Ambulance phone number from mobile. How to call an ambulance from MTS: a free phone number from a mobile

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone is different from calling from a landline. For example, calling an ambulance at the usual number 03 will not work. Calls to at least three-digit numbers are available from cell phones. And yet, calling doctors or firefighters from a mobile phone is very easy, and there are several ways to do this.

Emergency numbers for calls from any cell phones appeared throughout the Russian Federation about two years ago. When a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, he does not need to feverishly remember the combination of numbers that is individual for each operator. We simply dial a single ambulance call number on the phone - 103. The call can be made from anyone, it is completely free for the user.

Other emergency services are called as follows:

  • Firefighters will come to you after calling 101.
  • To call a police outfit, dial 102 on your phone.
  • Gas service call - 104.

Universal number for all services

The United States has a 911 service that anyone can use at any time. Both adults and children know this combination of numbers - 911 - in America. There is an analogue of this service in Russia - the universal code 112, which will always help in the most difficult situation. 112 can be called if the phone is negative, if the user is out of range. Even blocking the phone and the absence of a SIM card in it are not an obstacle to making an emergency call.

The operator answers the client, who needs to tell about the situation. The operator will listen to the user and connect to the required service.

Calling an ambulance from the numbers of different telecom operators

If immediate medical attention is needed, then the person simply does not have time to talk to operators. In this case, you should call the ambulance by direct telephone numbers. Everyone should know these digital combinations: it is better to enter them into the memory of your mobile phone.

Here is a list of numbers for calling an ambulance from SIM cards of different operators:

  • MTS, Tele2, Yutel, Megafon - 030.
  • Beeline - 003.
  • Communication operators "Motiv" and "Skylink" - 903.

The police, firefighters and gas service are called in the same way, but the digital combination will have to be adjusted. If you need to call the firemen, change the number "3" to "1"; the police - by "2"; gas workers - by "4".

Video: Emergency Telephones from a Mobile Phone

Knowing these combinations, you will never panic in a difficult situation, and after all, panic is our main enemy.

The main number for calling an ambulance in Moscow is number 103 (call from a landline and mobile phone).

In addition, there is a number 112 - a call from mobile phones; works with a blocked SIM-card, in the absence of a SIM-card, as well as in the absence of funds on the phone account. Operators respond in both Russian and English.

If you have only health problems, call 103 - we will help.

Calling the state ambulance service is free.

What to tell the dispatcher

There is basic information that a dispatcher will need when receiving a call. As a rule, the connection with the operator "103" takes place within a few seconds, however, by calling "103" during the hours of massive incoming calls, you can hear the information of the answering machine: "Hello. You have called the Unified Dispatching Center of Ambulance and Emergency Medical Aid of the city Moscow, please do not hang up, we will definitely answer you. " If this happens, you must wait for the operator's response.

After the operator has answered you, provide the following information:

- what's happened(answer as fully as possible to the questions that the ambulance dispatcher will ask you).

This will help determine which team (ambulance or emergency) you need at the moment, or it is enough to consult a doctor by phone;

- phone number, from which you are calling;

-the address where the patient is(if the patient is on the street, it is necessary to indicate clear landmarks; in cases of a call to the apartment, indicate: the place of the nearest arrival to the house, entrance number, floor, intercom code);

- surname, name, patronymic(if known);

- date of birth or age of the patient(if known);

- name of caller

Clear and complete answers to these questions will help the ambulance team to quickly come to the sick or injured person. You should indicate the ways of access to your house if they are difficult (road repair, for example). If the incident did not occur in the apartment, then you should indicate the exact landmarks and ways of the entrance! If possible, arrange a meeting of the arriving brigade and indicate where and who will meet the brigade.

After the dispatcher checks the address and telephone number again (the dispatcher must clarify the Moscow district to exclude an error), then he will tell you which team is sent to you (ambulance or emergency medical team) or switch you to the doctor of the advisory panel to clarify the situation.

How quickly will the ambulance arrive?

After receiving a call to Service 103 and instant processing of the appeal in the Unified City Dispatch Center (EGDC), the call is transmitted to the nearest ambulance team or emergency medical team to the patient.

After you call "103", the dispatcher will decide which team to send. In Moscow today, more than 1,000 brigades are on duty around the clock, ready for an urgent departure. At the Station, in addition to line brigades, there are specialized brigades (pediatric, psychiatric, and others).

For an emergency call, the regulated time of arrival of an ambulance brigade does not exceed 20 minutes, while an emergency call is sent to an ambulance in the absence of emergency calls in the service area.

For the arrival of emergency medical teams, the standard is 120 minutes, but it should be noted that this is the maximum waiting time for the team. As of today, in Moscow, the average time of arrival of emergency medical teams is usually 30-40 minutes.

The problem of the availability and accessibility of the ambulance to the patient is one of the most important in our work. Ambulances are equipped with blue flashing beacons and a dedicated audible signal to ensure priority on city highways.

However, not all road users properly relate to the included beacons and sirens. It is not uncommon for them to organize "racing competitions" with ambulances, endangering the lives of ambulances, the patient in the car and their own lives.

When entering narrow lanes, our teams face the problem of getting to the required address due to closely parked private cars. Vehicle owners need to think about how to save travel for ambulances or any other emergency services. Please pay close attention to this issue.

Which team will go to the call?

Responsible for the selection of the team that will be sent to the patient, the medical staff of the operational department, who receives, sorting calls according to the validity, urgency and profile of the teams. The main task of the specialists of the operational department is to understand where to send the ambulance team in the first place. Thanks to the callers' answers to questions, dispatchers also draw conclusions about the need to send a specialized team. As a result, the call can be assigned emergency or urgent status. If urgent help from the team is not needed, the caller is contacted with a senior physician, who gives recommendations for treatment.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone? This question arises at the most crucial moment. Everyone has long been accustomed to mobile phones. They accompany us everywhere and, if necessary, allow us to call anywhere. But a situation happened - a person feels bad, we grab the phone and with horror understand that the usual 03, familiar to everyone from childhood, does not work on a cell phone.

The problem is that the GSM standard does not support a two-digit combination of numbers. For this, a different combination of numbers is used, which is important for everyone to know. After all, a health problem can arise in every person at any moment. Knowing the correct option to call an ambulance through a cell phone can save a person's life.

Calling from a mobile is relevant

Everyone remembers how to call an ambulance - 03. Such a call can be made from a landline phone or a pay machine. But as practice shows, most cases that require urgent medical intervention occur away from such devices: in parks, at stadiums, in the metro, at stops, highways, and so on.

In this case, the only means of communication that is always at hand is a mobile phone. Therefore, it is vitally important to know how to call medical assistance from a cell phone. You need to be ready for everything and remember well how to call an ambulance from a cell phone.

Remember, the sooner you get in touch with emergency services, the sooner needed help will be provided. Don't panic, just grab your mobile and dial the numbers. Further, we will analyze in more detail what number you need to dial for mobile operators in Russia.

Uniform numbers

Several years ago, it was decided to introduce a unified system for recruiting emergency services. This allowed everyone to switch to a single standard and use the same commands for all operators. In the new version, the kits look like this:

  • 101 - fire department;
  • 102 - police;
  • 103 - ambulance;
  • 104 - gas service.

Calls are absolutely free and are valid for all operators in the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, an instant transition to a new standard is technically impossible. This takes time. Therefore, residents of some regions of our country cannot get through to an ambulance at 103. If this is so, then the transition has not yet been made in your area and you need to dial using the old number, which each operator has its own.

How to dial an ambulance number from a cell - popular operators

Each mobile operator has its own short sets. They still operate in regions where the transition to uniform recruitment standards has not been made. Calls to them are absolutely free.


If you have a megaphone and at 103 you have not reached medical assistance, dial 030. Just type these three numbers on your phone keypad and press the call button. The call for Megafon subscribers will be made, even if there is no money in the account.


The Beeline company uses 003 to call for medical assistance. Just add another zero at the beginning and press the call key. The call is not charged, therefore, if necessary, Beeline users can use this number even with a zero balance.

MTS subscribers can use the new dialing rules and call an ambulance by dialing 103 on the keypad. For convenience, the old dialing mode also works. Therefore, in case of problems, you can make an emergency call from MTS at 030.


The mobile operator MOTIV switched to a new standard for dialing emergency services on December 27. For the clients of this company, there is the possibility of dialing 103, and the previous rules have also been preserved for convenience - you can call an ambulance using 903.

SKYLINK subscribers can use the short number 903 to call for medical assistance. The call is not charged, so if necessary, just dial 903.

The mobile operator Tele2 has completely completed the transition to new standards for dialing emergency services in all regions of the Russian Federation. Today, the company's subscribers to call for medical assistance just dial 103 on the cell keypad and press the call key. The call is free and will be made even if there is no money in the account.

Win mobile

Single numbers work for Win mobile subscribers. For residents of Moscow, Biysk, Vladivostok and other cities of Russia, in order to call medical assistance, dial 103 and they will be connected to the nearest service in the region.

An alternative for everyone

The country has long been discussing the issue of introducing a single set of emergency assistance services, by analogy with the 911 service. This number is known, such a help service operates in many countries. In fact, a similar service exists in Russia, but many do not use it and do not even know about it.

We are talking about emergency service 112. Regardless of which operator you have, you can always dial 112 from your mobile and follow the instructions of the answering machine. And no matter where you are, in Barnaul or Krasnoyarsk, the system will detect the subscriber via satellite and connect him to the required service in the region. By calling 112, you will be redirected to the emergency call center, where they will advise you how to call an ambulance from your cell phone and provide any possible assistance.

Important: at 112 you can also get other information or advice that will help you in a problem situation.

Such a service has an undeniable advantage - it is relevant not only for any operator, but is also available if the SIM card is blocked or is missing from the phone. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, if you do not know what to do or you do not know the number of a particular service, feel free to dial 112. Be sure they will help you there, including calling for medical assistance.

But working with 112 has one drawback that can play an important role, especially if you urgently need to call an ambulance, because every minute counts. The fact is that navigating the service, choosing the required option and locating the subscriber take time, which can be worth its weight in gold.


A cell phone is not only a useful gadget. It is a mobile communication tool that is always with you. If someone around you urgently needs medical assistance, you can call it through your cell phone. For subscribers of mobile operators in Russia, this service is free. Even if you have no money in your account, the operator will give you the opportunity to make a call.

Not so long ago, each mobile operator used its own specific set to call the emergency service. It was inconvenient, there was a lot of confusion, it was difficult for subscribers to remember the elementary ambulance number.

Today, the transition to uniform standards for recruiting emergency services has been practically completed. This made it possible to use uniform sets for subscribers of all operators. For convenience, many of them have kept the old dialing numbers. But if you have completely forgotten how to call an ambulance from a cell phone, dial the universal emergency number 112, where they will definitely help you.

You can call an ambulance from your mobile using the same number for all telecom operators.

The advent of mobile communication has greatly simplified the life of every person. But now, in emergency situations, mobile communications can fail, especially if you do not know the phone numbers of the rescue services. Emergency telephones should always be at hand so that you can use them at the right time without wasting a minute.

But it often happens that in unpredictable situations, the most important thing is forgotten, so the numbers of the police, ambulance, firefighters and emergency gas service should be in the phone's memory. If you have not taken care of this in advance, then you may encounter some difficulties when calling emergency services. After all, we are all accustomed to the fact that from stationary telephones the ambulance number was dialed simply: 03. With a mobile, everything is a little more complicated, since two-digit numbers are not provided for in mobile communications. Therefore, dialing 03 from your mobile phone you will only hear the well-known phrase: Wrongly dialed number. And along with this, you will lose precious time, which is so necessary at times.

What do you need to dial to call an ambulance for subscribers of the Beeline mobile operator?

Recently, a system of calling emergency services, in particular, and ambulance, has been introduced for all mobile operators. To do this, in front of the standard and well-known number, you need to add the digit "1". But it is worth noting that not all operators have switched to such a system yet, so failures may occur. To avoid such situations, it is worth clarifying the dialing rules for each of the operators. For the mobile operator of the Beeline network, the following ambulance call set is provided: 003. Accordingly, in order to call all other emergency numbers (police, gas and fire service), add "0" to the existing standard numbers. But remember that this set is valid only for the Beeline network, for other operators you need to press a different combination (for example, add "0" at the end of the number).

You can call an ambulance even in situations where it is impossible to make ordinary calls:

  • When there is no SIM card in the phone or is blocked;
  • When there is poor network coverage and there is no connection;
  • When there are no funds on the balance;
  • When the phone is locked. This point concerns push-button telephones, since touch-sensitive telephones for calling emergency help still have to be unlocked.

Single number of an ambulance call for Beeline subscribers

If for some reason you could not call an ambulance or you forgot your phone number in a panic, the Rescue Service will always come to the rescue. This organization can help in any matter, in particular, in medical matters. You can call it if you dial 112.

The satellite tracks the call and your location, and automatically switches the call to the station that is closest to you. In this case, the service staff will come very quickly and will help to solve any problem.

Calling to the "112" service is absolutely free and calls can be made even with a negative balance on the phone.

Everyone should know how to call an ambulance from a mobile. There are difficult situations in which every second plays a big role in saving a life. In a stressful situation, people find it difficult to memorize numbers. Therefore, you need to remember the short number or write it down in the phone's memory.

The main thing is to stay calm, to act quickly and clearly. Be that as it may, you are not alone, they will definitely hear you and there is a way out of any situation.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone through a single rescue service?

From landline phones, an ambulance can be called in 03, everyone knows this, especially the older generation, who lived before the era of GSM. But the technical nuances of GSM do not allow using the same two-digit combination.

GSM - standards support numbers with at least three digits. Therefore, everyone will not be able to use the familiar combination of numbers 03 to call the ambulance.

Each company providing communication services has its own ambulance number. In order not to remember which one your operator has in a difficult situation, there is a rescue service 112.

You can call emergency help by mobile phone by dialing 103. You can call from any SIM card, the call is absolutely free.

It is good that the development of science and technological progress helps people in the most difficult moments of life. After all, every minute there are many accidents, fires and other disasters, and a simple mobile phone can save hundreds of lives.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile through different operators?

Landline telephones are used less and less, and they are not always nearby at the right time. Cellular communications are rapidly developing in all regions.

Many new companies are offering their communications services. The ability to contact qualified specialists, call for help, regardless of where you are located, is one of the main advantages of mobile phones.

Various organizations have introduced their own three-digit number combinations for emergency services. It is based on the familiar numbers 03, padded with 0 or 1.

It is recommended to write them down on the phone and, if necessary, call directly. After all, everyone can be in such a place and at a time when they may need to save themselves, their loved ones or acquaintances, or even a completely stranger. In case of trouble, you can make a call to doctors from your cell phone, without wasting a second of precious time.

Ambulance number from mobile MTS

The MTS company has introduced a simple combination 103, through which you can call an ambulance. The call is free.

How to dial an ambulance from a mobile Megafon?

Megafon company proposes to enter 030 for an urgent call to medical workers. No money will be charged for the call.

But if the SIM card is blocked, then Megafon will not be able to make a call.

Call an ambulance from Beeline

If the mobile company is Beeline, then to call for medical assistance you need to dial 003 or 103. This simple combination can save someone's life if the ambulance arrives on time and the doctors can help. Beeline subscribers can call 103 for free.

How to call an ambulance from Tele2?

You can call the ambulance through a mobile phone with a Tele2 SIM card by dialing 030. If you could not get through, you can try 03 *.

The company also maintains a single emergency number 103.

Universal SOS

Today, with the development of GSM communication, it is possible to provide assistance to people in the event of a disaster, accident, or catastrophe. You can call the medics by dialing 112.

A call to 112 can be made with any balance, even if the SIM card is blocked. Even if you are in a place with poor coverage, the network disappears or even your mobile phone does not have a SIM card, dialing 112, you can call for help through the operator. In an emergency, a specialist will listen and help you.

The rescue service specialist will ask you for all the information you need and will connect you with the required service.

The only drawback is that it will take more time, it is not always possible to get through quickly, and you will need to describe in detail where you are.

Is it possible to call an ambulance from a cell phone with zero balance?

Human life is priceless, which is why mobile phone companies allow their subscribers to call the emergency room with a zero balance by dialing 112.

After all, there are times when they did not have time to replenish the account, but you urgently need to help, call qualified specialists. Dial the combination 112, and the specialist will tell you what to do in this situation.

If the network is very weak, you can dial 911, the answering machine will turn on, and then dial 3 to connect to the operator.

Let's summarize

It is good if you did not find yourself in difficult situations, but no one is immune from trouble. You or other people may need medical assistance at any time. In such a situation, you cannot panic, you need to act. It is up to you to decide which number, which mobile operator to call. But in order not to waste a lot of time, it is advisable to write emergency contacts into memory.

It will be helpful to review:

There are several ways to call emergency services:

  1. With the combination 103.
  2. With the help of the only rescue service 112.
  3. Enter the combination depending on the company (MTS - 103; Megafon - 030; Beeline - 003.103; Tele2 - 030, 03 *, 103).

It is advisable to dial the emergency number directly, having previously saved the necessary contacts in the cell's memory. But if you have a blocked or missing SIM card, a bad signal or the network is lost, you can contact the operator via 112. A specialist will help you, but it will take additional time to explain all the details and location.

The specialist will be able to redirect you and connect to the desired service. Through 112, you can call the police, firefighters or emergency gas service.