Installing Joomla on a server! or how to install Joomla! right? Installing Joomla Installing joomla 3.6 on hosting.

This is a step by step guide on how to install Joomla on hosting or denver. In this tutorial, we will focus on installing Joomla 3 as this is the latest branch of the engine to be updated. Content:

Step 1: Downloading the Joomla installation package

Step 3: Creating a MySQL database

Step 4: Installation process

Step 1: Download Joomla 3 Installation Package

To download the Joomla installer to your hosting, you first need to download it. We recommend downloading only from the official website. If you downloaded Joomla 3 from another site, then there is a risk of detecting malicious code in the installation files.

Click once on the "Download" button with the latest version of Joomla and the installation package will be saved to your hard drive. Find the installer you just downloaded (it's roughly called and unzip it into a new folder.

Step 2: Upload Joomla Files to Hosting

Now you need to upload the unpacked files and folders to your hosting. The easiest way is to download the Joomla installer using FTP. For these purposes, we recommend using the free FileZilla program.

Important! If you want to install Joomla 3 on your main domain (for example,, then you need to upload the unpacked files to the root folder (for example, public_html). If Joomla is on a subdomain (for example,, then you need to upload it to a folder with the name of the subdomain (for example, public_html / joomla /).

Step 3: Create MySQL Database for Joomla

The next step is to create a MySQL database and assign a user with full rights to it. For detailed instructions on how to do this, see the manuals of your hosting provider. Once you have created the MySQL database and user, make a note of the database name, user and password. We will need them during the installation process.

Step 4: Installation process

If you have already uploaded the installation files to the hosting, just open your browser and enter the name of your domain (for example, or subdomain (for example, in the address bar, depending on where you downloaded the Joomla installation files. After that, in the browser you will see the welcome screen of the Joomla 3 installer. In the first step of the installation, we need to enter information about your site and add the Joomla administrator name.

  • Site name: Enter the site name. Most templates use it for the title of the home page.
  • Description: add a short description of the site. Where it will appear depends on the template.
  • Administrator email: enter a real email. It is used to recover password and system messages.
  • Admin login: an account with administrator rights. When creating an administrator login, remember that “admin” or “administrator” is most often used in hacker attacks. Do something unusual. For example, userking67.
  • Admin password: Enter the admin password as complex as possible.
  • Site Offline: select "Yes" if you want the site to be offline after installation. In our guide, we will leave it "No" (so the site will be available immediately after the installation is complete).

On the next page, you will need to enter information about the MySQL database.

  • Database type: MySQLi is installed by default. Leave unchanged, because MySQLi is the most optimized and stable version of MySQL. It is supported by many servers.
  • Database server name: again leave the default (localhost).
  • Username: database username (see step 3).
  • Password: enter the password of the database user (see step 3).
  • Database name: enter the name of the database you want to use (see Step 3).
  • Table prefix: Joomla add this prefix to all tables in the database. This is useful if you want to use multiple Joomla sites in one database. Leave the default value.
  • Action with existing tables: if you already have a database, then indicate what the installer should do with its tables. Choose "Rename" or "Delete" any existing data. We recommend leaving the "Rename" value for security reasons.

After the required fields are filled in, click "Next".

You will be taken to the last page of the installer. On this page you need to determine whether you need to install demo data on the server. For newbies, we recommend choosing "Standard Demo Data" as this will serve as an example that you can use to customize your site. Note that you can delete all demo articles, menus, etc. Anytime.

The second part of the page shows everything that we have entered so far and an initial check if your hosting meets the requirements for installing Joomla 3.

Finally, click the Install button to install Joomla 3 on your site. In a few minutes you will be redirected to the final page of the Joomla Web Installer.

On the final screen of the installer, you need to click the "Delete installation directory" button. This is for security reasons so that no one can reinstall the existing site. Please note that Joomla 3 will not start until you completely delete this folder.

OK it's all over Now! Now you have a fully functioning Joomla 3 site. Now you can start filling it with content!

First of all, we need to download joomla. To do this, follow this link ... In this article I will show you using joomla version 3.2.0 as an example. When newer versions are released, for example joomla 3.5, the installation process remains the same.

Before installing joomla 3, you need to install denwer and create a database. I wrote about this in detail in the article - Installing and configuring the Denwer web server.

After installing denwer. The "WebServers" folder has been created on the "C" drive, and all the files of your site will be located in it. And for convenience, a disk "Z" was created, by going into it you also find yourself in the folder "WebServers". Not a lot of confusion, but you need to know it.

Open disk "Z", there are four folders. We go to the home folder.

In the home folder, we need to create a folder with the name of the future site. It is advisable to immediately come up with the correct name, that is, "domain name". To avoid having to redo internal links in the future. I wrote about how to do this here - The correct domain name for your site. For example, I gave the name You will naturally have your own name.

Now we need to unzip the downloaded joomla 3 archive into a separate folder. And move all the files to the newly created www folder. As a result, the www folder should be located, these are the folders and files.

After these steps, we proceed to the very installation of joomla3 on denwer.

Step by step installation of joomla 3... You need to restart denwer. To do this, launch one of the three created icons with the name "Restart Denwer".

Now we need to register in the address bar in the browser, the address of our site. That is, the name of the folder that we created, mine is Do not forget, you have your own name. After entering the address, press Enter.

Step one site configuration .Here is a window opened before us, with the name of the site configuration. If the image is hard to see, click on it to enlarge. Here we need to fill in eight fields.

  1. Choose a language - leave Russian.
  2. In the second field, we give the name to the site. So far, you can give any name, in the future when setting up the site, it can be easily changed.
  3. The description is also easy to change.
  4. Turn off the site in the fourth field, leave no.
  5. Enter your email. It is recommended to have a separate mailbox so that there will be less confusion with letters in the future.
  6. Here we come up with a login, BE SURE TO RECORD IT.
  7. In field seven, enter the password. It should be complex, consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers, at least ten characters long. Even a novice hacker can crack passwords with the date of your birth. And most importantly, DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE DOWN THE PASSWORD. Otherwise, you simply will not get to the admin panel of your site.
  8. In field eight, confirm your password.

After filling in these fields, you must click next to proceed to the next step of the installation.

Step two database configuration... There is nothing complicated here either, besides, almost all fields are filled in automatically.

  1. Database type, leave MySQLi.
  2. In the second field, we write localhost.
  3. Username: root
  4. Leave the password field blank. Since our site is installed on Denver, there is no need for a password.
  5. Before installing joomla 3, we installed denver and created a database for the future site. This is where you need to enter, the name of the database we created earlier. I have this moyblog.
  6. The table prefix is ​​generated automatically. You will have another one, do not change it.
  7. In the seventh field, we leave: rename.

We figured out the database configuration, click on to proceed to the final step of the installation.

Step three review... The page is too long, so I had to split it into two screenshots. Here is the final check before installation.

  1. Installation of demo data, I bet no, you can install. This is demo data, that is, you will install a ready-made website. It can help beginners to understand a little about the basic functions of the system.
  2. Send the site configuration to e-mail, set no.
  3. In field three, check the previously filled out site configuration.
  4. In field four, you also check the previously filled out database configuration.
  5. Field five is the initial check, and must be "Yes" everywhere.
  6. Recommended settings. These fields are filled in automatically, they should look the same for you.

After checking these fields, you can finally proceed to the installation. To do this, click the "install" button.

After joomla 3 installations on denver, you will see a window like this.

  1. First of all, install the language packs. Everything is simple here: click on the installation, select the Russian language from the list, set Russian as the default language, then install. This is done so that your admin panel is in Russian.
  2. Be sure to remove the installation directory. Otherwise, when you go to the site or to the admin panel, the installation will start again. You can also delete this directory by going to the root "www" package and delete the "installation" folder there.
  3. In field three, you see two buttons: a site and a control panel. By clicking on the site you will be taken to your site. If you click on the control panel button, you will see such a window. Enter the username and password created when filling out the site configuration. You can also see the "default language" tab. If, when installing the language pack, you made the default language Russian, then you do not need to change anything. And if the default language is some other then select "Russian", and press enter.

In order to get to the site later, you must turn on Denver by clicking on the "Start Denwer" icon. Then type the address of your site in the browser, for me it is And to get into the joomla 3 control panel, you need to type the address of your site, with the prefix administrator, for me it is

This completes the installation process, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments.

In this material, you will learn how to quickly and correctly install Joomla on your own hosting. This system is supported by all hosting providers and its installation is very simple.

For installationWe need Joomla for hosting:

1) CMS Joomla (you can download the archive of the stable version of the system from our website)

2) Database and data access to it.

3) FTP access - to configure the system connection to the database.

Part one - starting the installationJoomla for hosting.

If you are familiar with the principle of your hosting provider and know how to unpack the archive on the server - transfer the downloaded Joomla archive to the hosting, to the root directory of the future site and unpack it using a file client (NetFtp, for example). The root directory of the site can be « /www / ... " or « /public_html /… / " or « public_html / /public_html / ... " depending on the settings of the hosting provider.

If you do not know how to unpack the archive after downloading, do the following: open the FTP client (for example Total Commander), find the archive with Joomla, open it, select all files with the "Ctrl + A" key combination and press F5 - files from the archive will be downloaded to the selected directory for hosting. The second method of uploading files to the server will take a little longer, since there are about 5 thousand files in the archive.

Regardless of how the Joomla distribution files were uploaded, the folder and file structure should look like this:

Part two - the database and its configuration.

Installing Joomla on hosting is not possible without connecting the system to the database. Joomla requires a MySQL database and user (preferably in UTF-8 General CI encoding). If there is no database / database user, create one using the hosting provided functions. On some hosting, creating a database is not difficult, but on cPanel, for example, after creating a database and a user, the user must be synchronized with the database by assigning all the privileges.

After you have created your database / database user, let's move on to installing Joomla on your hosting.

Part three - installation wizard stepsJoomla for hosting.

You already have Joomla files uploaded and have a database. We proceed with the installation of the system.

In the address bar of the browser, enter "" - the Joomla installation window appears, in which the first thing to do is to select the installation language. Select the desired language and click the "Next" button, on the next page the Joomla installation wizard will inform you about possible problems with the connection to the Web-server and, if everything is in order, continue the installation. Anything that does not meet the requirements of the Joomla system will be highlighted in red, if green means all settings are correct.

In the next step, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the license for which Joomla is distributed, agree and wait for "Next".

The fourth step of installing Joomla on a hosting will be setting up a database connection.

In the field "Database type" leave MySql, in the field "Host name", in most cases, you need to specify "localhost", but there are other options, so this information should be checked with your hosting provider. In the remaining fields "Username", "Password", "Database name" enter the database user, password and database name (usually the same as the username).

In the next step, you will be asked to configure an FTP connection, this is not necessary and you can safely click "Next".

In the last step of the Joomla hosting installation wizard, enter your site name, administrator mail and password. After installation, be sure to remove the "installation" folder from the server.

To enter the admin panel, use the login "admin" and the password that you specified in the Joomla installation wizard.

Congratulations, installationJoomla Hosting Completed!

Before installing Joomla, you need to download the latest version of the archive. In addition, Russification files can be attached to it.

The further installation process consists of three stages:

  • Unpacking the archive;
  • Database and user creation;
  • Installation.

Where to start the installation? Install the file manager and the Denver software shell on your computer in advance to create and debug sites under Windows.

First stage

  1. Launch localhost via Denver shortcut.
  2. Opening a virtual disk through a file manager. It opens a sequence of folders home / localhost / www.
  3. A new folder is created for the site, the name of which is written in Latin letters. When working with a home server, the name does not matter.
  4. The contents of the Joomla archive are copied into this folder.

Second phase

  1. The direction localhost / tools / phpmyadmin is written in the address bar of the browser.
  2. A database is created in the window that opens. The corresponding button is at the top, and the name is written in the creation line.
  3. Upon completion, a window should open with a message about the successful creation.
  4. A separate icon is also provided for creating a user.
  5. In the window with information about the login, you must enter the username, host and password. The username can be the same as the database, and localhost is written in the host column.
  6. In the block of possibilities, it is necessary to mark everything.
  7. After that, you can click on the create user button and wait for the notification.

Third stage

  1. Localhost / site name is written in the address bar.
  2. After that, the installation page opens, where you can select the language.
  3. Login information is registered in the database settings.
  4. The block with FTP configurations is skipped.
  5. On the page with basic settings, the name of the site, mail, password are registered, and the installation of demo data is noted.
  6. When the installation is complete, a login information appears and a reminder to remove the installation folder.
  7. The installation folder is removed through the file manager.

After that, you can open the main page by going to localhost / site name. This is what the working version looks like, with which all additional manipulations will be carried out.

How do I change the design in Joomla?

Find template for design it is possible on the Internet, where they are presented in a huge assortment. It can be more difficult to find a specific option that will be ideal for a specific site.

To install the template, you need to run Denver and go to the Joomla admin panel using your username and password. The top menu contains a separate section with extensions and templates.

In the window that opens, all installed schemes will be listed with a preview, and opposite the active template is marked "by default".

To change the option, you must mark the name of interest and save the changes. You can use the preview beforehand.

This scheme is suitable for standard templates that are installed with Joomla. Installing independently found options is a slightly longer process.

In the section of extensions there is an item “installation and removal”, by going to which you can upload a file with an archive of the selected template.

The appropriate window will inform you about the successful completion of the download. After that, the circuit will appear in the table mentioned above and is connected according to the same principle.

So that unnecessary templates do not distract attention and do not take up space, they can be deleted through the same menu.

It is enough to tick the unnecessary option and click on the trash can icon. Joomla will notify you of success again.

Installing extensions

You can download the necessary extensions on various official communities, where a huge selection of modules with reviews and detailed guides is presented.

Installation is performed through the administrative panel, in which you need to select the extension manager section. Usually, the installation opens by default and allows you to load modules and plugins of any type.

Most commonly used three schemes:

  • Downloading a file from the original archive, during which the package is uploaded to the hosting and installed;
  • Installation by URL, for which the address to the archive is specified, and the installation is performed via the network;
  • Installation from a directory, for which the installation files are stored in a folder on the server.

For previously connected extensions, automatic installation of up-to-date ads is provided, which is configured in the corresponding menu item.

To enable the installed module, you need to go to the "Management" section in the extension manager. In the drop-down list, it is enough to mark the plugins of interest and save the result.

Unnecessary extensions are removed according to the same principle, through the manager. The uninstall button will allow you to get rid of unnecessary additions that complicate the system.

How to add materials to CMS Joomla?

In the top menu of the administrative panel there is a section "Materials". To add content, you must select the "Create" item in the manager.

First, the title is filled in and additional settings are set: for example, whether the material will be displayed on the main page. The text can be formatted using a visual editor. Links are inserted through it.

To make edits to the html-code, you can turn off the editor or click the corresponding button.

The functionality of the editor can be expanded with additional plugins. The save button is on the top right.

To add an image to the text, you need to select a place and click the button. The folder with pictures will be loaded automatically. It is where files from a computer or network are saved.

To customize the output of the image, tags with a description and name are used, as well as alignment, indents and sizes available in the editor. Changes will be visible after updating the field.

How do I create a menu?

Menu creation is carried out in two main stages:

  1. Creation of the menu itself;
  2. Creation of menu items.

To get started, you need to enter the section of the menu manager and select the "Create" item. Then the main characteristics are set: title and type. After saving the results, a module is immediately created that will automatically display the result on the site.

You can fully evaluate the result only after creating the items that form the structure of the site:

  • In the window for creating a new item, a name is entered and the type is selected.
  • Separately, you must select the destination list. For example, materials.
  • The material itself is selected from the proposed list.
  • After that, the result can be saved and its performance can be checked.

Another way is to use a category blog. Categories structure all materials, so you just need to choose the one you want. After that, a new menu item will appear, in which several sub-items are displayed at once.

Creating sections and categories

The development of any site requires careful planning of its structure. To sort content into categories, you must first create basic sections.

To create a new section, you need to select the menu item of the same name and set the main parameters:

  • title;
  • description;
  • access level.

After that, the result is saved.

The title assumes the title of the section, and the alias assumes the friendly URL. Access is provided for everyone - for registered users or for individual authors. Additionally, you can add images and edit their placement.

The same settings are made, after which the result can be saved.

Editing templates

Complex templates most often have a separate panel through which you can customize their appearance. Simpler design editable manually or using a graphical editor.

All recognizable elements like logos need to be changed. You can also change the background and color scheme. All graphics are stored in the "images" folder in the template directory.

The sizes of graphic items are viewed through their properties. When replacing, it is better to use similar images. The main thing is to keep the desired format and confirm the replacement.

By the same principle of substitution, any other images are replaced. Some blocks can be collected in a separate folder. This often applies to sliders and other individual modules.

The browser-based exploration tool is used to find the location of individual files. It opens an additional console with the page code and the selected fragment.

Thus, the desired section of the code is immediately highlighted. Here you can change not only the image, but also the size and arrangement of the blocks. You can view the changes by refreshing the site page.

If problems arise, you must:

  • check file permissions;
  • refresh browser cache.


Joomla is one of the simplest systems for creating websites. It combines functionality, practicality and ease of use to achieve the perfect result.

How to work in Joomla and understand the installation and configuration process, our guide for dummies will help beginners.

How is your site management system? I hope you don’t regret it over time. In this article, we will take the first step in mastering Joomla. This step is Installing Joomla 3.x on your hosting server. We will install Joomla 3.x on the hosting server, so we assume that you have a website domain and rented space on the hosting provider's server.

Where to download the Joomla3.X distribution kit

CMS Joomla3.X is distributed free of charge. Since Joomla3.X is distributed under the GNU Open License Agreement (GNUGPL-GNUGENERALPUBLICLICENSE), you may come across paid versions of Joomla with additional extensions already included. But, the main distribution kit Joomla, without additional "add-ons" is distributed absolutely free.

It is easier and more correct to download the latest version of the Joomla3.X distribution on the official Joomla website. The native language of Joomla is English, but you shouldn't worry about translating the system into your own language. The Joomla localization package, as the translation is called, is included in the Joomla3.X installation package. The localization pack contains translation into 26 languages, including Russian.

The Joomla distribution kit is downloaded, in a compressed form, in a ZIP archive. Installing Joomla 3.x on a hosting requires unpacking the archive, which is what you need to do on your computer.

Database for Joomla3.X

Any site is not possible without a database. Therefore, to begin with, let's create a database for the future site. The database will be empty, but will have a username, username and password for user authorization. For CMS Joomla the DBMS (database management system) must be MySQL (MySQLi) with version 5.1.

We create a database

A database for the site is created in the administrative panel of your hosting. Depending on your hosting admin panel, the name of the tab where the databases are created is different. For example, in DirectAdmin this is the MySQL Management tab, in PleskPanels it is the Databases tab.

The process of creating a database itself is not difficult and is most likely described on your hosting. The result of creating a database should be an empty database, with its own name, a user with all rights and a user password for authorization. Also you need to know the address where the MySQL server is located. This is usually the localhost server, but it can also be a very specific numeric or URL address. For information about the address where the hosting MySQL servers are located, see your hosting. If you have any problems, please contact your support.

Installing Joomla 3.x on a hosting

Installing Joomla 3.x on a hosting consists of two stages. At the first stage, you need to transfer (upload) to your hosting server to the root folder of your domain all the folders and files of the downloaded and unpacked Joomla 3.x distribution kit. At the second stage, you need to launch the Joomla installer, which is included in the distribution, and complete the installation by going through three installer windows. Everything in order.

Upload the Joomla distribution to the hosting server

All folders and files of the Joomla distribution must be uploaded via FTP, using any FTP client (in the screenshots FileZilla). You need to upload to the root folder of your domain. There are more than 15000 files in the Joomla3.X distribution, therefore, the download process will take some time. After a successful download, proceed to the Joomla3.X installation.

Installing Joomla 3.x

To launch the Joomla 3.X installer, enter the following URL into the address bar of your browser: http: //your_domain/installation/index.php... Unlike previous versions of Joomla (1.5-2.5), the installation of Joomla3.X takes place in three windows, not 7 windows.

The installation is not complicated, however, some of its points require explanation.

Window 1. Fill in the title (any). Important, The data that you enter here is the data for authorization in the administrative panel of the site. They need to be remembered. Recovering this data is not an easy task, I think it should not be solved at the first stages of acquaintance with Joomla.

class = "eliadunit">

Window 2. This is where the data of the database you created is populated.

Window 3

If you want to receive credentials to your email, check the box in the required checkbox.

Demo site is a small site created by Joomla developers, containing articles divided into sections and is designed to familiarize yourself with the CMS Joomla. If you want to install a demo site, put a tick in the desired checkbox. Subsequently, the demo site data can be easily deleted.

Be sure to remove the Installation folder from your Joomla directory. This can be done both automatically and manually via FTP.

That's all! Joomla 3.x installation on hosting is complete. By clicking on the links - site and admin panel, you can open the site and admin. site panel. To enter the admin panel, you need the authorization data that you filled out during the Joomla installation.