How to change highlighter color in Powerpoint. How to beautifully design lists in a PowerPoint presentation How to make sub-items in a presentation

Multi-level lists can be very useful for organizing data better in a PowerPoint slide. Here we will show you how to make a list multi-level in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 so that you can display information hierarchically in your PowerPoint presentation.

For creating multi-level bulleted lists In PowerPoint 2010 and 2007, you can type in text lines as usual. Then for those levels that you want to move to a new level you can place the cursor at the beginning of the line and then press the TAB key. This will add an extra level to the list and the line will receive additional indentation. Depending on the PowerPoint template you choose, the new indent level will receive a new bullet icon.

To reduce the number of levels you can press the Backspace key which will remove the indentation and return to the previous level.

You can also change the bullet characters used for the multi-level list. To change the icon or symbol used for a list, you can right-click on the level you want to change the symbol, and then click the bullet button, then the paragraph group. In this picture below, you can see how we've modified the bulleted list to gouge with round bullets, but you can choose from several bullet styles, including bullet arrows, filled with a round bullet, square dots, and more.

You can choose your own icon if you are creating a corporate or branded PowerPoint template for presentations. To select a different icon or symbol, click on the bulleted and numbered options, and then in the dialog box that appears, click on the Settings button.

This article will teach you how to insert a highlighter into a PowerPoint presentation. This can be done on both Windows and Mac OS X.


  • To create sub-items in a bulleted list, use other types of bullets.
  • If you have a list that you want to turn into a bulleted list, select it and click on the type of bullet you want - a bullet will appear to the left of each line in the list.


  • Keep in mind that too many bullets can reduce the visual appeal of your PowerPoint presentation.

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You can use the same tools to apply animation effects to bulleted lists in your presentations. animations, which we covered in previous PowerPoint lessons.

Let's see how we can animate each of the individual bullet points in a bulleted list.

First, let's figure it out How do you even create a bulleted list in PowerPoint?
To do this, select the tab home-> group Paragraph ->Markers(or Numbering). The list will be created automatically; to do this, after entering each line, simply press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Now go to the tab Animation, select each line of our list with the mouse one by one and set the necessary effects Animations For Login,Discharge or Exit.

A preview of each effect occurs when you hover over it with the cursor. Once the desired effect is selected, click on the corresponding icon with the left mouse button and it will be automatically added.

After applying the animation effect to the first line in the list, select the second line and repeat the same steps. Next to each line (on the left side) the serial number of the effect will appear.

You can customize additional options as you wish, or control the order of animations in bulleted lists by changing the settings in the Animation panel.

To do this you need to go to the tab Animation press the button Animation area to open an additional panel on the right side of the PowerPoint working window.

Here you can make finer adjustments - select the launch mode, effect parameters, set the time, etc.

To illustrate this lesson I used "Dandelions" template

The paragraphs and font of your PowerPoint presentation slides are formatted exactly like Word text. One of the undeniable advantages of the Office XP software package is the similarity of operations in all applications. You can highlight any piece of text, adjust indents, spacing, and paragraph alignment modes using the techniques described in Lesson 6. These settings are most conveniently adjusted using the horizontal and vertical rulers, which are similar to Word's rulers. Using tabulators you can create small tables. Having selected the phrase, using the command Format > Font you can change the size and style of its font.

The main text elements of presentations are lists. Unlike Word, PowerPoint lists are initially intended to be multi-level, which introduces some specifics into their formatting techniques. To spruce up the lists of the presentation you created in the previous lesson, follow these steps.

1. Open the presentation Plan.ppt

2. From normal mode, click on the corresponding button and switch to Slide View to expand the slide to the entire PowerPoint window.

3. Press the Page Down key several times to move to the last, eighth slide shown in. rice. 14.1. This slide has a two-level list.

4. To display rulers (if there are none), select the command View > Ruler.

5. Click within the list. A frame of an dimensional container with six markers will appear around the list, and the boundaries of the dimensional container and indent sliders for the first and second level list items will appear on the rulers. PowerPoint lists support six levels of item nesting, which correspond to the six levels in Outline view. By default, items of different levels differ in markers and indentation from the left edge. Let's adjust these parameters using the list of the eighth slide as an example.

Rice. 14.1. PowerPoint presentation slide with two-level list

6. Drag the second-level left indent slider to the right by 4 cm. This slider moves both bullets and list items.

7. Drag the marker indent slider to the left 1 cm. The second level markers will move to the left, but the text of the items will remain in place.

8. Click to the left of the item 30 second video to highlight it.

9. Press the Shift key and click to the left of the next item. Now two points of the second level will be highlighted.

10. Right-click in the selected text area and select the command from the context menu List(Fig. 14.2).

11. In the dialog window that opens, click on the tab Bulleted list.

12. Using this window, you can select one of the proposed marker options by clicking on it, or you can develop a marker option yourself. Click the Settings button. On the list Font dialog boxes Symbol select item Wingdings(Fig. 14.3).

13. By clicking on the cells with symbols, you can view the icons in an enlarged view. Select the appropriate marker.

14. Click on the button OK.

Rice. 14.2. List formatting

You can use any symbol of any font and even a picture as a marker. To assign a picture, click in the Bullet List tab window on the button Drawing and select one of the suggested graphic markers or import a drawing file into the marker library.

Rice. 14.3. Marker selection

15. Click on Local Radio Stations.

16. Press the Shift key and click to the right of the item Special offers to highlight the last three points on the slide.

17. Click the button Increase font size toolbars Formatting make the font of the selected fragment larger.

18. To make the last three items appear in italics, click on the button Italics the same toolbar,

Rice. 14.4. list formatting

19. Click on the button Numbering. Now the role of markers of the last list of the slide will be played by consecutive numbers, as shown in Fig. 14.4.

You can do this as follows: open a PowerPoint document and make sure that the standard Office theme is activated on the Design tab. It is usually active by default unless you have changed the settings yourself.

Next, go to the slide where you want to place the list and add a new text box. To do this, go to the “Insert | Text". Create a text field of the desired size by clicking on “Table” and then place the text field on the page. After that, click on the list bullet symbol on the main tab in the Paragraph group.

Now, when you start typing, each paragraph will automatically be marked with the selected list marker.

List bullets in PowerPoint come in a variety of shapes and colors. To do this, click on the text field in which you create the list. You can see an arrow next to the list bullets symbol on the Home tab in the Paragraph group.

To change the appearance of markers, click on the arrow and open a preset set of markers. Here you will find other symbols that you can also use when creating a list.

If you want to use your own symbol or change the color of the marker, click on the bottommost line “List” in the quick selection menu that opens. After clicking, a window will open where you can change both the appearance of the symbol and its color.

If you want to upload your symbol, click on the “Customize” button. A symbol table will open where you can select another suitable icon for your list. you can also click on the "Image..." button and upload your own image or logo, which you can also use as a bullet point.

Photo: manufacturing company

  • Error 1. The slide background does not match the theme of the presentation. And we see, for example, a presentation about revolutions in Russia against a background with birch trees and mushrooms.
  • Error 2. The background included in the PowerPoint program was used. Over the many years of the existence of the PowerPoint program, thousands of people have used standard templates, published their presentations online, and shown them at speeches. Listeners are simply tired of these templates.

Solution: It is better to abandon standard templates. You can find a large number of new interesting templates and backgrounds on the Internet (for example, almost a thousand backgrounds are on our website -).

The background image should not contain elements that are inconsistent with the content of the presentation. For the background it is better to use pastel or cool colors (purple, blue, cyan, blue-green, green), you should avoid red and white colors.

  • Error 3. The presentation background is too bright and active. Such a background, firstly, interferes with the perception of information from the slide, and secondly, it tires listeners.

Solution: If there should be a bright picture as the background, then it is better to reduce its brightness. To do this, select a rectangle shape ( InsertFiguresRectangle), cover the entire slide with it and select a white fill for it with a transparency of 50% (a different percentage is possible) and remove the borders ( FormatFill figuresOther colors fills- white color and transparency 50% — OK, Circuit figures- No outline).

The background image will become less active.

Or, when inserting a picture onto a slide, immediately set transparency.

  • Error 4. Using inconsistent colors and not having a consistent slide design style.

In this example, in one presentation, one slide uses large font and left alignment, while the other slide uses small font and justified alignment.

Solution: When designing a section or the entire presentation, you need to stick to one style. The color scheme should contain no more than three primary colors (of course, exceptions are possible): backgroundtitlebasic text. You can change the theme colors like this: DesignColors— you can choose a scheme from the proposed set, or you can set your own colors: Create new colors scheme.

  • - selection of colors using the color wheel and generation of color schemes.

  • - a set of color palettes based on photographs (you can choose shades: warm, cold, pastel and contrasting).

Errors related to text content

  • Error 5. Excess text on a slide, placement of unstructured text on a slide, text taken from the source as is, without author’s processing.

Solution: The text on the slide should be short and succinct, it should not duplicate the speaker’s presentation. The abstract should be placed on the slide.

If your presentation is intended to be used by other people, you can include the necessary information in slide notes to help users of the presentation work with it.

  • Error 6. An attempt to place a large amount of information on a slide, more than 90% of the slide space is used.

Solution: leave padding from the edges of the slide to the content (text and pictures). Try to stick to the rule that 20% of the slide should be empty.

To give the slide a finished look, you can use a background frame as a background.

Here the text extends beyond the borders of the frame - it was necessary to reduce the text entry area by moving the resizing marker to the right.

The text is very large, almost running over the frame. Needs to be reduced.

  • Error 7. All text is written in CAPITAL letters. This text is hard to read.

Solution: use traditional text writing options, as in your native language: the first letter of the sentence is capital, the rest are lowercase. At the end of the sentence there is a period.

  • Error 8. Using hard-to-read fonts, especially as body text fonts. There is such a concept in layout - readability of fonts. The font should be such that the reader can read the text quickly, without difficulty or discomfort. These are the fonts that are used in books, newspapers, magazines - we are used to them and read them easily. However, there are thousands of fonts with low readability - they are interesting, beautiful, but intended for headings and, most likely, for use in advertising, in design.

Solution: If the goal of the presentation being created is not to produce a “wow” effect, but to provide information, then use only traditional fonts that are familiar to all of us. For text, it is better to use sans-serif fonts (Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, etc.). Please note that serif fonts (Times family and others) are difficult to read from a long distance.

Sans serif font and serif font. Serif font is difficult to read in presentations, but works well for documents

Italics is advisable to use for a small fragment of text that needs to be highlighted, but it is better to highlight individual words and phrases in bold. It is better not to use underlining, since underlined text in presentations is perceived by the user as , that is, it makes it difficult to manage the presentation.

You can use decorative fonts for headings, as long as the text is readable.

The body text font should be smaller than the title font size.

  • Error 9. Extra and missing periods, spaces, parentheses, etc. text writing errors.
  • There is no period at the end of the title.
  • At the end of the sentence there is a period, then one space, then the next sentence.
  • The quotation marks in the text of the presentation must be the same - if you chose Christmas tree quotation marks, then use only them in the presentation (Types of quotation marks: “ ”, “ ”, “ “, „ “).
  • There is no space after the opening bracket or quotation mark, the text goes immediately. There is no space before the closing quotation mark or parenthesis; a quotation mark or parenthesis is placed immediately after the text. After the closing quotation mark or parenthesis, there is a period (if the end of a sentence), a comma or a space, and then the text.
  • There must be one space between all words.
  • After all punctuation marks, there must be a space before the beginning of the next text.
  • Throughout the presentation, words with e should be e or e.
  • Different list markers on different pages.

In the first case, the markers are ticks, in the second case, they are squares.

  • Throughout the presentation, lists must have the same punctuation marks after each bullet point, or no punctuation at all. For example, put a semicolon after each list item, and a period at the end of the list.

In the first case, there is a dot after each list item, in the second case there is not.

  • There is a red line on some slides, but not on others. It is better not to use the red line in the presentation at all.

Same presentation: different font size.
One slide has it, the other doesn't.

Errors related to using images in a presentation

  • Error 10. There is no alignment of shapes, text to the edges of the slide, or to each other. Careless design.

Objects on the slide must be aligned. There is an error on the next slide: identical rectangles have different distances from the edges of the slide and from each other.

Solution: To fix this error, you need to use the align function. Select the desired rectangles (press and hold the CTRL ) FormatAlignAlign to slide(in this case the shapes will be aligned to the borders and center of the slide) or Align selected objects(in this case the objects will be aligned with each other). After selecting the alignment type, you need to set its parameters (left, right, top or bottom, center, distribute horizontally or vertically).

  • Error 11. The same elements on the slide are shifted from slide to slide.

The following example shows two slides that have the same elements: a button to finish working with the presentation, an “Answer” text, and a slide title. You may notice that identical elements are offset and located at different distances from the edges of the slide. This shouldn't happen.

Solution: To avoid this error, you need to create the first slide and place the necessary elements on it. After this you can:

  • copy the slide (if both slides carry the same load, as in the example considered), and then change each new slide, leaving the same elements in their places;
  • or create a second slide, then select the desired object on the first slide, copy it, and then paste it onto the second slide. The object will be inserted at the same distance from the edges of the slide, i.e. there will be no displacement. You need to do the same with other objects.
  • Error 12. Distortion of image proportions. Using images of different styles on one slide (photos and drawings, images with and without frames, with and without backgrounds).

The picture is “flattened”.

Images of different heights. The image on the right has the white frame not removed (you could have chosen white as the presentation background, then the white frame on the picture would not have been visible).

Solution: You need to resize the image by pulling the markers located in the corners of the picture; You cannot resize using the markers on the sides of the image.

  • Error 13. The image frames do not match the theme or style of the presentation.

Solution: A small frame around the image creates a neat effect; the image with a frame has a finished look. But you should not use “mourning” frames, as in the first image on the next slide example. You should also not use image reflection effects, which interfere with the perception of information on the slide.

  • Error 14. The image is “pushed into a corner.”

Solution: Avoid placing the image on the edge of the slide or in the corner. Indent from the edges of the slide to the image (as you would when placing text). If you need to insert an image in the corner of the slide, then it is better to retreat the same distances from the vertical and horizontal edges. Also try not to place the image in the center of the slide if there is text on the slide.

If the image is a portrait of a person, then it is better to position it so that the eye is directed at the text, but not at the edge of the slide. This will give the slide a finished look.

  • Error 15. Placing multiple images on a slide in such a way that they are difficult to see. Placing two or even 10 images on a slide is acceptable if it does not contradict the logic of the presentation: for example, if the images enlarge when clicked, or if they are button images. However, if the image is the main content of the slide, it is the image that is being worked with and it is the image that carries the information load, it should be large.

Solution: If an image is the main content of the slide, insert one image per slide. If you need to use multiple pictures, create multiple slides. Or insert several images onto one slide, but in such a way that when you click on the picture, the image opens in full screen.

Other errors in presentations

  • Error 16. Buttons and hyperlink buttons do not work. Sometimes a situation may arise when, in presentation viewing mode, you cannot use the hyperlink button - it is inactive. This can happen simply due to the carelessness of the presentation author - they forgot to set up the link. But it is also possible that a button with a link (bottom layer) is overlapped by the top layer - another image or text, and therefore does not work. This can be seen when the mouse cursor does not become a hand with a finger (like a hyperlink) in the center of the button, but changes along the edges of the button.

Solution: In the first case, simply check all the links and all the buttons in the presentation. In especially critical cases, test the presentation on other computers.

To solve the problem with the button being blocked by other objects, just move the interfering object to the background. To do this, right-click on the image and select from the context menu Move back. Now the button will work.

  • Error 17. The sources of the images and texts are not indicated. Using someone else's work and not indicating the author is bad form.

Solution: we have prepared on the topic. More than 80% of authors of materials on the site indicate sources of information incorrectly and are not aware of it.

  • Error 18. Excessive animation, when animation interferes with working with the presentation. When adding animation to your presentation, you need to adhere to the principle of minimalism. Animation should not interfere with reading the text or be colorful.

Solution: Avoid flickering animation and fast rotation. All this is tiring, irritating and puts a lot of strain on the eyesight and nervous system. There is no need for unnecessary animation. It is better not to accompany the change of slides with sound effects and active animation. You need to think about which effects will appear automatically and which will appear on click. If all the animation happens on click, a lot of time will be spent on it, such a presentation will be annoying.

  • Error 19. Slide transition is not configured correctly, transition by mouse click or keyboard is not disabled. For example, in a presentation game, the user missed the button to show the correct answer and got to the next question, bypassing the game menu. It is not clear to the user where to go next, and sometimes he simply does not understand what happened.

Solution: When creating an interactive presentation that contains , you need to disable click and keyboard transitions between slides. Many simply choose Transitions - Slide Changes and uncheck the box On click. This method allows you to avoid changing slides by clicking, but you still have the ability to scroll through slides using the arrows, space bar on the keyboard, and the mouse wheel.

There is a more reliable way - Automatic presentation presentation. . But when using it, you need to remember that each slide must have a hyperlink button to go to another slide. Otherwise, you can turn off the slide view only by ending the presentation.

We tried to describe the main mistakes in creating presentations and hope that this will help us all avoid them in the future.

What mistakes do you know? You can tell us in the comments to the article.

Lists in any text will make your document clearer, more organized, and structured. In total, you can create three types of lists: bulleted, numbered and multi-level. In this article we will talk about how to create multi-level lists in Word.

Multi-level lists are hierarchical, that is, they have several degrees of nesting. In addition to several templates built into the text editor, you can create your own list based on personal custom settings.

How to create a multi-level list in Word 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007?

So, open Word and click the corresponding button on the ribbon, which allows you to create a multi-level list.

Now we select one of the templates that we want to apply to the list. As you will see for yourself, there will be lists with both digital and alphabetic numbering in a strictly defined hierarchy, so the choice here is quite wide.

If you would like to create your own list based on manual parameters, select the Define New Multi-Level List menu item. A form for specifying list parameters will open.

On this form, you can change any hierarchical level and its representation in the document, specify its numbering and number format, and also set parameters such as alignment and indentation. To access more options, click the More button in the lower left corner.

In particular, among such auxiliary settings there is a link between the list level and the header style. It will be especially important to use it if you are in the process of creating a document section structure and after that you plan to automatically create a table of contents.

Now a few words about how to work with a multi-level list. To move to a new nested level, place the cursor in the corresponding list line and click the “Increase indent” button. As a result, a new sublevel will be generated in the list, that is, the list element will be shifted one level down. To go back one level in the hierarchy, click the Decrease Indent button.

How to create a multi-level list in Word 2003?

In older versions of Word, the button for creating a multi-level list on the toolbar is missing by default. To create a list there, you will have to go to the top menu. Select the “Format” category and check the “List” element at the top of the menu.

A form will open with a selection of lists available for creation. Let's focus on the “Multi-level” option.

Subsequently, the procedure for creating a list is completely similar to that described earlier. In addition to this, you can use the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons to navigate through a nested list structure in the same way.

Multi-level lists are an important component of any integral and complex document. Without them, creating a table of contents, for example, would turn into an impossible task.

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