro and an important industrial center of the country. Tourists come to Niksic not for a beach holiday, but for sightseeing, visiting the surroundings and getting to know the rich history of this place.

Location of Niksic city

Niksic is located in the very center of Montenegro, in the Niksic Valley, near Trebesa Mountain. It is 50 km away from the capital and the Adriatic coast.

Niksic is located at the intersection of several transport hubs. Thanks to this, it can be easily reached from anywhere in the country.

History of the town of Niksic

The first inhabitants appeared in Niksic in the 4th century BC. For a long time there was a military camp that belonged to the Romans. Now this place has great historical value.

Ancient artifacts of the Paleolithic era, the period of Roman rule, the Middle Ages, etc. are still found in the city. Excavations in it are carried out at regular intervals.

The most significant buildings in Niksic were erected in the early 1990s. Many of them are in the luxurious Renaissance style. The most notable of these buildings is the local princely palace.

By the middle of the 20th century, the city began to be rebuilt anew. Many buildings and houses that are now in Niksic were erected during this period.

Attractions Niksic

From the central square of Niksic you can walk to any street in the city. The locals themselves call it the Square. Nearby is the Njegos Palace. One of its premises is set aside for the Museum of Local Lore. The main city park and the historic city center are nearby. It is built up with low-rise houses with red roofs.

The Cathedral of St. Basil of Ostrog is an Orthodox church built in 1992. The religious building was built in honor of the Montenegrin soldiers who died in the wars with Turkish opponents. There is a large clock on the bell tower of the church; inside there is an iconostasis made of marble.

The Tsarsky Bridge is considered one of the largest in the whole of Montenegro. In the 19th century, it became the pinnacle of the national architectural and engineering art. The Tsarsky Bridge still continues to amaze with its beauty and monumentality. A small footbridge has been built in its lower part. From there you can admire the river and the surrounding landscapes.

Niksic has several well-kept parks, which are nice to walk in the heat. It is always fresh and cool near local waters. The shores of Salt Lake are surrounded by greenery. They offer beautiful views of the mountains and islands.

Neighborhood Niksic

Bedem is a Turkish fortress, which is located right at the entrance to Niksic. Its first bastion was erected by the Romans. Now there are ruins from it. Cultural events are often held on the territory of the Bedem Fortress. The building is located on a hill with wonderful views of the Niksici valley and steep cliffs.

The Zhupa Monastery is only a couple of kilometers away from Niksic. According to the legends, the church was destroyed several times due to strong earthquakes, after which it was restored. The monastery is interesting for its architecture: a kind of transept, a facade with an unusual-shaped window, a floor with a decorative pulpit, an oak iconostasis and a huge crystal chandelier.

Vuchje Ski Resort is less than 20 km from Niksic. It has 4 slopes with a total length of 3 km. The slopes in Vuch'e are mostly gentle, and it is convenient to learn to snowboard and ski on them. In winter, the resort has 3 ski lifts.

Festivals in Niksic

Every year Niksic becomes the venue for international festivals. Festival of actors, chamber music, guitar - all this is organized here. At the end of August, the city hosts a whole range of cultural events, united under the name "September Days". Famous Montenegrin writers and poets come to Niksic as part of the festivities. The city hosts exhibitions, theater and cinema evenings.

Once Niksic boasted 4 cinemas, at that time 1 worked in Belgrade. Now not a single one is working ...
Once the Niksic region was the largest in Yugoslavia, and now in Montenegro (15% of the country's tourist territory).
The Metallurgical Plant (Željezara) used to work here at full capacity, employing 7,000 people in Yugoslavia, now a couple of hundred people work there. Unemployment is flourishing in the city, many are forced to leave to work, the closest option is to a construction site in Podgorica.

There is a hydroelectric power station Perucica in the city; Niksic is also rich in bauxite and preserved forests. Tourists associate this city with beer :))) After all, there is the Trebiesha brewery, which produces light and dark "Niksichko", "Helen" and other sorts. Earlier I already wrote about Montenegrin beer and the factory. And there is also a faculty of Russian language and literature in Niksic (university website). Although it would be more logical to place it on the coast, where tourism is developed, but thanks for that. I met the graduates of this faculty, they speak excellent Russian!

The city stands at an altitude of 630 m above sea level, 50 km from Podgorica. It is surrounded by huge peaks and looks very picturesque thanks to three artificial lakes and three rivers, fertile fields and village houses in the area. But in the very center of Niksic there is an ugliness of socialist times - the House of the Revolution. It is not only not completed, but also dangerous for local children, they fall into holes there, walking along the abandoned, and rescuers do not always have time to come to the rescue ...

Nearby is the Salt Lake, which is very picturesque, as there are many islets peeping out. It is with fresh water, in fact, here they fish and hunt ducks. It got its name from the field covered with salt. In the old days, a carvan route passed here, salt was brought from the Adriatic, apparently a lot of it was scattered on this field.

There are two more artificial lakes nearby - Vrtac and Krupac, at the latter I had dinner in the evening.
There is a huge restaurant by the water and a place for rest niksican.
The photo is earlier, I pass here very often, heading north - to the town of Pluzyn and Lake Piva

Picturesque villages close to the city, if you go along the highway from Niksic to Pluzine

If we talk about sights, then it is worth seeing the arched Tsarev Bridge, the money for it was given by the growing emperor Alexander III, also the Cathedral of Vasily Ostrog, it was sponsored by the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, the palace of the Montenegrin king Nikola, the ruins of the city fortress.

But I had another goal, I did not examine these places. I was passing through Niksic, left the bus station (a ticket from Budva is 8 euros), and went to a cafe opposite. From there I took a picture of the central highway and the fork in the streets.

Everything is clear here. You will go to the right - you will find buses and trains :)
If you go to the left, you will get to the Metallurgical Plant or the Vuchye ski resort.
If you go straight, you will find yourself in the capital, but if you go crookedly, you will go to the Center. I went there.

From above, the city center looks nice (photo from the Internet). It was designed by the Italian architect Josep Slade, the one who invented the serpentine road with 25 turns from Kotor to Mount Lovcen.

And do you know what I pay attention to first of all? On the religion of the inhabitants. For some reason, I have a great interest in this, to know the% ratio. These scissors on the boards announce the date and time of the funeral. They are hung all over the city and the outskirts by relatives. Black border - Orthodox, blue - Catholic, green - Muslim. If instead of a cross there is a red star, then he was an atheist communist.

I mark the low and colorful houses

I walk along the central pedestrian street, on both sides - bars and cafes. When it got dark, everything was packed with people, and married couples with children walked along the road.

It was an amazing feeling, like I am in Montenegro, but this is something new for me, and I am a tourist staring around.

I decided to film my walk, look what I didn’t retell.

Yes, I really walked around the city for 1.5 hours, looking at it and doing shopping, and not only looking for clothes for myself. I got into a conversation in a store with a saleswoman at the end of her working day. I always ask the Montenegrins the same thing: "How does the city live? Where do people work? Is it bad or good for them?" Oh, how she complained !!!

Books are sold on the central square. Are Montenegrins a reading nation? I never thought so ...

The invariable meeting place at the monument to Pushkin to King Nicholas I

Someone does business on the weaknesses of children

From a distance, the central square. In general, it is clean, calm, comfortable, but there are not enough benches ...

A mixture of antiquity and modernity

The city government sits here

A bit of stealthy information from the Internet:
The Yugoslav war passed Montenegro, but left Niksic factories without suppliers and sales markets (sanctions, trade embargo), which caused a complete decline in production that lasted until the end of the 90s. Many businesses in the city were closed, others fell into disrepair. Niksic's business life began to recover only in the early 2000s. The factories that survived were privatized and have now adapted to the new conditions. However, these enterprises cannot employ as many workers as they were employed during the times of socialist Yugoslavia. Therefore, the city's economy is gradually transforming towards a service economy.

Niksic's center made a painful impression - construction sites, socialist reminders, graffiti ...

I would not want to live here

The worst building hides behind these cute cats

This is just a small part of it.

This house was conceived as the largest monument to the revolution in the former Yugoslavia. But 38 years have passed since the foundation was laid, during which time twenty people died in it. The House of the Revolution, with an area of ​​22,000 square meters, has absorbed millions of dinars, marks and euros, it has become synonymous with death. People came here to commit suicide, homeless people died within its walls, children died falling into pits, and how many people were crippled - you can't count!

Until now, the "socialist horror" has swallowed 50 million euros, with this money it was possible to build more than 3,000 apartments.

Is there a dilemma - to demolish the building or complete it? We thought to create a Cultural Center, a Nature Center, and a Shopping Center ... I'll show you someone else's photo from a little above.

On September 18, 1977, the Yugoslav hero Velko Zhekovic laid the first stone in the foundation of the former Pedagogical School on Lenin Square. On what he spent his day, energy and prepared a speech, he did not even suspect .... And today, children play opposite and while away the evenings pensioners. God grant that revolutions, socialism, terrible architectural ideas remain in Montenegro in the past.

Those who understand the Serbian language can take a look at the program about the creepy house in Niksic.

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And, in my opinion, one of the most unkempt cities in the country. Niksic is more like a huge village than a city. However, there are some sights to see in this city. It is hardly worth going to Niksic purposefully, in order to see the sights located there, but through this city there are routes in the direction of more interesting cities, and on the way to this or that place it is quite possible to call in Niksic and spend an hour to see this location. In particular, the shortest road from to passes through Niksic, and you will often drive through this city if you are driving from the coast to. And, as I already wrote, despite the fact that the sights in Niksic are secondary, on the way, you can stop and explore the surroundings a little.

Before moving on to the sights of the city, a little history. Niksic was founded by the Romans in the 4th century. As a matter of fact, the Romans did not build a city, but a military camp, on the site of which the Ostrgots built a fortress in the 5th century, from which the city of Niksic was later formed.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the city developed rapidly, this is due to the fact that the Turks were expelled from the region, which led to the influx of new residents into the city and the accelerated industrial development of the city. Also, many sights were built at that time.

After the end of the Second World War, the city was reconstructed, and its population increased tenfold. Currently, the city of Niksic is an important industrial center of Montenegro; a significant part of the country's large enterprises are located in the city.

The distance from Niksic to other cities in Montenegro is illustrated in the table below.

Distance from Niksic to other cities, in km.

How to get to Niksic

If you are going to Niksic purposefully, in order to visit this city and do not plan to go further, look in other locations, you can take a bus.

If you are planning, as I advised, to visit Niksic on the way to other places, then by bus such a trip with several stops will not be convenient, it is better or take in.

Attractions in Niksic

Finally, we got to the main point, why go to Niksic at all. In the city you can see the following attractions:

Arriving in Niksic, you can walk for a couple of minutes along Sloboda square, this is the main square in the city. Of course, this is not the center of Paris, but it still looks good.

Not far from the square is St. Basil's Church... It was erected in honor of the memory of the fighters who fell in the struggle for the country's independence.

Visit St. Peter and Paul Church, which was built in the 16th century. The church is known for its rich collection of frescoes.

You can see the ruins Fortress Bedem(XVIII century). The fortress was built by the Turks.

Also, the region has several lakes, for example, a salt lake, which are considered attractions of Montenegro and attract tourists. In particular, there is a very good view of the salt lake from the observation decks. When I take an excursion from Herceg Novi to Durmitor, I definitely stop the car over this lake.

Accommodation in Niksic

To be honest, I do not understand why you might need to book accommodation in Niksic, but if you need it, then check out the offers.

Shops and restaurants in Niksic

There are fewer shops in the city than in Podgorica, but, nevertheless, the selection of some goods is very good here. For example, one of the two largest furniture stores in Montenegro is located in Niksic. I'm just going to go to this store in the near future to select a computer desk there.

As for restaurants, in numerical terms, there are much fewer of them than on the coast or in Podgorica, but, nevertheless, there are quite enough places to eat, you will not stay hungry. The restaurants are mostly good.

In conclusion, I will insert a few photos of Niksic.

That's all friends
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P.S. Do you know that it is easier and cheaper to get a residence permit (residence permit) in Montenegro than in any other country in the world? Detailed information about immigration is published on the website EVROPAEDU.RU (by the way, this is the most detailed website about life in Montenegro on the Russian Internet). Immigration advice can be obtained by calling +382 69 287 855.

Niksic(in Montenegrin - "Nikšić / Nikšić") - a city in central Montenegro, the administrative center of the Niksic municipality (community), an important industrial center.

The city is considered the second largest in the country in terms of population; according to the 2003 census, 58,212 people live in it. And the municipality itself, moreover, is the largest in area (2065 km²), its population is 74,700 people.

The city is located in the Niksic Valley, at the foot of the Trebesa Mountain. The area surrounding the city is no less beautiful than the high-mountainous regions of Montenegro - there are also lakes (Krupac, Slano, Liverovichi), monumental mountains rise around (the height of Niksic itself is 630 m above sea level), and the Zeta River flows by. An advantageous geographical position - the intersection of roads in different directions - has been the main trump card of all settlements on the site of a modern city since ancient times.

Geographic coordinates: 42 ° 46'48 "N, 18 ° 56'24" E

Niksic Map

Brief description of the city

The first Gothic settlement in this area originated in the 4th century, later it became known as Anagastum, when the Romans built their fortress here to protect this important transport artery. The city became part of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Since then, this settlement has gone through several historical eras, until it became modern Niksic.

The Slavs came to this region in the Middle Ages, they somewhat renamed the Roman name of the city to Onogosht. After the Ottoman conquest, the Turks once again renamed the city - now it began to be called Niksic and a Turkish fortress was rebuilt here. Gradually, the inhabitants became cramped within the walls of the fortress and they moved to the valley, where later the main city arose.

Turkish rule ended in 1877, when Niksic was liberated by the army of Nikola I Petrovic Njegos, the expulsion of the Ottoman Empire gave a new impetus to the development of the city - rapid construction began here, and the population began to grow. Most of the buildings of this period of development are associated with the name of the architect Josip Slide, for example, he built the Cathedral of Vasily Ostrozhsky, the palace of Nikola Petrovich Njegos, Tsarsky Bridge, several parks and many other objects.

By now Niksic has turned into an important industrial center of Montenegro, second only to. There is a metallurgical plant, a bauxite mine for the extraction of aluminum ore, as well as a brewery known throughout the country (beer "" is from here). The city has also retained its important transport significance - the roads leading from the mountainous, central and coastal regions of Montenegro connect here. There is a railway line for freight and passenger traffic.

In recent years, tourism and the service sector have begun to play an important role in the region's economy. This is facilitated by the growing interest in the rich cultural and historical heritage of the area. The architecture of the city, which has preserved the features of several eras, the remains of ancient settlements and fortresses, the city museum of local lore, which stores many interesting exhibits - all this serves to attract a large number of guests to Niksic. In addition to history and culture, Niksic has other attractive features for tourists - several lakes and parks for a comfortable stay, as well as a winter ski center not far from the city.

Hotels and apartments in Niksic

Using this form, you can search and then book available rooms in hotels in the city and in the immediate vicinity. Before starting the search, specify the desired arrival and departure dates, as well as the number of people living in the room.

You will be able to compare offers from several hotels in order to choose the best option for the price or a set of additional services.

You can book a suitable hotel room directly on the website within a few minutes. You can also check directly the offers on the availability of apartments and hotels in Niksic through the largest online search and booking system

Rent a private house, apartment or room in Niksic

To search for offers for rented cottages, villas, houses, apartments or individual rooms by individuals in Niksic, Montenegro and the surrounding area, you can use the service. Here you can find inexpensive accommodation options, as they say, "first hand" directly from property owners.

Weather in Niksic by months

Based on data from the Yandex.Weather service

Month Average temperature, ° C Precipitation, mm The weather today,
10 days forecast
Day Night
Weather in Niksic in January +5 -2 208
Weather in Niksic in February +6 0 194
Weather in Niksic in March +10 +1 186
Weather in Niksic in April +14 +5 170
Weather in Niksic in May +19 +8 108
Weather in Niksic in June +23 +11 93
Weather in Niksic in July +26 +14 63
Weather in Niksic in August +26 +13 86
Weather in Niksic in September +22 +10 138
Weather in Niksic in October +17 +6 202
Weather in Niksic in November +11 +3 298
Weather in Niksic in December +7 0 239

Major attractions

The municipality of Niksic can offer tourists who come here a rich entertainment program associated with visiting interesting places of natural, cultural and historical significance. Also in the city and its surroundings, various festivals and interesting competitions are held. The excursion and entertainment program of the municipality is as follows.

Attractions of the city and municipality:

  • - an artificial lake on the border with the Kotor municipality.
  • , executed in the architectural style of the neo-renaissance.
  • - a mountain lake on the border with the Kolashinsky municipality.
  • - a cave in which archaeological excavations of the Paleolithic era are being carried out.